oj HE mm&!Ptr!4immFs "B ASTOEIA, pPvBGOXr F' -!. C 1REI.AXI ..f.........'F,IITOR . 2jl nng guslsrci8tt . 1 an established fact that there is to be "Mvv ( ist 'sooninaveryv years, an im iKIDAi -t "'imense trade carried on up and down - i the Columbia river, from its month to A CARD. To the Voters tf Clatsop and Tillamook Cemities: At a Joint -Convention of Delegates of the llcpublican party from Clatsop and Tillamook counties, held at the Court-house in Astoria, pursuant to all, on Saturday the 13th day of May, j376, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for joint representative to -the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, from those two counties, the under signed had the honor to receive the nomination as such candidate. The Convention consisted of twenty seven delegates from Clatsop county, and fifteen delegates from Tillamook comity- Upon the first ballot of the Convention the undersigned received twenty or twenty-one votes of the twenty-seven votes from Clatsop coun ty ; and for several ballots thereafter received nineteen, twenty, or twenty one votes every time; while B. A. JBay hxy, Esq., received the fifteen votes from Tillamook, and from one to five of Che votes of the Clatsop delegation, so that he had from sixteen to twenty votea 'on the several ballotings, as I remember the events, Mr. Dayley, i , r m-ii i. i 1 1; , ,i delegate from liilamook, Jiolding the ' f -i tirlcen votes of tnat county, and des- pairing of securing the nomination for ' himself in obedience to instructions -F,..-.,,, !,; , ,.,.. n,T.,:., ..,.- r. nfn t.t i.n Tr.'V il vii iiia flni'f TC( t en votes on that ball. t. to five scatter- ! "Vl' -- '-j "Jmji i?,l,k'"'1' """ "J :"', mg. or against me. Of -course the Gout rention declared me -the nominee. Having become vour c-mdidate in that manner, and with j quainted vith the construction of wai-ehonse each year, so that the m that unanimity, still certain persons, public works of that nature; let liim ' teresJ on cost and expense of keeping ..I.,;,,,;,,, ff, i-inimur fr -Tin -fiTilHr..iii c.i.ining lO belong toxlie lepuDlicm party are not satisfied, notwithstanding the3' took, their full part in the primary meetings, and were candidates before i. r j r 1: ... ie v,oumj omeimon. Chief among the dissatisfied persons j the mantle of his fatliei Tliey claiiii that the County Cjronven tion was composed of a "ring," and 1 so they Mill not support the ticket, as T am iuformed. .. , J ,, -i T -rx -rv n - 35ut the r.aui J. xi. JJ Gray nas made ana UT.niDeteai-i'ounfl tne rcnort A, tliat your -candidate for representative i is a very seliisli man, always worlving for his ovnmtcreST and not for the in tiil m- Having ierest of tlie town, or Statfe. lived in Astoria and vicinitv over 1 twenty-foiu- years, continuously since 10.-1 x r : 11 j-i j. x- ISol, and duiing all that time taken '. . :m active part in all public affairs, I do not need to say anything to any of the are u. n. y,?.AY, wiiom aiiost ot u prop(se an aniendinciit to the State ' ou x.uvf - aut .uciiBveuuus havo known for twenty or thirty years. I Constitution to cover this case. Tluai i S111 m '? deliy-ed here for little - i- t tt r " i i fu-ii vc-iix bonpp if tIio T.o-iclMfiivA fif. i more than it costs to deliver at Porn- anu his son J. H. D., who wears well l)us nonce u ine ijegisjantie cie- v , ii0iw.i ' . ,inc t .n.,.,,,4-. , ;,....,.,; :4 land, sav x to is cents 7er ousiiei. older residents ahd settlers of Clatsop iias toeen opportune. In the mean er Tillamook counties. To some