Czl f ary rrtssoemr -.icr-t ESS9E33: S&e ml- at&ST ASTORIA, OREGON: J. C. IREL.AXD ..J. EIITOR TUESDAY. .... ........J-USE 13, 1S7G, The National Republican Con tention will meet, in Cincinnati to morrow. E. C. Gardner, the architectural writer, says that our school houses have been built on too extensive and extravaganta scale. He does not be lieve that delicate young girls should be compelled to climb up into a high, ugly tower and twist in a magnificent garret. Ireland desires temperance. In the British House of Commons Mr. Smyth's resolution in favor of stop ping liquor traffic on Sundays in Ire land has been carried by a majority vote of fifty-seven. The mover quo ted the charges of judges and other authorities to prove the increase of intoxication, while numerous peti tions and memorials showed a strong desire that the public-houses should .be closed on Sunday. The CXpera-liouse building at Ka lama was carried away on VJie tenth hy high water. The theatre building has caved in, and a part of the gas com pany's buildings are ruined beyond repair. The railroad track is sub merged and partly washed away. Tt is a bad blow for Kulama. ISine grain elevators and sixteen distilleries have been skipped because of so much water. It was heralded all over the Uni ted States, a few weeks ago, that Dr. Mudd, who gained such unenviable notoriety in, and was sent to the Diy Tortugas, for supposed complicity in the assassination of President Lincoln, lias been elected to the Maryland legislature. It was a case of mistaken identity. The man elected -was named Geo. D. Mudd, and has .always been known as an ardent Union man. A !Newr York coiTespondent of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle puts Commodore Vandcrbilt's wealth at 15,000,000. He is below the mark; even in these days of depreciated values the old man holds securities worth mil lions more than that; Daniel Drew put the property of the Commodore at one hundred millions; but perhaps he gets it too high. Still, every one will allow that Vanderbilt is by far the richest man in America, at least in immediate ly realizable property. The Boston Post warmly advocat es the bicycle as a means of locomotion and pleasure. It seems that in France gentlemen of distinction ride long dis tances over the public roads, and hi Massachusetts and Hhode Island con siderable journeys have been accom plished with this machine. Is everthe less, the bic3',cle will not do either as'a means of travel or of diversion. It is too hard work to drive one over any thing except a smooth, hard, level sur , face. In France where all the high ways are macadamized, a stout fellow may make pretty fair time with a good machine, but in this country, where mere are sandy hills and mudd' hol lows, it is no use trying. "V. P. Keady, one of the Salem Ifiremen, caned J J. Murphy a few Ways ajjo. The com nan v to which lip jelongs backed him in it, although t was a costly job. So far as we are ible to learn Murphy deserved all he ;ot, and a little more, he has ahvavs aken an active part in the or a ill ation of the department, and ICeadv )ld him, when he caned him, that L " T) ..;.) r i.:.. r 3 j. ivojurjjb yji bins v-winpany, your mdiift has ever been just and im- brtial, ahvavs displaying the sterl- !g qualities which characterize the an of kindly heart and generous lpulse; and as a testimonial of (he teem in which you are held bv e members of Capital Engine "om- Iny o. 1, we offer you this cane." bones were broken excenfc chink 's at the table. Wine : didn't ho ie thouirh.- t & r T ..! 