The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 10, 1876, Image 1

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tJ! DJ-
V$& gaxltj stoimz
(Sundays Excepted),
jl&mtfor BuMUvj, Cuss Street
Terms of Subscriptien:
Served by Carrier, per week 25 Cents
Sent'by mail, thrco months S2 50
Sent by mail six months 00
Sent mail one year 7 00
free of Postage to the Subscribers.
ttS Advertisements insei tel by the year at
ttho rate of -SI 00 per square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
fifty cents pcrsquaie first insertion.
Heading notices, in City Items column, five
cents per line per day. !No charge less than
twenty-iivc cents.
When will the road leading to
the cemeterv grounds be made pas
sable? Remember the Fourth of July
meeting at the Court-house this even-
Rev. T. A. Hyland, will preach
Mrs. Lamphear's funeral sermon to
morrow morning at 11 o'clock, instead
of the evening as previously an
nounced. The Anti-coolie meeting last even
ing was largely attended. Speeches
were made by Gen. 0. F. Eell, W. L.
McEwen, C. W. Fulton, Peter Runey,
Dr. J. O'Brien and several others.
The Democratic tickets for 3Teha
lem precinct came from San Francisco,
with 25 cents to pay transportation.
We don't know, yet, how the news
from TiUamook trot to Astoria.
The Oregon Menagerie stained for
Philadelphia by the John L. Steph
ens this morning. A steer weighing
3,300 pounds, 18i hands high, raised
in Polk county, forms the bigyest part
of the caravan. Oregon cougar, elk,
"bear, deer, fox, a fast horse, etc. etc.,
compose the balance of the train.
We are very thankful to Mr. AV.
A. Foster for his efforts to get and se
cure election news for publication.
The last ballot was hardly cold in the
box before we had a correct count of
the vote of the precinct. "Demo
cratic returns" from Tillamook beats
us, though. We can't set over them. !
If the British bark Blanche,
which left this port October 23fch,
1875, for Cork for orders, with a car
go of wheat valued at $30,S00, has
reached her destination we are not
apprised of the faet. She was one of
those vessels wholly laden at Portland,
but was drawing only sixteen feet
when she went to sea. Has she ar
rived out? If so; why not reported?
Under "water, glass may be cut to
airy shape. The glass must be quite
level while the scissors are applied; it
is better to begin the cutting by ta
king off small pieces at the corners and
along the edges, and so reduce the
shape gradually; for if any attempt is
made to cut the glass all at once to the
shape, it is most likely to break just
where it is not wanted. Some kinds
of glass cut much better than others;
the softer glass cuts best. The scis
sors need not be sharp, as their action
does not depend much upon the state
of the edge piesented to the glass.
When the operation goes on well,
the glass breaks away from the scissors
in small pieces, in a straight line with
the blades. This method has often
proved very successful in cutting ovals,
etc., which would be very expensive
if ground cut; and though the edges
are not so smooth as may " be defined
for some purposes, the method is
worth knowing.
Oregon Shipments May.
Twelve vessels sailed .from Astoria
seaward last month as fol lews:
Date. Name. Dcstint ition.
3 Steamer California, Als lska
4 Brig Hazard, San Fra ncisco
5 Steamship Oritiamme "
10 Barkentine Tarn O'Sha nter S. F. . .
12 " Webfoot, S F
12 Gussie Telfair, Puget Sound
13 Steamship John L. Stej. diens, S. F.
18 Br. ship River Lune, .Liverpool. .
20 Steamship Ajax, S. F
26 Gussie Telfair, Pnget So und
27 John L. Stephens, S. F
27 Sch. Kate L. Herron, 1 'illamook.
28 BarkThorndike, Liverpoi 1
Ten departures so far during the
present month have been recorded,
including the John L Stephens tliis
morning j as follews:
1 Bkt. Modoc, S. F
2 Str. Shubrick, northern cruise
2 Brig Orient, S. F
3 Brig Sea Waif, S. F
4 Str. Ajax, S. F
4 Str Gussie Telfair, S. F
G German bk. Centuar, Cork-
7 Bk. Rival, S. F
7 Str. Caliiornia, Sitka
10 John L. Stephens, S. F
The Robert Bright, from Shi slds
via Santos, for Astoria, is eighty-nine
days out.
