- - , rrjr rrty Fi3T MHLEDttafTfl w m V VOL. 1 ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAT 6, 1S76. NO. 6. i ISSUED BVBBY EVENING, (Sundays Excepted), 15. C. EItE,.lXS, : : f3'i$U5C5EK. JlcmitV)- Building, Coxs Street. Terms of Subscription : Serred by Carrier, per week 23 Cents Sent by mail, three months 52 50 .Sent by mail six months 4 00 Sent by mail one year ', 7 03 Tree of I'ostago to the .Subciibers. CsT Advertisements inserted by tho year at the rate of 1 00 per uare per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, Gfty cents per square firat insertion. Gov. E. P. Ferry has been invi ted to deliver the Fourth of July ora tion at Seattle. 1 1 eis expected lostnrt for the Pacific Coast on the first of June, and arrive at Olympia about the middle of the month. He will probably accent the invitation and gratify the wishes of the Seattle peo ple. There are two ships at Liverpool bearing the name of Bonanza, one being from New Orleans and the other from San Francisco ; and the ship Big Bonanza is 57 days out from this coast for Liverpool. The arrival of these ships ought to advertise the bonanza mines of this coast quite ex tensively in Great Britain. The Evening Journal speaking of the nomination of Fred R. Strong, for Prosecuting Attorney says: Mr. Strong is well known here, being Oregon born and raised. lie received his education here, read law with his father Judge-Strong, and finished his legal studies at the Albany Law School graduating in high honors. lie has been in practice here for nearly three years. And has a host of personal friends in the Republican party. . Weunderstand that the Northern Pacific Railroad managers on the Pacific Division, have got into a di lemma in the matter of land sales. They do not dare to sell any more at present, at least until a test case is made to try the validity of their action in the courts, and the people feeling secure in their possessions, none ctfre to begin suit to test the question. It would be better for the country if this question could be sat isfactorily settle by the courts. In consequentof the failure of Representative Lane to bring up the Oregon Central Railroad bill in the House, we are informed that the grant of lands to aid the construction of the railroad from McMinnville to Astoria, has reverted to the govern ment. There is now no grant availa ble" for such purposes. Please recol lect this fact. "We shall hunt up the items before the dayof election Mr. Lane is a candidate for re-election. If he has been the cause of our de feat in this matter, we shall feel jus tified in causing his defeat in that other little matter of re-election to Congress. It was rumored on the streets at Oregon last Wednesday, says the Enterprise : That the O. S. S. Co. have sold out their line of boats to the O. S. N. Co., and that all the up-river boats will" hereatter pass through the locks, leaving the E. N. Cooke the onty boat plying to and from Oregon City. Another rumor has it that J. D. Biles will rent the boats of the O. S. S. Co., and continue to run them as before. We have been making dilligent inquiries from parties employed on this line and all the satisfaction obtained, was that negotiations weregoingonwiththe O. 5 N..N. Co., and that in a few days the facts would be made known. Current Euents of the Day. C. II. Dexter opened the Bay View house to the public yesterday morning. Divine service to-morrow at the Episcopal church at II .. m., and 7.V p. ?.j. Subject of the morning dis course "Happiness." Mr. "Whitney, long assistant keeper at Shoal water Bay Light house has gone East, and is now liv ing in Troy, cv York. For an A 1 cigar, or E Pluribus tobacco, call on Wm. Edgar. The Centennial Commissioners, Oregon and Washington territory, have arrived in Philadelphia. The schooner Three Sisters, lad en with oysters for Swanberg, West & Co., atSl.OO per basket, leffc Bruce port for San Francisco on the 4th inst The Batavia, Illinois Sews, tells of a heavy shipment of wagons from that place for Salem, Oregon. We observed that somof the same wag ons came in on the Webfoot, April 24th. A good days job in fish-network is reported as having been done br A. Nelson and one other man, name unknown tons, this week; who sel vaged 320 fathom from S o'clock a. 3i. to G. i M. T. II. Foss, one of the noted log germen of the lower Columbia ar rived 3'esterday with an invoice of cats from Washington Territory. Seven, or seventeen, or seven hun dred, don't distinctly remember which; were left at FlaVels. Four, or fourteen, etc., (still in doubt) went to the Occident. Frank persuaded the lot to leave Flavels by the judi cious use of his revolver. A coun cil will be held to night as to what shall be done with the rest of the cargo. Dogs will be taken in exchange for cats. Apply along shore. Astoria Farmers Company. The Albany Democrat referring to the proposition of the Astoiia Farm er's Company to meet at Astoria on the 28th for the purpose of selling out the warehouse and grounds and di viding the stock among the share holders, says . We are informed that nearly one half of the stock is held in this coun ty, and we surety think that our cit izens thus interestedshould look after the matter. This may be a job, as other corporations in the State have put