The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 05, 1876, Image 1

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    C- T
NO. 3d.
rrtJ V J- ..'J.. - nr.'J,'-'Lii!JT'J.LLIr V.'-U.UbtAI-i-'.LRJ.J1. Ji, '.JaLACTJr.JajV"J.LlJJJUKL.t. fci-iv:. .'-gLZ. " i Ai.H.JJlJLJLJ,a.igg-j?;
r' J I '
wkj - j m m &s i
i.V '"5 . 2 MJI
(Siii:tiays Kxce-ited,t
lTojuior Hmldini, Cans Street
Terms of Subscriptien:
Served by Carrier, per week '2 Cents
Sei.t by mail, three months $-0
h-eiit hy mail six months -1 GO
Seat hy one year 7 OJ
j rue f l'o:t:ige to the Subscribers.
iVTT Advertisements in?citel by the year nt
the into of -1 m per jnaro per month.
Tran.-ient, advertt-in, by tho day or week,
fifty cents pcrsi;:s:ro lir.-t insertion.
Ueadinir notice, in city Items column, five
eet per line per day. .No charge less than
twenty-five cents.
When will the Common
o il or a tax, if necessary, to improve
the cemeterv ground.-- ?
Mrs. Derby had added now at
tractions to her millinery stock, and
a beautiful dressed model appears in
the front .window.
The Centaur arrived from above
Jat evening in tow of the Shoofiy,
nearly ready for sea. She is partly
laden with wheat.
The Episcopal church has been
greatly benefitted by the addition of
a front window, giving light and ven
tilation to the gallery.
The barkentine Portland, Capt.
Gage, Simpson's Oregon I'acket line,
left yesterday for Portland in tow
of the steam tug J. C Prenham, pilot
Oilman on deck.
Persons on board theAVave Queen
may lower a hook through the main
hatch anytime, on the voyage to
Iviirope, and draw,out a salmon, ready
cooked for lunch or breakfast.
The "Willamette river at Port'
land, on the 1st inst., was only
an inch and a half lower than it was
fourteen years ago that date, eighteen
days later than which Portland saw
the highest water ever known there.
The British ship Wave Queen
arrived at Astoria yesterday partly
laden with flour and fish for Liver
pool. She was brought from Brook
field by pilot lieed, in tow of the
steam tug Astoria, drawing eighteen
feet. When fully laden at Astoria
for sea her draft will be nineteen
Besides four hundred tons of flour
shipped by Kinney cC Co., the Wave
Queen has on board for Liverpool
direct, 13,000 cases salmon from Bay
View and Brookfield. She will take
on 140 tons more at Kinney's Astoria
factory this week, and will then be
readv for sea.
The electon is nearly through
with, and we feel a great relief es
pecially as we wear a new pair of
nice easy fitting oxford ties, made by
Cone, which will place us square on
our feet again, after the tussel the
politicians have given us, keeping us
up day and night for nearly three
A man in Coos county has ap
plied for a patent on a late discovery.
It is Said that he has invented a pro
cess by which it is possible under
ordinary circumstances to so conduct
a campaign as to confine the discus
sions to those issues in which the
people are directly interested, and to
avoid anything calculated to smirch
the character, or lower the social
standing of the candidates. It is so
simple and so easy that it seems real
ly wonderful that nobody ever
thought of it before. All the candi
dates have to do is to stand on their
heads, and walk off on the left ear
"When will the road leading to
the cemetery grounds be made passable?
icuci in.iv cio . t,iibiv.iau w.i
the management Of the late Public
InHnn iiii(fivn .: o nrlf iaIim "ill
School exhibition is rejected.
-The election passed off in a very
satisfactory manner at Astoria to-day.
-vr x ii 1 j i i x..
.N o trouble whatever winch is a, trine
strange considering the excitement of
. . , . . 1
Llie past, r O T CCkS. j
- -
T.pvi5 Ilrnf!.- slinivmon. biv
..,.. . ..j , ,.., w
. . . . . , .
