M -?-- T "-' -S- I. 'J ititV '.lije 'Ln ; ..: 5 SBS1 (I rm . i Wir C fi i . I y 1 V' -X -S- rrr-TrsTTsrr- .- VJLt. '& 3f&ti?$ OT f--V- V1 ' 61 ISSUED EVERT EVENING, (Sundays Exccptcs), C.cS:LA:). : : 5EBI.KZXEU. Monitor Building Cass Street. terms of Subscriptien: Served by Currier, pur week.. .Sent by mail, three months.... .Sent by mail fix uiiths .Sent by mail oi:o year ..25 Cents $2 50 4 00 7 00 l'rce of Postage to the Subscriber: K3T" Advertisements inserted by the year at alio rate of vl 00 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, fifty cents per square iht insertion. Reading notices, in City Items column, five cents per lino par day. No charge less than twenty-live cents. J P. Bannan carried forty-seven of the fifty votes in liis precinct. -Bev. F. Crang officiated yester- day at the Portland. eoiigregaticnal church in Gen. and Mrs. Adair returned home very greatly benefitted by their winter visit to California. The bark Corsica, ship Bedford shire, jmd hark Abbie Cooper are coining to this port. Not on the list. The General Ganby made cial trip to the Cape yesterday a spe-after- noon, with a party of about thirty ex cursionist Mr. James Welch litis recovered his health sufiicicntly to enable him to make a trip to Walla Walla. We hope to hear of permanent benefit result ing from tlis change. Prof. John Souayne, of Portland, will be here this week with music, etc., and proceed to teach the Astoria Brass Band on to perfection. He Anil be come a permanent citizen of th city. Tho Congregational Sunday School met yesterday ;it the Court house, in consequence of painting at the Church. The contrast was rather n pleasing one. when compared to a mass assembled for contests in litiga tion, law and libel. The schooner Granger, Capts. Low and Spedden, arrived on Satur day, with a cargo of wood and hay from Youngs river. The Granger went up the river on this trip to within tluree hundred yards of the falls, which is the highest point readied by any vessel larger than a du" out. The first offer for brick from Klaskanine, is in. For one hundred thousand, delivered on any Astoria wharf accessible by teams, $750 in gold coin will bo paid by Peter Pun ey. Eight precincts to hear from. Come out with your orders, and let us make the brick at home. What do you say. Suddenly like a flash of lightning on a clear day or a clap of thunder from a cloudless sky, bright beautiful weather struck this region of Oregon yesterday. It just lacked eight days of being eight months since liihc late" Tains set in. October 18th, 1875. But then it made tilings lively while the rain lasted. The Caller Ou, arrived yesterday in tow of the Shoofiy, to complete cargo at Astoria. This leaves ship ping on an even keel between Astoria and Portland. They have the bark entine Jane A. Falkinburg and Port land up there. We have here the Wave Queen and Caller Ou, all there was of sea-croinsr craft in the river af- j. i. -r -i-cj. w .; - . - 4 , ASTORIA, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 12,, 187a. r ?7sr?strin?EsnrEK?rri7 :335 cn Mayor Case and A. W. Ferguson left for Portland on Saturday to at tend the Grand Lodge, A. F. A. M. j i Hon. A. "Van Dusen left for the same purpose tliis morning. i 1 1 ivas ; A man named Ferrell, who so unfortunate as to be taken sick M , 1 i Astoria amongst strangers, and with- i j7 out money, was sent to Ins iamily by , the Gu3sie Telfair, and arrived safely. ! His case was a very bad one of typhus ' fever, but he was treated m a careful manner by Dr. Crang, and was looked ; after by Mr. P. Ferrell (no relative), and was finally passed by the Oregon Steamship Company. All deserve credit for their kindness to him. Our correspondent on Saturda3T, from Pouth Bend gave full particulars j with respect to the hue causuality on Shoalwater bay bar. There is no I doubt but that the mid-channel buoy there should be larger. "We know from practical experience what diffi culty there is in the way of finding it, even in a light chop-sea. A white haired doscendant of riAFi,im? iri.n,l lncfurni1 in flin AlM I ,uinuuuo,ri.im. .VW...U. ... wwv, - j sonic work of Celestials, opened a lodL'o for Chinese in Astoria Saturdav ... , ." 