of the 1? matf f T - itS . i i , - ! e:u:mgs5 as the btate and contiguous more recently settled people or those Territories, or may be States ere then, counties, it may be proper perhaps, to grew in importance, population, and say a few -tfords bv wav of refutation wealth, the needed laborers to con- of the slanderous accnsatmiif elfish- ness and laek of interest in public airairs"' brought against me. To .show what interest I took ten years a?o iii the public matter of roads ' x and means of. cheaper tiansportation -l ft . . . m 1 in all Orcjon, 1 append here an Edito rial vrritten hy myself and published in tlie Astoria Mir'nie Gazette, Septeni- i,ftl, ia.i 10,v rot j. nf ber 10th, lSk6. (See Astoria Marw Ga'-fa of that Sate). The Legislative Assembly was then aboui to convene in regular .session. mi - -i n Hie article is as follows : " ' - We said jn our last issue that among the matters of greatest importance re - Quiring the attention and action of i & -i - i - xi - toe m'ttsmiT, iiRnKi:ir.iir Tor the iiro - motion of tbe pjcnniarv, political and . m A5t01'luJ -one tlllee years since, j by petition or mother customary man social prosi)ei-ity oi the whole State. I deny the accusation, and otier in i ner. and of all the people within it, as proof of mv assertion, the f.lowincr ' Ons wnrrl urn? n1t mMfM-wiwef. Vrcuas oi tnose near ns ana outsiae oi n n -, -l i - . ' n , ..I of some plan of internal improvement, : MhsxV democrat, in May 1873, three j I have never been and never shall especially such improvements as 3rears ago, though it was not written j be in favor of any man for U S Sena will faDilitr.t3 ' travel and transporta- ..for .that or any other paper, It is as tor from Oregon, who was, or would pe nT' ri-n .roTO is Tnn miirr.M-iiinTi tion of merchandise on a few of tlje great thoroughfares Into and tln'ough' the .State. V V To be as concise as possible in allud ing to' this matter, and 'referring fcb one only of the great routes of trade and travel, we 'will say that it is now its headwaters, and thence to the Mississippi Valley and to the Atlan tic seaboard. Already 5,000 tons of merchandise, or more, 1,000 persons Ijrobably, and a large amount of stock, pass over the Cascade and Dalles portages monthly, at an extra ex pense in consecpience of these port ages, in the aggregate, at not less than say from $10,000 to $20,000 per month, or from $125,000 to $250,000 per annum. Ve believe our estimate is very lew at the present time, and that ten years hence there will be, with proper improvements of these places, ten times as much business on that route as there is now. With the rales reduced, a groat deal .of the merchandise, produce, stock, &c., that will in the future .pass over that route will go only in consequence of such reduction of the rates of expense, nwi !,. o .i,,, ? i, e I of transportion not only makes a sav- ingtothe consumer and seller, but will often cause or create the trade,- I t.limlWm,ahlifr,onn,,,,ortr. ' -" ioy the comforts of a higher civiliza- i tion, and the manufacturer' or pro ducer to sell surplus products that otherwise would have been an entire loss on his hands. We will not at tempt to -enumerate the various ad- j vantages such improvements will give I to the people of the Columbia valley. i The most important of all is the pop- ulation, wealth, and improvement J tliA- wjU )Q 'Wed to every county !and district from the ocean to the 7J , -,r x . -,-, , , , I ckv JVloiuitams. But nobodj- j dimhis the benefits to be derived from such improvements. The