Cl tw aiXs toriatti ASTOIJIA, OREGON : U. fc. IRELAND ...EDITOR FRIDAY. June 16, 1876. Oregon Anniversary. Thursday last being the anniversary of the day on which Great Britain for mally relinquished all claims to Ore gon, the Oregonian published a poetical tribute to the Oregon pioneers, ivritten by one who has witnessed and assisted in the building up of American civili zation on the old north-west coast from the old pioneer days-. It is an able and well written poem, filling one and a half columns of the Oregonian, from which we excerpt t Nor glitfring coin of graven mcs wore there, For men to wrangle o'er like dog- at meat. None sought to grasp his weaker brothors share Or sigh for wealth ho could not wear or eat, Then dues were paid in honest pelts and wheat, Nor courts and jails, nor bolts and bars were seen. "Where were no rogues to steal, lie and cheat: Nor strife arose, not angry founds between Those men of old, to mar their happiness sorone. The man of recent dato frem Eastern clime-, Who is so wed to mammon's sordid ways, That ho doth value money more than time, And fain would drudge for lucro all his days, -Sees little in the country now to praise, v His loud complaint, his weak unmanly sigh, A mind at war with Providence betrays. And e'en at times, with rash profanity. Ho may bo heard to greet these blessings from the skies. The Oregonian says it will be regretted by our pioneer readers that the author has withheld his name from the public, as the poem is one which no one need feel any timidity about avowing, and many a pioneer would be glad to know who writes thus gracefully upon the theme they love to dwell upon. The Fourth of July. All the necessary steps towards a grand Fourth of July celebration at this place have been taken, and all that remains now is for the citizens to put their shoulders to the wheel and have a rousing time. Many will be unable to go to Portland on account of finance and many for want of time from their business, and they will be "out" unless something is done at home. Manv citizens realizing the position, to that end directed their at tention and appointed a committee to solicit donations and learn the views of the people, which was generally met with by a hearty response of cheering words, and no small number with do nations. The programme will be an nounced in due time, probably next week, in the mean time the committee preparing, and will hold another meet ing at Spiritual Hall, Saturday night. Turn out. After the meeting to-morrow evening there will be but two weeks to complete arrangement for the Fourth of Jul celebration at Astoria Hy-ak. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1776. ASTORIA! 1876. ti&7 CZfcl fe. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. This Is Intended FOR f SHIPPING ADVERTISEMENTS. Geo. nr 11 it -iml, X vmi-4J m) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B. HAMBURGER MERCHANDISE W. Hume's Portland Packet Line. Fourth of July Celebration. OWING TO THE DILATORY Ac tion of our Solid Men, concerning the great National holiday, I feel compell ed to tell citizens generally, through the Abtorian that through the instrumentality of some of our citizens, new timber, I am enabled to offer the following as a part of OUR PROGRAMME: lst. A Regatta by the Fishermen who represent our heav- iesl ttav, showing the nerve and mu- u- cle which is our pride, in A GRAND FLEET OF Two Hundred Boats, s Mm, i a TV I Hi Perhaps 250 of them! 1776. CENTENNIAL 1876.!"