w gft jgaiXaj Qs&ttxitin: I. W. CASE MERCHANDISE. B. HAMBUEGERDBRCHANDISE GENTS' EURMSm'GOODS. A. VANDUSEN MERCHANDISE. ER1DAY May "20. 1876. CITY ITEMS. &" Another invoice of clothing at B. Hamburger.-. JlSpleiKJid assortment vall pa per an (f 'window blinds just received "at Case's. "j.Van Diisen has ;jiist opened an olc sant block ofn stationetb Mindrio. iSponge?, cupc, pencil heads, note books, blotteia and other novelties. TrEor a neat, cheap and serviceable" suiloi uieining: lor tne oe-t qua my ci Hnuin the market; for a good quality of .Boots? and Shoes call at the new.i-tore of C. II. Page& Co., Parmer's wharf, A-io-ria. pSThe Astoria shitt factory, in C. L. Paiket's new building, on Chenamu' Street, up staits, i the place for genllu-u-n to get nice fitting garments at reason able pi ice?. -NIi-vP Youu P's. Peisotis who patron ize papers should pay promptly, for the pecuniary pioapecN oi the pre-- have a peculiar power in pushing forward public pro-petit. If the pt inter i paid pioinpt ly, and hi- pocket-hook kept plethoric by pionjpt-paying palions. he puts hi jen to the paper in peace, hi-, paragraph- are more pointed, he paints hi pictuies of pa-sing event? in more pleasant color-, and the perusal of his paper is of more plea-iire to his people. Pato this piece of proverbial phiio-ophy in some place whore all per-ons cmi peiceive it. SHIPPES G ADVERTISEMENTS. jEOr AND. AFTER THIS DATE .- charge.- and advance- on ft eight land ed at the 0. S. S. Co.' Whsuf, Astoria, jinust bo paid before the freight leave- the "waro-hou-e. . J.G. UUrSTLHlS. .Agent. pOLUMBIA RIVER PILOTS. , ,4 TK Office at the x-sr IJlJB OCrJDBVT HOTEL, &fr j.iiis55KeL. Astoria, Oregon. sMy V JOIIXSON JI.A.SXOW, v. e. ratcin. :r.M. oilman, U. USED, 1UCHAUD HOXT. C.S. WRIGHT, Agent. For Freight or Charter. THE ,A1 ZS'EW 'SLOOP, Geo. Flavel, 2k, FRED WASS '. ShirT J now in ieadine for bu?inecs.-and offers s-uponor accommodation to toiui-'t on tho bay. Ln 51l ,pSrv.fr.MMir. ,: ..M-.m- nv I int at leamaVle uttc-. ApplvVn board. I " pom a t t- ' ' ' xiscona ana ivnappton. i J o PEGTTLAR DAILY MAIL BOAT. 3 V ' Sloop "KATIE." a 531 J. A. EICHARriSOX - - - 5fosTi:i:. Will leave Astoria, EOR KNAPPTON AND rJSTXJItN .DAILY. ftT'l'or freight or jjassac. at. living rate, apply on buai'd, 6r at I. V. Case's store. To Masters, and Shinner.s. i- i y X.OTZC&:, , ., SK ASTOEIA FAIIERS1 COAlPAXY I Astoria. Oipfon. I- prep6rH4tolSrgceivQ Grain OnJ StBragciV the lollowiug rales: '!) cents per ton for the Jn-t month, and2'j cents per ton pqr month after the first month,' or fi action of a month. FOJi, "WIJARFAGK ItAT-KS -APPLY' AT JTXIJ3 OinCE.0F,TUE COMPANY, AT ASTORIA. xt?" Superior acoeinmodafiori? for iHcliarg ing ballast, at reasonable lates. "v- S. i). ADA J 11, Secrcfan-. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. TTf mr . iTTnTmn Stei L1 mrv . w r.cJ e 0 J.ooinis & C:irrntlr.s - - Proprietors STAGES IN THE ABOVE LINE will leava-Unity Tuestlays and-Satui-days on the arrival of the ' i eIL"W"X00 '0$tj? -STEAM Tift TftffilSTEilffi fess From Astoria, andnlllenvcOytervillcMon Jaand Fridays, connecting with the Jhvaco team jvavjgution Company '5 fctcamcr lor Astoria. j n ? J'asscngers Ticketed through; also, thro' 1 bills of ladinir given for4i-ewht. I LWACO STEAAl NAVIGATION COJIPAN-T, UXTIL FURTHER NOTICE The steamers Gen. CANBY, ANI t.Jt N TT' "ILL BE IN READINESS TO DO ali kinds of tcuvinir at reannahle j-ate. Either tlie Canby or Varuna will make t lips every MONDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FOR IL YACO (TTnitv), r 1ST CALLING AT WAY PORTSr" And tettnft tin same day. Ena-vi tho .unl hour, S o'clock. A. 3l. jvt- 'jj,e reputation of thecn stcamers guar aetees safe and speedy t: an.it 10 any print desired. ;ige, apply on board, or at the oliicc of the T only placom Astoria, where yon, can get K i - V" i .TT,1, l sA-' IllESil SUPPLY. ')V. DOW-EiiS & oon and -boulders, always on hand. Company in Case's liuilding. Astoria, or to :i 1'erfeet fit and the ;best ixonch stock. .ci'cr i --f iiCceipta, , nnd all km.l 6t Uinmer- J ratts Astral Coanni., "These oil arc rKreh Pcr Pork. Mutton and Ve-etn-J. IL I). OHAY, Agent. , mmd what Josh Billings sa;.si ; J l.iucan busi-, cial lmting, done at tlw ! pettfectly safe amlproauce a mtrghiacent light, blo ppjLd'toVrdor. Call oilid -ivo Hie a By older of JL. . i.OOMIS, ilresident !nuss- vrao a caU. J0if. AUi-IiKU. .CALL, EXAMINE, ORDElt.-QS. Foi stUe by - .A.-, l. W.-ASii. tS-l' u4jMpnomva L.Wj.CA.SE-'S Cor. C'lii'iiniuiis unil V:i Streets, ASTORIA, lt--f0.. NOW OPENIXG, A SPLENDID STOCK OF Crockery, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware, 'Groceries, Provisions, NAILS AND ROPE! Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Paints. Oils . Window AD A FULL SUPPLY OF DOORS & WINDOWS, WHICH WILL in: SOLD CHEAPER THAS EVER BEFORE. p5" As I am making a speciality in that line of husir.es--, patties in wnrA of Doors and Windows will find it to their advantage to call. I. W. CASE. AlISCELLAXEOEb. 1 c' t ". -; . TfOR SALE. The Engine belonging to cor .iiriucr p:uucui;irs inquire of the Committee on Public ' Property. Uy order of the Common. Council. , FHA'XIC .1. Ta YLOK, Uecorder. Farm and Stock on Deep River For Sale. I(0 Acres, partJy Jsnprovcil, fJoort KuIJd- um, i atlie, ::d !:u, etc., Jr., 1 .Ul tr irhifli -vi5I he Siild l'hia Tor Cash, o PFor rulli:irtuMtlars Inquire at thi-8 OHiec or on the preuii-'es of C, oil. bTAKK. EA1?E OPPOKTUXITY For Profitable; Investment. 1 offer for sale all my Teal ctate in Clat'op j Ooumys con-jiung.ot, my original Ocfttatton claim, on Lew!' and Clarke liver, counting of Jivejitindred acr.es tide land meadow, ac- J knowledged to be the best stock claim in the " -- !l lai-e vMcrc in' tho I nper i0;Vn of -Woua. a poihon of John Adair sdo nation claim, Jinnuirc ot the uoscrlber, , . T. P. JJVKBS. Farm for Sale. 320 Acres Partly Under Cultiva tion, rihoirclialf cf tlie tract - 5 ' ti , tide lantl. SITUATED IX JACIHC C0L3TY, XEA-RrXTTY.'1 Will be spld cheap for cash, ivirh or 'without i stoclc '(jrood lipase and" oat building and oichard Por Fqllde'eViptidnHind furtluirflar (iculars apply'for addt (' ' ' fyJQ JLTlt.