rv& " "J&rsm"r. VPH,,'1 3- . r t t r gfw axlaj stexmx ASTORIA, OREGON : 1. C. IRELAND EDITOR SATURDAY .May 6, 1S7G. Divers have recovered another sum of $5,000 gold from the wreck of the Schiller, making an aggregate of $290,000 saved of the $3G0,000 shipped on the vessel. News from Mexico intimate the dissolution of the government, and its best generals are dissatisfied with the campaign, as it has thus far been a failure. The Minister of "War blames the President for meddling with military affairs. Money is scarce and provisions rising. A. A. Colin, the old attorney for the Central Pacific Railroad Com pany, against whom the Company are now waging an infernal war, will be assisted in the management of the suit by Ben P. Butler, of Mas sachusetts. Butler is expected in July, on a fee of $20,000, and for.llyit sum will make things livety for that soulless monopoly and band of cheat ing manipulators in the golden State. Late advices from Ilayti state that although President Dominico has fled from Port au Prince, and Gen. Canal has been invited to as sume provisional control of the re public, the revolution cannot be con sidered at an end. Dominico, dur ing his flight from Port au Prince, while being escorted by the French consul, a son of Mons. Plassier Tierre stepped up to him and said : You shall not escape ; for I shall avenge the blood of my father whom you massacred on the 3d of May,.S7o, and presenting a revolver, shot him dead on the spot. His body was then thrown out on a dung heap and left un buried for 36 hours. A correspondent ofa New York paper tells of a recent interview with Santa Anna. The oldest of living soldiers is thus described : " Tie is an old man of eighty years, very de crepit, yet in full command of his faculties ; has a good head and face, not unlike Humboldt in old age, with broad temples and an abrupt, square nose and, at one time good eyes, lie had little to say, but oyer the sofa a'here Santa Anna sat was the picture of a beautiful woman in her fullness of youth and loveliness. .This was his wife when both led the fortunes of Mexico. As we passed out the court our attention was called to the figure of a woman of fifty in the window opposite, in a plain dress and devoid of any interesting attri bute. This was she whose picture had so interested us, Mrs. Gen. Santa Anna." An interesting debate in the House on Thursday, concerning re lief of the country from the threat ened scarcity of fractional currency, provoked considerable acrimony. Blain, Kelly and Garfield took ear nest part in the discussion. Kelly thought we were getting along well enough. We got some Nevada doc tors to pin-sic us by depleting the treasury of a couple of millions of gold every year. AY hat has been said of the first project of this kind now comes to be true, that whenever it was done the people would be with out currencjr ; that fools would be made to believe that because it look ed white and bright it was valuable; that is was money. It was not silver it was not money according to the standard dollar. Nobody will allege that it is money. It is a token j it is not a legal tender for more than live dollars. It is a token coin, debased so that it is not exportable, and yet it is in danger of being exported. Because it is made of a floating com modity I shall object to any extraor dinary legislation onthesubjecr.'Our legislation ought to be good for a fort night at a time. We have submitted the question to Providence, and lam 'willing to give Providence a month to knock away. By that -time it will conclude that we have not a good thing in undertaking to bull the silver market by making fractional change for the people. iMMMMMMMMBi Telegraphic News. Continuation of Press Dispatches The National Demofcmtic Convention at St. Louis. Thn r-Animiffpn nn t.p5insnnrf.si- tion for the National Democratic ! Convention has received