'f 'v en VOL. 1. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 4, 1876. NO. 4. 3 gaiXS Asfarcfem. ISSUED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays Excepted), I. C tRELAXE, : : PUBLISHER. Monitor Building, Cass Street Terms of Subscriptien: Seired by Carrier, per week 25 Cents Sent by mail, three months S2 50 Sent by mail six months 4 00 Sent by mail one year. 7 00 Tree of Postage to the Subscribers. (S3? Advertisements inserted by the year at the rate of SI 00 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or week, fifty cents per square first insertion. The grass in the Congregational church yard was being cut this morning -Last evening at sunset, fifty-one fishing boats were counted without a glass, on the bay in front of Astoria from one stand point.. "What an im pressive scene it would have present ed in front of Portland on the. broad Wailamet. Last night this region of country was visited by a splendid shower buokets full of pure water fell to aid in the development of tomato plants. Cabbages are doing first rate. Yesterday morning the China men refused to go to work at Booth's and Badoliett's, without two dollars per month increase of wages, but at 11 a. m. Badolett's force returned to their work without accomplishing their purpose. Good farms for sale in this part of Oregon, will be scarce and high priced in a few years. Just now we know of three valuable farms for sale heap. Applicants for land are re ferred to. John Hunter, Unity ; D. E. Pease, Skipanon ; and T. P. Pow ers, upper Astoria. See advertise ments. Genial Lew Rattler of San Fran cisco is responsible for the following double entendre : A fashionably dressed lady in passing the party by, attracted general attention through her unweildy or-what-do-you-call-it. However, the solons tusseled with the subject and holding Lew to be the boss thus "propounded" him. Lew what is that, any how ? Well boys I am surprised your early edu cation, etc. Don't you know what that is? Chorus of all "No I" Well I'll "CalV and " JSx-aminer." A little sour in mine was the refrain. An old quarter, that seems never "to have done anybody any good fur ther than to sit in a tray and repre sent collaterals since 1850, was paid to the wandering (typo-pilgrim) Has lett, at Astoria this week. Haslett is a good typo he is a traveler also ; -having gone to the ends of the earth on foot, seeking employment and whisky. He put in two weeks steady, faithful work, at the case in this office up to noon yesterday, when we paid him off that he might embark -on the California for Victoria whither she was drifting but the sight of that bright old quarter among the coin we gave him was too much for his ideas of propriety, and he started the quarter on its rounds of usefulness as a quarter, in doing which he missed the steamer, is again a delegate from the Police-court. Poor tramp. When he came here he was a most pitiable looking object He didn't have a shirt to his. back; we dressed him up 5n anew suit of old clothes, put clean shirts on him, and had a hope that -he would leave Astoria a better man than when he came Here, but alas; it was hope and charity wasted. Current Euents of the Day. The new building on Concomly street, south of the Astoria Fishery, is designed for a Chinese boarding house. -The tug Ben Holladay brought the brig Hazard, of G. W. Hume's line down the river last evening ready for sea. - Work on the new steam tug to be built at Knappton by and for Simpson Bro.'ahas begun. Mechanics are now laying the keel. Capt. Flavel left for Portland this morning intending to be absent several days on business partly with respect to proposed repairs on the barkentine Jane A. Falidnburg. W. H. Ashton, Jr., of the Eastern and Pacific coast press, is in town. Mr. John Fitzpatrick of Fisher ton, came down by the Bonita yes terday and received another one of his new fishing sloops and returned last evening. His new cannery will be ready for operation in a few days. Messrs. Rutter it MeKenzie hav ing disposed of their lease and ship yard foot of Washington street, are looking about for a point adapted to their business with a view of perma nent work in the ship building line in this vicinity. A young man employed at the Knappton mills had his shirt badly torn by being wound up from the dangling ends of a sleeve on a project ing shaft. It was very lucky for him that his arm was not wound up in stead of the shirt sleeve but, as it is he was painfully hurt. Two large iron buoys brought into port by-the schooner Kate L. Herron, were thrown overboard yes terday, and floated to the Water-street roadway, where they were hoisted by a pile driver and safely stored at the government warehouse, south of the Occident, for future repairs. The rush of spring business for the lower Columbia river steamers has subsided, and the boys are en enjoying their otiwin cum dignitate during the short interim for resump tion for heavy work when the salmon begins to leave the river in cases. Col. Tavlor arrived in New York City on the 25th ult., exactly one month from the date of his departure from Astoria. He went by way of Panama, steamer all the way through. Letters received resterJay from Aca pulco state that with the exception of the first day out from San Francisco the voyage that far had been a very pleasant one. We advise our friends going eastward to try the Panama route. C. M. Sfark, of Deep river, yes