in - ' mt xtum trefoil ni -is. at- 3i jlJi'iJIirJJ VOL. 1. BXgL'A&LV.'L-l.iL!..iy 'a'IJtJ!LS.!gJ !mjmw-&' g& uxl Q&lsxxmx, ISSUED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays ExeeptcJ), 3. V. UtEL.l.VW, : : riJBLISIIEK. Monitor Building, Cass Street. Terms of Subscriptien: Served by 'Carrier, per week. Sent by mail, three months Sent by mail six months .25 Cents 52 ,")0 4 00 7 00 Sent by mail one ye: i'lcc of Postage to tlio Subscribers. flST Advertisements inserted by the year at the rate of SI 00 per Square per month. Transient adveitising, by the day or week, fifty cents per square first insertion. Heading notice, in City Items column, five ocnts per line per day. 2so charge less than tu'cuty-Jivo cents. CITY STEMS. ..tLoeb has just opened a fctock of uoy'a fcuiU. fine 3Lsr Little Van blacks boots, as well as. stoves, and is a lip-top polisher. .yaurituooer paint, tne oest mint m the world, tor Mile by I. W. Cast;. ir 2Tev Dress Goods, Summer liaU, and notions just received at Cage's. J& Decided nice are those neat ties ior ladies and gents for tale by I."W.Case. iSGo to Little Tan's on Sunday morning, and get your boots polibhed for church. jft-Purc (Alligator) Rubber boots, the best article of the kind ever made, lor tale at Ca-ti's. JZ&- Don't go sweating around in your winter clothes but &o to Case's and j . 'til- A. J 1 A. jitjt uinuci. iifw sun, uje'aneai..aim ucsh goods in the market. J7S5 Just received a complete assort ment of Bird Cugis, Ladies Frond) AVick er Baskets. Tiotit Baskets, Fish hooks and lines, etc., at Cahe's.. & Centennial shingles, after the sample of tho-e made in this county and placd on exhibition in Philadelphia, at the Centennial, just received at Dr. S. lunscy's. &" Van Dusen has just received a iine stock of summer clothing, diago nal coats and vests, cassimere suits, etc., etc. JGXow is the time to purchase your Centennial clothing for Fourth of July, Van Dusen has just received .a fine assortment. J&'Ii the person who took the Cross and Specimen from the "Watch Makers, will return them they will be thankfully received and no questions asked. i?"Miss Belle Welch having re moved her stock of millinery goods to the "house of her father, corner of Wall and Eighth Stieets, invites ladies to call. 'The best assortment of hats and trim mings in the city. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. Om old friend, Charles H. Dex ter, says the Oregonian, than whom few re better or more favorably known to the traveling as well as sojourning public, is now 4'mino host" at the Bay View House at Baker's Bay, Unity. After a rnos,t thoiough renovation and the addi tion of many improvements, his house is now open ior the reception of guests. Persons contemplating & visit this sum mer to the sea side should not fail to give Charley h call. He has made every ar rangement which can contribute to the -comfort and pleasure of his guest:, and Mr. Dexter'b reputation jls a popular host is too well known to require mention. Added to all this is the great natural ad vantages of the location with respect to sailing, bathing, fishing, ete. Pull par ticulars will be found by consulting Mr. Dexter's announcement elsewhere. jfcBWe wish to call attention of readers who believe in beautifying their homes to the "Photographic Pern Mot--tos" for sale in Oregon and Washington territory by Mrs Derby of this city. These motto?, for beauty of finish, artistic taste, Sd ingenuity, exceed anything of the rid it has been our fortune to see, says a liladelphia publisher, and we coincide in the view. They sell on sight to people of refined natures, and Mrs. Derby, who is the general agent for Oregon and Wash ington territory-, desires to secure the ser vices oi local agents. Any person, male or female, desiring a pleasant and profita ble business in these hard times will find lhat with these mottos they can make a jarge percentage, Call upoo, r a&iress ! 