replies from thirty railroads that they will make half fare rates to all persons in any way connected with the convention. It is expected that all the main roads will acquiesce in the arrangement. Mrs. C. P. Marsh Steps Down and out. A summons was sent out on the 4th for Mrs. C. P. Marsh, but the Marshal was unable to find that lady and returned the summons non est. Progress of Investigations. A Few who were Un dergo inof Tortures on Thursday. Dispatches of Thursday speak of Morton, Blair, Roddy & Brooks, Rob eson, Davenport, Baring Bros., Jay Cooke, -McCulloch & Co., Schenck, Blain, Farwell. Babcock and his father-in-law,- Miss Sweet, 'the pub lic printer, and a host of others, who are undergoing the tortures of Congressional investigation (?) We have not yet heard of any one con victed, and all such dispatches are becoming monotonous in the ex treme. - -- Prof. Elliott opposed to the Annexation of Alaska. The Senate Committee on ter ritories on the 4th heard arguments from Mitchell, in advocacy of his bill to annex Alaska to Washington Ter ritory as a count. Prof. Elliot, late special agent of the Treasury De partment in Alaska was then heard in opposition to the bill, which he condemned as wholly unnecessary. The Tvur Seal Investigation o Closed. The sub-committee on ways and means, investigating the matter of the lease and management of the fur seal Islands on the 4th, further exam ined Mr. Hutchinson, of the Alaska Commercial Company, and there be ing no other witnesses proposed by eitner party to the controversy, closed the testimony. They will at their next meeting, hear argument of counsel relative to the action of the Treasury Department in award ing the lease. A Boiling L.vke. The discovery of a boiling lake in the island of Do minica has excited much scientific in terest, and investigations of the phe nomenon ;ue to be made by geologists. It appears that a company exploring the steep and forest-covered mountains behind the town of Hosseau came up on the boiling lake, about 2,500 feet above the sea level, and two miles in circumference. On the wind clearing away for a moment the clouds of sulp hurious steam with which the lake was covered, ar mound of water w.-is seen ten feet higher than the general level of the surface, caused by ebulition. The margin of the Lake consists of beds of sulphur, and its overflow found exit by a waterfall of great height. A Chicago inventor proposes to he.at cars of all kinds with red hot shot, weighing 100 pounds each, plac- ! ed iii a box under the car, with reiris- fprc; in fh; tinrw nf fhp riv "fi'iVrt'lvil'a teis m tlie nooi ot tlie cai. J)ie baLs would heat the car for four hours, and ., . . . , ' me furnaces for heating them eoiud be placed at stations one hundred miles apart. The L-on age suggests that if the inventor would project his hot shot at the cars as they passe! along, he could make it warm for the passen gers without using as many shot as by the first plan. Progress of the Line. Oak Point, May 5, 1876. Editor Astorian : The telegraph line was completed to this place at 6 o'clock last evening and as soon as the proper instruments arrive the office will be in running order. I think it is the intention to commence work at once on tne otner side of the river, opposite here, and leave the cable until another piece arrives trom San Francisco. Yours truly, A. S. Aberxetjiy, Jr. NEW TO-DAY. BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED Very ehean, at THE ASTORIAN Office. AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF the Domestic Sewing Machine, at I. W. Case's. DO NOT SEND AWAY For Printing of any kind, until you have tried THE ASTORlAN Office. TPBESII SUPPLY OF 2 and 3 PLY JL1 Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloth, Window Shades, for tale at Port land prices by I. W. Ca?e. CORRECT PRINCIPLES Demand that bills be, rendered