)een adyertrsjng irom Astoria to Coos
,,,,. fnr ., vnnmr 1m1- nf rnrf1 .innnnr. '
)A ioi a oung jao oi goott apptai- .
ance between fifteen and twenty ,
j'ears of age, to travel with their
twMiim f.- ! flr irifil cncnnncirtn
i.v.,.,,1., ... v.w ..v. .... """' ""w" : Garibaldi, Hv CIO tons, Xoyes, from Hongkonpr,
act, but it niav be said with credit to I -May i".
r ' i j. ti i . t ! Orcgonian. sell 574 tons, Ponnell, fm SF.
Ore-on girls that they have not ycu As,;iye lsMtonSiKitcniet faiCanUff .via Rio.
fOU lid her Whom t liey Seek. Cauoma. .WO ts, Kosser. fin Gl.usgou- via Honolulu.
- " : j Clita, Br bkU.!l tons, "White, fm Honolulu.
The people hi Polk County are ' DunrtUay, hhip. j::i tons, fm Europe, via Austral
,, rt i iiiandShang.ii.
veiyanxioustosee tho Oregon Ceil- . Klidt Iir bk.,4!Itons.Henouf fm Port Chalmers.
tral Tailro:id pushed to Completion. . Edward James, Forbes, fm Hongkong.
T, . , y. f. , - . ,, . T , t . Forward, 13r bk., 741 tons Strachan. fm Hongkong.
It is aim. st a faced fact that Independ- ! lloroof teXlle,Brbkas tons. Dyke, tm Mei
ence will Txi the main depot for Polk 1 J""0: 5 f.-L r. t , T . W1MI
Otto. JJe bK 4(w tons. Carter, fm .Liverpool Oct 14
COUllty. ftlr. Yilfcird the President of , Uobert Bright. Br. bk. :J0a tons Hennings from
., ... . . , j Shields March 1:8.
the company, with a reviewing party, J Sam(..Kc.ed,ni,, rontons White, from Hongkong.
passed thrmigll there last Week oil tSJJJJ ; BrbklOti tons, Kd wards ,fm Newcastle
fnnf. fMlrr nn onw f flw, Woodsidu, Br bk.7tK) tons Montgomery, W days fm
v,.., "0 .w wt.. ..0.. v. .-..w
route irom est: Joe. to Junction.
They have got a sharp city re
porter on the Oregonian staff. This
how he figures up a flag staff: " Two
pieces, each 100 feet long, with a'ins&i.
,. r. , r , i'i.1 xl Coin exchange on S;m Francisco J per cent,
splice of 'twelve feet, and set about , premium.
eight feet in the ground, would be j Currency exchange on San Francisco y. per
ra ts i j cent premium.
200 feet from the ground to tho apex.1 i Coin exchange on Xcw York per cent, prc-
We pass. Let him alone, Bro. Jour-! "V.V1,11, , t f ,,- a- i -,
l ' iclccraphic transfois 041 jov lork 1 per
nal j cent, premium.
Currency exchange oh Xcw York percent.
" Granma" Lamphere, as she has ' premium.
. , , , . . . r : Trndo Dollars. 02 buying; 9:K) selling;
been commonly known at Astoria for iiaif dollar. ma buying; i.tjt selling.
veiy many years past, whose death
occurred yesterday, was born at
Warm Springs, Bath county, Yir-
ginia, August 24th, 17SC. She came
to Oregon, crossing the plains with '
. ' , ,. ,.1 . , , !
teams in 1S47, and has lived at As- j
toria nearly ever since then. The j
funeral services took this after- 1
noon at Grae (Episcopal) church,
of her life will be furnished for pub
lication next week.
.fr-Tlie West Shore is the only
illustrated paper in Oregon. i. .Samuel, ,
I'umishcr, I'orlland. ??loU per year.