terday brought us ten pounds of ex cellent fresh butter a sample of the products of farms across the bay. Tillamook has acquired quite a repu tation as a butter producing region, but we have never seen any better article from there than this from Pacific county. For the purposes of dairying no climate can excel the Coast line of counties. We were in error in stating that the officers elect of Astoria Lodge of Good Templars were installed last Saturday evening. Officers were elected Saturday evening, and we are reliably informed will be pub licly installed next Saturday even ing the ceremony to take place at the Congregational church. Mr. F. G. Andrews, of Portland called last evening to express the gratitude of the relatives of Mr. Chas. Walker, for the part we had taken in spreading irfformation which lead to to the recovery of the body. It will be remembered that Mr. Walker mysteriously disappeared from a point opposite The Danes in November last. He had crossed the river en route to his new home in Klickitat valley, and is supposed to have accidently drowned in an effort to return to The Dalles, leaving his team on the Territory side. The body was found by Mr. Ed. Miller last week, near his fishery below Brookfield. Mr. Andrews, as a friend to the family came down and secured the body, which was taken up the river to-day from Brookfield, for burial at Oregon City. It is a very sad case. Mrs. Walker has suffered terrible agony and suspense for th"e past long and weary six months, but may now be more composed with the knowledge which to a certainty shows all the facts as to Mr. Walker's death. The body was fully identified. iSTSplendid assortment wall pa per and window blinds just received at Case's. LETTER FROM PROFESSOR BAIRD. Washington, April, 17, 1876. Editor Astorian : I am in receipt of your letter of the 31st, and beg to thank you for the in teresting information contained there in. !die Astorian comes regularly, and I always look it over carefully in the expectation of finding some thing to interest me in the character of the country. I hope you will fa vor me with a full record of the cap ture of fish on the Columbia river the coming season. It is very desirable that we know exactly the number of establishments and of men employed, the number and average weight of the fish, with the maximum and mini mum amount of the production. I can make excellent use of such data in my researches and reports. In view of the present abundance of fish in the Columbia river, I tliink it will be some tune before the supply will be exhausted, or even materially di minished. Still, sooner or later a diminution will probably take ilace; and it would be very proper to take measures to increase the stock by ar tificial propagation. An expense of probably $5,000 a year, or even less, judiciously laid out at some good spawning grounds would readily maintain the supply to such a degree as to defy all possible mode of inter ference. This would be much cheap er than the enactment of prohibitory laws, with the expense of enforcing them. A memorial of the Oregon Legisla ture was presented to Congress last winter with regard to fisliing regula tions and this was referred to me by the Committee on Commerce, and I made quite an elaborate report which was printed, but of which I regret that I have no copy. Quite probably Mr. Mitchell could secure this for you. I could readily find suitable persons to take charge of a hatching establish ment if the funds were furnished to the amount mentionejL Probably af ter being started, it might be taken hold of by the general government, but I tliink this not very probable. The only regulation in regard to fisli ing that I would consider expedient, would be as to the season of closing and the size of the mesh. With a mod erate amount of artificial handling, no other requirements woidd be neces sary. For the first year the expense might be a few thousand dollars more as a hatching house would perhaps need to be constructed. Yours Truly, Spencer F. Baird. BDr. Welch finding that it would not be possible for him to quit As toria at the advertised time accepts the situation like a good dentist (as he is), and still remains at No. 10, Occident Hotel. Eastern Oregon The Astorian is doing more for the interests of Eastern Oregon than any other pnper in the State. If jTou have a friend or a relative in that section of this country, send him the pa per on trial. Only one dollar for four months. j23Any person inquiring for a fine quality of liquor, and .can appreciate the same, can find the genuine J. H. Cutter Whibkey and Millers extra Old Bourbon, at the Columbia Bar" saloon Astoria, with Geo. TJsherwood late of Portland to cater to their taster. Gentlemen will please give us a call. Cigars of a fine quality also on hand. Jas. M. Lynch, Prop. "Everybody goes to the Novelty Barbershop to get fixed up in style. Every person may come, and more too, for I have employed a nrst-class artist who will smil ingly manipulate your chin, gracefully curl your mustache, nicely puff your hair, and last of all, but not least, will perfume your clothes with the most pupular perfumery in use, "Patchouly" if you don't believe it just try.it. Hnir cutting, shaving, and sham pooing. Hair dying done and warranted not to turn red, break or split. Parker House, Astoria. 