The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 17, 1876, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 42.
' '"J. ". "'.J '-.I -1 T.''-'r" "S . J!A I."' SJZ
i-.'-'U '"-'' J-V-a'vV- 531. A.. .'.. L,B.t--!JvW--ti"-J.iyM.tJg
.MLSirMJgJl-1 J-'J. -'J-U-."3'-JbJiJl.i. Jw.Mg'-il,,..J "iJl
f it
T4 fo
&! lisix'
(Saugfoys Excepted.
. rs:Rz,AXs;, : : primes? kr.
Moiitior JhdUHiuj, Gta Sired.
Terms of Subscriptien:
Served by Carrier, jer week -" Ccnis
Sent by :is:ti!, three month? 0
ScnL by until six months I UU
Sent by juailoneyear 7 00
1m ou of 1'OPWge 1 the Subscribers.
15" Advertisement? inscited by the year at
the rate of ?1 IX) per tutie ier month.
TiaiiFicnt atlveiLi-iiuT, by the day or v,eelc,
fifty cant per square Iht insertion.
Heading noiico, in City Items column, five
ont iei line pei day. Xo charge less than
twenty-live ceiif.
Mr. James "Welch is temporarily
slopping in the C:iscude mountains, at
a pleasant ranch in the celebrated
peach, region of Hood liver.
31r. S. N. Arrigoni. who has been
a very great sufferer for mar.' months,
died at his residence in this city this
afternoon. "We have only time to-day
to announce the event.
It is currently reported on the
streets to-dav that the Oregon Steam
Navigation Company liave purchased
the wharf and warehouse in this city
known as Holladay's wharf, and will
make use of it for their purposes.
When will the Common Council
order a tax, if necessary, to improve
the cemcterv grounds ?
A large number of rersons were
ice-bound at the bar jesterday, last
evening and this forenoon. An excel
lent ice-cutter has been attached to
the Occident bar, and there is no
cause for detention. Thermometer
"way up."
Daniel G. Koss of this city nar
rowly escaped a horrid death at his
logging camp near Knappa on the
33th, by a log running upon him,
but was safely brought to the city,
and with careful treatment will proba
bly recover.
Hon. I. "W. Case, of this city,
was chosen and installed Senior
Grand Deacon A. F. A. M., at the
late session of the G. HJ, in Portland.
J. M. Shively's orchard can be
obtained for the purposes oi' cele
brating the Fourth of July at Astoria
Capt. J. G. Fairfowl was not a
passenger to San Riancisco to-day by
the Ajax, as reported. His son, J.
G. Fairfowl, jr., was the man.
The United States steamer Shu
brick will be oft for sea on Tuesday
An Interesting Bee Incident.
Our friend "W.
Idaskanie Farm,
II. Gray, Esq., of
under date of June
Egg? are cheaper now than beef! lotli, contributes the following inter
steaks at twenty-five jjenteti dozen, j osting bee incident for publicatien:
Yesteulay a tint) large second
swarm of bees came out at 12 o'clock
Telegraphic News.
Synopsis of Press Dispatches.
The- Cincinnati Convention.
As a sign of the times rake a look J
at that one produced for C. II. Page ,
ff? Cii Trvf nnil hncinncc lil. t
- - L-Tzrr " ' :im v;ere nicely hived, and at 7.30 p.
The Shoo-fly arrived at 12 o'clock j-m. placed upon their regular stand all
last night from Clifton, with ballance ' quiet. At five o' clock a. m. to-day I
of cargo for the Ajax, which allowed , examined all our nineteen hives, and
the steamer to sail to-dav. I noticed in front of the hive of vester- I
' dav 12 m., as I si ipposed, a dead queen.
