J. ".-!, ' V JljML t4ujfc. W4., - ' v J' Jr S " "- , 0) VOL. 1. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 12, 1876. NO. 11. tALiia"-BJ- iZX,J.-. JVTLy'i.Jl!Alk..J'.lg Hg.'l..'!!.!. .A.j-j'jLi.'ji J':-;lJg.J. .ivsamstjgim wjm..i.j-j..tf st?!.jm.i.ugiKa. IJ-'J-JUAi-li, JiULH ijl ijif uLinm.iu tj.ivij.jfprtmrmmim wggq r SbfektL jp& gailoj tmiT, ISSUED EVERT EVENING, (Sundays Excepted), ZIouHor Building, Cass Street Terms X)f Subscriptien: Served by Carrier, per week 25 Cents Scut by mail, three months $2 50 Sont by mail fix month? 1 GO Sent by mail one year 7 00 Tree of Postage to the Subscribers. K3T Advertisements inserted by the year at tbe rate of $1 00 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, fifty cents per square first insertion. The mild in Astoria streets 5s rapidly drying up. Weather sx)lcn did. The weather at present has a ten dency to crack the webs in this part of Oregon. The sloop Katie is now the only regular packet between Astoria and Knajmton. The Oregonian has just found out tliat the schooner Hera has been sold by Mr. llolladay. The Merry Makers will appear at Spiritual Hall this evening. Little Van will give you a good shine for a bit, at the old corner on Oass street, in front of Case's. The schooner Granger arrived last evening with a cargo of wood for the Ijar tugs, from jSTowlan's slough. Seventeen Pole-cats could not be gin to make a stink equal to one heathen Chinese opium smoker. The Thoriub'ke completed cargo for Liverpool yesterday and the River Lime was finishing up this morning. A Chinese employe at Kinney's factory lost one or two fingers yester day in a machine used for cutciug tin. gteam baths, of the Turkish order, have been added to the facilities of the Occident shaving saloon for the accommodation of Mr. Neiderauer's patrons. San Francisco papers are quarrel ing over the time of the Three Broth ers and Western Shore, made on the voyage to and from Liverpool. The Western Shore is still ahead. Go which wav you may turn upon any street in Astoria and you are confronted by the march of im provements. About thirty buildings are now in process of construction. Mr. Hansen authorizes.us to say that he will settle damages without resorting to litigation resulting from the late drift of spiles from the Oregon Steam Navigation Company's Astoria boom. Mr. H. W. Birchard, charcoal burner at Cedar landing, below Rain ier, paid Astoria a business visit this week, meeting with success in con tracts for coal at the various canning establishments. Mr. Geo. Watkins, of Rainier, member of the C. R. F. B. A. S., wishes us to say to members and others that he is now prepared to fill orders for barrels, kits and tanks in the best style, at low rates. So now it turns out that the ef forts of our Senators and Mr. Lane, in Congress to get an appropriation for a canal at the Cascades have been defeated by Portland influence. Port land must be kept a seaport by ship channel to the sea at the expense of Eastern Oregon or any other portions outside of that incubus. See Board of Trade report in yesterdavs papers from Portland. Current Euents of the Day. About fifteen minutes rain this afternoon started the onion setts nicely. Work is being pushed along vig orously by the Oregon Steam Naviga tion Company on a new steamer wliich they are building at Celilo for the Snake River trade, and also on the new tug, at Portland, for lower Colum bia river trade. Capt. Hamlin has sold the sloop Eliza to Captain R. C. Shively, and temporarily retired from the Bay trade. The Eliza is a good and relia ble craft, and with Cr. once more on deck, will be useful yet for a long time, to come. Captain and Mrs A. D. Wass yes terday paid Ft. Stevens a visit, with the steamer J. C. Brenham. We hope the Captain will meet "with much pleasure, and secure renewed good health, during his summer vacation from active pursuits, begun yester day. Capt. Eric Johnson has been transferred from the Brenham to the Astoria, and Capt. Wass, after a long and very successful term as Master and Pilot on the Bar, will spend a short season in recreation and health ful traveling. He intends visiting San Franc'sco, Honolulu, Victoria and other -p) aces during the summer. Mr. A. Booth, of the firm of A. Boo Lli & Co., Upper Astoria, who ar rived here from the East on the last steamer has telegraphed home to as certain the extent of Saturday's storm in Chicago. Mr. B. is the owner of buildings next door to the Palmer House, and as the latter was consider ably damaged, is very anxious to learn full paruiculavs. Mr. Win. Burn ell, chief clerk in the U. S. Engineers office, Portland, arrived last evening and proceeded this morning to Point Adams, in structed to pay off sundry men at that locality employed in that depart ment of the government. He is ac companied by Mr. E. C. Protzman whose health has been greaily impaired since the accident at the printers pic nic last year, in which he was danger ously hurt. Both gentlemen placed us under obligations for Newsjiape rial favors. Dr. Wm. H.Hall, editor of Hall's Journal of Health, fell in the street in New York Wednesday night in a fit and expired. Cause of death un known. Public Installation. Tho members, of Astoria Lodge, 2Co. 40, 1. 