" -: jr ?rr -.- & -i'?r r , gfts gaiXaj siardmx, ASTORLY, OREGON : -. C. IREt AXI EDITOR WEDNESDAY May 17, 1S7C. Euen-Handed Justice. Under tlie above heading the San Erancisco Bulletin of the Slli, after reviewing the recent disaster in the Straits of Dover, wherein the steam ship Franconia bound to Brenham, ran down and sunk the steamship Strathclyde, bound to Bombay, and giving a synopsis of the trial and con viction of the master of theEranconia, says: "But when was the master of anAmer ican vessel ever convicted in our Courts of a like offense? Theoretically, -ve hold them to the strictest resx)onsibili ty, but practically we do no such thing. If death results from the care lessness or mismanagement of a ship master, or other persons engaged in passenger transportation, that is man slaughter, a felony, involving punish ment in the penitentiary. The cap tain of the steamship Pacific did not survive. But had he been saved he would have been put to a little more inconvenience than that resulting from the comments of the press. "What responsibility do the. owners of passenger ships really assume wlio send them to sea in an unseaworthy condition When the investi ration was going on touching the seaworthi ness of the lost Pacific, there was a general expression of opinion quite un favorable to the old steamship John L. Stephens, then lying in the harbor. Even those who thought the Pa cific might have been in tolerable order when she sailed, declared that they would not risk their lives on the old Stephens. Well, this vessel went on to a small floating dry dock recently for a few 'days, was tinkered little, some of the barnacles were scraped from her bottom, and she lias recently been plying between this port and Portland. Now, if a disaster overtakes this ship, are we going to have the usual amount of testimony conjured up in favor of her sea-worthiness ? The. winter storms are over, and this ship may float during all the summer months. But when this old hulk dis appears, what sort of an inquLy will be instituted respecting her ! We all re jnember Capt. Bob Waterman's inves tigation. Even in that case, while the Pacific affair was patched and white washed as much as possible, no one had cheek enough to affirm that the Stephens was a sound and seaworthy ship, fit .for the transportation of pas sengers. If the Stephens carries down her passengers- as suddenly as did the Pacific, with or without a collision, will anybody be to blame I" The steamship John L. Stevens, it is true, is an old vessel. So is the Beaver, now lying in Victoria harbor. Yet we remember that bui recently the hull of the Beaver, constructed more than forty years ago, was prac tically tested, and found to be as sound and sea uorthv as any iron vessel built in the past decade. So also was the John L. Stephens, in spected by the new Inspector Mr. Ireeimm, at the time the Bulletin speaks of her being in "a small "floating dry dock for a few days, u tinkered a Hide, some of the bar- "nacles scraped off," etc. It was i then found, after an examination which lasted three clays, that the John L. Stephens was as sound al most as .on the day she was launched. This was not " Capt. Bob Waterman's " investigation, " nor was the affair " patched and whitewashed," but the inspection was made carefully with an earnest desire on the part of the steamship Company, no less than that of the Inspectors, to ascertain the 'truth. AVe feel safe in saying, in view of all the facts, that to-day the Oregon Steamship Companys steam ship John L. Stephens is as safe and sja worthy as any vessel which leaves San -Francisco. -The steamship Gus- sie Telfair, plying in the line between this port and Puget Sound ports and British Columbia, was pronounced worthless by public opinion prior to the recent accident at Waterford, which sent her to the dock for re pairs. But, after undergoing thorough inspection at Astoria, only a few weeks ago, and being placed in good repairs, it has been proven that she is not only a safe and reliable steamer, but is capable of making better time than when under the ban of censure akin to condemnation. In view of all the circumstances it seemsstrange to us that the Bulletin writers, or other editors of reliable papers, will persist in an on to Richmond cru sade against a company that has a reputation for carefulness, and as certain security from disasters, as the Oregon Steamship company isnoted for possessing. The fact should be borne in mind that the Oregon Steamship Company is the only company send ing steamers out of San Francisco that has not