1 k fitirrfftiL VOL. 1. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1876. NO. 22. ISSUED EVERY EVENING, (Sundas'S Excepted), . . EKELA1, : : PUBLISHER. Monitor Building, Cass Street. Terms of Subscription : Served bj' Carrier, per week 23 Cents Sent by mail, three months .'..$'2 oO Sent by mail six months 4 00 Sent by mail one year 7 00 Tree of Postage to tho Subscribers. K2T" Advertisements inserted by tho year nt the rate of $1 00 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or Tveelc, fifty cents per square first insertion. Heading notices, in City Items column, fivo cents per line per day. No charge less than twenty-five cents. The schooner Adelaide arrived from John Days river this morning "with a cariro of wood. Mr. C. C. Slyker, late of Sitka, "will soon leave Astoria for the home of Jiis childhood in Wilksbarre, Pa. Parties in want of sails, tents, etc. , are referred to A. M. Johnson's As toria Sail Loft. See advertisement. The Brenham, Capt. A. D. Wass, Teturned from Portland last evening. The Jolm L. Stephens will leave Portland at three o'clock to-morrow morning, and may be expected at Astoria early, en route to San Fran cisco. A nice shower of rain very greatly needed in this part of the world, to as .sist in the irrigation of swamp lands, "began descending last night at ten o' clock, and still continues "without in "termission. It is nice. i2D"The steamer Gen. Canby will leave for Tillamook some time next "week. For rates of freight apply at the office of the Ilwaco Steam Navigation Company. Passage at si:ecial Kites. Capt. Gus M. Jassen's new boat, for use in the Thirteenth Light-house District, and for the propose of making soundings, arrived by the California steamer this week. The neat little craft bears the honored name of Gen. Canby. We feel like jogging the memory of the citizens of Astoria with refer ence to the school meeting, called for to-morrow evening. Now bear in mind that the credit of the district is at stake in this matter, and don't let business of any kind keep you away to-morrow evening. See ad vertisement. The sloop lone, just repaired and fitted for trade, "went ashore on Chi nook beach this morning, by dragging her anchors while waiting for a cargo of fish. The mast was cut away and the sloop, taken in tow by the steamer Commodore Perry, reached Astoria safely about 11 o'clock. Some doubts are expressed as to the truth of the statement in our dis patches about hailstones falling in New England this week which meas ured six and three fourth inches in circumference. How can such things be doubted. Did'nt the news come by telegraph, and would the telegraah He? The schooners Granger, 'Captain Lowe; Adelaide, Capt. Rentz"; Elnora, Captain Blaclt; and Hough and Ready, Captain Rehfield, are all discharging wood at Captain Flavel's dock to-day. The wood, stave bolts, buoys, building material, and various other articles strewn over the dock speaks of quite an extensive little business being car ried on there which is not much notic - d. Letter from Mr. Villard. Officoof tbeO. S. S. Co.. 1 Portland, May 23, 1S7G. J Editor A stemal: "What you say con cerning the condition of the Stephens, is strictly true. The United States in spector, after a most thorough exami nation of the ship, expressed Iris sur prise at her absolute soundness, serious doubts of which he had entertained in common with the public. Allow me to add that the new man agement, as the old one, spares no ex pense to keep the steamers, of tliis line, in the best repair, and that no steamer has ever been or will be allowed to leave harbor except in perf ectly sound condition. As your readers are aware the Com pany, are about putting new steamers on the line, but this has been resolved upon with a view to securing greater carrying capacity and more economical running, and not on account of unsafe ty of any of our steamers. I am Very Respectfully, Henry Yillard, President. Marriages were the order of the day (and evening) at Astoria yester day. At the residence of Mr. E. S. Larseii, brother-in-law of the bride, Miss Lamia C. Posenk w;is led to the hymenial altar by Mr. John K. Wirt, and in the presence of a large num ber of invited guests the twain were made happy for life. After the con clusion ot this service, aifd a joyous hour at the house, the party adjourned to Spiritual Hall, where they were met by greatly augmented numbers of friends, where all danced to the tune of sweet music, and expressed their congratulations and wished the newly wedded