The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, June 03, 1876, Image 1

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. i.
VOL. 1.
NO. 30."
WijUii'kaJJUlUUUimj!Ui...L-JlULLJMUg.jJll;Jf .mj.-.JJVgf.'ii'.BP'I.H.JIU LLLSg-L-ilL
RiaE,-La:ft!ugi tJHBi tun
yj nr
' '-'1
(Sundays Excepted,
Monitor Bmldinj, Cans Street
Terms of Subscriptien:
Served by Carrier, per week.
Sent by mail, three months...
Sent by mail.-ix months
So:jt by mail one year
.25 Cents
S2 :;0
4 (JO
7 00-
1-rec of Postage to the Subscribers.
RSf" Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of 1 00 per square per month.
Trancient adverti.-ing, by the day or week,
fifty cents per square iir.-t insertion.
Heading notice-, in City Items column, five
I'ents per line per day. .No charge less than
twenty-live ecnt.
When will the Common Council
order atax, if necessary, to improve
the cemetery grounds ?
The schooner Tlora, Capt. Miller,
in G. "NY. Hume's line of Oregon
Packets, sailed from Fan Francisco
for Astoria on T hiirsd:ry last.
The brig Orient, Capt. Swan, in
Simpson's Oregon Packet line, sailed
yesterday, having completed her
cargo for .San Francisco at Knappton.
The bark Dawn, Capt. kelson, in
G. AY. Hume's line of Oregon Packets,
has her cargo all engaged, and will
be at Astoria, ready for sea on the
lOMi or 11th.
The Oregon Steamship Com
pany's steamer Ajax, Capt. Eolles,
with an assorted cargo of 700 tons,
completed loading this morning at
P. 1"). Hume ct Co.'s dock, and went
to sea at S o'clock.
The brig Sea Waif, Capt Smith, in
G.W. Hume's line of Oregon Packets,
sailed for San Francisco this morning,
carrying 460 tons of freight consisting
of 11,930 cases salmon, shipped by
Cutting tC- Co., Joseph Hume, Wm.
Hume, and Pootli & Co., besides
forty-three bales blankets; one case
do.; oWi hides; one case dry do.;
live bales wool ; and forty-two empty
A visitor along the wharves yes
terday, who was curious tf' lind out
what that new building 7o by 100
feet in size was intended for was told
by the builder, Capt. kludge, that it
was designed to inclose Capt. Flavel's
coal-heap. A comparison of the
grassy covered coal heap, (about 300
tons all told), with the larger propor
tions of the building was enough to
excite the admiration of the stranger,
who endorsed Capt. M. as one of the
easiest jokers he had met with for
many a long day. His joke of the
wind mill pump, pumping the river
dry below the suction-pipe, a fact in
the eyes of an interior man who
knew nothing of the rise and fall of
tides, will do to go with this one.
The public school exhibiton, giv
en at Spiritual hall last evening, was a
decided success in every particular.
The pupils all, singly and colect
ively, acquitted themselves in a very
creditable manner. The programme
was large and varied, consisting of
music, vocal and instrumental; recita
tions, dialogues, etc. etc. To partic
ularize where each, one acted his or
lier part so acceptably would seem in
vidious, and for want of space and
time to give each pupil the prox)er
share of credit due, must close
with the simple remark "well done."
The large hall was densely crowded
showing an appreciation on the part
of the public, at once gratifying to
the school, to the 'parents of pupils,
and. particularly so to the teachers.
When, will the road leading to j
the cemetery grounds be made pas
sable? Col. A. K. Bush is in town from j
Riverside, en route to Olympia.' He
apears to be in excellent health and
spirits. .
NTo Oregonian for June 2d reached j
Astoria last night.
P. D. Kume, esq., of this city
has to-day about $30,000 worth of sal
mon in cases afloat, "between this city i
and San Francisco.
J. C. Olmsted, lessee of the Sea
Side Hotel, is making his arrange
ments to open that popular resort, on
Thursday, July 1st.
Mr. Holman returned to Portland !
this morning from Ilwaco. He has re-
centlv sold several more lots in that i
promising summering resort.
Oregon Steam Navigation !
Company have sold the Beaver, and
, . , -,
she will be taken to the btickeen '
river, with headquarters at Fort Wran
gle. A movement is on foot in Califor- i
nia to nominate Ex-Governor
of Oregon for Yice President. A dis
patch to the associated press says that
his friends are making strong efforts
in behalf of the movement.