0. G. T., will have a public installation of officers for tho ensuing quarter on Saturday evening, May 13th, at Spiritual Hall. Imme diately after tho installation. Rev. Dr. Cfans wilt deliver a lecture on temperance. Tho public and all members of tho order aro cor dially invited to attend. T.S.Jewett.W.S. $r Any person inquiring for a fine quali.y of liq -or, and can appreciate the same, can find the genuine J. H. Culter WhibUey and Millers entra Old Bourboj, at the " Columbia Bar" saloon Aslona. with Goo. Ubherwood late of Portland to causr to their tastes. Gentlemen will please give us a call. Cirars of a .fine quality alto on hand. Jas. 31. Lynch, Prop. Postage on the Weekly Astoriax is two cents a paper to any part of the United States, when sent by peo ple not connected with the newspaper office. We will will send four copies (separate dates), equivalent to one month, to one address, in one wrajjper (post-paid), on receipt of 25 cents. IST-Births, marriages and deaths will be inserted free of charge to sub scribers to 'either the Daily or the Weekly A storian. Births or marria ges, when sent in by persons who are not subscribers to the paper, should be accompanied with one dollar, which will be placed to the credit of the party and the paper will be sent to the address for the full amount so paid tons. Telegraphic Hews. Synopsis of Press Dispatches. 2u dispatches have been received up to the hour of three o'clock. The line is still down, below Oak Point. CENTENNIAL PAPERS. No. 1. The American Colonist in Oregon. By Rev. George H. Atkinson, D. D. The history of great nations is that of colonies. As far back as human records reach we find outward move ments from the early centers of popu lation ; then a re-planting and vigorous growth in new regions. The attempt once to build a town and a vast central city resulted in a Babel, a confusion of tongues, a diffu sion of tribes east, west, north and south to settle the wilderness and build np nations. Such was the origin of the Asyrian, Persian, Egyptian and Syrian empires and monarcliies ; such also of the mari time provinces around the Mediterra nean, which at length grew to be semi republics, small and large ; some, indeed, of imperial sway. The founders of Ninevah and Bab ylon were colonists ; and Medo-Persia, by its very name indicates its colonial migration and character. Abraham, the founder of the Hebrew common wealth that has outlived all others and infused its thought and spirit more than any into the worktywas a religious colonist. The Hyksos or shepherd tribes and kings of Egypt, who drove off tyrants and held the scepter of that land for centuries, were probably colonists from Arabia. Earned as the Greeks have been, we find their history to be that of migra ting tribes, chiefly -the Pelopidae and the Hericlidae of "the earlier ares of the'Peloponnessus, and later the-rival Dorians from Thessaiy ; also the Ioni ans, Eolians and Beot'ans, that became at length masters of the whole country and founders of the rich provinces around the iEgean and the Adriatic. We know what mingling of tribes and people nv.de np the conglomerate mass of the domain of the Cresars ; and how the Gallic and Teutonic and Anglo-Saxon have beeu intermingled during almost twenty centuries to aive the modern world those strong, com posite, imperial nations, the French, the Germans and the English. We know what colonies from Europe peopled America, North and South, and how the various republics of both regions have grown np with more or less strength, and consisting during the last three centu"ies of certain qualities and principles in the foundation of colonial States, have become patent to philosophical minds, and have almost passed into the studies of our children. The problem of national life, growth and confirmed strength, or decline and decay has been so often solved and its factors have been so often analyzed and clearly stated that well-read and observ ing peoirie are quite well-able to fore cast the future from the past and the present. It has been natural for the English these many years to lead in coloni.