couple much joy. Dancing was kept up until a late hour, and the hosts of friends of both bride and bridegroom separated with heartfelt wishes for the young couple, now so happy. At the residence of Capt. il. Ilobson, another large party was congregated to witness the nup tials of Mr. John Hobson and Mrs. Katie Reaves. A few days ago the China mer chants of San Francisco sent a dis patch to Hong Kong, directing mer chants in that city, not to ship any more goods on steamers or vessels car rying more than one hundred pass engers. A dispatch was received on the 22d from Hong Kong, announcing that out of 400 passengers that had engaged passage on the City of Pe king, but 10G were allowed to come. Hereafter but 100 will arrive on any single steamer. The W. H. Bessie for Honolulu took tliree hundred Chi nese coolies to labor on the sugar plan tations of the Sandwich Islands. Speculations are made in va rious quarters as to the prices -which wheat will command after the coming harvest. It is unde niable, that the prospects at this time in Europe are but middling that is, the growing crop does not promise more than an average, with markets that have but little more wheat on hand and in tran situ than sufficient to last until harvest. In the Western States the spring has been unusually wet, and in consequence the quantity of spring wheat sown, which is now much relied upon, is less than usual. In California alone does the crop promise an abundant yield, and even there, with the cold northwesterly winds which have recently pre vailed, the crop is not entirely as sured. It may yet be cut short in quantity. Another invoice of clothincr at B. Hamburger. . . . CITY ITEMS- A Card From I. W. Case, Candidate for County Treasurer. Ilaving been reliably informed, that a repoit is in circulation, raised b3Thome designing person or person, to the effect that I a Treasurer of Clatsop county, had received gold coin into the trea-ury of the county and paid out therefor on county older, silver coin and especially trade dollars. This report has been raised to reflect upon my character as a public offi cer, and lessen my chances for re-election as County Treasurer, and it also reflects my character as a business man, I there fore adopt this means of informing the voters and citizens of Clatsop county, that the above mentioned report is as base and consummate a falsehood as could be circulated. And the person who started said report and those who are circulating it, did it, and are doing it through mali ciousness or wilful ignoiance, for had they taken, or should they now take the least pains possible, they would ascertain that people generally paid their taxes this year in silver, and lhavo no doubt, but what the persons who are circulating said report, paid their taxes in silver if they paid any at all. I iall below the amount when 1 bay that of all the taxes paid into the Treasury of Clatsop county, was silver and aviry material proportion ol that was Trade Dollars. 1 remitted all the State tax in gold coin thereby saving the count3r expressage, and the State tax was more than YA of the whole amount of taxes received, so it will be clearly seen that I have paid more gold coin than I re ceive. So gentlemen your report falls to the ground and if you cannot get at some thing to injure me with more semblance of truth about it, you had better sell out. One thing more, I have been placed upon the Independent ticket by the per sons composing that party, not by my wish, I assure you, as a candidate for County Treasurer. Now I wish it dis tinctly understood that I have had nothing to do with the getting up of the Inde pendent movement and I am taking no stock m it. I have always been a consis tent Republican, and have been nominated by the Republican party prior to the In dependent movement and upon that ticket lam tunning, hut I shall not object to Independents nor Democrats voting for me, and I think if the Democrats would put my name upon their ticket also that 1 would be elected. I. W. Case. sS!Mr. P. G. Stewart, of Portland, is stopping temporarily at Astoria, in !Mr. Meade's store-room on Chenamus street, and is prepared to lit on persons a superior quality of spectacle glasses, and will also attend to clock work, and will receive watches for repairs, which will be sent to the shop of his Kn, Charles T?. Stewart, where all kinds of work is done in a work manlike manner. j7D B. Hamburger carries the best as sorted stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hais, Tobacco, Crockery