srr i pi- i: Ira HJ g&e eJI3 stcrciaa$. POLITICAL. POLITICAL. BUSINESS CARDS. BOOK AKD JOB PRLTmG. -" S? if - "' THUESDAY. 3Iay IS. 1876. Upper Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon. V April 24. lfeTU. J P At a Special meeting of the Colum bia River Pishermens Beneficial Aid Spciety, the following regulations for the government, of all concerned ivere adopted. That the following drifts and tow heads "be established for the fishing season of 1S7G. First Drift. From "Woody Island to Brown's point. Second Drift. From Brown's Point inside of Snag Island to the 12th red buor. Third Drift. From the loth buoy to Tongue Point. Fourth Drift. From Tongue Point to a point a little west of Booth's Cannery, at a place to be designated lr a spile or some permanent mark. "Fifth Drift. From the termina tion of the 4th drift to Smith's Point. Sixth Drift. From Smith's Point to the Pacific Ocean. Seventh Drift. From the red buoy in the Prairie channel to Tongue Point up or down. Eighth Drift. The big snag in Chinook shoot will be considered a tow head. The fishermen in Astoria, in coun cil have mutually agreed to bind themselves to be governed by the foregoing drifts, and it is expected from boats outside of the Societrthat they will also conform to the same. Any fisherman who is not fortunate enough to be a member of this Society has still another opportunity to join this Society, by applying before the 10th day of May, 1S7G, in accordance with the notice published elsewhere in the Astohiax.. After which time the initiation fees will be raised to twenty-five dollars. Br order of the Society, THOMAS LEALEY, Sec. Advertise An exchange says: Maybe you think that people don't like to rem I advertisements! Jf you do you arc much mistaken. roll, well-put well-placed ad vertisements are news ! They aro welcomed, read nay, studied ! The newspaper that i alive with them i? increasingly acceptable and so is the business house that knows how to get them up, possessed withal with the fagacity and nerve to keep them up. Take Youk Lor l Paper, A man, in Marion county last week saved $1.") by taking his local paper, the Mercury, and there is a man in this county, near Urownsville, who told us, a. short time ago, that he had made anNJ-acrc tract of land b' being a reader of the Demo crat, lie had been wanting for a long time to buy an W), adjoining his farm, but could get no track of the owner, who was a uon-roident of the State, and finally saw ft advertised for tax sale in the Democrat, lie attended the sale and bought it for a. nominal .sum, and is now the owner of it- Albany JJennnrral. istg: 1S7G. 1S70. 1S7G. jx;g. JX7G. 1S7G. is:g. CEXTEXXTAL. CENTENNIAL. CENTENNIAL. CENTENNIAL. FOURTH OF .IfLY CELEZIR ITIOX. FOritTH OF .11 LY C'ELEKK.tTIO.V. f'OLKTH OF .ii LY t'2LEKlt.VTIO.V. BSETWhat do Citizens of Astoria propose to do about it? COME TO THE COURT HOUSE, SATt!KIAY Evcmnj May jkmii, ISIG. And decide the matter. Signed, MANY CITIZENS. jJEW EUEN1TUHE STORE. Cor. Main and Chcmocqba Sts., CHAS.STOLL,g7 PROPRIETOR, firi (Successor tc Gist & Stoll,) ASTORIA OREGON PARLOR SETTS, BED-ROOM SETTS, DINING-ROOM SETTS, KITCHEN SETTS, OFFICE FURNITURE,, ETC., tiST Of the very best quality, supplied to order at prices that -will justify the patronage of this home institution. Persons wishing any article in the furniture lino will find itto their advantage to give mo a call, and inspect my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. ti3j