w wm r VOL. 1. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, 1876. no; 33. z &ilaj Qstoxran. ISSUED EV3RY EVENING, (Sundays Excepted), b. IREL.1.VII, : : PUBLISHER. Monitor Building, Cass Street. Terms of Subscriptien: Serrcd by Carrier, per week 25 Cents Sent by mail, three months S2 50 JNiBt by mail six Months 4 00 ijeat by mail one jear - 7 00 Tree of Pottage to tho Subscribers. xfST" Advcrf iscixents inserted by the year at tie rate of $1 00 ier square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, fifty cents per square first insertion. Heading notices, in City Items column, five cents per line per day. No charge less than trenty-tive cents. When will the road leading to the cemetery grounds be made pas sable? The Beech wood arrived at Liv erpool May 29th. The Astoria telegraph line reach ed Clifton yesterday. It is coming sdong at the rate of about oae mile .and a half in four days. The steamer Beaver left Astoria for stickeen river this morning. The California for Sitka, and the John L. Stephens for Portland. The Edward James is out 45 days from Hongkong for Astoria, and the Annie Gray and Forward are also out 06 days from the same port for Victoria. Our worthy friend C. H. Dexter 'was made happy hist evening, by the airival of daughter and grand children from California. They proceeded to iAie Bay View house by the Canny. The bark Rival; Gapi. Adnns, in Simpson's )me of Oijon Packets,, left "K.napnton at ore oVock ihis after moon for San Frajci;co, ?r lea with 500,000 feet of lumber and 50.OC0 laths. Sergeut Bigter stationed at Fort Canby and of the 4th Artillery says that should troubJe come from sea ward for us, theyt the 4th, have the range so nicely with Columbiads that they could pick offa grasshopper. So look out for signals if you come to Astoria for war. Sol. Ahrams exhibited some speci mens of quartz at Boceburg last week in which the Plain dealer says gold is visible to to the naked eye in such proportions that a party might acquire it in paying quantities by a simple hand mortar. The specimens are from tfee Xucky Queen lode. High water in the Columbia river is earlier this year than ever before. Merchants at The Dalles were mov ing out to higher grounds on the 4th. Baek water in the Wallamet is also driving Portland merchants out, along the lower portion of the city. High water in the Columbia river sever effects the river in this section. It is barely perceptible at the highest stage below Cathlamet to Knappa, fourteen miles above Astoria. On the night of May 24th, atrank belonging to a lady of this city, Mrs. JUhn Hobsoa, was left on the Oregon Steamship Company's inside slip, from the.Knappto boat, and by some mistake was allowed to remain there until the tide, which was unusually high ttuUfafeht, washed it off the slip aad it was carried aw-ay. All, seareu for the missing trust proved unavail ing, and was fiaaliy abandoned. Yiesterdays Oregouiaa, however, re- veals the missing property through an extract from a letter written at Neah bay, W. T., as follows : "An Indian lias this day brought to my office a small family bible, which he picked up in the sea in a box which he said was broken open before it drifted to the beach, and contained nothing of value. Some of the leaves of the bible are detached from the binding. He said they were floating in the box, and he gathered them all together and brought them to me. The bible contains the family record of Thomas J. and Anna Kate Reeves, which is perfectly legible. They were married at Astoria April 15, 1872. Their first child was born in Knappton, Pacific county, W. T., March 2, 1873 ; their second in San Francisco, March 7, 1S75. Thos. J. Reeves was killed October 29, 1875, in Marysville, near Sacramento, Cal ifornia." No date is given to the letter from which the above extract was copied, hence we are unable to stute the time consumed on the voy age, but as the distance from Astoria to Neah bay is nearly 200 miles, if the trunk sailed the entire distance it has made better proportionate time than Jarrett fc Palmer fast train from New York, across the continent. Mr. Hobson has sent for the book. The trunk contained woman's wear ing apparel, when it left Astoria, valuea at about seventy-five dollars. Tide Table lor Astoria, (From tables of United States Coast Survey.) High Water. Low Water. Day. A. M. P. M. A. M. p. M. 3 10 31 ..10 301 4 4L 4 li L. 11 12 11 11 5 :W 0 19 7 05 7 49 5 tM 5 50 0 30 7 08 5 12 08 11 471 (5 o oo 12 35 7. 