-AViping the perspiation from his,1?rom curiositv to examine itl picked
forehead yesterday he exclaimed: it upj ;lIld to let mv wife and daugh
Whew! and the echo resounded, and ter see a qUeon carried it inlo
still resounds, at 3 p. m. "The hot- ; thn i.;tftilftn ll!lfl ., olinpnl ovsim;-
, , ...,.. . j.v. ... v.-...
tion. Our daughter noticed that it
was not w hollv dead. I laid it down
Platform Adopted and Nom
inations made.
Jewell, Morton. Bristow and
Conklinor Before the
testof the vcar." Thermometer C5.
"y-Loeb has just opened a
stock of L'ov's suit1-.
I upon th e table, and went about my
fine J work. Came in at 0 . m.; wife had
inoticer'l that the bee was alive, and
Little Van blacks hoots, as well . put it in the sun to see if it would re-
as btovo, and is a tip-top polisher.
-sT ft-Rubber paint, the best paint in
the world, for tale by T. "W. Cae.
jTSr? Xew Dress Goods, Summer
hat&, and notions- ju-t received at Case's.
jfc3 Decided nice are those neat ties I
for hidica and gents for sa.e by I."V.Ca?e. i
jfc'3-Go to Little Van's to-moiTOv -morning,
and get your boots polished t' jr
-rrPure (Alligator) Rubber boots,
the bc?t art: do of the kind ever madf ., ior
sale at Cac,s.
.?&- Don't go sweating avou nd in
your winter clothes but to to Cac :e's and
get a nice new suit, the finest fmd best
ffoods in the market.
vive it. Called my attention to it.
H aving learned from bee books that
the : Queen bee will not sting a person,
I exhibited it as a live Queen bee,
I u nd to fully satisfy my curiosity star
ted for the hive, where I found it.
"The House that Jack built"
Disscussion of the Chinese
Rush of Grain From the
West to the Atlantic
The whole swarm was coming out in
the greatest confusion, and .flying
about in all directions. Now is the
time to test my Queen and gain
knowledge of beeology, says I to my
self. I placed my bee Queen on a
little cleet I had nailed below the
hole in the middle of the front of the
hive. In a moment or two three bee
The Small Pox in San Francisco.
Effort being made
Suppress the Facts.
"We have no late satisfactory adz
vices from Cincinnati than were pub
lished vesterdav. The new but ex-
j gathered around my Queen, and . ploded system o "platform first" has
rubed heads, and sooner than I could ( i)een adopted, and. the coming man is
expected to, place himself squarely oi
the boards os a politician. This style
of makinir Statesmen will nrevail. it
niti- nnl iii(Mn flinii o in titl rrwl nnac .... .
Jto-flnntiwiiisil slimtrl. c. 4-i, ' "" "" .v. - seems untiL a later period m the era
sample of thco made in t' nk'countv and ! commenced the bee roll-call, or to f RepubUc. Tho Republican
i .,,. v,. uviiiuiuuu iii - rnuaaennia. at v'1141") hiciiuh,biiiiiiiuiih.u , , .i,i t,
, ,. ,. .,. ... .: uvjvjijic; lituvu ecicucu iiiv
" j ust received a complete assort- say, come see bovs, mv Queen was,
mcntofBiriCai with b - a"nd literallv j
er Baskets. I rout Baskets, p, hooks i , , , ,. , .. , , . . . '
and lines, etc., at Cage's. 'hauled through the hole into the'
on cxmoiLion m
the Centennial, just received at Dr. S. about and marched into the hive in
ten minutes, or in less time than it
aw a.i jusen iiu s jnst received a has taken mo to write this account of
ciouiing, uiago
cassimere suits.
fine stock of summei
nal coats and vests
etc., etc.
fiSTXow is th'e ti-e to purchase
your Centennial clothing for Fourth
of July, Van Duf JCn has just received
a fine assortmci it.
r'If the person who took the
Ctosb and Spf .cimen from the Vntch
Msikers, will return them they will he
thankfully rr :Ceived and no questions
regatta at Astoria on the
.&- The
illl Ol JUl itwiP. lmnnnnP lift rri-nwW f
things of ti,G k.ind ovar witness. Two
hundred a nd iiUy boats will enter for the
prize, i .ntrajjce fee 2 00.
i3"? .Iiss Belle Welch having re
moved iCr j. tocc 0f miHinery goods to the
houe fhe'.-father, corner of Wall and
JMEjnt h St reets, invites ladies to call.
