TS'V- r?& -- -3JiCF i - Ufe1.UALWI-M.IWi Jm'BmiLUUSBW S&$ Sails stxwKteHi ASTORIA, OREGON: -5.' C. IRELAXI EDITOR Tuesday. May 23. is76. Important Decision. Travelers will be glad to learn of the recent decision of Justice Thorn p ton, of San Francisco, in the case of Antonio Melian vs. 'the Central Pa cific Railroad Company. This was an action to" recover the value of a ticket for a through passage from San Fran cisco to the city of Washington, which, it is alleged, was accidentally Xost or destroyed. After reviewing the points' of the case,. Judge Thompson said v "It only remains to consider wheth er the lost ticket on which this action is brought is such an instrument as, upon proper proof of its loss and giv ing a sufficient bond of indemnity, will entitle the plaintiff to recover. As shown by the evidence and ad mission of counsel, such tickets are transTerable by delivery, and are available for the purpose for which the' were issued for an indefinte period in the hands of the holder, on representation. In this respect they differ bat little from ordinary com mercial paper transferable by delivery,- upon which, according to all authorities, a recovery may be had under similar conditions. In the opinion of the Court the plaintiff was entitled to judgment against the de fendentsfor$135 50 in currency, upon giving a proper bond of indemnity in the sum of $2,000, with two good and sufficient surities to be approved by the Court, conditioned to save the defendant harmless from any loss it may sustain by the future presenta tion of the ticket sued on." Arguing against the reduction of the Presidential salary, Burleigh writes in the Boston Journal as fol fel fol eows: "Washington exacted the strict est economy at home that he might serve his country and not impair his private" fortune. Jefferson was well off when he went into public life. He inherited 1,900 acres which he in creased to 5,000. His income, inde pendent of his farm revenue, was 3,000; His wife's dowry was $40, 000 in cash. Had he left public life alone and attended to his estate he would have been a rich man. His public carreer closed in 1809. For nineteen years he was absent from Monticello, and seven of these years were rjassed abroad. He returned to find his estate ruined, his property squandered, his fortune scattered, all attempts to retrieve his fortune were in vain. He was adjudged a bankrupt. jSew York City sent him a donation of $8,500, and other cities were alike generous. Jackson had a style of his own. Like a good soldier he lived within his- income. At the Kip Raps in the summer, in a low farm-house, coat off, feet in slippers, chair tipped backward, a cob-pipe in his mouth, he gave audience to am bassadors. Yan Buren had a private fortune of his own. The Yamhill Repoiter "thus al ludes to the new President of the Oregon I vail road and Steamship Com pany : " There is a remarkable con trast between Mr. Yillard and the formerPresident of our Oregon rail roads. In place of the snobbish aristocracy and lordly arrogance of the latter, we are refreshed by the sociability, plainness, straightfor wardness and business discernment which appear in the former. Ren Holladay always came to us in the pomp of a royal sovereign, and the respect his coming attracted was hardly more than admiration of care less'people for his gorgeous equipage. Mr. Yillard came simply as a man, with men, and ameng: men, and won the esteem of the common people at first sight." The prize pen gambler it is said took, two hundred and eighty dollars clear profit from.Roseburg. A rich harvest for gullibility; Who Read the Oregonian Mrs. Duniway of the "N-ew North west, says: "Democrats read the Or egonian with delight, Republicans with ill-concealed rage and mortifica tion, and Independents with down right disgust. The first regard it as a powerful auxilary; the second as a possible friend and provable enemy, while the third see in it the broken reed upon which they as a party leaned. Politically neither the one thing nor the other, it might be fitly named a nondescript, and placed in the category with those whom Dry den classed as "Damned neuters, in their middlo way of steering, Who are neither fish nor flesh nor goood red herring. The Oregon