0) ! - 3 hz 8iXas Qs&wAnn. MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. 310NDAY - Junk19,1S76. ' " ' ! Temple Lodge.No. 7, A. F. A. M. Regular Communication? first and 'third Saturdays in each month, at7.:JU 'O'clock. i. m.. at tho Hall in Astoria. .Members of the Order, in pood standing, are -invited to attend. By ordcwf the W. M. Beaver Lodge, No. 35, 1. O. O. "F. Meet every Thursday evening. cSra?& .at s o'clock, in the Odd reiiow'sx. ji;iu,uur. or v. jiss una uuimuius "ym--streets, A.-toria. Members of the ' Order are invited to -attend. By order, 2. G, Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. O. G-.T. Regular Meetin"- every Sr.turday Evening j ,:itSo7clock.'at (lood Templar's Hall, Chona- ! Jims street, Astoria, over (.. Ij. i arKcro Store. Members -of the Orrler, in good stand ins, arc invited to attend. Decree iiieetinc 1st -Monday cash munth. By order . 1. 1. Q ! Youngs River Grange, P. of H. Meets on tho fourth Sat urday of each month at 11 o'clock a.m. i'atron S-"Xirft in good standing By order of are invited to attend. W M. Common Council. Regular meetings first Monday overiin in each month, at i clock i iVS" Persons desiring to have matters acted I upon by the Council, at any regular meeting, must present the same to the Recorder, oi Mavor on or before the Friday evening prior to the Monday on which tho Council holds its regular meetings. T. W. CASE, Mayor. E. J. Taylor, Recorder. C. R. F. B. A. SOCIETY NOTICE. Anv fishornan on the Colum bia river, wishing to join the Fishcrmans Association can a- plv in person or by letter to the following officers of tho Associatien: J. 15, Nice, Pres ident, Waterford; B. P. Shcppard. Manhattcn Fishery, Lodge Deputy, and Thus. Dcaley . Sec retary, Astoria Ogn. A cordial invitation is! hereby tendered to all to avail themselves of this privilege. By order of the President. Thom s I)kali:y, Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. CENTENNIAL BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. Sign of the Red Boot MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. Next door to P. II. Fox, Tailor, The only place in Astoria, whero you can got a perfect fit and the best French stock. N ever mind what Josh Hillings says. I mean busi ness. Give mo a call. JOHN WILDER. New Store. New Goods. Just Opened, IN THE SUMMERS BUILDING, Chcnamus Street, Astoria. J. C. TRULL1NGER, Would Rospcctfully Announce To tho Citi-cns of Astoria and Vicinity, That ho is now here, and has Opened at tho Above Well known Stand. A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Olothmg, BOOTS A3SD SHOES, And everything required for daily use. down to a sack of Flour or Feed from my own mills in Washington County, which will be sold at tho lowest market raics. I invito the public generally to call and examine my stock and prices. Having located permanently in Astoria 1 " moan business." wrTho Saw mill is now in running order, with a full boom of choice logs, and 1 am also prepared to fill orders, largo or small, on short notice, for any kind of lumber. J. C. TRULLINGER. PETER RUNEY, ASTORIA, OREGON, BR I OK LAYER, & And Plain and ff fit, ORNAMENTAL PHJSM8,MM;Eife Orders left at the Occident Hotel Promptly Attended .to. JiEFJiJtJSXCJiS: J. B. Knapp, Knapplon ; Caj)t. J. Wct, HVx port; II. B. Parker, S. X. J.rrig9i, Unison tf Warren, J. Badvllet &'CQ.Jlloria;J. W. t- J'. Cook, CUfton ;Jos. flume, Eureka; It. Watean fc Co. Manfiattan; J. L. Uqp.iri, LUcnEiln; .. G. Meglcr & Co. Brookfield, anil humcmu others for whom I have Built Furnaces, set 'Ranges, and Kettles, and "Spread the Mort!" During my 12 years Residence jn Oregon, Lime;, sasp, brick, plaster, Latli, Cement, and all materials in .iny line.'furnishe4 to order. C Special attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Cistern work warranted good, -or no pay. JPJBM2 KUXEY, Astoria, Oregon. 