03 measrzsate VOL. 1. ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 31, 1876. NO. 27. t!l KULWl mjmmmtrsmnimmmammmmmmimmmmmKMmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fi TTnJ (I imftm t-u-.j. -uwLiJL-me je-uJi-.ia BLUJ-J!" lWfc.!JUL"jajyJM!LAll!JIJUUI S?Iw 33:i2Iw stswfem. O C ISSUED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays Excepted), ft. C. IKELAXI, : : PI'BHSHER. Monitor Building, Cass Street. Terms of Subscriptien: Served toy Carrier, per week 25 Cents .Sentfey mail, three months -S2 50 Sentry mail six months. 4 00 Sent by mail one year 7 00 li ee of l'ostagc to the Subscribers. Advertisements inserted by the year at fcho iT.tc of 1 00 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, fifty cents per square first insertion. Heading notices, in City Items column, fivo cent per line per day. No charge less than twenty-live cents. When will tbe road leading to rtihe ceineterj' grounds be made pas sable? The Concordia arrived at San Prancisco on Sunday from Shoalwater I. N. Foster has been appointed Postmaster at Jewell, in this county. When will the Common Council order a tax, if necessary, to improve the cemetery grounds ? The Gussie Telfair leaves Astoria on Saturday for New Westminister, Isaiiaimo, Victoria and Port Town send. Christopher Gosh. J that Pacific county calf is surely going to the Cen tennial. It was "showed" at Rose--burg on Saturday. The winds of Monday night did 3io further damages to booms of logs smd spiles in this harbor than to shoot 51 few of them ashore. The new warehouse on Capt. Fla vel's dock, foot of Cass street, begins "to assume the proportions of a very creditably sized structure. Hon. Wm. Wadhams, President of the Board of Pilot Commissioners, took his departure for Portland to-day, After a pleasant visit of several days, on business of importance to Astoria, nind this vicinity. If you have any matters which you wish presented to the Common Council, prepare to present them by .Friday. See notice elsewThere of Com mon Council meeting, and of the new order of business. The Ajax and Stephens both made splendid trips last voyage. The Ajax came in yesterday with the bits in her teeth. The Stephens is reported as having arrived below on Saturday. It is expected the Light-house tender Shubrick will get away from Astoria on Saturday, possibly not un tilthe day following. The first place :to be visited will be Shoalwater'bay. The steamer Gen. Canby, Capt. JT. H. D. Gray, left for Tillamook bay this morning. This is an experimental trip, which we hope will result in opening up a continuous business be tween Astoria merchants and settlers of that fertile district. Some of the best property for resi dences that has been offered in the market at Astoria, is to-day offered by A. Van Dusen, Esq. In every case the lots or parcels are cleared and in good condition for building. Some of the property has buildings npon it. If you want to invest a few dollars, to the very best advantage, call upon Mr. Van Dusen. He will sell you a bare lot, or a lot with a house on it, a lot with orchard, timber tract, or anything he has offered in another column, and at very reasonable prices. Ripe cherries and strawberries were abundant in Astoria yesterday, on the arrival of th Ajax. They went off like hot cakes, at fifty cents per pound. Contract for military supplies at Fort Canby and Stevens were awarded to Messrs. A. V. Allen and John S. Moore, for wood ; C. P. Church for oats ; J. II. D. Gray, for hay and straw. Grandma Lanpher, long known to the citizens of Astoria, is very ill. Her extreme age and generally de bilitated system, renders recovery extreme! v uncertain. An umbrella tinkerer of ne plus ultra order, is sadly wanted at Astoria. A man who can repair that useful ar ticle can find a cord or so here to begin on. Mr. Arrigoni has commenced the construction of another new house near his new hotel building. Messrs Bain & Ferguson are the builders. We are pleased to know that the health of our fellow townsman, Mr. James Welch, is gradually growing better. We hope to see him sitting in our sanctum chair, and hear him converse in his usual cheerful man ner again soon. The following named gentlemen accompanied Capt. Gray on his trip to Tillamook county this morning, leaving by the steamer Gen. Canby. Messrs. John Adair, R. D. Hume, Mendleson, Brallier, Kofoed, Jacobs and O'Brien. The party