1 niirht. Initiations were made 111 1 great numbers, and the lodge was not called of! until eight o'clock vester .1 , !.. a., .,lo. fi n f he thirty-Second degree, who Was in j attendance up to 11 o'clock p. m., by invitation, informs us that the work corresponds in a measure to our Ala- I sonic usages, and why not ? Are we not informed that Masonry exists in every portion of the World ? Hope and search has been aban doned, for-Williams and Johnson, fishermen for Badollet it Co., who were lost a week ago last night. We understand that the boat came ashore north of Cape Hancock about eight miles, and the net was found south of Point Adams abouc six miles, just how true the statement is we are unable to say. Williams was a dar ing spirit, excitable, and it is pre sumed ventured so nea to the bar that return was impossible. lie formerly boarded at Mrs. Daggetts. Johnson was formerly a deck hand on the Leaver. We do not know that either have any kinsfolk in this country. The river steamer Beaver, hence for Stickeen June 7th, readied Victo ria all rkdit on the 8th. CSTY ITEN1S. j7?iMr. Armstrong is taking about as nice pictures, at tin Abtoria Gallerv, as airy gallery in the State. Give him a call. iH-ST. Loeb has added a few feet to his store room on Main street, and has opeiird :i new branch in connection with iiis trade. Groceries etc. iE?HVriss Belle Welch having re moved her stock of millinery goods to the hou:-eof her father, corner of Wall and Eighth Streets, invites ladies to call. The host assortment of hats and trim mings in the city. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. jlr. Charles Stevens at the city Book Store is offering special inducements to persons in want of articles in his line. He has a splendid stock, which he is closing out tit cost, intending to quit the business. 2fc& The young ladies and gentlemen of Astoria have noy the long lelt want of evening amusement offered 'to them an ex-professional actor offers to instruct a select class the art of acting solely for the amusement afforded. Thorough train ing assured to those accepted all inter ested may addre-s "IJamlet," at this office. j?Sj Five Dollars Beward will be paid to ihe finder of a small pass book, with letters in it, addressed to Thomas E, L. Logan and Thomas and James Locan. which was lost on Saturday June 3d, be tween Astoria and upper tovn,reward paiJ - on leavjnjr the book at this office, or at the , rcsAdeuce of 31r, Goslin, at upper .. f :l ; i . '.. ".t 'U.U.PJg.vk Tide Talo lor Astoria. (From tables of United States Coast Survey.) High Water.1, Low Water. I Pay. a. m. r. m. a. v.. 1. M. lo , 2 o.;. 2 1 5. :i :n.. 4 24. 2i. 3 40 i 4 lli 4 .t5; 5 :ri .. 9 4i5 !) 0.) ..10 1 5 0 50 ..10 52- 10 3 ' ..11 25 11 :w 11 12 i:L.... H (5 181. .. o co 12 0i. ...12 IS ... 135 2.JI is...... The height is reckoned from the level ofav- erase lowest water, to which the soundings are given on the Coast Survey charts. When the afternoon, and when in tho p. in. column by a iorcnoup. . ShippingPort of Astoria. CLEARANCES ASD DEPARTURES. SAILKD Dawn bk.250 tons, for S. F. June 11. John L. Stephens, as. llWd tonsIackic, for San F June 10. , nival, bk w tons. Adams. for s. p., JuaqT. ARRIVALS KPROMSEA:' Gussie Telfair, str, 413 tons, Gardner, fm. Pugeb Sound June 12. -j Portland, bkt, 494 ton. Gage, fm S. F. June 3. Jano A. Falkinhurg, bkt., aOO tons, Hubbard, fm Honolulu, May2. Wave Queen. Br bk, S-'W tons, Anderson, fin Xew- catle,X S V.f April 17. Caller Ou, Br. bk., (J74 tons, Rea, fm Isl. Java. Apr 9. VESSELS OS THE WAY Orient, brig, 312 tons, Adamson,f:nS,F. seaWaif.ijriK. 273 tons. Smith. fmSF Ajax str ,:J",, lo"' BolIcs-fm s F Junc 10- Tain O'Shanter, Bkt., (510 tons, Patterson, fm b. Juneu, Hazard, brig, 3f)(i tons, "Walker fm S. F. Hera, sch 33!) tons, filler, fm S F June 4. j Garibaldi, bk, (11O tons, Xoyes, from Hongkong, -UjylS. Orcjroman, sell 274 tons, Penncll, fm SF. Assaye, 12S1 tons, Ritchie, fm Cardiff, via Rio. Canoma, 520 ts, Rosser. fm Glasgow via Honolulu Clita, Br bkt,. J 519 tons, "Whyte. fm Honolulu. Duart Bay, ship. !3(i tons, fm Europe, via Austral ia and Shangai. I Enid. Br bk.,4 tons, Renouf fm Port Chalmers. J Edward James, Forbes, fm Hongkong. Forward, Br bk.,744 tons, Strachan. fm Hongkong. Hero of the Nile, Br bk 3X5 tons. Dyke, tin Mel bourne. Felj 21. 1 Otto. Br bk -JUo tons, Carter, fm Liverpool Oct 14 Robert; Bright. Br. bk. 309 tons Hennings from Shields Alarch 13. Sam G. Reed, sh, Kifi tons, "White, from Hongkong. April 12. Trevelyau, Brbk 1042 tons, Edwards, fm Newcastle ' Vt oodsulc. Br bk, iiiu tons jMontgomery, lob days from Table bay. June 1. FINANCE JLNU TRADE. 7'iii:t:sci:il. Gold liars SOD par. Gold in Sow orfc, l1xA. Legal Tenders in Astoria buying SO; sell ing i'.t. Coin exchange on San Francisco Y per cent, premium. Currency exchange on San Francisco y per J"?"",!""