The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 07, 1877, Image 1

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    'mwHjam wi'z&z&K'K '
Astoria, Oregon, Friday Morning, September 7, 1877.
No. 80.
Vol. 3.
' M -1 jk ji
Sto jTJaiTg statfteu. Th? 0Ppositio" stcamcrs
(Monday Excepted), S
Aduriam BuUUm, Cass Strait
Terms of Subscription :
bcrved by Carrier, por week .23 Cents
Sent by moil. fetir months v "Si oil
Sent bymil, cn year -. J ""
free uf L'ostHgo to Subscribers.
KiT A dTOrtisein en ts insortcd by the year at
the rate tjf Si .t lr square per month.
Transient adverti-ins. by the day or week,
flfty cent- per square ior each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
There are such frequent changes in the resi
dence of oureitv patron" that we shall feel
obliged to any who make such changes if they
will report the Mime to this office. Otherwise
we shall not be responsible for failures of the
carrier to deliver the paper promptly and
regularly to them.
Swekie-t Mlmu A delegation of
excursionists v horn Capt. Flavel gave a
trip to sen and back a few days ago, de
clare that the sweetest music crossing
the bar v. as &&i flat
A Beautiful Bouquet. Mrs. Ste
jhen G. Spear of '-Cliff Co'ltage ," C'ifton,
will please accept the thanks of the edi
tor for a handsome bouquet It is one of
the finest iiom the choicest varieties of
From vptjiij: Creek. The Kinclune,
XJapt Snow piloting, arrived from '-the
emporium jfesterday. She came from
Columbia ciiV onl7:(ifeet draft of water.
The Momivn L.urel was due here hist
evening from Ponl.tnd.
Siirr-1 jsstkr's Leading Room Mr.
TVte? ITilhi'l li ha nwiiianently fitted
mwlRlili-iiiaj icr's i rifluins room in con
lied ffifi irh" lid,(mVsaU)on in Astoria.
ThfclAfrst sl iii5iiif W
vard'and ounw
aie Jcepton fill'
nets ana nome-
1 lound shinning lists
( ;1l aii'd see him.
Go Now. Our leaders cannot have a
better opportunity of going to San Fran
cisco either for business or pleasure,
than that afforded by the excursions
-which are How given to the public al
most gratuitously by the opposition line
of su-amships. Go now, or forever after
hold your -nece.
From a Portland Standpoint.
As a business matter to Portland
and Oregon., we regard this opposition
at this time as very unfortunate. We
were just about establishing a name
abroad for our exports. It would
have taken at least two hundred ves
sels to move our present year's crop.
California has but little surplus and
the tonnage there must find employ
ment elsewhere. "Were it not for this
onnosition, this tonnage would come
to Oregon for freight. But the pres
ent rate of freight to San Francisco on
the steamers is so low that shippers
can afford to ship to San Francisco
and there re-ship at a less price than
the vessels lying there are willing to
come here in ballast. This will have
ax tendency to divert the attention of
the markets of Europe from our state,
and before the season is over instead
of California having a small crop th;s
year, it will be found that Oregon had
an entire failure, as there is every
reason to believe that nine-tenths of
our wheat crop will be shipped from
San Francisco and credited to Cali
fornia. The opposition which is now going
on is not by any means for the pur
pose of legitimate competition. One
or the other companies must draw off
or an agreement be made between
them. Oppositions are not for the
benefit of the people, but for those
who have boats which they want to
sell or to bleed their rival for money
to induce them to draw off. "When
this is done, the people who must of
necessity travel, or ship produce, will
have to pay this subsidy given.