3W" -T r i4 Warning to Bathers. It has long been known that it'is injudicious for any-' one to go into water just after eating a full meal, but it is not so well known. that the practice may result in death. This latter fact seems to be demonstrated by the recent death in a bath-in BristolrEiiglan3, of a bov thirteen years old. He had never had. a fit. and is believed to have been in per fect health. "When found in the water the crown of 'his head was just above thesurface, and he was stand ing in a stooping position, with his face just under the water. At the place where he was the water was only three feet four inches deep,' while the boy's height, was four-feet nine inches. The temperature of the water was seventy-five degrees.. The medical testimony disclosed the fact that the deceased had eaten heartily just before entering the water, or at least had not given his food time to digest. lie' had vdmited a large quantity of food, and when found' his mouth and throat were full. "-The opinion was expressed in the medical testimony, and endorsed by the ver dict of the jury, that death resulted from epilepsy, brought on by the dan gerous practice of entering the water immediately after eating a meal. The Emperor William, on his way to Coberg, breakfasted at Eisenach. 1 About the table were eight clrdrsanda sofa with cushions. The Emperor asked the waiter for whom the sola wjk placed there. "Ear your Imperial 3lnjpsty," taid the waiter. "Take it away," replied the monarch, "and give me a chair like the others." This incident ib characterise to the Emperor, who will not submit, when tiaveling, to be distin guished in any uvy from hi lvthmc. According to an Olympia paper it takes the steamer owned in that place a whole day to tow a raft of logs from the Marshfield bridge to Tumwater, a distance of two miles. Poor Old Dog Why Did You Stray. Wntten for tlio.storian. Doubtlc-a you have all heard say That every dog must have iU day: Some i-hare ihe fateoi "poor old Tray." Poor old dog why did you stray. Poor old dog why did yon stray ; Your la re was, cjood with auglit to pay, Only a wag and a hai k to ny Poor old dog why did 3Tou stray. Poor old dog why did .you stray, Fioni the peaceful home where you was wont to j)! ay. And va happy light hearted and gay, Poor old dog why'didyou it: ay. Poor old dog why did you stray, Come tell me ere you pa away ; Yon will soon go mad and then thev'll slay, Poor old dog why did you stray. Tom Tixkek. ir-The June number of Samuel's AVepl Shore ha ajmeared and contains most excellent cuts-, repii'scnling the dil lerentgold medals and the silver cup to be awarded at the Portland Centennial celebration; and alo an exten.-ive gen eral irogramine of the exeiekos and tournament- to take place in that city during the we.'k of juhilee. Tiu-e eii-encjrjiving- would he creditable to the he-t publication in the country. A number -of other very intere-ling iilu.-:ratiou, alo appear in thK number, be.-ide- descrip tive and other reading matter. 3Ir. Sam uel evince- much energy and comprehen--ion in the management of the "West Shoie, and access is well merited. J&r-The man who advertises his busi noh, if what he oiler;, for sale i-. homtlv what he iepreenta it to be or what it ought to be, is constantly ah-Uted in his bu.-im by tho-e who have been attracted to him and tested him. A buyer ha- read his advertisement, ani geat: to his stoic or work shop, warehouse, whatever it mav be, and tiled what vn5 recommended. If it h:ib atistied him hvU pleased and r.--eommends it o hinei;hh.r, whois likely to go to the same plac. and tviriiis i.-eih-bor in turn. And thus little rills j-taiu-d by hk adverli-emeut flow in ujjoii him n om :ill siue, and the cm rent ot U bu-i- ne. ciow-s stiungtM-ancl wider ami more j inpid, and lie; nra-pi-i and i;rws ridi, all 1 t)cau-e strict attention in IimJih... iw, addi-d judicious advert miil'. But for tlii lit might have lingered on in the. commu nity tor years and hi. business ould ?earcel3T have been hea:d ot'. J3" e roi'er our reader. to thr: ndver-fh-umoiit of a Jan n for sale on Diep river. This ib tin- Ust opo:tunity ihat wehnow ot lor any .man wanting ;i gfi plneo, choaji, aiiitabie for dauying "or fanning purpo-fe.. The only reason for whin to fll, ikthat the iiic.,.nt u-nn.. Ar,. n M. btark is about to engage in other busi- "For fine and Artistic Photojrrnuli'i v to Euchtel&Stolte, JH nnd! First Tst recti rort .und.iiiooniv nn.fcrlas(5nllor-; in, ...rf u ViviiUU. NEW TO-DAY. A XTENTION SIR:ENIGHTS. ? ThnrA tciH h mpofinor rf thf An. ,li-chinpse club nt the Coarjt Housse on Sat urday 17th, nt S o'clock Jhaip. Only