r"" "' t gfts &iXa3 gtsiosiaw. THURSDAY 3Iay 4, 187G. Temple Lodge, No. 7, A. P. A. M. rcgu!ar Communications mentions first and 2 each month, at 7.30 XX o Hall in -Astoria. A third Saturdays jn o'nlock. i. v.. at tho Member5 of the Order, in good standing are invited to attend. By ordei of the W . M. Beaver Lodge, No. 35, 1. O. O. F. Moot every Thursday evening. .5fft. nt S o'clock, in flie Odd Fellow's Hall, cor. of Cas and Chcnamus "-jjjc1 btreets, Asioria. Members of the ' ' Order are invited to attend. By order, -S. b, Astoria Lodge No. 40, L O. G-. T. i?Ao-ninv "rtinn- oiwv Saturday Evening at 8 o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Chcna mus Street, Astoiia, over C. L. 1 arkcr s ' Store. Members of the Order, in good t:tnil- j ing, urc invited to attend. J 'eirree meetinir isi Monday each month. By order . 0. 1. Youngs River Grange, P. of H. -"W Meets on the fourth urdav of each montl n o'nlciek a.m. Patrons .' in good standing are invited to attend. By order of Nr M. Common Council. Regular meetings first Monday evening in each month, at 71. o'clock '.jy I'cr-ons dc.-iiing to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting, must present the same to the Uecorder, oi Mavor on or before the Friday evening prior to tho Monday on which tho Council holds its regular meetings. I. W. CASE, Mayor. F. J. T.vslou, Kecordcr. C. R. F. B. A. Society Notice. Any fisherman on the Colum bia liiver, wishing to join the iMaborinaiis A!oei:ition ean ai- B& lly in iieron or by 'letter to the following otficcrsof the Association. J. J. Aiee, Pics ident, Wateilord; JJ. I. .lieppard, Manhat tcn Fishery, Lodgo Deputy ; and Thomas Dealey Sceretary, Atoria, Oregon. A cor dial invitation is hereby tendered to all to avail theniM-lves of this privilege. ly order of the President. THOMAS DEALEY, Secretary. FINANCE AMD TRADE: Tiii:mci:il. Gold in Xcw York, 1121 .:. Legal Tenders in Astoria buying 88; sell ing b . Uradc Dollars. i2 buying; O'Hl selling; half dollar, hy buying; :uAYil i-elling.' Coin exchange on San Francisco J iiej'-eent. premium. Currency exchange on San Francisco A per cent premium. Coin exchange on Xcw York percent, pre mium. ' Telegraphic transfers on Xcw York 1 per -cent, premium. Currency exchangconXcw York Y percent, premium. Cold Lars 03 par. Sari Frnxifisco Marltcts. Flour. Extra, " r0 ! 00. Wheat Shippers' will give Si 70 for choice Jota alongside vessel; millers arc paying iyiMS lo7M SI 7o. Dai ley Light brewing, Si 20: choice. feed. 21 2)f"L 2"; Bright Chevalier, SI 10 14.'). ltye-L T.". Outs 2002 00. Potatoes Ue't Pctaluma, Tomalcs and IIumboUUt'slM)lJH). Hay 1 k U for common to choice. Liverpool wheat mai ket to-day s idHs lOd 'for average California; Ms 10d' 10s od for club. Astoria 3Iankkts. Flour,Oregon City, XXX, bbl.... ICx Kunily 4 " illamettc superior, 44 " Craham " " , Middling, "fl ton Corn Meal, ?' cental O 4- (i 00 ." 2") ( 00 -10 00 4 (HI ...40 00f? 12 0') ...27 001 10 00 ... ' 2") 00 (i round llarley, t'ton Dran & Shoi ts, " 11 ay Unions, Dushel lTolSO Potatoes, l.0i! 1 00 Butter, eastern, in tubs, "c l' Choice ioU " cheese " Cured Alcats, Hams. " '.'.Z Sides, ' " Shoulders, " Breakfast Pacon " Smoked Beef, " Corned Beef " ..... Corned J'ork, ' .... Lard, in tins and caddies " ..,.. Egg, i dozen . Chicken, " Hides, Dry, Tallow, Beef, Pork, " . M.utton, Veal, " Corn Beef, ft bbl. Sheep, ft head Apples, green, ft box Dry ' lb 1'eaches, " ' .-. Coffee, green " " prepared, Java, ft lb Rio, " Moco, ft lb Sugar, crushed, ft H ' jiowered, ft lb " Island, ft lb Syrup, extra golden, ft gallon.. " ' H horr ii) 22.y,r' -2.") ifnis 1-V Hi io. vi:. lKL'l.") 10 MV. -1 00(f") 00 10 ."