3Irs. H. A. Derby, Astoria. ASTORIA, OREGON, MONDAY EARNING, JUNE 19, 1876. i-t --w-Jiii-JP --.aammA. jmuwsaaaa-. jwj a The Cincinnati Nominee. f By steamer Dixie Thompson this , (Saturday; afternoon, but too late for i comments, Astor i:ns are lniormeu tbat neither Blaine nor Conkling are nominated for President, by the Cin- j oinnati Convention, but that Brig. ( n. naves, uoernor oi uie . circumstances beyond our control, State of Ohio, is the man, with lion, j and which it is not necessary to state, Win. A. Wheeler, member of Con- j we are colllpelied t0 suspend. The gressfiom Xew York, as candidate weekly will be continued as formerly for Vice President. j and wili appear punctually on time, The news is not at all surprising. wjlile we live. Thaking the citi From the day that politicians took up zensof Astoria generally, and numer Itfr. Blaine, and flooded the country j ous frjends outside the city who have with copies of subsidized newspapers, ' generously tendered us a hearty sup and tracts and circulars, and em-I port and "with the hope thilt we may ployed the telegraph to sound his - praises, Tin: Astokian took a (lis- him, and castiug about us for a better man we accepted Hon. Ros coe Conkling, and as consistently as possible worked to influence his "ribhii nation. The contest was a bitter one, almost equal to the fierceness of strive between straight Democrats and straight Republicans, after part' nominees were placed in the field but now that it is all over with one brief incident will illustrate a the situation m Uresron. Blaine mniu meets Conking man : 11 Well, you didn't get your man did yon ?" Answer: "lse: nor did you set Blaine; did you?" 11 No; but how do you like Hayes?" 'Very well; he will do first rate ; how do you like Hayes ?" " Very well ; he will do first rate ; suits me." Summing the contest1 down to a nice point between Blaine and Conk-lingfhe-situttttofins best illustrated by a story that Jim Kavanaugh used to tell. Jim formerly lived in St. Paul, Minnesota, went to Montana and " became identified with Con gressmen" by holding a commission as delegate. On one occasion there were seven men standing on empty boxes and with ropes around their necks, under the limb of a tree, just ready to be hanged. One of them, a German, began to cry bitterly as he thought that he was about to die. Ihe man next to him was an Irish man, who was much bothered by the German's weeping. So hitching his foot to one side, gave the German's box a push, leaving him swinging in the air, and said: "Stop, you big sucker, won't you?" But the same act toppled over his own box; he could not regain his footing, and, with a laugh at the' trick he was play ing on the German, he, too, swung into eternity. Exactly so with Blaine and Conkling. In trying to kill one another off both were soon swinging into political eternity bf the toppling of their empty boxes in the Cincinnati Convention. As an individual we are satisfied with the result, as a party no doubt the Republicans of the country are better pleased as they will be more strongly united, and can make an aggressive campaign of it, instead of being on the defensive, with men like Blaine. Opposition to a good cause is cer tain to define the character of the op poser. The avaricious man sees it as a money making scheme. The sensual ist searches for, and in his imagination finds lasciviousness to lay to tke charge of whatever he opposes. What a man has been searching for may be known by what he professes to have found. To know the general tenor of a man's character, observe the form taken by his opposition. This is true, because men learn to regard their fellows with the distrust the are conscious of de serving. The Daily and Weekly Astorian is on file at the Astor Library, Jfew York; LiaegHaMc;e.uamif .waii'Ji a ! This is the last edition of The Daily Astoriax which we shall issue afc lelt for the present. We feel s.ltisfied from the experiment which has been made the past seven weeks, that in the course of a short time we should be able t0 maket prise payj bufc at I)rosentj Ihe enter- owimr to greet you all atsome future day, The D'lLY Astoriax gracefully retires, with grateful feelings, mingled with the deepest regrets. Aviso Icfin. Ve are in receipt of a private letter from Sydney, Australia, May Gth, a house that deal largely in Co lumbia river salmon. The letter is one of thanks for information fur nished respecting business of the Columbia river and contains sugges tions relative to shipments, etc., valu able to factors. Shipments by direct vessels is strongly urged. The price at the above date was 85 9s to 9s 3d per dozen, according to brand, duty paid Is dozen. Barrel salmon was in good demand, with a firm market, 0 3 7s Gd per bbl duty Id per lb paid. The right proposition of ship ments would be about three half bar rels of 100 lbs each to one barrel of 200 lbs. The house to which we re fer are very largely interested in various English lines of vessels, in cluding the "Geo.' Smith &. Soil's city line of Glasgow, so many of which visited this port last year, besides being large owners themselves, and when opportunities are presented