r -! -v- nfr r" .- ' er2&3 . CO X k ttttkm VOL. 1. MmiJL JV.L'll .. &, - 3 ISSUED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays Ex6cj;tetl), J. . H:i:LAI, : : ITKLISIIER. Monitor Biuhlin'j, Cans Sired. Terms of Subscriptien: Served by Carrier, per week 2o Cents Sent by mail, three months ?2 ."0 Sent by mail six months 4 GO Sent by mail one year 7 00 li ee of Postage to tho Sub.-ciibcrs. CxT Adxerli-emcnt inserted by the year at he rate of $1 00 per .square por month. Transient adveitising, by the day or week, Cfty cents per square first insertion. Mrs. Daggett's new Hotel will be ready for occupancy in a" very short time. Extensive arrangements are be ing made for the Pioneers reunion at Salem in June. The Geo Moon and Herbert Black, from Astoriaarrivedat Queens town on the 20th ult. The schooners Enterprise and Three Sisters, from Shoalwater bay, arrived at San Francisco on the 9th. The Thorndikc has arrived from Portland to complete her cargo tit Astoria. We cannot inseit anonymous communications, on subjects on any name or nature. A boat-puller, name unknown, was drowned near Ton&ue point last Monday night, while attempting to make saiL We have been unable to gain particulars. This is the only cas uality occurring on the river so tar as we have heard of. The new fishing boat built for Wm. Strong by O. M Stark, is amongst the finest on the river. No California 350 dollar boat can beat her. She cost $250. John McCJin tock 5s running her. The fish are for Fitzpafcrick's FisherLon cannery. -r-His mother had married, and his name was changed now, was the answer given to Mr. Morse yesterday when he accused a youngster of plaj' ing two names off on him for entry on the pay-roll. The honest little fel low's apology was satisfactory. The telegraphic lies refuted thus far this week are Speaker Kerr's res ignation j A story of Tweed fleeing from pursuers in Canada ; the high flown letter of Fitzhugh, door-keeper of the House, and a new sensation about Bristow, his wifes foster father, and a defaulting Internal Revenue officer in Kentucky, who was'nt a de faulter. We are in possession of some of the facts relative to the abortion case in this city, to which the Bee re ferred .recently in Portland The investiglion, if any be held, and it should be investigated, would reveal strong evidences of criminal abortion. The parties both came from Portland, James W. Eaton, and Miss Nellie Poland. Their conduct here entitles either one of them to the least sympathy. The Oregonian is informed tta the Oregon Steamship company's new steamer Geo. W. Elder, will orry about 300 persons front New York who are -to be employed in construct ing a railroad which is being construct ed in Brazil, and that on the way down the South American coast the steamer will touch at some point probably Rio Janeiro for these pas? engers to debark Tins stoppage wi necessavy protract the voyage, so that with everything in her favor, the 321der will not be due at her destina tion before the middle of July: ASTORIA, OREGON, .-ijLtJ-m.iAmLjn.i!i.--ysjMUJj m PACIFIC COUNTY, W. T. Proceedings of the Commissioner's Court held May 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th, 1876. Ordered that the following bills be allowed, viz: L. A. Loom is, to pay I. W. Cae (or lamp, and f eight on tamo Ibr Court hou-e $ 7 30 J. II. Whitcomb Sheriff tcc in cate ofW. F. C.Marlz 103 70 F. C. Davis for hauling tana for Court house chimney 1 25 Jotiah Joplin, Justice lee W. F. vs. J. Mor s-.n 5 70 John Brown, witness fees and mile age 6 SO Maihew Lamley witness and mile age 7 06 John Fagalda witness and mileage 2 20 J. P. Foster " " 6 DO L. A. Loom is Com 'is services and mik-ago 23 00 Samuel Walker do do 3S 00 .). K. Gnu iter, Clerk services 12 00 S. W. Brown for township plat No. 10, N. R. 9 W 5 75 J. 11. (Iuilier, to pay for wood for GmiiHiousc 12 90 Creilm to Co., for stationery and suiid'-iea 3 00 J. B. Coulter, Auditors ef vices.... 38 95 T. S. Barr, constable fees, W. F. vs. J.Morrison, and-mileage.... 9 20 Job Lamley, witness fees and mile pe G 60 Win. Slong, witness fees and mile age 3 20 Wrn. Harrington, witness lees and mileage 3 80 J. H. Whilcomb, Sheriff feees in Martz case and board 7 20 Do, wiiting and making 1S75 del. ta;c list . 8 00 Sebastian Giesey, Commissioners services and mileage 29 60 Ordered that the Court adjourn sine L. A. LOOMIS ("hah man of Paciti z county Commis sioiu'ty court. Attest, J. 11. Goulter, Clerk. We understand that Mr. T. Mas ters, 1st officer of the O. S. N. Co. , thinks of tackling the upper river this season. Another wreck, unknown, has drifted ashore south of Yaquina Bay. It is a vessel of about 100 tons; new or nearly new. The Bouita, Canby and a barge were di&charging salmon at one t:me at the O. S. S. Co.'s wluu-f yes'evday. Over 6,000 eases are now in the ware house for shipment to-morrow. Darkness was mde hideous about ten o'clock last evenhij. by the lusty yeingo? a he? then Ch"jee who had walked ovefbo.u-d on the Water street crossing. He was saved by his com panions. The birkeuf,ire Webfoot, Capt. Wheelrlghfc, will be ready for sea to night. She completed cargo at Knapp ton. Will sa;l io-morrow. Hec crgo consists of lumber, laths and horse rakes. Sheriff J. H. Whifccomb, of Oystervie. returned yesterday from a pro'essional visit to the upper part of Pa coc county. Mrs. W. will go out on the Stephens, for a visit to the Easievn. States. Some of