V : , y. - ,- jet ,7". ft v-V Its gvtilg slmiau WEDNESDAY Iay3,1S76. Temple Lodge, No. 7, A. F. A. M. "Regular Communications first and 8 third Saturdays in each month, at T.:jU jf o'clock. i. m., at the Hall in -Astoria.. V Members of the Order, in Reed standing, are envitod to attend. By ordci of the W. Al. Beaver Lodge, No. 35, L O. O. F. Meet every Thursdav evening. $$,, at 8 o'clock, in the Odd Fellow'sg? Hall, cor. of Cass and Chenanius Tr- streets, Astoria. Members of the ' Order are invited to attend. By order, A. G, Astoria Lodge No. 40, LatJ.T. "Regular Meeting every Saturday Evening at8 o'clock, at 2ood Templar's Hall, Chcnn inus Street, Astoria, over C L. Parker's Store. Members of the Order, in goodstand ing, are invited to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday each month. By -order V. C. I. Youngs River Grange, P. of H. Meets on the fex: rth Sat urday of each month at 11 o'clock a. m. l'atrons "5 in good standing arc invited to attend. By order of V. M. Common Council. Regular meeting first Monday evening in oach month, at " o'clock iu? Person dc-irig to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meeting, must present the same to the Recorder, or M:ivnr on or hnforn tli Friil.iv p.nninr nrior to the Monday on which the Council holds its regular meetings. T. W. CASE, Mayor. F. J. Taylor, Recorder, C. R. F. 3. A. Society Notice. JJcalcy Jecrctary. A?tona, ureiron. A cor- -dial invitation is hereby tendered to all to -avail themselves of th privilege. By order of the President. THOMAS DEALEY. Secretary. FINANCE AMD TRADE. F:nasici:ii. Gold in New York, 1 Ylao. Legal Tenders in Astoria buying SS; sell ing fc i. Trade Dollar0. 112 buying; !3Tfll celling; half dollar, ""'J buying; W-iiny selling. Coin exchange on San Francisco y. per cent, premium. Currency exchange on San Francisco per cent premium. Coin exchange on New York percent, pre mium. Telegraphic transfers on Now York 1 per cent, premium. Currency exchange on New York Y percent, premium. Gold Lars ?0" par. San Fr;tiioisco 3Iaricets. Fl ou r. JH xtra , $" "jO'; 00. Wheat Shippers will give Si 70 for choice ots alongside vessels; millers are paying $1 7.j. Barley Light brewing, Si 20; choice, S137JX feed, Si 2'Xjyi 2 .; Bright Chevalier, SI 40 Uo. Kye-Sl 7o. Oats S2 Wo'2 50. Potatoes Best l'etaluma, Tomales and Humboldt, SI HI" 1!)0. Hay ?!"( 1 for common to choice. Liverpool wheat market to-day '-soiis lOd Yor average California; 0s 10d" ls -"3d for club. Astoria 3rjwftcts. Flour,Oregon City, XXX, ff bbl Kx Family " "Willamette superior, ' - 44 Graham Middlings, "; ton Corn Meal, "-' cental 0 00 r 2" 0 00 40 00 400 Ground Barley, V ton 4000&12 00 Jiran 3c Shorts, " 27 00g-10 00 11 ay 2" 00 Onion?, "fl Bushel Potatoes, ' Dutter, eastern, in tubs, '. Choice roil " 'Cheese. 4 Cured Meats, Rams. " Sides, Shoulders, ' Breakfast Bacon Smoked Ueef, Corned Beef " Corned Pork, ' 17'ISO tOltl 00 40 22T 2o II . gs lOv ll(L'lo 1.nnl in fina on.l .o.l-linc 171 -w "KVosi'tH rtn7on " o,v,o.i "Chickens. ".."". - 4 00iw 00 Hides. Brv.i 10 Tallow, " 7(fiS Beef, ryfai't 7(xS ((?t7 ofii) 10 OOIS 00 2 oO(" "0 Pork, JMutton, Teal, Corn Beef, f hhl fchecp, Ti head Apples, green, V box Dry " lt Peaches, ' " Ooffee, green ' prepared, Java, T' 11 Rio, " Moco, ? U - Sugar, crushed, " lt " powered, t lb 44 Island, t'H. Syrup, extra goldon, t gallon " 3 keg Tea, loungllyson,"H it 4 Japan, in papers, lh 44 " in laciucrcd boxes "H H Candles, r1 lt ; Oils, Bevoc's "r1 eae Lead, Atlantic, white lb Rice, tl lb Salt, Liverpool, lb cental 44 lslind. t1 cental Spice, whole j lb .Pcner, 4 ' lb 00;.