c MM vmfr. jhsaav.- m Ll Jlli. II ,LJBl.JggU z faiXaj slrofcro. ASTORIA, dBEGOlft J. t. IRELAND EDITOR THURSDAY.-... ..-.v. June 15 1876. Puget Sound Talk. pie, blessed with, mcire railroads tfiUL' the owners and managers know what to do with and only eight miles of wagon road. Contemplate the scene ! Isn't it enough to restrain all possible combination of powers who would ope rate more ample channels than are now provided. Oregon is better jro vided with railroads than any, com monwealth in the whole world. Three hundred thousand people here could not expect better facilities than those Give us railroad connection direct now provided, ana yet we are not sat to the wheatefields of the Willamette isfied. Must we continue on in our Valley, and if Puget Sound shipping iieadlong course, crying more, without don't have the wheat carrying trade in stoppmg to consider what advan- less than two years, you may write us x ,., , . e down a false prophet. taSes would be hkel to accrue froni The above item is clipped from an some well directed efforts in behalf of Olympia paper: "Give us railroad j gon roads. A turn-pike toll road -connection direct to the wheat-fields j from Astoria to Albany would be a of the Willamette Valley, and if Puget I better investment for the people than Sound shipping don't have the wheat a connection of the railroads between carrying trade in less than two years, Kalaina and Portland. Peal estate is vou mav write us down a false j depreciating in 'the towns, and freight prophet." We admire the right kind V? NEW TO-DAY. NEW TO-DAY. XT 1776. astoria! 1876. . of pluck and spirit in a community and we admit that Puget Sound is "the finest .body of water in the 'world," but railroad connection with the wheat fields of the Wallamet Valley will never build up an exten- the middle men, and this extra lesson ;miinmm.afni.Aiii. frmn nn tlio will cost the vallev thousands of dol- Dill WiUJUUiVW V. VUi uuuuu v. w m on the rivers advancing, because of the recent combination of capitalists in the various lines of boats on the Wal lamet and Columbia rivers, and the poor farmer will get fearfull3r sinched between the private corporations and This : Is Intended FOR 9 &Nr shipping Advertisements. ISII Fourth of July Celebration. basis proposed.- The wheat carrying trade of Oregon will be done on Ore gon waters so long as grass grows and fruit ripens. Puget Sound, by the nearest route from the Columbia river is 115 miles distant by railroad. The Columbia river forms an important highway of commerce for nearly 1,000 miles interior. It was by this route that, in 1802-1806 Lewis and Clarke found their way to the Pacific Ocean near the point now known as Astoria. It was the wish of the founders of this Republic that this great natural water route be preserved, and to make it a permanent means of communication between the extensive and fertile re gioni of Eastern Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Montana Territories, as well -as the undeveloped mines of the Sritisli Possessions, Congress is now about to make a liberal appropri ation from the Federal Treasury. One of the most important problems demanding solution at the hands of the American Statesman, is: "by what means shall cheap and ample fa cilities be provided for the interchange of commodities between the different sections of our widely extended coun try?" and in the course of researches upon this subject, running through years of patient application, by many of the wisest men of the nation, it has beeri clearly demonstrated that water routes not only afford the best and cheapest known means of transporta tion, but that railway competition is always unreliable and inefficient, and invariably ends in what? com binations ! Very well, here is the no ble old Columbia, one of the grandest, most majestic streams, that ever floated a vessel now, then; wrill any one pretend to say that this river will eveY be forsaken by the shipper for a railroad combination of ll5 miles to the sea-board from Kalama, when the distance by water to the fiea at Astoria is less than sixty milesi It would be assuming a position that cannot be maintained, and there will certainly be found a false prophet at Olympia. lars more than it would cost to pro vide a remedy but no remedy will be provided without effectual effort. It may be that the canal and locks can be purchased by the State, but that is now a matter of doubt. The propo sition was made at a time when the company were anxious to get out of the work. Now that they control everything connected with transpor tation from and to the valley, perhaps they will not want to sell, but the peo ple can build good wagon roads, and be less dependent, if the' wish to do so. We offer them this much by way of suggesting a method for careful consideration. OWING TO THE DILATORY AC tion of our Solid Men, concerning the great National holiday, I iel compell ed to tell citizens generally, through the Adrian that through the instrumentality of some of our citizens, new timber, I am enabled to offur the following as a part of OUR PROGRAMME: 1st. A Regatta by the Fishermen who roprcMjntour hcav- ; iot fctay, showing's tliannrvoanil miK. M cle which is