( 15 7.S V0u ."mm! wnoirsoo 1 00 a L ."0 tft'10 "1 '' uy, 100 i 2-V Tea, Young Hyson, h 1,J 44 Janan, in papers, lo 44 44 in lacquered boxes t 1" ")' 70 7o,ijf0 Candles, it) 25 Oils, Hevoc's 'r ease 3 5033 7o Lead, Atlantic, white t lb l J Rice, f lb 7??io vSalt, Liverpool, II cental 1 oOrJ 00 44 Island, t cental lilo Spice, whole V lb 'S)(h'j.7 Vcvqt, " V lb 23&.-B Soap, Astoiia, V- box 90,1 00,1 2 " fancy, fl box 1 ")&2 J" Tobacco, ?l lb 7oi 00 M atones, t gross 2 20 Nail., V lb 0 Lumber, rough, iM lOOOWHOO finished, M lo 0030 0 ) pi.! i rn m o r.tr...t r oningius, t ,( i. j Rlankets, fi pair. G 00(5510 00 Sheeting, per yard lOuiu "Waterproof, " " Ticking, ' " Cottonades " " Elanncls, all wool 3 yard... Checks, yard Cotton .Flannel, ri yard Denims. " " Standard prints " M 1 OOJL'J. -50 1050 8&1Q For fine and Artistic Photographs, go to fiuchtel & Stolto, 91 andDS First street, Port Vfl the 4)oJjlnfctcIas Gallery in Oregon. Shipping Port of Astoria. CLEARANCES AXD DEPARTURES. SULKD California, str 674 tons, Hayes, for Sitka, May 3. ARRIVALS FROM SEA. o JaneA.Fslkinlrorg, bkt., 300 ions, Hubbard, fm Honolulu, Iay'2. Kat L. Hcrron, sell 2G tons, Thompson, fm Tilla mook, May2. Oriflamme. ss 1032 tons Holies, fmS "F May 2. "VVebfoot,Ukt.,3i2 tons,Whcelvripht.fm S.F.Apr 24 Wave Queen. Brlk,S33 tons, Anderson, fm Xew castle.X S AV., April 17. Tarn O'Shantur, Bkt., GIO tons, Patterson, fin S. F. April 17. River Lune, Br sh., 1135 tons, Williams, fm S. 1 April 14 Hazard, brig, 39(5 ton", Walker fm S. F, April 11 Caller Ou, Br. bk.,G74 tons, Ilea, fm T&LJava. Apr fl. W. H. Tliorndike. 1)1;., II days fm Alaska,March22. VESSELS OS THE WAY. o Modoc, bkt fm San Fmncisco. May 1. Orient, brig, 312 tons, Swan, fm S F Portland, bkt, 194 tons. Gage, fm S. F. Orcgonian, sch 274 tons, Pennell, fm SF. Melanctbon, bkt2f tons, Manten, fm S F Assayc, 12S1 tons, Kitchic, fm Cardiff, via Bio. Canoma, WO ts, Rosier, fm Glasgow via Honolulu. Centaur. Gorbk4(M tons Offarson. fm Hongkong, after Mai ch ls-t. Clita, Br bkt... 519 tons, White, fm Honolulu. Duart, Bav, ship. iTJG tons, fm Europe, via Austral ia and Shangai. Knid, Br bk., 4!)C tons, Kenouf fm Port Chalmers. Forwarder bk.,744 tons, Strachan, fm Hongkong. Garibaldi, bk, G70 tons, Noyes. from Hongkong. Hiro of the Nile, Br bk333 ton-,. Jke, tin Mel bourne, J'eb 21. Otto. Br bk 46-i tons, Carter, fin Liverpool Oct 14 Kobert Bright. Br. bk. 30!) ton-. Hennings from Shields March 13. Sierra Nevada, b s, 1250 ions, Kocrner, fm Tquique. Sam G. Beed, h, "(; tons White, from Hongkong. Trevoljan, Brbk KMJ tons, tdwanls, tin Newcastle Woodniile, Brbk. 700 tons Montgomery, U5 days fm Table bay. April 1. TisU Table lor Astoria. (From table of United States Coast Survey.) High 'Water.! Low Water. i May A. M. r. m. A. M. oT7" 1 :J1 2 lo , :l .Vi , o 01 . (i 00 . lo , 7 2S . S 12 r. m. l.... i:W 2 :vt I ; 20 S 0'J.. 7:;:5 ! 01.. S 11 i) ."".. J 41 10 :h".. 10-10 11 11.. .11 :;.") u IS!.. . - - 12 22;.. . 0 20 0 0.. . 0 1 1 .)2' .. . 1 21 :J oil.. I 2") i 2 z-l -.". 10 I i1 ." 17 :: H 20 7n 0 .72 ' . S . . S ol I Oi The height is reckoned fiom the level of av- crage lowe-t water, to which Uie .-oundings are iriven on the Coast Survey charts. hen the time in the a. m. column i followed by iit is afternoon, and when in the p. m. column oy.v it i forenoon. SHIPPING ADYEPvTISEMEXTS. TLAYACO 1 COlPA STEAM NAVIGATION YNY, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The steamers Gen. CANBY, AND ..Jt h M$iSu VARUNA,-- ' "W11 BE iX READINESS TO DO V t all kinds of towing, at reasonablo rates. Either tho Canby or Varuna will make trips every MONDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FOR IIAYACO (Unity), pD" CALLING AT WAY PORTS,- And return the same day. Leaving at tho u-iml hour, S o'clock, A. M. f&5 The reputation of flieso steamers gnar actccs safe and speedy transit to any point desired. KIT Por charter, freight, passage, or tow age, apply on board, or at the ollicc of the Company in Caaes Building, Astoiia, or .to J. 11. 