Send for it.
iS-Miss Belle Welch having re
moved her stock of millinery goods to the
house of her father, corner of Wall and
Eighth Streets, invites ladies to call,
Tlie bpst ashoitment of hats and trim-:
tilings in the city. Orders from abroad i
promptly attended to.
gan, winch was lost on baturday hibt, be-
vween avbiona ana me upper lown, will
ier a favor and be thankfully rewarded
leaving the same at this ofUce, or at
the residence or JiLr. Goshu, at unner
town. .
3An "Old Arm Chair." not the
one placed in fciieh hih e.-timatc by the
poet, hoover, but one which tor thirty
.i"-' fta vi-t.n .. ii.-uii jitivu ui um
oor liou hnnn o vn.fnw. l.m. i-... ....
inenu ten. .jonn vuair, nas just been
undergoing repairs at Chas. StolPs fur -
niture tore, and i now made nearly as
nice and comfortable as when new. 'Mr.
to a bracket, you will lind it at his shops
una ware rooms.
.-srni T. , .,
i. AiiBuuiiB rnuuuer oi oamuers
West Shore has atmcared and contain
most excellent cuU, representing the dif-
terent gold medals and the silver cup to1
be awarded at the Portland Centennial ,
celebration; and aho an extensive gen-;
eral programme o the exercises and
tournaments lo take nlaco in That citv J
duriug the week of jubilee. Thcss en-
engravings would be creditable to the bet
publication in the countrv. A number of
other very interesting illustrations, alto
appear in this number, besides descrip
tive and other reading matter. Mr. Sam
uel evinces much energy and eomnrehen-
Jtion in the management of the West
snore, ana fcucce is well merited.
but the sermon will not be nreached practical dairying, on the most Pieces-bail court has granted an order to show
1 c i j. 1 .1 l -i i ba.-is, than this rejrion. Pure cold living ..p nM,-,wio-Lrt : . .,i
until Stindav next, bv the Ileetor ' .! cause, liie probate is contested on
V rp fr ,1 ; 1 V 1 1 i streams, a temperature Irce Irom the ex- , . l
lev. J. A. llylaiid. A brief sketch tromnnnu)it. nVnidii. mid nnturiM cif iim;! behalf of sixteen nersons claiiniii"' to
p&" The finder of a small passbook, lJrcakfiist ila
with letters jn i', addressed to Thomas E. j cllrned ileef'
L. Lofian and to Thomas and James Lo- fommi inri.-
oio:i uiiucrfciaiiu? ni? oumiicss and n you Sujrar, crushed, Y " Hdu-i ! Un tlie arrival ot the tram m San
have any keepsakes in the furniture line ' powered,!4 1.V17 . ,, . , ', i ,
which you wUh to preserve, call and con- " island. -fn....t. AdilA Francisco they will be greeted by a
biilt him. It you want any article of Syi. S.f.f ldo' g,lllon 4m, committee of reception, and dino at
modern design, well made, ornamental, 1 Tca Young lii'sonlWZZZZZZ "5'70 ! the Palace Hotel The mssen"ers are
and of excellent fini-.h, from a vmr or set I " Janan. in naners. v :("V i n.oiLi. xne passenger, aic
ynippiny: Port of Astoria.
Ajax, str 13."J tons, Holle?. to S F Jnnc 3.
Sea V.rttif.!iriff.2T::tons.HaretoSr. to rfF Junes,
Orient, hrijr, 312 tons. Ailiuusou, toS. F.June 2.
i Shubrlck, U S steamer, V.oo tons, Korts, Northern
Cruise, June J.
Portland. bkt. 404 tons tiac. fm s. f. June.-;.
Gixsie 'JVn'air. str., 4 ID tons. Gardner, fm Pupet
Rival-bk -1 t0- Aaanw, fm Wilmington, May 27.
Dawn bk. iTO tops, for S. F. Msy 2. I
California, str fT I'ton?, Hayes, fm Sitka. May 22.
