Lzl u a'UJL'W.WffflWyyggeggMBl fee nm &s&wam. ASTORIA, OREGON J. t. IRELAKJW .vEDITOR 'TUESDAY. Iay 30. 1S7G. Last year Puget Sound farmers had hops on the brain, and everyone exerted himself in the raising of that article; but there being small demand last fall, and prices very low, the far mers are this year turning their at tention more to the raising of grain and vegetables. The Dalles Tribune says: The Postmaster General has decided that the charges made by the Oregon Steam Navigation Company against Z. E. Moody, mail contractor on the Col umbia river between Portland and the Dalles are unfounded, and he therefore declines to cancel Moody's contract. Just because the London Times says: "We have no wish to give shel ter to American Criminals," the saucy Courier-Journal, of Louisville must up and say: "And you wouldn't have half enough shelter if you had the wish." Out upon such dolly-varden Democracy. But we don't know whether that saying is harder on Eng land or on America. Even the truth ought not always to be told. The suit brought by Thurston, a gambler, against the Union Pacific Railroad Company for ejectment from the cars by employes, on account of his known jrof ession, went to an Oma ha jury May 9th and a they returned :i verdict of $1.47, the amount paid for a ticket, which had never been re funded to him. The result of this case, tried in the U. S. Court is to the effect that railroad companies, for the protection of passengers, have the right to eject three-card-inonte men from the train. The Cor'vallis Gazette has infor mation based on the authority of Captain "Wiilant, that four men in San Francisco, have agreed to build a 12,000 tug for the Yaquina Bar. This, says the Gazette, is good news for the bay and our county at large, as it will insure the construc tion of the Corvallis and Yaquina railroad. It is also a good policy for San Francisco capitalists, as it secures a direct trade with the center of the great Willamette valley one of the finest in the world. The future of Benton county is brightening, and if our people would act in harmony in public improvement, we need not wait for the next generation to witness the grand results for which we have been working and waiting so long. In Clover. Hon. A. J. DufW, untiring, energetic, good old man, is having a fine time now in Philadel phia. In a, recent letter he says: "Friends coming to the Centennial Exhibition from Oregon, can step on the street cars at West Philadelphia and gd direct to the Fair Grounds for seven cents, where after procuring ad mission tickets, if they will come to Ag ricultural hall, Column letter E.-, No. 22, they will find their humble ser vant ready to conduct them from the Baiar of the Ottoman Empire to the royal apartments of the Khedive of ypfc through Spain, Portugal, Eng land and Germany, and last but not least, to the buildings occupied by our "dear old Uncle Sam." If this trip Will Hot do for a starter, we will, af ter refreshing ourselves on ice cream, (nutde from skim milk) at some of the beautiful saloons fitted1 up for the oc casion, smoke the pipe of peace", iscum hias close moosum, (get a very good sleep) and prepare on the following day to visit all the nations from the equator to the oles. " His address is 1011, Vine Street Philadelphia. Eastern Oregon The Astorian is doing more for the interests of Ea-torn Oregon than any other paper in Ihe State. If .you have a friend or a relative in that section of this country, send him the pa per on trial Only one dollar for four monthjt Pour Les Dames. Selected by our Bettor-half. Polonaises, plain and simple, reign supreme. Half Dolmans are a popular de sign for evening wraps. The neatest floral sentiment : "If you wish for heart's ease don't look to marigold." The tight-fitting shape of the custume remains; the moulding cuirasse and the bridled train mark every fashionable toilet. Mrs. Lorin Andrews, wife of the late President of Kenyon (Ohio) College, is a clerk in the Patent Office at Washington. Fringes of all kind, silk braids, galoons, fine passementeries and lace are all in favor for ornamen tation upon new mantles. New polonaises are the long, plain habit garments, and, like the new overskirts, almost conceal the dress skirt beneath them. Sacques and jackets are not overlooked in the new make-up of fashion's catalogue, and more than the graceful surprise is to be noted among the first-named class of garments. Said a young doctor to a lady patient : ' ' You must take exercise for your health, my dear." "All