-lo0 83:17 uy. 100 4 2", 55J'70 75S.0 .. 3 30g:3 7.5 14 i 7rao .. 150&2 00 .. 120150 2."27 ..90,1 00,1 2 .. l.")0&2 2.") .. 751 00 2 20 0 ..lOOO&tfO-) ..loOO&oOO') .. 2o0(('2 7o ..G 00010 0!) lOulO .. 1 OOifl 50 1S'Vi4" 25550 . 501' 75 ltl(:)0 1025 l'i(ci:-5 8S10 Boap, Astoria, "r box 41 - 4 fancy, "ft box Tobacco, t lb Matches, t gross Nails, rx b... Lumber, rough, V M ihrished, ' M Shingles, ri M Blankets, r3 pair Sheeting, per yard Water proof, 4 Ticking, " " Cottonades " Flannels, all wool t1 yard... -Checksti yard Cotton Flannel, rl yard Denims. " 44 Standard prints" " ......... For fine and Artistic Photograph?, go to Buchtel JcStolte, 111 Dd! First street, Fort ' Wxl, lkcMF arst &&, titllory in Ur eguo, Any Oshermanon the Coium- &vm I ---i J J?1 W H IT Via Hiver, wi-hing to join the 33 i fFrom tables of Tniled States Coast Survey.) 2 t S?T $"f fe' 1 r O Z i 1'ishermans Association ea aj- "' ,,-ri, i-.ltl.;J 1 nw Tit.r ."5: rt'i?! ld,b','i' H lb V 0 H ply in person or by letter to the following' High Water., Low Water. - s.- ri Stl- 3 T pj S fl officers of the Association. J. B. Xicc, Prcs- ; May. v. m. r. ji. 1 a. y. r. m. c-j's $ f & ' W J (fl W ident, W'atcrloid : li 1'. heppard Manhat- l (i a, YVZ7)1 1 3S g &-Wr' 5f- E " S 7ft "3 ten l'ishery. Lolgc Deputy; and Ihomas . t im! i xi ... 5 :Vi -tc fe-'XT ? "aJW' ' r i. s. tft '" Shipping Port of Astoria. CLEARAXCES AXD DEPART GRES. SAILKD California, str GT-t tons, Hayes, for Sitka, May 3. ARRIVALS FROM SEA. o J JaneA.Falkinburg, bkt., SOO tons, Hubbard, fm nonoiuiu, Mays. , Kate L. Herron, sch 26 tons, Thompson, fm Tilla- mookf .135 '. Oriflamme. ss 10S2 tons Bolles, fmS F May 2. Webfoot,Bkt.2 tons.Wheelwright.fm S.F-Apr24 "Wave Quepn. lr bk, 853 tons, Anderson, fm Xevr- castle.N" S "W., April 17. Tarn O'Sbanter, Bkt., 610 tons, Patterson, fin S. F. April 17. River Lune, Br sh., 1135 tons, "Williams, fm S. F., April 14 Hazard, brig, 3SG tons "Walker fm S. F. April 11 Caller Ou, Br. bk.,674 tons, Kea, fm Isl.Java.Apr 9. W. II. Tborndike, bk.,9 days fm Alaska,March22. VESSELS OX THE WAY -o Modoc, bkt fm San Francisco, May 1. Orient, brig, 312 tons, Swan, fm S F Portland, bkt, 4(4 tons, Gage, fm S. F. Orcgonian, sch 274 Ions, Pennell, fm SF. Melanctlion, bkt'iflS tons, Manson, fm S F Asaye, 12S1 tons, Ritchie, f:n 'Cardiff, via Itio. Canoma, 520 ts, Rosier, fm Glasgow via Honolulu. Centaur. Gt bk 463 tons Olfarson. fm Hongkong, after March 1st. Clita, Br bkt.. 519 tons, "White, fm Honolulu. Duart Bay, ship. MG tons, f m Europe, via Austral ia and Shangai. Enid, Br bk.,4' tons.Renouf fm Port Chainlet's. Forward.Br bk.,744 tons, Strachan, fm Hongkong. Garibaldi, bk, (-70 tons, Xoyes. from Hongkong. Hero of the Nile, Br bk 335 tons. Dyke, tm Mel bourne, Feb 21. Otto. Br bk 4G5 tons, Carter, fm Liverpool Oct 14 Robert Bright. Br. bk. 309 tons Hennings from Shields March 13. I Sierra Nevada, b s, 1230 tons. Koerner, fm Iquique. j Sam G. Reed, sh, Kofi tons, White, from Hongkong. TrevelyaH, Br bk 1042 tons Edwards, fin Newcastle Woodhide. Brbk. 700 tons Montgomery, !5 days fm Table bay. April 1. Tide TaJ2c tor Astoria. S -II i) i 2 4h !) 11 ..10 ).. -i 2 ..i0 -I. 11 Ml ") 01 ."" 10 ..11 :." 11 IS! li 00 .. n 41 .. o -. -12 !' ', .tf I) 2 s.... iuT.".l 0 2d 0 0." 