Centaur, Gv bk-ifW tons OJTaron. fm Hongkong,
Jam A. Falkinburp, bkt., 300 tons, Hubbard, fm
Honolulu. Mayj. j
Vjlvo Qneen. l'.r bk. il tons. Anderson, fm New-!
caMiL.,xs v.t April it. J
Caller Ou.iJr.bk., in i tons, Bea.fmW.Java. Apr 9. j
Tabic bay. April I.
: ) l-'icmntjial. .
(loM Uars SO.) par.
Gold in Nen- York, WlV&'y.
,cnx Tenders in Astoria. buvin.2 SS: sell-
San Francisco Markets.
Flour. Extra. $", rty, 1)0.
Wheat Shippers will give Si 70 for choico
lot alongside vessels; millers are paying
J5t alongside vessels; millers are paying
JJarley Light brewing. i 20; choice. Si vqyz
feed, SI 2.1 2"i;,Hright Chevalier, a -10 H"-
Astoria 3Znr:Pts.
0 "? Sitf 1
gi.m in" the world is better adapted to
boundless mass of luxuriant rass, invites
me dairyman here, and amiougn ions oi
"butter are put up annually the Held is but
partly occupied, lloom for many more,
- - -
1 lour.Orcgon City, -VXX.xl hbl....
hx bainily
Willamette superior, ".
Uraham " '.
Corn .Mcal,'rl'
d round llarley, " I:i.
liran &bhort, " .
Hay " ..
Unions, "ft UuheJ.
:- oo
7.51 00
rota toes.
i liutlcr, eastern, in tubs, H
i " Ull0lc0 ro11 '
cured Meats Ham.
Sides, '
Wan 'X
, Lard, in tins and caddies1'
n,-nIcUC1?;' -v
j $1 Dxyl ZZZZZ"ZZ'Z
J-spt r uozen
, v,aai
1 Pork,
' Mutton,
! Veivl.
i J?"rn BSr: VbI 11?Sl:,I-
i Dry
! .' T.
j Peaches.
1 Coffee, green " ,.2,f"r)
Pro!ircd' :v tlb i f
j - Moco, J lo!..! Z'ZZZ Xtfitiy
i " in lacquered boxes r. . 75.0
nannies, u -
Oils, Dcvoc's (s ease iU&"
Lead. Atlantic white V W i4
u;,.n --i ti, i&u)
Salt. Liverpool, lb cental lOOliloU
" Island, V cental !K1 10
&iccf wbolo t r-;',
fetorr? "'bov OOlWrS
" '' ' fancy, & box l'.io 25
Tobacco,"? H 05;al00
-M a! oheV. gross 2 20
' , su,' t '............... - ,.&
Shingles. .M 2.0C:U)0
lilankets, i pair G 00(510 (X)
Sheeting, per yard lOlli
Waterproof, ' " 100&1.7J
Ticking, u " li43
hCottonadcs " ' - 25 50
ilannels, all wool.yard . ;j0ru,7o
Chcefejv yard lOSW
. .. . . ..... ..7 ,.. . ....... x 0
Telegraphic Hfews.
Synopsis of Press Dispatches.
Alexander T. Stewart's Will
Jarrett and Palmers Fast
at i r t . -i
Ahead. OI 1 lme at Cheyenne.
i Probably at San Francisco
on Time.
The Scheditle from New
List of Passengers on Board.
Chinese going back to the
Flowery Land.
Death of W. V. Wells in
Napa Asylum.
Small-pox and Laundries in
San Francisco.
Congress Can't Stand Any
thing Rouorh.
On the Coolie Question.
The rumors lately afloat concerning
Stewart's will have assumed form. The
will is alleged to have been obtained
br undue influence, and. the surrogate
i Limn! v.ifirmc
j Jarrett an
i , . ' , "
laid Palmer's, lightning
train left Cheyenne at 10:48 Friday
L' ;i i evening, rimning 45 miles per hour
Wi between ISTorth. Platte and Cheyenne,
I 00 about an hour and a half ahead of
.jf,jJ1,)JJ,j!tiine, every thing working well, The
tram passed Sidney, .Nebraska, 414
miles out, three horn's and forty min-
utcs ahead of schedule time. Fol-
" I If iifiti r "f-ii fiAlift In Ir fnnA rill 9i
iu'" "" aoiiui.iici uuuti utiuiu xxuiii
"ew York threugh:
Miles. H'rs.