right," said she, f I'll jump at the first offer." They were married about six months afterwards . A graceful jacket, to be repro duced in grenadine, cambric, mus lin, etc., exhibits lengthwise side pleats in clusters placed at the center of the figure both at the front and back, the upper portion of the slevees being made to cor respond. Lace belts made of Yalencien- nes insertion, edged with narrow lace over silks the color of the dress, or in contrast with it, will be worn with summer dresses. These belts fasten on the left side with Ioojjs or ribbon and two flow ing ends. "When Abbey Foster, rising in the majesty of indignant woman hood, told the New England sher iff that rather than pay taxes with out the right of suffrage, she would sacrifice everything, it was chiefly emotion that made her tighten her grip on her new patent bustle. Cream color has become a dis ease; fashion is jaundiced. Every thing is made of this tint fichus, dresses, laces, bonnets and para sols. For the coming season the most elegant wrappings will be of black faille of sicilienne, trimmed with cream lace, almost entirely veiled with bladk lace. A most dressy head-gear for theater wear is made of either cream or pale blue faille, and trimmed beneath the rim with a ruche of yellow Valenciennes, and with an Alsatian bow entirely of similar lace at the top. The edges of these bonnets are of feathers, and some coronets inside are like wise of feathers, and prove most soft and pretty. Pacific County Finances. Synopsis of Pacific county, "W. T. Ex hibit for the fiscal year commencing May 1st, lbo, una ending May Lt, IS6. Dr. Cr. By amount of county, poll, and Territorial taxes re ceived Amount received from oth er sources 5,434.45 1,143.00 Total am't of receipts 6,577.45 To County orders issued &c 2,376.61 Territorial Treasurer's or ders paid 1,050.00 School Superintendent' or ders paid 1,27S.8S Total orders &c 4,705.49 Exce.-s of receipts ovr ex penditures 1,871.96 Present condition of Pa cific County finances not including school or Ter ritorial funds By caJi in Treasurer's hands belonging to c.un- J.y Estimated amount of sol vent county delinquent taxes 1,G34,S4 500.00 Total assets 2.134.S4 To outstanding county or ders 0GS.27 Excess of assets ove'r lia- bilitie- 1.166.57 I certify the above to be correct J. R. Gotjltkk, Auditor of Pacific county W T Telegraphic News. Synopsis of Press, Dispatches. Destructive Fires in Missouri Michigan and Illinois. The Alaska Commercial Company all Right. Prclfic Coast Appropriations. Birthday Celebration. St. Louis, May 27. This evening a fire broke out in the upper story of the Anchor flouring mill. Almost the entire property was destroyed. This mill was one of the largest and most complete in the country. Its capacity was 140,000 barrels per an num. Loss about $110,000 ; insured for6S,000.- A large bin-house with 25,000 bushels of wheat was damaged $10,000. Detroit, Mich.. May 27. A fire at Bay City this afternoon destroyed two warehouses. Total loss, $20,000 A fire at Midland, Michigan, this af ternoon, destroyed the Intenational and St. Nicholas Hotels, Masonic and Odd Fellows' lodge rooms, and about twenty dwellings. The total loss $150,000. Kankakee, Ills., May 27. Troup c0 McCulloch's woolen mills were burned to-day. Loss about $20,000. The sub-committee of ways and means have prepared their report on the Alaska commercial company. They arrived at the conclusion that Secretary BoutwelPs award of the lease was properly made, and that it should be sustained. Exonoratesthe Treasury department and the com pany in very emphatic terms from all charges of improper conduct, fraud or mismanagement. The Senate amendment of the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill increases Pacific coast items as follows : For the sur veyor general and their clerks in California, $23,000 ; Oregon, $7,000 ; Washington Territory, $7,500; Idaho, $7,000. All salaries of Territorial judges and executive officers are res tored to the present standard. Commodore Vanderbilt's eighty second birthday was celebrated at Nashville on the 28th by interesting exercises. Chancellor Garland de livered an address giving the history of Yanderbilt. The building and grounds were illuminated. "Oh! certainly," he replied. "It's very easy to untie it now, while it is only a beau-knot. " According to Rev. Horace Lyman, H. W. Scott united with the Coniarega iional Church at Forest Grove in 1860. Noitce to Sufferers. Immediate re lief and positive cure, oy the Wightman