will influence business in this direc tion. The newspapers of the valley are beginning to growl like fury be cause the late combination in steam boatings have put up a big job on the producers.. We deeply sympathize with the farmer, but it would be a very fine point to discriminate which party sinches the farmers most, the middle-man and speculators in food stuffs, or the transportation compan ies. The farmer can get along verr well, if he tries, without one of them. Speaking of the late rise in freights on the Wallamet river the Sa lem Farmer says: "It puts to blush the genius of Ben Holladay. " Old Ben wasn't so very bad, after all; was he Sam? The Farmer confesses that it did not expect, so soon, to see any contingency arise that would make the memory of Ben Holladay smell sweet to the people of Oregon. The Hwaco Steam Navigation Company's steamer Varuna has been chartered by the Fisherton and Glen Ella factories to tow the fishing boats belonging there from this bay, on mornings when they are too heavily loaded to sail up, or are otherwise prevented from going homeward. The Oregon City Enterprise con gratulates the school district of that city on securing the services or Prof. "W. L. "Wbrthington as principal. We can assure our friends at Oregon City that Prof. W. is a first class teacher, and their gain is Astoria's loss. The insane man picked up on Smiths Point in a starving condition, recruited and sent to the Asylum from whence he escaped, it was sup posed, had not been there before. The question is still where did be come from, and vf ho, is he.? ' Another Relic Gone. From tho Oregon City Enterprise Por a few da3rs past we have ob served the old three-story building near the city Seminary was being dismantled and torn down. Upon inquiry we learn that this building, known as the Oregon City College, was erected in 1850 or '51. A char ter was obtained for it as the Oregon City College through the efforts of elders Hezekiah Johnson and Ezra Fisher, the first Baptist missionaries sent to Oregon, with the idea of hav ing the school for Oregon Baptists at this place. During the mining ex citement several thousand dollars were raised for this purpose, these ministers giving about all they were worth, and this building was erected. Dr. Chandler who now lies paralized at Forest Grove, was sent out to take charge of this school, after it had been temporarily conducted by Elder Fisher. Some books were sent out from the East, with a small philo sophical apparatus, and the school was started with fine prospects, con sidering the distance from ciailiza tion and the condition of this now prosperous State at that time. The school was afterward in charge of" Prof. J. D. Post for a few years, but no endowment being prvided, tho efforts to keep up the school abated. Prof. C. H. Mattoon taught a while, and perhaps one or two others, bu t the building finally fell into disuse for school purposes. It was then rented for a number of years as a dwelling, but no repairs being mat' e it became unfit for this. After that it became a resort for idle bovs who played " hooky" from school, or went there on Sundays to have a sly game 01 cards awav irom tne om folks. To prevent this misuse of tne building, W. C. Johnson, Esq., of the Board of Trustees, sold the remains for a small sum, and provided for having it torn down. In the early days a number of boys and girls, who now are strong men and women in this community, secured a portion of their education in this buildi ng, and the influences set to work there have not seen their end, though the building is torn down and destroyed. Fisher and Johnson are in their graves, and Chandler's working days are past, but the impulse they ga ve to education in Oregon will not cease with their lives, and we woul d be glad if their desire to have a Co'ilege here might vet be realized. When will the road leadi ng to the cemetery grounds be made pas sable? -Mrs. Daggett has given her new boarding house the Hotel. name of "Weston Putter & Co. turned out their fifth boat for Devlin & Co. this afiter 110011. The Cultivator publishes an ildns trated sketch of Hon. Dan. Clark, Master of the Oregon State Grange Walter Monteith, whose d.eath occurred at Albany on the 13tli, set tled in Linn county, Oregon, in 1 .847, on the present site of Albany. I. N. Foster has received liis- ap pointment as postmaster at Jewell. Mrs. Nancy J. Foster has boen ap pointed deputy. Portland is beginning to- get nervous about having so ms.ny fires. It does certainly seem to be the case