Central Railroad ex tension is a fixed fact. The Reporter says: "A committee of three was ap pointed last Saturday to circulate papers among the farmers with a view of securing a pledge of 300,000 bush els of grain to the carrying trade of road next fall, should it be built. The freight rate on this amount is 12 cents per bushel. We learn that Messrs. Joseph Watt, S. G. Reed and J. R. Luncefield have offered to go in a party of thirty-six to guarantee the amount of $36,000 to Mr. Yillard, and take the risk of getting the 300,000 bushels of grain for the road to carry upon themselves. There will be no difficulty on this score, and the only hindrance to a completion of the road this season will be a possible failure to get the iron, which must be brought from the east. " Referring to the Oregon Military Wagon Road steal, to perpetrate which a bill is now pending in Con- gres, the State Journal says; "The company were never entitled to one acre of the Klamath reservation as it was established long before the road line was established, but even if they were, the bill in its present form is a swindle on the government, as those lands could not be sold in the market for the next twenty years for an average of 25 cents per acre while the lieu script can be located on the best lands of the State worth from $2,50 to $10 per acre. The notorious rl. I. Chapman, of Steilacoom, turned up as accuser of Gen. McMicken in Washington re- centl lie is a pretty pill to bring charges against honorable men aint he? Eastktin Okkgon The Astorian is doing moro for the interests of Eastern Oregon than any other pnper.in the State. If you have a friend or a relative in that section of this country, bend him the pa per on trial. Only one dollar for four months. NEW TO-DAY. LOST. A bunch of hays on a ring. The findor will be liberally rewarded on leav ing them at this oftice. JOTlCll Stockholders in the. Astoria Milling Compnny are hereby notified that a met ing will be. held at Astoria, on Saturday, June 3d, 187(5. for the purpose of electing otlicers tor the ensuing .year, and tiausact ing such other business a mav come be fore the meeting. D. 13EQUETTE. Astoria, May 22d, 1S7G. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS! IS THE MOTTO OF l: k. g. smith, Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Cigars nl Tobnrco and all kinds or Smoker Articles, Stationery amd Cutlery. GENUINE MEERSHAUM PIPES A Speciality. Solo agent for tho Celebrated Othello Cigars. Penlcars in the abovo line are respectfully solicited to examine Stock and I'ricos. C J. & G. W. Trenckard, WESTPORT, OREGON. "Wholesale and lletail .Dealers in DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR. SALT, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, QTJEENSWARE, NOTIONS, ac CSr Country Produce taken in exchange for floods. THRESH SUPPLY OF 2 and 3 PLY X Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloths, Window Shados, ibr sale at Port land prices by L W. Case. NEW TO-DAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That I found in the Columbia river near Barne's Point about twenty-five fathoms offish net. C. TV. HAMBLIX. Astoria, May 23, 1S7V pARL BRACKLOW. House and Sign Painter, AND PAPER HANGER. Corner Court and Hamilton Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. T OOK HERE, WEARY WOMAN! THERE IS REST FOR YOU. STEAM WILL DO YOUR WORK. The STEAM WASHER, Or Womans Friend. The latest, the cheapest, the best no rubbing, no pounding, no turning or tearing, no clumsy cylinder, and no twentyor thir ty dollars expense. Steam does it all. For sale at tho ASTORIA LAUNDRY, cor ner of Chenamuand Polk streets, or at C. E. Jackins, corner Main and Jefferson streets. J. T. liORCHERS. I DEPENDENT COUNTY CON VENTION. The Central Committee of the Inde pendent party of Clatsop county respect fully suggest that the different Precincts send each one Delegate, and that Astoria Precinct send ten, to meet at the Court House in Astoria on Tuesday. May 23d, at S o'clock p. in., to nominate County offi cers. J. H. D. GRAY, li.BRAI.LIER, J. O'BRIEN. Astoria, May 10, 1S76. VAN DUSEN HAS JUST RE ceived a Sue lot of PRINTS, which he is selling very cheap. Stf THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF Crockeiy, Glass Ware, Lamps and Lamp Chimnftj's in the City at Case's. IOR THE REST AND THE LATEST . styles of spring Hats go to Van Dusen's who has just received a fine assortment, btf D OG TAXES. All taxes on dogs running at large with in tho Corporate limits of the town of Astoria wil be duo and payable on or before June 1st, 1S70. DAVID INGALLS, td Treasurer. TfOR SALE. The Engino bolonging to Astoria Fire Company io. 1 , For further particulars inquire of tho Committee on Public Property. Ry order of tho Common Council. FRANK J. TAYLOR, Recorder. Farm for Sale. 320 Acres Partly Under Cultiva tion, aoonthalf of the tract tide land. SITUATED IN PACIFIC COUNTY, NEAll UNITY. Will be sold cheap for cash, with or without stock. Good houso and out buildings and orchard. For full description and furthor par ticulars apply to or address JOHN HUNTER. Unity, W. T. Astoria and Knappton. pEGULAK DAILY MAIL BOAT. Sloop-"KATIE," g J. A. RICH ARDSON - - - Mastei:. Will leave Astoria, FOR KNAPPTON AND RETURN DAILY. HIT For freight or passage, at living rates, apply on board, or at 1. W. Case's storo. N.RMUDGE, Contractor and Builder. ASTORIA, OREGON. A LL KINDS OF CARPENTER - WORK AND CONTRACTING promptly attended to. t'-d' Special attention given to wharf and mill construction. Address: N. F. -UUDGE, Contractor, Astoria, Oregon. PETER RUNEY, ASTORIA, OREGON, BRICK LAYER, - And Plain and ilTiS ORNAMENTAL PliMftJBJBBI'-Bfeh Orders left at the Occident Hotel Promptly Attended to. REFERENCES: J. Ji. Knapp, Knappton ; Citpt. J. Wert, West port; JI. J J. Parker, S. N. Arriymi, Jlobson fc Warren, J. Jladullct 0 Co. Astoria; J. W. ( V. Cook, Clifton; Jos. Hume, Eureka; Ji. Watton it Co. Manhattan; J. L. llcp urn. Glen Ella; J. G. Mcyler d- Co. Brookjleld, and numerous others for ichom 1 have Built Furnaces, set Ranges, and Kettles, and "Spread the Mort!" During my 12 years Residence in Oregon, LIME, SAND, BRICK, PLASTER, Lath, Cement, and all materials in my line, furnished to order. C" Special attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges, Cistwn work warranted good, orno pay. PETJEK RUSKY, Astoria, Oregon. tyVXjPjPx. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. R OOM TO LET. A largo front room 2d sfory, will be let at reasonable rates. Apply at 8tf THIS OFFICE. Facts Worth Knowing. A. W. Cone, - - Astoria. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. Cannot bo beat in the Boot and Shoe line. Call and see him. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE, Main Street, Astoria. Flour, Grain an67jgd Store. Foot of Main street, one door from Holla day's wharf. G. F. Parker, LIME. BRICK, PLASTER and CEMENT, TOBACCO, CIGARS. NUTS, CANDY, Etc., Constantly on hand and for sale cheap for cash or farm products. "DLOODED SHEEP. About tho first of June, tho undersigned will visit Clatsop and Pacific Counties bringing with him from the famous stock of Peters te Severance, California, several Thoroughbred Merino Bucks, One year old, which will be sold cheap. PUT SMITH, Portland, Ogn NOTICE. A special meeting of the Legal voters of School District No. 1. will be held at tho School House in Astoria, on Friduy evening May 2(5. 1S75, at 7 o'clock p.m., for tho pur pose of levying a tax in said District to pay off tho indebtedness due on Block 74, purchas ed for School purposes, also to take in consid eration the plans and spccifiCtitionsof school houso, and tho ways and means to raise money to build tho same. By Order of Board of Directors. J. G. HUSTLER. Astoria, May 9, 187G m'Jtd Clerk. jvpv CALIFORNIA TAHITI SICILY MEXICAN AND A FGLL LINE OF Fresh Oregon .Vegetables, AT E. S. Larsen's GROCERY STORE, MAIN ST., ASTORIA. "VTICOLAI & BRO., Central Plaining Mills, Cor. of North Second and E Stroots, Portland. RUSTIC, CEILING, MOULDINGS, SASH, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, Urns, Tanks, Fences, &c'. xSTFir flooring and ceiling and bevol-odgcd siding. Common size doors, sash and blinds at San Francisco prices. Farm and Stock on Deep River For Sale. -o- 1GO Acres, partly Improved, iloml ISniltl- JiiS Cattle, Sail float, etc., etc., All or which will be Sold Cheap lor Cash. o ITS' For full particulars inquire at this Office or on tho premises of