the frslesfc sailing that has ever been witnessed on this bay was noted to-day amongst the fishiug boats, with a stiff north-west breeze. The scenes were grand. Equal to a regatta , The Idaho Daily Avalanche is dead.. "Old Hill" is goiVg to nm the Salinas, California, Index He got stuck after that country because the clover season, "comes in so early and comes up so early, and grows up to the expectations of the young "ladies." The Weekly Avalanche will be issued by Mnj. J. S. Hay, who has been on that paper for a year or two. Any person inquiring for a fine quah y of liquor, and can appreciate the same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutler Whiskey and Millers extra Old Bourbon, at the " Columbia Bar" saloon As,oiia. with Geo. Usherwood late of Portland : cater to their t,;tr . Gentlemen will plea.e give us a call. Ciqars of a fine quality also on hand. J as. M. Lyxch, Prop. tff'Tho very finest Photographs atShuster fc Davidsons, corner of First and Yainhili streets. Portland, Oregon. THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 11, 1876. Telegraphic News. Synopsis of Press Dispatches. Steps Toward Specie Pay ment Leveling our Cur rency. The Cheap Transportation Problem. The Coal Miner's Strike Ohio. in Telegraphic Lies about Tweed Contradicted. Speaker Kerr has no Inten tion of Resigning. Belknap Indicted by the Courts. Miss Sweet's Story A few who Deserve a Term in the Penitentiary. A New York dispatch of the 9fch says: The total amount of subsidiary sliver disbursed here since April 20ili, is $13,515,000. The premium, howev er, has not entirejy disappeared, it is to-day bringing a half to one per cent, which is paid by brokers, who find a profit in shipping the newborns to S-m Francisco, where there is a scarcity. The new silver coin wcrfch about 95 cents in gold, can be obtained here at par in greenbacks, or 88 3-4 gold. It is said that 50,000 were so shipped yesterday. The Post says it is unfor tunate that the tendency of the first step towards specie payment should be to level down the currency of the only section of the country that has main tained specie payments throughout all our currency troubles. The Cheap Transportation As sociation met in Clricago on the 9th, B. F. Banker presiding. A commu n cation from the Cincinnati cheap transit board suggesting a joint me morial to Congress praying for relief from the excessive charges of the Un ion Pacific and other Pacific railroads was read and -referred to a committee for action. The com mitt e on railway transportation, F. B. Thurber, Chair man, reported thnt the managers of the trunk lines leading from Cliicao have at last taken the position that freight rates from the west to New York, shall be as low as any other seaboard city. Their action has had gratifying results and if continued will result beneficially to New York. The railroads cla:m that the present rites are not remunerative, but then the capital stock of alt .the trunk lines have been watered. Special rate contracts with wholesale mer chants in the interior is deprecated as keeping buyers from .the New York market. Tins system has nearly bankrupted our hotel interests and has injured the passenger traffic of the railroads. Railway managers should adopt the same measures regarding west bound 'freight that they havt adoxted toward east bound frei hts. There is much excitement over the miners strike, at the Massilion, O., mines. Green hands are working un der the protection of the militia. Two companies of soldiers have "been or dered trom Sandusky to Tiffin. Gov. Hayes has written to Adjutant Gen eral Wyckhoff, expressing a fear that the present force at Massilion would prove insufficient should there be any further disturbances in. the mining districts. He further instructs him to take every precaution and. to have it thoroughly understood that the mili tia will remain untjl the lawlessness is effectually quelled. The Adjutant General has summoned two more companies, who will arrive to-night. The grand jury has found numerous indictments agamst participants in the recent riots at Fannington mine, but as yet no arrests have been made. General Crook left Omaha on the 10th for Bed Cloud and Spotted Tail agencies in order to discover the feel ings of the Indians and thus deter mine what course to take with them during the coming campaign, whether to use and trust, or distrust them. The Indians escaping from Crazy Horse's band have joined Sitting Bull and are busy gathering guns and amu- nition-, and trouble is anticipated from this source. Kerr's friends declare he has not resigned and will not. He will prob ably ask for an extension of leave. Kerr telegraphed Morrison this even ing that there is no truth in the state ment that he had resigned or con templated doing so. Kerr is s'mplys overworked and suffers, from fon- chita. He is by mo?ineans danger ously ill. ; , . The grand 'jury tof the Criminal Court of the District of Columbia have found a true bill of indictment against Belknap for receiving bribes. The Times Washington dispatch says : Miss S eet's testimony before the committee on civil service, in regard to the pension agency at Chi cago shows a worse state of affairs than ever suspected. The testimony shows that she was robbed of 5,000 by the aelion of two men now hold ing responsible offices, and a third who was her predecessor, named David Blakely. The latter owed $5,000 to Campbell, the U. S. mar shal of Chicago. Campbell wanted Blakely retained until -worked out of debt. When Miss Sweet 'was pro posed it was arranged that she might have the office if she would .assume Blakely'sdebt. Thisshedid without consulting her friends'.