The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 17, 1876, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 15.
IJJLJ , hA-JLs A.' -J?
l -w ! mt , wnnwrj j jjuui jj n ., Luummgi
g&s axhj gwSixrxT
(Sundays Excepted),
Monitor Building, Cass Street.
Terms of Subscriptien:
Served by Carrier, per reek .25 Cents
Sent by mail, three months.. -.$'2 50
Sent by mail six months 4 00
Sent by innfl one year 7 00
Free of 1'ostagc to tho Subscribers.
tS7" Advertisements inserted by tho year at
"the rate of $1 00 per square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or week,
fifty cents per square first insertion.
The Tarn O'Slianter arrived at
San Francisco on the 13th.
The Loch Fleet arrived at Liver
pool April 25th from Astoria.
The Ada Iredale arrived at Bel
fast April 24th from Astoria via Liv
erpool. The first strawberries fresh from
the vines, were served to-day at the
The bark Sierra Nevada, Capt.
Kcorner, in Hume's line, left Callao
April 4th for San Francisco.
The first wagon of the season to
pass along Court and Wall streets,
left its track in the mud yesterday.
The Helen W. Alray has been
chartered to earn lumber from Puget
Sound to New Caledonia, at 4 10s
per M.
C. II. Dexter has been appointed
Post-master at Unity, an office has
iilso been established at Albina, V.
D. Walsh, P. M.
The steamship Ajax, which ar
rived from San Fran cisco this morning
has G2 cabin and 150 steerage passen
gers, G50 tons of freight.
The steamboat made the " trip"
from Wallula to Lewiston (a distance
-of about 1G5 miles) in " thirty hours,"
while she comes down in " eight
kours" running time. In rivers as
in life, to go down is easier than to
go up.
Messrs. Fred JL Strong and P.
Stott, candidates for the position of
Prosecuting Attorney for the Fourth
Judicial District, will address the
citizens of Astoria this evening at the
Court-house, on political questions of
the day.
Mr. Villard, who last Saturday
went along the line of the proposed
West side railroad extension, has
concluded to start the extension a
few miles short of St. Joe, which will
leave St. Joe " out in the cold."
Sixty assays of rock, known as
croppings, taken from the Lucky
Queen Mine in Douglas county, give
returns of $28 gold per ton on an av
erage, and two assays of rock taken
from different places in the tunnel of
the mine, give $1,275, and $105 per
ton respectively. The ledge is about
6 feet in width, and anywhere in the
tunnel gold is to be seen with the
naked eye in the rock.
The first Portland-cement works
in the United States are soon to be
put in operation at Kalamazoo, Mich
igan. This cement takes its name
from its resemblance to the celebra
ted stone quarried on Portland Island,
England. It is used in the construc
tion of piers, docks, cassions in fact
nothing can take its place in under
water masonry. The value of these
works may be inferred from the fact
that we import annually from Eng
land and Germany over 1,000,000 bar
rels of this cement. Commercial
The finest quality of Portland-cement
was made years ago at Astoria,
and millions upon millions of barrels
will be made yet in this vicinity.
One Hundred Thousand Dollars for the
Cascade Canal.
We are in receipt of intelligence
from Washington, by the Ajax this
morning, which will cany joy to the
people interested in seeing the Cascade
canal project consummated. The
House Committee reported favorable
to the appropriation of $50,000 for
commencing the work. The Senate
Committee reported unanimously in
favor of appropriating $150,000. Our
Senators and Representative Lane are
untiring in their efforts to secure the
fullest amount possible, and it is con
fidently expected that in committee on
general conference $100,000 will be
the appropriation named and secured.
In this connection we desire to say
a word with reference to our delea
tion in Congress. The shores of jtfew
England bristle with monuments (so
to speak) erected by federal money in
aid of the commerce of the country.
The ends thus secured may be traced
to the fact that "rotation in office" is
left out of question when it comes to
sending men to Congress. The people
find good workers and keep them in
the national councils so long as they
are faithful, representatives of the
States that placed them there. Sena
tor James K. Kelly has the reputation
of being one of the most indefatigable
workers before the departments in
Washington. Senator Mitchell is
noted as a Senator, and on the floors of
Congress none command greater re
spect or are more attentively listened
to. In the House Mr. Lane com
mands the admiration of all members,
and has made a mark for work such
as no young member ever made be
fore in Congress.