expects to return on Fridav next. Judge Dean Blanchard, who yes terday disposed of his interests in the Globe Factory, to Mr.P. D. Hume, is arranging matters for a trip to the Atlantic side soon. He still retains his Smith's Point properly, which will be improved in another year, and also his Rainier mill property, now in active operation. At a meeting of citizens, held at the rooms of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce yesterday to take some action on the matter of appointing a suitable person to prepare the Cen tennial address for Clatsop county, Mr. W. II. Gray, of Klaskani farm, was selected, and it was arranged to publish the address in The Daily Astoriax on the Fourth of July, 1876. We regret to hear that our friend S. W. Childs lost his boat Monday night, during the gale, on Sand Is land. But in all disasters there are some grains for comfort. In this case Mr Childs and his boat-puller saved themselves. We hope to hear that the boat may not become a total loss. As was inevitable, the railroad war between the through lines, -which be gan on the eastward transportation of grain and cattle, has extended to westward bound passenger rates. Tickets from Boston to Chicago are offered at $16, and from New York to Chicago at $12. Freights from Chi cago to New York are fifteen cents per hundred weight. This is the very desperation of railway fighting. The more business the roads do at these rates the poorer they will be. Thus far, eastward passenger rates and westward freights have not been reduced from the figures of a month ago. But there is every probability that the war will begin to extend "all along the line." A Card. I desire to return my sincere thanks to all those who so kindly assisted me, either by deeds or wordsof sympathy in my late afflic tion, and especially to those who with strong arms and willing hearts assis sed so cheerfully, under trying diffi culties in performing the last sad rite, thereby granting the earnest request of a true friend to humanity, anrl T Mti flSSnrf nno inrl-all flof tYia. j sacrifice made is truly .appreciated by Yours truly "l." w, Cass. OCCIDENT HOTEL ARRIVALS. ASTORTA, May SO, 1S7G. Jerome Stewart S F M Peel Portland E S Reed Portland A Gray Hubbard J Michael S F J G Metier Brookfield Vin Cook Clifton A Knapp Knappa T B Adams bk Rival E B Durham city Frank Byrd Clatsop S D Adair city J A Richardson CITY ITEMS. A Card from Mr. W. W. Parker. Astoria, Oregon, "I May SUt, 1876. J . Editor Astokian : As your paper is open to the several contestants in the pending election, there by enabling each one to vent his person al spleen, as well as his notions of public action and public duty; and as the lead ing Democrats have selected the Grays as the most convenient and available in strument of attack and defense in this county and district contest, I think it is proper for me, representing the true in terests of all the people, (instead of the whims and spites of the Grays), to notice their last efforts and elfusions. In his card in yesterdays Astorian YV. H. Gray saTs he lost his place "as Inspector of Customs for refusing to vote For H. B. Parker for Sheriff," &c. But I s-tate the case thus, "for refusing to support the Republican ticket in times al most as critical as war times." Three times in the last twenty years I have re fused to vote for H. 13. Parker, and each time voted lor his opponent. But his op ponent each time was tho regular nomi nated candidate of the Republican party. 'That" is the difference. It is utterly and wholly false that I ever assisted my brother in his efforts to get my father-in-law removed; on the contrary I ad vised him before he set in and all the way through, against his course, and ha an swered that he did not ask or expect my assistance, and that the greater portion of Astonans, and many prominent men in cluding H. "W. Corbett in Portland and up Ihe valley were with him, as after wards proved to be the case. But he failed as I told him he would, and in an election near that time when he run for representative, "Independent," I voted for Gillette, Republican, not because "I feared being removed if I voted for H. B. Parker (as Gray said to me would be the case, if I so voted) but because Gillette was on the right ticket for me. Said Gray and all the Grays,are at per fect liberty to publish and proclaim all he knows of my "political and personal ac tions," dodges