-lJnity,TW. T. t nm; tti?it? -wi? ir irn-r .ivt mER IS RET Fpll YOU. STEAlf-lYlL DO YOUR 'WORK. The STc.UI WASHER, Or Womans Friend. Tlie latent, th'echejipc-'t, tlie bet no rubbing, no poundins, no'turuing or tearing, no clum-y cylinder, and no twenty or thir ty dollars expenses cteainrtloes it n.,t Vor, s:Ue iii lie aHtO',! I A LA UNDKY, cor ner of Clienhhin5'and Polk streets, or at C. E. .J ackins, corner Main-and J ulFcrson .streets. J. IVBOItCIIKHS. jSTICOLAI cO BRO., ''" S(tralEIainmo;' AJillsJ Cor. of Xorth Second and E Streets, Portland. I HUSTW, CEILING, MOULDINGS, SASH, Doors, BJinds, Brackets, . Urns, Tanks, Fences, &c. - R sTFirfloorinjr trad ceil in? -and bfivnl-nfl?roil 1 Tiding.- " . w. . Coiutnoji si7o doors, sash and blinds jit San Francico lak.- " - Astoria Sail Loft, N-OW RADY FOR BUSINESS. Patronize Home SAamifacIures Keep the Mansj Here riiHE UXDEHSIGNED- BEGS LEAVE JL to inform the public in, geneial, and tho fishermen paiticularly, that he is now prepar ed to make ail of every dcsciiption on short notice, and at reasonable rates. Address: A. 31. JOHNSON, Astoria, Oregon, CENTENNIAL BOOT AND . SHOE" SUOP. iSlffll OI tlie && J300t 3IAIN STREET, ASTORIA. Jfext door to P. II. JTox. Tailor, 2SFS2S- t B3X'2m 1876.,,s5pbin& TT6. I .1.: Received ex-Steamer alar e t Assortment of . Clothing, Hats aucL Caps, Boots and Shoes. Matting, Oil Cloths, All of the Latest Styles and low price, i T Call and see. B. EJJ1BUFl,GEB, faln street, Abtoiia', Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS QARDS. Flour, Grain and Feed Store. Toot of Main street, one door from llolla dav's. wharf. C- F- Parker, LIME. P.HICK, PLASTER and CEMENT, TOBACCO, CICA11S. NUTS, CANDY, Etc., ConsttntIy on hand and for sale cheap for cash or farm products. T) ATILS, BATHS, Hot, Cold, Shown-. Steam and SULPHUR Baths AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, HAIR DRESSING .SALOON., Jacoij Xiedkiiauku PltOrRIKTOIt. CiT Special attention paid to LADIES' and CUILDKEX'.S HAIR (TTTIX0 'tSlrivale Entrancefor Ladies" S?t, 0. aE; Jackins s & vGoV Cor. Eoiii and vTeircraon St., Astoria, Oregon. Dealers in all kinds of Stove?, Tin. and Sheet Iron Ware ! , n Copper Tca:kettlcs, pressed Tea-kettles, burnished' Tea and Coffee pots, porcelain, tir lined, ah d pressed Iron saiico pans, fancy an 5. plain vent Thimble-covers, tine Dustpans'ano. brnhes, ca-t iron Dake ovens, etc., xjtc, etc., embiacinsraboutm,-U articles too numerous j'to mention, for old Dachciois, maids, children? and married tolks. v T-s5" Agents for .hc salo of the .colobrated J Occiclent Coolcine Stoves'." 1 ."VTEW FURNITURE STORE." Cor. lain and Chcmocaha Sts., , , CHAS- StpLL.fe " PROPRIETOR.' ' " tZ ' ' (Successor tc Gist & Sioll,) ASTORIA OREGON PARLOR SETTS, bed-:lcoI ,setts sr DINIXJ-ROOM SftTTS," " . KITH J EX SETTS, OFFICE -furniture, ETC., woUt tlio-very best quality, supplied to order at prices that will justify the patronage article in the furniture line will find itto their t advantage to give mo a-can, amMnspect my stocKand pi L-c bpforo purching elcwhore. fiaS4Indortakcrs 'Work- promptly attended advantage to give mo :ucall, amMnspect my to. at rea.