up such jobs to freeze out the minor shareholders 'and gobble up the enterprise ; and we earnestly suggest to our Linn county friends to look closely into this matter before voting to sell out. In this connection we .are requested to say to all the shareholders of this county, who can not attend said meeting in person, to send their proxies to the Albany Farmers Company, who will send a representative to act for them at that meeting. The proxies can be filled out with the name of the bearer left blank, and it can be filled at the office of the conipanj' with some one who will be selected to go. We ear nesty urge our Linn county friends to look after this matter and not be sold out without a full investigation into the scheme. The following nominations were made by the Republican State Con vention, at Portland, on Wednesday : For Representative, Richard Wil liams ; Presidential electors Wm. Odell, J. C. Cartwright, J. W. Watts; Delegates, Judge R. P. Boise, J. C. Tolman. R. Stott was nominated for Prosecuting Attorney for the fourth judicial district. The " West Shore" is fast estab lishing itself in the good graces of the people of Oregon. It fills a vacancy long felt by the reading public and if continued by the official management of L. Samuel is destined to meet with unprecedented success. The next issue, or the one thereafter, will con tain an illustrated article on Colum bia river salmon fishing. To secure copies of it, address L. Samuel, Port laud, Oregon. Pronouncing matches are rajidly taking the place of spelling bees in California, the prompter spelling out the names of local towns and the com petitors being obliged to pronounce them correctly. We give out " Sque jnocqha," and " Pollikorsjhygnupsta," Comments' of the Press. From tho Portlaad "Weekly Standard. D. C. Ireland very appropriate? ly chose the first day of May on which to bring forth his Daily Astorian, one of the prettiest journalistic flowers that has ever decked our editorial table. May it continue for many years to scat ter its fagrancc both far and near, and never wither, fade and diefor the want of the freshening waters of public patonage. From tho Portland Daily Jce. A May flower made its apj)ear ance at Astoria on Monday even ing last. It is as blight and cheer ful as a fresh-blowii rose, and will scatter fragrance and joy amoig many of the- inhabitants -of that seaport town. It's godfather is D. C. Ireland, and it is christ ened the Daily Astorian. We hope the venture will meet with hearty support, and that its days may bo long and useful in its cho sen field. Its typographical ap pearance is very good. From the Portland Evening Journal. "We have received the first num ber of the Daily Astorian, pub lished at Astoria byD. C. Ireland. It is one of the neatest and new siest papers in the State and is a credit both to Astoria anditspub- 1 slier. Mi Ireland is a first-class newspaper man, and we wish him every success in his new venture. From tho Bcllingham Bay Mail. D. C, Ireland, proprietor of the Astorian, announces he will issue the Daily Astorian from and after May 1st. He says: "Strike while iron is hot, keep' the ball rolling; Oregon will yet be known in the commercial world as she should be." British Columbia Parliament has been in session just one month to day. Two soda lakes have been discov ered in Wyoming Territory, one aver aging two hundred acres and the other about three and a half acres. It is estimated that the largest lake would yield an evaporation of over four mil lion dollars worth of soda, and the smaller lake already crystalized is sup posed to contain another million dol lars worth of soda. During the grea ter part of the year tins lake is in "a concrete mass of carbonate of soda crystals. OCCIDENT HOTEL ARRIVALS. ASTOIiTA, May o, 1S7G. Frank Beard sleyPortd Mrs Hansen, Oysterville MrsItBKnnup. " MrsR Carruthen, A boy " Miss Mary E Pollock" Misb Sophie Carrutbers" T li Fos. Deep ri er G A Reed, Ovsterville, F G Smith,U.S.A.,Caaby(Jus M Jessen, Portland. JASlnden. " Portd A S Abernetby ir, OakPt Win Denver. Klobkau Ir.i A Voting. Ft Canby K M Tabor, Portland A' Rabies. Str Havward Mark A King, Portland iiuke Taylor, Nelialem, David Cole, " Dennie C'urran, City. Eastern Oregon The Abtorian is doing more for the interests of Eastern Oregon than any other pnper in the State. If you havo a friend or a relative in that section of this country, tend him the pa per on trial. Only oe dollar for four months. p5Axy person inquiring for a fine quality of liquor, and enn appreciate the sime, can find the genuine J, H. Cutter "Whiskey and Mijler extra Old Bourbon, at the " Columbia Bar" saloon Astoria, with Geo. Ui-herwood late of Portland to cater to their lnste. Gentlemen will please give us a call. Cigars of a fine quality also on hand. Jas. M. Lynch, Prop. pSr Everybody goes to the Novelty Barber shop to get fixed up in style. Every person may come, and more too, fori have employed a first-class artist who will smil ingly manipulate your chin, gracefully curl your mustache, nicely puff your hair, and Instpf all, but not least, will perfume your clothes with the most pupular perfumery in use, "Patchouly" if you don't believe it just try it. Hnircutting, shaving, and sham pooing. Hair dying done and warranted not