oiiiy tioius How cin trie ncetletl i 1 A. "A- 1 ; Hiunt-s db ju.me riic improvement cannot be made j one, or five ye:n-a; but it can be ' 111 iM uommeneed now and nvosofiii td vir. ' t , , A. ... O i 'orously and cautiously until com- i l)lefclid- three or five wminiasicni - ers, to ie appomtea oy tnc Xiegisia-' itiveAssembv. select an cmimaa- :ic- survey tne grounu. muj-ie tneimui auct' ..:.., -, , - ,, K A. , ubtinmLu ui Liie uust ui tne worh.. to oe presented to tlie next legislature, : which can act then as circumstances ; shall dictate... In .the meantime, as , the legislature cannot constitution- 1 o v,:,:, ,:. ally ere; OOolet 'the present Legislatiu? ! amendment, submit ', r adoption, sanlxnzh can rcamrni tlie h to the people for the plnn of the imin-ovement before tliem tlie gi-owtbsnid prospedts or the! comitiy better known, the people can vole understandnigh" on the aanenjl-j ,,.; o,;i, n ,-,w.ii,T-ui, ..,i. 1 nifnif. "win I'll unll virhinllv lin i.lin ;1rj tion or reiection of tho imnron- tion or reiection of the imnrovcinenc. ' """l"! "Uivil 1" ullll'Ull MU UllV I.VIU I" two years hence -the people should , decme- t3r adoptiu "" l'-"w,i.w $ the amendment to after answering thatipoint, I vohm tt Legislature after t toered the matter contained in tlie authorize- tlie next tjlat 0U1. years from tins to under- take the needed improvements at the I Cascades, the 'Dalles, or Oregon 'Citv, , :l.ml tnerct,y create a debt of half it mil- I lion of dollars for the last named im - ', wrt,.iM11 , . -n- I provement', or five or ten millions for ! the others, then it will be found that 1 action now, by the present Legislature, struct the works .nil be found readj struct the works will be found j muuu iao, vi iiiu iiivu Xlllllllj.ai;i;u. XXJL i li i rvi l it 1 if itili 7iiii th wi... ,.l t,-,. . tiiat ana similar purposes, as tnev have done in California the last ten years. , . , wlu eiul vl lout e;ns Ilie &tate dfioulesiiot in mirlfrfjilr r.lio imimwn. ix .'in.. .1 e r n . rt t ---. - vv tuv viikv v. 4. ltlllii.V nient, she will be in inst the risrlit posi tion to :i5?lc rif)llfnfR5 in fin if. lmiM-nrr I " - ' v J.W ii J... . I some definite idea of what to ask for ' vitn lu'Prietir- And at all events now 'is none too early to commence in the undertakin- Two or tln-ee thousand dollars expended in this matter the uext two years may be will be worth, ildleds of thousands of dollars to the State four or iiv& vears kence. But I am informed that Mr. Gray j especially accuses me of opposing the j flnMi..j.;rtll rtp i,ft c:T?vmM.- w;,.,,.c jconbtiuciiion or the farmers Wnart ' IJ. w -T - 3 ' , . . .... ... . - inffov -it-i.;;i, 4u,i v.vi iiivai. luuii 4 its way into the comments of '.the editor of that paper Jto-wit: f ns. rf tf1" iixu. a. s . ASTORIA'S CLAIMS AGAIN. We submit the following letter f qr, the consideration of the farming com munity of the Willamette "Valley, and ask for it a careful perusual. It gives some plain facts and figures in favor of "warehouses at Astoria which can scarcely, be refuted : ' Astoria, AprilW, 1873'. John Laiton, Esq Albany : Dear Sir : Your letter of the 15th inst. is this moment handed to me by Messrs. Welch, Taylor and Gray to whom and others, it was addressed, with the request that I answer it. There are now three wharves and warehouses on them in this town, all owned by citizens, or men who have influential agents here. They will see? to it ' that they are not assessed too high; other wharves will be rated with those already existing, in propor tion to