0 20 1 42 8 0 53 2 241 ... 8 34 7 4i 9 1 30 3 041 9 10 8 27 10. 2 0.5 3 40 9 40 !) 09 11- 2 4' 4 10 10 10 0 50 The height is reckoned from tho level of av erage lowest water, to which tho soundings are given on tho Coast Survey charts. When tho time in the a. m. column is followed by p it is afternoon, and when in the p. m. column by a it is forenoon. CITY ITEMS. SS-The West Shore is the" only illustrated paper m Oregon. L. Samuel, Publisher, Portland. $1 SO per year. Send ibr it. ,Miss Belle Welch having re moved her stock of millinery goods to the house of her father, corner of "Wall and Eighth Streets, invites ladies to call. The best Assortment of hats and trim mings in the city. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. ? The finder of a small passbook, with letters in i:, addressed to Thomas E. L. Logan and to Thomas and James Lo gan, which was lost on Saturday last, be tween Astoria and the unper town, will conier a favor and be thankfully rewarded on leaving tho same At this office, or at the residence of Mr. Goslin, at upper town. Shipping Port of Astoria. CLEARANCES AND DEPARTURES. SAILKD California, ttr 674 teat, Hayec, for Sitka, Jae 7. Shral.bk 299 teas, Adaas, for S. F., June 7. Centaur, Get k MS tons Offarson.to Cork, June 6. Gussie TelVr.str, 413 ton, Gardner, fr Pujet SoundJuae 4. Ajax, str 1354 teas, Bolles. to S F June Z. Sea, W:f, bri , 273 tons, Hatoff, toS F June 3, Orient, brig, 312 tons, Adamson, toS. F.Jane 2- Sbabrtck, US steamer, w.ton, KorU, Northern Craise, Jaae2. ARRIVALS FROM SEA. John L. Stepheaa, as. 15 teas, Mackie, t. Jare& SanF Portland, bat, 494 tea, Gage.fmS. F JaacS. Dawn bk. 3S6 teas, for S. F. Hay 24. Jane A. Falkiaburg, bkt., 900 tons, Hubbard, fax Honolnla, Uay'i. Wave QueeBjBr bk, M3 tons, Aaderaon, fin New castle,? St., April 17. Caller Oa, Br. Ml,74 tons, Rea, fa IslJav. Apr 9. VESSELS ON THE WAV. o Garibaldi, bk, 67 toss, Neyes, from Heagkoag, May 15. Oregoaiaa, sen 274 tons, Pennell, fm 8F. Asaaye, 13SI tens, Ritchie, f m Cardiff, via Rio. CaaoBia, & ta, Roster, fm Glasgow via Heaelola. Clita, Br bkt., 519 tctui, White, fnt Honolulu. Daart Bar, akip. 936 Urn, tm. Europe, via Aastral- iaaadshaagai. Enid, Br bk,, 496 tops. Renouf fm Port Chalmers. Edward Jamea, Forbes, fat Hongkong. Forward.Br bit 744 tons, Strachan, fm Hongkong. Hero of the Nile. Br bk 335 tons. Dyke, tm Mel boarae, Feb2L Otto. Br bk 465 tons, Carter, fat Liverpool Oct 14 Robert Bright. Br. bk. 39 tons HeaaiBgs from Shields March 13. Seat G. Reed, ah, M6 toaa, White, from Hongkong. April 12. Trevelyaa. Br bk M42 toaa. Edwards, f m NewcAxtln 1 WoedtMe. Br bk, 7 tons Montgomery, 95 dsystsi zauiv wf. Mnn. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, D. C. 1 May 29th, 1876. J No. 1. Yol. 1., of the Daily Asto kian reached me a few days since. Looking over it with the naked eye of criticism, I found but little to con demn and much to commend. Item your modest pretensions in regard to the health, wealth and wisdom of the enterpri&e, were particularly refresh ing and, I might say, orignal. It is the hackneyed custom to puff out the editorial cheek and blow hard, about "our continued and growing i prosperity," "our large and increas ing circidation," "the public demand which our daily edition will just an swer," "the firm and permanent foun dation upon wliich we build," &c, &c, ad naseum. You see I know just how empty such blowviations are, and what a thin screen they generally are over a pitfall of disappointment and baukrurjtcy; and so you may readily believe that I read with much satisfac tion, your honest declarations of doubts whether you could financially manage so large an elophant as the daily newspaper, and your announce ment that vou would squelch it, if you should find you couldn't make it go respectfully. This sort of a stai has the mint of honesty, at least, and is in my judgment, more likely than the other to secure public confidence. If you do fail, you will at least have the satisfactory reflection that you have deceived neither yourself nor the public in the premise?. But really I don?t see why you should not succeed with a small daily at Astoria. You have my gratulations or my sympa thies, just as the occasion may require. CHANGES IN