IS 3 Qlxz &&l Qstexfau. THURSDAY June 1. 1S7G. CITY ITEMS. J3$ Another invoice of clothing at 15. i ILunbunror.-. ' . 3TSpleiiHcl assortment wall pa per and window blinds just received at Case's. SguVan Du-on has jut opened an elc- , cant block of stationer sundries-. ' Sponges, caps, pencil head, note book.-, owners ana oilier novelties. S"Yqt a neat, cheap and i-erviecablo pint of Clothing; for the b-t qualitv of Hats in the mailed; quality of RooK and Shoos call at the m-w loi of C. H. Pagc& Co., Farmed whurf, iblo- 2&-The A-toria shirt factory, in C. L. Parker's new building, on Chenamus Strtt, up .tair.s is the place W gentle - men to get nice fitting garments ao reason- able price.-. L AUXD lorn i s. I'ersons wno patron- ; ize papers should pay promptly, for the pecuniary pio.-pect- ot the pif!s have a peculiar power in pushing forward public Mrx-D Teri: P's.-Per.-on who patron- ! jze neeu ia- now prosperity. If the printer i paid prompt- ' ly, and hi pocket-hook kept plethoric by J piompt-paying nations he puts his pen to the paper in pence, his para- , graph- are more ponued, he. paints u ' pictures of pacing eVent in more pleasant color, and the perusal of his paperis of' more pleasure to his people. Paste this, piece of proverbial philosophy in some j place where ail persons can perceive it. SHIPPING ADVERTISEMENTS. 3SToti O O- Tnpnr A vn MTT?!? T7rTO "nTTT' LL0L AD A1IER TILto DAIE j. charges and advances on treight land- cd at tho 0. S. 5. Co.'s Wharf, Astoria, must i be paid before the freight leaves tho ware- I UUU5U. O. J. ilUOiiJlJIl, Agont- rtOLUMBIA KIVER PILOTS. r unico at tne unico at tne jrr C1UKVT JfOTEL,g Astoria, Oregon. M lj a nni i j j r joiixson IJ.A.SXOW, P.E.FERCIIlsrJ'. M.M.GILM4.N, G.HEED, P.1CIIA1U) IIOYT. C. S. W1UGHT, Agent. For Freight or Charter. THE Al NEW SLOOP, (jrOO. JO uCLUeb -fea FRED WASS astor. , Is now in readiness for business, and offers ' supcrioraccommodationtotouritson the bay. J H5" Will carry freight or passengers t any point at reasonable rates. Apply onboard. Astoria and Knappton. o "OEGULAR DAILY MAIL BOAT. Sloop "KATIE," g J. A. RICHARDSON - - - Master. Will leave Astoria, FOR KNAPPTON AND RETURN I n.Tr.v (ffi-Vnrf!ffi,t or r,, of k, vfc apply on buaid, or at 1. W. Cage's store. v. .. .,..v v.. r"-.i3H ""."' " "., To Masters and Shippers. I AJOTICE. j&jp&i 1 Tiie Warehou?e of tlipfeAT ' ASTORIA FARMERS' COMPANY Astoria, Oregon, ttm? WirPlMPV i) vtuc I Js prepared tp receive brain on Morale ai rp, ,..,. 4i,rti..w -h..'ii.:r. ,C..f. .)-lu.-fc,.,.. r..ZUv. Ine latest, the chcap( lirMiifintli. nml ." oonfs nor tnn nor mnnfli ' HO pounuins, no nfr ti.n f ...AnH. ,.,. r..w ,.p ,,.!. clumsy c I indcr, and lliL.1 L1IU II1CI lllUlllll. VIA II IIL.L11I11 111 11 1I1U11L1I. t APPLY AT THE OFFICE OF THE ' or do alUo ASTORI A LAUNDRY cor-rr- rr -t v m crrk-rT t nor of Chenamus and Polk streets, or at C. E. v.VUj1f A:N X ' Ai' VKlA , ' Jftckins. corner Main and Jefferson streets. rt?5"Mipciior accommodations for aischarg-j j. T. RORCHEKS. mg oaiiast, atreasonaoio rates. S. D. ADAIR, Secretary, t SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. ' i xi tvt-ii Unity ai Oysterville Stages lJI toomls A-Carruthcrs - - Proprietors I MS, CEILING, -MOULDWGSrSASH, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, Urns, QTAGES IN THE ABOVE LINE " Tanks, Fence's, &c. KJ will leave Unity luc&dnys and batui- days on the arrival of tho 4 -. ..