-ri; m gpfec teil QslQxtem. THURSDAY May 4, 1876. Pwre Havana Cigars. It is stated that not a steamer leaves New York for Havana that does not take out from 2,000 to 5,000 reams, or in some instances as high as 30,000 reams, of course brown wrapping-paper. What this paper was used for ivas for a long time a mystery; but it has recently been re vealed that it enters into the manu facture of " pure Havana cigars." It is said that when saturated in the juice of tobacco stems the straw paper makes a " filling" almost equal, if not superior, to the genuine leaf. In fact, it is sometimes impossible to detect the delicate film of paper in terlapped with leaves in the finished cigar, or neatly folding the exterior. For this purpose, we are told, it serves admirably, the paper, under combus tion, leaving no residuum other than a pure white ash. To such a refine ment of art has this business been carried that by the use of machines rolled over the sheet of paper an al xnust perfect' impression of the to bacco leaf has been obtained, the pe culiar spots being printed as on calico. Smokers of Havana cigars will no doubt consume their " weed" with an added zeal after learning of what it is probably composed. CITY ADVERTISING. ORDINANCE No. 119. AN ORDINANCE granting D. K. "Wan en his heirs, executors, administra tors or assigns the privilege of construct ing a wharf on lot No. nine (9), in block No. 56, in McClures, town of Astoria, as extended by Cyrus 01ne3T. The people of the town of Astoria do or dain as follows : Section 1. That D. K. "Warren, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns be and are hereby granted the privilege of constructing a wharf on lot No. nine (0), in block No. filty-six and one-half (56K) in McClures, town of Astoria as extended by Cyrus Olney, with the privilege of ex tending said wharf northerly in front of said lot to (the established frontage for wharfage). Said wharf to be completed within one year from the passage of this erdinance: Passed the Council May 1st 1876. Approved May 2d, 1876. I. W. CASE, Mayor. Attest: Prank J. Taylor. Recorder. ORDINANCE No. 120. AN ORDINANCE to provide for the improvement of Main street, in McClure's, Astoria, Clatsop county, State of Oregon. The people of the town of Astoria, do or dain zs follows : Section 1. That Main street, in Mc Clure's, Astoria be improved from Con comly street to Court street by grading and planking that portion of said Main street between said Concomly and Court streets, and also that the side walks on said portion of said Main street be con structed to conform with the grade of said street. Section 2. That the said improvements of said portions of said Main street be made according to the plans and specifi- cations for the said improvements of said portion of Main street on file in the office of the Recorder, ot the town of Astoria, and that -said improvements be made un der the supervision of the Street Commis sioner of town of Astoria, and he made and completed by the first day of Septem ber, 1876. Passed the Council, May 2d, 1876. Approved May 2d, 1876. I. W. CASE, Mayor. Attest: Frank J. Taylor, Recorder. ORDINANCE No. 121. AN ORDINAN CE to provide for the im provement of Benton, Cass, Concomly, Chenamus and Squemoqha streets in Mc Clure's, Astoria, Clatsop county, State of Oregon The people of the town of Astoria, do or dain as folio w.s : Section 1. That Benton street be im proved by the construction ot a sewer on the east side of said Benton street from Court street to the Columbia river. Section 2. That Cass street be im proved by wharfing, grading, and plank ing that portion of said Cass street lying between Chenamus street and Astor street. Section 3. That Concomly street be improved by grading and planking said street from Mam street to the west line of the town plot. Section 4. That that part of Chena mus street lying between Main and Spruce streets be improved by grading that said portion of Chenamus street to conform cs near as practicable to the crossings already , constructed on said street and also, that a fPide walk be built on the south side of Chenamus street from Jackson street to Madison street. Section 5. That Squemoqha street be improved by grading and planking said street from Cass street to Main stree- and by the building of a side walk on the south side of said Squemoqha street, from the east line of lot No. two (2), in block No. twenty seven (27) to Polk street. Section 6, That all of the foregoing improvements in this Ordinance ordained to be made under the supervision'of tke Street. Commissioner and in accordance with the plans anfl specifications for the CITY ADVERTISING. said improvements of the said streets on tile in -the office of the Recorder, of the town of Astoria :. and that all of the s-aid improvements shall be made and com pleted by the first day of September, 1S76. JSxccpt the aide walk on south bide of Sqtieinoqha street, from the east line of lot No. two (2), in block No. twenty-seven (27), to Polk street, which must be com pletecTby June 1st, A. D. 1876. Passed the Council May 1, 187C. Approved May 2. 