0RRECT PRINCIPLES Pemond that bills be rendered promptly, and' to do it nieoly, get yoar Dili 4appr.4in4 Statements printed at ! - TiJS ASTORIAN Office. ptj1 FISH BARRELS 1 Half Barrels, Quarter Barrels, VXD KITTS AT LIYIG pmcES,' AT THE )Knappton Barrel Factory, Knappton, Pacific Co., W. T. T) ATHS, BATHS, Hot, Cold, Shower, Sudani and SULPHUR Baths AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, HAHl DRESSING SALOON. Jacob Niedkraukk Proprietor. tJ3Stecial attention paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING iYT Private Entrancefor Ladies "ph "jOVELTY BARBER SHOP Is tho place to get your Tonsorial Luxuries. Come and rrv Mm "XmrolK. Parker House block. Astoria, Oregen: J. L.CAMPBELL, Prop. Ym. EDGAR, Corner Main and Chcnamus Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. DKALKR IN THKCIIOICKST MtAXD? OF Tobacco aud Cigars, and the Genuine W o s t e n b o I m, and otlicr English Cutlery. Fairchilds Gold Pens. And all sorts of STATIONERY, NOTIONS ETC. J. N. ARMSTRONG, Photographic Artist, ASTORIA GALLERY. Having built anew building, specially adap ted to the business, next door to Dr. Kin soy's on the Roadway, is now pre pared to take First Class Pictures, At reasonable prices. Call and zucuro a shadow ere the substance fades. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS! IS THE MOTTO OF L. K. G. SMITH, Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Cigars and Tobacco and all kinds of Smokers Articles, Stationery and Cutlery. GENUINE MEERSIIAUM PIPES A Speciality. Solo agent for tho Celebrated Othello Cigars. Dealears in tho abovo lino aro respectfully solicited to examine Stock and Prices. C- E. Jackins & Co. Cor. Min and Jefferson Sts., Abtorln, Oregon, Dealers in all kinds of Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware ! ttSuCopper Tea-kettles, proved Tea-kettles, burnished Tea and Coffeo pois. porcelain, tin lined, and pressed Iron sauco pans, fancy an.i plain vent Thimble covers, fino Dust pans ana brushes east iron Rake ovens, etc, etc, etc., embracing about :!,:i'tt articles too numerous to mention, for old Bachelors, maids, children jumL .married folks. fiST Agents for tho salo of tho celebrated Occident Cooking Stoves. THE MOST EXTENSIVE A XI) Rn Best Assorted Stock i VJjp lc found at V fE 8. LARSEN'S $ vJ Main Street, i t Between Chenamus and x M V k Squemooha streets, VfMSTORLA,'OREGON. rrlfc VROCKERY, . A GLASSWARE. -A V VA. - M , o yr V 4 ft. v v.vv a A . 7 11 . . -.-. r, f vi r Vft Tk IP jyEW FURNITURE STORE. 2or. Main and Chemocqba StsM CHASSTOLL, PROPRIETOR. (Successor tc Gist & Stoll,) .ASTORIA OREGON PARLGR SETTS, RED-ROOM SETTS, DINING-ROOM SETTS, KITCHEN SETTS, .OFFICE FURNITURE, ETC., PS5 of the very best quality, supplied to -order at prices that will justify tho patronage of this homo institution. Persons wishing any article in tho furnituro line will find itto their advantage to give me a call, and inspect my s$ock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. K&T Undertaker's Work promptly attended to, at. reasonable rates. m. ace, ate. fm ! 4Pi. n,.;n x nnrf BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED Very cheat), at TJIE ASTQRU??. Office, J. W. EOBB. C. W. FULTON. ROBB & FULTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ASTORIA, OREGON. BOflko in Warren & McGuire's building, Tposite Occident Hotel, Chenamus street. OEO. W. REA, Attorney and Connsellorat Law. ASTORIA, OREGON. -0 Examining and perfecting titles made a spe cialty'. All accounts left with mo will re cive prompt attention. Office in Warren & McGuirc's Building, Chenamus street, corner of Cass. O.F ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Notary Public and Commissioner or HEEDS, For California and Washington Territory, OFFICE. Case's Building, corner Cass and Chenamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. OILAS B. SMITH. Attornev-at-Law. ASTORIA, OREGON. Office in Warren & McGuire's building, op posite Occident Hotel. r H. PAGE & CO., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, FARMERS WHARF, ASTORIA OREGON. xS" All kinds of country produce wanted in exchange for