! NOTICE.,,...ft. j WW KMHIJJ - and bet w the The Undersigned bee leave ! woriXm)onieS The Fourth of July. Editor Astobxak : Having noticed an advertisement hi yesterdays edition of your young, but popular paper, in reference to the aj proaching Eourth of July celebration of our Centenniall, the writer, al though a new comer, is desirous to make a few remarks with reference to the same. As Astoria is one of the oldest towns in Oregon, and carries her history back to the days of the cele brated Astor, she should not lag now in being foremost upon this particular occasion. While we respect the "Old Timber," yet, as they Lack the energy they must give place to the new, and with a good grace enable those who are anxious to' advance the interests of out town, to celebrate the coming Fourth with eclat, in a becoming manner It is an established fact that -all -of our business men here look upon the fishing interests as their chief support during the greater jwrtion of the year, and as a slight recompense should offer some inducements to the over-worked and extremely liberal fishermen &.o have made it their calling, (or other wise embarked in it for a temporary reason), so as to enable them to have some enjoyment and thereby contest for, and win a prize that may at once prove their ability, and at the same time a substantial benefit. We know no other class of people in our midst deserving more. Yet while we pay them an especial compliment, we also extend the same to oui4 neigh bors, and all who may heftcr tts with a. visit. Extending to all a hearty welcome, and assuring them that nothing shall be left undone upon our part, that may add to their gratifica tion and enjoyment -during their stay among a& A CitizbNi to call the attention of the public to his re cent arrival of STAPLE AND ANCT DRY GOODS GENTS AND YOUTHS CIOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Glassware, etc. gSr A special invoice of Centen nial Flag Calico just received call and inspect. B. HAMBURGER, Main street, Astoim, Oregon. fc3Sly o j-s WANTED. A girl to do general house work. " Wages $25 to 30 per month. IS one but a good hand need apply. Apply at Mks AGGETT'S. CHARCOAL I Any one wishing charcoal can he famished with any amount by addressing orders to C. J. TRENCIIARD, "Westport, Orogon. $5.00 k-- SSS" Five Dollabs Reward will be paid to "he finder of a small pass book, with letters in it, addressed to Thomas E. L. Logan and Thomas and James Logan. OUR OWN Columbia River For a Prize of $1,000 Invite the MASONIC, AND ALL OTHER WORTHY SOCIETIES, To Join Procession ! Invite the STRANGER Who may be Sojourning in the city to come and sit with us at the Centen nial Dinner ta ble, and enjoy the luxury of A BARBECUE Prepared by the People! "WITHOUT MONEY AND "WITHOUT PRICE. 9"If necessary and Requisite to Success! Secondly, Let us get up a display of fire works, for which we have tne funds. Third, Literary Exercises by our learn- ar .iril rtlrknnr.nt ivwill it1lllflincr l "Pnpm uu .ju-ju-www tn-i- ...w..... .. ........ j by a gentleman known to he fully compe tent. Jb air greeting ana kindly remem brance of our children. Fouith, A National Salute, which I propose to nro, ana omer exercises to oe We have concluded to make an effort to double the circulation of the Weekly Astokiax in Oregon and Washington Territory within the next six weeks, and instead of offer ing trashy pictures and books as premiums, make a proposition to our friends direct, as follows : SEND US ONtE ! New subscriber at $1 75 for the next year, and we will send you the WEEKLY ASTORIAN one year at the same rate, when your present subscription expires. SEND US FIVE New subscribers at SI 75 for the next year, and we will send you the WEEKLY ASTORIAN free for one year, when your pres ent subscription expires. SEND US TEN New subscribers at SI 75 for the next year, and we will send you the WEEKLY ASTORIAN FREE for one year, when your pres ent subscription expires, and will allow you $2 50 for vour trouble. Ten names and fifteen dollars. SEND THE NAMES AND THE MONEY as you receive them Sub scriptions may begin at any time. Tell us what list you are working up