t "V "5 S "ir 4 v """ . ' t. - H. CO t0rktt jl4M'JIjp VOL. 1. ! ii i i n n i i i ii i . . i. ii ii.ii i ii ii in i " i gT& gniljQ' slxrnm. ISSUED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays Excepted), :I. C. EKKLAMI, : : rniLISIIER. Monitor Building, Cass Street. Terms of Subscriptien: Served bj Carrier, per week 25 Cents tSent by mail, three months $2 50 Sent by mail six months 4 00 Sent by mail one year 7 00 Eree of l'ostage to tho Subscribers. - 035" Advertisements inserted by the year at thc rate of 1 00 per square per month. Tranient advertising, by the day or week, fifty cents per square first insertion. Heading notices, in City Items column, five cents per line per day. No charge less than twenty-five cents. But very little grass will be per mitted to grow in Astoria streets this summer. The Perpetua 1ms gone to Coos bay from Avila in command of Capt. Hansen. And now they have a schooner "Western Home in San Francisco. Governor Grover litis appointed Thomas Dealey, of this county, No tary Public. A new Post-office has been es tablished at Bay Center, Pacific -county, "Washington Territory, Sid ney Smitn, postmaster. The Oregonian learns that snow fell in Powder river valley on Mon- day and Tuesdaj- of last week to the depth of seven inches. How high is -that for Mav ? Mr. "Wilson started for his Tilla mook home this forenoon, but the winds were against him, and he was compelled to return again to Astoria. The plastering at the Parker House hotel is finished, and as a job of work in that line cannot be beat. The contractor, Mr. Peter Runey, clearly understands his business; that is a fact attested by his work. He yesterday contracted for the plastering of Mr. M. Nowlan's new residence. Mr. Geo. W. Hume, owner of the bark Sierra Nevada, who is at present on a visit to Astoria, informs us that that vessel did not leave C-illao April 4th for San Francisco, as reported, but sailed for Lobos Island, where she will take a cargo of guano, for Havana, Cuba. Thus it will be seen that our friend Capt Koerner, master of the vessel, will not be able to visit his As toria home so soon as was expected he would when we received the announce ment of his departure from Callao, based upon an error as to the course he was taking. The news from San Francisco with reference to the introduction of small-pox in the Chinese quarters of that city will not be very satisfactory intelligence to the people of Astoria. At this time it is probable that the Chinese population is double that of the white population here. Below Tongue point to this place they have congregated in masses, most of them working in and about the various fac tories connected with the fishing in terest. So far as we know there is no dreadful disease among them, and there may be none, but it has been suggested, and we think with wisdom, that the town and county authorities should take some action in the matter, before it k too late, and compel an observance of some stringent sanitary regulations. One hundred Chinamen packed into a building where ten white men would be crowded, will breed a pestilence unless placed under restriction. ASTORIA, OREGON, ii i in iimn i mi mi KxrjmTsanG James R. Hay den has been ap pointed Collector of Internal Bevenue for "Washington Territory. The persistent course of the P. M. S. S. Co., in bringing Chinese to this coast should be sufficient cause for the people to wake them up to a realizing sense of the disgust enter tained for them amonsrst the masses. The most elegant, and great est variety of labels and cards are made use of by Mr. A. Booth in his hermetically sealed goods, fish, oysters etc. He has in irocess of printing now, in France, a large lot of highly finished labels for his Baltimore works. A case of four dozen cans of sal mon, packed at Fisherton bjr our friend John Fitzpatrick, was received 3esterday, which is information of the fact that Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Davis & Co. , are at work. "When we first visi ted Fisherton thiiteen years ago, can ned salmon w;is unheard of. On our last visit the beginning was made which has lead to the product of what we here now see. The label is an ex cellent one, displaying a handsome specimen of the salmon ready to serve in a fresh state. .The trade mark is good. Jas. Laidlaw & Co. , are agents for the Thistle Brand. To the uninitiated it may seem to be beyond understanding how it is that the humblest menial in China town knew here of the small-pox in San Francisco before any white man knew it. But the system of police regulations is so perfect amongst the Chinese on this coast, that one of their coolies cannot leave a place and be absent five hours, without the head of the Company to whom he belongs knowing it. The Chinese at Astoria, it appears, were advised of the importation of small-pox at San Francisco, prior to the sailing of the John L. Stephens for this port and were yesterday on the look out for some of the Colorado's passengers, one of whom arrived here, notwith standing the report that the Colorado was forced to go into quarantine with all on board. We are glad to note that Mrs. Daggett is now nicely at home in her new hotel building, corner of Gene vieve and Court streets. Mrs. D. is deserving of liberal siqmort. TSy her untiring industry she has accomplished a good work for herself and little ones, proving by her management and strict application to the piu-poses of "her heart that the all wise Being tempers the wind to the shorn lamb where mercy is deserved. Her building con tains thirty-two sleeping apartments, besides the usual room allotted to the uses of a first class boarding house. These are all hard finished, airy and light rooms, making the house a com fortable place of abode. The building was constructed upon plans made by C. H. Bain. The plastering by Peter Runey. SS Another invoice of clothing at B. Hamburgers. 