met with disaster, and consequent loss of life and property for many years past. . The City of Salem is the only steamer on either the Columbia or Willamette rivers that has a piano on board. Postage on the Weekly Astokiax is two cents a paper to any part of the United States, when sent by peo ple i ot connected with the newspaper oflice. We will will send four copies (separate dates), equivalent to one month, to one address, in one wrapper (post-paid), on receipt of 25 cents. JjST Births, marriages and deaths will be inserted free of charge to sub scribe s to either the Daily or the Weekly AsToi:r.N, Births or marria ges, when sent in by persons who are not subscribers te the paper, si ould be accompanied with one dollar, w.hich will be placed to the credit of the party and the paper will be sent to the address for the full amount so paid to us. pS"A new skifl, 1G feet long, without paint, was picked up at Upper Astoria on Tuesday, which the owner can have by proper course of application and pay ment of charges. Apnlv to 'iVm. BOCK & Co. BORN. In Knappa Clatsop county, Oregon, May 15, to the wife of Joseph Canio, a daughter. NEW TO-DAY. B LOODED SHEEP. About tho first of June, tho undorsigned will visit Clatsop auicl Pacific Couiilics "bringing with him from the famous stock of Peters A: Severance. California., several Thoroughbred Merino Clicks, One year-old, which will bo sold cheap. RUT SMITH, Portland. Ogn. IICOLAI c0 BRO., Central Plainine Mills, Gor. of North Second and E Streets, Portland. RUSTIC, CEILING, MOULDINGS, SASH, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, Urns, Tanks, Fences, &c. . .Fir flooring and ceiling and bevel-edged siding. Common sizo doors, sash and blinds at San 1 rancisco prices. Mass Meetmo-. O o rpilE IXDEXDEXT VOTERS OF CLAT JL sop County aro requested to meet at the couirr house in as- TOlUA, TO NOMINATE COUN TY OEEICERS. Turn out ard show tho Uinps vou arc no lon ger their tool, and that ( latsop Countv will be represented by those who will work for her mtere,-i.s. liy romest of MANY CITIZENS. Spv CALIFORNIA POTATOES, TAHITI , SICILY DEMONS, MEXICAN AND A EELL LINE OE Fresh Oregon Vegetables, - at E. & Lwrsen's GROCERY STCRE, MAIN ST., ASTORIA. 3SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T7"AN DUSEN HAS JUST RE V ceived ft'fino. lot of PRINTS, whirh he is selling very cheap. 5 sollinc rivrcvOifvm. Sff Stf R OOM TO LET. A large front room 2d sf ory. will be let at reasonable rates. Apply at Stf THIS OFFICE. Facts Worth Knowing. A. W. Cone, - - Astoria, SIGX OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. Cannot be beat in tho Boot and Shoe line. Call and see him. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SIIOE, Main Street, Astoria. Flour, Grain and Feed Store. Foot of lain street, one door from Holla day's wharf. G. F- Parker, LIME. BRICK, PLASTER and CEMENT, TOBACCO, CIGARS. NUTS, CANDY, Etc., Constantly on hand and for sale cheap for cash or farm products. PUBLIC SPEAKING. Raleigh Stott and F. R. Strong, candi dates for Prosecuting Attorney of tho Fourth Judicial District will address the voters of this district in tho following places and fol lowing times : St. Helens May 15, at 10 a. m. Rainier " 1(5, ' 2 p.m. Astoria " 17," " S " l'owells Vallcv ,. 21). " 1 " llillsboro " 22, " S " Forest Grove " 2-J, ' S " Cornelius " 21. " S " Ames Chapel " 2-"), 2 " Middleton " 25, " 2 " Eagle Creek " 2), 2 " Upper .Molalla :'.0, 4 2 " Oregon City. " :Jl, " S " East -Portland June 1, 4t S " 10d.fcw.7d. ATOTICE. . A special meeting of lie Legal voters of School District No. 1. will bo hold at the School House in Astoria, on Friday evening May li). ttTtl, at 7 o'clock p. m., for tho pur pose of levying a tax in said District to pav ofi" the indebtedness due on Block 71, purchas ed for School purposes, tilso to take in consid eration the plans and specilicationsof school house, and tho ways and means to raise money to build tho same. By Order of Board of Directors. J. G. HUSTLER. Astoria, May .0, 1S70. miltd Clerk. Farm and Stock on Deep Rivr For Sale. -o- I( A errs, partly Improved. mm1 Ruiltl- injss. .iHlr. Sail ISonl. rl, ., AH ol vt Inch will I.c Sold Cheap lor Cash. o flSTFor full particulars inquire at this Ofiico or on the promises of C, M. STARK. 