The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 19, 1876, Image 1

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    .l - JE...
VOL. 1.
NO. 17.
iT I
(Sundays Excepted),
Monitor Building, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscriptien:
Served by Carrier, per week 25 Cents
Sent by mail, three months - -$2 50
Sent by maiUix months - -J 00
'Sent by mail one year "00
Free of i'ostage to the Subscribers.
ttST Advertisements inserted by the year at
the rate of H 00 per square- per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
fifty cents per square first insertion.
Mass meeting at the Court-house
Do not forget the school meeting
this evening, at the ringing of the
The schooner Enterprise sailed
from San Francisco for Shoalwatcr
Lay on the 15th.
The Webfoot with lumber from
Ivnappton, arrived at San Fran
cisco on Tuesday.
J. J. Parker oilers his Forest
Grove properly for sale. He will lo
cate eventually at Astoria.
The Grand Lodge of Oregon, I.
O. O. F. is in session in Salem.
Gen. J. II. Eaton, Paymaster,
U. S. A., left this morning for Fort
Stevens and Can by, to pay off troops
stationed there
The Orient Rival and Sea "Waif
are due this week from California
ports. The IT. L. Tiernan from San
Francisco May 10th, for Shoal water
bay, is also due.
Contracts will be let to-morrow
for the repair and improvement of
Cass, Concomly, Chenamus, Sque
inocqha, Main and Benton streets, As
toria. See advertisements on 2d
Simpson Brothers are preparing
to build a large ship at Knappton, of
i model similar to that of the Western
Shore. Simpsons talk but little but
accomplish a great deal. Gas does
not enter largely into the operations
of business with them.
The steamship Shubrick, United
States tender for the Twelfth and Thir
teenth Light-house Districts, arrived
here this morning from San Francisco
on buoy service. She brings one hun
dred tons of supplies, and will remain
in the rivers here about ten days prior
to her departure for the north. On the
upward passage very strong northwest
gales were encountered untilHumboldt
bay was reached. After placing the
outer bar buoy at Humboldt the vessel
proceeded, with pleasant weather, to
this port She will proceed to Portland
A. Booth & Co. shipped a large lot
of Salmon in cases for Europe yester
day, which will form a portion of the
cargo of the Caller Ou, to Liverpool.
It is but a question of time when the
bulk of Salmon exports will be from
Astoria direct to foreignports. As the
business is managed at present the pro
duct of the Columbia river is wasted;
insomuch as the matters of fact in sta
tistical sense are concerned ; because
California exports our products. It
used to be so with our breadstuffs, but
since the transit of Venus other tran
sits anticipated are realized. This is
one of them Salmon direct.
Positive and Emphatic.
I understand that it is the inten
tion to use my name at the Independ
ent Political meeting called to meet
at the Court-house this evening, in
connection with the office of Joint
Representative for Clatsop and Tilla
mook counties. Having publicly de
clined the nomination April 22d pre
vious to the assembling of either
convention, for the reasons then
clearly set forth, and both political
parties having since that date placed
their tickets in the field, and feeling
satisfied with their action, I now posi
tively and emphatically again refuse
to accept, and beg that none of my
friends will introduce my name to
the convention. D. C. Ireland.
New Building. Lumber is being
delivered on the grounds of Mr. A.
Montgomery to-day, for a new resi
dence, which will be to let.
Penalties of Fast Life. "Vade"
Riggs, known about Astoria, was ar
rested in Salem on Wednesday morn
ing for forging the name of John
Martin to a note of hand for $100
payable in three months. He had
secured the money of Shaw &. Co.,
soaking the note as collateral, and
was playing a game of billiards atone
o'clock a. m. when he was nipped by
the officer.
Obstinate d. d. An obstinate d.d.
whom the Police wished to introduce
to his Hon. Judge Ta3rlor this morning
attracted a larger crowd on Chenamus
street last evening than were present
at the Centennial opening on the 10th
population (of course) considered.
He persistently refused the generous
proffer of a wheelbarrow ride to the
Palace Hote deCross-bar, but was final
ly persuaded to navigate the ways
with a terrific sea running.
Up-hill Business. jNotwithstar fl
ing the fact that J. C. Trullinger's new
steam saw mill is on an even grade with
the biggest part of Astoria, teaming
lumber from there is an up-hill business
in consequence of the bad condition of
the streets it is a pleasing reflection,
however, to know that to-morrow the
contract will be let for the permanent
improvement of streets in that direc
tion, by substantial planking.
Salmon Exports. In the face of a
general complaint of scarcity of Salmon
thus far the present season, we have
the consoling reflection that a greater
number of cases packed, have been
shipped, up to this date, than for a
corresponding period of time last year.
There is this difference however, rela
tive to the packing : Last year but a
portion of the established factories on
the river were operating so early, this
season all are actively employed, with
the addition of four new large estab
lishments, and the remainder with in
creased facilities, aggregating a capaci
ty much in excess of former demands
which does not lessen the catch by any
means, but on the other hand greatly
increases it. The stories about scarcity
of fish may be classed with the stories
afloat about disasters to fishermen on
the bay at Astoria, shipwrecks, loss of
life, etc. sensational. Enough fish
will be caught and cured to fill cen
tracts, rest assured of that.