and will in a short time add a splendid lot Groceries, which will make the most com plete slock in town. Cail a see his new goods they are nice. 23 Any person inquiring for a fine quality of liquor, and can appreciate the same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutter "Whiskey and Miller extra Old Bourbon, at the " Columbia Bar" saloon Astoria, with Geo. Usherwood late of Portland to cater to their tnstes. Gentlemen will please give us a call. Cigars "of a fine quality also on hand. Jas. M. Lynch, Prop. 8" Everybody goes to the Novelty Barbershop to get fixed up in style. Every person majr come, and more too, fori have employed a firsL-class artist who will smil ingly manipulate your chin, gracefully curl your mustache, nicely puff your hair, and lastof all, but not least, will perfume your clothes with the most pupular perfumery in use, "Patchouly" ifyou don't believe itjust tiy it. Hnir cutting, shaving, and sham pooing, llair ctying done and warranted not to turn red, break or split. Parker House, Astoria. J. L. Campbell, Proprietor. Ox Journalism. One of the most frequent and sweeping accusations made by the mass of the public against the journalist is that they have no principles, that they are trimmers, defending one thins: to-dav and another to-morrow. This accusation is unjust. Taken as a whole, journalists are much less guided by personal considerations in the matters of public interest than any other body of men. Life is not stationery, and they have naturally to alter their opinions now and then, under the influence of changing circumstances. But these changes are sel dom the result of anticipated personal ad vantages. A free thinker becoming orthodox, a republican becoming a mon archist or a liberal becoming a conserva tive, arethinns by no means as frequently to be met with among journalists as they are among people at large. On the con tinent of Europe such a change of princi ples on the part of any newspaper or literary man is utterly impossible without his incurring the penalty of moral death. Mo.t 'newspaper articles being signed there, the writers may in the course of time change the shade of their colore, but never the colors themselves. Political and philosophical inconsistency in jour nalism is the product of the anovmoua 1 press, and it is in England that-it is at its highest. Telegraphic News. Synopsis of Press Dispatches. The C. Cs and the B. B's In party Politics. Conkling, Cameron, Blain and Bristow Struggles. Who Controls Pennsylvania? Don Cameron. Who Controls Don? Hard Money. Prospects of a fight in Cin cinnati Convention. More Concessions, in Which the K. K.'s orive wav for the C.C.'s, the B.B.'s, and the A. G. R.'s. Remarks of the Eastern press, on recent Cabinetehanges are not flatter ing to anybody not even Grant. Following are. sample shots paid for by the Oregonian at the rate of $500 per month, justto have the dispatches! you know dispatches are dispatches ; here is a few of 'am. "Editorial notes" by telegraph ! Fast age this ! The Tribune's Philadelphia spe cial says Donald Cameron heads the delegation to Cincinnati. The dele from Pennsylvania are, as a whole, of that trading class of politicians who have for the last fifteen years controlled Pennsylvania politics and belittled it in the eyes of the Nation, men who are always readjr to sell out and before they cast their votes in National Convention for any particu lar candidate bargain for a cabinet appointment or the smaller loaves and fishes of office. "While Cameron can control a majority of the Penn sylvania delegation for Conkling, Blaine is likely to get a part, despite trade, including, probably, all of Philadelphia's twelve. Prospects of a bitter fight by the anti Cameron and Conkling men are imminent. A Times editorial on Cabinet changes speaks favorably of Pierre pont and Taft. As for McDonald Cameron, of Pennsylvania, he is a gentleman who has been chiefly known hitherto as a political wire puller. In that capacity he may have displayed enough executive talent to mark him out as a desirable person to sit in the Cabinent as Secretary of "War. Pennsylvania politics can hardly be said to furnish a verj' elevated school for administrative ability, but Cameron may turn out to be a better man than might be in ferred from his associations. It has been generally assumed that the Pennsylvania delegation was to be used at Cincinnati chiefly for the purpose of securing Cameron a seat in- the Cabinet of the next Republi can President. Though