4 J.L. Campbell, Proprietor. Telegraphic News. Synopsis of Proas Dispatches. Murder must come out. Pensylvania Representative Expelled from the House. Vanderbilt's Health Improv ing. Mustang Horses in the East do not retain their speed. The Coming Race of 300 miles in New York. Meeting of Distinguished Scientists. Bloody wof k in Louisiana. The Alaska Fur Seal Inves tigation. . President Grant's Proposi tion to Punish Custer. Won't Have His Adminis tration Besmirched. Blain Clears His Skirts A Mistake. Dishonesty in Public Land Surveys. Wagers made that Belknap will not be Sinched. Gov. Ferry Confirmed as Governor of W. T. Chinese Patients in the San Francisco Pest-house Turned out. John Halleran who murdered William Russell in June 1871, in Brooklyn, has been arrested in San Francisco. . The House of Representatives, af ter ten hours' discussion Tuesday night resolved to expel J. H. Petroff, member from Philadelphia, for con duct unbecoming a Representatives. The accusation was that Petroff' had negotiated with lobbyists, wlio were iirsrinsr the passage of .a bill, to ob tain 14 votes in their favor for $700, 500. Petroff denied any corrupt mo tive. The evidence proved he did not receive a dollar, but the house con sidered the negotiations were improp er, and therefore decided on ex pulsion. A New York dispatch of the 2d says the health of Commodore Yander bilt is improving. The "World speaking of the coming mustang race against time says it is to be for a stake of 40,000, that is 25, 000 bv prominent business men of New York against 15,000 by old Cal ifornia residents here; that it is impos sible to bring mustangs into the East ern climate and subject them to East ern fare and have them keep their speed. The horses to be used are Cal ifornia mustangs of the ordinary breed, ridden by one .man the entire distance, accoutered with Mexican stirrups and Spanish bits',, and ridden in relays. The entire number of which, not to ex- I ceed 30; the distance to be ridden is 300 miles to be ridden over a track within one hundred miles of New York and within 15 hours. The mus tangs are from a yard in Yisalia, Cal ifornia. Their rider is a Mexican, fa mous as a horseman and one of the . most daring riders that ever carried mails into Southern California. Gen. Brinkerhoff, President of the Ohio Archeological Association an nounces an international convention of Archeologists has been called to meet at Philadelphia on the 4th of September next. The most distin guished scientists of the United States are engaged in the management. In vitations have been sent to the promi nent scientific men of Europe. Clark, private Secretary to the Governor of Louisiana, recerVed a dispatch on Tuesday from Conshatta announcing the murder of King, brother-in-law to State Senator Twitchell, and the wounding of the latter, by an unknown man. The as sassin rode through the town to the river bank and commenced firing with a repeating rifle at Twitchell and King who were dn a flat boat being ferried over the river. The negro ferryman Wcis also wounded. Senator Twitchell is one of the holding-over Republican Senators. The sub-committee on ways and means,investigating the Alaska matter, on Tuesday took the testimony of Louis Goldstone of San Francisco, who says he was the lowest bidder and should have been awarded the lease of the fur seal islands. Senator Boutwell appeared before the Committee, and at the conclusion of Goldstone's testimony stated the reasons which controlled his action as secretary of the treasury in giving a preference to the bid of the Alaska Commercial Company. Both witnesses referred to the executive documents published by a former Congress as containing the full transaction of the varrious bids, papers and correspondence relating to the matter, which are now on file in the treasury department. Nothing ad ditional of importance wras elicited. The World's special" says Grant has relieved Custer of command. When the news got to Sherman and Taft, both went to him and reported that it would not do. Sherman went further and said : " Custer has been my best officer ; not only my best man, but the only man to lead the expedition now fitting out against the Indians. Toall their treaties, Grant turned adeaf ear, saying that Custer came" here as a witness in the Bel knap business, tobeemirch hisadinin- istration, and he proposed to stop it. By the advice of Sherman and Taft, Custer went to the White House and sat until the President's time was over, though he repeatedly sent in his card. Finally he wrote .to the President. It is " understood Grant will publicly assign as reasons for re lieving Custer, that he is here and will not he back in time to take charge of his command; but Custer will be back in time, and Grant must make some other excuse to the people. On Tuesday last Blaine made an elaborate and it must be admitted, conclusive refutation to the House to the story that he improperly received a number of Kansas Pacific bonds. The evidence showed that the man who originated the story had admit ted his mistake. The day closes here with Blain's skirts clearer than the rest of the involved Republican Pru dential aspirants. JH5 The committee on public lands yesterday began discussion of the im portant question in relation to survey ing public lands. Thousands of dol lars have been stolen by dishonest surveyors, and the entire system needs" renovating. It is believed the plan of surveying from monuments established at given points will be ! adopted.