1876. I. W. CASE, Mavor. Attest: Frank J. Taylor, Recorder. pASS STREET IMPROVEMENT. i Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the under signed, under instructions from the Com mon Council of the town of Astoria, for the improvement of that portion of CASS Street, lying between Chenamus street and Astor street, by wharfing, grading and planking, according to plans and specifications to be seen at the office of P. J. Taylor, Recorder, until'noon of Satur day May 20th, 1876, said improvement to be completed by September 1st, 1876, as provided by ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May 1st, 1876. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER, Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon May 2d, 1876. CONCOMLY STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the under signed, under instructions from the Com mon Council of the town of Astoria, for the improvement of CONCOMLY Street in said town, by grading and planking said street, from Main street to the west line of the town plat, according to plans and specifications to be seen at the office of Prank J. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of May 20th, 1876, said improve ment to be completed by Sept. 1st, 1876, as j)rovided bv Ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May t, 1876. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER, Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, May 2d, 1S76. QHENAMUS STREET IMPROVE MENT. Notice i? hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the under signed under-instructions from the Com mon Council of the town of Astoria for the improvement of that part of CHE NAMUS Street, lying between Main and Spruce streets, by grading to conform as near as practicable to the crossings as al ready constructed on said street and also by the building of a sidewalk on the south side of said street from Jackson to Madison streets, according to plans and specifications to be seen at the office of P. J. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of Satur day May 20th, 1876, said improvement to be completed by September 1st, 1876, as provided by ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May 1st, 1S76. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER. Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, May 2d, 1876. s QUEMOQHA PROVEMENT. STREET IM- Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the undersigned under instructions from the Common Council of the town of Astoria, for Ihe improvement of SQUEMOOHA Street by grading and planking said street from Cass street to Main street, and by the building of a sidewalk on the south side of said SQUEMOQHA street from the east line of lot No. two (2) in block No. twenty-seven (27) to Polk street, according to plans and specifications to be seen at the office of F. J. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of M.ay 20th, 1876, said improve ments to be completed by the 1st day of June 187G, as provided by ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May 1st, 1S76. HENRY MILLER, Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, May 2d, 1876. M AIN STREET IMPROVE- MENT. Nolice is hereby given that scaled pro posals will be rt-ceived by the under signed, under instructions Jrom the Com mon Couircil of tho town of Astoria, for the improvement oi that part of MAIN Street, lying between Concomly and Court streets, by grading -and planking the same and also to have the sidewalks in said street constructed to conform to the grades, according to plans and spec ifications to be seen at the office of P. J. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of Satur day May 20th, 1S76, said improvement to be completed by September 1st, 187G, as provided by ordinance No. 120, passed the Council May 1st, 1876. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. HENRY MILLER. Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, May 2fl 1876. BENTON STREET IMPROVE MENT Notice is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the undesigned under instructions of the Common Coun cil of the town of Astoria, for the con struction of a sewer on the cast side of Benton street, from Court street to tho Columbia river, according to plans and specifications to be seen at the office of P. J. Taylor, Recorder, until noon of Satur day May. 20, 1876, said improvement to be completed by September lht. 1S76, as provided by ordinance No. 121, passed the Council May 1st, 1876. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved. TIENRY MILLER. Street Commissioner. Astoria, Oregon, May 2d, 1876. . BUSINESS CAPJDS. fYR. S. W. DODD. PlfcYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Astoria. Oregon, opposito Custom House. T Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA, OREGON. F. J. TAYLOR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Room No. 5, Brown's Building. ASTORIA, OREGON. A. VAN DUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC, ASTORIA. Agent "Wells, Fargo & Co. G. "W. 11EA. C. W. FULTOX. REA fc FULTON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT Law.Conveyancers and Real Estate Agents Special attention given to perfecting Titles, paying taxes for non-residents, and all col lections promptly attended to. Office in Building, Chenamus street, corner of Cass, Astoria, Oregon. OT TTO DUFNER. PRACTICAL JEWELER, Main street, Astoria Oregon. WATCHES and CLOCKS cleaned and re paired in the best manner. CHARLES S. WRIGHT. Corner of Main and Chenamus street. Goods received on consignment and sold to the high est bidder. "DETER H. FOX. MERCHANT TAILOR. Now Sho:i, Main Street, Astoria. XJlothing of all kinds cut and made to order. Cleaning and repairing. TSTABLISHED 1S46. HEMLOCK TAMERY, C. Lkixenwebeb and II. Brown, Props., Manufacture all kinds of Leather. 1ARL BRACKLOW. Corner Court and and Hamilton Street, As toria, Oregon, Sign and Ornamental Painter and Paper Hunger. Orders left at binder's Orogon Iiakery will bo promptly filled and at reasonable rates. A class of children from eight to fifteen years of age will be taught free hand drawing. GERMANIA BEER-HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT, Chenamus Strkkt. Astoria. Tho public aro invited to cill and leavo their orders. Splendid Lager 5 cent a glass. Free Lunch every night. Wil. BOCK & CO., Proprietors. ALBERT ROEDER & CO., Machinists, Gunsmiths, and Locksmiths, Corner Concomly and Lafayette Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. "Will pay Special Attention to Blacksmith Work and general repairing. GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH RODGERS' OLD STAND, Cass St., Astoria, Oregon. All kinds of Rlacksmithing done to order. Satisfaction guarantood. Ship and engino work apiciality. TVT MYERS, ASTORIA BREWERY,- Having all thoncccssary machinery for first class work, skillful .Brewers, and using none but tho best quality of materials, tho Proprie tor is prepared to manufacture L AGEU BEER in any quantity, from a single bottle to a bar rel, and put it up in good condition for ship ment or immediate use. Families and keep ers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M. MYERS, Proprietor. W. B. HEADINCTON, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, ASTORIA, OREGON. Plans and specifications for buildings of any kind, and contracts (largo or small) filled with dispatch and in tho best manner possible. . BAIN & FERGUSON, Contractors and Builders, ARE PREPARED TO furnish material and erect buildlings of every discription : execute any and all kinds of Carpen ters' and Joiners' work. in tho most approved styles, with Neatness and Dispatch, Plans and Specifications,- and BILLS OF MATERIAL Furnished on Short Notice. Charges Reasonable. Seasoned Lumber Always on Hand. B5J-Orders 'left at I. W. CASE'S STORE will bo promptly Attended to. m. & DlfTlifflJT 1" p MPs BUSINESS CARDS. F. S. MEADE, MERCHANT TAILOR CHENAMUS STREET, ASTORIA, OREGOJT. FRENCH, ENGLISH, ANDA3IERICAN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Constantly on hand. K5T Garments made in the most Fashionable Styles. Draying & Trucking. The undersigned hav ing purchased the inter- r-r. est of tho CfcS Astoria Truck & Dray Co., Including Teams, Vehecles, etc., respectfully announces mat no is prepared to EILL ALL ORDERS "WITH PROMPTNESS. IN A CAREFUL MANNER from this date. VST Orders may bo left at tho Occident Hotel. T. S. JEWETT. Astoria Truck & Dray Co. . 