J lQ best assortment of bats and trim-min-Tsin
tne cuv. Orders from abroad
pro'jiptly attended to.
it, and two r. m. all quiet.
If you think this of sufficient in
terest to bee raisers, and beginners
in bee culture, and also as a caution
not to overlook so slight an incident
as I did, which would have lost this
swarm to us, and we should have been
left in doubt as to the cause it is at
your service. w. h. c;t
Thermometer yesterday 91 J
Astoria ; 100 at Fisherton ;
&&..Our old friend, Charles H. Dex-
r, ta'j, the Oieconiar., than whom few
etter or more lavorablv known to
-e 1
Shipping: Port of Astoria.
Ajax, str 1354 tons, Bolles. for $ F June 17.
Gufcsie Telfair, str, 413 tons, tiardner, for Jp-uget
Sound June l(i.
"Wave Queen, Br bk, 853 ton, Anderson, tcs Liver
pool June 15.
Dawn bk,:250 tons, for S. l June 11.
Rival, bk 2iJ0 tons, Adams, pr S. F., June 7.
The weather at Astoria is de
lightful to-day. A fresh sea breezrj
blowing steadily keeps the atmos
phere cool and pleasant.
f .he ti nveling as well as sojourning public, j Sajfe' p,ced' sh m tons- White from Hoskong,
1 in .(Til T y'- KjUn' .'ta-ulil1. i Garibaldi, bk,. 010 toiib, Xoyes, from 3IonKkonj;.
tlO n of many improvements, his house is j Portland, bk.t. 404 tons, Gase, fm S. F. June 3.
Jann a. ralkinburg, bkt., J0U tons, Hubbard, fm
Honolulu, Mayi.
Caller Ou, Br. bk.,fi74 tons, Rca, fm Isl. Java. Apr 9.
The manifest of the stea'npr
Aussie Telfair, leaving this por'u for
Victoria and Ranainio yesterda; con -tains
an entry, "two mules, one hor &
and an ass of a fireman.7' Th elat' ;er
was a refractory curse and lu td to "be
put in chains.
no-wonen lor the recention of mio-Ls.
I? ersons contemplating a vi-it this siim
' ner to the sea aie should not fail to srive
Charley u call. Ho luia made every ar-
ftiiifpmont, rnn rnntriliitn in iUn '
Comfort and pleJtSUre of his guests, and ' California, str G74 tons, Hayeb, fm Sitka,
Mr. Dexter' reputation S a popular j John L. Stephens,, ss. 19515 tons, Mackie, fm San F
host is too well known to require mention. I JunelT-
Addf.fl tf, nil this isthf. n-nt nnft.rnl n.l. i Hazard, b-i?, 3 tons, Walker fm S.F.June 10.
- -.. j,-.-- ....,.i ,v
fin b. F
Salmon, in. cases, to the val ne of
$G5,G52.20 left Astoria to-cay for
San Francisco in the hold of tl ie Aiax
sliipped as-follows:
Hapgood & Co 2,000
Warren it Co o 5Q0
C.R-.S. co ;.;; -
H. D. Hume 374
J. W. & V.Cook m lj825
Badollet & Co s'ftOO
J. A. Devlin & Co 1 452 x- rv. 'o.
....... 00
Booth & Co
vantages Ot the location with res-pect to UreBonian, sell 2,4 tons.rennell.fmbfc.
sailimr, bathing, fishing, etc. Full nar- ' -ricnt' , m tons, Adamson, fm s. F.
ticulars .will be Jound by consulting .Mr. j Sea Wa!f' bri-273 ton5' Smitb-f,n s F
Debtor's announcement elsewhere. TaT" (?.'5hanter' Bkt-' m0 tous' Patterson'
June 8,
I Abby Cooper, bb fm South America.