-A- i -L STEAM ICCffllWS STEAMER Vrrr From Astoria, and'wiil leave Oj'Storville Mon days and Fiidny,-cohnccring with tliellwaeo ' Steam Navigation Company's steamer ftr .stona. fer iasengersTicketed through; also, thro' bills of lading given for freight. TLWaW STE AM KiVIGATlON X COMPANY, x , ? ; 'fiK UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Ihe steamers Gen. CAN BY, . Axn ' PVmfcisA u VARUNA.S XY'ILIi BV, IN KBADINl&S TO l5o Vt all kinds of towinjr at n'a-onahle rate. Either' tho Canby or Vaiuna will make trips .every, i MONDAY-TUESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATUKDXy,' FOR ILWACO ainitvi. jms CALLING AT WAYOPTS, return tho same jflay "Lavins at And Hh ho iitua! hour, S d'clhtk. A M: xtsT The renatation of Ihcse.steamcrs srunr- nefees safoand speedy ti ansi,t 'to ahpHnt desired. ' l ' "" ft ,,v " i. tige Cemi: - "ji. T TJ 1 1 ILTiAr lMUt" By order .of L. A. LOOMIS.' 'Kejiden t f&F Fdr charter, freight, prfssageor tov- . UnTklv nn hnnril. nr nt tnft htlrfto nf'fhn ' J-uu innvin Cdan'c Itiiitiltno1 "i A ctfvi ?i ' ir"tf I " ..j vw.c .wuwui.Jnt "'"'"I I I. W. CASP MERCHANDISE. L.,W. CASE'S r r Stadrftctrterswl V'or. 'henmus anM';u Streets, ASTOKI.l, PRECOX.' NOW OPENING, A SPLENDID STOCK OF Crockery, Clothing, ! Tt-r Cl-rrAc T lorrKxrarva , J . . . ' Groceries, 1 rOVlSlOIlS, i .TTr, ,-ntt -r - -r ti j A 1 L S AND KOril! ( g and g, I HatS ancTCapS, t -pi . r" TTT 1 .famtS, UlIS W lllClOW ' -' ! GLASS! jvsu a i l lli iIlitjji uj." nQORS fr WINDOWS L'WIVO - MX ILVJ XV , WIIICH WILL m: SOLD CHEAPER AND A PULL SUPPLY OF THAN EVER BEFORE. As I am making a spccialitv in th:Vim; onmA r,ess, paitios in want of D flId Windowa wiU find it to their advantage to call. j -yy CASE. r vt t T viinrl AlISGELLANEOUo. TpOR.SALE. j Tho Engine belonging to l Astoria Tiro Company No. 1, r or iuruier pnruuui.irs inquire of the Committee on Public Property. By order of the Common Council. JFHAXK J- TAYLOR.ltecordcr. iFarm and Stock on Deep PW Fnr Sal. ... . -.. w .. .. -o- I GO Aero, partly Improved, Hood Iltiilrt- Jns, 'atil Sail Itoat, etc., otc, AllofMliicli Mill he Sold Cheap for Cash. 0 eTFor full particulars. inquire at this Office or on tho premises of C, M. STARK. RARE OPPORTUNITY ,For Profitable Investment, Toffer for sale all my real estate in Clatsop claim, on Lewis anil Clarke river, consisting 'f f'C hundred acres V, tide land meadow, ac- ivnowieugearo oc uio urai shick ci urn m uic Town of Astoria, a portion of John Adair's do nation claim. Enquire of the subscriber. T. P. POWERS. Farm for Sale. 320 Acres Partly Under Cultiva tion, about Half of the tract tide land. SITUATED IN PACIFIC COUNTY, , NEAR UNITY. Will bo sold cheap for cash, with or without stock. Good house and out buildings and stock, bood house and orchard. For full dccriptii nw inn . Irr full ospnnhnn sinil tnrthrr unr- ticulars apply to or address JOHN HUNTER. Unity, AV. T. L 00K HERE, WEARY WOIAN! THERE IS REST FOR YOU. STEAM WILL DO YOUR WORK. The STEAM WASHER, Or Womans Friend. j't, the best no rubbinsr. turning or tearing, no no twenty or tlnr- ty dollars expense, steam does it all. "VTICOLAI ct' BRO., R3Fir flooring and ceiling and bevel-edged iding. a.kVs.VXn, T.t"ilvR. ,...i."; .i;.i c? uiiNumi ."iv uuui;, .iMi auu minus ;it ciiii ' '"'ftt-'1'00 iniCOS. j : 4 ,, . T.I j rTT-ni rilSLOricl IjHrll JJOlL. i 7 ,.N0W READY FOR BUSINESS. Painniize Home Manufactures Keep the Monej Here Vi Va. I Jy"--! irjMIE rXDERSIGXED BEG LEAVE Tar vwrlrto"infoTinAtho'pnblio irt'generalffliKthe Psjrhc i fishermen particularly,, that he is now prepar- ed to make sails'oPcveiy description on short nonce, ami at reasonable rates, . Address $igSimfekHA ' . J i Ik f Astoria, "Oregon" QENTENNf ATf , J3pOT SHOE-'SFJOP.1 " 1'. i lrt". t . Si-4tlftBoort aiAlNslEETjlAstoRjJ. l Mr p l it rrr-n ??tji JSet dppro. H. Fax. Tailor, .nlttjC in Astoria, where von POtflKflB0thQ3Kbf roach stock. mind WKKfVslifliillinVii . ness- aeaLU oniy B. HAMBURGERMERCHANDISE 18-76. spring .1T6. Received ex-Steamer a lare I. ..I Assortment of Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Matting, Oil Cloths, All of the