The British ship River Lune, 1163
tons register, crossed the bar yesterday
outward bound to Liverpool, 20.2 feet
draft, in tow of the steam tug Astoria.
She was loaded by Corbett & Macleay.
5 New styles of Diagonal suits Just
received per steamer Ajax, also Dry
Good. Boots and Shoes in large quantities
at B. Hamburgers, Main ttreet.
The Jewish papers report some
interesting facts respecting their co
religionists abroad. In Prussia an or
der has been issued to the prison Au
thorities, directing them to release
Jewish prisoners from work upon Sat
urdays and the important Jewish fes
tivals, and to employ them in noiseless
work upon Sundays and Christian
holidays. The rents paid by the in
habitants of the Ghetto, the Jewish
quarter of Rome were settled several
j hundred ye.irs ago for all time to
I come. This was done as an ameliora
! tion of their lot. The question has
been agitated since 1870, whether, as
the Jews have now the right to live in
any part of the city, the rents of the
Ghetto, which are, for the times, very
low, could not be put on the same
footing as those of other quarters of
the clt3r. The Government commis
sion which has charge of the churches
and convents has brought the aboli
tion of this privilege before the
J B Knapn, Knnpnton L Goodwin, Vancouver
J II Eaton. Portland.
II Moach
W J Moran
Mrs E A Woodruff
D Sutherland.
It R Winter. Wal erford
C Bowen "
J A Freman. S. F.
G T Myers. Banier
Wm Aiplely, balem
J J Schotchler. Oakland T En-r.ish
California J Hume, Eureka
J S Chambers Phila. D H Jones. Boston Mass
;& Received per steamer Ajax an im
mense stock of Gent's clothing of the
latest spring stj'les at 13. Hamburgers,
Main street.
ESVan Dusen has just opened an ele
gant stock of stationers sundries.
Sponges, cups, pencil heads, note hooks,
blotters and other novelties.
"5yg..An elegant pencil sketch of a can
nary bird and rose bush in bloom, made
by a young lady of Washington Territo
ry, is up for raflc at the Occident. It will
be a prize to the winner. Thirty chances
at 1,00 each.
5SFor a neat, cheap and serviceable
suit of Clething: for the beat quality of
Hats in the iriarkct; for a good quality of
Uoots and Shoes; call at the new store of
C. H. Page& Co., Farmer's wharf, Asto
ria. '
pij"X large stock of outlining goods,
purchased with express intontion to supply
the Columbia River Fishermen, just
opened at the new store of C. H. Page
& Co., Farmer's wharf, Astoria.
F"Breaths there a man with a soul
so dead, who never to himself hath
"Oh, what a brute I have been!
For many long years my poor wife
Has been stitching away her lile,
For wantof a sewing machine."
To alleviate the wretchedness of such
self accusers, go to Van Dusen 'saud buy
her one, to-day.
"jSSThe cential committee of the Inde
pendent party of Clatsop county respect
fully suggest that the different Precincts
send each one Delegate, and that Astoria
Precinct send ten, to meet at the Court
House in Astoria on Tuesday, .May 23d, at
8 o'clock p. m., to nominate County offi
cers. J. H. D. GRAY,
j"Any person inquiring for a tine
quality of liquor, and can appreciate the
same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutter
Whiskey and Millers extra Old Bourbon,
at the Columbia Bar" saloon Astoria,
with Geo. TJsherwood late of Portland to
cater to their tustes. Gentlemen will please
give us a call. Cigars of a fine quality
also on hand. Jas. M. Lynch, Prop.
Notice. Hemorrhoid or Piles cured
by the "Wigbtman Process" without
the useof knife, ligature or caustic ; those
that are suffering from the above dreadful
complaint would do well to call on Dr.
Wightman while he is in town. He will
be at the Parker House Astoria, for two
days only, Wednesday and Thursday
May 17th and 18th. P. O. box, 247 Port
land Oregon, where all letters will be
promptly answered, consultation fee 2 00.
Dr. C F. Wightman.
33" Every Ixxty goes to the Novelty
Barbershop to get fixed up in style. Every
person may come, nnd more too, fori have
employed a first-class artist who will smil
ingly manipulate your chin, gracefully curl
your mustache, nicely puff you hair, ard
last of all, but not least, will perfume your
clothes with the most pupular perfumery in
use, "Patchouly" ifyou dor.'t believe it jusL
try it. Hair cutting, shaving, and sham
pooing. Hair dying done and warranted
not to turn red, break or split. Parker
House, Astoria.
J. lu Campbell, Proprietor.
Telegraphic News.
Synopsis of Press Dispatches.
The Indiana Greenback Con
vention. Governors Nominated in
Thurman Hoped for tfy Ohio
The Rival Chicago Mayor's
The Great Mustang Race
and Bergh.