The Canoma, ninety-one lays out
from Glasgow, for this port, w ill come
via Honolulu.
The British ship Assaye, cut route
to Astoria from Cardiff, via Rio is to
day 103 days out.
The Duart Bay, 01 route to this
port from Shanghai, was spoken on
the 23d of February, 2 n, 23 w.
Nothing has been heard from her
since that date.
"We are unable to account for the
absence of the AVoodside. If coming
here, and we know of nothing to- the
contrary, is over due considerably,
being 156 days out, June 1st.
Friedlander's list puts the Sam.
G. Heed, seventj'-nine days from
Hong Kong to Astoria June 1st. Ac
cording to our "log" she is out tiffcy
nine days to-day. The average pas
sage is about fifty-three days, for two
years past, between these ports.
Hence the Heed is over due here, but
not so much over due as re
ported. crrYjTEitfs.
"2" Go to Little Van's to-morrow
morning, and get your boots polished lor
J.r- Little Tan blacks boots, as well
as stove:?, and is a tip-top polisher
jfiThe West Shore is the only
illustrated paper in Oregon. L. Samuel,
Publisher, Portland. 1 50 per year.
Send for it.
S- The young ladies v nd gentlemen
Astoria have now the long &t want of
evening amusement ofterfd to them an
ex -professional acior offers to instruct a
select cla-s the art of acting solely for
the amueiT.ent afforded. Thorough train
ing assured to tho-e accepted all inter
ested may address "Ilamlet," at this
Congregational Sabbath School.-
"We aie requested to announce that, ow-
mgtothe Congregational Church being
closed for repairsthe Teachers and Chil-
dren connected with the Sunday School
will mw't ai, thft Court Hoiisn on Simrbiv
next at ntiartor mttvnl vo. nVWlr.
r-IMiss Belle "Welch having re
moved her stock of millinery goods to the
houoof her lather, corner of Wall and
Eighth Streets, invites ladies to call.
Tho best assortment of hats and trim
ming! in the city. Orders from abroad
promptly attended to.
EST- The finder of n. smn.ll .sb linnlr.
with letters in i?, addressed to Thomas E.
L. Logan and to Thomas and James Lo -
gan, which was lost on Satui-day last, be -
tween Astoria and the upper town, will
coaler a favor and be thankfully rewarded
on leaving the same at this office, or at
Thf TOsifimiPtt or ALr. iYnnn. nt nnnnri
For fine and Artistic Photographs, go to
Buchtel & Stoltc, 11 and US First street, Port
land, the only first class Galler5 in Oregon.
Title Table lor Astoria.
(Frwn tables of United States Coast Survey.)
High Water.
Low Water.
a. M.
1. M.
A. M.
V. M.
.... 2 0)...
.. 2 4!J...
.... :J 3-1...
.... 4 21...
.. ."i 2 5. .
.... ( 2"...
J 40
10 1(5
10 32
J 01)
. a rj
.... 10 :'')
li Sti
12 03
12 4S
1 :W
2 31
3 2S
o.rii U23
(! 181 o o
7 041 0 20
in 7 2-;..
1 2.
17 S 33 8 44 1 2
18. !) 44 9 481 3
The height is reckoned from the level of av
erage lowest water, to which tho soundings are
given on tho Coast Survey charts. "When tho
time in the a. m. column is followed by pit is
afternoon, and wheu in tho p. ui. column by a
it i. forenoon.
Shipping: Port of Astoria.
John L. Stephens, ss. lDiJo tons, Mackie, for San F
Jmic 10.
California, str R74 tons, Hayes, for Sitka, J une 7.
Rival, bk 2!X tons, Adams, for S. F June 7.
Centaur, Ger bk-ISS tons Cork, June 6.
Gussie Telfair, str, 413 tons, Gardner, for Puget
SjoundJune -J.