There is another serious drawback
in this opposition business. Our own
merchants were about completing
their business arrangements on satis
factory terms with the interior dealers
so that our state trade was being rap
idly centered here. This opposition
has led many of the interior merchants
below and we may expect that many
will again go back to the old system
of trading, and thus retard the pros
perity of our own state. Standard.
r.A la-nv
-T ll
the best
want a
siock i
sh oysters in every style at
and elegant assortment of
f cooking stoves, ranges,
ic.eic. have just been re-
'. Kiehman & Co.'s. If you
stove, call and inspect this
1xrf M
Perfection Stonewall u hisky,
ide sour mash; Snow-hdl AJlns-
cooper sweet mash: acra)ofI
Oiii its refined taste and dtflicdey
rto be bevond comparisonhe
this coumrv. sold at the Asioria
JBfes and Comments. Local and Domestic.
New Year's Day. Next Saturday,
will be Lhe Hebrew New Year day,
or the nrit day of the year 5(kJ8, accoid-
ingtotheealendai. On that day they
lo not transect business and their stores
willbeela-jed; noi do they transact bus
iness on onday. September 17th, the
day of Atonement.
Return Overland. Senator
Mitchell started to Washington yester
day, going overland to California. He
had expected to go by steamer until a
few luuus prior to starling. We regret
that Senator Mitchell did noi come to
Astoria and finish up that military load
matter and listen to what his iriends
have to say to him. Astoria has the
senator s best seppoiters, and they ex
pected to meet lfim.
Want Moke Councimen. The dif
ficulty of getting a quorum of the com
mon council together shows that the
nronosition to make three wards and
elect nine councilnien was the proper
thing. It is almost impossible to lind
four councilnien in the city tit one time
lately, Testerday councilman Warren
was absent to Knappa,Mr. Tiullinger is
still unable to act, Mr. Feirell is absent
in California and Uieie were present
yesterday alternoon councilnien Blown,
Page ana Flavel. one short of a quoiuin.
Perplexing. It is most confounded
annoying to receive letters like this ene:
Columbia Co., Oregon,
August 12, 1877.
Mi:. Ireland, Deer Sur : Plees to
stop my paper, yu print itevrytiina
wuminon lias a baby out mi darter .tad
1 yo don't pi hit Slop rife away. P.T.
Will "P. T." please inform us if his
daughter is a married -woman? what
name does her husband go by? was it a
boy or a girl? and if so, when and how
much. This reminds us of another cir
cumstance wherein a German friend of
the editor took exceptions to a paragraph
telling how to make sour kraut, aim
showing the profits of the business.
(You may apply it to salmon if you like.)
He "entered the office with tears in his
phists and his eyes doubled up, saying:
'I lofe to saw peeples make troubles mit
mine pishness. Dot conies von dhere
lofe mit me, und how I got along." And
-then he raked us." So you see, gentle
readers what a perplexing position we
occupy. We'll be d d if we don't, and
be d d if we do ; so take either horn of
the dilemma; it is a very pleasant one
for reflective minds.
New House. In the immediate vi
cinitv of the residence of CapL N. F.
kludge, there is being built a handsome
tmd tasty residence into which Mr. M.
vill remove as soon as finished. Mr.
Mudge's present residence has been oc
cupied by him for many years. It was
thebiitli place of every child living in
the family of Capt. P. Johnson, and Mr.
Johnson has had it photographed, to
.perpetuate the recollection of it, as it
will soon pass away, and be seen no
A Close Call. Mr. J.W.Robb,of
Astoria was a passenger on the stage
from Teninoto Olympia, August 30th,
when he met with a very narrow escape
from death. The Courier says : ne had
been firing at birds from the stage, along
the road, and laid the weapon on the
seat in front of him. Soon after in pick
ing it up, with, the muzzle pointiug to
wards him, it v. as discharged and the
bullet passed up by the side of his head
cutting the lower and upper tips of his
ror, but fortunately doing no further
damage. It -was a very close call." Mr.
- Robb returned yesterday.
An Improbable Story. Some pure
minded soul who probably "gamboled''
his money away related the following
improbable story in Portland a few days
ago, which has found its way into print:
"On the arrival of the steamship Ancon
at Astoria on Saturday, a young mau, a
passenger on board, went ashore for a
few minutes. He sought tne nearest
saloon to obtain a drink, lie had bai el y
crossed the norials of the "dive" when
he was accosted by a brace of idlers, who
lounged at the bar, and the natuie of his
business demanded. He related his cir
cumstances, an also the fact that he had
considerable money on his person.