1). (J KAY, Agent. Ry oidcr of L. . LOOM1S. President. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. Unity ana Qysieralle Slaps ! liOtuiiis fc Oirriiihcrs - - Iroiric,trs QTAGES IN THE ABOVE LINE O will leave lenity Tiuida3's and Satur days on the arrival"of the steah wclpllirs mm&i&& Froir. A?tona,and will leave Oytervillo Mon days and Friday?, connecting with the llwaco St.eam Xu igation Company's reamer for As-toiia. ti 6" l'a'senrcr Ticketed through; also, thro' bill oflaling given for freight. To Masters and Shippers. NOTICE. The "Warehouse of tho. ASTORIA FARMERS' COMPANY Astoria, Oregon, Is prepared to receive Urain on Storage at the following rates: 2o cents per tfrn for the lir.-t month, and 2" cent per ton ier month alter the tirst month, or fraction of a month. FOR YIIARFAGE RATES, APPLY AT THE OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, AT ASTORIA. s5Supciior accommodations for di.-chanr- Ling ballast, at reasonable rates. S. D. ADA IK, Secretary. TO THE PUBLIC. HAVING REFITTED AND REPAIRED the fast sailing Sloop "ELIZA" gk For the season of 1S73, tho undersigned is now in the Held for business, under charters UUUi:ilklJUU 12 iilMV nnviinnrnnim I .ntrorl 'nliimliin ...... ,.v...w w.. ..w y.,. w...uih. ttu Punctuality is my motto. Eor charter. Freight, or passage, apply to C. W. 11 AMBLLN, Master. pOLUZUBIA RIVER PILOTS. Office at the OCCIDENT HOTEL, tfwftS rt.siunu, uregon. P.JOHNSON H. A. SNOW, P-.E.FERCIUSN. M. M. GILMAN, G.REED, RICHARD HOYT. -C.S-WRIGHT Aeri. bjrU A. VAN" DUSEN'S MERCHANDISE. 8 & feSSSfiSSSSaSS FullSpring Stock! NOW OPEN, - AT The Old Corner. A. VAN DUSEF, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Main and Chcnamus Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. CALL. EXAMINE, PRICE THIS STOCK, BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE, &SS-F0R IT CANNOT RE BEAT. :st::rt::ct:t:tte .'-. ?J iC O K ?- r c c. C K3 ?Ji ffi r c " c a " - ", M (IP Or 0 4 1!. en O 5' cj o G W CO j'- c. 1 ' rv" I - rrjx p x a W M hi O M W fjij ? iff jjl V I JL y) H U. . H C m U W W -- S ,L-r ?i S 1 e :- W"5 P---JS5 C r. i i. , "---- ) " s j ! r -"2 lriM5. incliidinK Gauc and llnuclles, bis feet, nine Dollar.-: ti1.. feot, S.7."i: 7 feet, 10 o0. Orucra piomptlv lilieu liv A. VAX DUSEX. Soli le Acent, for A" toria. Oregon. J. N. ARMSTRONG, Photographic Artist, AT THE ASTORIA GALLERY. Having built anew building, specially adap ted to the business, next door to Dr. Kin sey's on the l'oadway, is now pre pared to take First Class Pictures, i At reasonable prices. Call and cccuro a shadow ere the substance fades. D. K. Waihiex. ' C A. McGuirk. Astoria Market ! Corner of Chcnamus and Cass streets, ASTORIA, .OREGON. WARREN & McGUIRE, Proprietors, (Succi'Mort, to HoImiii e Warren,) Wholcsalo and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats! A full lino of Family Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VEGETABLES, ETC. I s-Juttcr, Eggs, Cheese, tc. constantly! on hand. riT Ship supplied at the lowest rates. Washington Market, Main Street, Astoria Oreron, I. JKJEIZGMAX RESPECTFULLY CALLS THE ATTEN tion of the public to the fact that tho above Alarket will always be supplied with a PULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY or FRESH AMD CURED MEATS ! "Vhch will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ship. PACIFIC MARKET, German Sausage Factor New Building Parker House Block. Main Street, Astorm. J. S. MAYER, Troprietor TN ADDITION TO THE MANUFACTURE JL of all orts cf the Cleanot and Rest made Shii5n'f from rhA host, nnnlitv of Pork and for! eet. at the above stant, in luanuiies- sum I .