-. .. v,. ,, . . mium. Telegraphic transfers on Xciv York 1 por cent, premium. Currency exchangoon New York percent premium. Trade Dollars, i2 buying; 9:.01 selling; half dollar, IWJ buying: "Jl&Jiy selling. San Francisco 31arlcet. Flour. Extra, So ."0it) 00. U heat Shippers will give Si 70 for choice lots alongside vessels; millers are paying SI 7",. Barley Light brewing, ?1 20; choice, SKtfJ feed, Si 2-1 2j;Uright Chevalier, Si -JO 115" ltyc-51 7o. Oats S2l'0.2 oU. Potatoes Uest l'etaluma, Tomales and Humboldt, $lb0.l!M). Hay SH('j.r.J for common to choice. Liverpool wheat market to-day slides lOd for average California; iis l0d: 10s iid for club. Astoria Marltets. Flour,Orcgon City, AXX.tl bbl .r)75 Ex Family...., 0" 00 44 Willamette superior, ' i i 44 Graham 4 4 (100 Middling. ton 40(10 Corn Meal, "j1 cental 4 00 C round liarley, t'tort 4200.g44 00 Uran k Shorts, 44 -7 U0&M0 00 Hay " 23 00 Unions, $ Bushel 259: 00 Potatoes. ' 1 oo&M Butter, eastern, in tubs, fl lb Choice roll ' Checso, " Cured Meats, II ams. " Sides, " Shoulders, " Breakfast Bacon " Smoked Beef, . " Corned Beef " Corned Pork, " Jard, in tins and caddies '4 Eggs, f dozen Chickens, Hides, Dry,tV Tallow, Beef, Pork, " .: Mutton, Veal, Corn Beef, 9 bbl lSiVC-O 133:17 17; IS l0v.12S 17(f,:S 14015 10 17H1S 202.) 4 00"5 07 07 70S oC'ib" S&10 K7 U00i:iU0 . 2 60:o0 , 1 ilOitl 50 . $(.12 1 Sheep, r?i head Apples, green, tl box Dry lb Peaches, 4 " Coffee, green 4 4 prepared, Java, fl lb Bio. ' Moco, 11 Sugar, crushed, lb "4 owcred, lb 44 Island, V lb S.vrun. extra colden. ?i gallon 13&17 WAUlA 1UU J keg. 4UU4 in Tea, Young Hyson, tl lb , i70 44 Japan, in papers, lb f07. 44 u in lacquered boxes fi lb 75a0 Candles, & lb , 20 Lead, Atlantic, whito fiib Jils, Dcvoe's xi case 3 oOgo o 14 ... (! 25 7 04 1 0 20 ... 7 2 7 521 r 2 S ::5 8 44 1 2 ;' ... ) 44 48 3 41 JifAJJ!.l'Um.'.LJI.4UUJWLiLllmilJtllHUMf." f trf'IWllJJMll.P" The Late Mrs. Landphear. The following extract from Mrs. Landi hoar's funeral sermon las been kindly furnished ns for publication, and will doubtless prove of interest to those who knew her Mrs. Hester Ann Landphear was born at a place called "Warm Springs, -twn comity, lrgima, august !tli, 17SG, and was therefore at the time of her death nearly ninety years old. kne was a girl of twelve summers. when Washington died, and no doubt re- membered that event. She w.as a married woman long before the tele graph was discovered, or railroads j were operated, ana so witii ail tne great indentions of the last fifty years, she was a married woman before they were known. When Grandmother Landphear was born jew York ras a city of ten or twelve thousand inhabi tants not as large as the city of Port land is ta-day. She enjoyed' life in her humble way, almost to her dying day always cheerful never gloomy nor desponding. For the past ten years at least, constantly realizing that her end was near. Perfectly resigned to the will of her Heavenly Father, she was ever read' for the summons to call her hence. At Warm Springs, Virginia, Miss Hester Ann Pose was married to Mr. Dawson and shortly after removed to Bartholomew county, in the State Indiana, where she lived for many years. She had six cliildren by this husband Cyrus, John, James, Franklin, Jesse and infancy. This last was the only one of the six wiio ac companied her mother to this country. j She was the wife of Mr. Luke Taylor, and died in this county in the year 1862, and her remains are deposited in the graveyard on Clatsop Plains. All the boys are dead also. Jesse the fifth son was a volunteer in the Union Army and was killed in battle. Several of her children married, and to them were born eleven grandchildren. Af ter the death of Mr. Dawson in Indiana, she removed to the State of Illinois, and made her home at Batavia, Ivane county. Here Mrs. Dawson married Mr. Jonas Landphear. We were in the habit of pronouncing her name Lamphear. But the proper way was Landphear. This was the way Mr. Landphear always wrote it. There were no children by this marriage. In the year of 1S47 they decided, with epiite a number of others to seek a new home on the Pacific slope, and on the 12th day of April of that year they commenced their long and tedious journey across the continent, and at the end of the seventh month they arrived at The Dalles of the Columbia river. There were 300 in all in the party. At The