C, M. STARK. -jEW FURNITURE STORE. Cor. Main and Chomocqha Sts., CHAS STOLL.fcg? PROPRIETOR. f? (Successor tc Gist & Stolt,) ASTORIA : OREGON PARLOR JSETTS, BED-ROOM SETTS, DINING-ROOM SETTS, KITCHEN SETTS, OFFICE FURNITURE, ETC., K3T Of the very bct quality, supplied to order at prices that will justify the patronage of this home institution. Persons wishing any article in the furniture line will find it to their advantage to give mo a call, and inspect my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. ttS" Undertaker's Work promptly attended to, at reasonable rates. RARE OPPORTUNITY For ProfitabIeInvestment. I offer for salo all my real estate in Clatsop County, consisting of my original Donation churn, on Lewi-; and Clarke river, consisting of five hundred acres -A tide land meadow, ac knowledged to be the Dest stock claim in the county. Also, a large interost in the Upper Town of Astoria, a portion of John Adair's do nation claim. Enquire of the subscriber. T.- I- POWEKS. B OxVT RUILDING. Having completed my shop (between Tallman's landing and Westport on tho Co lumbia river,) 1 am now prepared to build FISHING BOATS, ROW BOATS, SKIFFS, E.TC, ETC., everything in tho line of boats. 4 Copper fas tened boats a speciality ." " My motto is ; first claw work for a fair re muneration. P. O. Address. T.DRISCOLL. Wcetport Ogn. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. MENDLESON BROS., Having Concluded to Remain in Business AT ASTOR5A, HAVE LAID IN A' SPLENDID STOCK OF SPRING I S UMMER GOODS! DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR. THE ASTORIA TRADE. A complete assortment OF FISHERMEN'S OUTFITTING GOODS JUST OPENED . ttlho public in general aro repectfullv lnvited to call at the old stand, on Coxcomly otrket, next door to Parker House. alEXDIjKSOX BROS. MISCELLANEOUS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Notary l'ublic ami t'oiiimissiom-r of DEEIftS. For Calijornia and Washington Temitory. OFFICE. Case's Building, corner Cass and' Chenamus stroots, Astoria, Oregon. F. CRANG, M. D. Surgeon, Etc, ASTORIA, OREGON. At the solicitation of numerous friends, has consented to practice medicine, a'nd tenders his services to tho public. I)r. Crang brings many years experience in the practice of his profession. J. AV. EOBB. C. W. FULTONV ROBE & FULTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ASTORIA, OREGON. XST Office in Warren & McGuiro's building opposito Occident Hotel, Chenamus street. G .EO. w. rea, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ASTORIA, OREGON. O Exatnining and perfecting titles made a spe cialty. All accounts left with me will re cive prompt attention. Office in Warren & McGuiro's Building, Chenamus street, corner" of Cass. 1 H. PAGE & CO., DEALERS IN General Merchandise? FARMERS WHARF, ASTORIA OREGON. JR All kinds of country produce, wanted in" exchange for goods. Mrs. Pangbiom, Masonic Hall Building, Astoria, DEALER IN Fancy -Goods,-Ladies Dress ar.d Cloak Trimmings of the Lastest Style. WILL ATTEND to ORDERS for DRESS and Cloak making. W ork will bo done in a satisfactory manner. jfc?T Agent for tho sale of Dr.AVarner's Sani tary Corsets, and also Children's Waist3 with patent elastic buckles. SEW MILLINERY STORE. Mrs. H. A. Derby, (Late of CLEVELAND, OHIO,) WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO TIIE PUB lic of Astoiia and surrounding country, thttt she has just received a full and complete line of' SATS, TRIMMINGS, And all kinds of MILLINERY GOODS! At the stand recently occupied by Mia Mor rison on MAIS STREET, Artoria, And will be prepared to fill all orders for first class goods in this line at rea onable price5. ttlNow goods will bo received every month.- TEW A2s'D ELEGANT STOCK OF Latest Styles of Millinery Goods, JUST RECEIVED BY THE LAST STEAMER, At the Rooms of Mrs. A. D, WASS, (Up Stairs, Brown's Building,) Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, Astoria. S7 This stock consists of tho latest fctj'lc Hats, for Ladies -and Children; Dress Trim mings rind Frindy Goods for Ladies, which will bo sold at verv low prices. DRESSAHDCLOAK AYxSfomptly sttOTde AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF the Domestic Sewing Machine, at L W. Case's. - -r -, - & !j&feL