their cost, situation, true val ue, or the like. Such property has, never been rated at more, -than half its value here. Ton-residents will receive as good treatment in that matter as resident citizens. Some have asked the cjnestien: " Why don't the people ot Astoria Imil ot Astoria mulct wharves and ware- T10uf for storing Avlieat, Jour, etc?' Jvill answer that they won d build them ver Tly ' th7i a"y ilS" surance that they would have any thing (of consequence) to store m them, or to receive in and deliver out. Is o body but the wheat grower and wheat buyer can irive this assurance. The present wheat buyers will not store or ship from here, as they can compel vessels to o to Portland. Hence the wheat grower is the only party likely to give the assurance at present. A uharf 400 feet longhand ware house 1300 feet long sufficient? to hold tow large cargoes, and to accommodate two large vessels at once Avill cost ' some &15,000. not more. Ten per cent inf.mvsf. rni flint, is 1 ."iOO. ftOO will VXfk'VV . IMatl 4- . 4-.kl j-W.n - -w- -4- k -WXk - 2,000 in ail. 30,000 bushels of wheat vrill make: a cargo of say 1,500 tljns- K loiwsiich cargoes go m and out tho warehouse 'u the year, one cent per l.iielinl mi h.if niionf tv i,'i I i.imL-o fin '"ZZ tL..,Huj '-" M .v - .wu - ; ; Wv " ,. ;"-""' --- cargoes snouici be snipped twin tne -'- , ; , ." ; "" v . cent nor bushel, .if anv bus ness is " " " ' . ; . . i T - llonc- If iJirgcr mteresfc as l-eckoned, :m1 cost. of, two. or tl.ree non, J. ftOV S1"51"1 W' six r eight mouths m au; oe comeaJiiiawiigc.j..uuuiiiore uer year, still the expense is leas than, Xi rccuts for storaSe, even if charged lul w2ien oneJe i.Lbc woi-th om w t cents per bushel more l.3l : wltIh tiiciu ;ib j uitiuiiuaux;iuy viisjyi tu iuui Very trul- -ours, ' X , .V. P.UiKEIt. I TlGl1irjVe letter as vnitten in an- w. siror to inquiries about taxation; and ,, , . . . - , , , , otllL1' Porfclon of tlie leter- The wharf was afterwards built in 1 the manner and by the parties v.'hpm ' r nniP( .,o fi,o Tivimpr nni-emVc -n t lianiea ls tne piopei persons o U -i-, -, mi r a xv t r i a-i hmd. lfc' lh fact,th:l.t J oveil the building , of it . and -was .known to be in favor of it, is sufficiently 'attest ed by the action of Mr. "SVeleh in re questing me to answer Mr Layton's enquiries. Mr. Velch was tlie most enthusiastic manin Astoria m favor of thqivharf. JELe owned lots of land near 1T.fj proposed wharf: and I owned building lots' near there and do now. So, too, I owned then and do now i . . . .. . other lots m other .parts )f the town. l - - . :. ,-..' and have a head and heart lame enonh to favor the interests of the wlioie town. Eilt a certain other j man above named, assooasheGwldsee L,r,.v,sW in rim t.Anm n " cii " . , mW li sold 01lt ms htte property jn the other Pa1 tlie town and bought near the said wharf, and all his local interest ! 1in,v ; hn now s tneie. Couceiiing roads and local legisla tion far. the counties of Clatsop and , Tillamook, the- Representative should , be guided in a great measure by the I .,--i,r. ;t "-j. . i i wishes ot his constituents as expressed vi.wi.o ..o v.uv-ou w--. ----.. WII t.y-'fctu I r. V!WI.VUyJ J.X United Steates Senator, and 1 am done. . . .follows, including the jopposed to &5lfmercial and I financial miestof A6oria, and the Columbia valley, or itol the improve- mentl of thek!n-eat thoroughfares of travel in Oregojij-the Columbia and Willamette and other rivers, and the portages thereon. As it would be impossible-for one. to 0 over the two counties .to see the v6tefs before-election dayL'Have. con- eluded to submit the foregoing in tliis - manner exnectiner thereby to reach - - " i iii, more voters than I would by a personal canvass. Very respectfully, W. W. Parker. NEW. TO-DAY. OILAS B. SIITH. ' ' -'-' Attornev-at-Law. astoria; oregox. 