33"For a neat, cheap and serviceable suit of Clothing; for ths be.-t quality of Hats in the market; for a good quality of Boots and Shoe; call at the new ttore of C. H. Page& Co., Farmer's wharf, Aito ria. "lt is astonishing the amount of gooes received ny me wen Known nouse o f B. Hamburger, on the arrival of the California bteamers. The last steamer brought up another large assortment of general merchandibe, among which was a complete utock of Crockery, Glassware, .Lamps, Chimneys, etc. JS" Everybody goes to the Novelty Barber bhop to get fixed up in fetyle. Every person may come, and more too, fori have employed a first-class artist who will smil ingly manipulate your chin, gracefully curl your mustache, nicely puff your hair, and lastof all, but not least, will perfume your clothes with the mosst pupular perfumery in use, "Patchouly" if you don't believe itju&t try it. Hair cutting, shaving, and bham pooing. Hair dying done and warranted not to turn red, break or split. Parker House, Astoria. J,L. Campbeli., Proprietor. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 24, 1876.. P-jjg&iMUJBmm.. n ' CITY ITEMS. Proceedings of the Clatsop County In dependent County Convention. According to previous notice the dele gates, to the Independent County Conven tion, of Clatsop county, met at the Court house, in this city, last evening. Mr. John O'Brien called the Convention to order, and nominated Capt. J. H. D. Gni3T as Chairman of the Convention who was elected. Next in order being the election of Sec retaiy. Mr. L. "W. Poole placed in nom ination Mr. H. Brallier, who was duly elected. The Chairman then stated that he saw belbie him in the Convention independent men from diilerent precincts of the county and requested that they remain and take part with us. He als-o stated that owing to the manner in which we had been treat ed at our mas meeting, and seeing a num ber of the same person) present this even ing, the Delegates thought it advisable for the Convention to sit with closed door, and thanking a large number of friends who manifested great interest in our movement requested them to retire. Letters from "Westport and Nelmlem, congratulating us in our movement, and pledging their hearty support and co-operation, were read. On motion a committee on credentials and platform was appointed, and reported all the delegates from Astoria precinct present, and invited a number of gentle men horn the different precincts present to participate with us, and assist us in our nominations. !ir. AY est, from Clatsop precinct, and gentlemen from other precincts, who were present, stated that the7 were independent and were with us, and on election day in tended to vote for the best men, and those that would work for our interests, that the time since our movement began was so short that the precincts had not had time to organize, and were they to accept the invitation to sit with us it might be thought by friends in their precincts that they had assumed unwarranted powers. The Committee on Platlorm, .Messrs J. O'Biien, L. AY. Poole, and Thos Bramel, reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adepted: Resolved, That the Independent Par ly of Clatsop county adopt as their plat form 1st, The elevation of labor; 2d, The encouragement ol immigration and enterprise; od, Honest, energetic, and irreproach able men for office; 4th, Liberal legislation in regard to our internal improvements and public schools 5th, Careful and judicious legislation looking to the protection of ourttaple pro duct the fishing interest; Gth, The encouragement of proper in formation regarding our commercial im portance, and its material benefit to our whole State; 7th, Pledging our united and material support of the public press against its ene mies, at home or abroad; Sth, That we demand of our State "legis lature, representation for Clatsop county on the basis of our population. The Convention then adjourned for hp.l an hour, to canvas a county ticket. After quite an animated and general debate, the Convention was aain called to oider, and the following County and Joint ticket vsi balloted for and declared unanimously nominated : Por Joint Representative for Clatsop and Tillamook counties, J. H. D. GRAY. Por Sheriff, Por Clerk, Por County Commissioners, R. HAMILTON, of.Nehalem, HENRY FISHER, of Knappa. Far Treasurer, I. AY. CASE. For Assessor, H. BRALIER, For School Superintendent, For Surveyor, HAYDEN GEARHART. For Coroner, AY. E. DEMENT. For Justice of the Peace, L. AY. POOLE. For Constable, JOHN ROSS. On motion the Executive Committee was authorized to wait upon the opposing candidates for Joint Representative, and challenge them to meet our nominee in public debate, upon tho issues of the da3. On motion the Convention adjourned. J. H. D. Gray, Chairman. Attest: H. Brallier, Secietary. $3" Any person inquiring for a fine quality of liquor, and can appreciate the same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutter AVbiskey and Millers extra Old Bourbon, at the " Columbia Bar" saloon Astoria, with Geo. Usherwood lateof Portland to cater to their tastes. Gentlemen will please give us a call. Cigars of a fine quality also on hand. Jas. M. Lynch, Prop. gST B. Hamburger carries the best as sorted stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hais, Tobacco, Crockery and will in a short time add a splendid lot