! i W y "t- .1 fltf Shj gails sttrxfcro. THTJliSDAY. Mat 11, 1S7C O HT .W ol.nll ... 1. future, answer letters of inquiry written to us iuuiru, answer lunula ui iujuu. wriuen 10 us by parties desirous of settling in Oregon, un less such letters of inquiry contain at least the intminf ftf c4inillC nninSC1lltT Til lnuindA tM ward four copies ot n k astokian, of separ ate dates, to any address in the United States, rwictiicrn iiillfl. postage paid. Advertise An exchange says: Maybe you think that peoplo don't like to read advertisements ! If you do you are much mistaken. Fresh, well-put well-placed ad vertisements are news ! They aro welcomed, iead nay, studied! The newspaper that is alive with them is increasingly acceptable and so is the business house that knows how to get them up, possessed withal with the sagacity and nerve to keep them up. Take Tour Local Paper. A man in Marion county last week saved $lf) by taking his local paper, the Mercury, and there is a man in this county, near Brownsville, who told us, a short time ago, that he had made anbO-acrc tract of land by being a reader of the Demo crat, lie had been wanting for a long time to buy an 80. adjoining his farm, butcouldgetno track of the owner, who was a non-resident of the State, and finally saw. it advertised for tax sale in the Democrat, lie attended the sale and bought it for a nominal sum, and is now the owner of it Albany Democrat. "Warning to Delinquent Sijkscrujkrs. A llussian paper announces thaa belief in the approaching end of the world has seized on the Cossacks of the Don. Many, especially aged people, aro giving up wordly affairs, wearing a shroud, and ordering their coffins. On every road are men repairing to Moscow to be consecrated priests, in order that the smallest village may have its own priest and church. The llussian paper fails to stato whether its delinquent subscriber have taken the scare and paid up. That to our mind would bo stronger evidence of the approach of the Millennium than any thing that a super stitious Cossack could advance. Don't Read Advertisements. Occasionally a business man is encountered who professes to believe that" people don't read advertise ment.'; any how !" A greater mistake is sel dom made. Jf a typographical error creeps into an ad. it soon becomes the talk of the neighborhood, and if the people do not read ads. how do they drop' on errors with such facility ? The other day the advertisement of the Centennial Restaurant appeared, in which tho word" eating" was set up" fating," where upon we were duly notified of tho error by seven Salinasites and one Chinaman, and last ly, tho Monterey Harold felt in duty bound to notify us also. Daily Jlecorder, Salinas City, California. "It Pays to Advertise." This is true in every department of business, and no one ap preciates its truth more fully than S. 11. Thompson. Some time since ho received the Agency ,'for this county, of tho Cunningham "Garden City Clipper Plow," and immediate ly advertised tho same in our paper. Green B. Smith, Ksq.. a patron of the Gazette, saw the advertisement and forthwith rushed to Thompson's and purchased four of these cele brated plows which at once have sprnng into popular favor. No mater how good and valu able an article may bo, a merchant or dealer may keep it upon his shelves, or in his store for months, or even years, and but lew will know -any thing of its good qualities, unless ho advertises. For years Mr. Thompson carried on business hero, and spent but littlo for advertising. Within the past two years his business has increaced nearly double, and he attributes it to judicious advertising. Jf you want to thrive in business, advertise Cor ratlin Gazette. RARE OPPORTUNITY For Profitablelnvestment. I offer for sale all my real cstnte in Clatsop County, consisting of my original Dona. ion claim, on Lewis and Clarke river, conskting of five hundred acres tide land meadow, ac knowledged to be the best stock claim in the county. Also, a large interest in tho Upper Tuwn of Astoria, a portion of John Adair's do nation claim. Enquire of the subscriber.. T. 1'. I'OWERS. Globe. Hotel 1NT. KOEFCED Proprietor. Cor. Concomly and Main Sts, ASTORIA OREGON. riMilS OLD AND WELL KNOWN STAND JL is ono of the best and mot convenient hotels for Mechanics, and has excellent facili ties for tho accommodation of tho traveling public, in connection with the Hotel is A First Class Restaurant, ."Where meals can be had at all hours. There is also a BILLIARD AXD BAR ROOM! Attached to the