The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, May 10, 1876, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 9.
?v " -
II mm
(Sundays Excepted),
Monitor Building, Cass Street
Terms of Subscriptien:
Served by Carrier, per week 25 Cents
Sent by mail, three months S2 50
Sent by mail fix months 4 00
Sent by mail one year 7 00
Tree of Postage to tho Subscribers.
CS Advertisements inserted by tho year at
fcho rato of irl 00 per square per month.
Transient advertising, by the day or Tcok,
fifty cents per square first insertion.
Mr. Booth reached Astoria last
evening on the steamship John L.
G. F. Parker, late of Petaluma,
California, has opened a new provis
ion store on Main street, near the
steamship landing.
Mrs. Wass leceived an extensive
and admirable addition to her stock
yesterday. More new hat trimmings
and laiftes linen suits.
Haslett took a walk yesterday
and js to-day wending his way over
"the track from Kalama; in quest of .
more tangle-leg juice.
. Capt. G. W. Wood caught a Sal
mon last night four feet nine inches
in length. The iish was'nt stretched
a bit nor is this item.
The Steamship John L. Stephens
arrived last evening, laden with as
sorted cargo of 550 tons. She pro
ceeded on the voyage to Portland.
Yesterday the barometer was
way up and the weather way down.
The tree toad is taking the place of
the barometer at St. Louis under the
very eyes of the famous meteorologist,
Prof. Tice.
M. E. Folsom one of the pioneer
blacksmiths of the coast, is employed
with Arndt & Ferchen. The firm
are preparing to introduce steam in
their establishment, and have just
received an elegant lathe from Mass
achusetts. Win. Knemeyer is one of those
kind of men that never lets the grass
grow under them in a busy season. If
you don't believe it call at his cooper
shop and leave a order for some bar
rels, kits, or a tank.
Referring to Dr. Warner's Sani
tary Corsets, Mrs. Ireland wishes to
.add her testimoivy in its behalf rec
ommending it as worthy of all the
encomium expressed in its favor.
Mrs. Pangburn, Masonic Hall build
ing, Astoria, is agent for this city.
Three men were arrested last night
by the Police. They lacked up a ter
rible muss, but were securely housed,
and this forenoon advanced the city a
bonus in consideration of the courtesy
of the officers selecting them private
rooms at the PalaceHotelDe Cross-bar.
We are pleased to hear that the
Astoria Railroad bill in Congress is
all right. It has not been reached for
want of time, but is on the calender,
has passed the Senate and been re
ported upon in the House. This will
fix Mr. Lanes status correctly, and as
long as the bill is pending will
us assurance of the safety of
W. S. ' Shaw and a man
mamed Lowry, fishing for Salmon a
few nights ago, mistook Point Adams
"light for lights at Fort Stevens, and
drifted into the breakers on Colum
bia river bar They had a lively
time of it, but caught plenty of fish.
They struck the breakers at three
o'clock in the morning, when a very
rough sea was on, and aid not get out
for several hours.
The Merry Makers.
Sheridan Corby n, manager, has de
cided to introduce the Merry Makers
at Astoria, Friday evening at Spirit
ual Hall. The reputation of the
Worrell Sisters is broad, hence no
fulsome paragraphs is necessary, but
we wish to say that the troupe' are
meeting with success now in Port
land. The Journal yesterday says:
Saturday evening the Merry Makers
gave their third performance in this
city to one of the largest audiences
ever assembled in the theater. The
entertainment throughout was first
class in every respect, and the Wor
rell Sisters appear to the best possi
ble advantage. Knight in his dia
lect acts was repeatedly encored and
Jones and Richards were the recip
ients of well deserved applause. To
night we have no doubt the house
will be again well filled.
mr-The steamer California, with
nearly 300 Cassiar bound passengers,
sailed from Victoria Monday, and
the Otter with about 150 more, sailed
this morning for Wrangel. Many
persons were unable to obtain tickets,
the vessels being so crowded there
was no accommodations for more.
Xo Chinese were taken by either
Mr. Coffee, W. F. & Co.'s affable
and obliging messenger on the steam
ship John L. Stephens, please accept
our thanks for special favors. A good
fat file of late newspapers is about as
enjoyable a thing as we know of.
Thank you; Mr. Coffee.
A leading grain circular in Liver
pool ou the 6th, says the supply of
English wheat is somewhat more lib
eral, and prices in some markets haVe
' been in buvers favor. Foreign grain
remain inanimate, and sales are diffi
cult to make, except at a concession.
A safe deposit vault just complete in
London ibdeemed'invuhierablc. It is sunk
forty -yx feet into the "round, withgvalls
of brick and concrete six feet thick, In
side this structure is the safe, three ieet
thick, made of tire brick and undrillable
iron. The metal doors weigh four Ions
each, and swung by hydraulic power.
The new poi-al law will go into effect
July 1st, 1S7G. The only change from the
present law is that transient newpapers and
magazines shall be admitted to and trans
mitted in the mails 'at the rate of one cent
for every three ounces, or fractional part
thereof, and one cent for each two addi
tional ounces or fractional part thereof.