-i1 enterprise, since the' so much inherr" the old Danish love of adventure, the robust Saxon courage, and the dash of the Norman ; and wherever you find their trading factories, wliich have always had a colonial stamp and pur pose with traffic as a means, whether in the East or West Indian Islands or mainlands, or whether in Southern and Western Africa, or in South or North America or Australia, you will find the English type not only in speech but in spirit, with clear traces of eaiiiesJ as well as later ancestral blood. It Iras been epiite as natural for the American to inherit a similar type and spirit ol adventure, having sprung from the common English stock, with fresher blood from the Gallic, Teutonic and Scandinavian coimtries. Beside the colonial bias, certain elements of free dom, social equality and confidence in man's personal rights and powers of self-government have gained a firm setting and sway in American charac ter which are sure to appear in his life in new fields of activity, and especially in his formation of new American States. The drift of population from its first centers on the New England coast, along the shores northward and southward, and along the rivers and valleys inland, bore the same convic tions of man's rights and duties which had been welded in the fierce strife of civil war and the hot fires of persecu tion, and also bore onward the same habits of steady industry, and earliest thought, and. outspoken opinion as moved the Pilgiv.m Fathers to cross the ocean and found a new and quiet home in the wilderness. The trading Hollander of New York, the English Quaker of Pennsylvania, and the iartly enfranchised cavalier of Virginia, each traced his family lineaments in the increasing lines of caravans sent from their several centers over the Alleghe nies to settle the virgin lands of the great Yalley of the Mississippi and its branches. All these currents gradually have been interminghng as the waters of the upper streams of our -own majestic Columbia, distinct at first, but finallyinterfused into one homogeneous quality. The earlier and primary immigra tions, followed by the secondary on a grander scale to people the great Mississippi Yalley, had manifold other movements of the people to possess the lakes, the prairies, the gulf, and the vast mineral and forest regions and river systems. Motives of such force have called out the utmost daring of early adventurers and the thoughtful planning and intense energy, of the late founders of the cities and States of the interior. With such experiences in the past generations, there was need of as grand an opportunity and occasion to arouse the American for a march of two thousand miles from the rich lands of Ohio and Kentucky, Illinois and Mis souri, in order to make a home on this northwest coast. The mild, equable climate, the vicinity of the great ocean, the prospect for an unusual largess of land, the sudden discovery of the pre cious metals over large areas, have combined to furnish that motive and give it the steadiness of a law of attrac tion. But the grandeur of the enter prise was matched hy the gravity of the undertaking. Other eyes were upon the same regions ; other feet were traveling the same plains and mount ains, and treading the same rivers as traders under the banner of England's wise leaders and the strong support of money of a corporate central power of national sympathy, and of large num bers of interested adherents. Besides all this the Aborigines held their native domain in confident and somewhat defiant security. It would be a task to establish set tlements on uninhabited lands two thousand miles from the homes of settlers where they have their route to find and their track to make thither. How could a few small companies expect to thread their way over unex plored, treeless, apparently desert plains, and over mountain ranges and establish their homes., their government and then institutions firmly among suoh opposing forces'? Tins was the problem to be solved by the American colonist in Oregon. Such was .not in the thought of the trapper who had wandered from his Eastern abode a lone exile among the mountains ; yet his love of home-life soon returned and brought him early among the settlers and in sympathy with their plans. The daring and freedom of his hunting life fitted him for bold measures. Unused to conventional rules, his good sense and quick perception made him a strong ally in the cause of American princi ples and institutions, from which exile had not weakened his love, but rather kindled it with enthusiasm. You can readily imagine the quiet purpose of such men as Russell, the trapper from Maine, and the energy of the bold Yirginian, Meek, calling aloud on the settlers to follow him after the motion was made to divide the house on the question of a provisional government. It was" a pivotal point in the early liistory of the few score of Americans then in the