process, for Hemorrhoids or Piles and ulceration of tho rectum. Tho above dis tressmg complaints can be relieved at once aid cured in a very short time, with out recourse to the knife, caustic, ligature or any other painful and doubtful reme dies. Having cured many cases of twenty and thirty years standing, I have no hesitation in saying "satisfaction insured." If unable to visit me at Portland, the remedies can be sent by express, (not mail). The .most respectable references in Portland, Salem and elsewhere. Rooms N. E. corner Stark and .Fourth street, or P. O. Box 247, Portland, Ore gon. Consultation fee 82. Dr. C. F. "Wightman. Aivvt.rtisk An exchango says : Maybe you think that people don't like to read advertisements ! If you do you are much mistaken. Fresh, well-put well-placed ad vertisements are news ! They are welcomed, read nay. studied ! Tho newspaper that is alive with them is increasingly acceptable and so is tho business house that knows how to get them up, possessed withal with tho sagacity and nervo to keep them up. Postage on the Weekly Astokian is two cents a. paper to any part of the United States, when sent by peo ple not connected with the newspaper olhce. We will will send four copies (separate dates), equivalent to one month, to one address, in one wrapper (post-paid), on receipt of 25 cents. "For fino and Artistic Photographs, go to Buchtel & Stolto, 91 and 93 Eirst street, Port land, the only nrat class Gallery in Oregon. B"The very hnest Photographs at Shustor & Davidsons, corner of First and Yamhill a treetsi Portland, Oregoni NEW TO-BAY. D ISSOLUTION NOTICE. The partnership boretofore existing be tweon K. D. Hume and Dean Blanch ard, un der the firm namo of Hume & Co.. ia this day dissolved by mutual consent. All business of the late firm will bo settled Jby R. D. Hume, who will continue the business at Astoria, under the name of Hume & Co. K. D. HUME. DEAN BLANCHAKD. Astoria, Oregon, May 30, 1876. mS0:3t New Pleasure Yacht. rriIE NEW SLOOP MAY. BELL, R. C. SiriVELY, Master. Is now ready for freight or charter to any point on tho bay. Having fino accommoda tions for pleasure soekers, and a record for fust sailing, offers superior accommodations to excursionist". For freight or charter, at reasonable rate's, apply, at the restaurant of E. C. 11 olden. d, H. C. SHI VEL Y, Astoria. FISH BARRELS ! Half Barrels, Quarter Barrels, AND KITTS, AT LIVING PRICES, AT THE Knappton Barrel Factory, Knappton, Pacific Co., W. T. OILAS B. SMITH. Attornev-at-Law. ASTORIA, OREGON. Office in "Warren & McGuire's building, op posite Occident .Hotel. Eggs for Hatching. WHITE LEGHORN FOWLS, BAILEY'S STOCK, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, Non Sitters, Good Layers. EGGS, $2 00 PER DOZEN. Orders accompanied with cash or approved jawbone promptly attended to. Dan. J. INGALLS. Astoria, Oregon. THE PEOPLE'S INDEPENDENT Candidate lor Joint Representative from Clatsop and Tillamook counties, Capt. J. 11. D. Gray, will meet tho Citizens of Youngs River Precinct at the Grangers Hall at 11 a. m.. May 27th.: Astoria l'recinct at 8 p. m.; Westport, Clifton, and Knappa. if possiblo, May 20th; Clatsop, at Pres. Church, at 1 p. m., and expects to leavo Astoria for Tillamook with thesteamor lien. Canby, ato a. in.. May 31st. and will speak at lloauarton and Garri baldi whilo there, returning to Astoria eithor Thursday or Friday, Juno 1st or 2d, and will address a grand rally of citizens al Spiritual Hall. Tho opposing candidates having been challenged to meet him on tho stump, and giv ing no definite answer, are again publicly in vited to meet Capt. Gray at the tlmoand pla ces as above mentioned to discuss tho local and political issues of tho day, and tell what ho knows about farming. RAISING REPUBLICAN" CATTLE AND DEMOCRATIC SHEEP. Tho presence of ladies is specially invited. J. O'DKIEN, N. KOFOED, T. BRAMEL, Ex. Committee. Subscribe for AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER: THREE DOLLARS PER YEAR. The Only Paper Published al the Sea-Port of Oregon SATURDAY. Mai J7. 