-Dr. Johnson, an old time resi-
ctent or -acinc oounty, ana tor many ;
1 . f 1-. , s . .-ii. .
years plrysician to the Indians at Qui- i
i. , ,,1 r -ii.
nauk, is stopping at the Occident, !
with a daughter, en route to visit j
friends on the Columbia river. The '
Doctor looks hale and hearty, not- j
withstanding the fact that he lias pas
sed the meridian of life.
Jarrett and Palmer's f:ist train.
four days fromlTew York to San Fran
c'sco passed Pittsburg, Pa., at 10:58
a. 3r. , June 1st. , two minutes ahead
of time. The distance (439 miles)
w:is made without stoppage, with
one engine. There is a me
morial item for the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers to
make a note of.
At the Knappton mills this fore-
noon a yellow fir log G2 feet long, 44
inches across the small end, 5S inches
at the butt, was cut up into planking j
for Simpson's neAV tug-boat. The
lumhfr hn? not otip ;nof nv hlomisli in
iUlUULl IUU not one STOL Ol OiCmiSnin I
it that is the beauty of the thing.
Tho lnfr cp-il or! 7 OP.n fonf Poif T?Li
lllC lOg SCaieCt ,UOU teet. Uipt. lia-,
1 fc f,.. m,.ln, mt- l, 1...,,o u.,w 5llii,io wuu ui uw vj
G2 feet long 30 inches wide and five j
inches thick. The log has laid in the j
boom for about five years, because
of its great weight, but the machinery
at present in use snatched it into the
mill in good shape, and made lumber
of it all before dinner-time. There
was enough lumber in one of the
slabs, to make a good sized sloop.
People at Knappton feel like chuck
ling a little over their morning's work
The city officers strife in Chicago
continues unabated. Comptroller
Jdayer. m possession of the office of
Mayor refuses to answer until the
time allowed by law expires. In case
that the decision of the judges is un
favorable to Colvin on Monday, he
wTill give up the office.
The Florida Republican conven
tion was stormy. Pistols were used.
Further trouble is apprehended.
The Democracy of Missouri
deemed it inexpedient to adopt any
resolutions respecting the currency
and finances of the country. A reso
lution instructing to vote in National
Convention for Hendricks was not al
lowed to be read. Non-committal
5Capt. L. "W. Poole, authorizes
us to say that he i& not a candidate for
the ofiiiv of Justice of the Pence, lichees
respectfully to decline, and throws his
vote in iavor oi r. H. l1ox.
K&-3Ir. Armstrong i3 taking about
as nice pictures, at the Astoiia Gallery,
as any gallery iu Hie State. Give him a
Jllv. Charles Stevens at the city
Book Store is offering special inducements '
ty, I to per.-ons in want of articles in his line.
I'jlle has a splendid stock, which he is
ai" ;cloHng out at cost, intending to quit the
bu. - iness.
;?&" Miss Crang will commence a
private school on Monda3r next, June oth,
in the Public School-house. Charges
fifty cent per week for each scholar.
.Eft-Miss Belle "Yelch having re
moved her tock of millinery goods to the
hou-eofher father, corner of Wall and
J' - 'ghth Streets, invites ladies to call.
J he best assortment of hats and trim
mings in the city. Oiders fiom abroad
promptly attended to.
Eastkkx Okegon The Astorian is
doinc more for the interests of Eastern
Oregon than anv other nancr in the State.
' .vuu have ;a friend or a relative in that
section of this countiy, send him the pa-
nor on trial. Only one dollar for lour
fiTAny per-on inquiring for a tine
nun lit v of liotior. and can nimivciatc the
Sum, can find the centime J. II. Cutter
Whiskey and Millers extra Old Itourbon,
at tin " (jolumoia liar" saloon Astoria.
with Geo. Ushcrw ood late of Portland to
eater to their taste-. Gentlemen will please
give us a call. Cigars of a line quality
also on hand. J as. M. Lynch, Prop.
pij" Every body goes to the Novelty
Barber -hop to net fixed up in stvle. Evciy
' ,i..i.?sim iiixiriiiiiiin .nwl irtnn ti (lir I liovft
IFV.lCwn llliti v."lll , "' itw iwu, vi u. imiv.