and all. Concerning offices, getting them and making them pa3' and the like, this is the third time, only, that I have been a candidate for "any" offace, before the people of ClaUop county, du ring the twenty-four years that I have lived in this county, each time a can didate for the legislature, aud never was or sought to be, a candidate for any office that had any "money" in it. Tho first time in 1855 the canvass showed me one vote behind my opponent, Judge Callen der, but he acknowledged one illegal vote for himself and offered to "draw cuts," as the law provided in case of a tin, for the seat. But we accepted the canvas, In his term our town charter was given us by the Legislature, and afterwards adopt ed by the citizens, on a vote for that pur pose; and the clauses concerning streets, which Gray now complains of, has stood till now, "twenty one years," though the charter has been amended since in other respects, four or more times. "Gray" makes me favor the city too much; "J. H. D.," tries to make me otherwise. Is not that another "Gray-Boomerang?" Grays account of the county Convention balloting is very incorrect, and of what Bayley said, "utterly false," 1 think. "WhatI did in the city Council about the Farmers' "Wharf privilege two or three years ago, now complained of by Gray, was in concurrence with the action of Councilmen C. S. Wright, F. Perrell, Capt. Reed, and C.H.Pago, who now has a storeon Farmers' dock" and is legeinff it so hard on the Democratic side, against pie, through J. H. D. Gray. Perhaps he is paying off " the Grays" for services ren dered some two years since. So, too, my action about that time in the Council on the. license question, was not at all as now represented by Gray, but was in accord with the action of said Council men "Wright, Reed, etc., etc., making a large majority of the Common Council of the town. So you see, Mr, Editor all the Gray's shots are boomerangs in their own hands, which they handle very unskillfully. It will take smarter and better men than the aaid Grays, though I ought not j-ay it, to impeach any part of my conduct the last quarter of a century, though heaven knows I am vulnerable enough. Smith says the promise of 50 for the road was ltwithout conditions," and the repu diation was without cause and in the customary style of G. No matter who paid Mrs. Ross 4. But who did not pay the 24, promised by Gray. Respectfully W. "W.Parker. iZ-S-Miss xBelle Welch having re moved her stock of millinery goods to the house of her father, corner of Wall and Eighth Streets, invites ladies" to call. The best assortment of hats and trim mings in the city. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. ' X9" The very nnest Photographs at ShusteV k Davidsons, corner of First and Yamhill streets, Portland, Oregon. Telegraphic News, Synopsis of Press Dispatches. The Latest about Blain's Investigation. The Dead Lock in Congress a Sticker. England Preparing for War. Is Speaker Kee a Bribe Ta ker? Investigation on That Point. Fires in Eastern Cities. Brisk Movement of Grain Towards the East. Advance in Freight Rates Anticipated. A Swindling Lawyer A Real Bonanza $27,- 000 Strike. No More Foolin 'bout Cib il Rights San Francisco Favored With a Ripe System of Mail facilities. Small Pox Chinamen 6000 more Etc. Etc. The $64,000 bond charge against Ex-Speaker Blaine drags its slow length along. He is a "dead duck" or as a prominent political wire worker expressed liimself with respect to an other defunct pub. funct., "he is played out." The Time's Washington corres pondent justifies the Senate in doing nothing to break the dead lock with the House. The position that the House is taking is one of absolute domination, and if they don't yield and meet the Senate in a fair spirit of compromise on the differences be tween the two bodies, on the first of July there will be no appropriations to pay a dollar of salaries, or to do anything else wluch may not proceed under contracts payable out of the ap propriations for the present fiscal year. The President, the heads of de- I partments, all clerks, foreign ministers and consuls, judges of courts, and even members of Congresf and other em ployes will not be able to draw their salaries. The Democrats think when this time comes, the Senate will accept and bills can get tlirough, but Sena tors say they will let the House take the responsibility. There are it