1876. LOOK AT THIS. TWENTY-) WILL PURCHASE cents Peoples ofTo-DajsHstorian, KSTWhich is Just The Thing to send to your friends abroad. CHOICE Hotel or Residence PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES to dispose of half a block of the tho most desirable property in Astoria, at low rates for PAKT CASH and approved notes. THE PROPERTY IS ELIGIBLY SITUATED. NEAR THE COURT HOUSE AND CUSTOM-HOUSE, And is about on a level with the street grades. rendering it easy ot improvement, at nominal cost, It contains A SPLENDID ORCHARD, GOOD WELL OF LIVING WATER, SMALL ERUITS, &c, And has upon it one of tho best framo build ings in the city, 11 by 54 feet in size, two stories high, known as THE UNION HOTEL, Which, with somo needed repairs, may be mado onual to tho best hotel building in tho city, and so far as location is concerned, much the best for families and visitors. The entin. property will bo sold on easy terms, and to any person who wishes a bargain in Astoria real cstato, none can suit better than this. For all particulars, address JOB KOisS, Astoria Oregon. Astoria Brewery Saloon. And Bottled Beer Depot ! MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. B UDOLPH BARTH, MICHAEL MYERS, Proprietors, The Best (Duality Lager Beer, FIVECENTS A GLASS. fiS" The patronage of the puhlic is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager, or Bottled Beer, in any quantity, promptly filled. 5T Ereo Lunch day and night NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, W ANTED. A girl to do general house -Jvork. $ Wages 25 to $30 per month. None but a good hand need apply Apply at ;mrS DAGGTT!S, T) OOM TO LET. A largo front room 2d siory. will bo lot at reasonable rates. Apply at 8tf THIS OFFICE. L0ST- A bunch of kiys on a ring. The finder will bo liberally rewarded on leav ing them at this office. D OG TAXES. All inxes on dogs running atlnnrc with in the Corporato limit? of the town of Astoria, wil bo duo and payable on or betnro .lime 1st, 187ti. DAVID INGALLS, td Treasurer. N OTICE. Stockholders in tho Astoria Milling Companj1, are hereby notified that a meet ing will be held at Ar-toria, on Saturday, June 3d, 1876, for the purpoe of electing officers for the ensuing year, and transact ing such other business a mav oomn be fore the mei-ting. D. BEQUETTE. Astoria, May 22d, 1S7G. TpiSH NET POUND. About fifty fathom of net was pick ed up by my boat at Snag l.-land. Mnv 24th. 1S76. Wm. FALK1NBURG. Brooktield, W. T., May 24th, 1S76. Facts Worth Knowing. A. W. Cone, - - Astoria, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. Cannot be beat in tho Root and Shoo line. Call and see him. SIGX OF TUB GOLDFX SHOE, Main Street, Artoria. "DLOODED SHEEP. About tho first of June, the undersigned will visit Oaf sop and Parilie Counties bringing with him from the famous stock of Peters Ac Severance. California, several Thoroughbred .Herino ISucks, One year old. which will bo sold cheap. PUT SMITH, Portland. Ogn WATCHMAKER and JEWELEIL IRA CUTTING ANNOUNCES TO THE PEOPLE OF .Astoria and vicinity that ho is now pre pared to do all kinds of WATCHMAKING- AND JEWELLING in tho neatest possible manner. All work warranted. v&r Agent for the WALT HAM and ELGIN Watches. JIIA CUTTING, Chenamu? streot, Astoria, Ogn. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS IS TIIE MOTTO OF L. K. G. SMITH, Chenanms Street, Astoria, Oregon, "Wholesale and ltetail Dealer in Cigars and Tolmcco and nil Kinds or Smokers Articles, Stationery and Cutlery. GENUINE MEERSHAUM PIPES A Speciality. Sole agent for the Co lobratcd Othello Cigar3. Dealears in tho above lino are resuectfully solicited to examine Stock and Prices. w M. EDGAR, Corner Main and Chonamus Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. DEALER IN THE CHOICEST BRANDS OF Tobacco and Cigars, and the Genuine Wostenholm, and other English Cutlery. Fairchilds Gold Pens. And all sorts of STATIONERY, NOTIONS ETC. TRED KROSEL, House and Sign Painting, PAPER HANGING, KALSOMINING, ETC., Special attention paid to Country icorl'. Shop on Squemoqha street, ASTORIA, - - - OKEftOX. New Store. New Goods. Just Opened, IN THE SUMMERS BUILDING, Chcnamus Street, Astoria. J. C. TRULLINGER, Would Kospeetfully Announce To tho Citiens of Astoria and Vicinity, That he is novr hero, and has Opened at tho- Ahovo Well known Stand. A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOES, And everything required for daily use, down to a sack of Flour or Teed from my own mills in Washington County, which will be sold-at the lowest market rates. Mvl invite the public generally to call and examine my stock and prices. Having located permanently in Astoria 1 " mean business." tKzTTho Saw mill is now In running ordcu', with a full boom of choice logs, and I am also v epared to fill orders, largo or small, on short notice, for any kind of lumber. .r.C.TKULLIXGEB. BILLS OF LADING, WAY BILLS, Receipts, and all kinds of Commer cial Printing, dono attbo Astorian office. CALL, EXAMINE, ORDER.-