Ajnx, str 1U5I tons, Bolles, to S F June 3.
Soa Waif, blip, 273 tons, HarstoiF, to S F June 3,
Orient, hritf, 312 tons, Adamson, to S. F. June 2.
Shubrick, U S steamer, 3oo tons, Korts, Northern
Cruise, June 2.
Portland, bkt, 494 tons, Gage, fin S. F. June 3.
Dawn blczSO tons, for S. F. May 2.
Jano A. Falkinburg, bkt., "00 tons, Hubbard, fm
Honolulu, May'2.
Wave Queen. Brbk,8."3 tons, Anderson, fm Nevr-
castlu.N S W., April 17.
Caller Ou, Br. bk., (i74 tons, Ilea, f m Isl. Java. Apr 9.
Garibaldi, bk, 670 tons, Xoyes, from Hongkong,
.May 15.
Orogonian, sch 274 tons, Pennell, fm SF.
Ass-aye, 12S1 tons, Ritchie, fm Cardiff, via Rio.
Canoma, 520 ts, Rosser. fm Glasgow via Honolulu.
Clita, Br bkt.. 519 tons, Vfhyte. fra Honolulu.
Duart Bay, ship. Sj3G tons, fm Europe, via Austral
ia, and Shangai.
Fnid, Br bk., 4 tons, Renouf fm Port Chalmers.
Edward James, Forbes, fm Hongkong.
Forward, Br bk.,744 tons, Strachan, fm Hongkong.
He ro of the Nile, Br bk 335 tons. Dyke, tm Mel
bourne, Feb '21.
Otio. Br bk 4fi5 tons, Carter, fm Liverpool Oct 14
Robert Bright, Br. bk. 30!) tons Hennings from
Shield Mai chI3.
Sam G. Reed, bh, ("5G tons, "White, from Hongkong.
A pril 1'2.
Trevelynn, Brbk 1042 tons, Edwards, fm Newcastle
"Woodside, Br bk, 7(H) tons Montgomery. 15(1 days
fj omTuble bay. June 1.
O old Bars S00 par.
Gold in Now York. 112.
Legal Tenders in Astoria buying 89; sell
ing IK).
Cc in exchange on San Francisco per cent,
Cu rrency exchange- on San Francisco 14 Per
cent premium.
Co.m exchange on Xew York per cent, pre
mium. Telegraphic transfers on Xor York 1 per
cent, premium.
Currency exchange on Xcw York percent,
Trade Dollars. !2 buying; 9ji)l selling;
half dollar, H4 buying; il)7lA selling.
San Francisco 3IirJcctj.
Flon r. Extra, So HftO 00.
Wheat Shippers will give Si 70 for choice
Iots alongside vessels; millers arc paying
crl "".
JJarle.v Light brewing, 120: choice, Sl.'wJ
feed. 5-1 20(tl 21; might Chevalier, ol 4QQ lib".
lyc!L 7.". Oats S2002 oU.
Potatoes Host Petaluma, Tomalc3 and
Ilumboldt Sitftrtl'JO.
Hay SLo&lu for common to choice.
Liverpool wheat market to-day :'std'"fls lOd
for average California; Us lud ' 10s 3d lor club.
Astoria .HarKots.
Flour.Oregon City, Aaa.V- bbl.
Ex Family
" A ilhu.iette superior, "....,
" Graham " "....,
(j oo
I Middling, t ton
40 ui)
Com Meal, V cental i ou
SiSriihor'' a.3
2") 00
Onions, "$ Bushel
Potatoes, .
liutter, eastern, in tubs, t ll
Choice roll " ...
Cheese. . ...
Cured .Meats, Hams. " ...
SiuV, ' ...
Shoulders, "
-'Jf.5 00
17(" 18
lO.ii fZ
Breakfast Jiacon
17c is
i Smoked IJcef,
. corned Pork 4
j,.ml,in tins and caddies "
, Ejtks, t
' ChicKens, "
iu,.i3 two
1 JJm1.cs ry $.?
Corn Beef, c bbl.