Groceries, which will make the most com plete slock in town. Call a see his new gooda they are nice. Telegraphic News. Synopsis of Press Dispatches Another Furious Storm in the East. Hailstones as larofe as Hen's Eorors in Abundance ! I 00 Two men Killed by Light ning.. Winslow Must be Given up. The Belknap Impeachment Case. The Congressional Printer Appeals' to the Senate. Senator Mitchell Correct on the Belknap Impeach ment. Important Proceedings in the House. Nevada and Northwestern Telegraph line Declared Bankrupt. Smallpox Spreading in San Francisco. Revolting Proposition to Exhibit the Head of the Bandit Chavez. A New York dispatch of the 22d, giving a report of a terrific thunder storm at various places in the middle and western states says the storm was tremendous. Hail stones 1 inches in diameter fell, doing much damage tofruitandgrain,Tliursday eve ning. Dispatches from New England, and Pennsylvania, state that furious rain storms occurred at the same date, doing great damage to crops. A. D. Kendall, aged seventy-four years, was struck by lightning and instantly killed at Beverly, Mass, and Samuel O'Dear, aged seventy-six, at Wen tham. A dispatch from Morristown, New Jersey, May 22d says: A hail storm of great fury passed over here last night. The hailstones killed chickens and many birds on the wing. Plate glass was shattered as easy as common glass. Some hail stones were found six and three-fourth inches in circum ference and the ground was covered with them. There is not a green house, hot-bed or skylight in the town which has escaped, and many plates of stained crlass in the church windows were broken. The fruit is greatly damaged if not entirely destroyed. The New York Times reviews the text of Fish's dispatch of March 21st, and comes to the conclusion that Americans are justified in saying that according to England's own law Wins low must be given up without any promise respecting the trial. It is thought in Washington that the Senate will vote against having jurisdiction in "the Belknap impeach ment case. Eaton is the only Demo crat who has announced his intention to so vote, but it is probable that nearly as many Democrats will join the Republicans, as Republicans like Edmunds will vote in its favor. The vote will not be reached before Wednesday. NO. 21. On the 22d Senator Sherman pre sented the petition of A. M. Glapp, Congressional printer, to the effect that he is an officer of the Senate; that great injustice has been done him by the committee on printing in. the House of Representatives; that the books of his office are detained from him. by that committee; and that no opportunity was given him for an ex planation of the charges brought be fore that committee.. Sherman moved that it be referred to the committee on privileges and elections, with in structions to inquire into the truth of the allegations So referred. "When the Senate resumed the consideration of the articles of Im peachment, on the 22d, Barnum, the new Senator from Connecticut, was sworn in as a member of the court. The discussion on the question of ju risdiction was continued, and Senator Mitchell made a lengthy argument in favor of it. He was followed by Logan in opposition. In the House of Representatives on the 22d, three important matters Avere brought up. Tucker offered a resolution for the President to inform the house whether he has received any official information with regard to vi olence and danger menacing American citizens in Ottoman provinces, and whether any steps had been tKken for the protection of such Americans, and requesting him to take measures to insxu'e such protection to American citizens, adopted. Page offered a resolution, which was "tabled by a par ty vote, declaring that the power to elect a President had never been del egated to the house of Representa tives. A resolution was adopted dis missing Fitzhugh, doorkeeper, and transferring the duties of doorkeeper to the sergeant-at-arms until further orders. The Nevada and Northern Tele graph Company m was adjudicated a bankrupt in California on the 20th. The principal creditors are Piatt Burr, of Portland; Tillotson & Co., New York; C. P. R. Co:, total indebt edness, S48,000. The assets consist of a telegraph line from Winnemucca, Nevada, to Portland, Oregon, via Idaho, which has cost about $150,000 and is now estimated to be worth S65, 000 to STo,000. The small-pox has again made its appearance in San Francisco. Four cases have been discovered among the white residents in the vicinity of the Chinese quarters, and it is supposed that a number of cases exist there that have not come to light. Those attack ed were removed to the pest home, and their houses are quarantined. The health officers are reported to have ex pressed fears of its becoming an epi demic, and recommend measures of prosecuting the steamer Colorado, which had several cases on board and is still undergoing fumigation in Mis sion Bay. The board voted to prose cute the pilot who brought the Colora-. do into port, pne physician is of the opinion that all of Chinatown will be come infected. Henry Roberts has sent a revolt ing proposition to the San Frsncisco Board of Supervisors for permission to exhibit the head of the bandit Chevaz,. captured by him in November last in Arizona. Roberts represents that he has been at considerable expense since the date of capture, and that it will be impossible for him to receive the reward offered by Gov. Booth until the meeting of the next legislature, and his funds being exhusted, he de sires permission to make such an exhi bition as will enable, him, by his pro fits, to return to Arizona. fe -! 4$ I