The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 20, 1876, Image 1

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(Sundays Excepted),
Monitor Building, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscriptien:
Served by Carrier, per week 2o Cents
Sent by mail, three months $2 50
Sent by mail six months 4 00
Sent by mail one year ...... 7 00
Tree of Postage to tho Subscribers.
KW Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of $1 00 per square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
fifty cents per square first insertion.
Remember the Fourth of July
meeting at the Court-house this even
ing The schooner Fairy Queen, Capt.
Peterson, left San Francisco for Shoal
water bav on the 11th.
Mr. J. G. Olmstead of SanFrancis
co, has leased the Sea Side House, on
Clatsop plains, and proceeded to take
charge of the place to-day.
Divine sendee at the Episcopal
Church to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 7i
r. 3i. Subject of the morning dis
course "Foretastes of glory."
Mr. John W. Pittock, publisher
of the Pittsburg Leader, gave us a
passing call yesterday, en route home
ward from a visit to relatives in Port
land. We are informed that Mr. Joseph
Hume will build a cannery at As
toria, or in this vicinity, in time for
work next season.
The cable was laid from Oak Point
yesterday connecting Westport with
the outside world. The work of con
struction below Westport will be slow
and laborious.
Booth & Co. secured a sixty-four
pound Salmon yesterday, which was
embalmed to-day and will go to Phila
delphia in the natural state for exhibi
tion at the Centennial.
Messrs. Hepburn and McCaurty
have began work on a new cannery at
Woody Island, which will be in opera
tion within four weeks. The site se
lected is at Falkinburg's Landing.
We are sorry to hear that illness
in the families of Mayor I. W. Case
and Capt. Reed, of this city prevents
their attendance at the Grand Lodge,
I. 0. O. F., now in session in Salem.
"Whenever the Archaeologists
discover an ancient iuoomd or
fort, they always find broken
bottles, wliich proves that even
before the time of Columbus politi
cians were around.
Capt. Rehfield, on his visit to
Portland this week advanced money
for six relatives who will soon leave
Europe for Grays river, W. T., and
when here, judging from the stamp
of a man he is, will become enter
prising citizens.
Following is a list of delegates to
the Independent County Convention
to be held at Astoria on the evening
of Tuesday May 23d, at 8 o'clock :
Charles Stevens, L. W. Peel, B. Men-
dleson, T. Bramel, John O'Brien, J.
D. Higgins, J. H. D. Gray, R. Marion,
"N. Kofced, W. B. Ross.
Capt. Irv. Stevens has been ap
pointed Business manager and Treas
urer of the T. B. Association of Asto
ria. Orders left at Wells Fargo &
Co. 's office will be promptly attended
to. The Association starts out with
its stock at a premium. The Capital
is all paid in, and there will be no fur
ther assessments for at least one year.
An Evening Scene at Astoria.
The clang, clang, clanging of bells,
the playing of the band, the light of
bonfires on plaza square, etc., the
movements of steamships, river
steamers, and sailing craft along the
docks, at sunset last evening, was a
picture which inspired new hope to
the "dwellers by the'deep sad sea"
as Major Mart Brown expresses it.
The bells summoned the legal
voters of the District to assemble at
the call of the Directors to take into
consideration the matter of levying
a tax for the building of a School
house of modern and approved de
sign, for the better accommodation
of the rapidly increasing number of
pupils in the District. The meeting
was called to order by Mr. John
Hobson, Chairman of the Board, and
W. L. .Worth ington was chosen Sec
retary pro tern. The object of the
meeting was stated, and in conse
quence of the non attendance of
many who are directly interested in
the business of the meeting persons
who were necessarily detained or
absent from the city, the meeting
adjourned without taking action on
the proposition, until Friday evening
next, May 2Gth, at 7 o'clock.
The bon-fire illumination, and
music of the band (a boy with a din
ner bell), was for the purpose of at
attracting people to a political meeting
called to take in consideration the
matter of nominating an Independ
ent candidate for the Assembly, etc.
