The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, September 06, 1877, Image 1

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Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, September 6, 1877.
No. 79.
Vol. 3.
ps gailxj gstadatt.
(.Monday Excepted),
Abturiaii, Buibliivq. Cans Street.
erms of Subscription :
served by Carrier, por woek 25 Gents
Sent by mail. fourinonth ' 00
Sent by mail, cue year...... 9 00
Free of Postage to Subscribers.
tfST" -Advertisements irtod by the year at
the rate of $1 "') ir jUaro por month.
Transient advc-iin?, by the day or week,
fifty cents per square for each insertion.
To City Subscribers.
Thcro arc such frequent chnnpus in the resi
dence of our city patron that we thall feel
obliged to any who make such changes if they
will report the same to tills office. Uthei wise
wo shall not bo rosjn-ibe for failures of the
carrier to deliver the impor promptly and
regularly to them.
Over the Bai:. The Kinciune with
a barge or two alongside got across St.
Helens bar last night
Arrived. The baric Garibaldi, Capt.
Forbes, 14 days from &an Francisco, ar
rived yesterday. She )rings an assorted
carso for this place anil "points inland."
Peesox at.. Daniel Xorcross, esq., of
San Francisco, one of the most promi
nent Odd Fellows on the Pacific slope,
is visiting this state at the present time,
represent ii? the Xew Age. the Odd
Fellow's organ on this side of the Rocky
mormains. 'Brothers will find him a
gentleman in every sense of the word,
and we bespeak for him abundant suc
cess in his mission.
A Bio Dose The Warden at the
Oregon Penitential y last week stated
that the dose he received rTroin Clatsop
county was the largest yet in any one
dav. "These were seven prisoners m all
convicted at tne laie term of the (. reua
couru This is the beat evidence that
can be produced of the fact that the
police of Astoria and officers of Clatsop
county are attending to their duties.
City Like. J. W. Muasoa's corner.
on Chenamus street, at the intersection
of Polk street, is really about the best
looking corner in Astoria, The style of
the houses, fencing, and that weeping
willow tree, gives the premises an ai of
iMiiif(ttr ! r1u irAit ft I oiifkitiwiiki(t
i tuiiuuii, cum int.- .iivriit ijju-ij.tiivi;
corresponds with that frequently met
with in large and handsome cities or. the
Atlantic side.
feclion Stonewall hisky.
le sour mash ; Snow-liMl Whis
'nnnnr sweet mash: acknowl-
nii its refined taste a nil delicacy
Lto be beyond comparison the
fc; country, sold at the Astoria
Ktflre by II. Man: & Co., Water
ot ir.wo
street r
Mrs. Dr. Burr, Homeopathic phy
sician, has removed to her new residence
four doors from Liberty hall.
Retrs and Kotes.
ill "point
Oil Come. Trciiehstrd & Upshur ic
ceived by Garibaldi iesterday oil that
will burn. Call for a case of this kero
sene, or bring your filltcr for a sample of
the kind.
South Bend Schooil. The school at
South Bend commenced a fall term on
Monday- 271 h ulL. under tlie supervis
ion of Miss Laura Fowler of Freeport,
Cowlitz comity. :
Good Work. Passengers went thro
from Astoria to Salem and Albany in
one day on the 4th insL The day is com
ing when this may be done as a rule,
and not the exception.
A Xew Zealand Cargo. In a late
Xew Zealand paper we find an
ot the depai Lures of two vessels which
will ocive to illustrate the exports of
that region. These t o cai goes foot up
a value amounting to -ClKLM.s, and con
sisted of wool, wheat, tallow, leafier,
cased meats and 14 boxes of gold. -b"8.-0f0.
About equal to one cargo of Ore
gon's fish and wheat.
with Mn
of Jalfc lis
Words of Caution.
Blooming. John jllobson, esq., of
this city, has a pear tree in his orchard
which is in bloom now and has been
blooming since last March. You can
et ripe anil green fruit from the same
.ee. i
"Upper River Sykamrrs. Tii a
Mountaineer says: The new steamers
.Xew Tenino :uid Annie Faxon are run
ning between Wjuuu and Celilo, and
the coni)any intend t put the Almota
on the route this week.
Oregon Weather. Since the rain
the weather has been vey cool and
pleasant and the atmosphere so clear
that the mountains in the disUnee,blue,
wnh their glittering white top.-of snow,
appear to be only a few miles away. No
other country has a climate so. pleasant
and bracing in summer as Oregon.
Nights are always cool enough to sleep
under two or llnee blankets, and the
ihijs not uncomfortably warm.