promptly, and to do it nicely, get your Rill paper xmi Statements printed at THE ASTORlAN Office. THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF Crockery, Glass Ware, Lamps and Lamp Chimne3s in the City at Case's. A NICE ASSORTMENT OF.TEW elry "Watch guards in various styles at Case's. MISCELLANEOUS. Globe Hotel. N. KOEFCED Proprietor. Cor. Concomly and Main Sts, ASTORIA OREGON. rrilllS OLD AND "WELL KNOWN" STAND JL is one of the best and mo't convenient Hotels for Mechanics,and has excellent facili ties for the accommodation of the traveling public. Jn connection with the Hotel is A First Class Restaurant, Whero meals can bo had at all hours. There is also a BILLIARD AND BAR ROOM Attached totho Hotel, where tho choicest qualities of Wines, Liquors and Cigars may bo obtained. Farm for Sale. 320 Acres Partly Under Cultiva tion, about half of tne tract tide land. SITUATED IX PACIFIC COUNTY, NEAR UNITY. Will bo sold cheap for cash, with or without stock. Good house and out buildings and orchard. For full description and further par ticulars apply to or address JOHN HUNTER. Unity, W. T. r II. PAGE tfc CO., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, FABMERS WHARF, ASTORIA OREGON. ITS' All kinds of country produco, wanted in exchange for goods. W. E. DEMENT, DRUGGIST. CIEEXAMUS STREET, ASTORIA. Ni;XT DOOR TO 1. W. CASE'S DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, YAR nishes, 15 rushes TRI TO Tr vummmp- PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. Wines and Liquors Yt or Medical urposes. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. RARE OPPORTUNITY For Profitable Investment, I offer for sale all my real etaro in Clatsop County, consu-timr of mv orisirml Donation claim, on Lewis and Clarke river, consisting ' ? hve hundred acres'? tide land meadow , knowledged to be the best stock claim in , ac- the ! connt. Alo, a largo interest in tho Lpper I J own of Astona. a portion of John Adair's do nation claim. Enquire of the subscriber. '. ' J ib i TDILLS OF LADING, WAY BILLS, -D Eecoipts, and all kinds of Commer cial Printing, done at tho Astorian office. CALL, EXAMINE, ORDER.-S5& FIELD, FLOWER AND GARDEN seeds, Oregon and California, in full I siipjify, fresh and nice at I. W. Case's. MISCELLANEOUS. Occident Hotel; mAstoriay Oregon. The Proprietors are happy to announce that the above Hotel has been Repainted and Refurnished, Adding greatly to the comfort of its guests AND IS NOW THE BEST HOTEL NORTH OF SAX FRANCISCO. A. J. MEGLER, C. S. WRIGHT, Proprietors, S. KINSEY, ON THE ROADWAY, NEAR HUME & Co's. CANNERY, Astoria, Oregon, DEALER IX 1 Vfc&l-'v-v Building Materials; OF EVERY KIND. i Nails of All Descriptions. DOORS AND WINDOWS, - RUSTIC, FLOORING, BUNDS, MOULDING, SASH, ETC. - Wines and Liquors BY THE EOTTLE OR THE GALLON Custom made "boots and Shoes. Tobacco of Fine Quality. B37 This stock is in every respect Al, and will be sold at the lowest prices for cash, Givo me a call at tho new store, on tho Roadway. S. 3CIXSEY, Astoria, Oregon. THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND sflt, Best Assorted Stock Yb :m be found at A ftE- S. LARSEN'S jV Main Street, flv Botweon Chenamus and Ci x it? Squemoqha strocts, 4 T jSuAK ASTORIA, 0REG ox- rSfc A Large Invoice V,W Ex-Steamer. w s vomak . . V 5 A Vr tft V. r 'r " .:v - - Q v& JIN I :n. .. &L V fl ff r i a - is. r . 9 o s vf?r PETER RUNEY, ASTOEIA, OEEGON, BRICK LAYER, And Flain and L PLASTERER,; Orders left at the Occident Hotel Promptly Attended to. REFERENCES: J. B. Kuapp, Knajtptnn ; Capt. J. Wet, Weat- port; JL Ji. Parker, S. X. Arriijoni. llobson .(r Warren, J. Jiatlollet it- Co. Astoria; J. W.