The postage on all other matter known as
third class remains at one cent an ounce.
-Some newspapers, in speaking of our
Imperial visitor, the Emperor of Brazil,
say Don Pedro and others Dom Pedro.
We have been ask to explain the differ
ence between Dom and Don. There is no
essential difference. Dom i& a title origi
assumed in the Middle Ages by the Popes.
It was afterwards borne by Hishons, and
sometimes given to Monks. In Portugal
the title Doin is conGned to the King and
his family. The Spanish Don was formerly
a title confined Co nohlemen, bnt is now
given by courtesy as indiscriminately as
the English Mr. in the United States. Ro
man Catholic dignitaries of German ori
gin have the title Dom.
Public Installation.
Tho members of Astoria Lodge, !No. 40, 1.
0. G. T., will have a public installation of
officers for tho ensuing .quarter on Saturday
ovening, May 13th, at Spiritual Hall. Imme
diately after tho installation. Rev. Dr. Crang
will deliver a lecturo on temperance. Tho
public and all members of tho order aro cor
dially invited to attend.
"We refer our readers to the adver
tisement of a farm for sale on Deep river.
This is the best opportunity that we know
of for any man wanting a good place,
cheap, suitable for dairying or farming
purposes. The only reason for wishing
to sell, is. that the owner Mr. C.
M. Stark is about to'engage in other busi
ness. ?Any person inquiring for a fine
quality of liquor, and can appreciate the
same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutter
"Whiskey and Millers extra Old Bourbon,
at the ' Columbia Bar" saloon Astoria,
with Geo. Usherwood late of Portland to
cater to their tastes. Gentlemen will please
give us a call. Clears of a fine quality
also on hand. Jas. M. Lynch, Prop.
Telegraphic News.
Synopsis of Press Dispatches.
Piper the Murderer Makes a
Another Story About Boss
Liberal Republican Conven
tion. The Late Storm in the East.
" A Crown of Thorns," Anna
Dickinson's Debut.
That Letter of the House
Door Keeper.
The Condition of Things at
Philadelphia. -
Unplesant Report Concern
ing the Programme.
The Hawaiian Treaty Bill
Passed the House.
Miss Ada C. Sweet and Her
Troubles with Babcock's
Speaker Kerr to Resign in
Consequence in Ill-heahh.
The Shape Affairs are now
Taking in Hayti.
Dom Pedro in Washington.
Cotton Mills Shut on a Strike
Thomas W. Piper, sexton of the
Warren Avenue church, Boston, un
der sentence of death for the murder
of the cliild, Mabel Young, in the
belfry of the church, has confessed
that he was the murderer of Bridget
Landegan, in. 1873, and the principal
in the mysterious and nearly fatal as
sault on May Tyner two years ago.
Piper declares he had no motive for
the crimes, particularly for the mur
der of the child, and cannot understand
how he came to commit them. It is
assumed he was actuated only by a
fiendish love of bloodshed, like the
boy Jesse Pomeroy, still in jail. Piper
says he has hitherto lied about the
matter to blind his counsel, knowing
that he could not get their aid if they
believed him guilty. His confession
of the murder of Bridget Landegan in
1873- was equally explicit. He was
under the influence of whiskey and
opium, and deliberately prepared a
club to kill some one, and she was the
first person he happened to meet.
The Herald, New York, has a
letter from Midland, Georgian Bay,
Canada, saying Boss Tweed and two
companions spent the winter on Mus
kola river, thirty miles from Midland.
It appears that Tweed and two men
loaded a small steamer last November,
just before close of navigation with a
quantity of provisions and went to
Park's Mills, wThich have not been run
ning. Tweed and his companions
lived in a cottage all winter, the Boss
keeping diunb and it being given out
that he had received a paralytic
shock. On the 24th of April the
steamer that took them up last fall,
arrived ihere again, with a lot of pro
visions on board, but did not leave for
a few clays. On Eriday, 27th, two
detectives left Midland and went to
Park's mill, reaching there Saturday.
On being discovered the whole of
Tweeds party fled on board the steam
er by small boats; one being sunk by
ice and he getting a ducking. Their
escape in boats was covered by some
four men on the steamer with revol
vers, and shots were exchanged with
the,detectives who were on the dock.
The steamer escaped with Tweed to
the bay; the detectives being unable
to follow. They expect to soon cap
ture him.
The Liberal Republican National
convention met in New York on Mon
day. Among those present were Lieu
tenant Governor Nicholson of Califor
nia, Judge Clark of Connecticut, Hon.
C. S. Dawes of Massachusetts, and
others. Col. Ethan Allen called the
meeting to order, and resolutions
were adopted calling a convention of
Liberal Republicans on the 2Gth of
July, to meet at Philadelphia.
Dispatches from varrious points
indicate that the storm on Saturday
was general throudiout the States of
Missouri and Kansas, and that the
planting of crops will be considerably
The debut of Anna Dickinson
upon the dramatic stage in her own
play, "A Crown of Thorns," was
made in Boston on Monday at the"
Globe Theatre before the largest au
dience ever in the building. The play
is thought to have much dramatic
scope, and Dickinson's delineation of
Anne Bolyn made a favorable im
pression. She was received with
much enthusiasm and a profusion of
floral offerings.