FromKodiak. The schooner ILL.
Tiernan arrived at .Sooth Bend mills on
the 27th ulL.f lorn Kodiak, Alaska. She
carried a cargo of assorted meichandise
to thai place and returned tor lumber,
making the trip in 30 days.
Testimonial, of Respect. Yesier
day Chief of Police, W. G. Boss was the
recipient of a finely chased gold star
suitably inscribed, irom Mr. John Jack,
as a testimonial of his respect for Mr.
Boss, who in mawy wa.s during Mr.
.lacks sojorrn here has rei'de-cd him
valuable services in keeping order about
the thealrceUvn an uio:,ientatous man
ner. Mr. Ros appreciates the gift and
wishes to publicly thank Mr. Jack for
his kind remembrance.
Ox Leave pf Absence. LL Jordan,
U. S. A., is visiting with his family at
the home of Mrs. Jordan's father, Gen.
John Adair, at the upper-town. They
have leen here for some time enjoying
the respite in a very gratii j ing manner.
Domestic Exports. The cargoes of
the Elder and Aucon yesterday consisted
of a general assortment of Oregon pro
ducts, hue in values the figures were run
up on salmon und when account, ag'ae
gating about -$52,000 in these two items
Ax Expert. Mr. Henry Gallon,
whose card appears in another column,
is an expert mechanic land never put up
a wagon wheel that bruited out inside of
a week. It was souk- oilier man. If
you want a good job oi wagon repairing,
etc., call upon Gallon.
: " . , -:
Glad to Heap, it.--We are Informed
that Mr. Henry
Arrived Safely. The schooner.
City of Astoiia. Capt. Ferchen. arrived
safely from the Tillamook bay fishery
yesterday, just as we expected she wouhl.
There is'no use in getting nervous over
the absence of vessels off the Columbia
liver bar. They make the p-'sage i'iisl ;s
safely at this season of the year as they
worfd to go io Knappton "or Ch'nook.
The Cuy of Astoria Aas becalmed at sea
ana drilled 'town ihe coast so far that it
took her two days to sail back again,
and this is what occasioned the delay.
jP-rns. i
od hat and of the
ran Dusen & Co.'s
i a large assort-
Elder. .
have-fust rc-
iVlso. glass-
fc. iueic sales
iaieir motto.
The New Steamei:. The Oregon
Steamship company have inade out a
new contract with Roach of Chester, for
the new steamer Multnomah. Her old
plans have been east aside, and she will
be 300 feet long, ami have a carrying ca
pacity of of over 3,100 tons on v draft of
sixteen feet of waier. bhe will be bult
of Iron, with compound engines like the
El ler and Cay of Panama. Capt. Con
nor will go east in December to biing
the big ship around the horn, and will
probably arrhe in San Francisco about
the lirsiTof March next.
of Qlympia, has com
menced a survey of two townships on
the Willapa. This survey will open up
ite a country lor settlement. Y e hone
that more of this couiLry will be sur
veyed in another yean.
Canned Oame. Messrs. Watson &
Co. at their new cannery at Moiucano
on the lower Chehalisi design t add the
canning of ducks and elk meat to that
offish. A southern Oregon gold beach
miner is about to commence beach min
ing at Chehaiis'point.
Coming to the C'past. The Jvin
clunefor Liverpool, ajnd the Mountain
Laurel for Cork, werejon the way down
from the Wallamct yehTday, where
tlipy haddischardedb'allast iuward, to
take on wheat for the joutvard p:issage.
We presume both wilh complete cargoes
Steamei: Movements. The Oregon
Steamship company dispatched the Geo.
W. Elder from this port for San Fran
cisco yesterday ; the Pacific Coast Steam
ship company's Ancou also sailed for
San Francisco yesterday; the United
States Light-house steamer Shubrick,
Capi. KoiIa, also departed for San Fran Fran
ciseo: -and the Steamship California,
Capt Thome, for Sitka. Four steamers
leaving our port in one day made things
appear lively along the wharves. We
are informed that" the A jaw Cirv of
Chester, and Ori.:aba, till Jett San Fran
cisco tor Astoria on the 3d. These
steamers W'H probably arrive here to
day and to-morrow.
