' '' a v , ."-" . en i3 VOL. 1. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 5, 1S76. NO. 5. :y-' --VAi!.-'::wu:.'g'''tr.-J.;v- - TV"tviA,t-g-y.r..r.!iJi"'- 'kij.; vl-j,j.v..j' !ti"1a:g7' ?..: J ,-JLJ.UJ-tU'.'.." llt' Pt-JJg..,,'ymi'' J -u 'rg''w3', ' J-JJi1 Jl-"1 TiiJL!iVW-K3JL'"ElM':; ,iiijjmwrawwsB .gy? 4 yss ..j k. LSV1 fflRvviL m S2 v0ixrxlB, V -J. i'TIT Cj """ ISSU3D EVERY EVENING, (Sundays Excepted), ft. C. nttSLAXB. : : ITBL2SSSEK. I Monitor Building, Cass Street. terms of Subscriptien: Sarrfed by Carrier, ier vreclc 25 Cents Serti by mail, three months : 5i r0 otly maUix month? 1 00 Sent by innil oc year " 0D Free ot'i'ostttge tu the Subscribers. trir Advertisements inertcl by tho year at t tho rate of -1 M or Vii:irc ier month. Transient :ulvei iisimr, by the tiny or week, fifty cents per square iir-t insei!un. TO OUR PATRONS. Subscribers to The Weekly Asto iiiax who wish to take Tin: Daily As Nomas' instead, may have the transfer 1 made on our mailing book at airy tune, and the balance (if any), due them on the weekly account, will be placed to their credit on the daily account. If it should prove to be the c:ise that the daily will not meet with patronage sufficient t justify the publication then ihe weekly would, hi such event, be asnin sent to them. . Wc shall be i pleased to give all an oj orluiiity to assist in testing the experiment as to whether a didly newspaper can be made to live in Astoria. We believe it can be successfully maintained, to the di rect advantage of every inhabitant. liea c0 Fulton have removed their law ofiice to Warren s. McGuires building, up stairs. The li lot number of the DAily Astoriax is on our table and is a neat and new. -;y little sheet and will be published every evening, Sundays excepted. Orcgonian A Harvest Feast of the fourth de gree wil be given Saturday evening by Clatsop Grange 2o. 15G, at the Church ou Clatsop Plains. A splendid entertainment is anticipated. Speaking of the Astoria Portland telegraph line hi process of construc tion, the Oregoiuau yesterday says: j 'Astorians are ;vs eagor to hear the i click of the magnecUc apparatus as is I the average PorlJander. " "As Hie av- j erage Portlander ! " Yes: and have been for twenty years past. Tax payers in Astoria who have not passed in their checks of assessa- Y ble property to County Assessor, E.A. Jri ,JU ? suollci UKl r,, , .," , , ; if ' . . . i m response to inquiries hereto day, laylor, will find that worthy ofhcial I as to the Hereabouts of the bride at the Court-house every day, this I "deponent hath nothing to say." week, ready to receive and iecordfTnere is certainly some mystery cbn- the documents, and will save trouble and expense by piomptly attending to those little things. "We do not consider whisky drink ing a crime. If it was, licenses to retail liquors would not be granted. Drunkenness is not a vice it is a disease, just so assuredly as consump tion is A disease. Sb man should ever be fined and imprisoned, accord ing to our turn ium, for drinking, so long as licenses are granted 'for the sale of liquors. The case of a poor demented, and drunken woman in Portland, and that of S. P. Haslett, are cited to prove that there are ways of obtaining-drink which are bej'ond the dep;hs of humanitarians to fath om but we venture to sa- that for a town of this size, where so much liquor is daily consumed there cannot be found so few drunken persons, nor a corresponding number of saloon keepers who will not sell liquors to confirmed inebriates, if they know it. Men who would do so should have their licenses revoked. Current Events of the Day. The Dawn arrived at San Fran cisco on the 3d. J. Wm. Welch is expected home daily irom Walla Walla. - The Gussie Telfair arrived this forenoon from northern poi ts. Judge Dowiby, on a flying visit to Oystcrviile, is expected home to day. The steamship Oriflammc, Capt. Boilcs, went to sea for San Francisco to-day. Capt. Eli Hilton has gone east of the Cascade range of mountains in search of health. , The Tarn O'shanter; loading lum- berat Knap)ton Mills, will be ready for sea on .Monday. Mr. Gutter, of flutter & Mcken zie, went to Portland this morning to begin work on the Falkinburg. Capt. IT. A. Snow, who has been under the weather for borne time past was able to be about town yester day. A daughter was born this morn ing to bless the family of our fellow