They became very civil, generous and
communicative all at once, and invited
him to imbibe at their expense. He ac
cepted, and the glasses were filled and
their Clients quailed with an iufi.iite
gusto. The voting man remenibei ed no
more until he picked himself up iroiii
the beach a few hours subsequently
minus S1C0 in gold, "which he thieves
had stolen fi om the pockets of his pan
taloons while he was under the influence
of the drug they had administered. For
tunately, lie had another purse contain
ing ?lu", which the scoundrels neglected
to appropriate, otherwise he "would have
been leit penniless among strangers."
It is abase slander upon Astoria saloons.
LimiHr Store by II. Marx & Co., Water
btreet roadway.
Mrs. Dr. Burr. Homeopathic phy
sician, has removed to her new residence
four doors from Liberty hall.
Peter Runey is still in the market
with all kinds of "buildiug materials in
his line. Has just received 100.000 lath,
2.000 bushels of sand, and a large stock
of first quality of bi ick at his warehouse
foot of Benton Street.
Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good
rooms with board at from $0 to S7 and
upwards per week, according to location.
Parties wishing a nice dish of oys-
teis will find them at the Pioneer res
taurant, served by one that understands
the business. Open during the day and
all hours of the night.
Merfach und von verschiedenen
aufgefordert da rail f hinzuwircken urn
den hier ansaesigen Deinsehen durch ein
club Oder verem nneiier uuter sicnnut
einander zu verbinden. erlaube ieh
mieli liiinit euie versaiulung vorzuschla
gen als den 1." September, 1S77, abends 8
uhr. in hause des Ilerrn X. Weiman.
Sol He es si eh daher dermuehe lohnen
obiges zu bezweckeu und gleichor an
sicht mil mir zu theilen so 1 itt3 ieh
hiemit urn zahlreichen zuspruth und
noeh eimal nieine Deutschen lands
leuten das zu behorzigen das ja jeder
weisz das der Deutsche name einen gu
ten klang ja vwit uber den gauen uuseis
vaterlandes hinaus hat und das es nieht
mehr wie unsere schuldigkeit ist iur
mis den namen Deutscti wenh zu
zeigen das heist im strengsiesinnedes
First-class billiard table for sale,
cheap for cash. Inquire at the Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Two choice rooms to let at Mrs.
Munson's new lodging house on Chena
mus street to-day
Griswolds StarchFinish and Lesh-
er's Magic Cleaning Fluid for the instant
removal of grease, paint, etc., from cloth
ing, carpets, is also splendid lor clean
ing jewelry and silver-plate, without in
jurv. Price 2.1 cents n bottle. Sold by
J. W. Gearhart.
iSSPliotogrnprrai-Clio latest styles
taken at Sh lister's new eallery,.CabbSt.,
next to the Abtorian office.
i2SDr. B. R. Freeland has located
permanently in Astoria tor the practice of
dentistry. Office next door to the store of
Maj. C. H. Page & Co.
BSTSan Francisco beer.Steilacoom
beer, Astoria beer, bottled beer and En
glish porter at the Chicago house, Main
street, Astoria. H. Wyman, proprietor.
&$ For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an easy shave, go to Gillespie at Par
ker House Baths. Hair cutting, sham
pooning, and dyeing.
BSLittle Van bai stablished
himself at the old corner, iv. j&hed by his
late journey to the Atlantic slates, and
will as formerly attend to all orders in his
lino as general jobber.
EST'Schmeer's Confectionery and
Refreshment room on Squemocqha street
.-j patronized by the people of Astoria
very liberally, and they ought to be so
patronized, because the enterprise is cer
tainly a credit to the city. Ice-cream,
cakes, etc., are served to order.