Jersey City to Philadelphia 90 1.45
To Harrisburg 10G 4.
Altoona 327 7.
Pittsburg 444 10.
Chicago 913 20.
Crossing of the Mississippi
river at Clinton 23.30
Omaha 1405 32.
! Cheyenne 1932 40.
! fWl ... OAX XX
j San Fr
vnv.u -xau uu.
ancisco 3317 84.
twenty in all.
It was expected Postmaster Gen
eral Jewell would be one of the party,
I but his duties prevented. The- whole
. x . , . . . ,
I pary met !lt 12 dock' Provl0TO to
' the start at the K". ". Herald office,
, ,-, M1 . , -, , ,
1 where they were illuminated by a cal-
i cicum light and treated to a sight of
150,000 Heralds struck oft in thirty
minutes. A special boat conveyed
them to Jersey City where- thej7 took
the start.
The British steauaar. Quang Se,
which sailed to Honkong on the 2d,
took away about 400 Chinese.
"W. V. Wells, for many years
connected with the press of San Fran
cisco, prominent contributor to the
Overland Monthly, author of a work
on Central America, and the biogra
phy of his
:r, Samuel
Adams, died at the ISapa insane asy
lam last evening.
Tho Chinese feeling is making
havoc in a quiet way among Chinese
laundries, and laundries" owned by
white men, who employ Chinese
and all Chinese laundries have lost
more than half their custom, their
patrons being fearful of smallpox.
At a meeting of the 11th ward
Anti-Coolie Club, last night, a letter
from Seuator Sargent was read, the
point of which was that the recent
incendiary talk, threats of violence
toward the- Chinese, is doing more
than anything else to forfeit the sup
port of the Eastern people, and he
urged the clubs to be harmonious as
doves, as the only way to accomplish
Somebody got his dander way up
because the local reporter of the Ore
gonian didn't expose the big bonanza
Oregon is a long way ahead of
any other State in the display of cere
als at the centennial. Oregon iron
is exhibited as a product of Califor
nia. One of the Coos bay tugs last
Friday towed out two vessels at the
same time, and brought two in over
the bar. The bar was as smooth as a
mill pond.
A brace of midnight prowlers
went through the pockets of four men
on Seattle streets a few nights ago,
but got nary a red. Times must be
fearful dull over there.
Tho Portland evening Journal
thinks it is well enough to look atthe
l!effect of Puget Sound competing for
the shipments of the Willamette
Valley by the proposed railroad to
The Dentists of Ireland are in
dignant at a doctor who advertises in
the newspapers. The ancient eti
quette of the medical profession is to
starve rather than pubish one's busi
ness in the same column with an
nouncements of dry goods and gro
ceries. One Portland paper says the
Wave Queen has gone to sea ; an
other says the Thorndike will not
sail soon, because of delays in con
nection with suits in court What
wise ones. The Astoufax is-the only
paper in the State th-at gives correct
data with reference to Oregon's com
merce -Soi. King and W. A. Wells, op
posing candidates for sheriff in -Benton
county made the canvass rather
too tropical for that latitude and af
ter making fools of themselves for 11
week or two, wrote and signed a card,
which was published, denouncing
their course, each toward the other,
as ungentlemanly. One of the twain
will be elected.
An extra elegant pair of fine
white blankets from Salem has gone
forward as a present for Sir Samuel
Cuiiard.. of London, England, proprie
tor of the Cunard Steamship line, and
have his name and the date, 187G,
woven in scarlet They cannot fail
to create a favorable impression of Or
egon, manufacture-, unless the gentle
man shall think that because the mills,
that produced them is burned, no
more suck can be made.. Brownsville
can supply thsr tUmand. Ordr of
Jacob Mayer..