The pictures along wharves was
the movement of vessels at the
Steamship Company's dock. The
Ajax arrived from points above, en
route to San Francisco, caused the re
moval of the Emma Hay ward, and
the passing to and fro of other ves
sels, taking in the scene with the
Shubrick, the Thorndike, etc., and
the landing ot sloops and schooners
in the vicinity of docks at the foot of
Main, Cass and Genevieve streets,
some thirteen in number to say noth
ing of steam tugs at the docks, was a
sketch worthy of the pencil of an
About the Band. L;ist evening
just as the Ajax landed at the Astoria
steamship dock from points above, the
public school bell was ringing to call a
meeting of the voters of the district a
bonfire was lighted on the plaza, and
a boy sent out with a dinner bell to
whoop and halloa, "Independent mass
meeting at the Court-house !" etc.
The risibilities" of passengers was
heightened by the scene, and a prom
inet gentleman connected with the
press of Pennsylvania, on a fraternal
visit to our sanctum enquired: "Have
you no Brass Band here?" On being
informed affirmatively he expressed
surprise that a boy should he sent out
to ring in a crowd, when it could be
done so .much more elegantly and
with such eclat by musicians, closing
with the remark "that a band of mu
sicians was indispensible to success in
a growing city, and he hoped to learn
from our columns hereafter that the
services of the Astoria Brass Band
would be substituted for the boy and
the bell, on public occasions. It is
true that the Astoria Brass Band is not
appreciated, and we trust that the
suggestions of our visitor will hereaf
ter be heeded.
For committing a shameful and
intolerable nuisance on a public street
in open day tune Policeman Thomp
son walked two heathenish celestial
brutes to jail and they paid dear for
their lodging there. It will teach
them a lesson.
Thomas Dealy returned yesterday
from a nine days trip to Nehalem
valley. He lias given us the notes of
his trip wich will form an interesting
letter, which we will publish next
The Modoc arrived at Knaxpton
yesterday in tow of the Shoo Fly, to
load with lumber for San Francisco.
Mr. Vick says in hfs floral Guide
that ten drops of carbolic acid, to be
obtained from any of our druggists,
put in a pint of water, and poured
on the earth in flower pots, will de
stroy all the earth worms, wliich do so
much damage to the plants. A trial
will satisfy all of its beneficial effects.
A correspondent of the Bee in
forms the public that at St. Helens
the ship channel is on the opposite
side of the river, but during the win
ter Capt. Buchanan was engaged in
the work of dredging in order to form
a channel on the St. Helens side.
His work so far as prosecuted, has
been a success, and when completed
will cause the" channel on the opposite
side to be abandoned, giving to the
place more importance, as at all times
the largest vessels will be able to an
chor there "if not loaded too
ASTORIA, May 10, 1S7G.
J H Eaton. Portland II Mpach Vancouver
"W J 3Ioran " G A Henry, Grays river
II CWood&wf "
c vi rv-.. it..:..
C H Dexter. Unity
J Kahn,
L A Loomis. Oystervlle
O M Stuart, Portland
M A King,
U J Fitzgerald, "
Capt 11 lloyt. "
Win Smith, i't Stevens
J L Stout, Unitv
II D Hume. Bay View
J (.' Olmsted. San Fran
G F Harlow, Portland
J L Hepburn, "Woody Isl
II McCaurty, "
Mrs Smith
Mrs Seely
G E Simmons, Ft Stevens
I S Jones. Oysterville
H Nice, Rainier
G T Myers Rainier
Joseph Hunif, Eureka
MrsJWMunson FtCanby
Martin Weaver City
An Editor's Appeal. As the report
that we are very wealthy has gone abroad
among our subscribers and has made
them awful slow about paying up, think
ing, doubtless, we do not want the money,
we batten to say the report of our wealth
is false in every particular. If ocean
steamers were selling at a cent a dozen,
we could not make the first pigment on
a canoe. The lightning of poverty has
struck us square and had it not heen ibr
an armful of hay which our devil man
aged to steal irom a blind mule, our
family vould be without a mouthful
to oat at tho present moment. Is
not this a sad picture, and can you de
linquent subscribers look upon it without
feeling the coin rattle with indignation in
vour pockets. "We do not like to dun you
but we must if you fail to take the hint.