Sheen. i?i head
Z.VV.V.V.V.V.V.V.VZ i uotfi to
Apples, green, t box
Peaches. ' "
CoHec, green 4' -
1UV."U' ?" ' c.
I " Moco, V M
1 Suo'ir. crushed, t Jb
! I ffind VIb
: SyruPj Knt goldenV'Sdlon.'.".'.".".'
' Q keg
Tea, YoungJlyson, z lt
-A., --
u4i.wi. i ij.ijwis-, n-w..
in lacduered boxes "si H
Candles, lb .'
'Jil?, Dcvoc's ijl case
Lead, Atlantic, white cl lb
Kke, . !5.. .".
WBm - 1 -M.Ai.'.J
Shoalwater Bay Letter.
South Bexd, Pacific Co., W. T. 7
June 6, 1876. J
Editor Astorian :
In my last, I mentioned that the
schooners H. L. Tiernan and Enter
prise were at this place loading with
lumber. Tiernan dropped down the
river on the 30fch, the Enterprise on
the 31sfcj to wait a favorable opportu
nity to cross the bar. On the first
both schooners made sail with a head
wind and reasonably smooth on the
The Tiernan failed to sight the
channel buoy, which by the "way is
said to be quite small, and at times
nearly, if not quite submerged, and in
consequence got too far to the north
ward, striking on what is known as J
the "North. Spic" quite heavily, Capt.
Mitchell soon got a cage channelward,
hoping to keep her from working any
further around the point after a short
time she swung from her first position
but struck heavily on ancther shoal
causing quite a leak. By constant
pumping she was kept upj and her
course shaped for the mill. She was
kept afloat all night, but when it be
came necessary to employ all hanids in
working the vessel to make headway,
she soon filled in which condition,
she arrived at the mill about 11
o'clock of the 2d with her entire -cargo.
The sailors give great credit to
Mitchell for liis coolness and judgment
in working Iris vessel oft' in her dhificul
Jty. After removing her deck load
and a vigorous application of the pnui ip,
the water was reduced in her hole
some four feet, which shows thai, the
damage was not so great as was first
After getting her unloaded she will
be beached near here for repairs. Tl le
Pennonia, Capt. Wentworth arrive ;d
on the 4th and is now receiving tl le
hold cargo of the Tiernan. The En
terpi'ise, Capt. McAllep, made the b or
passage safely. It is much regrettod
here, that this accident has occurre d,
each one of the kind having tenden cy
to weaken the faith of seamen in t3he
safety of the p.issage from ocean to
bay, the cause in this seems to be at
tributable to insufficiency of tho buoy
before mentioned.
The Three Sisters loaded with oys
ters for the Bay Center Oyster Co.
last week leaving here on the i Id.
We have but little more at present
to chronicle that would be lively to
interest your readers except: the or
ganization of a Sabbath Sch o ol here
under fair auspices. But little has
been said as yet about the celebration
of Centennial-Fourth. "We sire proba-
J Vjjv like the party when asked if he
(H'Oiwas joinc to the grand, -exposition,
. ssuci ne was noc ai
, said he was not
;Klf fn
.r.fcw w w
0 tins time
Vnh sonifihhrno'
b e done in
' w
j every neighborhood, hand et and vil-
hige to keex green in the t ninds of our
I rjsmo generation, the hi story of our
own countrv and the stru e?Ies of our
forefathers to obtain
i privileges we now enjoy.
them the
Postage on the Wkfikly Astorian
cents a paper 'to anv part of
i the United States, whe n sent bv peo-
pie not connected with the newspaper
! !nce- We will will se nd four copies
i (separate dates), equi valent to one
J month, to one address in one wrapper
(post-paid), on receipt of 25 cents.
I j5:-Hi'. Charles Ste vens at the city
Book Store isofleringsp ecial inducements
to nersons in want of a: 'tides in his line.