Undertaker's Work promptly attended to, at reasonable rates. (CORRECT PRINCIPLES V- Demand that bills be rendered promptly, and to do it nicely, got your 13111 paper.anl Statements printed at THE ASTORTAN Office. A NICE ASSOR'IME-NT OF JEW elry "Watch guards in various styles at Cabe's. Republican Ticket. For Cengress: R. "WILLIAMS, of Multnomah. For District Atterney: R. STOTT, of Multnomah. Joint Representative: "W. W.PARKER, of Clatsop. County Ticket. Commissieners: 31. OARNAHAN", J. P. 13 ANN AX. Sherifi: "W. II. TWILIGHT. Clerk: R. R. SPEDDEN". Treasurer: I. "W. CASE. School Superintendent: J. W. GEARHART. Assesser: A. KNAPP, Jr. Surveyer: H. GEARHART. Corener: S. KINSEY. Astoria Precinct. Justice of the Peace: "W. L. .McEAVAN. Censtable: I3ENT B. TURLAY. MISCELLANEOUS. HOUSE, ,-f-.V C. H. DEXTER, PROPRIETOR. Occident Hotel, Astoria, Oregon. Tho Proprietors are happy to announce that the above Hotel has been Repainted and Refurnished, Adding greatly to the comfort of its guests AND IS SOW THE BEST HOTEL NORTH OE SAX FRANCISCO. A. J. MEGLEK, C. S. "WRIGHT, Proprietors. Globe Hotel. K". KOEFCED Proprietor. Cor. Concomly and Main Sts, ASTORIA OREGON. flUILS OLD AND WELL KNOWS" STAND JL is one of the best and most convenient Hotels for Mechanics, and has excellent facili ties for the accommodation of the traveling public. In connection with the Hotel is A First Class Restaurant, Where meals can bo had at all hours. There is also a MILLIARD AND BAR ROOM Attached to the Hotel, where the choicest qualities of Wines, Liquors and Cigars may bo obtained. W. E. DEMENT, jf DRUGGIST. CREXAJfT'S STREET. ASTOIMA. NEXT DOOIt TO 1. V. CASE'S D iEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, YAR- mslies, iiruijhes, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET AND EANCY ARTICLES. Wines and Liquors Sal Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. A STORIA LAUNDRY, xJl Cor. of Chenamus and Polk Sts. ASTORIA OltEGON. J. T. BOUCHERS, Proprietor. C55 Washing and Ironing, Fluiting.iSrc, dono at this Laundry by clean, white labor. t5J T.Borchers still manufactures and has for sale at the above place of business, tho FAMOUS "CAVIAR." KST Highest cash price paid Fishermen for STURGEON SPAWN. J. T. BORCHERS, ASTORIA LAUNDRY. J THRESH SUPPLY OF DOWNER'S & . Pratts Astral Coal Oil. These oils aro perfectly safe and produce a magnificent light. For sale by 1. W.CASE. Bai UNITY, f . T 4111 Democratic Ticket. Presidential Electers: II. EXIPPEL, of Jackson. E. A. CRONIN. of Alultnomah. "W. B. LAS WELL, oi Grant. Eor Cengress: LaEATETTE LANE, of Douglass. Eor District Atterney: F. R. STRONG, of Multnomah. I . -o- County Ticket. Joint Representative: R. TV. TVILSON , of Tillamook. Sheriff: THOMAS DEALEi: Clerk: D. TV. LOWELL. Assesser: TV. L. TVORTILINGTON. Treasurer: A. VAN DUSEN. Commissieners: joiin Looms. JOHN HOBSON. School Superintendent: Rev. T. A. HYLAND. Surveyer: LETVIS EARTTVICK. Corener: Dr. S. TV. DODD. o Astoria Precinct. Justice of the Peace. P.H.EOX. Contable. TVm. OLIVER. BUSINESS CARDS. D ,-R. S. W. DODD. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Astoria, Oregon, opposite Custom lfouse. J, Q. A. BOWLBY. jlttohxef at law, ASTORIA, 0REC0X. TP J. TAYLOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Room No. .1, Urown's Building. ASTORIA, OREGON. A. VAN DUSEN. NOTARY PU3UC, ASTORIA. Agent Wells, Fargo & Co. XFL. KXEMEYER, V V Manufacturer of Barrels, Kits, Tanhs, ETC., ETC., .YKAK KE.Y.VET'S A5TOEHA FISEIKKY, AVill attend to all order in the abovo lino promptly, and in a satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. 