our pride, in J A GRAND FLEET 5 Two Hundred Boats, 3gfegfe Perhaps 250 of them! of the fin&.t build that ri '.j . J, i ever cam o WfJaLJiMBM from a MsMHaStai workshop gSnna best 5 sailing qualities in the o world, upon Geo. W. Hume's .Portland Packet Line. our own ? Z jjg37 NEW TO-DAY. OFFICE OF LIGHT-HOUSE EN giner, Thirtenth District, Port land, Oregon, June 6th, 187G. The U. S. Light Station at Yaqufna Point, Oregon, with he sold at Public Auction to the highest bidder in front ol the Occidental Hotel at Albany, Oregon, at 10 o'clock u. m., Thiifedny, July 13, 1876. The Station includes a dwelling, outhouses, and about thirty-six acres of land. The right ib reserved towithdiaw the property if it is deemed advisable. For tpeeificatiops and lurther information ap ply at this office.. By order of the Light-house Board. JOHN M. WILSON. Maj. of Engineers, Bvt. Col. U. S. A'L. IIEnj? A Prescription for W. H. Smith, Parker & Co. Astoria, June 14, 1876. Editor A store an: My attention was called to a lengthy article in to-days daily from W. H. Smith of Lewis and Clarke river, hardly worthy of notice but contains so many faUeboods, that ifany one is interested enough in the matter and wis.h to know the truth, I refer them to our old and truthful citizen on Lewis and Clarke river, Mr. Frank Ear rows and Elijah C. Jetfi iet. Respectfully, J. H. D. Gray. B. HAMBUPGERMERCHANDISE -StSJwsBBPSfl Bjfp5f 1776. CENTENNIAL 1876. NOTICE. Oregon Roads Railroads. In the discussion of existing and pro posed channels of commerce in Oregon, people too often forget the principal and most practicable improvement needed. Did it ever occur to you that, not withstanding all the aids and appro priations that have been made by Con gress and the Assembly, for the bene fit of transportation routes in this Sta,te. there is but one short waaon 7 . ..0- road in Oregon Only eight miles at -j best, and that was built for a pleasure j drive? We allude to the Portland and Milwaukee McAdamized roadi That is all there is in all of Oregon that can be classed as passable for teams twelve months in the year. The last census gives the State a oojiafidc population'of 100,000 people. JButerprising, prosperous, happy peo The Undersigned beef leave to call the attention of the public to his re cent arrival of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS GENTS AND YOUTHS CIOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Crockery, Glassware, etc. A special invoice of Centen nial Flag Called just received call and inspect. B. EAMBURGER, Mam street Astonnj Oregon; Columbia River For a Prize of $1,000 Invite the MASONIC, AND ALL OTHER WOTHY SOCIETIES, To Join Procession ! Invite the STRANGER "Who may be Sojourning in the city to come and sit with ua at the Centen nial Dinner ta ble, and enjoy the luxury of A BARBECUE Prepared by the People! WITHOUT MONEY AND "WITHOUT PRICE. 3If necessary and Requisite to Success! Secondly, Let us get up a display of fire works, for which we have the fund:?. Third, Literary Exercises by our learn ed and eloquent men including a Poem, by a gentleman known to be fully compe tent. Fair greeting and kindly remem brance of our children. Eourth, A National Salute, which I propose to tire, and other exercises to be defined by a meeting ot our citizens, which we now call, lor SATURDAY EVENING, June 17, 1876, at 8 o'clock, At Spiritual Hall, Como all Societies, all Lodges, Chapters, Creeds and Nationalities, (excepting alwayt the Chinnmcn), and make of this an affair equal to our Pretentious would-be Monitor up in the Slough. gSi" To a stranger what a sad commen tary upon the pride in their native heath' of the people of Astoria, is their very ready with to shake its dut from their feet upon the Great National Holiday, and fly lo Portland! "Where is your boasted self- renance oi me commercial Community of Astoria? that a stranger is lead to infer from general conversations, that the Great Centennial Day will pass here no ticed only by your children? for upon my word Young America will celebrate, and thereby bring a repronch to his progeni tors a thousand time sharper than the serpent's tooth. I notice hand bills about town telling of great expectations in tar interior out of way communities where their opportunities must Qi a necessity be small, will then our people let the day pass unnoticed? I hope not. No; for man hood. No; for patriotism. No; lnstly, for the God-given prerogative of the American to honor his own Home. Dr. J. O'BRIEN, for the Volunteer Com. "We have concluded, to make an effort to double the circulation of the Weekly Astorian in Oregon and Washington Territory within the next six weeks, and instead of offer ing trashy pictures and books as premiwns, make a proposition to our friends direct, as follows : SEND US ONE New subscriber at 1 75 for the next ymir, and we will send you the "WEEKLY ASTORIAN one year at the same rate, when your present subscription expires. . SEND US FIVE New subscribers at SI 75 for the next year, and we will send you the WEEKLY ASTORIAN free for one year, when your pres ent subscription expires. SEND US TEN New subscribers at $1 75 for the next year, and we will send you the "WEEKLY ASTORIAN j