the prize has been virtually attained without wait ing for a new Administration, it is hardly likely that the mission of Pennsylvania at Cincinnati will be materially modified. The astute gentlemen who will manipulate the fifty-eight votes of that State will be as desirous as ever to find who is to be the winning man, and to earn his 'gratitude by throwing, at a critical. moment, the Pennsylvania votes in his favor. The Sun is peculiarly bitter and sarcastic, and has several short arti cles on the subject. It has for some time seemed probable that Taft would not answer Grant's purpose as Secre tary of "War. He is a straightforward up And down man ni ot available for jobs. Such a man in the place of Belknap could only make trouble for such a President as Grant, and accord ingly he is moved out. He will also make a respectable Attorney-Gener-al, and in that post he annot inter fere so much with the little opera tions on which Grant's comfort so greatly depends. The nomination of Pierrepont is to be taken we suppose as the reward for the valuable servi ces he recently rendered Grant, in certifying before the chamber of commerce in this city that Grant is not a common thief; anyhow, he is in many respects an improvement on Schenck. The Senate, which re jected Dana, hastened to confirm the courtley and accomplished Pierre pont. The nomination of Don Came ron is not one that will be approved by reforming Republicans, but that probably makes no difference. Cam eron has long been hankering for a place in the Cabinet, and his nomi nation doubtless settles the question whether the Pennsylvania delegates to Cincinnati will vote for Conkling or Blaine. The New York Herald rejoices thatPierreront goes abroad where he can have no influence: "Judge Pier repont it is well known has not favored Ccnkling's nomination and says: Don Cameron's influence and that of his shrewd and sagacious father will be actively exerted in f avor of the New York Senator. The fifty eight dele gates of the great State of Pennsyl vania can now be as surely counted on for Conkling as those of New York. The President can control nearly all the Southern delegates and after the first ballot or two, they will vote in a body for Conkling. The knowledge that tliis is to be the case will help him in the West and insure him a ma jority on the 3d or 4th ballot. The Tribune says that Grant has made so many bad appointments, there is always more or less surprise whenlie makes a good one. Pierrepont is not bold enough, but is an improvement on Schenck. After speaking favorably of Taft, the writer continues, but J. Donald Cameron this is a nomination of which it is difficult to speak with pa tience. When the Camerons took pos session of the Pennsylvania Republican convention a few weeks, and went tlirough the absurd performance of pledging it to Hartnaft, and the world read the announcement that Simon of fered the commowealth for sale once again as he had done many times before. We have no right to be surprised that Grant would start up so quickly with a bid, but it is a profound dissappoint ment that the Senate of the United States, in headlong haste, should make itself a party to such a transaction. His management as executive officer of the Northern Central railroad elicited a vote of censure from the board of direc tors. The World says: "We shall not be so cruel as to say thatPierrepont will find himself more at home in the lega tion to England than in the department of Justice, but Pierrepont is too close an observer of the currents of public opinion not to have long since discover ed that his career as a Cabinet officer has not been absolutely succesful. He has been so fortunate and skillful in the administration of his private affairs that he will be in no danger from temp tations which were so fatal to his pred ecessor at the court of St. James." The writer praises Taft and centinues: "Cameron, though not a lawyer, is a man of more than common 'ability, and not unequal to a Cabinet position in the administration of any President." Eastern Oregon The Astoriaij is doing more for the interests of Eairn " Oregon than any other paper in th$tate.-v If you have a friend or a relative tlpat-v J section of this country, send, him tKe jwt- f per on trial. Only one dollar. gpibur. months. ' . - V "-. &Jfy TT5. f. o , ' r 4 J .. .-. "f j' , - ""it ""wfY V- . .ii- fit , . T. -" --i -M: ,,- w . ' ', o. . - v . JliU 5t2 .1 -V. sioti "i-tfJ" , .,, w. " . 3. ;K.T -. -&r f:&JL . Zs - jr-jr.-w, i. -- -. ! . i -&.