2.3m o ITO DUENEI:. PRACTICAL JEWELER, Main street, A;-tr;a Oregon. "WATCHES and CLOCKS cleaned and re paired in the best manner. piIARLES S. WRIGHT. Corner of Main and- Chenamus street. Goods received on consignment and sold to tho high est bidder. pETER H. EOX. MERCHANT TAILOR. New Shop, Main Street, Astoria. 'Clothing of all kinds cut and made to order. Cleaning and repairing. TpSTABLISIIED 1S46. I ' Rl t-jrt- 1 ig& C. Leixexwkber and II. Ruoww, Props., Manufacture all kinds of Leather. c ARL RRACKLO.W. Corner Court, and and Hamilton StronK As toria, Oregon, Sign and Ornamental Painter and Paper Hanger. Orders left at Minder's Oregon Rakery will be promptly filled and at reasonable rates. A cla-s of children from eight to fifteen years of age will be taught free hand drawing. BAEP4 & FERGUSON, Contractors and Builders, xh W; V ARE PREPARED TO .3ijC furnish mate rial and .k? ITittr i Iff? discxiptioh : oxecute anv 3y?h:uid" , all kinds of Carpen- in tho most apprQi:cd.3tyIe3"ivith N eatness and Dispatch, v j' Plans arid Specifications, AND BILLS OX JUATEEIAL Furnished on Short Notice. Charges Reasonable. Seasoned Lumber . Always on Hand. fiOT Orders left at I. "W. CASE'S STORE will bo promptly attended to. F. S. MEADE, MERCHANT TAILOR CHENAMUS Sl'REET, ASTOIZIA, OREGON. ?tp$ FRENCH, JSII, J, f ANTl An?T?TrA"V rtm cloths, 3!i CASSIIERES AND VESTIXGS, ConslaiJiJy on Isnud. HS Garments made in tlic inost Fasliioziablu Slyle.s. Draying & Trucking. ic5v . ra The un undersiprnedhav- 55iri x-hased the inter- TTin1 inx pur est of tho S&rt Astoria Truck & Dray Co., Including Teams, Vehccles, etc., respectfully announces that he is prepared to PILL ALL ORDERS "WITH PROMPTNESS. IX A CA U El? UL M AXXER from this date. RST Orders may bo left at the Occident Hotel. - T. S. JEWKTT. Astoria Truck & Dray Co. New Stock Now Opened At N. LOEB'S, 3IAIX STREET, One door South of Globe Hotel, Astoria. nnilE LNDERSIGED HAYING X jtit received and opened a new and General Merchandise, Groceries and Provisions, Invites the attention of the public. Theso (oods will be sold at Lo.v Eigures. Call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The best quality of goods for the Fishing and Sailors Trade constantly on hand. iW IJxSscst IVice Paid for Furs. "5 car New Goods by every Steamer. X. LOEIi, Astoiia, Oregon. Astoria Bakerj T IIEXRY JACOBS PROPRIETOR, Cor. of Main and Scheinocqha Sts., ASTOKIA OllEGOX. rpAKES Pleasure ix axxouxcixg JL to the public generally that he is again prepared, at the above well known stand to supply orders for EitESli RREAD and all hinds of pas-try- t" Une of the best Rakers on the coast employed. Satisfaction guaranteed. A share of tho public patronage respectfully solicted. RUTTER & BfleKSNZSE, Ship Builders. HAYING LEASED THE PREMISES FOR a term of years, at the foot of Wash ington street, we beg leave to announco to tho public that we aro now prepared for SPAE MAEXNTG, CAULKING, and General Repairing of YESSELS, BOATS, ETC., ETC. VST Eoats of all descriptions, first class in every respect, built to order. Yard foot of Washington street, Astoria. Oregon. W. 8. HEADINCTON, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, ASTORIA, OREGON. Plans and specifications - for buildings of any kind, ttt-Wi?