-. "- -" n CiOnt 10 SUPPPli IUC irUUC niW JUSl Uliunuu . !.,.- ' new siockoi PRESERVES and CANNED ERDTT, And a good quality of Cigars and Tobacco. BSTFresh flutter. Cheese, Eggs, Hams, Ba con and shoulders, always on hand. ttTFrcsh Reef, Pork, Mutton, and Vegeta ble supplied to order. Call and give me a trial AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF the Domestic Sewing Macbane, at I W Cftbe ii i i i .. u r n M - L - -" pr .1 is -" &m I I t-i il Uf I J ill iH '0 JlCMKI I. W. CASE MERCHANDISE. I W. CASE'S ad-irarfers ! Con Clieitanms and Cass Streets, ASTORIA, OKEGOX. TCATt- O'PT.X'TX'n. A SPLENDID STOCK OF Crockery, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Provisions, NAILS AND ROPE! Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Paints, Oils $" Window GLASS! AND A PULL SUPPLY OE DOORS & WINDOWS, WniCU WILL be SOLD CHEAPER TITAN EVER BEFORE. p5 As I am making a speciality in that line oi' business, parties in want ol Doors and "Windows will find it to their advantage to call. I. "W. CASE. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, E.PAPMAHL&CO., .ASTOH.IA, ep mt npnE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETORS OF THE COLUMBIA BREWERY JL ju-t erected and placed in operation at Astoria, wish to inform the public that wo aro now prepared to fill all orders for a splendid articlo of tt - j,i uaving every iactncy ior uoing THE YEK-Y UEST CHAltACTEK OL WORK r- Papmahl being an Experienced Hrewcr ir5"Tho COLUMBIA BREWERY WILL WARRANT SATISFACTION IN TILLING ALL Orders. Give us a trial. trj.rigiv-:-..'g,j?i'1ui-jrnBiu.iJuj t'j jAUi:g.kyjrv.w . jt""- -'.Tt-Iiii-"'J jjlj.. 'nw-mmii AtlSCELLANEOUS. New Store. New Goods. .Just Opened, IN THE SUMMERS BUILDING, Chcnamus Street, Astoria. O'J.C. TRULLINGER, Would Respectfully Announce To tho Citi'cn.s of Astoria and Vieinitv, That ho is now here, and has Opened at the Abovo ell known Stand. A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK oi' Dry Goods, Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOES, And "everything required for daily use, down to a sack of 1 lour or Feed from my own mills in Washington County, which will be sold at I tho lowe:?t market rates. tt-iul invite the public generally to call and examine my stock and prices. Having located permanently in Astoria I " mean business." tfTho Saw mill is now in running order, with a full boom of choice logs, and I am also prepared to fill orders, large or small,.on short notice, for any kind of lumber. J.U.TKULLINGER. OOTS fe SHOES MADE TO ORDER, AX: .SATISFACTION afAUAXTEEI, BY A, W. CONE, - - Astoria, Siini of the Golden Shoe. Inqh Riflincrq Hifq nn FnrtQ J Ubl1 -DllllI1ob niCS n -aCtS, EOR-INSTANCE: "Unman Happine seems to be sumthinj: that overy ljoddy ib Iookin after, but don't expefct to find PMie&h allycf their booth dou't fit. -0- i-Tlro public of Astoria and surrpnndmg country are pretty well assured of the fact tb-if Pnnn's lnsinufaeture of Roots nd bhoesis of the finest and best quality, and that they ! are made to fit. BSrFurtlicnnore, the prices correspond with the times henco human happiness is within ' the reach of everv inhabitant who would have J his feet properly inched by tho Root maker of Astoria wiio is quaineu 10 in iuu ioui. SIGX OF THE GOLDEN SHOE, Maui Street, Astoria. ALTONA . n"H0P PI OTTSE cSxS& UU-UA U.UUKJ-LJ. . MAIN STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. T. BRAMEL - - Proprietor. mTTT "NTTTTr 11T !.' Ik' 1(1 iVI.yV.'N - . uiao ? e. y trncn;7 l U. JL ."vi-iiim ! l -!: " " A, X'ilJliDJj. J jloj-jluxikj, . -n-rTT1CTT 'L."IMi'WV In Every Style, to Order. The Proprietor will, as in times past, strive to merit a share of the public patronage and will WARRANT SATISFACTION . TO 'ANY WHO MAY FAVOR . HIM WITH A CALL. Meals at all Hours! TPOSITTVELjY NO CHINA31EN IN MY EMPLOY- rffi.