Hotel, where the choicest qualities of Wines, Liquors and Cigars may be obtained. W. E. DEMENT, g DRUGGIST. ClIEXAMUS STREET, ASTORIA. NEXT DOOR TO 1. V. CASE'S DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, VAR nLshes, Brtiahe, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET AND FANCY. ARTICLES. Wines and Liquors SSal Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Farm for Sale. 320 Acres Partly Under Cultiva tion, about naif of the tract tide land. SITUATED IN PACIFIC COUNTY, NEAR UNITY. Will bo sold cheap for cash, with or without stock. Good house and out buildings and orchard. For full description and further par ticulars applv to or nnMrpcs JOHN HUNTER. Unity, W. T. the return letter. For 2-" cents wo will for CITY ADVERTISING. XpOR SALE. Tho 'Engine belonging to Astoria Fire Company No. 1 , For further particulars inquire of tho Committee on Public Property. .By order of tho Common Council. Fit AN K J. T A YLOK, Recorder. pASS STREET IMPROVEMENT. Notice ie hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the under signed, under iiisti uctions from the Com mon. Council ol the town of Aitoria, for the improvement of that poitioa of CASS Street, lying between Cheniimiib street and Astor street, by whaifing, grading and planking, accoiding to plans and hpcciticalion'tu be seen at the oltice of P. J. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of Satur day May 20lh, 187G, ta:d improvement to be completed by September l.-t, 1S0, as provided lv ofdinnnce No. 121, parsed the Council May 1st, 1S7G. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby re.-erved. HENRY MILLER, Stieet Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon May 2d,' 1S7G. ONCOMLY STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice is hereby given that sealed propo-als will be received by the under signed, under instructions from the Com mon Council of the town of A.-toiia, for the improvement of CONCOMLY Street inlaid town, by grading and planking said street, fiom Main street to the west line of the town plat, according to plans and specifications to be seen at the office of Prank J.' Taylor, Recorder, until noon of May 20th, 1S7G, said improve ment to be completed by Sept. 1st, 1S7G, as provided bv Ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May 1st, 1S7G. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER, Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, May 2d, 187G. CHENAMUS STREET IMPROVE MENT. . . Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the under signed under instructions from the Com mon Council of the town of Astoria for the improvement of that part of CHE NAMUS Stieet, lying between Main and Spruce streets, by grading to conform as near as practicable to the ciossings as al ready constructed on said street and also by the building of a sidewalk on the south side of said street from Jackson to Madison streets, accoiding to plans and specifications to be seen at the office of P. .1. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of Satur lnjT May 20th, 1S7G, said improvement to be completed by September ist, 187G, as provided by ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May 1st, 1S7G. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER. Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, May 2d, 1S76. QQUEMOQIIA STREET IM O PROVEMENT. Nolice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the undersigned under instructions from the Common Council of the town ot Astoiia, for the improvement of SQUEMOQHA Street 03' giading and planking sa'a street from Cass street to Main stieet, and by the building of a sidewalk on tbesouth side of said SQUEMOQHA street from the east line of lot No. two (2) in block No. twen-t3'-seven (27) to Polk street, according to plans and pecnoUions to be seen at the office of P. J. Tavlor, R corder, until noon of May 20Lh, 187G. said improve ments to be completed by the 1st day of June lbb. a provided oy oidmance No. 121, passed the Council Mav 1st, IS'iG. HENRY MILLER, Slice. Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, May 2d, 1&70. M AIN STREE-T MENT. IMPROYE- Notiee h hereby given that sealed pro posals will he uceived by the undersigned,- under insLiuclions from the Com mon Council ot the town of Asioiia, for the improvement of that p.irc of MAIN S.-ioeL, lying between Concomly and Com- si 'eels, by grading and planking the - ire and also to have the sidewalks in sj'd.slreet conslrucled to conform to the gradp, accoiding to plans and spec ificlions lobe een at the office of F. J. Taylor, Ruco;de'-, until noon of S -tur-dav May 20. 