, .' ' ?- S" -: v .'v ftf Jpuc g&xls stoEiaix. "WEDNESDAY May 3, 1S7C. STEINBERGER'S CASE. Letter from the Samoan Minister -to Vashington--Fears that the British will take Possesion of the Islands. . Tlie San Prancisco Chamber of Com merce, have received the following commu nication from Prank Piatt, Minister to "Washington from the Samoan Islands : Sax Phaxcisco, April 3. 1S7G. Dear Sir : I mot respectfully request tha.1 you will lay before the Chamber of Commerce the following facts in i elation to the Samoan Islands, feeling convinced that with their endorsement our govern ment will take such mea-ures as to prevent those islands .being Liken po--e.-sion of by the British government. Thc'e islands are the central point of the Polynesian group, and are the only islands in the South Pacific that possess good and secure harbors; one at Panga Panga, on the Island of Tutulia; the other at Apia, on the Island ol Upolu. The gioup is in almost a straight line from New Zealand to San Prancisco. A line oi steamers i& now projecting to run from Sydnc3T via Bay of Islands, 2s ew Zealand, to San Prancisco, proposing to make the Samoan Islands the central point of connection with the Polynesian group, taking in the Pijis. New Caladonia and Tahiti. They nre situated about half way from New Zealand and the Sandwich Islands, thus dividing the vo3'age between San Prancisco and Sydney into nearly four equal parts, namely ; irst, Sydney toJJay of Islands ; second, BaT of Islands to Samoa; third, Samoa to Sandwich 1 -lands ; fourth, Sand wich Islands to San Prancisco. If Samoa should not be made a calling point, it will leave a stretch of o,S00 miles, a distance too great for the coal carrying capacity of the steamer. THE TOLICY OF THE BRITISH GOVERN MENT. A pamphlet written a shoi t time since, for piivate distribution, by an eminent statesman in the colonies, foreshadowed the policy of the British government in the South Sea. Their de-ign is to take possession ol all the i-lands in the South Pacific that are now under foreign protec tion, and :o control the tiade of the Poly nesian group. The harbors of the Pijis. aie not safe, hurricanes being of frequent occurrence ; therefore they have determin ed to take possession of the Samoan I-lands for their secure harbors ; and from the jact of their being the central point of the Polynesian group they do not want any other foieign government to have control of them. 3Ir. Steinberger was sent to Samoa by our government as a special agent, to report upon the condition of the group. He returned and wrote an elaborate icport, which was printed by the govei nment. On his return, he carried with him a letter from the chief rulers of Samoa to the President, asking that he be sent back to assist them in organizing a government. 3Ir. Steinberger returned to Samoa, taking with him arms and ammunition as presents from the Govern ment of the United States to the Samoan government, and set at woik organizing a government. HE "WAS APPOINTED PREMIER, And succeeded after great labor in organ izing a stable government, which was ih successful operation until the interference of the n.ngh-11. The natives are unani mous in their opposition to the English, and beg that the United States will pro tect them from their aggressions. Unless our Government takes some action in this matter, we will-lose the la-t oppoitunity of obtaining a foothold in te South Pacific for American commeice, and directing the valuable trade of this region to San Francisco. I tbeRfoie beg that your honorable body will recommend an investigation into this British outrage, and, if nothing else can be done, warn the British to keep hands off. I have the honor to be, your obedient servant. Prank Platt, Minister to "Wa-hinton from Samoa. To Isaac Fried lander, President San Prancisco Chamber of Commerce. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Xofary Iul2ic ami Commissioner of iee:ss. For California and Washington Territory. OFFICE. Case's Building, corner Cass and Chenamu streets. Astoria, Oregon. "FIELD, FLOWER AND GARDEN J- s-cud-, Oregon and California, in full bupph-, f:"h and nice at I. "Y. Case's. F. CRANG, Al. D. Surgeon, Etc., ASTORIA, OREGON. At the solicitation of numerous friends, has consented to practice medicine, and tenders his services to the public. Br. Crang brings many years experience in the practice of his profession. TiESil SUPPLY OF DOWNER'S & JO Fratts Astral Coal Oil. These oils aro perfectly safe and produce a magnificent light. For, sale by 1. V. CASE w Jl. EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenamus Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. DEALER IN THE CHOICEST 15RANDS OV Tobacco aiicl Cigars3 and the Genuine TVostenholm, and other English Cutlery. Fairchilds Gold Pens. . And all sorts of STATIONERY, NOTIONS ETC. Drifts and Tow Heads 1876. Upper Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon. April 24, 187(5. J At a Special meeting of the Colum bia River Pishennens Beneficial Aid Society, the following regulations for the government of all concerned were adopted. That, the following drifts and tow heads be established for the fishing season of 1S76. First Drift. From Woody Island to Brown's point. Second Drift. From Brown's Poi n t inside of Snag Island to the 12th red buoy. Third Drift. From tne loth buoy to Tongue Point. Fourth Drift. From Tongue Point to a point a little west of Booth's Cannery, at a place to be designated by a spile or some permanent mark. Fifth Drift. . From the termina tion of the 4th drift to Smith's Point. Sixth Drift. From Smith's Point to the Pacific Ocean. Seventh Drift. From the red buoy in the Prairie channel to Tongue Point up or down. Eighth Drift. The big snag in Chinook shoot will be considered a tow head. The fishermen in Astoria, in coun cil have mutually agreed to bind themselves to he governed by the foregoing drifts, and it is expected from boats outside of the Society that they will also conform to the same. Any fisherman who is not fortunate enough to be a member of this Society luis still another opportunity to join this Society, by applying before the 10th clay of May, 1S76, in accordance with the notice published elsewhere in the Astokiax. After which time the initiation fees will be raised to twenty-five dollars. By order of the Society, TJIOaPAS BEALEY, Sec. ri II. PAGE fc CO., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, FARMERS "WHARF, ASTORIA OREGON. xt5 All kinds of country produce, wanted in exchange tor goods. W. E. DEMENT, DRUGGIST, ff S CIIEXAtf VK STREET, ASTORIA. NEXT IrOOIt TO 1. W. CASE'S D EALER IX PAINTS, OILS, YAR- mshes, Brutae, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. Wines and Liquors- S"1 Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. S. KINSEY, ON THE ROADWAY, NEAR HUME & Co's. CANNERY, Astoria, Oregon, DEALER IN 1 A! JlL? vV Building Materialsgjra OF EVERY KIND. Nails of All Descriptions. DOORS AND WINDOWS, RUSTIC, FLOORING, BLINDS, MOULDING, SASH, ETC. Wines and Liquors BY THE BOTTLE OR TOE GALLON Custom made "boots and Shoes. Tobacco of Fine Oualitv. io This stock is in every respect Al, and will be" soldat tho lowestpriccs for cash, Givo mo a call at tho new store, on the Ilondwav. S. KIXSEY, Astoria, Oregon. RARE OPPORTUNITY For Profitab!eIn vestment. I offer for sale all my real estato in Clatsop County, consisting of my original .Donation claim, on Lewis and Clarke river, consisting of live hundred acres tide land meadow, ac knowledged to bo tho best stock claim in the county. Also, a large interest in the Upper iown of Astoria, a portion of John Adair's do nation claim. Enquire of tho subscriber. T. P. i'OWEUS. BILLS OF4.ADING, WAY BILLS, Receipts, and all kinds of Commer cial Printing, done at tho Astorian office. CALL, EXAMINE, ORDER.1 BUSINESS CARDS. TR. S. W. DODD. "PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Astoria, Oregon, opposite Custom House. J. Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORXFT AT LAW, ASTORIA, OREGON". F. J. TAYLOR. ATTOJIXFY AT LAW, Room No. 5, Brown's Building. ASTORIA, 0 REG OX. A. VAX DUSEN. NOTARY PUBLIC, ASTORIA. Agent Wells, Fargo & Co. G. KEA. C. V. l'CLTOX. REA cfc FULTON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT Law,Convcyancers and Real Estate Agents Special attention given to perfecting Titles, paving taxes for non-residents, and all col lections promptly attended to. Ofiice in Building, Chenamus street, corner of Cass, Astoria, Oregon. A o TTO DUFNER. PRACTICAL JEWELER, Alain street, Astoria Oregon. "WATCHES and CLOCKS cleaned and re paired in the best manner. CHARLES S. WRIGHT. Corner of Main and Chenamus street. Goods received on consignment and sold to the high est bidder. pETEll H. EOX. MERCHANT TAILOR. New Slio:, Main Street, Astoria. Clothing of all kind cut and made to order. Cleaning and repairing. TpSTABLISIIED 1S46. HEMLOCK' TAffiERY, Til HUM f C. Lkixenwebku and IT. Brown, Props., Manufacture all kinds of Leather. 0 rVRL BRACKLOW. Corner Court and and Hamilton Street, A's toiia, Oregon, Sign and Ornamental fainter and Paper Hanger. Orders left at Minder's Oregon Bakery will be promptly filled and at reasonablo rates. A class of children from eight to fifteen years of ago will be taught free hand drawing. pEIOIANIA BEER HALL BOTTLE BEER DEPOT, Chenamus Street. Astoria. The public ore' invited to cill and leave their orders. Splendid Lager 5 cent a. glass. Ireo Lunch every night. "V.M. BOCK & CO., Proprietors. ALBERT ROEDER & CO.. Machinists", Gunsmiths, and Locksmiths, Corner Concomly and Lafayette Streets, ASTOIILA, OREGON. "Will pay Special Attention to Blacksmith "Work and general repairing. GEORGE MACLEAN, BLACKSMITH RODGEKS' OLI STAND, Cass St., Astoria, Orkgox. All kinds of Blacksmithing done to order. Satisfaction guarantod. Ship and engine work a p 'cialify. -jVr MYERS, ASTORIABREWERY, Having all thenecessary machinery for Srst clas work, skillful Jirewcrs. and using nono but the best quality of materials, tho Proprie tor i prepared to manufacture LA UER BEER in any quantity, from a single bottle to a bar rel, and put it up in good condition for ship ment or immediate use. Families and keep ers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M.-MYEKS, Proprietor. W. B. HEAD1NGTON, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, ASTORIA, OREGON. Plan" and specifications for buildings of any kind, and contracts (Inren or small) filled with dispatch as iinu in iuu unsi manner possible. BAIN & FERGUSON, Contractors and Builders, -- AllE PREPATtED TO ia furnish material and erSifrrHi erect huildlings of every ffT disenption : execute any -and all .kind of Carpen- in tho most approved styles, with .X eatness and Dispatch, Plans and Specifications, A3D BILLS OF 3IATEBIAL Furnished on Short Xotice. Charges Reasonable. Seasoned Lumber Always on Hand. CS- Orders left at I. W. CASE'S STORE will bo promptly attended to. jav Hi&. mmm. BUSINESS CARDS. F. S. MEADE, MEECHANT TAILOR CHENAMUS STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. FRENCH, AAs. TA-nrTCTT 114? JSH ,uli,oli' M AKD A3IERICAN 4IISW CLOTHS, AND TESTINGS, Constantly on lt;mu. teST' Garments made in tlic most "us?noiini2c Styles, Draying & Trucking. m cat of the 342 Astoria Truck & Dray Co., Including Teams, Vehcclcs. etc., respectfully announces that ho is prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS "WITII PROMPTNESS, IN A CA KEFUL MANNER from this date. i&T Orders may bo left at tho Occident Hotel. T. S. JEWETT. Astoria Truck & Dray Co. &. THE MOST EXTENSIVE AXD tBest Assorted Stock Can lc fouml at Main Street, Between Chenamus and Wv Squemoqha street', Vmv ASTORIA , OREG ON. O $ dv !S& Large invoice Sw just received, yf $ ' Ljflk Ex-Steamer. 