EST The Capital, on Main near
Squemocqha street, Wm. Appleby pro
prietor, is one of the snugget and most
quiet places in the city, where the public
can get the finest quality of wines, liquors
and cijiar:.
The Imperial government of Chi
na has issued an edict against the use
of opium,, declaring that its use was
bringing destruction upon the Chinese
The Seattle Intelligencer thinks
that the men who first settled that
town and obtained possession of the
lots are disposed to "hog" everything.
This seems to be a prevailing weak
ness with the men who manage to ob
tain the ownership of town lots.
The proposition to increase the
army grows in favor. It is said that
General McClellan has prepared an
article for publication in a leading
magazine, in which he endeavors to
demonstate by means of statistics that
a sum greater than the expense of an
increased military establishment has
been paid annually for the transporta
tion of men and military stores. The
cost of the transportation of troops to
and from the scene of the Idaho-
Montana Indian war would luivepaid,
fed, clothed and sheltered for years,
more troops than have been under
General Howard.
The first and only exception to
the supremacy of Brigham Young's
word, if it is an exception, was the
trial, conviction and shooting of Lee
for complicity in the Mountain Mead
ows massacre. What effect the death
of Brigham 5Toung will have on the
fortunes of the Mormon church none
can tell. Most likely it will be divided
up among a number of persons each
ambitious of becoming the head of the
church. 20 one has ever yet devel
oped sufficient capacity to be even
spoken of as the possible wearer of
Brigham Young's official and priestly
vestments. 11 Mormonism should
vanish from the face of the earth, it
would not be necessary to fill the siiace
it has occupied in the history of Amer
ica for nearly fifty years.
On the loth and IGth of August,
the people of Vermont, Xew Hamp
shire and Connecticut assembled at
Bennington, Vermont, to celebrate
the centennial of her birth and the
battle of Bennington. The enthu
siasm was great. About G0,000 people
were present at the festivities. Ver
mont was settled by the English in
1724 and admitted into the union in
1791. She applied for admission into
the confederation in 1777, but on ac
count of a dispute regarding the lim
its of her territory, she withdrew the
application. Soon after the dispute
was amicably settled, !New York fin
ally yielding her clain for 30,000.
On the IGth of August, 1777, two bat
tles were fought between the English
and American forces at Bennington,
in each of which the former were de
feated with severe losses.
Capt. Baughman, of the Annie Fax
on pronounces his new boat a perfect
The Oregon Steam Navigation com
pany has commenced repairing the
steamer Idaho for the fall and winter
Walla Walla valley is now sending
over 250 tons of wheat a day, which
the Oregon Steam Navigation com
pany is moving as fast as it is delivered
at Wailula.
The Oregon Steam Navigation com
pany's new steamer Wide West is ex
pected to make eighteen miles an hour.
She is to run between the Cascades
and Astoria.
Capt. Stump has named his new
steamer North West, and sent her up
to Lewiston on Saturday last on her
first trip. If the North West mak' z
the through trip, then there will be
great rejoicing in the upper country.
The traveling public can now leave
Walla Walla any day in the week, ex
cept Sunday, and make the through '
trip to Portland. All boats of the
Oregon Steam Navigation company
running to Wailula, carry passengers.
The cars leave the depot at 2 p. m.
daily, except Sundays.
All the roads leading to the railroad
says the Walla Walla Statesman, are
thronged by teams bearing their golden
freight to market. It is no uncommon
thing to see the old fashioned prairie
schooner, drawn by six yoke of oxen,
moving slowly along and carrying from
six to eight tons of wheat. Theso
teams line the roads and bring in the
grain faster than the cars are ready to
receive it. One warehouse, that of
Johnson, Rees & Winaus, in a single
day this week received 250 tons of
wheat, and 100 and 200 tons is a com
mon occurrence. If the railroads had
the facilities for moving a thousand
tons daily, it would not more than
keep up with the demand for ship
ment. Much of this rush of grain is
to be attributed to the fact that the
roads are now in good condition, and
the farmers are anxious to get their
-crop off before the commencement of
the rainy season.