country to decide the question, and when, by count, fifty two voted aye, to fifty nay, and the chairman declared the affirmative, the shout of liberty from the mountaineers carried the note of victory for the American cause. Doubtless this class of men were slow to see all the issues involved, but they saw the main point and worked for it as for a hunter's prize. Though they had no plan to become colonists, it was their lot, finally 'to be an important factor in the new settlement, and we rightfully enroll the American trappers on the list of American colonists in Oregon. At first they did not appear, for the trader had preceded them. The British navigation laws after the Revolution, which excluded American ships from the ports of Great Britain and of her colonies, compelled the enterprise of Eastern merchants to seek new regions. In the early years of this century there were over twenty American vessels traversing this coast carrying peltries to China, exchanging them for silks and teas, which again were exchanged in Eastern ports for goods and outfit for new voyages. It was this enter prise which Mr. Astor elaborated into a system. Not able to depend upon casual supplies of furs, he resolved to have his own posts and factories in the interior and his depot near the sea and his annual ship supply to Astoria, which plan was effected in 1811, but defeated the next year by British influence, leaving hardly one man in sympathy with our Government in Oregon. ' The plan of Captain Wyeth's trading settlement in 1832 was similar, yet in a few years its failure left only a few faithful colonists to await the coming of future citizens of the country and share with them its perils and its blessings. But the energy of such traders, fol lowed as they were by the vessels of Mr dishing, of NewbuVyport, and others, furnishing supplies independently of the Hon. Hudson Bay Company, gave strength and confidence to the people. But like the unformed materials in the soil, the elements of society from 1811 to 1834 were scattered. Neither trap per nor trader designed to plant a colony or build up a State. Their prime object was the profits of their business. The missionary appeared on the stage in 1834 as another factor in the future colony. Invited by an Indian delega tion, in 1833, to bring them God's message, they counted it a providential call, and hastened to tliis region, not to found a government, but to preach the Gospel of Christ. The journey of the Messrs. Lee, Shepherd and Ed wards across the plains on horseback, in 1834, gave little sign of permanent settlement. Goods and families by sea, and a few pioneers over the trail by land, gave the enemy in Great Britain reason to say: " The Americans cannot settle Oregon." This, one of their writers in the Westminster Review did say. The Hon. Hudson Bay Company's policy of sending off by ship all adven turers, traders end explorers without cost, if need be, and to return none, easily reduced these few settlers to a small number. In 183G another small missionary company, with the first wagon, came in sight of the rendezvous of the fur traders and trappers in the Rocky Mountains. And now two ladies also appeared, Mrs. Whitman and Mrs. Spaulding, the first women who had ever crossed the Rocky Mountains. On seeing them an old trapper exclaim ed: "There is something which the Hon. Hudson Bay Company cannot send out of the country." It was a sort of prophecy, yet they came only to proclaim the kingdom of Christ, not to establish an American colony. They endured the common hardships in obedience to the Master's command and example, sustained by the volun tary offerings and prayers of the churches, and guided by their under standing of the Word of God. It was not strange that they ware slow to leam the part wliich their missions were to play hi the colonial history of the forming settlements. Hon. William H. Gray, of Astoria, .President of the Pio neer and Historical Society of Oregon, is the only survivor of this second company of missionaries. Rev. Jason Lee, of the M. E. Mis sion, seeing the need of goods for the people, lest their dependence upon a foreign company should expose them to suffer or compel them to depart, secured an assorted cargo in the first or second ship that brought reinforce ments. Eastern Oregon The Astorian is doing more for the interests of Eastern Oregon than any other paper in the State. If you have a friend or a relative in that section of this country, send him the pa per on trial. Only one dollar for four months. JST'Splendid assortment wall pa per and window blinds just received at Case's. ""F?r. 5n nd Artistic Photographs, go to Bncktel & Stolte, 91 and itt First street, Port land, the only first class Gallery in Oregon. V I r5 '! ' r -