Now the matter which we ar2 about
to suggest is not made in party spirit.
Like Gen. Davis, we are not in favor
with politicians of any class, but for
the good of Oregon we hope to see
Senator Kelly returned by the next
Oregon Assembly and would advise
people to consult the growing inter
ests of the commonwealth before cast
ing a vote against Lafayette Lane.
The delegation now hi Congiess from
Oregon, we feel assured, are worthy of
their several stations, and having ac
complished so much for the State, the
past winter, in the face of such strong
opposition as exists in Washington
against remote divisions of the coun
try, and sparsely settled regions like
this, they are entitled to considera
tions higher than the esteem of polit
ical partizans.
Will Astoria celebrate. That
question must be decided next Satur
day evening. See note of a call
signed "many citizens" hi another
Uncle Sammy Allen, one of Ore
gon's noblest and best pioneers, died
at his residence in Salem on the 12Jh.
The remains were followed to the
grave at Belprissi on Saturday last.
The Corvallis Gazette, referring to
the sentiments of The AsxeRiAxsays:
"Would that the same spirit character
ized the entire press of the State."
We have always tried to act justly,
and in the spirit of fairness to all por
tions of Oregon. The press of the
State, if divided against itself, weak
ens its power. With a hope to see
ever part of Oregon fairly represent
ed, The Astoriax will continue to
evince a right spirit.
We Tofer our readers to the adver
tisement of a farm for sale on Deep river.
This is the best opportunity that we know
of for any man wanting a good place,
cheap, suitable for dairying or iarming
purposes. The only reason for wishing
to sell, is that the presnt owner Mr. C.
M. Stark is about to engage in other business
Oregon Welcome the Hero.
The following lines from a patriotic
lady, writing from her Eastern Ore
gon home to her daughter in this city,
after speaking of her hope to see Phil
Sheridan nominated for the office of
President as successor to Grant sa3Ts :
"i$ow while I think of it I will send
you some of my scribbling on Sheri
dan's visit to Oregon"
Oregon welcome the hero,
Thy shores by his presence are blest,
They never again may be honored,
By so noble and worthy a guest;
A pillar of strength to the nation,
A pillar of light through the war;
Throughout all its wide devastation,
His laurels untarnished he bore.
Oregon welcome the hero,
With purposes holy and grand,
For was not a hero's bagtism.
Received in his Touth at thine hand;
Here he took trie first step in the ladder,
That mounts tothe summitof fame,
And now what a halo of glory,
Encircles with lustre his name.
Oregon welcome the hero,
As a godmother welcomes a son;
Por was it not here in thy presence
His first youthful laurels were won,
And steadily onward and upward,
Hath the course of his star ever been,
Without ever a retrograde movement,
jlus spienaor ana Drignmcas to aim.
Oregon welcome the hero ,
The faithful, the brave, and the true;
His country can never repay him,
The honors and gratitude due,
With kindness and honors receive him.
And when he departs from thy shore.
Let thy prayers and blessings go with
And good wishes a hundred limes o'er.
S'Bar fixtures of all kinds just receiv
ed at C. H. Page & Co.'s, Parmer's
wharf, Astoria.
pij" Received per steamer Ajax an im
mense stock of Gent's clothing of the
latest spring styles at B. Hamburgers,
Main street.
Zp7$cv styles of Diagonal suits just
received per steamer Ajax, also Dry
Goods, Boots and Shoes in large quantities
at B. Hamburgers, Main street.
5S"Por a neat, cheap and serviceable
suit of Clothing; for the best quality of
Hats in the market; for a good quality of
Boots and Shoe; call at the new ttore of
C. H. Page& Co., Parmer's wharf, Asto
ria. 3See advertisement of E. S. Larson,
new to-day, announcing the arrival this
morning of a iresh lot of new California
Potatees: Tahiti Orancres: Sicilv Lpmnns?