should be said, some signs that the leaders of the Democracy will not be able to carry out this plan, as the rank and file are inclined to assert their in dependence and to refuse to follow such leaders. England is preparing for war. A bold stand will be taken respecting the Eastern question. One hundred tons of gunpowder and a million cart ridges have just been dispatched from Woolwich to Gibralter, Malta and ihe Mediterranean fleet. Clymer's Committee is at work investigating Speaker Kerr, the Dem ocratic Speaker. He is charged with having received 4,500 for securing the appointment of Aug. P. Green to the rank of First Lieutenant fourth artil lery U.S. A., in 18G6. Green was- 'dismissed from the service in 1873, by sentence of Court Martial. Harnej7, former dockeeper of the House, "blowed" on Kerr. Fires in Omaha, New York city and Providence, Rlkde Island, de stroyed property to the amount of $200,000, on Sunday.. Twenty-six vessels "were- char tered in New York on Saturday last, ;to take cargoes of grain to Europe in view of an approaching war. An ad vance in freights is looked for. The receiver winding up the affairs of Howes & Macy, discovered that through the blunder of the clerk who entered the deposit on the books as $30,000 when it should have been $3,000, E. F.. Bell, a lawyer of Yonkers, obtained. $27,000 and de camped. Judge Sawyer has decided that that portion of the act of Congress providing that any manager of a theater or similar institution should be guilty of" misdemeanor, who should refuse admission to any colored per son, was unconstitutional and void. San Francisco is to be four postal districts, each with a branch office. The main office on- Washington street will constitute one station; another will be located at the intersection of Sixth and Market streets; another at Polk and Pine streets, and another at the junction of Howard and Twen tieth streets. The last three places mentioned will be known as district stations A B. C All mail matter for each district will be forwarded from the main office and distributed from the station. If this will assist the earlier distribution of the Cali fornia mails after it has reached Ore gon we say amentoit. Nineteen cases of small pox, with five deaths have been reported from San Francisco. Six hundred more celestials ar rived at San Francisco in the steerage of the Galic on Monday last. A sham naval ennagement is to be one of the attractions at San Francis co on the 4th of July. Shipping Port of Astoria. CLEARANCES AND DEPARTURES. SAILKD W. H. Thorndike, bk., to Liverpool, May 2S John L. Stephens, ss. 195 tons, Mackie, fm San F May 27. Kate L. Herron, sch 26 tons, Thompson, fm Tilla lnook, May27. ARRIVA LS FROM SEA. Q. Gussie Telfair, str., 413 tons, Gardner, fra Puget Sound, May 31. Ajax. str 1354 tons, Bolles. for S FMay 30. Rival, bk 2fW tons, Adams, fm "Wilmington, May 27. Dawn bk, 250 tons, for S. F. May 28. Sea "Waif, brig, 273 tons, Harstoff, fnrS F May 23. California, str 674 tons, Hayes, fm Sitka, May 22. Orient, brig, 312 tons, Adamson, fm S. F. May 21. Shubrick, U S str, 3oo tons, Korts, fm S F May IK. Modoc, bkt Christiansen fm San Francisco.May Hf. Centaur, Ger bk 468 tons Oifarson. fm Hongkong, May 8. Jane A. Falkinburg, bkt., 300 tons, Hubbard, fm Honolulu, Mny2. Wave Queen. Brbk, $53 tons, Anderson, fm New castle,? S W., April 17. Caller Ou, Br. bk., 674 tons, Rea, fm Isl. Java. Apr 9. VESSELS ON THE WAT. Portland, bkt, 494 tons. Gage, fnS. F. May 27. Garibaldi, bk, 670 tons, Xoyes, from Hongkong, May 15. Oregonian, sch 274 tons, Pennell, fm SF. Assaye, 12S1 tons, Ritchie, fm Cardiff, via Rio. Canoma, 520 ts, Rosser. fm Glasgow via Honolulu. Clita, Br bkt.. 519 tons, White, ftn Honolulu. Doart Bay, ship. 936 tons, fm Europet via Austral ia and bhangai. Enid, Br bk., 496 tons, Renouf fm Port Chalmers. Edward James, Forbes, fm Hongkong. Forward.Br bk.,744 tons, Strachan, fm Hongkong. Hero of the Nile, Br bk 335 tons. Pyke, tm Mel bourne, Feb 21. Otto. Brbk 465 tons, Carter, fm Liverpool Oct 14 Robert Bright. Br. bk. 309 tons Hennings from Shields March 13. T Sam G. Reed.sh, 656 tons, White, from Hongkong. April 12. Trevelyan, Brbk 1042 tons, Edwards, fm Newcastle Woodside, Brbk. 700 tons Montgomery, 95 days fm Table bay. April 1. For fine and Artistift Photographs, go to Buchtol & Stolte, 91 and 93 First stxeot, Port land tho oaly first clasaGailery. in .Oregon.