Opposition to the Sandwich
Islands Treaty.
The War of Races in Miss
issippi. Senator Jones' Silver Bill
Likely to Become a Law.
Latest News from Salonica.
Six of the Principal Culprits
The Indianapolis Greenback Con
vention discussed the question of post
ponement of nominations of Presiden
tial candidates until after the Cincin
nati and St. Louis conventions has
been held, but with what result is not
The Indiana Republicans have
nominated Anson Wolcott for Gover
nor and Richard GrefiT for Lieutenant
The Democrats of Ohio are confi
dent of Thurman's nomination for
A Chicago dispatch of the 17th,
says: Hoyne to-day made formal de
mand on Colvin for the official doc
uments and other papers pertaining to
the Mayor's office, and reciting that
Hoyn, and not Colvin, is the legally
elected Mayor of Chicago. Cohan has
as yet made no answer to the writ
and it is stated will immediately
commence quo warranto proceedings
against Hoyne and test the case.
A !New York dispatch of the 17th
says: Speaking of the mustang race
the papers say warrants had been
issued early in the evening by Justice
Morgan, at the instance of the officeis
of the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals, to arrest .all per
sons aiding or abetting the race. It
was the intention to arrest the Mexi
can rider as soon as he mounted the
first horse. The postponement of
the race was a great disappointment.
The fears of unfavorable weather were
not as influential as fears of Bergh.
Bergh expresses no fears for the
rider, who really suffers more than-the
animals. The Herald compares
Bergh's efforts with Don Quixote's
charge on windmills, and hopes he will
stay away the day the race comes oft.
A Charleston, S. C, dispatch of
the 16th says: The Chamber of Com
merce to-day adopted strong resolu
tions opposing the passage of the bill
to carry into effect the Hawaiian trea
ty, on the ground that the removal of
the duty on rice will seriously injure
rice planters and throw out of em
ployment thousands of colored laborers.
Dispatches from East Feliciana
and Wilkinson counties, Miss., esti
mates that about 16 colored men
have been killed there during the
past three days of trouble, also one"
white killed at the beginning of the
affair. Aaronson, a white manj had
accused a colored man of stealings
and had wrhipped him. Aaronson
was subsequently killed and dis
patches, quite as trustworthy as aii3r
say he was killed by the white regulators-
of Mississippi, being in bad
odor and charged with buying stolen
cotton athis-storev A large number
of regulators-rallied at the proclama
tion of the sheriff of Williamson
county,, and invaded East Feliciana.
stampeded1 the colored men,- shooting
some, taking- prisoners and hanging
others. The excitement is great and
conflicting, and perhaps exaggerated
reports come in. This affair cannot
he directly called a political war of
races. The white liners of Missis
sippi appear to have invaded Louisi
ana all too willingly, and a repetition
of the same thing may be expected
whenever the excuse offers. The
refugees have fled to other parishes
for safety. Fears are entertained
that Senator Weber will be killed.
The New York Times thinks
Senator Jones' silver bill is likely to
become a law. Although it is not
improbable that the scheme may be
postponed until after the Presiden
tial campaign, in deference to the
strong opposition of these who are
entitled to Ije heard on such a ques
tion, the' job will very likely be put
through before next March: It is
clear that those who are engineering
it, mean business. The more the
silver question is studied the more
decided is the hostility which this
job has to encounter from the influ
ential portion of the nress. The
Cincinnati Commercial is the only
journal of any considerable weight
vhich favors the scheme.
A Berlin dispatch says it is ru
mored that the council of ambassa
dors at Constantinople has agreed to
recommend that all the ladies of the
foreign legations be sent on board
men-of war, in readiness to leave in
case the danger continues at Salonica.
Six of the principal culprits, in the
late outrages there,-have been pub
licly executed.
There are several nations in the
civilized world which are in such a
hopelessly crippled condition finan
cially that bankruptcy is the only
way out of their difficulties Spain,
according to the London Times, has a
debt of $3,500,000,000, the interest on
which, at three per cent., is-$105,000,-000,
wlrile the entire revenue of the
country is not over 890,000,000.- Pe
ru is equally as bad off in the relative
proportions of the interest on her
debt and the total amount of her rev
enue, and one payment of interest
has already been defaulted. In the
case of the nations the result will
probably be a compromise with the
creditors rather than outright repu
diation of the debt. Turkey is a poor
debtor, from whom nothing can- be
expected. The holders of her bonds
will not even have a chance- to real
ize on her assets as they are likely, to
be gobbled up by the hungry powers
that stand awaiting the opportunity
to seize and divide.
Postage on th e Weekly Astori an
is two cents a paper to any part of
the United States,, when sent by peo
ple not connected-with the newspaper
office. We will' will send four copies
(separate dates), equivalent to one
month, to one address, in one wrapper
(post-paid), on receipt of 25'cents.
Eastern Oregon The 'Astorian is
doing more for the interests of Eastern
Oregon than any other paper in the State.
If you have a friend or a relative in that
section of this country, send him the pa
per on trial. Only one- dollar for four