that our sister city has "good citizen" without " visible means of support," who is acting in ihe capacity of fire bus. It was heralded all over the Uni ted States, a few weeks ago, that Dr. Mudd, who gained such unenviable notoriety in, and was sent to the Dry Tortugas, for supposed coi nplicity in the assassination of President Liincoln, has been elected to the: Maryland legislature. It was a case of mistaken identity. The man elected was named Geo. D. Mudd, and has always been known as an ardent Union man. NO. 43; The Fourth of July committee on programme will meet tins evening at the room of Hon. "W. D. Hare, in the Custom-house, for the purpose of pre paring programme. The remains of Mr. S. 1ST. Arrigoni were taken to Portland to-day for in terment. Temple Lodge STo. 7, A. F-. A. M. attended the service at the house last evening where Pev. Father Macken read a prayer, and a large concourse of citizens joined in proces sion with the remains, which were carried on board the steamer Dixie Thompson. The funeral will take place in Portland to-morrow. Ten hardy pioneers in the settle ment of N ehaleni valley, tired of the dilatory action of the authorities, and dispairing of all outside assistance, five veeks ago took off their coats and went to work to open a road to the valley. From the end. o the State road grade they have worked, 011 towards their koines, and it is- said, have accomplish ed more in five weeks- than was ac complished wiili. the entire State ap propriation o 20,000 made in 1872. God speed them, hi, the work. Eack man of this working party contributed $14 for provisions, and the good women of the valley helped them aleng: by contributions from the dairy, until there is a kope in tliek breasts of ulti mate and complete success. A small keg buoy, painted blue, fastened with the usual cords and cop- : per nails, wasfound this morning, on the weather- bench, about ten miles north of Cape Hancock, and was brougkt to Astoria,by Goni.OF-. Bell and N. Kimball for identification. About fifty fathoms of net was attack ed to tke buoy. It came on tke beack last Saturday; tangled in a log, witk salmon in the net. Mr.. Bramel has the buoy attheAltona Restaurant. J6ST Attention Fishermen ! You are respectfully invited to attend' a special meeting on Sntunlay evening, June 24th, 1S7(, for the purpo-e of tram-acting im portant btiinea pertaining to oujjprotes ional occupation as hVhermen on this river. A full attendance- is solicited. By order of the Society. T. Dkalky, Secretary. Financial. Gold Bars SCO par. Gold in NewYock,JL12(i. Legal Tenders in Astoria. buying SO sell ing SK). Coin exchange on San.Frnncisco percent, premium. Currency ox.cb.ango on.San Francisco.J.per cent premium. -Trade .Dollars, !)2 buying; 9394 selling: half dollar. iM! buying: vln1 sellings Shipping Port of Astoria. CLEARANCES AJS'D- DEPARTURES SVILKD Ajax, str!254 tons, Bollea, for S F Juno Ytl Gussic Telfair, str, 413 tons. GAtdner,. far. Puget Sound June ifi. AMRIVALS FROM SEA.. Sam G. Reedi sh, B56 tons, White, from Hongkong; June 13. Hera, sch 389 tons, Miller, fra.S F June 15. Garibaldi,' bk G70 tons, Noyea, from Hongkong, June 13. Portland, bkt4W.tons, Gage, fnuS. F. Jtrnc 3. JaneA.FaUdnburg.bkt., 300 tons, Hubbard, fm Honolulu,. jy'2. Caller Ou, Er. bk., 674 tons, JBea, f m,Ia). Jars. Ajjf 0. VESSELS ON THE WAX CaliferniaVsti: 673 tons, Hayes, fm Sitka, John L. Stephaasj s. 1995 tons, Mackie, fin-San 3? Jane 17. Hazard, bri?, 396 tons, Walker fm S. F. Jtine 10. Oregonian, sch 274 tona.JPennell, fra SF. Orient, brig, 312 tons,. Adamdon; fm S", F: Sea Waif, briff. 273 tons, Smith, fm S F Tarn 0'Shanter,.Bkt., 610 tons, Patterson fm S. V June 8, Abby Cooper, bbtaitSoixtb American Assaye, 12S1 ton.Bitohis;. fc Cardiff, Ti&JEtTdi Buckinghamshire Br sh. 1460 tons,Pain,fm Sydtaey. Corsica, bbi791 tons, Cueio;. fm, Sdath America. CanomaSvg) to, Rosser. fm- Glasgow yia Honolulu. Clita, Br bkt., 519 tons, "VKhyte. fmvHxraolulu. Duart Bayvahip, 936 ton; fm Europe Via Austral ia and Shangai. Enid, Br Wc, 496 tons, Benouf fm Port Chalmers. Edward James, Forbes, f m Hongkong. Forwarder bk.,T44 tons, Strachan, fm Hongkong. Gathersrship. 1509 ten, Thompson, fm liiverppcL Hero ot the Nile, Br bk.335 .tons. TJke, tm Mcl bournj,.Feb 21. Moantais, Laurel; Br bkvflW tansvBaxtccf m laaer pooL. Otto. Blk4S5. ton, Carter,. nr,Lisr4joolQcfc 14 Robert Brigtxt. Br. bk. 300 tons Hennings from ShitMltarchl3. Trevelyan. Br bklQ42tenyd wards, fmNeweastlo Woodside.Br bk.Ttfc tsKUhMtmtgojaeny, 156 days f rem Table bay. J?pe h.