members and thoe wishing to become members will be admitted. Business im- J portant jj.v oraer j. n. OALlEj, jrres. - i t t s. H s as. o u o h-j r . - Cr tag mL v Lsj m S s i o r ft S ST ? H m c c x iri -: X - - 0 pa H in O 1 1 m m MENDLESON Si BBO. DHALEllS IX AND G-ENTS1 FUPISETN-G GOODS, C()XC(WILY St., ASTORIA. HAVE JUST LAID IN A lew Suplv of Select 5 FOK THE FOriiTII OF .JULY. pnAHCOAL ! Any one wishing charcoal can he furnished with any amount by addressing order to C.J. TRENCH ARD, "Westpoit, Oregon. npiKEAsurjsii's notice. Thorc is funds in tho Tri.urv of Pacific County to ay all outstanding County Oidere. Intcnt will cva-e Irom this dtc. JOHX CPvELLEN. Tron-urcr Pacific Co. Ofsterville, Juno 5, S76. TfflXSTED. A srirl to do general house work. AV:igosrt$2r) to ;0 pr month. None but a good hand nuwl apply. Apply at 3Iks DAGGETT'S. 5 776. 1876. FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! In Great Variety, at Russell's Variety Store. I ALSO: California Fviuii. S. KINSEY, OX THE HOADAVAY, NEAR HUME & Co's. CANNERY, Astoria, Oregosi, DEAL ER IX yjil'-' Buirding Materialsj. OF EVERY KIND. Nails of All Descriptions. DOORS AND "WINDOAVS, RUSTIC, FLOODING, BLTXDS, MOULDING, SASH, ETC. "Wines and Liquors IJY THE BOTTLE OR THE GALLON Custom made boots and Slioes. TriKnr- f T7; r r. L ODaccO OI P me Quality. i&T" This stock is in every rcsnect Al. and , will he sold at the lowest pricos for cash. Give mo a can at tno now store, on tho Koadway. S. K13TSEY. Astoria, Orogon. "ROAT JJUILDING. V .A' Having completed my shop j.bcLwuc rnllintmy landing and U etpurl on tlic O uon ' IUIMU11 Ul x iim nuv prepared to build - EISHlNa BOATS, EOW BOATS, skipes, etc.,. etc:;.." ' OVtirvlhinc in.f hn linn nPVuvrfe 'ipau itened boats a speciality."' " U1"'ur 11U" Jlyinotw is: hrst class work for a' fair're muneratiiuji J'. I).-Address. w"wi vm o?k l m k " r - j w g h x b xfpeSI J? IFST, ) fg RAILROA!D ANDiSTEAMSHIPS. For San' Francisco, Direct. ' .. - CARRYING U. S. MAILS. S r,ti"oi,l.V'1 TITT? nin.'nnv STEAMSHIP KjV a oiuuiusmp AJAX, RBD'BOLLISA.t..!! J.,t. .-iUommander. "Will leave Portliinrl Wnrolimmo , t.,.- Company4s Wharf at tho foot of 1' street, for iiiu uuuvu. iiun, PSIDAY. JUNE 16, 1ST61 At o o'clock, A. M. ' For Freight or Paa-c ajiply at tho Oflico of the Comnany, comor 1?' and Front streets. QFQ.Vr.WEIDLElt, Agent, For Port T ownsend, Victoria, .Fort Wrangle and Sitka. CARRYING U. S. 'MAILS'. i: fV&T. THE 0UEG0T .SrEAMSHIP' CALIFORNIA, ' JbUXHxVYES L.Coinmatidcr, Will leave Portland Warehouse aiut Dock Company s AVh.irf. at foot of ' street, for tho above ports l SATURDAY. SVlTI 2, 1878. ,, AtU o'clock A. M. l For Freight or l'a?ago apply nt the Ofiico of tho Company, corner a" and l'ront streets. GEO. W. WEI D LEU, Agunt, For Port Townsnd, Iew Wcstniinstec and -Nanaimo TTll ftl'WJnV n :. - STEAMSHIP, co s oieamer aussu: tslfaih. J. A. GAltDIXElt Commander. Will leave Portland Pock.and Warehouse Company Wharf at foot of F street, for the above ports, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1S78. At li o'clock, P. M. . For Freight or Passage applv at the Office of the Company, corner of F and Front streets. GEO. W. WEIDLER, Agent. Oregon & California R.R.Co DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY); As follows t PORTLAND AND ROSEBURG. LEAVE. ' A1UUYE. Portland TtfO A. ir.Rpsoburg..U:J0 11, L lioscburg o:m0 A. M.i;ortkind 1:1-P. M. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. .ARRIVE. t Portland 8:30 P. M, Albanv.'. S.'ioP. r. Albany -kW.A. M. PorUaud...lO:03 A.M. FREIGHT TRAINS. DAILY, (EXCEPT SUNDAY) as FOLLOWS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland T:l3 A. M.I Junction-..., 0:0(1 P. M. Junction 7-Ai A. M. Portland o:lo p. M. The Oregon, and California Railroad Perry makes connection with all Regular Trains. Close connections arc made at ROSERURG with the Stages of the Oregon and California Stage Company. xMTTickets for sale to all the principal points in California and the East, at tho .Company's Office, Cor. F and Front Streets, at Ferry Landing PORTLAND. Storage will be charged on freight remain ing in Warehouse over 24 hours. .Freight will not bo received for shipment after o o'clock P. M. J. RRANDT, Jr., Gcn'l Snp't. E. P. ROGERS, (Jen'l Freight and Passenger Agent. 