! He has a splendid sto ck, which lie is
closimr out at cot, intending to quit the
Eastern Oregon The Atorian is
! doing more for the interests oi' Eastern
Oregon than any other paper in the State.
if y0U jWVP a friend or a relative in that
section of this country, send him the pa-
per on trial. Only one dollar for four
! months.
LAiiuiuujgi ' iiuilubu "mmjtsam
Petition for the improvement of
Cass street, between Astor and
Court streets, granted.
Petition of citizens for appoint
ment of night watch laid-over.
Petition for the improvement of
Court street between "Washington
and Spruce streets, referred-
Petition for removal of bodies
Subject of health discussed and
ordinance ordered to- abate nuis
ances. Subject of City Cemetery taken
up and freely talked over, and a
committee appointed to take ac
tion immediately.
Change the location or improve
the grounds at once.
An ordinance passed providing
for improvement of "West-eighth
Resignation of C. "W. Fulton as
City Attorney, accepted.
Eeports of officers placed on file
after reading-.
"Warrants ordered in payment of
claims against the city, several,
Council adjourned until Mon
day evening, June 19th.
i75.CHVlr; Armstrong is taking about
as nice pictures, at the Abtoria Gallery,
ass any gallery in the State. Give him a
jSTtit Smith, a noted" stock man,
who has invested largely in blooded sheep
arrived in Oregon again recentl3r and will
make arrangements lor distributing here
among sheep owners, of a lot of thorough
bred merino bucks. He will arrive at As
toria with several head of young bucks
about the first of June. See advertise
ment. 5s?"We rei'er our readers to the adver
tisement of a farm for sale on Beep river.
This is the best opportunity that we know
of for any man wanting a good place,
cheap, suitable for dating- or farmiog
purposes. The onty reason for wishing
to sell, is that the present owner Mr. C.
M. Stark is about to engage in other busi
ness. ;SGThe June number of Samuel's
"West Shore has appeared and contains
most excellent cuU,. representing the dif
ferent gold medals and the silver cup to
be awarded at the Portland Centennial
celebration; and also an extensive gen
eral programme of the exercises and
tournaments to take place in that city
during the week of juoilee. These en
nnjeravings would be creditable to the best
publication in the country. A number of
other very interesting illustrations, also
appear in this number, besides descrip
tive and other reading matter. M . Sam
uel evinces much energy and comprehen
sion in the management of the West
Shore, and success is weil merited.
ii5It i& not the polished orator
whos-hapes public opinion, but tho quiet
editor, whose, words go out to the public
ear without parade or ceremony. The
orator may please the ear or ticklethe fan
cy; but the editor does meie: lie satisfies
themmd, and carries to every household a
fund of knowledge. The oiator, by burn
ing words and impassioned eloquence,
may drive men to a sense of duty; but an
editor if he be true to his profession, at
trart men by tlm presentation of his
thoughts which appeal to the nobler qual
ities of head and heart. The words of the
orator diop from the lips and are lost,
while the words of the editor drop from
the press, and like coined money, pass for
what they are worth; if pure gold in the
truths conveyed, they pass current every
where. Eor good or evil, the editor
wields a powerlul influence. lie can exalt
or debase a community-. lie can advauco
public corruption. How important, then,
that the editor should be a good man, and
that a 11 papers that convey correct senti
ment to the public ear should receive lib
eral support.
IIow Advertising Affects TJusi
XEss. Tiie man who advertises his "busi
ness, if what he offers for sale is honestly
what he represents it to be or what it ought
to be, is constantly assisted in his business
by those who have been attracted, to. him
and tested him. A bivyer ha read his
advertisement, and gone to his store or
work shop, warehouse, whatever it may
be, and tried what was recommended.
If it has satisfied him he is plea-ed and re
commends it to his neighbor, vhois likely
to go to the same place and tell his neigh
bor'in turn. And thus little rills started:
by his advertisement flow in upon him
from all sides, and the current of his busi
ness grow.s stronger and wider and more
rapid', and he prospers and grows rich, all
because strict attention in business he
added judicious advertising. But for this
he might have lingered on in the commu
nity lor years and his Im-inesS would
scarcely have been heard of.