,.m,,ioyed :l fi,t-c!as artist who will sinil-
mglymampulateyour chin, gracefully curl
your mustache, nicoly juitf your hair, and
ttofuH, but not least, will perfume your
clothe- with the mo-tpupulnr perfumery in
"P!oy" ".V"" K'L believe it just
try it. Hair cutting, shaving, and sham-
pooing. Hair dying done and warranted
not to turn red, break or split.
Parker iloue building, Astoria.
J. L. Cam I'll kll, Proprietor.
Tide Tabic ror Astoria.
(From tables of United States Coast Survey.)
1 1 ii?h Water.
Low Water.
1. M.
A. M.
1'. 31. :n
....n r.
..-12 us.
.'." o 20"
.... o ."tt..
.... i M..
.... 2 o.;..
.... 2 !;..
.10 SOL...
.ii ii....
.11 -I7L...
.12 ."....
. 1 M2....
. 2 211....
J -II ..
1 '?' ..
r. ..
7 n., ..
7 -i ) ..
. i l'.i
.. 5 0:5
.. 3 r,0
.. oO
.. 7 OS
.. 7 4 ;
.. 8 27
! 00
; on 0 10
10 2 o.; ;; -io s
ii 2 -!; I 101 10 It!
.. a ro !
The height i' reckoned from the level of av-
j erngo water, to which the.-oundinjrs sire
i piven on the Coast Survey charts. U hen the
! tinir; in tlu :i. in. (i1iiimi i follnworl hv i it. i !
afternoon, and when in tho i. m. column by a
AyioiUA. Jvnc2.is6.
E A Hawlcy ami family J O Olmsted S F
p,tlnnd. JD tlulmnn Ilwaco
Dr .yt"5011 aml AKIijsh River sido w
RCarrutliers anil wife G Alierncthy Oak Point
OyterviHc GAVUume Oakland Ual
' -ns3bCarrutlicr.sOys- A Alillfjr Jtt Caniiy
j j Wilson Oak Point
Vi'm JCIfiuc lt Canby
11 TUenniss.
snipping Port of Astoria.
Ajax, str 1M4 tons, Bollcs. to S F June C.
Sea Waif, bris, 273 tons. Harstotf, to S F June 3,
Orient, brijr, :il2 tons. Adamson, to S. F. June 2.
Shubrick, U S steamer, 3oo tons, Korts, Northern
Cruise, June 2.
Portland, bkt, -Wl tons. Gape, fm S. F. June 3.
Untie Telfair, fetr., 413 tons, Gardner, fm Puget
Sound, May 31.
Rival, bl2!X) tons. Adams, fm Wilmington, May 27.
Dawn bk, 250 tons, for S. F. May 20.
California, str (i74 tons, Hayes, fm Sitka, May 22.
Centaur, Ger bk 46S tons Offarbon. fm Hongkong,
May 8.
Jane A. Falkinburg, bkt., 300 tons, Hubbard, fm
Honolulu, May 2.
Wave Queen. Br bk, 8o3 tons, Anderson, fm Xew-
castle.N S W., April 17.
Caller Ou, Br. bk., 074 tons, Rea, f m Isl. Java. Apr 9.
Garibaldi, bk, 670 tons, Xoyes, from Hongkong,
May 15.
Oregonian, sch 274 tons, Pennell, fm SF.
Assaye, 1231 tons, Kit cbio, fm Cardiff, via Rio.
Canonia, &J0 ts, Kosser. fm Glasgow via Honolulu.
Clita, Br bkt,. 519 tons, "White, f m Honolulu.
Duart I5ay, ship, j36 tons, fm urope4 via Austral
ia and Sliangai.
Enid, Br bk.,;JSfi tons, Itenouf fm Port Chalmers.
Edward James, Forbes, fm Hongkong.
Forward, Br bk.,744 tons, Strachan, fm Hongkong.
Hero of the Nile, Br' bk 335 tons. Pyke, tm Mel
bourne, Feb 21.
Otto. Br bk 465 tons, Carter, fm Liverpool Oct 14
Robert Bright, Br. bk. 309 tons Hennings frora
Shields March 13.
Stun G. Reed, sh, K56 tons, White, from Hongkong.
April 12. ..
Trevelyan, Br bk 1042 tons, Edwards, fm Newcastle
Woodside, Br bk. 700 tons Montgomery, 95 days fm
Table bay. April 1.
A Card from Mr. W. W. Parker.