Latest Styles and low price. Call and see. B. HAMBURGER, Alain street, Astoiia, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. Flour, Grain and Feed Store. Foot of Main street, one door from Holla day's wharf. G. F. Parker, LIME. BRICK, PLASTER and CEMENT, TORACCO, CIGARS. NUTS, CANDY, Etc., Constantly on hand and for salo cheap for cash or farm products. "DATES, BATHS, Hot, Cold, Shower, bteam and SULPHUR Baths AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Jacob Nxkdkrauku Proprietor. B" Special attention paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING irT Private EntranccforLadicsr 0. E. Jackins & Co. Cor. Ein and Jefferhon Stjj., Astoria, Oregon. Dealers in all kinds of Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware! ttH-Copper Tea-kettles, pressed Tea-kettles, burnished Tea and Coffee pots, porcelain, tiL lined, and pressed Iron sauce pans, fancy an. i plain vent Thimble covers, fmo Dust pans ana brushes, cat iron Bake ovens, etc., etc., etc., embracing about ,.i"M articles too numerous to mention, for old Bachelors, maids, children and married tolks. v.5 Agents for tfio salo of the celebrated Occident Cooking Stoves. "MEW FURNITURE STORE. Cor. Main and Chcmocqba Sts., CH A S. STOLL. . 5 PROPRIETOR. . S (Successor tc Gist & Stoll,) ASTORIA OREGON PARLOR SETTS, BED-R003I SETTS, DINING-ROOAr SETTS, KiTCIIEN SETTS, OFFICE FURNITURE, ETC., K3" Of the very bet quality, supplied to order at prices (hat will justify the patronago of this home institution. Persons wishing any article in the furniture lino will find it to their advantage to give mo a call, and inspect my stock and pri jes beforo purchasing elsewhere. tUT Undertaker's Vork. promptly a(londicl to, at reasonable rates. """ " " i THE MOST EXTENSIVE AXD Best" Assorted'Stock 4'ait Ih round at E. S. LARSEN'S Main Street,. 'vBctween'Clienauius and lt QimpninMia-'Ktrnot-e. C. ASTORI AO REG ON. k CROCKERY, W OLASSWAK v ? oV , & V. Tl. ana k-.y w kv nV v:tm ' v. - v. vJsRii.5ri.Mf1.- J Ajfyy 1SX , y v A z ! , tfV.rJ. r- A 4- TriLLATrENPToOJlDEHS forJ)RESS n '& V v '!lVV . tV andTloak- makings brk nvUl be done v& v w '3lV " in'a satisfactory manners . I . I " 9T" 1 1 CAgentfortho?aleofPr.lWarnorSani- - lO- ,VIW- - V. v , tary"Corsetsvandalso4Childreu's Waists with . .',. r . 5 iji X s- patent elastiS bticklc. " 'X ' n t 1-11 IIJ can eet i tt,x-- T--r mnn o x W VH rR"ESH SUPPLY OF DOWNER'S fc Ao?of A r.iXMV. W&.y,' S' J: Pratts Astral -Coal fliUil'hesevoiharo, ga.-s. i l'mea busi-' .f- 'i-nc iomei(rwing jracninnj nj. J. : perfectly afo in'd produce alnasnifTdcntlt:it. . i n JUUSliWILDEli. t W. Uae's. 3 .vvm. v.r vj i For.'Ele'by ?;. -iiutx CASSl GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. MENDLESON BROS., Having Concluded to Remain in Business AT ASTORIA, HAVE LAID IN A SPLENJDID STOCK OF SPRING S TMtMER GOODS' DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR THE ASTORI ATRADE. A complete assortment OF FISHERMEN'S " OTJTFITOtNG GOODS . JUST OPENED - JG5J"The publie. in general are -respectfully invited to call at the old stand, on Concomly Stkkkt, next door to Parker House. 3IEMI.ESOX BROS. MISCELLANEOUS. O, 5 BELL, ATTO RNEY-AT-L AW, .Votary Public anrt Commissioner or DEEDS, For California and Washington Territory. OFFICE. Case's Uuilding. corner Cass and Chenamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. "p crang, m. d. . , Surgeon, Etc., ASTORIA, OREGON. At the solicitation of numerous friends, has consented to practice medicine, and tenders his services to the public. Dr. Criing brings many years experienco in the practice of his profession. .7. W. KOISII.. 