The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 23, 1876, Image 1

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    "... v'yr
: Hr
VOL. 1.
NO.. 20.
gto jipaiXsj JVsixrcfcm.
(Sundays Excepted),
Monitor Building, Cass Street
Terms of Subscription :
Served by Carrier, per week .25 Cents
Sent by mail, three months $2 50
Sent by mail six months 4 00
Sent by mail one year 7 00
Free of Postage to the Subscribers.
K5T Advertisements inserted by the year at
-the rate of Si 00 per square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
fifty cents per square first insertion.
Mr. A. J. Megler, of the Occi
dent, is laid up with a sprained ankle.
The injury was sustained while on a
late trout fishing expedition to Klas
kanine. Capt. K. Von Oterndorf, new
agent at San Francisco of the Oregon
."Steamship Company is a passenger to
Oregon to-da- by the steamship John
L. Stephens.
Capt. Hayes says the reports cir
culated in regard to the Indian dis
turbances at Fort "Wrangel is a
humbug. Some S00 to 1000 men are
waiting at Fort Wrangel for the
Stickine river to open.
A big Bonanza done the people of
"Eugene City out of one hundred and
eighty dollars by his cute method of
selling " Colorado pens." An ex
change says : When he comes to
your town have nothing to do with
. lion. J. N. Dolph has been chosen
.-and installed Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows for this
jurisdiction. Hon. O. X. Denny, D.
G. M.; W. J. Snodgrass, G. W.; J.
M. Bacon, G. S, re-elected ; Col. I.
P. Moores, G. T. I. W. Case, of As
toria, was re-appointed D. D. Grand
J. II. Jelly, the only surviving
passenger of the lost Pacific, recently
.-started from his home in Canada to
British Columbia, but had only trav
eled a short distance when he re
ceived word that a relative had died
-and that he had become heir to a
3?.rge estate. Jelly has returned to
his newly-gained property and thanks
his lucky stars that he did not share
that dreadful fate which brought to a
close the lives of so many. Verily
it is better to be born lucky than
Three new ports in China are to
be thrown open to foregn trade.
Ichang situated toward the western
portion of Ilupeh, in the very center
'Of the Empire. Wenchow in the
Province of Chekiang, half. way be
tween Ningpo and Poochow, on the
borders of Fokien, and is a seaport
town. And Wehu a distant city in
the Prefecture of T'ai-p'ing, in the
Province of Xaganhul, a few miles
up the Yantee, beyon Nankin. It is
the centerof a somewhat extensive
trade, and like Shanghai, and for the
same reason, boasts a Toa-t'al for the
supervision of its commerce.
The decision in the suit for dam
ages instituted by Charles Brown,
sailor of the W. H. Thorndike, was
rendered on Saturday in the U. S.
District Court, Judge Deady decree
ing for libellant, Brown, in the sum
of $800 and costs. Of this amount
$600 is paid by the captain, and $200
by the first officer, W. H. Field. In
the criminal suit of the U. S. vs.
Captain Kelly, defendant was ac
quitted. The captain although not a
party to the crime, was responsible
for the act t)f his deputies. On the
whole the punishment is about ade
quate to the offense, both suits hav
ing cost the defendent about $2,000.
ENihilo Hi hi.'
Sali Mercury
of the
ISH-h. fcites tlie
heading "Ex
Nihilo Nil:
lit," "from nothing,
nothing," and proposes to stick
by it, with the following argu
ment which is recommended to
the careful perusal of. our city
readers. The Mercury says;
"Nothing from nothing you
can't," is what our teacher used
to say to us when we first la
bored through the mysteries of
subtraction. Somehow that old
fogy notion has always clung to
us. We have believed all
through life that to obtain any
good thing we must work for it
and deserve it. But we fear there
are a great many jeople in this
sinful world who have not learned
the first lessons of subtraction.
At least there are many who act
on the principle of getting some
thing out of nothing. Honest
work may stare them in their faces
all their lives, yet they will loaf
on the street corners, and seek for
office, and growl about hard
times. Thev have no money to
give for charity, none with which
to -pay their debts. One would
think there was no money in the
town to hear them talk.
But let some poor show visit
the town or some traveling
quack or some gambling shar
per with envelopes and dice
boxes, and a swallow-tailed coat,
and a brass face with humbug
written all over it, and what a
change comes over a large share
of the population. Old men and
boys, rough men and church war
dens become interested at once.
Half dollars, dollars and coins of
all sizes and colors flash in the
light and fill the air with their
Nothing from nothing you
can't! Away with the antiquated
notion. All you have to do is to
pay one dollar for three pens
(worth two cents) and you draw
an envelope that may hold a hun
dred dollars. This is enough.
Five hundred persons bite at this
bait and give the sleek shar
per from one to five dollars each,
and one draws a prize. The mul
titude of failures is forgotten at
once, the one success is remem
bered, and the next performance
draws its usual crowd of soft
snaps. So the gambling furore
grows and the disposition to live
by honest work becomes less and
less. Yet gamblers never become
wealthy and it is only by honest
work after all that true wealth or
true manhood are gained.
The Orient will load at Ranier for
San Francisco.