Mexican Limes, and a full line of fresh
Oregon Vegetables. '
p5A. large stock of outfitting goods,
purchased with express intention to supply
the Columbia River Pishermen, just
opened at the new store of C. H. Page
& Co., Farmer's wharf, Astoria.
3Put Smith, a noted slock man,
who has invested largely in blooded sheep
arrived in Oregon 03' the Ajax to-day, to
make arrangements for distributing 'here
among sheep owners, of a lot of thorough
bred merino bucks. He will arrive at As
toria with several head of young bucks
about the first of June. See advertise
ment. 3""Breaths there a man with a soul
so dead, who never to himself hath
uOh, what abrutol have been!
Por man3T long years my poor wife
nas been stitching away nor life,
Por wantof a sewing machine."
To alleviate the wretchedness of such
self accusers, go to Van Dusen'sand buy
her one, to-day.
pS" Any person inquiring for a fine
quuuuy oi liquor, ana can appreciate tne
same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutter
Whiskey and Millers extra Old Bourbon,
at the Columbia Bar" saloon Astoria,
with Geo. TJsherwood late of Portland to
cater to their tastes. Gentlemen will please
give us a call. Cigars of a fine quality
also on hand. Jas. M. LyycH, Prop.
Notice. Hemorrhoid or Piles cured
by the "Wigbtman Process" without
the use of knife, ligature or caustic ; those
that are suffering from the above dreadful
complaint would do well to call on Dr.
Wightman while he is in town. He will
bo at the Parker House Astoria, for two
days only, Wednesday and Thursday
May 17th and 18th. P. O. box, 247 Port
land Oregon, where all letters will be
promptly answered, consultation fee 2 00.
Dr. C. P. Wightman.
i0 Every body goes to the Novelty
Barbershop to get fixed up in style. Every
person may come, and more too, fori have
employed a first-class artist who will smil
ingly manipulate your chin, gracefully curl
your mustache, nicely puff your hair, and
last of all, but not least, will perfume your
clothes with the most pupular perfumery in
use, "Patchouly" if you don't believe itjust
try it. Hair cutting, shaving, and sham
pooing. Hair dying done and warranted
not to turn red, break or split. Parker
House, Astoria.
J. L. Campbell, Proprietor,
Comments of the Press.
From tho East Orcsonian.
The East Oregonian acknowl
edges the receipt of the Daily
Astorian published by D. C.
Ireland, long known to Oregon
as a first class newspaper man.
The appearance of his daily is ex
cellent, and not excelled by any
other daily in the State. It is
newsy, nice and neat. May its
publisher realize in a tangible
manner the reward he is entitled
From tho Vancouver Independent.
The first numbers of the
Daily Astorian have been re
ceived. It is not too much to
say that it makes the best first ap
pearance of any daily ever started
in Oregon. It has twenty col
umns, forming, a very neat size,
is well filled with live advertise
ments, and is a newsy sheet.
Success to the Daily Astorian.
From tho !Xew Xorthwest
We are pleased to note that
Brother Ireland's long cherished
project of a daily paper at Asto
ria has become a reality, and wel
come the Daily Astorian to our
table. It is a newsy, sprightly
little sheet, and will doubtless
prove a benefit to the seaport, and
a credit to its proprietor,
From tho Corvallis Gazette.
The Daily Astorian, pub
lished at Astoria by D. C. Ire
land, arrived this week, and we
must say that it is one of the
neatest and spiciest sheets on our
exchange list. Success to you
Bro. Ireland.
Sheep shearing has commenced
in Eastern Oregon. The Dalles
Mountaineer says the wool this year
is cleaner, longer and of a finer quali
ty than it has ever been known be
fore in this country. Four hundred
sheep, in excellent condition, were
shipped for the Victoria market, on
"Wednesdav morning.