0fii6o in Warren & IcGuire'S' building, op posito Occident Hotel. Es's for Hatching. 'OC5 W1IITE LEGHORN FOWLS, BAILEY'S STOCK, OAXLA XD, CALIFORNIA, Xon Sitters, Good Layers. EGGS, 82 00 PER DOZEN. Orders accompanied with cash orannroved jawbone promptly attended to. Das. J. INGAJiLS. Astoria, Oregon. AX ixdepexdenx newspaper1: TnREE DOLLARS PER Lit 1'LAK. -,-. JI z, .Sea-Port of m The Only Paper Published at the - i ). 017. mi 1 ' lit ' Tr lV'Y.;fLtY'. lU . 1, I -l- il, V .11 V 'Gfj 1 J'r.r. .. or iH SATURDAY ,.AIa,-7. 1S7(J. X53 AT TltlS'.r d t t QIWEXTY tirrrr 'hTTTnT'ro,n ' 0 ex'ts Jree CoplK of To - DfOslSEi,' l XJJ1J i lllVi'-V'-iJ r it5T Which i? JUst The Thing' tb . send, to your f;iondaprOad.x. 1 For 10 cents wo will l?c'iid i com. A-Vo will Fqisd tho paper four month" for ono'Vlollnr'; wm scnti a rou oi iiaiupn lets Jinu cirisujarsor. s0 contf : one pamphlet ot' il paged fort 23 cents, iscnd in your order. .' i). C inEL.LXJL.ED.' Astoria'.' j t A s toi io, Oregon Pnrtionlnr Xoticc. ' Advertisement intended fbr ihertfon in Tin: 'AsToKrAtf, should be handed in 6rr'lhun3 day afternoon, invariably, to iushre their-jin-sertion tlio fo.ilowin aturday. V iif oungs. tll ii. Westpuft 31 ay 2!ith Al J L Candidate tor 'Joint Ili-proJUiitivp, fiom Clat-'op and Tillanibok coivnt?c?,1t.'vpt. ,?' If. U. UA'ay, will meet tho Citizens of V Uiver luccmct at the Orangery liall, a iW AFnvTth Ajfnrk IvnAi -m .il.vR' in.; ana expci mg no ueijmte answer, are aaiap)iyjiplx P7 vited to meet Capt. (tray at tlie tlme":ind jda (jc? as above mentioned to diseuss the'localiiid. political i?i of the day, and ,tell what he knows about farming. s ' V4j1.J "RAISING KEPTJB'LlftA'X' 'OIATJDLH iXUUMLUiuiJwaum i. a'heirc5cnccf ladies w specially 'mVitedi . -tt t-vt x r s r t- i'fnii.arrTiT'n. t .1. 'Kl I -X... . .. r lli I W .IvOrOKJ)?' hx. Committee,. 7 7" T THE MOST EXTENSIVE: VXD . , . r a it , . Kit., ".- - , Clifton, nnd. Kiiappa.. iF-p6slilile,4chenamus Street. Asforia, Oregon ; Clat-op, at Pros. Church, at bij-mnJl -i. .,--,.. ,i .)., ,. ..!, . M-t5 to leave Astoria for Tillamook , . Wliolesale'and Retail Dealer in m "1?$AiP?mV; Unrrtf'i Ciaa'w Vrtul1 TiflK?cA ' nntf nil ,isInils,-or lt. aiid wilispeak at iloquarton anrt barn- i u...i, iir;..ii... .niiannnvt baldi while tMrc, returning to'Astoriafcitubril r. &,,eKurMM11II1rt.V: .?,'?liW1C,T - Thursday or l-riday,tJune lstor, Ld, and will' , ., aml ,,iwtij. . ,, address n grand rally of cjfiiau At Ppif itifal- GENUIXE IJ?ERSITA.T7Al PIPES, Jlall. 1 he opposing candidates ha-vingibeen,. . c ' T-- '' challenged to meet him orftho'stUmp.aildgiv- J . ., -- oieciaiiur. i w. .. , B W XBest AssortedStogkT aet: y e r y, wos&3rn Can-Iie-fiinmMit K o bHnKii' Main Street... , jmj,e -'- - V JaiISI I CRUCHEjiY,, Sj GLASSWARE, &c, &c. V- ., ' . JC. -j-- . r 'a V ma V . - i O rr V -J"- f - . A GENCV FOll THE SALE OF th It)mcstic Sewing Alachine, at J. 1 IL -TT-mT riri.- 1I7T AT TI1V. .ArriNT "4 ..;.I,.r o. 5 "llrtf- ,. 1. H..r,o.'.. j who has just received a Sno aiortment.