Aiuv:isviJu ul-ul-vu in uuuuui.viiig uicir ' BuckinRhamsl
uuiuus fj ujc -j.iioiogr;qinic j?ern .uoi- Corsica, bb 791
tos'J icr sale in Oregon and Washington I nannmii. sn t
.-" A!" "I" t" Hli ilblUIlUUIi OI I As, lve ,., tons iJHnlno. fm f.'.ir.Uff. vin "Rio.
lire Br sb. 14(0 tons,Pain,fm Sj'dncy.
tons, Cusin, fm South America.
. T?n.t.rr fm fJlnnnw v,n HnnnJnln.
territory by 3Irs Derby of this city. These ciita, Br bkt.. 5in tons, Wliyte. fm Honolulu.
.moitQS, ior oeauty or nnisn, artistic taste, DuartBay, ship.icr, tons, fm Europe, via Austral-
and mcenuity, exceed anything of the! a and bnaiu-ai.
kind it has been our fortune to see, says a 1'-nid Br bk.,49fi tons.Renouf fm Port Chalmers.
the general agent for Oregon and Wash- . H,cro of 41? V.e Br bk m tons- pke tm Mcl
, . ., tt -i . ., bourne, rub 21.
liigton territory, desires to secure the ser- I v.,f: , . .. , rT:
vices of local agents. Any person, male i pool.
or, female, desn Hlg a pleasant and profatT j Otto. Br bk 465 tons, Carter, fm Liverpool Oct 1.4.
ble business in hnrd timns Avill find i "RnVwrf. "Rrirrf -r vv aw fnne unn;nr,c rAm
meius Marcn la.
rUyadelphia publisher, and we coincide m , Lflart James, Forbes, fm Hongkong,
tho view. Thev sell on sicht to neonlc Oil 1'orward.Br bk.,744 tons, Stracban, fm
reGned natures, and Mrs. Derbv. who is ' Gatherer, ship irii9 tons, Thompson, fm Liv
be business in these hard times will lin.
thAt with these mottos they can make a.
large percentage, Cull upon, or address
people have selected the man they
want, Hon. Roscoe Conkling, of New
York, but it yet remains for Republi
can party tacticians to decide whether
or not he shall be chosen. as the stand
ard bearer in the approacliing cam
paign. Nominations were made in the
Cincinnati Convention on Thursday.
Kellogg of Connecticut placed in nom
ination Marshall Jewell for President.
Thompson of Indiana- presented the
name of Oliver P.. Morton. Gen.
102 at ' Harlan, of Kentucky, nominated
JBenj. H. Bristow, "Poland, of Ver
mont, Curtis of New York, and Dana,
of Massachusetts, addressed the Con
vention briefly in favor, of Bristow.
When Maine was called., "hats, voices,
j andhands went up for Blaine" as expect
ed. Ingersoll, of Illinois, (the sucker),
went for Dana on the Bristow remarks,
and mentioned Blaine again, when
"hats, handkerchiefs, yoices and
hands" again struck the key note of
wildest excitement. Finally, when
! New York was called, Woodford ad
j vanced to the platform and said that
' in obedience to the injunctions of the
New York State Convention he pre
sented the name of Boscoe Conkling
broad in culture, eloquent in de
bate, wise in council, fearless in lead
ership and true to the old Republican
party". He needs neither defense nor
eulogy. He is a positive quantity in
the body politic, etc. , and the Con
vention adjourned, without taking a
The platform, adopjted at Cincin
nati, on the ICth is similar in essential
points to the platforms previously
adopted, since the war, with amend
ments. Declares the United States a
nation, not a league; the Republican
party as thedef ender. of popular gov
ernment; recommends a constitutional
amendment against any appropriation
for schools imxler sectarian control; sug
gests a moderate resolution to an in-
immigration on moral and political
grounds; favors a resxDectful considera
tion of woman's claims to participation
in the Government; reaffirms the duty
of suppressing polygamy; duty to the
soldier was recognized; it deprecates
sectional strife or anything reviving it.