9,w FULTON. ROBB & FULTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .. ASTORIA, OREGON. i KS5" Office in AVarrcn & McGuiro's building, opposite Occident Hotel, Chenamus street: pEO. W. REA, Attorney anil Counsellor i Ihty. ASTORIA, OREGON. ' ; Examining ah'd" perfecting titles made a spe cialty. All accounts ltfff with mo will ro cive prompt attention. Offico in Warren & McGuiro's Buildfng, Chenamus street, corner ot Cass. c. H. PAGE & CO. DEALERS IN 'y General ' Merchandise, FARMERS WHARF, ASTORIA OREGON. ( i t&r All kinds of country "produce, wanted in exchange for good. ! NEAYnLLiERXrf 6RErS Mrs. 21. J& Derby (Lute of CLEVELAND, OHIO,) WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PTJB lio of Astoria.anol surrounding" dountry, that sho hiis just received a full and complete lino of f HATTBIMMINGS, , And all kinds of MILLINERY GOODS! A t the stand recently occupied by .Vxv Mor riion on MAIS STHKET, Atorhi, And will do preparid. to fill nil orders for first class goods in this line at rca onablo prices. itf7"New goods wjll be received cvcryunontlu N EW ANb ELEGANT STOCK i n. .O0Ff..- c-e K Latest Styles of IMillineiT' Goods, l-f JUST RECELVrEjD y .-. B'tf-J TUtEL A!S S T'EIOT R - At the' Rooms of . jy.s. a: d-'wass, (TJi Stair?, Brows's-Buildinc:,) f Corner Main and 'Chdnamus Streets Astoria. ftSTTnis stoclv onsist of the latest style Hats forLadies and jChildron; DreTiim ming a'rid Fancy Goods for Ladies, which will be sold at very lowpTiccs. mmmmiT . - ' Fancy Goods, Liijlies Dress and Cloak i v rnnminss oi Liie j-asicsL ciyie. A. VANDUSEN MERCHAI)ISE. Htmsssmems k - HV 'W5B1 "Vilffl JMJCm Full Spring Stock! NO.W OPEN, AT . . The Old Coeneb. A. VAN DUSEN, "Wholeaule and Retail Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, -ASTORIA, OREGON. . 'j CJZL, EXAMINE," PEICE THIS STOCK; BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE, 3&-E0R IT CANNOT BE BEAT Prices, including Gauge and Handles, six feet, nine Dollars ; 6. feet 9.75 ; 7 feet, 10 50. Orders proinptlv tilled tv A. VAN DUSEN", Sole Agent,, , for Astoria, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. - J... N. ARaISTRONG, Photographic Artist,. AT TnE ASTORIA GALLERY.-, Having built a now building, specially adap ted to the business, noxtdoorto Dr. Kin sey's on tho Kondway, is now pre pared to take First Class Pictures, At roasonablo prices. Call and secure a shadow ore the substance fades. D.'K."VRREN. ' CA. ilcGuia:. ''Astoria Markfet ! Corner ojtChenuinus'iind Cass streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. WARREN & McG-UIRE, Proprietors, t,r Sucjiextor:; to Ilobwn d:J'urren,) Wbolcsalo and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Curpd Mqats! ' A full line of EumiJv Groceries, CANNED FRUIT. VEGETABLES, ETC. ts Butter, Eggs, Cheese, otc. constantly on hand. !rir Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. Washington' ' Market, Main -Street, Astoria Oregon, RESPECTFJJLTA' CALLS TILE ATTEN-, t:on of tho public to tho fact that the above Market will always be supplied witht a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY' ' or FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! Which; will be sold at lowest ntfes, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supjdy ing ships ' ' ' PACIFICMAR1CET, New Building rarkerllouso Blocs. Alaiir Sti'iitn Aatorral .1. ?. MAYSsJR', - - - - - -'t'roprietor. J TN ADDITION TO THE M,AN,TJFACTURE io! all sorts cf the'01ea,netfahd Rest made new stock of PRESERVES and CANNED FRCTlTr And a good qualitylof Cigars and Tobacco. SSTFi .bloHstVVietl lU or.tlv9rCU!i?iTai,v1mia ' III H m " s IB! o OP !?$ i?W "HBc TJI M - m ' a ausago , from .the be.-t 'luulvty-ol lokrani Heef, fit thel;il)oVe sCtnHLSffjuahtit.n 'suitf cieiit'tb)sUiiply thfc tJJte has 'just otfcnetl a ' fiSTFrcsh Butter. Cheese, rggs. Hams, Ba CQa hrtd bjoulders, .afvf ays bh hand: ' i . ' A , irnSrelli .Tieef.'Poxlrl Muifon. and-Tegeta-