1S7G, said improvement to be coniDleled by September 1st, 187G, as piovidtd hv ordinance No. 120, pn- d the Co.mcil May IsL. 187G. The light to rej ct any or a'l b'ds 's hereby i--p.rved. HENRY MILLER. SLieel Commissioner. Astoria, Oreson, May 2d, 1S7G. B ENTON -STREET IMPROVE- MENT. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be leceived by the underlined under ins uctions of the Common Coun cil of 1 hot vji of As.' uia, for the co i sti uction o.' a sewer on the e st side of Ben, on sir f: fioni Cou.t stieet to the Coin mh i live, ncco:dins to "plans and s-i :irc ons lo be seen at the office of P. J. Tay'o-, Reco'der, unti' noon of Satur day May. 20, 1S.76, said improvement to be co r ietfd b -September 1st. 1876, as P'-ov;d d by oidina'nse No. 121. passed the Counc'l Mrv lt, 1S7G. The riht to i eject anj' or all bids is hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER. Sl'eet Commissioner. Asloria, Oregon, May 2d, 1876. W ATER-PROOF SHIPPING-Tags Printed at the Astorian Office. BILLS OF LADING, WAY BILLS, Receipts, and all kinds of Commer cial Printing, done at the Astorian office. CALL, EXAMINE, ORDER." POLITICAL. Democratic Ticket. Presidential Electers: H.KLIPPEL, of Jackson. E. A. CRONIN. of Multnomah. W. B. LAS WELL, ol Grant. For Cengress: LaFAYETTELANE, of Douglass. For District xVtterney: F. R. STRONG, of Multnomah.' o County Ticket .Joint Representative: R. W. WILSON, of Tillamook. Sheriff: THOMAS DEALEY. Clerk: D. W. LOWELL. Assesser: W. L.'WORTHINGTON. Treasurer: A. VANDUSEN. Commissieners: JOHN LOOMIS. JOHN HOBSON. School Superintendent: Rev. T. A. HYLAND. Surveyer: LEWIS HARTWICK. Corener: Dr.S.W.DODD. o Astoria Precinct Justice of the Peace. P.H.FOX. Constable. Wm. OLIVER. BUSINESS CARDS, D R. S. W. DODD. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Astoria. Oregon, opposite Custom House. T Q: A. BOWLBY. A TOKXEY AT LAW, ASTOHIA, OREGON. F. J. TAYLOR. ATTOByEY AT LAW, Room No. 5, Brown's Building. ASTORIA, OREGON. A VAN DUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC. ASTORIA. Agent "Wells, Fargo & Co W 7M. KNEMEYER, Manufacturer of Barrels, Kits, Tanhs, ETC., ETC., XEAR KIXXEY'S ASTOKI.l FISIlEltY, "Will attend to all orders in tho above line promptly, and in a satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices.. 2.hu o TTO DUFNER. PRACTICAL JEWELER. Main street, Astoria Oregon. "WATCHES and CLOCKS cleaned and re paired in the bost manner. c HARLES S. WEIGHT. AXKXVJX1 USTEESt, Corner of Main and Chcnamus street. Goods received on consignment and sold to the high est bidder. pETER H. FOX. MERCHANT TAILOR. Now Shop, Main Street, Astoria. Clothing of all kinds cut and made to order. Cleaning and repuiring. "ESTABLISHED 1S46. hemlock imm, C. Lkinkxwebeb and II. Brown, Props., Manufacture all kinds of Leather. c ARL BRACKLOW. Corner Court and and Hamilton Street, As toria, Oregon, Sign and Ornamental Painter and Paper Hanger. Orders left at binder's Oregon Bakery will be promptly filled and at reasonable rates. A class of children from eight to fifteen years of ago will be taught froo hand drawing. BAIN & FERGUSON. Contractors and Builders, ABE PREPARED TO furnish material and erect buildlings of every discription ; execute any anti au-Kina ot Uarpen- fprs' nnrl .Imnnre' wnrl- in the most approved styles, with JS eatness and Dispatch, Plans and Specifications, and . BILLS OF MATERIAL Furnished on Short Notice. Charges Reasonable. Seasoned Lumber Always on Hand. B2T Orders lert at I. "W. CASE'S STORE will bo promptly nt:ended to. jf& Uml!1 HOI BUSINESS CARDS. F. S. MEADE, MERCHANT TAILOR CHEXAMUS STREET, ' ASTOHIA, OREGOX. FRENCH, ENGLISH, . AND AMERICAN CLOTHS, . CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Constantly on hand. texT Garments .made in the most Fashionable Styles. Draying & Tracking. The undesigned hav ing purchased tho inter- fi- est of tho Astoria Truck & Dray Co., Including Teams, Vchecles, etc., respectfully announces that he is prepared to PILL ALL ORDERS WITH PROMPTNESS, IN A CAREFUL MANNER i from this uato. . ttST Orders may bo left at tho Occident Hotel. T. S. JEWETT. Astoria Truck &, Dray Co. New Sto.ck Now Opened At N. LOEB'S, UAIN STREET. Ono door South of Globe Hotel, Astoria. THE UNDERSIGNED HAYING just received and opened a new and completo Stock of General Merchandise, . Groceries and Provisions, Invites tho attention of tho public. These Goods will bo sold at