THE' CABINET. We are all shakjii up again now. The "old man" has given the coun trjr another bona fide sensation, and the quid nunas are almost insane with excitement. Of course I am speaking of the Cabinet changes I which came upon us yesterday. like a clap of thunder from a clear sky. .You have long since heard of it, by lightning. The. persons who are most immediately and bread-and-butterly interested in this re-organi zation of things, are the several hundred clerks and employes of the two departments which are provided with new heads. Every one of them is in an ague of expectancy and ap prehension. These changes in the Cabinent are dreaded by the govern ment clerk quite as intensely as are the good healthy earthquakes of Peru, for instance, by the lawful subjects of his excellency the Gover nador. It is true, we don't run oat in the streets in our night costumes, and tear our hair, but we sit in moral terror lest in an instance we may see our official heads fall, with wide staring eyes and rampant hair, into the basket at our feet. These new comers into the Cabinet circle, fre quently come at the head of an army of new applicants for place, and they always come with an idea that they can run the machine, at a days no tice, better than their predeces sors did it. Hence, we generally see a reorganization of the forces and the modes of doing business. There are favorites of the new minister to be provided for, and somebody h?s to step down and out to make room. Nobody knows where the lightnings are going to strike, and so everybody hopes for the best and fears the worst. WHO WILL BE NOMINATED. The quid nunc say that the ap pointment of Don Cameron to the Secretaryship of War, means that the President and the Cameron's will do their best to carry the Pennsylvania delegation at Cincinnati, for Conk- ling. I do not regard this as settling the question of the nomination. In the first place it is not certain that Cameron can give Pennsylvania to Conkling, or any other man. And secondly, if he could, Conkling would still be a long way from having votes enough to secure the nomination. By such an arrangement, the bulk of the votes in the convention would be pretty equally divided between Conk ding, Morton and Blaine ; and it must be remembered that both these latter have very positive strength. Their delegates go to Cincinnati to stand by them till the last chance for a nomination is exhausted. Blain ap pears now to be ahead, but all three are beginning to move their heaviest artillery into position for the grand onslaught at Cincinnati. If I may be so bold as to prophesy, without a prophets commission, I will say that the contest between these three lead ing men, is so positively strong that neither will be nominated. The average American convention has a strong weakness for compromises in such cases, and compromise generally means a new man instead of either of the principal contestants. In case of a dead lock between Blaine, Conk ling and Morton, the present chances seem to be in. favor of Gov. Hays, of Ohio. Hays and Hartranft, for in stance, would make a strong ticket. Bristow is talked of a good deal bat he is really in less danger of being struck by Cincinnati lightning, than any prominent man I now of. A BAD SPELL FOB FITZHUGH. T. N. Fitzhugh, a noble Kentucky Roman, from Texas, icas doorkeeper of the ex-Confederate house, but he is doorkeeper no more. He has put on sackcloth and butted his head in the ashes of adversity and now waileth his own particular "lost cause." Neglect of his early education is what is the matter with Fitz. He spells "bigger" with one g and "my ' with and i, and his grammar is at least open to the suspicion of being at "outs" with all the well known rules of syntax. In snort he is a murder ous murderer of the King's English, and a slayer of the innocents of orthog raphy. Fitz was unduly inflated by his accidental rise to the honorable and responsible, and, withal, profita ble office of doorkeeper in the tents of the Democracy, and being a gabulous man, he wrote what is now officially pronounced a "foolish letter" to a Texan friend, in which he so crowed and bio wed, and spluttered and swelled with his new born importance, as to set the world into fits of cachination, greatly to the scandal and dignity of the House. It was the worst letter Fitz ever wrote, for it cost him his