1 DESIRABLE RESIDENCE U PROPERTY EOR SALE. Corner of Jefferson and Main Streets, Astoria, Oregon. o TITLE PERFECT, LOTS 100 by 50. Thcabovo premises will bo sold cheap for cash. A never-failing well of water, a barn, hen-house, and other conveniences make it a very desirable place for residence Tho houso contains six rooms, besides the kitchen. U"For lurthcr particulars apply at Uf THIS OFFICE. RARE OPPORTUNITY For Profitablejn vestment IofTer for sale all my real estate in Clatsop County, consisting of my original Donation claim, on Lewis and Clarke river, consisting pf five hundred acres tide land meadow, ac knowledged to be the best stock claim in tho counts'. Also, a largo interest -in tho Upper lown of Astoria. a portion of John Adair's do nation claim. Enquire of the subscriber. T. 1. 1'OWEKS. S. KINSEY, ON THE ROADWAY, NEAR HUME & Co's. CANNERY, Astoria, Oregon, DEALEU IN A SU Building Materials!! OE EVERY KIND. Nails of All Descriptions. DOORS AND WINDOWS, RUSTIC, FLOORING, BLINDS, MOULDING, SASH, ETC. Wines and Liquors BY THE BOTTLE OR TOE GALLON Custom made "boots and Slioes. T- Tobacco of Fine Oualitv. tt This stock is in every respect Al, and will be sold at the lo-.vest prices for cash , fove mc-acall at the neir store, on the Uoadirav. s. KiarsEif. Astoria, Oregon. ONE HALLS EIRE PROOF SAFE, with Combination Lock, in good or der, for sale cheap, at I. W. Case's. THE BEST ASSORTAIENT OF Crockeiy, Glass Ware, Lamps and Lam Chimneys in the City at -Case's. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. MENDLESON BROS., Having Concluded to Remain in Business AT ASTORIA, HAVE LAID'IN A SPLENDID STOCK OF SPRING S UMMEB GOODS! DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR THE ASTORIA TRADE. A cojnplete assortment OF FISHERMEN'S OUTFITTING GOODS JUST OPENED rtSTTho public in general are respectfully invited to call at the old stand, on Coxcomly bTKKET, next door to Park or House. MEXII,ESOX BROS. MISCELLANEOUS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, .Votary Public ami Commissioner of ih:i:s. For Calijornia and Washington Territory. OFFTCE. Caso's Uuilding. corner Cass and Chenamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. F. CRANG, M. D. Surgeon, Etc, ASTOltIA, OliEGON. At tho solicitation of numerous friends, has consented to practico medicine, and tenders his services to the public. Dr. Crang brings many years experienco in tho practice of his profession. J. V. noun. C. W. FULTON. ROBB c0 FULTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ASTORIA, OREGON. 2T Office in Warren & McGuiro's "building, opposite Occident Hotel, Chenamus street. pEO. W. REA, Attorney and Counsellor at laiv. ASTORIA, OREGON. O Examining and perfecting titles made a spe cialty. All accounts left with mo will re el ve prompt attention. Ollico in Warren & Mcb mre's Ruikling, Chenamus street, corner of C:iss. p H. PAGE & CO., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, FARMERS WHARF, ASTORIA OREGON. ttST All kinds of country produce, wanted in oxonango forgoods. Mrs. Pangbum, Masonic Hall Building, Astofki, DEALER IX Fancy Goods, Dailies Dress and Ooak Trimmings of the Last est -Style. Wn'!' EXD to ORDERS for DRESS . J and Cloak making. Work will be done m a satisfactory manner. ilS" Agent for tho salcof DrAVarner's Sani tary Corsets, and also Children's Waists with patent elastic buckles. NEW MILLINERY STORE. Mrs. B. A. Derby, (Late of CLEVELAND, OHIO,) WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PTJE .i . i c,of Astonn a"d surrounding country, that she has just received a full and complete line ot HATS, TEEVnilNGrS, And all kinds of MILLINERY GOODS! At the stand rero) tli occupied by JL'ts Mor rison on MAIS STliEET, Astoria, And will bo prepared to fill all orders for liret class goods in this line at rea-onable prices. fcS-New goods will be received every month. N JEW AND ELEGANT STOCK -op. Latest Styles of Millinery Goods, JUST RECEIVED BY THE LAST STEAMER, At the Rooms of Mrs. A. D. W4.88, (Up Stairs, Bjiomw's Euildi.no,) Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, Astoria. xnr This stock consist-- of tho latest stvlc Hats for Ladies and Children; Dress Trim mings and I'jincy Goods for adies, which will be sold at very low prices. DRESS MO CLOAK -rA " vmar attend Carpenters Tools For Sale. One Chest of Carpenters Tools will bo sold cheap on application to 5-11 tf IV1KS. DAGGETT. Astoria, Or. jwrtfcHwwijiiitiw'ua.ijiuaa-!PiBiMwl CITY ADVERTISING. D OG TAXES. . , All taxes on dogs running atlr.rge with m-i u Sorporatc Hm its of the town of Astoria wij be due and payable on or beforo June 1st, 1S'0;, DAVID IMG ALLS, ta Treasurer. TfOR SALE. , . Th, .Engine belonging to For further particulars imiui're - of tho Committee on 1'ublie "- .Property. By order of tho Common Council. I RANK J. TAYLOR, Recorder. C iSS STREET IMPROVEMENT. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the undoi bigned, under instructions irom the Com mon Council ol the town of Ahtorin, ior the improvement of that portion of CASS Street, lying between Chenamus btreet and As )r ttreet, by wharfing, grading and planking, according to plans and specilieiilion.s to i seen at the otHce of p. J. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of Satur day May 20th, S7G, sard improvement to be completed by September 1-t, 1S76, as provid d by ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May 1st, 1S7(. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER, Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon May 2d, 187G. ONCOMLY' STREET 1MPEOVE MENT. Noice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the under signed, under instructions from the Com mon Council of the town of Astoria, for the improvement of CONCOMLY Street in -aid town, by grading and planking said street, from Main street to the weit line of the t wn plat, according to plans and specifications to be seen at tbo oTce of Era ik J . Taylor, Recorder, until roonofMay 20th, 1S7(5, said improve me it to be completed by Sept. 1st, 1S7C, as provided by Ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May 1st, 187(. The right to leject any or all bids U hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER, Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, May 2d, 1S7A. CHENAMUS STREET IMPROVE MENT Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the under signt d under i structions from the Com mon Councilor .the lown of Astoria for the impiovement of that part of CHE NAMUS Street, lying between Main and Spr 'ce streets, by grading to conlbrm as near as practicable to the crosings as al ibadj constructed on said street and also ly the building of a sidewalk on the south side of said street Irom Jackson to Mdison streets, according to plans and specifications to be seen at the oilice of E. J. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of Satur day May 20th, 1S7G, said improvement to be completed by September 1st, 1876, as provided by ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May 1st, 1870. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER. Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon. May 2d, 1S76. s QUEMOQIIA STREET IM PROVEMENT. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the undersignrd under instructions from the Common Council of tho town of Astoria, for, the improvement of SQUEMOOHA Street b' grading and planking said street from C::ss stieet to Main street, and by the b-iilding of a sidewalk on the south side of said SQUEMOQHA street from thfr east line ot lot No. two (2) in block No. twen-tj'-seven (27) to Polk street, according to pi .rsund specifications to be seen.at the oJce of E. J. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of May 20th, 187G, said improve meits to be completed by the 1st day of Jrne 187G, as provided by ordinance No. 121, passed the Council Mav 1st, 1S7G. HENRY MILLER, Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, May 2d, 1S7G. M AIN STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice "Is "hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the under signed, under instructions Irom the Com rron Council of the town of Astoria, for the improvement of that part of MAIN SLeet, lying between Concomly and Cou t streets, by grading and planking tres.me and also to have; the sidewalks in sad .street constructed to conform to the grades, according to plans and spec ific itions to be seen at the oilice of E. J. T. ylor, Recoider, until noon of Satnr d: v May 20th, .1S7(, said improvement to be completed by September 1st, 187b as provided by ordinance No. 120, passed the Council May 1st, 1870. The right to reject any or all bids i- hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER. Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, Mav 2d, 1S7G. Sssr3Ki BENTON STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the undersigned ruder in.-tructiuns of the Common Coun cil of the town of Astoria, for the con st! uction of a sewer on the cast side of Benton sLreet, from Court street to tin Columbia river, according to plans and specif cat'ons to b seen at the otHce of E. J. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of Satur day May. 20, 1S7G. said improvement to be completed by September lt. 187G, as provided bj7 ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May lt, 1S7G. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER. Street Commissioner- Astoria, Oregon., May .2d, I8.7G.