It arraigns the Democratic party, etc.
as unworthy and incapable, etc.
When the question came up in
the Cincinnati Convention on Thurs
day, suggesting an inquiry into the
effect of Chinese immigration, Pierce,
of Massachusetts, moved to strike out
the resolution which he denounced
as a departure from every Repub
lican platform and of the principles of
the Declaration of Independence and
the law of Christian love, which makes
all men, Jew or. Gentile, equal. Sam.
B. Axtell, who happened to be in the
Convention from Mexico, opposed
Pierce, Jones of Nevada followed,
Dutcher, of New York sustained Ax
tell and Jones, but. Curtis, of New
York, who has so. much to say for
Blaine, urged that in the beginning
of the new century the Republicans
of America should not depart from the
principles of the Declaration of Inde
pendence. As his remarks inferred
that anti-Mongolian legislation would
involve this, he was received with
great applause. Bedford, of Colora
do, earnestly sustained the resolution
reported, and pointed out the failure
of the Chinese immigration to assimi
late to our own peorde in any way. A
delegate from Tennessee demanded the
previous question, which was-- sus
tained. The question was. taken by
States on Pierce's inotiou to strike- out,
and resulted, yeas, 215; nays, 532.
So the motion to strike out wa$. re
jected.. The resolution was then
One advantage of the present low
rates of freight from Chicago and Mil
waukee to the east is the unusually
large mpvemeni of wheat and com,to
Atlantic cities, and Europe. For two
or three weeks there has been a good
demancl.. What exports from Balti
more, Boston awl Philadelphia have
been, large, from New York last week
the offieial lists of exports includes- no
less than. 1,310,125 bushels of wheat
and 443,749 bushels of corn. The re
ceipts and exports show increase,- of
50 per- gent, over last year.
It i very evident from the tone
of San Francisco dispatches that a
very, strong effort is made to suppress
the fapts with respect to small pox.
Two.dispitches on the same day are
widely at variance. One to the effect
that the only existing case terminated
in the death of the rjatient, whilst an
other dispatch says two more were just
reported, both white, and of a severe
Gold Bars 800 par.
Gold in New York, 11 ?&.
Legal Tenders in Astoria buying. 89; sell Coin oxchango on San Francisco percent,
Currcno exchango on San Francisco Y per
cent premium.
Coin exchango on Xew York per cont. pre
mium. Telegraphic transfors on Now York 1 per
cent, premium.
Currency exchange on Xew York. percent,
Trade Dollars, 02 buying; 939l selling;
half dollar, D( buying.; I7fc97 -selling.
Astorsa Markets.
Flour.Oregon City, AXX.ti bbl
Ex Family
" Willamettosuperior, '. .......
41 Graham " " ,
3Liddlingt. x ton.,
Corn Meal, V cental
Ground barley,. xJ toa..-I
Bran Sc Shorts,.' "
Ilay "
Unions, 1 Busiicl: ,
Potatoes, ' ....7
Butter, eastern, in tubs, lb
Choice roll "
Cheese, "
Curea.Meat3,Ilams. '
SM;s, " .......,.
Shoulders, " ..........
Breakfast Bacon.,
5 23
40 00
.420e14 00
27 0640 00
25 00
250(3 00
Treelyan, Br bk 1042 tons, Edwards, f m Newcastle
"Voodside. Br bk, 790 tons Montgomery, 156. days,
from Table bay. June 1.
lotAl f v. I i J . . 1228
H Jl
A.Derby, Astoria.
quiry into tlje effect, of .the Mongolian.1 g5g35