& '. Cook, Clifton ; Jos. Hume, Eureka: Ji. Watson t- Co. Manhattan; J. Jj. Jlcpurn, Glenjulla; J. G1; Meijler Co. Lrookjield, and numerous other fur whom J have Built Furnaces, set Ranges, and Kettles, and ii Spread the Mort!" During my 12 years Residcnco in Oregon, LIME, SAND, BE1CK, PLASTER, LiUli, Cement, and nil materials in my lino, furnished to order. x5T Special attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Cistern work warranted good, or no pay. JPJBTJBK K UXKlf, Astoria, Oregon. Tpl. EDGAiv, Corner Main and Chenamus Street?, ASTORIA OKEGOX. DKALKIl IX THE CHOICEST BRANDS OF Tobacco and Cigars, and the Genuine AYastenholm, and other English Cutlery. Fairchilds Gold Pens. AnJ all sorts of STATIONER Y, NOTIONS ETC. ASTOEIA LAUNDRY, Cor. of Chenamus and Polk Sts. ASTORIA OREGON. J. T. 150RCHERS, Proprietor. xw Washing and Ironing, Fluiting.&c.rdono at this Laundry by clean, white labor. m IIJ81Sl1&i V5"J T.Rorchers stiR manufactures and has for sale at the above plaee of business, tho FAMOUS "CAVIAR." VST Highest cash price" paid Fishermen for STURGEON. SPAWN. J. T. BORCHERS, ASTORIA LAUNDRY. LgL!LfiBl'-L'l3g-yi!MJif L WT GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. MENDLES0N BROS., Having Concluded to liema hi hi JBusin ess AT ASTCRJA, HAVE LAID IN A SPLENDID STOCK ' OF SPRING S UMMER GOODS! DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR THE ASTORIA TRADE. A complete assortinent OF FISHERMEN'S OUTFITTING GOODS JUST OPENED . ttS5Tho public in general are respectfully invited to call at the old stand, on Co.viomly bTUKCT, next door to l'arker House. MGM)I.KSON JBROS. MISCELLANEOUS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Notary Public ami ('mssmiwoncr r For California and Washington Territory. OFFICE.Caso's Building, corner Cass and Chenamus streets, Astoria, Oregon. Xp CHANG, M. D. Surgeon, Etc, ASTORIA, OREGON. At tho solicitation of numerous friends, has consented to practice medicine, and tenders his services to the public. Dr. Crang brings many ycare experience in tho practice of his profession. T W. ROBE, Attorney at Law, ASTORIA, OREGON. sy"Offico in "Warren & McGuire's building-, opposite Occident Hotel, Chenamus street. Mrs. Pangbiorii, Masonic Hall Building, Astoria, DEALER IN Fancy Goods, Ladies Dress and Cloak Trimmings of the Lastest Style. WILL ATTEND to ORDERS fop. DRESS and Cloak making. Work trill bo done in a satisfactory manner. ttST Agent for the sale of Dr.Warner's Sani tary Corsets, and also Children's Waists with patont elastic buckles. N EW AND ELEGANT STOCK -OF- Latest Styles of Millinery Goods, JUST TvECEIVED BY THE LAST STEAMER, At the Rooms of Mrs. A. D. WASS, (Up Stairs, Brow.n's Building,) Cornor Main and Chenamus Streets, Astoria. iTw'.Tliis stock consi-ts of tho latest j-tylo Hats, for Ladies and Children; Dress Trim mings and Fancy Goods for Ladies, which will be sold at very low prices. DBESSHDCLDU gm attcndctl NEW MILLINERY STORE. "Mrs. H. A. .Derby, (JMte. of CLEVELAND, OHIO,) WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUL lic of Astoiia and surrounding country, thatsho has just received a full and complete lino of HATS, TEIMMLNGrS,. And ail kinds of MILLINERY GOODS! A t the xtand recenthj occupied by Mitts Jfor rixon on MAIN STREET, Astoria, And will bo prepared to fill all orders for first class goods in this lino at rea-onable prices. ftlTNew goods will be received every month. IETV FURNITURE STORE. Cor. Main and Cheinocqha Sts., CHASSTOLL; (Successor tc Gist & Stoll,) ASTORIA OREGON PARLOR SETTS, BED-ROOM SETTSr DINING-ROOM SETTS, KITCHEN SETTS, OFFICE FURNITURE, ETC., BS5 Of the very best quality, supplied to order at prices that will justify the patronage of this home institution. Persons wishing any article in the furniture line will find it to their advantage to give me a call, and inspect my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. CS3 Undertaker's Work promptly attended to, at reasonable rates. ONE HALLS FIRE PROOF SAFEr with Combination Lock, in good or der, for sale eheup, at I. "W. Case's- ?M7 PROPRIETOR. F , r -l - irr- ! .