The Steam Fihe JEx'iNK.-Cai)iam
Flavel. one of our city
to "put up' for the m sw steam fire en
gine, has received the
mg that the steamer isftwo weeks out
from the factory to-ita
Ikwill be he
Astoria, Ikwill be he re in a few days.
iuobably. T. Vhere sha U ve put it ?
fathers who had
bils, etc., show
s', on the way to
The Wjnnlng Yacht. Our South
Bend correspondent, referring to the
yacht Mary M. Sou'e. owned in that
vicinity, which took the first prize in the
h:erg;ua.savs: The Mary M. Soule
v on Astorir's sjilendid offering in ttvo
lioias a id fovtv-six niiuiue', fol'ovred
e-osely by the Ailimesia in two hours,
f or L. -seven minuie-s and ten seconds,
Loomis nexthyLibSm'th intwohoius,
foity-eight miniites and lifty-one sec
onds. The MaiyM. is owned byS. R.
Soule on the Yfillapa. and wan sailed by
las two sons, Alpnonso and Emmet
alone- not cany ing an exira crew. The
boys were proud of tfce'r feal, and the
old gentleman proud of his prize, and
we are all proud of the boat; so is Elder
Patterson, Tier builder. She always gets
a prize.
ler Runev is still in the market
cinds of building materials in
Has iust received 100.000 lath.
els of sand, and a large stock
alitv of hi ick at his warehouse
Salon street.
..Mrs. Arrigoni is furnishing good
rooms with board at from .J to $7 and
upwards per week, according to location.
Pa ties wishing a nice dish of oys
ters will find them at the Pioneer res
taurant, served by one that understands
the business. Open during the day and
all hours of the niglii.
R. Alexander JVTo. have marked
prices way down NLthe next fifteen
days as Mr". Alexandeiwecis by that
lime to go below and jiy inXinoiher im
mense stock for thf fall and winter
trade. '
Mcrfach unit von verschiedenen
aufgefordert darauf hinzuwiivken uni
den' hier ansaesigen Oeinschen duich ein
club oder verein aaeher unter sichmit
einander zu verbindeu. erlaube ich
mich hiniii einc versamlung voruschla-
gen als den 13 September, 177, abends 8
uhr. in hause lies Ilerru N. Weiman.
Solhe es sieh daher dermuehe lohnen
obiges zu bivwecken und gleicher au
sicht mil inir zu theilen so bilte ich
hiemit urn zahlreichen zuspruch und
noch einial nieine BeuJschen lands
leu'ten da zu behorigen das ja jeder
reisz das der Deutsche name einen gu
ten klang ja weil uber den gauen.uusers
vaterlamles hinaus hat und das es nicht
mehr wie unsere schuld'gkeit ist fur
uns den namen Deiascu werth zu
zeigeu das heist ini slren'isies:nue des
woites. LOUIS GOETZ.
First-class billiard table for sale,
cheap for cadi. Inquire at the Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Two choice rooms to let at Mrs.
Munsoifs new lodging house on Chena
mus street to-day.
... .If vou want
latest styles go to 1
who have just rece
meat by steamer Gc
A. Van Dusen
ceived another lar?
paper, all choice pat
ware, queensware.
and small profits," is
C'riswolds Starch Finish and Lesh-
er's Magic Cleaning Fluid for the instant
removal of greas,, paint. etc., f joiu cloth
ing, carpets", is also splendid for clean
ing jewelry and silver-plate, without in
l'urv. Price 2." cents a bottle. Sold bv
J. V:. (Jearhart.
SPhotogiaphs! The latest styles
taken at Shuster's new gallery,-' Cass st.,
next to the A.torian oflice.
SDr. B. R. Frecland has located
pcrmanuntlv in Astoria lor the practice of
dentitry. O.lice next door to the tlore of
Maj. C. II. Page & Co.
JKsfSan Francisco beer, Steilaconm
beer, Astoria beer, bottled bicr and En
glish porter at the Chicago house, Main
street, Astoria. N. "Wyman, proprietor.
jz& For clean towels, sharp razors,
and an easy shave, go to Gillespie atPAK
kek House liATns. Hair cutting, shnm
pooning, and d3eing.
S?"Little "Van lias reestablished
himself at the old corner, refreshed by his
late journey to the Atlantic slate?, and
will a formerly attend to all orders in hi&
line as general jobber.
JSST'Schtneer's Confectionery and
Refreshment rooms on Squemocqha street
are patronized by the people of Atoria
vuiir liberal ly, and tho' ought to be so
patronized, because the enterpri?e is cer
tainly a credit to the city. Ice-cream,
cakes, etc., are served to order.
flSTThe Capital, on Maia near
Squemocqha street, li;m. Appleby pro
prietor, is one of the smigge?l and most
quiet places in the citv. where the public
can get the finest quality of wines, liquors
uiiu Uigurs.