townsman Mr. Starr, on Hamilton street. Frank A. Dwyer, an old disciple of the " Art preservative" arrived to day from Portland, en route to San Francisco under engagement to the Alta. C. A. May, assistant keeper at Point Adams Light-house, has fallen heir to a son ! Mav 1st, 1S7G. First edition of C. A. 3Iay. e congratu- late you and yours, Charley. The Oriflamme had on board 500 tons of assorted produce when she reached storhi to-day, to which was added 1200 cases of Salmon, and oth er freight, prior to her departure for sea. Dr. .T. Welch, the popular den tist, after a slay of six weeks, took his dep artuie this morning, but left hisshingle on the Occident bulletin board, which means that he will re turn agahrin AwuiM, and attend to those in want of his services. Orders for the Daily Astoiuax in wrappers, post paid, to any part of Ihe United Slates, will be received to-daj A full file of the week; six copies in one wrapper, forwarded for twenty-live cent". Send the pa per home or to friends in oilier par Us of the world, let people know you are alive anyhow. The ui most precaution is exer cised by river pilots to avoid. running over fishermens nels, but in spite of all he could do Captain Drown ran through two nets coming down with the Orifiamme to-day. Very much trouble in this respect would bo avoided if all lishermen would take trouble to keep posted with the reg- ul"UI1!'-"eimii pacing iy.u. PoHjLuJ tha Skidmore would be ace It was currently reported in that Mr. S. G. iccompanied on his trip to the Alanlic States by- Mrs. S. G. Skidmoie. The bridal-room on board the Oriilamme was engaged, and everything appeared to conlirin the reports, in circulation. Ancle- ! S:mt brides-cake was sent to tne 1 1 1 l2 L 1 . 1 noHrtM Wll l linc;r rtirinmctonnn. which cannot be explained at present. At a meeting of Astoria Lodge Xo. 40. I. O. G. T. held on Saturday evening the 29th ult., the following officers were installed for the ensuing term: T. S. Jewett, W. C. T.; INIiss Emma Horn, W. V. T.; P. M. Davis, W. S.; John Bozart, AV. -C; If. T. Spedden, W. P. S.; Mrs. D. 1C. War ren, W. T.; G. AV. Pavmond, W. M. Miss S. Joplin, W. I. G.; Prank P. Uobson, W O. G. We were in error in stating" that the officers elect of Astoria Lodge of Good Templars were installed last Saturday evening. Officers were elected Saturday evening, and we are reliably informed will be pub licty installed next Saturday even ing the ceremony to take place at the Congregational church. The installation will take place at Spiritual Hall, Saturday evening, May 13th. We believe the last statement to be correct. If it is not; will proper information be furnished, under seal of the lodge? AVe propose to get this matter up correctly; if it takes-us all summer or somewhere near it. Australian Travel and Trade. A veteran among the wharves esti mates the number of first class passen gers yearly traveling from Australia to England at between sixty andseventy thousand. The Trans-Pacific route is a favorite with the Australians for many reasons, chief of which is, per haps, that more of the world can be seen for about the same money by crossing the American continent rather than by making the long ocean voyage. Their experience hitherto has been somewhat calculated to dampen the ardor of the Australians in coming ri San Francisco, however, as parties of them have been made the victims of breaches of trust, which, to say the least, seriously discommoded them. Eveiy one remembers a that upon one occasion, at least, a party of Austra lians, who had through tickets to England, found them invalid upon their arrival in San Francisco, and were obliged to pay an extra fare to get across the continent. Such instances "are apt to give bad odor. Put ihe tide of travel has once more set in. and . ,i. ..:,,....: ,i btUJU Ul Ult; fciuUilblUJJ, ilillL U1J.U1 UU1)' oiipmn-flffoiiiPiif. fm- itc mitinii!niPo A. present the line is maintained by Colo- nial subsidies only, although it gives no special impetus no the commerce of i i -xi In . l r A it i:iuuiL wiui inu uxpoiLS vi Kjiuuuriwi, bound for a good market, so that it is really of more advantage to California than to the Australians to lend a help ing hand to the project. The inter course between the two countries has hitherto been so spasmodic and uncer tain that it is positively a relief to feel that the present State of aflau's