The ship Western Shore is at Hull,
England, discharging her cargo from
The brig Sea Waif is coining in as
we write, with an assorted cargo from
San Francisco.
The Elnora is to-day unloading
lumber for the Squemoqha street im
provement. The ship Frank N. Thayer arrived
at Baltimore last Friday, May 19, from
Boston, to load coal for San Fran
cisco. The John L. Stephens arrived at
11 o'clock this forenoon from San
Francisco. She brings 510 tons of
assorted freight.
A stiff southwest breeze, last
evening, carried the fishing craft
from Astoria to the several drifts
in splendid style. The " scene was
taken in with great interest by all
who witnessed it from shore. At half
past six o'clock forty-seven boats
were is sight, twenty-four of which
were undersail.
A Visit to Nehalem ValleyNo. 2.
lis Roads H-s Prospects ami Its Popula
tion. Editor Asteiuax:
1 consider that the place of Henry
Hoten is about the center of the set
tlement and that in order to accommo
date each section of this settlement
both Nehalem and Fish-hawk there
ought to he two school districts and
that the school houses ought to he
erected in the center of each district,
one at or near Anderson's and another
at the forks of the Fish-hawk, a point
where the north and south branches
of that stream unite near the land
claim of Daniel Foster our energetic
Nehalem mail carrier. I at this point
found a neat log school house erected
which would do credit to many older
settlements in this State, and I was in
formed that tliis was mainly erected
through the untiring energy of Mr.
Jos. L. Moore, a gentleman the people
of Fish-hawk are much indebted to for
the interest he takes in his locality, in
its school roads, etc., and in keeping
the people alive to their own interests
There is a bluff that runs into the
Nehalem above or east of the mouth
of a little rock creek called Buster's
Bluff. Tins is a natural divide and
will be so considered at no distant day.
I am informed that it is sixteen miles
from Mr. Reyerson's place on the
Hamburg to Mr Denver's on the south
branch of the Fish-hawk.
There are twenty-six settlers on thi3
sixteen miles of country and it is not
very hard to form an idea what grand
opportunities there are for hundreds
more to make homes for themselves.
These places that are located are choice
places to he sure, but are no better
than those remaining vacant. The
following places are all under good im
provements and have from ten to forty
acres clearing, namely: Andrew
Reyersbn, Thomas Hayens, Jack Ad
ams, Mr. Wherrey, Charles Kene,
Hans Anderson, Charles Johannas,
Ralph Jones, Thomas O'Connor, ' W.
H. Kirkpatrick, J. B. Osborn, A. M.
McKey, Antonio Tuxtado, Henry Ho
ten, William Hamilton, David John
son, Newton Foster, William Foster,
William Gilmore, B. W. Gilmore,
John Bannaka, Joseph L. Moore, Jas.
Slaughter, William Lewis Mr. Bender
and Mr. Denver. This is a continua
tion from the lower settlement on the
Hamburg to the upper settler, Mr.
Denver, on the South branch of the
Fish-hawk. These people are kind to
strangers and generous to a fault; no
body can judge how good and kind
people caj be in this settlement unless
they make a visit to it. They are anx
ious to do everything possible to settle
the country, and should have the as
sistance and sympathy of the rest of
this country.
I would further state for the bene
fit of all concerned that Mr. Ralph L.
Jones intends at an early day to erect
a grist mill on one of the tributaries
of the Nehalem. There are a good
many splendid mill nrivileEres and
this gentleman is anxious to put some
of them to this good use. He stated
that the mill was now in Portland and
as soon as the Millitary road was in a
condition to haul the machinery over
to take steps in that direction. The
other settlers in his locality are willing
to give him liberal aid in work and
money to further the movement. Ne
halem valley is a grain raising section
and the good people are desirous of
living in part on the products of their J
own neighborhood.
I would like to give a more extensive
account of the valley but this letter is
already too long.
Thomas Dealey.
Telegraphic News.
Synopsis of Press Dispatches.
The Gamblers at Outs.
The Mustang Race Denounc
ed as a Swindle.
Ben Holladay's Property
Sold at Sheriff Sale.
No More Fast Mail Trains
The Funerals at Salonica.
Small Pox Imported from
Hong Kong.
Snow Storm in Nevada.
The New York Times denounces
the Mustang race as a thorough swin
dle.' It says there is no evidence that
the $40,000 was put up, and it is gen
erally believed thatthe only money
that changed hands was the $1,000
admission fee.
A New York dispatch of the 20th,.
says : Ben Holladay's property at
his West Chester county farm was
sold yesterday at sheriff Eale to satis
fy judgment.
The proposition for a liberal reduc
tion in the appropriation for mail ser
vice on horse and steamboat routes
was withdrawn before the House pass
the postal appropriation bill. Unless
the Senate amends the bill, however,
all fast mail service must cease and free
delivery in small cities suspended.