3IIS CELL ANEOTJb. ColumbiaBar Saloon Jas. M. Lynch Proprietor, ASTORIA, OREGON. J. H. Cutters and Miller's Extra Old Bourbon Whiskey, BLOOD "WOLFE & CO'S PORTER, " ' TEXNANTS PALE ALE. And a choico lino of imported "WIXES and LUiUOKSto which I invite the attention of my customers and tho puhlic generally. J AS. .M. LY-X'CII. Uh itMj Mmki AN INDEPENDENT. .NEWSPAPER: "' THREE DOLLARS' PER Y,EAR. , The Only lper. Published at the Se-Port of. Oregon C5ii.XUJ.vUA Y .TuhoTft-ISTfi r- n r-r- t. i - i ' i , . ' . ' XOOK AT (T1IIS. ;. TWENTXlV" SVjDfJL;p,GRCKAS!E ' rtto 5our hZ&SSSS.'"" lbha'' SHIPPING ADVERTISEMENTS. r GeoVNW. Hume's Portland Packet Line. JPfL -CTISSELIN- THE-ABOVir:' MIiiioTnU leave f ' for the Columbia uivor : ' NCHV LOADING Brig SEA WAIF 273 tori Avill bo follocil by the Dark DAWK" 250 tons. Sch. HERA. . . ., -. .,.,.. 309 toiisl Brig HAZARD G96 tons.. Rsj For freight or passage applv to G. W: Dl7P,rt)-V. M .- IS Front St San Francisco. GEO. H. PLANDEKS. Agent: ' Portland. Oregon. TLWACO STEAM IS'ATIGATIOr 1 COMPANY, ' ' ; HXTIL TUKTHER NOTICE The .steamers l 'Gcn.CA73Y, J 'A ? and MCpfcli 'ILL BE IX READINESS TO DO -v. all kind? ot' tnwinsr :tt reform hlf.v-. rates. Eithop.thot Canbor Varuna will 3 make trips every ii 3IOXDAY, TUTESDAY, . .-ox-' PKIDAY ASD SATUKDAT,-. m EOK IL"VACO (TTnitv), - &3T CALLING AT VfAY POETssas ' .'. And return tho same claj'. Lc.iv!n- at tho usual hour, 8 o'clock, A. 31. ittr '1 ho reputation of theso steamers guar- A ;. aetees safe and speedy fi ansit to any point desired. IK For charter, freight, pasa-e. or tow age, apply on board, or at the oilico of tho Company in Case's Buildinj:, Asroiia, or to J. H. I. fHUY, Agent. Lv oider of L. V. LwBIlS. Frcsident SEMI-AEEKLY like. Ml ail Overalls staps !.- Itomis t CarrHtlicrs - - Proprietors OTAGES IX THE ABOVE LIKE . O will leave Unity Tuesdays and Satur days on the arrival of tho ir.u'Ann rz STEM UT, C0MPAfIY5 STEAMER S From Astoria, and will leave Ov.terville Mon days and Kiidays, connecting with thellwnco bteam Navigation Company's steamer for Astoria. , 3 passengers Ticketed through; also, thro' 7' hills of lading sivcn for freiaht. hj fpEOAI AND AFTEH THIS DATE"'--. charges and advances on frei"rht land od at the 0. S. S. Co.'s Wharf, Astoria, must r t)o paid before the freight leave- the ware- liouse. J. G. HUSTLER, A cent. pOLUMBIA KIVER PILOTS. . m Oihco at tho XuLkJ OCCIDENT HOTEL, Jbfcsgsg.- Astoiia, Oregon. P JOHNSON H. A. SNOW, P.E.EERCIllsrJ'. l.M. OILMAN, O.REED.' U1C1IARD IIOYT. C.S. WRIGHT, Agent. For Freight or Charter. -o THE Al NEW. SLOOP, Geo. Flavel. PRED WASS Master. Is now in readiness for business, and offbrsr superior accommodation to tourists on the bav. KTgr Will carrv freight or passengers to any point at reasonable rates. Apply on board. New Pleasure Yacht. nniiE NEW SLOOP MAY BELL, iii H. C. SIUVELY Master. Is now ready for freight or charter to any point on the bay. Jlaving lino accommoda tions tor pleasure seeker-, and a record for fast sailing, oilers superior accommodations to excursionists. apply at tho restaurant of E. C. llolden. it. C.SlIIVELr, Astoria. 'Astoria and Knappton. "DEGULAR DAILY MAIL POAT. Sloop "KATIE," ' 3L J. A. PIC1IARDSON- - - M.STii. ' Will leave Astoria, pFOR KNAPPTON AND RETURN DAILY. n For freight or passage, at living rates,, apply on boaul, or at I. W. Case's store-. Astoria Sail Loft, SE OW KBADY FOJl BUSINESS. " ,. ..- Patronize Home Manufactures Keep the Honey HereV'T-tiV T1HE UXDETISIGN!)' BEGS LEAVE JL to inform the public in Kwioral. and' tho n.snorinon n!iiTiiiinri. thn u.. :, . ir T' 5' . V."" '"' lauuw iuuihu- , i tl j.r.i" ""'fuuul.m- uvscnpcioD on suorz nonec, anaatjcjisonable rate. r , ili i. .ddis: A.H.J01LVS0N. . ... ,-j,(i . "DILLS OP.LADDTG, WAY BILLS, . J- Receipts, and all kimls .of Commcr-. cialPrinting. done at the Astorian ofHce. QALL, EXAHIKE OllDER.S . - "U jw M r , ,tVf V-