is per manent. It is unfortunate that the Pacific Mail Company should be labor ing under such a cloud at this stage, just when the line has got under pros perous, headway ; but this will prob ably be the helping hand to start it once more on its old-time career of success. The Alta thinks that it is a reproach to the American people that it has been appreciated only abroad, as the subsidy which enables it to keep this Australian line in operation comes wholly Jfrom the Australians them selves. Yet the establishment i ill have the tendency to make of San Francisco a great commercial centre ; therefore, for the g)od it may do San Francisco, if for nothing better, we should wish that the course of the Pacific Mail Company will soon be all fair sailing. Eastuux Oregon The A&torinn is doing more for the interests of Eastern Oregon than any other paper in the State, li you have a friend or a relative in that s-ecticMi of this country, bend him the pa per on trial. Only one dollar for four months'. 5"An3' person inquiring for a fine quality of liquor, and can appreciate the same, can find the genuine . I. II. Cutter AA'hi-key and Miller- extra Old Uourbon, at the "Columbia Bar" saloon Astoiia. with Geo. Ushu-wood dote of Portland to eater to their taste.-. Gentlemen will please give u-a call. Cisjaisof'a fine quality abo on hand. Jas. 31. Lvxcii, Prop. 5" Ever j body goes to the Novelty Barbershop to get fixed up in style. Eveiy pen-on mayecune, and more loo, fori have emph3ed a iir.-t-class artist who will smil ingly manipulate your chin, gracefully curl 3our mustache, nicely put!'; your hair, and lastol all, but not least, will perfume your clothe- with the mo-t pupular pei fumcry in uc, "Patchouly" if you doi.'t believe it just liyT it. Hair cutting, shaving, and sham pooing. Hair d3'ing done and wan anted not to turn led, break or split. Paiker House, As loii.i. J. L. Camfhell, Proprietor. ' "ItTvysto Aiwi.ktisk." This is true in every department of business, and. no ono ap piceiates its truth more fully than . H. Thompson. Some timo since ho received tho Agency, for this county, of the Cunningham (iajden City Clipper Plow," and immediate ly advertised the samo in our paper. Green li. fcimith. Ksi.. a patron of the Gazette, saw 'the advertisement and forthwith rushed to 'Lhomi son's and purchased four of these cele brated plows which at once have sprung into popular favor. 2s o mater how good and valu able an aiticlo may be, a mcichunt Or dealer may keen it upon his shelves, or in his store for month. or even years, and but lew will know anything of its good qualities, unless he advertises, lor years Mr. Thompson carried on business here, and spent but little for advertising. Within the past two years his business has increased nearly, double, and ho attributes it to judicious adveitising. If you want to thrive in business, advebtise Cor valli8 Gazette. Telegraphic News. Synopsis of Pi'ggs Dispatches. Jeff Davis going to Europe. Jay Cook, McCullough & Co., Investigation. Winslow to be Delivered up. The Extradition Cases. Destructive Fire in Salem. The Woolen Mills Lost. Paymaster Spalding Releas ed from Confinement. Religion in Spain. Dangers of the Irreconcila abl'e Utramontane Atti tude. Southern and Central Pacihc . .. TCI - v ivd.li.1 OaCl oCiieniCS j,X- r pOSecl. A Warning to European Fi- nanciers. If the Senate will Behave Congress may Adjourn T in J unc. Uneasiness over Silver Bull ion. . Jeff pavis sails for Europe, with his family, in a few days. Chever, who it .was stated, went to Europe to avoid producing the pa pers relative to transactions of Jay Cook, McCuilough ct Co., has ai rived and will appear be'fore the committee on" expenditures in the navy depart ment with his documents to-morrow in the matter of the ntival fund and that Grin. The Pritish government has in formed thfc American legation that it will release "Winslow to-morrow, Wednesday, and that two other pris oners, Gray, of Xew York, and Brent, of Louisville, whose extradition is also claimed, will be released when their terms have expired. Although this notification has been given, the government has not' formally replied to America's argument, owing to the absence of Loid Derby, caused by the recent death of his mother. In addition to the arguments al ready made public touching the .in terpretation .of the act of 1S70. America has adduced a