- She paid" 2,100 and then discovered that Blakely was a defaulter, and as she had assumed the debt she herself was shown to be a defaulter by her own books.' Blakely afterwards came to and told her she was a defaulter to the t;stent of $4,000, and also told her that she must raise the money that day. She was not. able to' raise but $2,000. .He then placed in her hands certain notes, endosed by Sen ator Windom and ex-Senator Bam sey, to the amount of $2,000. These notes appear to have been given by Blakely and endosed by these gen-, tlemen, with another party named Shaeffer. Miss Sweet got the notes discounted and raised the balance of the moner, and it was paid over -when the notes became due. They had to be renewed twice, and finally Shaeffer paid the notes without any interest. Gen. Baker well knew the situation in which Blakely-had placed Miss Sweet, and understood that in li is demand upon her, he was saving the formeragent, Baker, nowsurveyor general of Minnesota. Campbell is very anxious to have Miss Sweet make her story before the committee brief, and seems to have made sever al efforts before she left Chicago, to get the matter suppressed. He fin ally authorized her to say to the committee that if they thought he did. .wrong- in receiving money he would refund at once. Some of the Illinois politicians think the Presi dent entirely willingto remove Camp bell, and will probably do so as soon as the investigation comes to an end. NO. 10. Miss Sweet is a daughter of General Sweet, who was deputy commissioner of internal revenue, and who per formed distinguished services. She was given the position of pension agent on accountof her father's servi cesand the circumstances in which the affairs of the family were left by his death ; but the result of the good in tentions of the government in her behalf has been a loss through her holding the office, of about $2,000. When an effort was made some time ago to have her dismissed from office she told some parts, at least, of her story to the President, who told her she must pay no-more money to any one, and that if she did it would be considered a cause for her removal. Thus armed, she had no longer to submit to the black mailing rins : but up to the present time Baker and Campbell have not been punished by dismissal. The most deplorable and dis gusting feature of the Black Hills exc'.tement, is the efforts of the parties "who are coining money out of the folly of the victims of the furor to lure them on by sys tematic, false representations. ;Gfieyemie, Omaha, Souix City, and other out-fiting points are es pecially culpable in this respect. Bamegat wreckers, who by false lights on the shore used to decoy homeward-bound ships to des truction among the breakers were guilty of no blacker turpitude than that of the wretches who are now seeking to make money out of the utter shipwieck of he credu lous people whom they are artful ly and systematically enticing by lying representations. Mr. Frank E. Hodgkin, tho "wide awake" Salem correspondent of the Ore gonian has taken cbaige of the local col umns of the Statesman, of that city. The Meicurysrtys he feels more at home with a pencil in his fingers than when framed,a la chromo, in the delivery window of a Post Office. Drifts and Tom Heads 1876. Upper Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon. " . r. -i A.pril 24. l&Ttf. J" At a Special meeting of the Colum .biaJJiver Fisheruteiis Beneficial Aid .Society, the following regulations for the , government of all concerned were adopted. That the following drifts and tow heads be established for the fishing season of 1876. First Drift. From Woody Island to Brown's point. m Second Drift. From Brown's Point inside of Snag Island to the 12th red buoy. Third Drift. From the loth buoy to Tongue Point. Fourth Drift. From Tongue Point to a point a little west of Booth's Cannery, at a place to b$ designated bv a spile or some permanent mark. lifth Drift. From the termina tion of the 4th drift to Smith's .Point. Sixth Drift. From Smith's Point to the Paci c Ocean. Seventh Drift. From the red buoy in the Prairie channel to Tongue Point up or down. Eighth Drift. The big snag in hinook shoot will be considered a tow head. The fishermen in Astoria, in coun cil have mutually agreed to bind themse'ves to-be governed by the' fo-egoing drifts, and it is expected from boats outside of the Society that they will also conform to the same. Any fisherman wjio is not fortunate enough to be a member of this Society has still another opportunity to join this Society, by applvin- before the 10th day of May, 1S7G, in accordance with the notice published elsewhere in the Astoriax. After which time the initiation fees will be raised to twenty-five dollars. By order of the Society, THOMAS .DEALEY. Sec. Public Installation. Tho members of Astoria Lodge, K"o. 40, 1. 0. G. T.,.vrill have a public installation of officers for tho ensuing quarter on Saturday evening. May 13th, at Spiritual Hall. Imme diately after the installation. Rev. Dr. Crang will deliver a lecture on temperance. The public and al members of the order are cor dially invited to attend. T.S.Jewett,W.S. & '- , - ..-..-. iL ?&. -v r ... 7