IIow Advertising Affects Busi
ness. The man who advertises his busi
ness, if what he oilers for sale is honestly
what he represents it to be or what it ought
to be, is constantly assisted in his business
by those who have been attracted to him
and tested him. A buyer has read his
advertisement, and gone to his store or
work shop, warehouse, whatever it may
be, and tried what was recommended.
If it has satisfied him he is pleased and re
commends it to his neighbor, who is likely
to go io me same piace mm leu ins uejgu-
bor in turn. And thus little rills started
by his advertisement flow in upon him
from all sides, and the current ot his busi
ness grows stronger and wider and more
rapid, and be prospers and grows rich, all
because strict attention in business he
added judicious advertising. 13ut for this
he might have lingered on in tho commu
nity lor years and nis business would
scarcely have been heard of.
52?" Any person inquiring for a fine
quality of liquor, and can appreciate the
same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutter
"Whiskey and Millers extra Old 13ourbon,
at the " Columbia Bar" saloon Astoria,
with Geo. Usherwood late of Portland to
cater to their taste.. Gentlemen will please
give us a call. Cigars of a fine quality
also on hand. Jas. M. Lykch, Prop.
Notice. Hemorrhoid or Piles cured
by the '. Wigbtmim Process" without
the useof knife, ligature or caustic ; those
that are suffering from the above dreadful
complaint would do well to call on Dr.
"Wightman while he is in town. He will
be at the Parker House Astoria,-for two
days only, Wednesday and Thursday
May 17th and ISth. P. O. box, 247 Port
land Oregon, where all letters will be
promptly answered, consultation fee $2 00.
Dr. C. F. Wightman.
3 Everybody goes to the Novelty
Barbershop to get fixed up in style. Every
person may come, and more too, fori have
employed a first-class artist who will smil
ingly manipulate your chin, gracefully curl
your mustache, nicely puff your hair, and
last of all, but not least, will perfume your
clothes with the most pupular perfumery in
use, "Patchouly" if you don't believe itjust
try it. Hair cutting, shaving, and sham
pooing. Hair dying done and warranted
not to turn red, break or split. Parker
HUSe,A8t0j!!L. Campbell, Proprietor.
Telegraphic News.
Synopsis of Press Dispatches.
Wm. Allen of Ohio,
Thurman, to-day.
Steamer Boilers Exploded
Fearful Loss of Life.
A Case Similar to That
the Senator.
The Indianapolis Indepen
dent Convention.
The First Ticket in the Field.
Peter Cooper of New York
For President.
Newton Booth of California
for Vice President.
Peter Cooper Declines in fa
vor of "Roaring Bill
The Mustangs Beat Their
Rider A Fizzle.
The Conshatta Shooting Af
fairJustice in Lousiana.
Latest News from Turkey.
Yesterdays dispatches reported
the Ohio Democracy in favor of
Thurman for President. To-dav it
is: "We the Democracy of Ohio
present to the Democracy of the other
States of the Republic the name of
William Allen, of Ohio, for the Presi
dency." A Cincinnati dispatch of the
ISth says: TheSteamer Pat Cle
burn exploded her boiler near Shaw
neetown, 111., last night, several were
killed and a number injured. While
lying alongside of the Arkansas Belle.
The Belle was tied to the bank and
disabled by a line of coal flats fouled
to her starboard wheel, and could
render no assistance. The loss of life
amounts to considerable. Several
were caught in the timbers and
burned to death.