- btf M,t Ira ut ci iii juiw pi wi ii Lsimm r im mi ivunuii a ri? - i -t .A - V- v.. . J STEW ADRrgISEMENTS. tTE ""Of Vr ift W ' fr AcJrllo.c do general Jiotn-o work, Wilis' 'DAGGETT'S.. Apply at i "DOOM TO LET. A lareo front room '2d Finn- will ho lot lt reasonable -rates.. Apply at r. 8tf j.iiio ir r iur.. T OST. ? I jj - a bunch 'of keys on a f ing. The ' findor wil -b(i liberally rewarded on leav- ing tbem at thib office. J 0G TAXES. All taxes on docs runniii!? atlarjre with in the Corporate limits of thuiown of A'toiia wil be due and payable on or before Juijolst, lS7d.. . DAVID IX GALLS, td reanrcr. N JOTICE. Stockholder? in the A-toria Alilling Company arc. hprisby notitit'iT Unit a" m&-i-inr will ho held at A-toria, on Snturnv. i June-3d, 1S70 ibr the purpo-e ot electing I-officers for the en-uing year, and tinnatt- mg aiicli other biumc??-:i mnv ronie be fore the meKnig. "D. 13EQUETTE. Astoria, Aav 22d, 1S7G. "TOTICE. A special ineetinir of tho TiOunl rotor of diool District Xo. 1. will be held 'at tho chool House in Astoria, on Iridav ereninir May 2l.lS7i), at 7 o'clock p.m.. for tho pur pose of levy nip a tax in said District to pav off the indebtedness due on liloek 74. nr.iclin-j cd forSclnol purposes, abo to take in consid eration the plan and specifications ot Fchool house, and the ways and means to raise mouev I v VvJlrl lir eo Ey Oidev of lioard qf Director. .1. (J. HUSTLERS Astoria, 3Iay 0, 1S7J. m0td" , Clerk. Tfisn XET FOUND. ' -' 'T About'fiHy lathom o'f nel'wns'pTck- e(j up hv uyy bofttnt Snaj; I-landq 2ix '24th. 1S7U. Wm. FA L"KIX"15UECr. . n T- -' TPi.nTf'l, TyriL JJ UULO n Us Lit' L.710U'171Q. i 4!Ai w. uone? - - Astoria, II SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. i ' Cannot be bent in the Root and Shoe iine. '' CalLandsechini.' , , - . '! SIGX OF THE GOLDUX SHOJ-k A. W. Cone - - Astoria, IIOJ 3.n Shvi-t. A iria. .OLOODED SII3SEP. , . I1 About the. first of June, tho undersigned , ' C'lKt)ip uner i'ncJiu' VimuUcx brinzinc with him from, .tlio fanfous ?tock of - '11 iReters 4t Severance. California , several 1 Tlio'i-'in" Wi'reil ctSiii Vikvii. One year old. which will be 'old cho'ap. '' ,; TUT JmMITH, Portland, Ogn WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. j i: IRA CUTTING ' m pared yXOUVCEf? TO TUK PEaPL"K OF jrtoriii and -Tcinity that he is norijre to do all kinds of WATCH 31 AKIXCf AXD JEWELLIXG iii the neatest possible manner,. All work fraircantcd. 3f r ' jvr Ajicnt for tho.WLTir AM andELGIX atcliee. ' ' "u 'ilJA CCJTTIXG. - ' ' - "j jjCJjnamustrcet. Astorii,9sn'. , QUICK SALE&'AND SMALL 'PROFITS it r r 1 r If. j icJpm; "vrrCni-ro ctn " i L. k; Gr SMITrt',"'' .H' -T717"- EDtJAR, , ?n i " " Coiner rain.andGhenamus Streets, i; 'ASTuKIA. ., 0KLU,0,X. ., V,,m.i " ' ,i n;,.. ' ,..i i" t iilT l"I IV TliP PIinriTSP Til! vi F Q e n tl 1 II e Tr o s t e n h oi m, i and other Ehglibh Cutlery '' ';' ' .Faifrhil.k r,hW Pfn,. f . -'1 h nci'aftort'of ,!' At - ill .. , T?BElil,ltit&,$l:L, , ., j 'Hou'sfe arid biorn Paintino:, ik. . ti PAPER UAXGIXG, , , : ' KAISOSILXOG, ETC., Specicd attention paid to Count rtfHuorl- ' Shop n Squemoqha. street, ASTOHRA. - . - KE0. Astoria Brewery Saloon, And Bottled Beer Depot ! . MAIN STltEET, ASTORIA. RTJDOEPTT BAJrriT MICHAEL MYJZJtS, Proprietors. The Best Quality Lager Beer, FIVE CENTS A GLAS. irFr Tho patmnajre of tho public i respect fully solicited. Orders for Laser, or Bottluu JJeor. in any rjnantlty, jromj)tlv filled. V3F l'ree Lunch day "and nisht. y AX i)USEN HAS JL'RT ,HE opWmI sv lino lot of PEINTS. whiph " ? . .i .... ; . . - &o is cllmg very clieap. - t Sdlo agent for, the Ce Iebratcd .Qtbqllo; igars. -Oealears in the above lino are ijcj'pectfully , solicitc'd t6 examine Smk'and Prices. ' " ' i. i i ' -i r-i.