The Sun's Washington special
says the letter of the doorkeeper of
the House to A. A. Maddox, of Texas,
which has been printed broadcast,
gathering material as it goes, could
easily have been suppresed, had the
doorkeeper chosen to make certain ap
pointments ior which pressure had
been brought to bear on him, and he
could have secured the letter by the
prostitution of his position, but re
refused to do it. The letter was
strictly a private one, written in a
spirit of pleasantry to a man who was
thought to be a personal friend, and it
has been grossly and outrageously
changed, both in sentence and orthog
raphy. Tins has been the work of
men who seem disappointed in their
expectations of securing appointments
under the doorkeexer.
The Aquidneck cotton mill at
Newport, H. I. , was shut down indefi
nitely on the 7th, owing to the refusal
of the hands to accept ten per cent,
reduction in wages.
Persons who have returned to
New York from Philadelphia, say with
regret, that in every department ex
cept that of the United States, the
exposition will present a creditable
appearance at the opening on Wed
nesday. That which is mostly re
gretted is the certainty of the com
missioners failing to carry out the
programme of opening as fhey have
announced will be done. The con
dition of the buildings and grounds
makes this utterly impossible.
A Washington dispatch says the
nouse passed the bill to carry the
Hawaiian treaty into effect by asmall
majority. All the Pacific coast members-
were present and voted for the
treaty bill.
Miss Ada C. Sweet, pension
agent at Chicago is in Washington
and on Monday testified before the
committee concerning the charges
of paying money for her position as
pension agent. She testified that she
was applicant for the position, and in
consideration of receiving the ap
pointment, she agreed to pay David
Blakely, pension agent, $2,100, and
was directed by him to pay the money
over to B.H. Campbell, TJ. S. Marshal
for that district. When she had paio
the sum of $2,100, she notified Blake
ly. But Campbell told her that was
not correct ; that he had a note
against Blakely for $5,000, and that
she was to pay the whole of that note.
The witness stated that Campbell is
Gen. Babcoek's father-in-law. When
the President found out that she was
paying out money for appointment,.
he notified her that a continuance of
of it would be sufficient cause for her
removal. This was- after she had
paid the $2,100. She had paid out so
much on that account that, so far, she
had received no benefit from her ap
pointment ; but had run in debt.
Baker is now supervisor General of
Minnesota and Blakely is publishing
a paper somewhere in that vicinity.
The Tribune's Washington spe
cial says Kerr, in consequence of con
tinued ill health with threatening
results, and by the peremptory direc
tions of a counsel of physicians, has
decided to resign his position as
Speaker of the House. Kerr has de
clined a re-election to Congress, and
if his health does not recover, will
resign his seat in Congress.
Ad vices from Hayti state that
Gen. Canal, on arriving at Port au
Prince, was met by the populace and
carried on their shoulders to the na
tional palace where he was feasted
etc. A letter from Port au Prince,
dated April 2d, says ex-President of
Uayti, Morainique, who was taken on
board the French man-of-war Sane,
subsequently died from the results of
his woundj. and was burried at Lar
capaie. Dom Pedro visited, both Houses
of Congress on Tuesday, and seemed
to take quite an interest in the pro
ceedings. He also visited the Su
preme Court and tben went-to the
Executive Mansion and was met by
the President and Secretary Pish.
Drifts and Tow Heads 7876.
Upper Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon!
April 24, lb70. j"
At a Special meeting of the Colum
bia .River Fishermens. Beneficial Aid
Society, the following regulations for
the 'government of all concerned
were adopted. That the following
drifts and tow heads be established
for the fishing season of 1S76. .
First Drift. From Woody Island
to Brown's point.
Second Drift. .From Brown's Point
inside of Snag Island to the 12th red
Third Drift. From the loth buoy
to Tongue Point.
Fourth Drift. From Tongue Point
to a point a little west of Booth's
Cannery, at a place to be designate!
by a spile or some permanent mark.
Fifth Drift. From the termina
tion of the 4th drift to Smith's Point.
Sixth Drift. From Smith's Point
to the Pacific Ocean.
Seventh Drift. From the red buoy
in the Prairie channel to Tongue
Point up or down.
Eighth Drift. The big snag in
Chinook shoot will- be considered a
tow head.
The fishermen in Astoria, in coun
cil have mutually agreed "to bind
I themselves to be governed by the
Wr r .1 ?a. t . it
ioregoing units, ana id is expected
from boats outside of the Society that
they will also conform to the same.
Any fisherman who is not fortunate
enough to be a member of this Society
has still another opportunity to join
this Society, by applying before the
10th day of May, 1S76, in accordance
with the notice published elsewhere
in the Astoriak. After which time
the initiation fees will be raised to
twenty-five dollars.
By order of the Society,
For fine and Artistic Photography go to
Buchtel & Stolto, 9L andy First street, Port
land, tho only first class Gallery in Oregon.
tfSTThe very finest Photographs atShnster
& Daviusons, corner of lirst and Yamhill
streets, Portland, Oregon.
- jpst '