The Independent Party Conven
tion which met at Indianapolis adopt
ed a platform, and on the fifth ballot
nominated Peter Cooper, of New
York, for President, and Newton
Booth, of California, for Yice Presi
dent. A New York dispatch of the 18th
says : Peter Cooper, in a conversa
tion this afternoon stated he would
not accept the nomination for the
Presidency tendered him by the In
dianapolis convention, he said u at
my age and with my infirmities it
would be utterly impossible for me
to venture on the fatigues of the
campaign. I am G6 years old. They
have very good men down there
Gov. Allen for instance. Let them
nominate him for President, and I
have very strong hopes that the peo
ple will elect him.
The great mustang race began at
Fleet Wood park at four o'clock
Thursday morning. The first fifty
miles were made in two hours and
nineteen minutes. The first 100
miles were completed in 4 hours and
41 minutes. Up to 1 o1 clock 179
miles had been completed. At 2:39,
two hundred and ten miles miles had
hpfin madfi and the DrosDects- were
I favorable for the successful accom-
NO. 18.
plishment of the feat. But at 4:30
the rider gave out on the 226th mile.
The official report of the Twitchell
shooting affair at Conshatta, Louisi
ana, has been received by Gen. Sheri
dan and gives new and interesting par
ticulars of the assassination. The
murderer was digsuised, wore goggles
and was painted. King was killed and
Twitchell was badly wounded in both
arms and in the leg. Two women re
monstrated with him, but he said at
each shot he was shooting a black
alligator. The murderer escaped,
despite all efforts to capture him.
One of Twitchell's arms has been
amputated, the other is badly shat
tered, but he may still recover.
A Vienna dispatch says a panic
prevails among the Christians in
Eustchak, and the consuls send their
families across the Danube. The
excitement caused by the Salonica
affair has not abated.
Comments of the Press. ,
From tho Ilillsboro Indopendonfc.
The Daily Astorian published
by D. C. Ireland comes to us very
neat and brimfull of news. Bro.
Ireland understands the newspa
per business and wTill make a
daily paper at Astoria a success
if anybody can.
From the Olympia Eche:
The Daily Astorian, a very
neat and creditable sheet, with
five columns to the' page, has
made its first appearance at Asto
ria, edited by Mr. D. O: Ireland,
who is meriting success for his
earnest labors to build up an inde
pendent, useful newspaper at the
mouth of the Colambia River.
Oregon should be proud of such '
From tho II clpcr, Portland.
The Astoiian does not con
sider whisky drinking a, crime.
It thinks if it was, licenses to re
tail liquors would not be granted;
and that no man should be fined
and imprisoned for drinking so
long as licenses are granted for
the sale of liquors; that a saloon
keeper who will sell drinks to a
confirmed inebriate should have
his license revoked. A sensible,
an equitable view of the matter.
We commend the consideratiun of
the subject in that light to the at
tention of our law makers.
From tho Walla Walla Union.
On the first of May this new
applicant for the patronage of
the public m'JVed into the houses
of the dwellers'by the sea. They
each have strongly stamped upon
them the mark of Ireland's vim
and untiring industry. There can
be no doubt of his "keeping his
lick up and there should be no
lack of patronage . The people of
that place should give a liberal
and hearty support to their home
Mosby says lie has retired from
politics. We have felt all along that
something terrible was' going to hap
pen to this country.
Eef erring to the coal discovery
near Columbia City, a correspondent
of the Bee says:
been made of an
"A discovery has
immense vein of
coal one mile back from the river. It
is owned by Messrs. Giltner, Caples
and McBride, and the coal is said to
be equal to that of Seattle and Coos
Bay. The mine has been examined
by agents of the Pacific Mail Company.
They have taken some' pains to exam
ine the title, which evidences the fact
that they intend to negotiate for the
same. Should it prove as extensive
as the owners hope and expect, it will
be one of great value, the vein being
fourteen feet wide, with the appear
ance of covering a large area of country."
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