whether for one, five, or ten names. Money may be sent at our risk when registered, but we prefer Post office orders S7o- cents. No paper will" be sent, under this arrangement, unless the money ac companies the order. After the 31st day of July, 1876, this special offer will cease to be in force, and the jisual rate of $3 00 per year will be charged. Address D. C. IRELAND, Astoria Oregon. VESSELS IN THE ABOVE line will leave San Francisco regularly every seven days for the Columbia luver : NOW LOADING Brig SEA WAIF 273 tons. will bo followed by the Bark DAWN 250 tons. Sch. HERA 330 tons. Brig HAZARD 30G tons. fi For freight or passage apply to 0. W. DUIJIIOT. 318 Kront St. San Francisco-. GEO. II. FLANDERS. Agent, Portland. Oregon. TLWACO STEAM 1 COMPANY, NAVIGATION UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The steamers Gen. CANBY, - JL. AND AQUi VARUNA, WILL BE IN READINESS TO DO all kinds of towing at reasonable rates. Either the Cnnby or Vnruna will make trips every MONDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY ASD SATURDAY, FOR ILWACO (Unity), &3T CALLING AT WAY PORTS,- And return the same day. Leaving at the usual hour, 8 o'clock, A. M. 3r" The reputation of these steamers guar aotoes safe and speedy trnnsit to any point desired. BSF" For charter, freight, passage, or tow age, apply on board, or at the office of tho Company in Case's Building, Astoria, or to J. 11. D. GRAY, Agent. Bv order of L. . LUOMIS. President SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. ATTENTION SIR:KNIGHTS. There will be a meeting of the An-ti-chinese club at the Court Houe on Sat urda3T, 17th, at 8 o'clock sharp. Only members and those wishing to become members will be admitted. Business im portant. By order . A. H. SALE. Pres. Unity ai Overalls Staps ! liOomis fc Csirru titers - - Proprietors STAGES IN THE ABOVE LINE will leave Unity Tuesdays and Satur dayson the arrival of tho ILWACO j&BxzZkz- STEM IHf, COMPANY'S STEMW From Astoria, and will leave Oysterville Men days and Fridays, connecting with the Ilwaco Steam Navigation Company's steamer for Astoria. BtPassongors Ticketed through; also, thro bills of ladincr givon for freight. Facts Worth Knowing. A. W. Cone, - - Astoria, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SI10E. Cannot bo beat in tko Boot and Skoo line. Call and see him. S1GX OF THE GOLDEN SHOE, Main Street Astoria, Z&ZJ!Zr TIFTY THOUSAND OAK HOOPS, BARRELS and UALF BARRELS, For sale hy G. J. HOGUE, At Chehalis. Lewis county, W. T,on tho Northern 1'actfic Railroad. April 8, lb7u tf ISTotic o. FEOM AND AFTER THIS DATE charges and advances on freight land ed at the 0. S. S. Co.'s Wharf, Astoria, must be paid before the freight leavos tho ware house. J. G. HUSTLER, Acent. COLUMBIA EIVER PILOTS. Officoattho OCCIDEN'T HOTEL Astoria, Oregon. P JOHNSON H. A. SNOW, V.E.FERCinsN. M. M. GILM 4N. G.REED. RICHARD HOYT. C.S.WRIGHT, Agent. B OAT BUILDING. the residence town IRA CUTTING WA TORMAKEli and JEWELER. X private letter to the editor from Dallie, PoBe owunty, --contains the cheewag intelligence ifoat notwith standing the continued rain of past iinprecedeMted milter, and other cir cunistancea regarded as unfavorable to a f nil crop ol cereals Mi Ike Wallamet valley, a greater' acreage" Ihaa been soWn, 4Snd the recent shtftfgrs have brought the latest -sowing folVard in a way vctfy Satisfactory amount of heat, oats, and barky ivill j be harvested.- The present coit&&ion ' of the crop promises an immense j yield. "There never has been a short j crop in Oregon yet.