The funeral of the murdered con
suls took place at Salonica on the 19th
with great ceremony, and in a manner
satisfactoiy to every one. Perfect or
der was preserved. A Paris dispatch
says it is expected that the widows of
the murdered consuls will each receive
two hundred thousand dollars indem
nity. The Pacific Mail steamer Colora
do, which arrived from Hongkong and
Yokohama, put off at Yokohama five
Chinamen who were down with small
pox. White, the quartermaster, ta
ken with the disease after leaving Yo
kohama, and was excluded from con
tact with others on board, is now con
valescent. The qurantine officer tail
ed to board the vessel while in the
stream, and Capt. Connoly docked the
vessel as he came in ostensibly because
there were not enough provisions on
board for breakfast although strictly
in violation of all rules and regula
tions. Capt Connolly of the Colorado
is severely censured for violating the
health regulations of the port. The
Captain professed ignorance of any
rule requiring vessels not to dock be
fore being boarded by a quarantine
A very unseasonable and severe
snow storm occurred in Virginia city,
Nevada, Saturday night. About six
inches of snow fell during the night,
causing great damage to fruit and
shade trees, many of which have been
partly, or wholly, broken down by
the storm.
A bill has been introduced in
Congress by Senator Mitchell to estab
lish a post route from Astoria to Fort
Mr. S. D. Adair returned by the
steamer this morning. Mr. G. W
Hume was also a passenger, and
stopped at Astoria.
The Democratic candidate for
Joint Representative, Mr. R. W.
Wilson, of Tillamook, is in the city.
The Cascades Canal.
From tho Walla Walla Union.
CommunitieSjlike individuals, before
engaging in any enterprise, should
carefully consider the 'situation, and
upon determining what they want
should decide how the desired end can
be best obtained. The inhabitants
of the country lying East of the Cas
cades, are unanimous in this that a
certain, speedy and cheap means of
reaching a market with their surplus,
is then greatest need. On this ques
tion there is no diversity of opinion.
How to attain the desired end pro
vokes discussion. Like men seeking
that which shall benefit "the present
and future generations let us examine
this question.
A glance at a map is sufficient to show
that our way to market is down the
Columbia river. This is Natures but
let, which man should improve. The
most indifferent observer who passes
up or down the river cannot help re
ceiving the idea that its navigation is
Qimcuit ana costly. Joes ne journey
down, he finds the waters bubling over
hugh boulders which form frequent
rapids," until he arrived at The Dalles,
where the river is confined in a gorge
so narrow and through which it flows
with such great rapidity tha't navigation
is an impossibility. To overcome this
a portage of fourteen miles has to be
made. No obstacle of magnitude has
to be overcome to make this portage
by rail on either side of the river.
From The Dalles to the Cascades no
difficult navigation is encountered. At
the latter place, not only the waters
but the banks of the river are ' f cabined,
cribbed, confined. " On either side, ris
ing almost precipitouslyfrom the water,
the mountains of the Cascade range
tower an eagle's flight in height. The
waters fall and tumble from rock to
rock along the narrow bed "with such
terrible velocity that the observer
receives with a smile of incredulity the
statement that steamers have passed
uninjured down those foaming rapids.
At this place a portage of six miles is
required. Thence to the sea navigation
is free. The most careless observer
must decide that who controls the
portage at the Cascades, has a complete
monopoly of transportation on the
Columbia. The Cascade portage has
been for the past fourteen years in the
hands of the Oregon Steam Naviga
tion Company.
To open this narrow gate to the sea,
so that the exports and imports of the
vast country East of the Cascade
Mountains can have the benefit of com
petitive transportation, is the object of
the bill introduced by Senator Mitch
ell. That Mr. Mitchell will succeed in
accomplishing this object, must be the
earnest wish of every resident of the
State of Oregon, and the Territory of.
Washington and Idaho. All will unite
in doing honor to the men who shall
press this canal and locks project to a
successful termination. There is good
grounds to hope that this measure may
pass Congress at this session.
F. Terman delivered the first
salmon from seins at Astoria canner
ies Saturday evening. He is engaged
in fishing at Tanzy Point) and has the
elegant little clipper Amelia em
ployed between places boating the
The" Stephens landed at P. D.
Hume's dock this afternoon and dis
charged about 20 tons of freight the re
for the Globe factory.
S"The Astoria shirt factory, in C.-L.
Parker's new building, on ChenairuH
Street, up stairs, is the place for gentle
men to get nice fitting garments at reason
able prices.
9" Any person inquiring for a fine
quality of liquor, and can appreciate the
same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutter
Whiskey and Millers extra Old Bourbon,
at the " Columbia Bar" saloon Astoria,
with Geo. Ushertoood late of Portland to
cater to their tustes. Gentlemen will please
give us a call. Cigars of a fine quality
also on hand. Jas. M. Lynch, Prop.
3" Everybody goes to the Novelty
Barber shop to get fixed up in style. Every
person may come, and more too, for I have
employed a first-class artist who will smil
ingly manipulate yourchin, gracefully curl
your mustache, nicely puff your hair, and
last of all, but not least, will perfume your
clothes with the most pupular perfumery in
use, "Patchouly" if you dor.'t believe it just
try it. Hnircutting, shaving, and sham
pooing. Hair dying done and warranted
not to turn red, break or split. Parker
House, Astoria. , R
" "k J. L. Campbell, proprietor.
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