Statistics show that the French
mervsmtile marine, .which in 1866
ranked as third among the nations, on
December 31, 1876, descended to sixth.
A shipment was lately made from
Chicago of upward of four thousand
cases of canned meats to France via
I Liverpool. This was purchased by the
French Government for army supplies.
It is thought a large trade in this de
scription of provisions will result from
the transaction.
ST'he sloop Magnet one of the
finest passenger boats on the bay, under
command of Capt. John Iv. Wirt, one of
the most experienced masters employed
in thee waters, is ready for special trips
anytime. We recommend the Magnet to
anyone in want of a pleasure trip on the
bay, or to points of interest about Astoria,
during the summer season.
SWhile the advertiser eats ai d
sleeps, printers, steam engines, and prin.
ing presse are at work Jor him, trains
and stages are taking his words to evtry
corner of the country, to thousands o!
reader?, all whom glance with more or
less interest at the message prepared for
them in the solitude of his othce. ISo
preacher ever spoke to so large an audi
ence, or with so little effort, or so elo
quently, as vou may with the newspaper
man's assistance, speak to the pjblic.
A Valuable Suggestion. TheBee
calls our attention to the possible neces
sity of widening Astoria harbor. It the
government dredger continues year after
year to stir up the bed of the river above
such a thing is probable, and we do not
believe that the general government has
any power or authority to pursue a
course likely to bring about such a re
sult as that of spoiling one harbor on
the sea-board to make another harbor
112 miles inland. We will see to it that
this matter is brought to the attention of
congress at the very next .session, and in
the meantime we thank the Bee for its
timely and valuable suggestion.
Prof es-or Marrh, in continuation
of-liis investigation of the fossil re
mains of tne Rocky Mountains, an
nounces a new genus, and species of
toothed bird, which he calls Baptomis
advmusj baling it upon a tarso-me-tatarsal
bone. He also describes a
new fossil Tzard, by far exceeding in
magnitude any land animal hitherto
discovered, which must have been fufciy
fif cy to sixt feet in length. It was
probably a herbivorous reptile. It
conies from a bed on the eastern flank
of the Rocky Mo untains.
Eighteen thousand persons emigrated
in 1876 from the Eastern and Western
States to Oregon.
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker house baths.
Direct to Astoria. 3Mr. M. Wise
informs the ladies and gentlemen of As
toria and vicinity that he hj kened his
store with a nice assorted stoc good,
which he proposes to sell at bed-roclc pri
ces for cash. Remember the place, oppo
site R. F. Caufield's Drug Store.
The inhabitants of northwest and
western Oregon, including twelve coun
ties of the State, and embracing the great
valley of the Wallamet and it "forks,"
enjoy seven months of spring, summer
nnd autumn weather that are almost equal
to southern or eastern Oregon for bright
and cheerful weather and a bracing and
healthy atmosphere. The five winter
months, from .November to March, bring
a bountiful rain that produces, in due
season, unfailing crop, lhese rains re
taid, but tcarcely prevent, labor outside,
in any department, and of 150 days of
winter, at least a third olthcm are dry and
It seems, after all that the Balti
more and Ohio Railroad did send in a
bill against the government for the
transportation of troops sent to guard
that road from the rioters. Colonel
French refused to O. K. it, and it
went to the Quartermastor General.
The Secretary of War laid the matter
before the Cabinet, and the bill was
sent back to the Quartermaster Gener
al with directions to await further
action. The Q. M. G-. expresses the
opinion that under the United States
statutes the bill will have to be paid,
if the Company insists upon it.
The atmosphere of Oregon is pine nnd
cheerful, warm and balmy: life i longer,
health is better and mo-e enjo3'nble, wh.-i
the ordinary laws of such are attended t.,
than in any- state in the Union, or in any
country in Europe,
ir J
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