C7 EsarKrrseHisEraE: glue Siii startaix. SATURDAY Juxi: 17. 1S70 0vfe and low Heads 1876. Upper Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon.) April 2-1. liu). j At a Special meeting of the Colim. hia Kiver Fishennens JJeneHcial Aid Society, the tallowing regulations for the government of all concerned were adopted. That the following drifts and tow heads he established for the fishing season of 87G. First Drift. From Wood)' Island to Brown's point. Second Drift. From Brown's Point inside of Snag Island to the 12th red buoy. Third Drift. From the loth buoy to Tongue Point. Fourth Dift. From Tongue Point to a point a little west of Booth's Cannery, at a place to oe designated by a spile or some permanent mark. 'Fifth Drift. From the termina tion of the 4th drift to Smith's Point. Sixth Drift. From Smith's Point to the Pad lie Ocean. Seventh Drift. From the rod buoy in the Prairie channel to Tongue Point up or down. Eighth Drift. The big snag in Chinook shoot will be considered a low head. The fishermen in Astoria, in coun cil have mutually agreed to bind themselves to be governed by the foregoing drifts, and it is expected from boats outside of the Society that they w ill also conform to the same. Iv order of the Society, Til OM AS 1 MCA LF.Yr Sec. ZJ5 The man who advertises his busi ness, if what he o!K-r for :u honotly what he icprc-ents it to hi or what it ought to be, is constantly assisted in his bu-ino-by tho-e who have been attracted to him and tested him. A haver ha- read u advojtisument, furf gone to hi store or woik shop, warehouse, whatever it may he, and tried what was recommended. 1 f it ha satisfied him he is plea-ed and r. coinmend it to hi neighbor, who is likely to go to the same place and tell bis neigh bor in turn. And thus little riils started by his advertisement flow in upon him from all sides, and the current of hU busi ness grow- stronger and wider and more rapid, and he prosper and grows rich, all becau-e strict attention in business he added judicious advertising. But for this he might have lingered on in the. commu nity lor years and Ins business would scarcely have been hea:d of. For fine and Artistic Photographs, go to liuchtel it Stolte, !1 anda.l First street, l'ort and. tho only first class Uallery in Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. Occident Hotel, Astoria, Oregon, The Proprietors are happy to announce that the above Hotel has been Repainted and Refurnished, Adding greatly to the comfort of its guests AXI IS NOW THE PEST HOTEL NOETII OF SAX FPANCISCO. A. J. MELEK, C.S. WMUHT, 1'ioprietors. Bay View UJM W. L ttBL C. H. DEXTER PROPRIETOR. Globe Hotel. X. KOEFCED Proprietor. Cor. Concomly and Main Sts, ASTOEIA OREGON. rrilUS OLD ANJ WELL KNOWN STAND 1. i one of the best and most convenient Hotels for Mechanics, and has excellent facili ties for the accommodation of the traveling public. Jn connection with the Hotel is A First Class Restaurant, "Where, meals can be had at all hours. There is also a BILLIARD AXTD BAR ROOM Attached to the Hotel, where the choicest (jitalities of Wino5, Liquors and Cigars may bo obtained. ALTOXA CHOP HOUSE. 3IAIX STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. T. BBAMEL Proprietor. rpiIIS NEW PLACE OF BTJSI- T7ITT7CtTT V7CmTnTC 5b X'XVJKOXL UJLDJLJ1.XIO, X 111 Every Style, to Order. The Proprietor will, as in times past, strive to merit a share of the public patronage and will WAKRANT SATISFACTION TO 38NY WHO MAY FAVOR MM WITH A CALL. Meals at all Hours ! POSITIVELY NO CHINAMEN IN MY EMPLOY. i S m j) mf RAILROAD AXD STEAMSHIPS. For San Francisco, Direct. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. s'-cprT THE OKKttOX STEAMSHIP izJr-&z-. Co4. Steamship JOHN Is. STEPHENS. PETER MACKIE Commander. Will leave Portland Warehouse and Dock Company's Wharf at the foot of IT street, for the above port, FRIDAY. JUNE 23,1876. At:i o'clock, A.M. For Freight or Pa?afie apply at the Office of the Company, corner F and Front street?. (H-:0. W. WEI1) LEU, Agent, For Port Townsend, Victoria, Fort Wranofle and Sitka. CARRYIMG U. S. MAILS. ',-CeV THE OKEHOX STEAMSHIP -&&. Co's Steam Propeller CALIFORNIA, J01IX HAYES Commander, Will leave Portland Warehouse and Hock Company s Wharf, at foot of F street, lor the above ports, SATURDAY. JTJJSY 1, 1876. At 0 o'clock A.: M. For Freight or Paajro apply at the Office of the Company, corner F and Front streets. (JEO. W. WE1DLEK, Aent, For Victoria, Port Townscna, New Westminister and Nanaimo. THE OREGON STEAMSHIP Co's Steamer GUSSIE TBLPAIR. .1. A. GARDIXER Commander. Will leave Portland Hock and Warehouse Company's Wharf at foot of F street, for the above ports, THURSDAY. JUNE 22, 1S78. AttJ o'clock, P. 31. For Freight or Passage apply at the Office of the Company, corner of Fund 1 rontstreets GEO. W WEIDLER, Agent. Oregon & California R.R.Co DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY), A follows : PORTLAND AND ROSEBURG. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:..0 A. M.IRoscburg WO P. M. Ro2ebuvg....r)t A. 31. Portland -l:loP. 31. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland n.50 P. 31,1 Albany 8.25 1 31. Albany 1::W A. 3I. Portland...lO:Oo A. 31. FREIGHT TRAINS. DAILY. (EXCEPT SUNDAY) as FOLLOWS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland :13 A. 31 .! Junction...JirfN) P. 3L Junction o:4" A. 31. Portland .",:ir 31- The Oregon and California Kailroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains. Close connections are made at ROSERURO with the Stages of the Oregon and California Stage Company. iU?7Tickctsforsalcto all the principal points in California and the East, at the Company's Ollicc, Cor. F and Front Streets, at Ferry Landing PORTLAND. Storage will be charged on freight remain ing in Warehouse- over 24 hours; Freight will not be received for shipment after o o'clock P. 31. J. P.RANDT, Jr., Gcn'l Sup'L E. P. ROGERS, Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent. MISCELLANEOUS." 3 i M 9 o o h3 o t J- S5, c. ft 5T-X z: " a r r3 '' c i B 3 CO S 3 -rj dt O dp o 02 C in- li CO 5 r-r-i r1 crz, 2 C O 2.0 ZD O 0 Cfe W. E. DEMENT, DRUGGIST. m CHKXA3T17S STREET. ASTORIA. NEXT DOOR TO 1. V. CASE'S "TvEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, VAR- J i PATENT 1MEDICINES, TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. Wines and Liquors YvQl For 3Iodical es. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. lishes, Brubhes, A. VANDUSEN MERCHANDISE. D 5s V5 C- t i"? Z. Tj 2 & C O S2 43 Full Spring- Stock! NOW OPEN, AT The Old Cornee. A. VAN BUSEH, V. holer-ale and Hctail Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Main and Chenamus Streets ASTOEIA, OREGON. GALL, EXAMINE, prtce Tins Stock, BEFORE PUHCJIASIN& ELSEWHERE. fSr-FOR IT CANNOT BE BEAT, fa fohhtoh & h z b h ?z rj .s h L h Prions, including (jaugt and Handles, bix feet nine Dollars; ti'i; feet !.7"i: 7 feet, 10 .Hi. Orders promptlv tilled hv A. VAX DUSEX, Sole Agent, for Astoria. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. D. K. Wakkkx. C. A. McGuixk. Astoria Market ! Comer of Chenamus anil Cass streets, ASTORIA, urtEGOX. WABBEN & McGUIRE, Proprietors, (Succeui'.s to Hobi-on tfc Warren,) Wholesale andliCtail Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats! A full line of Familv Groceries, CANNED FUUJLT, YEGETADLES, ETC. ttrT" Dutter, lilggs. Cheese, cie. constantly on hand. iUj Ships supplied at the lowest rates. Washington Market, Main Street, Astoria Oregon, I. BERGMAN RESPECTFULLY CALLS THE ATTEN tion of the public to the fact that the above 3Iarket will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. PACIFIC MARKET, German Sausage Factory Now Building Farkcr House Block. Main Street, Astoria. J. S. MAYER, ------ Proprietor. TX ADDITION TO THE MANUFACTURE X of all sorts cf tho Cleanost and Best made Sausage from the best quality of l'ork and Beef, at the abovo stand, in quantities suffi cient tosuppply tho trade has just opened a new stock of PRESERVES and CANNED FRUIT And a good quality of Cigars and Tobacco. BS-Krcsh Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Bams. Ba con and shoulders, always on hand. lUrFresh Eeer, Pork, 3iutton. and Vegeta ble supplied to order. Call and give me a trial. T REASURER'S NOTICE. There is funds in tho Treasury of Pacific County to pay all outstanding County Orders. Interest will cease Irom this date. JOHN CRELLEN, Treasurer Pacific Co. Oysterville, June 5,"l87b. FRESH SUPPLY OF DOWNER'S & Pratts Astral Coal Oil. These oils aro perfectly saffo and produce a magnificent light. For sale by I. W. CASE. fffM 5 . ; a p3 a r Pi i IS 2E s.i.r- w : . Krvre.ru . i vl 9 afegai-i mm i S W 11J a l!i!2l BUSINESS GAUDS. tk. S. W. DODD. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Astoria. Oregon, opposite Custom House. J. Q. A. ROWLEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ASTORIA, OREGON'. F. J. TAYLOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Koom No. ), Brown's Luilding. ASTORIA, OKEGOX A. YAN DUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC, ASTORIA. Agent Wells, Fargo. & Co. o UTO DUFNEK. PRACTICAL JSWEIER,! 3Iain street, Astoria Oregon. "WATCHES and CLOCKS cleaned and re paired in the best manner. piTAELES P. VFvIGUT. Corner of 3Iain and Chenamus street, lioods received on censignment and told to the high est bidder. pETER II. POX. MERCHANT TAILOR. New Shop, 3Iain Street, Astoria. fTothing of all kiud cut ami made to order. Cleaning and repairing. fp-STABLISIIED 3S4G. filLOCK TAMERY, sffi C. Lkixexwi:hku axi 11. Browx, Props., 3Ianufacture all kinds of Leather. BAIN & FERGUSON, Contractors and Builders, J ABE PREPARED TO -fsillSiT!; furnish material and L- nvnf Min If i I infrs tt ni'nri discription : execute any icfbtuud all kind ofCarpen-'-ters' and Joiners' work. in tho most approved styles, with N catness and Dispatch, Plans and Specifications, and HILLS OF MATERIAL Furnished on Short Notice. Charges Reasonable Seasoned Lumber Always on Hand. asr Orders left at I. W. CASE'S STORE will be promptly attended to. 0 J. & & Wtaeliard, AVESTPORT, OREGON. "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DJiY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR. SALT, HARDWARE, CR0CKERY QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, Ac. fiST Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. TpRED KROSEL, House and Sign Painting, PAPER HANGING, KALSOMINING, ETC., fecial attention paid to Country work. Shop on Squemoqha street, ASTORIA, ... OREGON. N. F. MUDGE, Contractor and Builder. ASTORIA, OREGON. ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK AND CONTRACTING promptly attended to. --)' Special attention given to wharf and mill construction. Address: N. F. MUDGE, Contractor, Astoria, Oregon. City Book Store! CHARLES STEVENS, DEALER IN All Kinds of BOOKS, STATIONARY, ETC., aIain Stueet Astoria. THE LATEST AND BEST EASTERN Periodicals and Weeklies, and the leading Newspapers of tho day. for sale, K& Coast Charts and Shipping Blanks con stantly on hand. Astoria Brewery Saloon, And Bottled Beer Depot ! MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. R UDOLPR EARTH, MICHAEL 31YERS, Proprietors. TheBestOuality Lager Beer, FIVECENTS A GLASS. VS5 The patronage of tho public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager, or Puttied Beer, in any quantity, promptly filled. if3f Free Lunch day and night. MISCELLAKEOT7S- TpOP SALE. a. ne r.nginc ueionjring 10 Astoria Fire Comnany No. i, For further particulars impure J of the Committoo on Public '- rroperty. iy order of the Common Council. FRANIC.l. TYL)K. Kecordcr. Farm and Stock on Deep River For Sale. -o- !f0 Acres, pnrHy Zm;)ruvMl. i:mit!- ins, Catlii', iy.xli JlnnU etc., etc., All of whirl -will Sic Sold C'lacni) for C'nsh. o il:5!r"For rull particulars inquire at this Ollico or on the premises of 0. -M. STARK. RARE OPPORTUNITY For Profitable In vestment I offer for 5-alo all nsy real eelaxe in Clatsop County, collating of my original Donation claim, on Lewi? and Clarke river, consisting of live hundred acres2', tide land meadow, ac knowledgfd to be thr best stock claim in the county. Al'-o, a large interest in the Upper Town of Astoria, a poition of .John Adair's do nation claim. Enquire of the Mibscriber. T. P. P'JU'EKS. Farm for Sale, -o- S20 Acres Partly Under Cultiva tion, about liivlf of tlie tract tide land. SITUAT1-.0 IX PACIFIC COUNTY, NEAR "CXITY. Will bo sold cheap for cash, with or without stock. CJood house and out building's and oi chard. 1- or full de-cription and uii thcr :ar ticitlara' apply to or address J011.N JILWTEIt.rnity, Y. T. Eeal Estate for Sale- Lots 2, Z, 1, in Block 18 9J.WM 1J ADAIR'S Astoria. 1, 2, 8, " 19 r Lots ots 5, G, 7, 8, in'Block 1 X shhhTs. " 1, in Block 18 J Astoria. Lot 7, iu Block 6G S.hf Lots 7, 83 Block GO Lot 2. in Block 99 Olney's Astoria. alse: South East Quarter of SectioEi3G, Town S Range 9 West ; Isortli West Quarter of Section 3G.. Town 8 Range 9 West. TITLES UNQUESTIONABLE. TEEMS EASY. For particulars inquire of A. VxDUSEN. GHOJCEJ Hotel or Eesiclence PROPERTY FOll SALE. THE UNDEESIGXED WISHES to dispose of hull' si block of the tho mot dcirablo property in Astoria, at low rates for 1'AKTCASll and approved note?. THE PROPEKTY IS ELIGIBLY SITUATED. NEAPv THE COU31T- UOUSE AND CUSTOM-IIOUSE, And is ahout on a level with the stroet grades, rendering it easy oi improvement, at nominal cost, It contains A SPLENDID ORCIIAED, GOOD WELL OF LIVING WATEE, SMALL FEU1TS, &-., And has upon it one of the best frame build ings in the city, 31 by 54 feet in size, two stories high, known as THE UNION HOTEL, Which, with some needed repairs, may be made equal to the best hotel building in tho city and so far as location is concerned, much tho best for families and visitors. The entin. property will be sold on easy terma-and to any person who wishes a bargain in Astoria real, estate, none can suit better than this. I'orall particulars, address J 01s ROSS, Astoria Oregon. S. KINSEY, ON THE EOADWAY, NEAEHUME; & Co's. CANNEEY, Astoria, Oregon, DEALER IX A j!' Building Materialsll OF EVEEY KIND. Nails of All Descriptions. J300ES AND WINDOWS, RUSTIC, FLOORING, BLINDS,. MOULDING, SASH, ETC. Wines and Liquors BY THi;j30TTLE OE THE GALLON Custom made "boots and Shoes. Tobacco of Fine Quality.. ' ' . -i iW This stock is in every respect Al, and will be sold at the lowestprices for cash, Givo me a call at the new store, on the ltoadway. S. KINSEY, Astoria. Oregon. WM. KNEMEYEE, VV Alanufacturer of Barrels, Kits, TanhsP ETC., ETC., SEAR KIX&Era ASTORIA FISHERY,. "Will attenito all orders in tho above lino promptly, aad i a satisfactory manner, at reasonablepaaees. 2.3in