Low 1'igures. Call be- ioro purchasing elsewhere. Tho'bcst quality .of goods for tho Fishing and Sailors Trade constantly on hand. fiST Highest Price Paid for Furs. -5tt C3T New Goods by every Steamer. X. LOEB, Astoria, Oregon. Astoria Bakery, 0 HENRY JACOBS PROPRIETOR, Cor. of Main and Schemocqha Sts., AhTORiA Oregon. rpAKES PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING JL to tho public gonorally that he is again prepared, at tho abovo well known stand to supply orders for FRESH ISllEAD and all kinds of pastry. K8 Ono of tho best Bakers on the coast employed. Satisfaction guaranteed. A share of tho public patronage respectfully solictcd. rutter & Mckenzie, Ship Builders. HAVING LEASED THE PREMISES FOR a term of years, at tho foot of Wash ington street, we beg loave to announce to the public that wo are now prepared for SPAR HAKINGr, CATJLEING, and General Repairing of VESSELS, BOATS, ETC., ETC. 'fSST Boats of all descriptions, first class in ovcry respect, built to order. Yard foot of W ashington street, Astoria. Oregon. W. B. HEADINCTON, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, ASTORIA, OREGON. Plans and specifications for buildings of any kind, and contracts (largo or small) filled with dispatch and in tho best manner possible. WINES, LIQUOES, CIGARS, E. PAPMAHL & CO., - - in COLUMBIA BREWERY. THE UNDERSIGISTED PROPRIETORS OF THE COLUMBIA BREWERY jubt erected and placed in operation at Astoria, wish to inform the public that we iixo uutv uiuimiuu iu nil viu. uruurs lurn xuunuiu Having evory facility for doing THE VERY BEST CHARACTER OF WOTtK Mr. Papinahl being an Experienced Brewer, tt-Tho COLUMBIA BREWERY WILL WARRANT SATISFACTION IN PILLING ALL uruers. uiv o us a trim. . BLACKSMITHING. ALBERT ROEDER4, CO.. Machinists, Gunsmiths, and Locksmiths, Corner Concomly and Lafayette Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. "Will pay Special Attention to Blacksmith Work and general repairing. GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH RODGERS'. OLD STAND. Cass St., Astoria, Okkgon. M All kinds of Blacksraithing done to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ship and engine work a speciality BOOK: AND JOB PRINTING. DDIUTIUP 1 EQT'ALTOTIIEBEST.AND l nlnUnb -Choap as tho Cheapest, at J Thk Astoiuan Okkick. THE Daily and Weekly Job Printing Office ! IS X0W WELL SUPPLIED WITH New Material and Stock, And prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, BILLS OF FARE. PROGRAMMES, BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS RECEIPTS, PAMPHLETS, And any other kind of Printing, Neatly and Promptly The Lowest Living Price are Charged. Printing by hand, Printing by steam, Printing from type, Or from blocksby the ream Printing in black, Printing in white. Printing in colors, Of sombre or bright. Printing for merchants,' And land-agents, too ; Printing for any Who've printing to do ; Printing for bankers, Clerks, auctioneers, Printing for drnggists, Eor dealers in wares. Printing for drapers Eor grocers, for all, "Who will send in their jobs Or give us a call. Printing of pamphlets, Or bigger books, too ; In fact there are few thiu.5 Rut what we can do. Printing of placards, Printing of bills, Printing of car-notes Eor stores or for mills Printing of labels, All colors we use, sirs, Especially fit for Our salmon producer Prirting of forms All sorts vou can get Legal, commercial, Or houses to let. Printing done quickly, Bold, stylish or neat, At the AsToitiAx Office, On fc'quemocqha street. THE DAILY ASTORIAN JUST ESTABLISHED THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN SOVT IX ITS FOURTH TEAR Affords SUPERIOR Facilities r v Advertisers. jm GIVE US A CALL. LAGER BEER, ALE, Etc. PROPRIETORS, unicie Ol (And Bottled BEER! j&. a.I'juaii1i & L.U., Astoria, Oregon. G ERZVL4uSTIA BEER HALL A2CD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT, Ciiexamus Street. Astoria. Tjie public are invited to call and ieavo their orders. Splendid Lager o cent a glass. Itco Lunch evory night. WM. BOCK & CO., Proprietors. ' TVI" MYERS, ASTORIAKREWERY, Having all theneccs-ary machinery for first class work, skillful Brewers, and using nono but the best ouality of materials, tho Proprie tor is prepared to manufacture LAGER, BEER in any quantity, from a single bottle to a bar-1 rel, and put it up in good condition for ship ment or immediate iu,e. Families and keep ers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied, M. MYERSj Proprietor. - r e . &HJA, .,- na3g-A to A- ai---j Kvi . -1 vfc