FREE for one year, when your pres ent subscription expires, and will allow you $2 50 for your trouble. Ten names and fifteen dollars. SEND THE NAMES AND THE MONEY as you receive them Sub scriptions may begin at any time. Tell us what list you are working up whether for one, five, or ten names. Money may be sent at our risk when registered, but we prefer Post office orders 87 cents. No. paper will be sent, under this arrangement, unless the money ac companies the order. After the 31st day of July, 1876, this special offer will cease to be in force, and the usual rate of S3 00 per year will be. charged. Address D. C. IRELAND, Astoria Oregon. VESSELS IN THE ABOVE line will leave San Francisco regularly every seven days for tho Columbia iuver : NOW LOADING Brig SEA WAIF 273 tons. will be followed by the 4 Bark DAWN 250 tons. Sch. HERA 380 tons. Brig HAZARD 39G ions. 2T For freight or passngc apply to G. W. IHJr.lifTV, 31S Front ?t. San Francisco. GEO. H. IT, ANDEilS. Agent, Portland. Oregon. TLWACO STEAM 1 COMPANY, . NAVIGATION UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ' Tho steamers Gen. CANBY, jL K VARUNA.iwLC WILL BE IN READINESS TO DO all kinds of towing at iva-onablo rates. Either tho Canby or Varuna will mane trips overy MONDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY A1SD SATURDAY, EOR ILWACO (TTnitv), $3 CALLING AT WAY P0RTS,-$3;. And return the same flay. Leaving thn usual hour. 8 o'clock, A. jI. KS" The reputation of these steamers guar aetocs safe and apcedy'ti ansit to any point desired. at fir" For charter, freight, pasago, or tow age, apply on board, or at tho ollico of tho Company in Caso's Building, Astoiia, or to J. il. D. GRAY, Agent. Bv order of L. . LOOMIS. President MISCELLANEOUS. (j;C ff REWARD.-LOST. 33- Eive Dollars Reward will he paid to the finder of a small pass hook, with letters in it, addressed to Thomas E. L. Logan and Thomas and James-Loejan, which was lost on Saturday June 3d, be tween Ahtoriaand upper town,Tewatd paid on leaving the book jit this office, or at the residence of Mr."Goslin, at upper town. Columbia Bar Saloon Jas. M. Lynch Proprietor, ASTORIA, OREGON. o , J. H. Cutter's and Miller's Extra Old Bourbon Whiskey, ' J. W. Bridges & Son's LONDON PORTER, McEwans ALE,Hollandand Geneva GINS. A new Phclan & Collendar American Car om Billiard Table with patent cushions and a now set. And a choice linn of imported WINES and L1QUOKS to which I invito the attention of my customers and tho public generally. JA&M. LYNCH. SEMI-WEEKLY LIIS'E. Unity anil Oystervllle Stages I Loom Is A Carrutliers - - Proprietors STAGES IS THE ABOVE LIKE will leave TJnKy Tuesdays and Satur dayson the arrival of tho ILWACO STEAM IH, COMPANY'S STEAMER From Astoria, and will leave Oystcrvillo Men days and Fridays, connecting with the Ilwaco Steam Navigation Company's steamer for Astoria. ttttf" Passengers Tickoted through; also, thro bills of ladinsr givon for freight. Notice. FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE charges and advance on freight land ed at tho 0. S. S. Co.'s "Wharf, Astoria, must be paid before the freight leaver the ware house. J. G. HUSTLER, Agent. COLUMBIA RIVER PILOTS. Office at tho OCCIDENT HOTEL, 1 Astoria, Oregon. hl& P JOHNSON B. A. SNOW, P. E. FEKCHlsN. M.M. OILMAN, G.REED. 1UCI1AKD IJOyT. C.S. WRIGHT, Agent. SIR.-KNIGHTS. A TTENTION There will he a meeting of the An-li-chinese club at the Court Hoube on S urday, 17th, at S o'clock sharp. Only members and thoe wishing to become members will be admitted. Business important. By order A. H. SALE, Pres. MENDLESON & BRO. DEALEKS IN AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, COXCOMLY St.. ASTORIA. For Freight or Charter. THE Al NEW SLOOP, Geo. Flavel, FRED WASS Master. Is now in readiness for business, and offers superior accommodation to tourists on tho bay. 9T Will carry freight or passengers to any point at reasonable rates. Apply onboard. New Pleasure Yacht. rpHE NEW SLOOP MAY BELL, R. C. SHIVELY, Master. Is noir ready for freight or charter to any point on tho bay. Having-fine accommoda tions for pleasure seekers, and a record for fast sailing, offers suporior accommodations to excursionists. For freight or chartor. at reasonable rates, apply at tno restaurant of is. U. H olden. d. K. C. SIIIVELY, Astoria. HAVE JUST LAID IN A If Supply of Select (Ms FOR THE -FOURTH OF JULY. 1776. 1876. -o- FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! In Great Variety,, at Russell's Variety Store. ALSO: California Fricit. Astoria and Knappton. TDEGULAR DAILY MAIL BOAT. Sloop "KATIE," J. A. RICHARDSON - - - M.srat. Will leave Astoria, FOR KNAPPTON AND RETURN DAILY. 9T For freight or passage, at living rates, apply on board, or at I. Y. Case's storo. Astoria Sail Loft, STOW READY FOR BUSINESS. Patronize Home Manufactures Keep the Monej'Here THE UNDERSIGNED L to inform tho public in BEGS onnr.il. fishermen particularly, that lie is now prep; ed to make sails of overy descriptioo on sh notice, ana at reasonable rates. Address: A. M. JOHNSON , Astoria, Oregon, LEAVE and tho ar- ort BILLS OF LADING, WAY BILLS, Receipts, and all kinds of Commer cial Printing, done at the Astorian office. CALL, EXAMINE, ORDER