Astoria, June 3d 1S76.
To the readers of the Daily Asterian:
In a few words I wish to review the
little squable between myself and the
Grays, who I am aware are supposed
to be pushed on by other and more in
fluential parties.
In my communication of the 29th
and 31st of May I pronounced every
one of the insinuations wliicli lie calls
"nuts" to be false, wholly so. I also
I pronounced as wholly false all the in
sinuations and charges contained ii
jis luu -y g;. Gray's subsequen
cards or communications. x now
again pronounce them all, all the
charges and insinuations mentioned
or referred to above, to be wholly
false as far as they have any applica
tion to me. And in regard to any
new matter coutamediii Gray's card of
the 2d inst. , 1 pronounce that wholly
false when charged against me; and I
now, as I have done before, chal
lenge Gray or any one else, to prove
any single one, or more, if liis charges
against me.
I am aware that most of his state
ments are simply insinuations,
chaitrinir anvthinir pesitively: but
whatever they are, I clndlenge liim to
the proof.
On the other hand, how has he got
out of the charge of cheating "W. H.
Smith out of a $35 subscription on
the road from Ft. Clatsop to Clatsoj)
Plains, wliicli would open a new
steamboat route for him? He confesses
to having promised Mi's. JobHoss 828
dollars for supper for a party which
they all received and ate, and then he
refused to pay her more than $4, leav
ing her out 24, fr more than three
fourths of the contracted price.
I have been told of more than
twenty instances of Gray's quibling,
prevaricating and backing out of con
tracts and agreements with the officers
and men on iiis steamer the xst five
or six years, and refusing to pay them
after they had jicrform'cd their -pari of
the contract. But what is the use of
publishing tilings so notorious as arc
his acts in such matters.
He feels rather sore because I did not
go to Tillamook in his steamer, so that
he could charge the whoie expense to
my account. I had no use for the
steamer, or the ride, for I could send
all I wanted to by messenger overland.
I compelled him to adojt my course,
and send an overland messenger, which
he did next day after .he got home
from Tillamook. He accuses me of
being stingy because I did not charter
his boat to Tillamook ; and the other
evening, in a public meeting, after
having invited me to ride in his boat
four miles on my way home from one of
his meetings, when I could just as well
have sailed in my own boat, he ac
cuses ine of not having paid for such
four miles ride, to the utter disgust,
chagrin and shame for him, or his com
panions, Mendleson and others, who
heard him invite inc. "Why does he
not ask me to pay for the " sandwich"
wlricli after pressing invitations I
accex)ted from his company's lunch
basket upon that occasion ! What is
the use of noticing such a man. One
more item and I am done with him.
A gentleman of worth and probity
from Portland well known to Mr.
Chance, our city P. 1M., stated in town
yesterday, that J. H. D. Gray is em
ployed by some wealthy men in Port
land to do his utmost to defeat "W.
W. Parker, whom they think if elected
will be in the way of the accomplish
ment of some of their schemes, in
which they expect to ask the assistance
of the ensuing Legislature.
The above statement are facts, Mr.
Chance is well acquainted with the
man who made the statement, and
knows him to be a man of veracity.
Of course the people of Astoria and
Clatop county have an interest in those
matters. Pespectiuily
W. W. Parker.
Iowa indorsed Blain as a pure He
publican and patriot, well worthy
to be chosen as the National Hepre
sentative of the Republican party in
the comng campaign.
The Louisiana Republicans ask
for the establishment of a system of
Federal finance which, will insure the
collection of- Revenues, punish frauds,
and bring about a steady, speedy,
and permasejit return of specie payment.
A Trip to Tillamook Bay.
Astoria, Oregon, June 2, lS7t.
The excursion to Tillamook bay from
Astoria, May 31t, left hern on board the
steamer General Canbv at 9 o'clock a. m.,
and arrived in the bay at 4 o'clock p. :m.
every one pleased and happy. Crossed
Tillamook bar at about half tide, finding
from two- and a halt' to three fathom of
water. Anchored at the highest point in
tho bay ever reached by steamer, and by
small "boat proceeded to Hoquarton, the
county seat of Tillamook county, a beauti
ful little inland village, about ten miles
from the bay. "We received a warm re
ception from the people, and at S.30 p. jr.
all met together at the town hall ti discuss
political ines. Capt. J. II. D. Gray the
Independent candidate for Joint Repre
sentative, and Mr. "Wilson of Tillamook.