to turn red, break or split Parker Souse, Astoria. J. ly, Campbell, Proprietor. Telegraphic News. Synopsis of Press Dispatches. Bad News from the Back Hills. Dr. J. B. Penderey, of Omaha, has returned from the Black Hills, where he has been during the past three months. He reports the road from Custer City to Ft. Laramie strewn with wagons,, the owners hav ing fled, been killed or captured by Indians. During his' trip from Cus ter to Cheyenne he dressed the wounds of twelve men, who were wounded by Indians. It is danger ous for small parties to undertake the trip. U Bed Cannon where H. j E. -Brown was recently killed, a few Indians can hold out against great odds, as they secrete themselves in the rocks and shoot down. The New Steamship George W. Elder. Will Leave for Oregon on the 16th. A New York dispatch says: The steamship George W. Elder, built by John Roach & Sons, at Chester, Penn., and recently sold to a Port land, Ogn,, company, to ply between that port and San Francisco, will leave those waters about the 16th, inst. for the Pacific Coast by way of Cape Horn. She is now being thor oughly overhauled and refitted at Eagle wharf, Uoboken. This steam ship is about 1,G00 tons burthen, of handsome model, and very much re sembles in appearance the new Pa cific Mail steamers. Rev. J. H. Wilbur in Balti more Conference. Protest against the Transfer of the Indian to the War Department. A Baltimore dispatch of the 4th says: In the Methodist Conference now in session here, Rev. J. H. Wil bur, of the Eastern Oregon and Washington conference, submitted a preamble and resolutions condemning and protesting against the bill re cently passed by the House of Rep resentatives and now before the Sen ate of the United States, Iransferring the Indians to the management and control of the War Department, and that a committee of five be appointed to lay the resolutions before the Sen ate and President. The resolutions declare that such transfer would be destructive to the present policy of civil and religious instruction to the Indians. New York on the Celestial Question. Belief that California is Fight ing a Phantom. j A"New York Times editorial of the 4thf or the Chinese question says: Mob law appears to be the corrective which Californians are dis posed .J$ apply to the Chinese evil. At onerof these club meetings it was announced that somebody in New York had telegraphed an offer of twenty thousand stand of arms at ten dollars apiece to the anti-chinese lea&uers. It would be interesting to know what organization in this city is interested in arming a mob of Cal ifornians, whose movement, when one considers the smallness of the numbers of the Chinese compared with the white population, seems most intemperate. If the people of California believe as they have ds clared, that they have 200,000 Chi nese in their State they are fighting a phantom. Crooks, Terry and Custer After the Sioux Indians. The Chicago Tribune's Ft. Lin coln dispatch of the 4th says: The column to co-operate with Gibbon's and Crook's Commands from Fts. El lis and Laramie will start next week. General Terry, department com mander, will probably accompany the Lincoln column and direct its operations. Custer is expected here on Friday; and will go forward to complete the preparations which Ma jor Reno has been charged with du ring his absence. The three columns Gibbon's being already in Upper" Yellowstone valley, will move to wards the mouth of Big Horn with such divergancefrom direct lines as is necessary to gather the main bod ies of the hostile and wild Indians. Terry understands that Crook's col nmn will again move northward with;n three weekc. Death of Benj. F. Bowles, of the Springfield Re publican. Dispatches received announce the Death of Benjamin F. Bowles, of the firm of Samuel Bowles & Co., pub lishers of the Springfield Republican. His death occurred in Paris, on the 4th, of Romin fever. He was 43 years old. -- Grand Flourish and Fast Time from New York to Sa,n Frncisqo.. Theatricals, the Government, and Wells, Frgo & Co., to make a GrancV Splurge, Clear the track for Henry Vth, and a Representar tive of the London Times. Jarre tt & Palmer have com pleted arrangements for the convey ance of their theatrical troupe p San Francisco, on the quickest time on-record, to plajr Henry Ytii, A train, consisting of mail, baggage, Pulman palace and hotel cars, leaves N. Y, Thursday morning June 1st via Pennsylvania, Pittsburg, and Fort Wayne, and Chicago and Northwestern railroads, and it is ex pected they will reach an Francis co in time for dinner on Sunday. The New York paper's will be de livered in Chicago on the date of their issue, The $Ississippi will be crossed the same day. Postmaster General Jewell has contracted -to have the East India Mail carried and Wells, Fargo & Co., will place their money s?.fe on board at Omaha. Special locomotives will be in readi ness at various points to provide against contingencies. Six thousand railroad employes will line the route to guard the way. The ticket of sterling silver and limited to twenty sold for the round trip, will entitle the passengers to board on the train and a week's board in San Ifjncisco price 500. A representative of the London Times will be a passenger. & . 1 -2. . j- m-'ijL I iiyJMiifc