3&-Tlie Gem Ipon, P. Wilhelm
proprietor, is truly a7m. For neatness
and taslv nrningenicuRWhas not a supe
rior in the state; and henialit3 of the
wines, liquors, and cijnrs iurpasted bv
none, equalled by 1'eJv. Tr them and
you will prove this true.
SThe sloop Iilagnet one of the
finest pa?encer boat on the hay, under
command of Capt. John K. Wirt, one of
the most experienced ma-ters mplo3'd
in tha-c waters, is ready for special trips
airy time. We recommend the Magnet to
anyone in want of a pleasure, trip "on the
bay, or to points of interest about Astoria,
during the summer season.
President Thiers died suddenly at
six o'clock p. m. in Paris on Sunday
A dvices from -Kars indicate that
great operations are imminent, and
that the Turkish army is preparing to
inarch on Alexandropol.
Prince GortschakofT has author
ized the Russian minister at Washing
ton to open negotiations for an extra
dition treaty between Russia and the
United States.
Brigham Young's will aims to
make an equitable division ot property
between all his wives and children,
without preference to any. Most of
them already had something deeded to
them. On this a valuation was set,
and it is to be charged to the recip
ients as part of their share, though not
necessarily at the valuation he put
upon it.
Further accounts of the fire in
New York show that the ladders wet e
not long enough to reacli the men m
Hale's factory and even if they were
they could not be placed in position
owing to the intense heat. Some fell
to the pavement and others, after
wildly waving their arms, fell back
into the burning mass behind them.
The great eight story wall on 3Gth st.
fell almost without notice and who are
buried under it will not be known un
til the debris is moved away.
Prince Charles, of Ron mania, has
issued a manifesto to his troops, an
nouncing that he had been appointed
to the supreme command of the Rus
sian and Roumanian armies before
r Plevna The manifesto states that it
was the dutv of the Roumanian army
to cross the Danube and encounter the
Railroad Fnind on Oregon.
Portland, September I, 1877.
The people of Oregon should beware
of signing a petition gotten up by the
IsTorthern Pacific Railroad company
and being peddled around by J. D.
Sanborn. That petition prays of con
gress to grant the petition of the
Northern Pacific for an extension of
time according to its present charter,
which locates its road on the north
side of the Columbia, and ignores
Oregon altogether. Besides it does
not appear what else may be in their
petition to congress. The whole move
is to defeat the memorial of the people
to congress to have that road built on
the south side of the Columbia to
Portland, and in opposition to the
Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake rail
road. Read the last part of their pc
tition and you will see the deception
attempted to be practiced. That com
pany, oy deceptive legislation, tncKea
Portland out of the road and located
it on the north side of the Columbia
and they are now deceiving the people
to indorse the fraud.
W. W. Chapman.
Local and Domestic.
The proposed extra session of the
legislature meets with but little favor
from the press of the state.
About one hundred tons of hops
will be raised in Yakima valley 'thii
The population of Cowlitz county,
as reported in the census of this year,
i3 1,(380.
The population of Columbia county
TiivV in thpir men tmn-ifm-v- l.nnmi ! IS, aCCOrdlllg tO TCCent retUl'llS, 0,010
the war was armroacliiiur the Roama- 1 The total valuation of property is 1,-
J. j. o
nian frontiers, and if the Turks were
victorious Roumania would suffer car
nage and desolation. Next week
promises to be a bloody one. The
summer is going and decisive results
become every day of more importance
to the Russians, for there are indica
tions not to be disregarded, financial
The population of Thurston county,
according to the recent census is 1,708
men and 1,142 women; a, total of 2,
S50. Th3-increase since 1875 has been
The total amount of the taxable val
uation of Whatcom county, as sab -
are truly artistic
and political, which are against the ; mitted by the asssessor to the board
probability of a- contiiuanc4i.obe war ' 0f countv commissioners, amounts to
into another campaign. 58G,000, which am&unf ma.ybr Tii
Aj:-istic Sign -Wels, Fargo & Co's ed or diminished in the revision
express office at Xew Tacoma will be ot tne ilst'
ornamented in a few daj s by a very The total valuation of property m
beautiful sign which has just been com-1 Kitsap county this year is SS,707;
pjeted in i Astoria by the famous rapid j an increase 0f about 70,000 during
sign writers Pike & Snath. This siiai , , v i n c A .
and one rmwlv.for the Parker house the year. Nearly all of this property
anil creditable to the is owneu Dy tne iour mining compan-
ie3 of Seabeck, Port Gamble, Port
-.-r t t: 7 t Madison and Port Blakely.