Democratic candidate, were present and
addressed the meeting. Capt. Gray spoke
at con-iderable length on corruption, and
fraud ii rings, and was well applauded.
Mr. "Wilson followed him on the bull and
ram stories, and as he is in the ram busi
ness I think he got a little the beat of it.
He acquitted himself well, and made some
wry fair promises. A Parker man was
called for, but as he was absent (taking a
little Independent whisky), and could hot
be found for some time, did not receive
much encouiagement, as his. remarks were
not well entet tamed.
"We left the bay the next morning, June
1st, at 5.-J0 a. m., accompanied by thirty
or forty friends to the steamer, to bid us
good by, and p!ede themselves independ
ent voters. "We left the bay at 10.25 A. M.
and. arrived at Astoria at 4.45 p. m. all
favorably impressed the commercial
advantages, and agricultural rosources of
Tillamook county. The party consisted
of seveiai pryminent citizens of Astoria,
among whom were, Messrs. H. D. Hume,
Dean Blanchard, Col. John Adair Jr., Pi.
Mendelson, arl others. Capt. Gray was
looking out for the future interests of tho
people in that direction and will enter the
trade there this year to a limited extent;
but will greatly extend it another vear.
More anon. J. O'BEIEX.
The Democracy of Tennessee fa
vor the substitution of treasury notes
f tr national bank currency.
The Iowa Hepublicans favor the
gradual resumption of specie pay8-
nient by continuous steady steps in
that direction.
iTrlt is not the polished orator'
who chape:? tmblic opinion,, but the quiet
editor, whose words go out to tiie public,
ear without panidc or ceremony. The
orator may please the ear or tickle the fan
cy; but the editor doe mere: He i-ati-fics
them.nd, and ca-rie.- to every household a
fund ot knowk'dgo. The orator, by burn
ing words and unpardoned eloquence,
may drive men to aeno of duty; but an
editor it he be true to his pro legion, at
tiarU men 13' the. presentation of hib
thoughts which appeal to the nobler qual
ities of head and heart. The words of the
orator dtop fiom the lij and aie lost,
while tho word.- of the editor drop Irom
the pre-s, and like coined money, pa? for
what they are woi til; if pure gold in the
truths conveyed, they pa current every
where. Por good or evil, the editor
wield- a powerlul influence. He cm exalt
or debase a community, lie curl advance
public corruption. How important, then,
that the editor should be a good man, and '
that all papers that convey correct senti
ment to the public ear should receive lib
eral support.
AnvKimsK An exchange says: Mavba
you think that people don't like to it:tl
advuitisements ! If ou do you are much
mistaken. .Fresh, well-put well-plaaed ad
vertisements are news ! Ihcy are welcomed,
read nay. studied ! The newspaper that is
alive with them is increaingly acceptable
and so is the bucine-s houe that knows how
fco tjet them up, posse-sed withal with the
sagacity and nerve to keep them up.
?pkcil Xotkt. Vfe shall not, oannot, in
future, answer letters of inquiry written to us
by parties desirous of settling in lrej?on, un
less such letters of inquiry contain at least the
amount of stamps ne;e?sary to pay postage on '
the return letter, lor - cents we will for
ward lour copies of Tn k AsToitrvN', of'senar-
ate dates, to any address in the lTnitetl ctafcs
postage paid.
j'We refer our reader to the ndver-tu-ement
of a farm for sale on Deep river.
This is the be.-t opportunity that we know
of lor any man wanting a good phice,
cheap, suitable for dairying or farming
purpo.-es. The only reason for wishing
to sell, is that the present owner Mr. jG.
M. Stark is about to engage in other busi
ness. fiZTTut Smith, a noted stock man,
who has invested largely m blooded sheep
arrived in Oregon again recentbyand will
make arrangements for distributing here
among sheep owners, of a lot of thorough
bred merino bucks. He will arrive at As
toria with several head of young bucks,
about the first of June. See advertise
ment. Yor fine and Artistic Photographs; go to
Buchtel Sc
cbtolte, !)1 and'.K. t irst street, 1-ort-
load, tho only first class Gallery in Oregon.
fiTTIie very finest FLotographs at Sinister.
& Davidsons, corner of First and Yamhillj;
scseets, Portland, Oregon. ;
... -' 1
jm 5-