- ANNOUNCES TO THE PEOPLE OF .Astoria and vicinity that bo is noir yfis parod to do all kinds of WATCHMAKING AND JEWELLING In the neatest possiblo manner. Ail work warranted. w Agent for the WALTH AM and ELGIN Watches. IRA CUTTING. Chon.musiTeot, Astoria, Ogn. Having completed my shop between Tallman's landing and Westport on tho Co lumbia river,) I am now prepared to build FISHING BOATS, ROW BOATS, SKIFFS, ETC., ETC., everything in tho lino of boats. ' Copper fas tened boats a speciality." My motto is; iirst class work for a fair re muneration. P. O. Address. T.D 111300 LL. Westport Ogn. For Freight or Charter. THE Al NEW SLOOP, Geo. Flavel, FRED "WASS Masterr Is now in readiness for business, and offers superior accommodation to tourists on tho bay. Will carry freight or passengors to any point at reasonable rates. Apply on board . New Pleasure Yacht. rrHE NEW SLOOP which was lost on Saturday June 3d. be Iwrcn Astoria and upper town,reyard paid i defined by a meeting ol ourcitizens, which on leaving mu uook ai uns omce, or at we now call, for of Mr. Goshn, at upnerl C ATTTDn A V ET"7"E"MTTTn June 17, 1876, at 8 o'clock, At Spiritual Hall, Come all SocU'tied, all Lodges, Chapters, Creeds and Nationalities, (excepting always tJho Chinamen), and make of this "an affair equal to our Pretentious "would-be Monitor up in the Slough. FaF To a stranger what a snd commen tary upon the pride in their native heath1 of the people of Astoria, is their very re!y wish to shake its dust from their feet upon the Great National Holiday, and fly to Portland! Where is your boasted self reliance of the Commercial Community of Astoria? that a ttamgr Jead tennfer from general conversation!, tfrat the Great Centennial Day wiU piss here no ticed only by your children? for upon my word Young America will celebrate, and thereby bring a reproach to his progeni tors Jt thousand time sharper than the erpents tooth. I notice hand bills about tuwn telling of great -expectations in far interior out of way communities where their oonortunities Tut of a necessity be j small. Will .then vmr people let the day i VRs unnoticed? Ikopenot. No; for man hood. JNo; for patriotism JNoj lastly, for the God -given p-erogative of the American to honor his own Home. Dr.JsG'BKIEN, lor h Volunteer Corns MENDLESON & BR0. DEALERS IN" 1H hilly! ColumbiaBar Saloon Jas. M. Lynch Proprietor, ASTORIA. OREGON. o J. H, Cutter's ami Miller's Extra Old Bourbon Whiskey, .j, , i w. in ui ukc9 a uun kwiwirii rwi li anuus usuai McEwans ALE,Hollaidand GenevaGINS. A new l'holan & Cbjlttidnr Auiorican Car bm Billiard Table with patent cushions and a, new set. And a choice lino of imported WINES and LIQUORS to which 1 invito the attention of my customers and tho public generally. dAS;M:LOCII: AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CONCOMLY St., ASTORIA MAY BELL, E. C. SHIVELY Master. Is now ready for freight or charter to any rxrint on tho bay. Having fine accommoda tions for ploasnro seekers, and a rocord for fast mailing, offers superior accommodations to excursionist'. For freight -or charter, at reasonable rates, apply at tne restaurant of h. U. lloluen. d, K. C. SllIVELY;, Astoria. HAVE JUST LAID IN A New Supply of Select Ms FOB THE FOURTH OF JULY. 1776. I87C FIREWORKSL FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! In Great Variety, at RusselFs Variety Store. ALSO: , California 'Hhwife Astoria and Knappton. TEGULAR DAILY MAIL BOAT. Sloop "KATIE." 2 J. A. RICHARDSON - - - Master. Will leave Astoria, FOR KNAPPTON AND RETURN DAILY. 3" For freight or passage, at living rates? apply on board, -or at I. "W. Case's store. Astoria Sail Loft, NOW READY FOR BUSINESS. fttroiize Him Manufactures-Keep the Money Here BEGS general. LEAVE and the TT1HE. "DNDERSIGNED j. io worn tne pu micro g Sherinen prticularly. that h ed to mkke sails of every description on short notice, ami at reasonable rates. Address: A. M. JOHNSON , Astoria, Oregon io is now prepar- BILLS OF LADING, "WAY BILLS, Receipts, and nil kindu of Commer cial Printing, done at the Astorian office.''' CALL, EXAMINE, ORDER.";