-onable rates. New Store. New Goods. Jubt Opened, IN" THE SUMMERS BUILDING, ' "Chcnamus Street, A.-toria. J. C. TRUIXINGER, "Would He-pectfully Announce Tn tlin Citi.nnJ nf .ifnri!i mill 'ii?n?fT. That ho is now here, and lias Opened at the Abovo Well known Stand, . . A EARGE A.ND COMl'EETE STOCIv Dry Goods, Clothing, -r.-7v-rt.r. i -v- T r.n"-r-r. 1 And everything required for daily use, down to a sack ot rlour or loed trom mv own mill in Washington County, which will be told at 1 tho lowot market rate tS5 ex:: per: I3S1 witl prepar notcce -Ll 1 invite the imbiic generally to call and - ' , 7 j Xo! iill sort's cf tho ( leaiMt and hu-tmsuie mime mv toek and prices. Having located xrimnnngS OI tlie JUlStest Style. Miuage trom the be-t omiiity ot ' oru ami mnnently in Astona 1 "mean bu-inecs." T .,,.. -,,-r.rr. , , iscui, :it nie aiwve Mmm, hi i.mi. .-..i- r;wtt--ss , y ir e . st-skt ::: ::i: , loi an jmu oi uiniuer. . T ... i.. i.:i.i,.. ..:,... ,..:i. . . , -.-,. ,, , J. C. TltULT.TXGFH. ' Ul1- u .' ii J And a gooa quality ot Cigars aiunouacco. i -! -ii i"-i-i ijA.ri-rrt i t fi m nihil imii iii . i iii iti-iit. i ." lt - i i,i ui. l ..i - MENLLESON BROS. HavingConcluded to ' Jtem'ain in En sin ess , . A)STORIA, HAVE-LAID IN A, tC SPLENDID STOCK - OF ' " SPR1MG 1 S miiMEB GOODS! DESIGNED ESPECIALLY EOR THE ASTORIA TRADE. A complete assortment OF FISHERMEN'S OUTFITTING GOODS - JUST OPENED iS" Tho public in general are re?pectfnlly invited to call it tlio qld stand, on Coxcomly SntKhT, next door to Parker House. 3ICNDI.KSUX BROS. MISCELLANEOUS. ATTO RNEY-AT-L AW, .Votary Tublic :utT Commissioner or For California and Washington Territory. OFFICE. Case' Uuilding, corner Cass and Chenamns streets, Astoria, Oregon. F. CRANG, M. D. Surgeon, Etc:, ASTORIA, 0REG0X. At the solicitation of riumcrous (friehds. hk consented to practice8 ntcSicincl and tender his services "to tho public. Dr. Crang brings many years experience in tho practice of his profession. ' "J. V 3:OBB. ------ -c 1V FULTON. . ROBBtcC-FULTON, atvToSn'Eysv at, law; , .T'XsTORiA,' ORFGOy . , " 1 KSOllico in "WafVen1 & Mc&nire's building," opposito Ueculent Hotel, LUenatnus'street. ' O'EO. W. 1RBA-, Al lrn;y aurt i'oiinsellop atrt;iw. ASTORIA, 0RKCS0X. k1 r Fxftmrningapdtperfceting'titles.niadaasp'c-: ciaitj'. .n account iietnvtu ma-Avtflire-cive iroinpt attentibn. Ollice in arren & AlcGuirc's JJuilding. Chenamns street, corner ot Qua. . r gft'iq .V C.H. PAGEA- 'CO:, iiKL DEALERS IN General Meivhdiidise, FARMERS WHARF, -"' . A1 i i" V VVHSV 'J if - 'r ASTORIA OREGON. i '-".I l ' ST"A11 kinds of country produce, wanted in exchanga for ;oods. WwrTTidTj 83. or'n L RW "MIIffllSEM jarOBE. 3XTE,W JIvs. H. T. A. , Derby, nihvELAKD, OHIO,) ' (LntcnJ-C "hats, TRnnnNGs; I I , ,Vn(! a.!Uinils T TnriT TXTT?T)r .r'rrTc t I I .1 l l r.i.i VJ vy Vy I J O -. .1 f ? ikZ rcccnthrorrnir'ed byjft' 2for- ,j: vr: 1 r.J riMin on ll&IWJjETuAtnYiat And will be prepared to fill all orders for r "" " " "V- r. A I V"1-1-1.," 1 first cla?sgo9dsui this line ntr.cayonablcpnt. -yti?w "VT ?rr,, "VrP crmr'L' U Au. Htt,nTik M"1 ' " r ! Latest stfes.of Milliner oodsa . JUSMlEG'ELiV'Eb .' - BY TIIE LASTSTEAMER, At tho Kobmsbf TJ'r-,, r d Tt IT d Cf Cf Jtl 7 O. tJL'Y ',-U V- e3. O A (Up Stairs, IluoVs Buildisc.) Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, Astoria. ro-Thr stock connstsr of tho latest style Hat-, for Ladies and Children; Die-sTiim- lninfr and Fancy (.food Far Ladies, which will be sold at very low mice. QRESS AND CLOAK -MAKLXli Promptly attended to, as umi1. Jlrs. Faiigbium, l30mc al1 Building, Astona, ! DEAl.KU IN j patent elastic bucktet- T lie of Astoii.iandsuxrounding country, ! XAobUlIcl lXcllJS-t5u i ttit :lin li:tiiisf rf(rivpil :i fTTll :inil intnnl(f ! - '. - ' line of H " "' ' -.iit I --i ' r Wornerof Chenamus and Cass sti iTATC! rn-pTrrrrvfn.C!' l 7, ' .-ASTOllIA, OREGON. . T?.mrv P,nn,k T.MiliPSrPSS jimiI rMonk J I - AliHi I IUA M ir. .u a i r.iy i-i.r. FullSpring Stook-L NOW OPEN, ,- -AT The ' Old Coenee... A. VAN DTJSEN,' Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner 3Iain and Chcnamus Streets, . ASTORIA, OREGON. CALL, EXAMINE, FRIGE THIS STOCK, BEFOBE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE, JZ3-F0B IT CANNOT BE BEAT. 4 & ft h D ? . Mt h D H H or l.MM iatota . .xna 5t..,,l iZTTT-fitaVM 01 I-I ' R-i - -'- ..-i r n 2jSi?i h r 2 IV 5? Prices ' lip r.Kra cj .TilvyKM AWLiVjS 5L1 .1- . wnEj"yj - ?ts ii ii 1!"!J'.I'CJ ft-g & J L.-"'' f 0 8 r ,,,:.., iJ . JO " 1 1 ces. including Gauge antl Handles, six feet,,,.!, Drfllais;ri,j.feet!.i:7feet,10 50. ' ' " lers promptly tilled by. 1 Il- " -.!. nine Uraers prom A. VAN 'PL SEN, Soje Agent, ' ,, for Abtoria, Oregon! ; ' ' i -MISCELLANEOUS. 'J. N. ABISTRONO; ipmMG ArtisL. " 'a" .fTrf,1, ' , wf AT TIIE ASTORIA GALIjERY:' I Having built tlr.ew building, specially adap I r tiMi rn rtio D.iino?a. ne.11 uoor 10 ir. i.m ;ey'i ,on the Ko.idvay, is nojr, fprc- nnrei r 1:1 ki ,... vv. vr ..... . First Class Pictures,,, . -rWAt fciisonallb prices. Call and secure a ' 2.1 ! shadow ore the subi-tance fades. j D. KJLVakrk C. A. IcGuire. -eets, i TARRF.N & McG-TTTRE. ProDrieVorsV v-.. .,l... ,r,,... .. ,...i J : -t I I iiitcccasurs iv -ivuitm . iruucii,, Wholcsalor and Retail Dealers in all kinds of , Fresh and Cured Meats! I r..ii;nAfl?.imnrfWDrinl. K A ". .O 'JWpnMPSi ptp xfci5"iutter. Eggs, Choese, etc. constantly on hand, ii5 Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. , Washington Market, .. J Main Street,, Astoria Orcyov r jr., HEiiGirAN ;tespectfully call? the attex- AXtion of tho mwlic to the fact that tue .above Market will always be supplied with a. i EULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY J pRESH AHD jeajs f ion of tho public to the ' Which will'be sold at lowest rates, wholesale j and retail. Special attention given tosupply- jng ships. :: j PACIFIC MARKET, iGerman Sausage Factory Is'ow Building Parker House Llock. Main street, Astoria. J. &. MAYER, - - Proprietor. ' ' j. - .-.-.-. ---.-- - . ..... . -- -,--r n'PTTTl T .vwt.i 1. 1..4.M 'l.An,. T..,L. IT.... ! X U I irft i rtXhb.