goods. IRA CUTTING WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. ANNOUNCES TO THE PEOPLE OF A storia and vicinity that he is now pre pared to do all kinds of WATCHMAKING AND JEWELLING in tho neatest possiblo manner. All work warranted. rr Agent for the WALTII AM and ELGIN Watches. IRA CUTTING. Chenamus street, Astoria, Ogn. MENDLESON & BRO. DEALERS IX AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, COXCOMLY St., ASTORIA. HAVE JUST LAID IN 1 Net Mr of Select FOR THE P0URTH OE JULY. Mrs. Panbium, Masonic Hall Builaing, Astoria, DEALER IX Fancy Goods, Ladies Dress and Cloak Trimmings of the Lastest Style. WILL ATTEND to ORDEKS kor'DRESS and Cloak making. Work will bo done uniisatisfactor3' manner. .tT Agent for tho salo of Dr. Warner's Sani itery Corsets, and also Children's Waists with patent elastic buckles. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Mrs. H. A. Derby, (Late nfCLEVELAXD, OHIO,) WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUB lic of Astoiia and surrounding country, that sho has just received a full and complete lino of HATS, TRIMMINGS, And all kinds of MILLINERY GOODS! At the ctand recently occupied by JLVx Mor rison onJIAIX STREET, Astoria, And will bo prepared to fill all orders for first class goods in this lino at rca onablo prices. RSTNcw goods will bo received every month. N EW AND ELEGANT STOCK -OF- Latesfc Styles of Millinery Goods, JUST RECEIVED BY THE LAST STEAMER, At tho Rooms of Mrs. A. D. WASS. (Ur Stairs, Brown's Building,) Corner Main. ant Chenamus Streets, Astoria. fiET This stock consists of tho latest stylo ITats, for Lufites and Childron; Dross Trim mings and Fancy Goods for Ladies, which will 'be sold at very Qok prices. DRESS HUD CLOAK trmritty attcndcd TpiFTY THOUSAND OAK HOOPS, BARRELS and HALF BARRELS, for sale by G. J. HOGUE, At Chehalis. Lewis county, W. T.,on tho Northern Pacific Railroad. Aprils, lb7ti.tf . j. CHARCOAL I Any one wishing charcoal can be furnished with any amount by addressing orders to C. J. TRENCH ARD. ' ' A fi 4 Westport, Oregon. E. S. MEADE, MERCHANT TAILOR CHENAMUS S'l'REET, ASTORIA, OKEGOX. m FRENCH, 3t RNRLTSH. fS ATSm AATF.TJTP.AXr I CLOTHS, 'r y . . ..-.rwnTr, IZLi UASlAIJ!jl'U!id AND TESTINGS, Constantly on hand. (tirr Garments made in the most Fashionable Styles. Draying & Trucking. The undersigned hav ing purchased the inter- est of tno Astoria Truck & Dray Co., Including Teams, Vehccles, etc., respectfully announces that ho is prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS WITH PROMPTNESS. IN A CAREFUL MANNER from this date. i&F Orders may bo left at tho Occident Hotel. T. S. JEWETT. Astoria Truck & Dray Co. T OOXUERE, WEARY WOMAN! THERE IS REST FOR YOU. STEAM WILL DO YOUR WORK. The STEAM WASHER, Or Womans Friend. The latest, tho cheapest, the best no rubbing, no pounding, no turning or tearing, no clumsy cylinder, and no twenty or thir ty dollars expense. Steam does it all. "For salo at tho ASTORIA LAUNDRY, cor ner of Chenamus and Polk streets, or at C. E. Jackins, corner Main and Jefferson stroets. J. T. BOUCHERS. "VTICOLAI & BRO., Central Plaining Mills, Cor. of North Second andEStroots, Portland. RUSTIC, CEILING, MOULDINGS, SASH, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, Urns, Tanks, Fences, &c. rt55Fir flooring and ceiling and bevol-edgod siding. u Common si70 doors, sash and blinds at San Francisco pricos. Astoria Bakery, o HENRY JACOBS PROPRIET0R, Corof Main and Schemocqha Sta, Astoria Oregon. TAKES PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING to the public generally that he is agaiin prepared, at tho abovo veil known stand to supply orders for liRESH BREAD and all kinds of pastry. fer Ono of tho bost Bakers on tho coast om ployed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Asharo of tho public patronago respectfully solicted. rutter & Mckenzie, Ship Builders. HAVING LEASED THE PREMISES FOR a term of years, at tho foot of Wash ington street, we beg leave to announce to tho public that wo aro now prepared for SPAR MAKING, BAULKING, and General Repairing of VESSELS, BOATS, ETC., ETO. tfi Boats of all descriptions, first class in overy respect, built to order. Yard foot of Washington street, Astoria. Oregon. W. B. BEADINCTON, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, ASTORIA, OREGON. PJans and specifications for 'buildings of any kind, and contracts (largo .or smalli filled wjth dispatch and in tho best manner poKviblo. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, E. PAPMAHJL & CO., - - f? fw MS v-5ri &?w-t Ql iHrivlsEr- THE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETORS OF THE COLUMBIA BREAVERY jiis-t erected and plncwl in operation nt Abtofin, wish to inform the public that we aro .now prcpnroil to fill all orders for a splendid articlo of -- j f- nt Having every fncility for doing r "jr' rm m THE VEKY liliST eilAKACTKll Ob" AVOllK f AA Tt4-lnA T5T?T7"D I Mr. Papmahl .being .an Experienced Brewer, AI1CL JjUlllcU Jj XU-JM' fiSTTho COLUMBIA BREWERY WILL WARRANT SATISFACTION IN FILLING ALL Orders. Give uaariaJ. E, I'APMAHL $ CO,, Astoria, Oregon. MwpwTiiB BLACKSUTHING. ALBERT ROEDER & CO.. Machinists, Gunsmiths, nd Locksmitlis,, Corner Conmrnlif and J.afajjg&edtreiets, ASTORIA. OREGON, Will pay Special Attention to Blncksnufh Work and genoral repairing. GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH. ItODGEaS' OLl STAND. Cass St., Astoria, Orkgo.v. m All kinds of filacksraitbing done to ordor. Satisfaction cuarantoed. Snio and engine iY.ork a ppeojality. B numTmn 1 EQT ALTO THE BEST, AND riiin llnb J-Cheap as tho Cheapest, at ) THR ASTORIAN OFFICK. THE Daily and Weekly Job Printing Office IS NOW WELL SUPPLIED WITH New Material and Stock, And propared-to execute orders for .' POSTERS, BILLS OF FARE, PROGRAMMES, BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS - RECEIPTS, PAMPHLETS And any other land of Printing, Neatly and Promptly This Is Intended FOR We have concluded to make an effort to double the circulation of the Weekly Astoriax in Oregon and Washington Territory within the next six weeks, and instead of offer ing trashy pictures and hooks as premiums, make a proposition to our friends direct, as follows : SEND US ONE New subscriber at $1 75 for the next year, and we will send you the AVEEKLY ASTORIAN one year at the same rate, when jaar present subscription expires. SEND US FIVE J&ew .-subscribers at $1 75 for the next year, and we wiM send you the WEEKLY ASTORIAN free for one year, when your pres enct.Bubscription expires. SEND US TEN New subscribers at $i 75 for the next year, and we will send you the AVEEKLY ASTORIAN FREE for one yean, when your pres ent subscription expires, and will J allow you $2 50 for your trouble. j. en names aim nueen uuuare. SEND THE NAMES ANaDTHE MONEY as you receive them Sub scriptions may begin at any time. Tell us what list you are working tip whether for one, five, or ten names. Money majr be sent at our risk when registered, but we prefer Post- ofiice orders 87-V cents. No paper will be sent, under this arrangement unless the money ac companies the order. After the Zlst day of July, 1S76, this special offer will cease to be in force, and the usual rate of S3 00 .per year will be charged. Address D..C, IRELAND, Astoria Oregon. LAGER BEER, ALE, Etc. - - - - PROPRIETORS, TE TETr rTVT . y a uxuv 1rv iwi iMiwpiiiiiMJ.wn.M' 'joiwpyn ipERMANIA BEER HALL BOTTLE BEER DEPOT, Chkx.uius Strkkt. AS.TORIA. TJjo publfc nro invited to coll and Icavo thoir order?. Splendid Liigor. Scent a glass. i"reo Lunch every night. WM. BoCIv & CO., Proprietors. M. MYERS, ASTORIA BREWERY, Having all tho necessary machinery for first class work, skillful Brewers, iind using nouo but the bost quality of matosials, the I'roprio tor i prepared to manufacture LA(4ER BEER in any quantity, fronLCingla'tiottle to a bar rel, and put it up. in ood condition fur ship ment or immediate use. Families and keoi ers of public houses promptly and regularly suppliedl " JCt M?1$RS, Proprietor,