'A 1. PETER RUNEY, ASTORIA, OREGON, BRICK LAYER, . jLt-Vk, And Plain and OBUHEITIL PUSTEHEB.4lg:5gM Orders left at ,tlie Occident Hotel Promptly Attended to. JIEFJZIWXCES : J. B. Knapp, Knapptmi ; Co)t. J. Went, West port; H. 1. Parker, S. AT. Arritjoni, iolWu Warren, J. Badollet t- Co. Astoria; J. W. C- V. Cook; Clifton; Jos. Hume. Eureka; Ji. Watton tC- Co. Manhattan; J. L. Hep. urn t Glen Ella; J. G. Mcgler it Co. Lrookjield, and numerous outers j or icnoni i nave Built Furnaces, set Ranges, and Kettles, and "Spread the Mort!" During my 12 years Residonco in Oregon, LIME, SAND, BRICK, PLASTER, Lath, Cement, and all materials in my lino, furnished to order. . tXsT" Special attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Cistern work warranted stood, or no pay. JPETJBK ItUXKY, Astoria, Oregon. New Stock Now . Opened At N. LOEB'S, MAIN STREET, Ono door South of Globe Hotel, Astoria. THE UNDERSIGNED HAYING jubt received and opened a new and complete Stock of General Merchandise, Groceries artd Provisions, Invites tho attention of tho puhlic. These Goods will be sold at Low Figures. Call be foro purchasing elsewhere. Tho best quality of goods for tho Fishing and Sailors Trade constantly on hand. C3T Highest Price Paid for Furs. && ear New Goods by every Steamer- N. LOEU, Astoria, Oregon. RUTTER & McKENZlE, Ship Builders. HAYING LEASED TIIE PREMISES FOR a term of years, at tho foot of Wash ington street, ro beg leave to annunco to tho public that we arc now prepared for SPAE MAKING, CAULKING, and General Kepairiug of VESSELS, BOATS, ETC., ETC. tsr Boats of all descriptions, first class in every respect, built to order. Yard foot of Washington street, Astoria, Oregon. The undersigned hav- vrVty. g nuienascu tne inter- n - v vivVJ'r Cft -- i - ,SJ-i.ijgS. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. DDIimup 1 EQT'AL TO TILE BEST, ASD rn'flllRb -Cheap us the Cheapest, at 1 J Thk Aktouiax Oki-'ICK. THE Daily and Weekly iX",',S 'SVC B. .P. iRI J$L Job Printing OMce ! IS NOW AVELL SUPPLIED WITH Nev Material and Stock, And prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, BILLS OE FARE, PROGRAMMES, Bl LL-IIEA J)S, CIRCULARS, LETTEll-UEADS RECEIPTS, PAMPHLETS, And any other Idnd of Printing, Neatly and Pronvptly The Lowest Living Price lire Charscd. Printing by hand, Printing by steam, Printing from type, Or from blocks by the ream. Printing in black, Printing in white. Printing in colors, Ot sombre or bright Printing for merchants, And land-agents, too ; Printing for any Who've rrinting to do ; Printing for bankers, Clerks, auctioneers, Printing for druggists, For dealers in wares. Printing for drapers For grocers, for all, Who will send in their jobs Or give us a call. Printing of pamphlets, Or bigger books, too ; In fact there are few things J3ut what we can do. Printing of placards, Printing of bills, Printing of car-notes For stores or for mills ; Printing of labels, All colors we use, sirs, Especially fit for Our salmon producers. Prirting of forms All sorts you can get Legal, commercial, Or houses to let. Printing done quickly, Bold, stylish or neat. At the Astokiax Office, On Squemocqha street. THE DAILY ASTORIAN JUST ESTABLISHED THE WEEKLYASTORIAN NOW IX ITS FOURTH YEAR Affords SUPEISIOR "Facilities to Advertisers. JGSTGIVE US A CALL.-8 Astoria Bakery, o HENRY JACOBS PROPRIETOR, Cor. of Main and Schemocqna Sts., Astoria Oregon. TAKES PLEASURE IN AXXOUXCDCG to tho public son orally that he is again prepared, at the above well known stand to supply orders for i'ilESii liltEAD and all kinds of pastry. VST Uno of the best Bakers on the coast employed. Satisfaction guaranteed. A share of the public patronago respectfully solicted. TTANTED - - BUSINESS MEN, To engage in tho sale of a Business Book. ntOF. I'AltSOXS' XTAV LAW BOOK THE PERSONAL AND PROPERTY RIGHTS Of a Citizen of the United States ; How to exercise and how to persorve them. THK WORK IS ESSKNTIAL TO Every Voter in the Union; 1o every Tax Payer and Magistrate; to every JMan who Buys, Sells, or Exchanges property ; to every Justice of the Peaco, Sheriff, Commissioner, or Select man ; to every Landlord and every Tenant ; to every Notary. Clerk or Book-keeper ; to every Executor, Heir-at-Law, or Legatee ; ti every 3Ian who Kcceives or Paj-j? Interest : to every one who has Proporty to take care of, or business to transact. Civil Duties to perform, or Bights to maintain. Send for circulars, giving terras, etc. S. S. SCKAXTOX, t Co., Hertford, Conn. ORRECT PRINCIPLES Demand that bills be rendered promptly, and to do-it nicely, get your Bill paper an J Statements printed at THE ASTORIAN Office