precedent., occurring in 2S71, wherein Chief Jus tice Cock burn ordered n surrender to Prance under similar circumstan ces, upon tho opinion of the French consul that the prisoner would only be tried for the offense' for which he was extradited, the Chief Justice re marking that without the consul's assurance, he should have decided against the prisoners. The Salem Woofen Mills were totally destroyed by fire on Wednes day morning at 10 o'clock. . It is thought the fire originated from spontaneous combustion. The loss is estimated at about 8122,000, includ ing stock and fixtures, on which there was about SGI, 000 insurance, divided among a number of Eastern companies, none of which were will ing to insure to any great amount, owing to the risk, the buildings being of wooden structure. One hundred operatives are thrown out of employ-, ment in consequence of this loss. In reply to Admiral Rodgers re quest to be allowed to release Pay master Spalding from confinement, Secretary Pobeson has directed Ad miral Pogers to use his discretion in the matter. AdmirarPodgers' there fore informed Spalding that be was at liberty to go at all times from his residence until the conclusion of tho trial, being understood he would re port at every meeting of the court. A Jladrid dispatch of the 3d says: In Congress to-day, the debate on the new constitution was continued. Alvarez opposed the tolerance clause and declared the monarch was lost if the religious unit was not maintained. Corbello in reply, pointed out that Spain possessed colonies in America, Africa and Asia, and. had relations with the whole world. It would be impossible for her to keep these colo nies and maintain their relations, if the government adopted the irrecon cilable ultramontane attitude. Congress can easily adjourn in June, the appropriation com mittee only awaits the revised esti mates of Secrctaiy Taft, and the preparation of the Sundry civil bill, "which is necessarily the last appropriation bill prepared and is usually loiovrn as the omnibus bill. Of course the threatened dead-loch in the Senate must be taken into consideration, but if the Senate behaves itself, there will be no reason why Congress should, not adjourn by tho middle of June. Considerable uneasiness is manifested at the Treasury De partment over the unsatisfactory working oi the silver bullion, and consultations have been held as to the method of averting the dearth of small change . It is maintain ed here that Secretary Bristow has already the power if he chooses to exercise it, to prevent any further scarcity, and to relieve the count ry by rmying out in exchange for legal tenders, or to meet in daily disbursements the $3,000, 000 of silver coin which was on hand on the 30th of January, "18J5, when tho specio resumption act became a law. X San Francisco dispatch of the 3d says: J. 11 .Robinson, Anth-, ony, Goole, stock holders of the Comtral Pacific Hailroad, have dawn up a memorial addressed to the sfock exchanges and bourses of Xew York, London and Euro pean financial centers, stating in effect, that learning that the bonds of the Southern Pacific llailroad are to be placed on these markets, the warn operators that the Cen tral & Southern Pacific Railroad Companies are in realty one and tlie same corporation, that tho Southern Pacific has beeh. built by funds belonging to the Cen tral, and that the issuance oi the bonds of the Southern Pacific was unauthorized and illegal, and that they propose to bring suit in the courts of this State to have such bonds declared illegal and invalid. The memorial will be forwardced by mail 'to the several exchanges. Belknap's wife avas a very wealthy widow woman of Wash ington when sho married him, about two years ago, and subsequently lo 'ame noted lor the elegance ot her enteitamments. The Democrats want to meet in G tional Convention at St. Louis, in the ot nominating Ilendrick. 2sew Yc citv would be a great advantage to TilcLen . His fYienda could gather there with great er facility than anywhere else. The London Tinjesdoe not entertain a very hopeful view of the attempt of tho German Government to establish an ex clusive cuirency in gold. At the present moment German gold reichsmarks would be in course of importation if it were not for tlie freight and insurance, which just' absorbs the profit which the business would otherwise yield. --c. i V , t ,u u