Robert Fultons's remains were re
centlydiscovered in the vaultof the Liv
nigstone family in old Trinity church
yard, New York, where they were
afforded a temporary resting-place
until claimed by his friends, in 1815,
and it is now proposed that his native
State should reclaim the great inven
tor, give him a grave, and erect a
monument over him. The body of
Robert Morris has also been suffered
to remain unburied and unhonored
in a vault in Christs Church, Phila
delphia, and is to be interred during
the Centennial with appropriate cere
monies. During the month of April 37
marine disasters were reported to
vessels in which the United States
had a direct or indirect interest, in
volving a loss, exclusive of cargoes, of
over half of a million dollars, most of
which, however, was covered by in
surance. Thelistembraces22 schoon
ers, 6 brigs, 4 barks, 3 ships and 2
steamers. Iso losses occurred in
which Oregon had direct interest,
but those in which San Francisco had
an interest consists of the Victory,
bound there from Shields with Coal
and wrecked off the Atlantic coast;
ship Alcatraz, hence August 7th, with
wheat for Liverpool, reported miss
ing, but regarded here as lost with all
on board, as she was never seen to be
spoken after leaving port ; bark Lib
erator, from Manila for that port,
with a cargo of sugar, now very much
needed, but wrecked off the coast of
Japan ; brig Crimea, wrecked at San
Buenaventura ; and schooners Albert
& Edward, William Sutton and Uncle
Sam, lost or missing while in the
northern coast trade. The weather
at sea during April, especially near
the coast, was generally severe, and
hence the large losa of property last
A little rhyme for Heister Clymer:
Investigation is vexation;
Impeachment is as bad;
The facts in re do sadden me,
And the habeas chives me mad
Toledo Blade.
A Holyoke man advertises for a
bald-headed cook.
The best protection for a man now
is innocence.
Oswego has a club of young la
dies called the Hair Pins.
The letter "O" is called the most
charitable of all the alphabet, because
it is found oftener than any other in
"doing good."
It takes considerable moral cour
age for a man to go to Europe nowa
days. No sooner has he set sail than
somebody inquires: "What's up1?"
It appears that Macaulay, while
he was writing his brilliant essays,
could only earn about $1,000 a year.
That is what you Macaulay poor en
couragement of genius.
Katie Ambler, a little girl whom
Queen Victoria spoke to at the Lon
don hospital, because she thought she
would get well if the Queen would on
ly go and speak to her, has been dis
charged from the institution perfectly
cured of her wounds, serious burns.
When a Rochester policeman or
ders a corner loafer to move on, the
latter takes off his hat, strikes an atti
tude, and replies; "Sadly do I again
take up the weary burden of life. I
leave you in regret, but not in anger.
Heaven smile on you and bless you.
Farewell !" Then he moves.
Kot long ago a heggar was hang
ing around a Michigan village, lodg
ing in barns, ragged and forlorn,
hooted at by the hoys, and denied food
by housekeepers. One day he sudden-
seized upon a respectable looking man
arresting him for murder. . The heggar
was a St. Louis detective, in disguise.
It is not really necessary to have
a lamp burning to break a chimney.
The chimney will snap if the lamp be
not lighted. The only way to avoid
these accidents is to keep the chimney
in an empty room by itself, securely
lock the door, and stand outside day
and night with a drawn sword.
Brevity is a lost art; but it is the
fault of time that writers or speakers
cannot be brief. There is too much
to say, because too many things have
happened since the world started. In
the beginning Adam and Eve could talk
as concisely as the ten Commandments.
There were no old Greek frauds to
quote from, no precedents; no re
membrance on the part of Adam of
his mother's cooking. With the first
couple brevity was the soul and body
of wit, and no words to waste, and
nothing but plain business to do.
The Mercury says: "The hills of
Polk county present a most beautiful
aspect as viewed from our city at the
present time. The dark green of the
patches of fir timber and the groves of
old oaks interspersed with broad
fields of wheat remind us very forci
bly of those familiar lines which we
have all heard so often and with so
much unctien:
Sweet fields beyond the swellingflood
Stand clothed in living green.
As we gazed at the hills of old Polk
this morning we could not but wish
that some Moses woidd come along,
who would take us along and let us
possess the land. He might go to the
top of Mount Hood and die, if he
wished, afterward." That last ex
pression knocks the poetry out of the
first, and suggests Mercenary as a sub
stitute for "Mercury."
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