- MISCELLANEOUS. WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. IRA CUTTING ANNOUNCES TO THE PEOPLE OF storia and vicinity lhat lie i3 now pre pared to, do-all kinds of WATCHMAKING AND JEWELLING in tho neatest possible manner. All work warranted. IUA CUTTING, Chenainus street, Astoria, Ogn. N. F. MUDGE, Contractor and Builder. ASTORIA, OREGON. ,ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER X3l "WORK AND CONTRACTING promptly attended to. trsr Special attention given to wharf and mill construction. Address: N. E. MU1JGE, Contractor, Astoria, Oregon. CENTENNIAL BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. Sign of the Eed Boot MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. Next door to P. II. Fox, Tailor, The only place in Astoria, where you can got a perfect tit and th.a hest French stock. Never mind what Josh Billings says. 1 mean busi ness. Give mo a call. JOHN WILDER. LAGER BEER, ALE, Etc. - PROPRIETORS, OSLESCS-OKT. XjAGtEH., H And Bottled BEER! E. PAPMAHL & CO., Astoria, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. "OATHS, BATHS "nf n.A ;i Jul' U1" aim SHORTER Baths AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, HAIR DRESSING SALOON. Jacob Niederauer PnorRiETOE. tr Special attention paid to LADIES' CHILD HEX'S HAIR CUTTING v&i Private Entrance for Ladios'St and Tf OR SALE. Tho Engine belonging Astoria Eire Company So. i b'or further particulars inquire of tho Committee, on Public Property. Dy order of tho Common Council. ERAXIC J. TAYLOR, Recorder. C. E. Jackins & Co. Cor. Mnin and TefTeraon Sts Astoria, Oregon. .62 rSST Dealers in all kinds of Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware ! w iCoppor Tea-kettles, pressed Tea-kettles, burnished Tea and Coffoo pots, porcelain, tiro lined, and pressed Iron sauco pans, fancy an. I plain vent Thimble covers, lino Dust pans anti brushes, cat iron Rake ovens, etc., etc., etc., embracing about .''!,:$ articles too numerous to mention, for old Rachelors, maids, children and married folks. xUT Agents for tho sale of tho celebrated Occident Cookine Stoves. Astoria Brewery Saloon, And Bottled Beer Depot ! MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. RUDOLPH BARTH, ' MICHAEL MYERS, Proprietors. The Best Quality Lager Beer, ITVlTcENTS A GLASS. rt!5 Tho patronage of tho public is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager, or Rottled Leer, in any quantity, promptly filled. 2T Erco Lunch day and night. TRED KROSEL, House and Sign Paintfng, PAPER HANGING, KALSOMINING, ETC., Special attention paid to Country icorh Shop On Squemoqha street, ASTORIA, - - ' - OKKCiOX. B OAj? BUILDING. Having completed my shop (between Tallmah's landing and Wcstport on tho Co luml ia river J i am now prepared to build FISHING BOATS, ROW BOATS, SKIFFS, ETC., ETC., everything in tho lino of boats. " Copper fas tened boats a speciality." 31y motto is ; lirst class work for a fair re muneration. P.O. Address. T.DR1SC0LL. Westport Ogn. BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED Very cheap, at TILE ASTORIAN Office fluJfl Hsrriitaif to ySv SsiS ujjS3k , .-1- &-!' -itiii?.