4k THE MOST EXTENSIVE )j AND W$t Best Assorted Stock jkP 'nn " foun,l a lfE' s- LARSEN'S $ j Main Street, Nj Between Chenamus and fv. fc Squemoqha stroets, Mfe ASTORIA , 0 REG ON. - A Wfc X"Wwk A Large Invoice j YvS(? Jus received, , VLjit Ex-Steamer. , 'Cjfc Call SW o V &. V8? PETER RUNEY, ASTORIA, OREGON, BRICK LAYER, 4. And Plain and ORHAMEHTAL PLASTERER. Orders left at the Occident Hotel Promptly Attended to. REFERENCES'. J. B. Knapp, Knajypton ; Capt. J. -West, West port; II. li. Parker, S. Ar. Arrigoni, Hobmn fc Warren, J. Badollet Co. Axturia; J. W. it V. Cook; Clifton; Jos. Hume, Eureka; if: Watvon ib Co. Manhattan; J. L. Hep' urn. Glen Ella; J.'G. Megler fc Co. Brookfieldm and numerous othersor ichom I have Built Furnaces, set Ranges, and Kettles, and "Spread the Mort!" During my 12 years Residence in Oregon, LIME, SAND, BRICK, PLASTER, Lath, Cement, and all materials in my line, furnished to order. VST Special attention paid to Furnace work nnd Ranges. Cistern work warranted pood, or no pay. JPETR KUNEY, Astoria, Oregon. New Stock Now Opened At N. LOEB'S, MAIN STREET, Ono door South of Globe Hotel, Astoria. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING just received and opened 11 new and complete Stock of General Merchandise, Groceries and Provisions, Invite3 tho attention of the public. These Goods will bo sold at Lovr Figures. Call bo fore purchasing elsewhere. Tho best quality of goods for tho Fishing and Sailors . Trade constantly on hand. BSff- Highest Price Paitl for Furs. -5a cs- New Goods by every Steamer. N. LOEB, Astoria, Oregon. W M. EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenamus Streets. ASTORIA OKEGON. DEALER IX THK CHOICEST BRANDS OP Tobacco and Cigars, and the Genuine Wostenholin, and other English Cutlery. Fairchilds Gold Pens. And all sorts of. STATIONERY, NOTIONS ETC. FRESH SUPPLY OP DOWNER'S & Pratts Astral Coal Oil. These oils aro perfectly safe and produce a magnificent light. For sale by 1. V. CASE . rc9$i &&i - -?-- "fraSfifc, BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. DDIiTIMP 1 EQTALT0T1IEBEST,AND rnlllllRb -Cheap as the Cheapest, at J The Atorian Okkick. THE Daily and Weekly AsTORXA Job Printing Office ! IS NOW WELL SUPPLIED WITH New Material and Stock, And prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, BILLS OF FAKE. PROGRAMMES, .BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS RECEIPTS, PAMPHLETS And any other kind of Printing, Neatly and Promptly The Lowest Living Price are Charged. Printing by hand, Printing by steam, Printing from type, Or from blocks by the ream. Printing in black, Printing in white. Printing in colors, Of sombre or bright. Printing for merchants, And land-agents, too j Printing for any "Who've printing to do ; Printing for bankers, Clerks, auctioneers, Printing for druggists, Eor dealers in wares. Printing for drapers Eor grocers, for all, Who will send in their jobs Or give us a call. Printing of pamphlets, Ur bigger books, too ; In fact there are few things But what we can do. Printing of placards, Printing of bills, Printing of car-notes For stores or for mills ; Printing of labels, All colors we use, sirs, Especially fit for Our salmon producers. Prirting of forms All sorts you can get Legal, commercial, Or houses to let. Printing done quickly, Bold, stylish or neat, At the Astorian Office, On Squemocqha street. THE DAILY ASTORIAN JUST ESTABLISHED THE WEEKLY ASTORIAN 7 XOW IN ITS FOURTH YEAR Affords SlTPEIHOlt Facilities to Advertisers. figTGIVE US A CALL. "8 Astoria Bakery, o HENKY JACOBS PROPRIETOR,. Cor. of Main and Schemocqha Sts., Ajstoria Oregon. TAKES PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING to tho public generally that he is again prepared, at tho abo'vo well known stand to supply orders for FllESK IttlEAD and all kinds of pastry. IS?" One of the best Bakers on the coast employed. Satisfaction guaranteed. A share of tho public patronage respectfully solicted. rutter & Mckenzie, Ship Builders. HAYING LEASED THE PREMISES FOR a term of years, at the foot of AVash ington street, we beg leave to announce to the public that we aro now prepared for SPAE MAKING, CAULKING, and General Eepairing of VESSELS, BOATS, ETC., ETC. fi" Boats of all descriptions, first class in every respect, built to order. Yard foot of Washington street, Astoria. Oregon. Xotice. FROAI AND AFTER THIS DATE charges and advances on freight land ed at the 0. S. S. Co.'s "Wharf, Astoria, must be paid before the freight leaves the ware house. J. G. HUSTLER, Agent. WATER-PROOF SHIPPING-Tags Printed at the Astorian Office. -SKfmL IHBPFWEwfiw1yjWBjlt I r. -"-L li :-3X