official life. The House, after due deliberation, concluded, solemnly, that such doubtful grammar and such execrable spelling asFitz crammed into that "foolish letter," proved him to be an "unfit person" to hold the afore said office of doorkeeper in the tents &c. And now there is a vacant chair at the capitol. It is sad but the sanc tity of the grammar demanded the sacrifice. Murray and Brown and Smith and Webster and Worcester are vindicated by act of Congress, halle lujah! who shall say, hereafter, thai Republics are ungrateful? ANTI-CHINESE MOVEMENT. Senators Sargent, and Mitchell of Oregon, have opened the ball in good style against the fearful evil of Chi nese immigration to the United States. They have both made very able speech es in favor of a radical modification of the Burlingame treaty, and earnestly asking Congress to intervene for the protection of the white population of the Pacific coast, which, of course, is the section most seriously threatened-. It is not certain that anything definite will be accomplished during the pres ent session, (though I believe there will be,) but the Republican Senators from the Pacific coast are entitled to the credit of taking the first practical measures to abate the terrible irrup tionof the "Heathen Chinee." Pi per made a good speech in the house the other day, in the same direction. Thus far, however, Kelly and Lane and the other California members of the Senate and the House, have not opened their mouths on the subject. The speeches f Sargent and Mitchell presented to the eastern Senators a revolting picture whose salient fea tures, had never before been held so prominently up to public view, and I think a very strong impression was made in favor of an immediate inves tigation of the question in all its rela tions wich a view to affording such re lief as may be fond to be demanded by public policy. CAPITAL. A Great Curiosity. Grays River, W. T. June 3, 1876. J Editor Astorian : I have one of the greatest curiosi ties of the day, I came across it out in the wild woods, it runs but can't walk, it has a tongue but can't talk It don't suck eggs, yet it is large enough in the body, to take in sev eral dozen. I had a pair of trained hounds that become so much attached to it, they went with it every where it went, so they became useless to me and I had to separate them, I have since disposed of the pair and now have no dog at all. There are hun dreds, yes thousands of men who would give freely one hundred dol lars to see it, you have many wealthy men in Astoriar some that I know would pay a hundred dollars in gold to see this thing, it mignt be useful in a museum. I will send it to any man in Astoria and land it on Flavel's wharf on re ceipt of twenty dollarsv I have not exagerated at all, every word is strictly true. Respectfully, J. Joplin. FINANCE AttD TRADE. Financial. Gold Bars 800 par. Gold in N ew York. 1 1 2. Legal Tenders in Astoria buying 89; sell ing 0. Coin exchange on San Francisco percent, premium. Currency exchange n San Francisco per cent premium. Coin exchange on New York per cent, pro mium. Tolegraphic transfers on New York 1 per cent, premium. Currency exchange on New York 3 percent, premium. Trade Dehors. 92 buying; 9394 selling; half dollar. W buying; Wt;1. selling. San Franico Markets. Flour. Extra. SS50A6 00. Wheat Shippers will give SI 70 for choico lots alongside vessels; millers are paying $17.7. BarleyLight brewing. SI 20; choicef. 8137 feed. SI 20I fci; Bright Cheralier, SI 40 145. Astoria Martinis. Flour,Oregon City, AXX, bbl " Ex Family " Willamette superior,-" .-.. " Graham Middlings. Q ton Corn Meal. l cental .-. 5 75 GOO 5 25 0 00 4000 4 00 Ground Barley, 31 ton 420044 00 Bran & Shorts. u .- 27 004000 Hav ZjUU 75100 25 . 2735 25 1517 1718 1012 17:8 1415 Onions, 3 Bushel .-. Potatoes. 4 Butter, eastern, in take, "& tt '- Choico roll " Cheese, Cured Meats, Hams. " ......... Sides, Shoulders, .. . Breakfast Baon " SmekedBeef,. " Corned Beef " ....-. Cormed Pork. . " ..... 10 jLar,intinsaadcaJie8" 1718 ifiggs, ty aozea... - amget Chickens, " - -...-....- 4 005 07 Hide Diy, $U -.-... 07 Tallow, '" -..-. 7&S Beef " .-. -.-. 5Ci Pork, 810 Muttosv ,k 67 Vealr " -- 5i Com Beef; - bbl 11 0013 00 Sheep, V kea - - 2 W Apples, green, box 1 UOgjl 50 Peaches, - " WA Ceffee. green . 2425 . prepaTedVJTa,$lb &537 u MomH. w, "avsM"' 3537K U i.'