Dalles, Mr. Landphear and Mr. Taylor constructed a boat in order to descend the Columbia, and in the course of three weeks they were ready to start. All went well until they came to the Cascades where the boat struck a rock and all came near losing their lives, but by good man agement the boat was extricated from her perilous position, and in due time these two families landed safely at the Hudson Bay's Trading Post at Van couver, Washington Territory, then called Oregon. Determined to see the Pacific ocean, and if possible to find a home near the surging breakers, thejr took passage in a small craft called the Launch, owned by Jack Strong and Robert Alexander. This craft still lies on the mud fiats in the vicinity of Mr. Fen-ell's saw mill. In the course of a week they landed near Tanzy Point, and there made their home within a few miles of the ocean. They lived there for two years, and then moved to town, and took up their abode in a small log cabin at the NO. 37 '' rear- of the present house, which she so lately occupied., ?his house was then in the woods, and it' was considered no very easy task to get from the beach, the only, public .high way, to this humble dwelling. In about the year 18 :i the present house was erected by Mr. Luke -Taylor, ancthe old log cabin was torn down. What a ..change has time made ! A dense forest and jungle, as Grandmother saw it. in 1847, is ow a well built up town "with the forest , a mile-in the distance, and rapidly re ceding, nere sue passect away an Sunday last, June 4th, after residing for twenty-seven years on the same lot on which she first settled, beloved by all who knew her, for her kind dispo sition and many social virtues.- She was brought up in religions ways, tfay parents who were noted for their rs ligious principles'. Her f atherlie has. told me, was such an expert ins .sacred learning, that he rot the best !of nearly all who ventured to argue with liiai on religious subjects. She joined the Methodist church in Indiana, but after she came, to this country ahe - did not identify herself with any religions body some times attending one and then the other of the jn:otestant bod ies here established. She died as a christian ought, with an unwaverin faith in Christ, and fully resigned to the will of heiv Heavenly Father. Her P rayer-book was jresciited to her many years ago by the good Bishop Scott, and she prized it. much,. net only on account of the donor, whom she ever spoke of with love and af -fection, but also on account of its blessed teachings. Grandmother Lane -phear was particularly fond of missi, hence her great desire for persons to:, sing with her in her last sicknasB. Mr. Wadharns, of Portland, gftv-tlicr great pleasure by singing for her one evening for about an hour, 4f Jesus Savior of my soul" and c'learor any God to thee" she seemed to enjoy most. Frequently exclaiming in her feehi. way during the singing, "Blessed Jesus, how sweet, how precious' Shfc seemed to have a premonition thai. she would not recover, that this sick ness was her last. The reason she as signed fortius-was, that many years ago when in the State of Illinois ahes had a Tcmarkable dream, andfthis dream seemed to come back to ''her with all its former vividfie and force. I am not able to relatc- thc dream as she told it to me. 'flu? substance of it was, that she was tftlceii to heaven, and that there she Ii4iir$ the most enrapturing music, both 'ti strumental and vocal, and there"k!f beheld our blessed Saviour, in iiiefile glory, and her raptures were inert ts&r br meeting and embracing a de:-.r sis ter of hers who had died some tmie previously; and as she related this4 dream and talked of her dear .sisW and the blessed Jesus the tears rolled; down her cheeks, adding, at the sam time, this dream made' such an effect upon her that she had never got over it. It is the lot of few to have as riiany sin- cere and self-denying fiiends as Grand mother Landphear had, and this slit was conscious of1 and ever frratefu ?i.i f, u ior. Among the male portion of the com munity, she seemed to be ihe particu lar child and charge of the older bar and river pilots and their- families and some of the first settlers. Many it is true, were very kind to her, but" those; were her particular friends. The schooner Elnora arrived' yes terday with a cargro of vrood. Capt. Grounds is discharging a cargo of street plank at the Steam ship GomDany's dock to-day from ' Knanpton. ., , i n; m Tsiu fw, !'' r ..;: rj -?"