.New Restaurant. Dr. Kiaseyhas J
transformed the lower portion of las Tho returns from Chehalis
buiiding on Water street. at the crossing CDtinty indicate a population of 1,050,
of West-ninth street, into a resiauiant, of which number 921 are men and 72ft
How that part of Astoria has sprung ; WOnien. The real estate aggregates
into life since Dr. kiascy made the be- pn nn i ,,.cr,.,i ,,.oTr cmo.i
ginning and conshuct his, the first house 'f? ,a2 11 JSS V0 $i04j"
4i i ! .j i. - i. , nllll Tfir.n I SI!.L lillil
on me lOHUWH. jjery tenement. nearly j , w.k ,.
Last Monday, says the Oregon city
Enterprise the fishermen at the fish
propagation court on the Clackamas
put the seine in the river and caught
seven fine salmon. The seine would
not work well on account of not hav
ing enough floats. Prof. Stone was
liighly gratified with tho catch, and
predicts plenty of salmon for breeding
purposes. The Columbia river men
say they will feel satisfied if three mil
lion fish are spawned this season, and
the Prof, says he is confident of get
ting at least ten million without any
"We acknowledge the regular receipt
of the Daily Astorian in exchange
J'MO uiu itiauwui Ni. a.iiviujiviiuuit!;,
is filled, lining both sides of the street
now, and all appear to be enjoying a
healthy and prosperous trade. So niote
it be.
SouEMOQirA Street. Out beyond
Polk .street yesterday we found teams
employed in taking away earth from
the bluff and perpendicular baak.which
affords level places for many neat homes
on that part of Sqaemoqha street where
but recently tiie appearance of the site
was enough to discourage the owner.
Rev. Mr. liyland is grading a lot also
on Jefferson street, which will be a
beautiful spot upon which to build a
home. His residence on I'oik street is
now in a romantic place, almost hid
from view by the clump of willows tn
the east side of it.
Wilkixs Micavjjei:s. There were
hundreds ot people along the wharves j This daily would do credit even to
yesieruay wno appeared io oc waning porrl-md Ttq well tilled adverrkW
fr .rmi.tii;fr fri int.,. ii o ffnv L oiciiHid. .lis wuniueo. auvercising
1W Otll'IVllllllj, IT Ul.ll 14, . .,HV.V. ..JlVi , T . -I
Canary Birds. for sale at Gilles
pie's, Parker house baths.
Direct to Astoria. Mr. M. Wise
informs the ladies and gentlemen of As
toria and vicinity that he ha opened his
store with a nice assorted stock of goods,
which he proposes to sell at bed-rock pri
ces for cash. Rpmember tho place, oppo
site R. F. Caufield's Drug Store.
the last ocean steamer left for sea .heir
occupation seemed to be gone. When
the fishing season was in full heat,tiie
presence of so many strangers was" ac
counted for on the fishermen s basis
hut now the season is over, and slil the
city is full of visitors and straa ;:, a
great many of whom stem to be in
about the same fix as the soldier from
Antieiam, who had nothing but his time
to spend.
Relic of the Past. la the fall of
1J-G3 Mr. II. Rrallier was excavating for
some purpose oa a site near the old mill
on the south side of the peninsula, wlien
his spade struck an earthen vessel im
beded in the earth about three feet below
the surface. He took it out. and found
it to be a Chinese jar. which was sup
posed to have contained ginger preserves.
The contents hod decayed and evaporat
ed until there was nothing left in the
jar but a thick gummy subscanee closing
the inside of the opening, and tin? was
as tough almost as leather. He has kept
the jar from that date miiil yesterday,
when it was deposited in the Archives
of the Pioneer and Historical society as
a relic of the unknown past.
columns denotes a business community
at the port of Oregon, and its newsy,
spicy reading matter indicates an ac
tive hand at the editorial bellows.
Excouhaoe Stkaxgees. Just now a
large number of persons are coming
into the country in search of homes.
Ai a rale they are families with
means, but occasionally a poor strag
gler will be foaad whose means are
exhausted, and who must depend
upon employment for his daily bread.
In all such cases ourcannerymen and
mea of means snould strain a point
to help the needy immigrant. Look
above your place aad fiad something
for him to do, and thus make the
stranger feel that he has found a
home among a sympathizing and
liberal people.
3!Newspapei: advertising compels
inquiry, and when the article offered is of
jiood qualiti and a a fair price, the naut
ral rcsultis. increased sales.
, -,
r - -
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