&jR-and contracts (largo or --sSfilferrt Oiiia i nH i. r i I . . .ti-.. .. T- !.. II? iw-ra? fiii.iiif ii i iuii it iii(iii;ii and in the best manner possible. "WINES, LIQTJOES, CI GAPS, E.PAPMAHL & CO-, - - ASTOH.IA, TIIE LTNDEPSIGXED PROPPIETOPS OF THE COLUMBIA BREWERY jiiat erected and placed in operation at Astoria, with to inform the public that we arc now prepared to fill all orders tor a splendid article of T a . rZ-Tif 1 1 a vinjc even facility for doing r tC"Jir Mm9 THE YEUY liEST 011AHACTER Ui- W011K f Afl I3nflcill P171?"P f Mr. Papmahl being an Experienced Brewer, ( jtxllil Bulictl -DUiiJll i KS-The COLUMJJIA IJREVE11Y AVILL AVAlUtAXT SATISKACTIOX IX FILLING ALL Orders. Give us a trial. E. PAPMAliL A? CO., Astoria, Oregon. m?j.i.M.unjaej'i. iainmjifli.jat.Muw.Tff mims. BLACKSiAnTHIXG. ALBERT ROEDER A, CO MachinistS, Gunsmiths, and Locksmiths, Corner Concomly and Lafayette Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. "Will pay Special Attention to Blacksmith Work and general repairing. GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH KODGERS' OID STAXD. Cass St., Astoria, Oregon. wr All kinds of Blacksmithine dono to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ship and engine York a speciality. DOIUTiyp 1 E0JALT0THEBE3T,AND I nlfl ilttb -Cheap as the Cheapest, at Tin: Astokia Office. THE Daily and Weekly Job Printing Office! IS XOW WELL SUPPLIED WITH New Material and Stock,- And prepared to cxecuto orders for POSTERS, RILLS OE FARE, PROGRAMMES, BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS RECEIPTS, PAMPHLETS And any other Mad of Printing, Neatly and Promptly The Lowest Living-Price are Charged. Printing by hand, ( Printing by steam, Printing from type, Or from blocks by the ream Printing in black, Printing in white. Printing in colors, Of sombre or bright. Printing for merchants, And land-agents, too ; Printing for any "Who've printing to do ; Printing for bankers, Clerks, auctioneers, Printing for druggists, ' Por dealers in wares. Printing for drapers For grocers, for all, "ho will send in their jobs Or give usa call. Printing of pamphlets, Or bigger books, too ; In fact there are lew things But what we can do. Printing of placards. Printing of bills, Printing of car-notes Por stores or for mills ,v Printing of labels, All colors we use, sirs, Especially fit for Our salmon producers. Prirting of forms All sorts you can get Legal, commercial, Or houses to let. Printing done quickly, liold, stylish or neat, At the Astokiax Office, On fc'quemocqha street THE DAILY ASTORIA JUST ESTABLISHED THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN NOr IX ITS FOURTH YEAR Afl'ords SUX'CUIOK lacilities to Advertisers. ' JB"GIVE US A CALL.-a LAGER PEEK, ALE, Etc. - - - - PROPRIETORS, OHEG-02bT. j.ut.jMivuJi.j: iitmtJimAuui4. G EIQIAjSIA BEER ILVLL BOTTLE BEER DEPOT, CHENA3IUS Street. Astoria. Tho public aro invited to call and leave, their orders. Splendid Lager 5 cent a glass. Eree Lunch every night. "WJU. BOOK & CO., Proprietors. iyr MYERS, ASTORIABREWERY, Having all the necessary machinery for first class work, skillful Brewers, and using none but tho best quality of materials, tho Proprie tor is prepared to manufacture LAGER BEER in any quantity, from a single bottle to a bar rel, and put it up in good condition for ship ment or immediate use. Families and keep ers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied, M. MYERS, Proprietor.. 4 - T ?7. J-J