7 2S t) .)2 0 -IS 1 :2 S 12 7 1 21 o JVil S ol 7 The height is reckoned from the level of av erage lo;vet water, to which the soundings arc crivon on the Coast Survey charts. When the time in the a. m. column is followed by pit is ! ' afternoon, and when in the p. in. column'byA j it is forenoon. SHIPPING ADTEKTISEMENTS. TIAYACO STEA3I XAYIGATIOX 1 C03IPANY, UNTIL FUKTHER NOTICE The steamers Gen. CANBY, AM) VARUNA jadil- WILL BE IN READINESS TO DO all kinds of towing at reasonable rates. Either the Canbyor Varuna will make trips every MONDAY, TUESDAY", FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FOR IL"WACO (Unity), p CALLING AT WAYPORTS,- And return the same dny. Leaving at tl'io u-ual hour, S o'clock, A. 31. rt37" 'J he reputation of theso steamers guar aetccs safe and speedy transit to any point desired. 1X27" yor charter, freight, passage, or tow age, apply on board, or at the ollico of the Company in Case's Ruilding, Astoria, or to J. 11. D. UK AY, Agent. By order of L. -V. LOOMIS, President. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. I Unity ail Oysterville Stages ! lioonus A Viwrntlw.vs - - lroixietors OTAflES TN 'HIV. AP.OVR T.TT. r ", "-' will loavi TTni'.v Tiiftsrhivs niwl Snhir- ' days on the anival of tho I ILWAfin CTCiM MXU rnMOiMVC CTCXMirD 0,Ltt'" nrt" wmmniiioiLHiHLil vr7 " - r From Astoria, and will leave Oystcrvillo Mon days and Fridays, connecting with tho Jlwaco Steam Navigation Company's steamer for Astoria. ? Passengers Ticketed through; also, thro' bills of ladimr given fur freight. T To Masters and Shippers. ATOTICE. -sr.fv v-t i XN T'no "Warehouse of tho "v -r - ASTORIA FARMERS' COMPANY Astoria. Orogon, Is prepared to receive Grain on Storage at the fullowiug rates: 25 cents per ton for the lirst month, and 25 cents per ton per month after the first month, or fraction of a month. FOR "WHARFAGE RATES, APPLY AT TIIE OFFICE OF TIIE COMPANY, AT ASTORIA. tt-s5" Superior accommodations for discharg ing ballast, at reasonable rates. S. J. ADA1 d. Secretary. TO THE PUBLIC. HAVINCr REFITTED AND REPAIRED the fast sailing Sloon "ELIZA" 5&, For tho season of lS7o, the undersigned is now in the field for business, under "charters for any point on the Lower Columbia. i5v. Punctuality is my motto. For charter. Freight, or passage, apjdy to C. W. HAMBLIN, Master. . pOLI3IBIA RIVER PILOTS. Office at the OCCIDENT HOTEL, i Astoria, Oregon. P. JOHNSON H. A. SNOW. P. E. FERCHtetf, M.M. OILMAN, G.REED. R1CHAKD HOYT. a S. WRIGHT, Agent. K s'MJS'A r i -Ej?SS!? A. VAST D USEN'S MERCHANDISE. FullSpring Stock! NOW OPEN, AT The Old Corner. A. VAN DUSEN, "Wholesale and lletail Dealer in GEXEPvAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Main and Chenanius Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. CALL, EXAMINE, PRICE THIS STOCK, BEFORE PURCHASING ' ELSEWHERE, &3-F0R IT CANNOT BE BEAT Si h & h i? h &, h ;s b, h bt ? h & ; zz j ge'a: 5s:5 STr s Prices, including GauKe and Handles, six feet, nine Dollars ; i'.. feet y.T5: ffeet, 10 50. Orders promptly filled by A. VAX DLfSEX, Sole Agent, for Astoria, Oregon. J. ST. ARMSTRONG, Photographic Artist, AT THE ASTORIA GALLERY. Having huilt a new huilding. specially adap ted to the business, next door to Dr. Kin scy's on the Koadway, is now pre pared to take First Class Pictures, At rcasonablo prices. Call and cecuro a shadow ere the substance fades. D. K. Warrex. C A. McGuirk. Astoria Market ! Corner of Chenamus and Cass streets, ASTORIA, OKEUON. "WARREN & McGTJIRE, Proprietors, (Succcitturs to Hobi'ja A: Warren,) AVholcsalo and Retail Dealers in all kinds ol Fresh and Cured ffteats! A full line of Pamilv Groceries, CANNED FRUIT, VKGETARLES, ETC. W Uuttcr, Eggs, Cheese, etc. constantly on hand, Kr Ships supplied at the lowest rates. Washington Market, Main Street, Astoria Oregon, I. JUJEJZG3IAN RESPECTFULLY CALLS THE ATTEN t;on of tho public to the fact that the abovo Market will always he supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY OK FRESH AND CURED MEATS! "Which will he sold at lowest rates, wholesale nnd retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. PACIFIC MARKET, German Sausage Factory New Building Parker House Rlock. Alain Street, Astoria. J. S. MAYER, - - Proprietor. TN ADDITION TO TIIE MANUFACTURE JL ol all sorts cf the Cleanost and Rest made bausago from the best quality of Pork and beef, at the above stand, in quantities suffi cient tosuppply tho trade has just opened a new stock of PRESERVES axd CANNED ERUPT, And a good quality of Cigars and Tobacco. ESTFresh Butter. Cheese, Eggs, Hams, Ba con and shoulders, always on hand. flSTFresh Reef, Pork, Mutton, nnd Vegeta ble supplied to order. Call and give ine a triaL AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF tho Domestic Sewing 3i:vchcne, nt I. "W. Crtae's. S-""- jSmiu knJ ' IPs IH M siv Sfl-:.-; ou? ij-'.j' - ! .''"ri-ASS'.P sP tfi M r I 3 3 ri-XO' . K "" ", '-LJ."i ,- 5ftfi:iu IP 5 i s. iTw 5BS a I. W. CASE MERCHANDISE. I W. CASE'S wd-fflirarters I Cor. t'henamtzs and Cass Streets, ASTORIA, OREGOX. NOW OPENING, A SPLEKDID STOCK OF Crockery, Clothing, Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Provisions, NAILS AND ROPE! Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Paints, Oils Window AND A FULL SUPPLY OF DOORS & WINDOWS, WHICH WILL be SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE. $3" As I am making a speciality in that line of business, parties in want of Doors and Windows will find it to their advantage to call. I. W. CASE. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, OOXjOI&EIDX.A. E.PAPMAHL & CO., - - THE UNDERSIGNED PROPRIETORS OF THE COLUMBIA BREWERY just erected and placed in operation at Astoria, with to inform the public that -ve aro now prepared to till all orders tor a splondid Having every Facility tor doing THE VERY UEST CHARACTER Ob" WORK i-lWAJ' lAMV.7 AVt UVllJn Mr. Papmahl being an Experienced Rrewer, (. LiU. .ajUbbl&U. JDJUlfXl; i TTho COLUMBIA RREWERY WILL WARRANT SATISFACTION IN FILLING ALL Orders. Giva us a trial. ' -E. PAPMA1IL i: CO., Astoria, Oregon. AIISCELLANEOUS. New Store. New Goods. Just Opened, IN THE SUMMERS BUILDING, Chenamus Street, Astoria. J. C. TRULEMGER, "Would Rospcctfully Announco To tho Citizens of Astoria and. Vicinity, That ho is now hero, and has. Opened at tho Ahovo Well known Stand, A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK 0F Dry Goods, Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOES, And everything required for daily use, down to a sack of Flour or Feed from my own mills in Washington County, which will ho sold u the lowest market rates. t&sul invite the public generally to call nnd examine my stock and prices. Having located permanently in Astoria 1 " mean business." fc3"Tho Saw mill is now in running order, with a full boom of choice logs, and I am also propared to fill orders, large or small, on short notice, for any kind of lumber. J. C. TttULLINGER. BOOTS (&; SHOES MADE TO ORDER, A3 SATISFACTIOX STASAXTr.SD9 BY A. W. CONE, - - Astoria, Sign of the Golden Shoe. o Josh Billings Hits on Facts, EOR INSTANCE: "Unman Happiness seems to l'C sumthitiR that every hotldy is lookin after, but don't expekt to find esnesh ally ef their bootsdon't fit. tfSTTho puhlic of Astoria and surrounding country aro prettv well assured of tho fact thnt. Conn's innnnmeturo of Boots and tjhoes is ! of tho finest and host quality, and that they are made to nt. ' flSrFurthermorc, the prices correspond with the times, hence human happiness is within the reach of every inhabitant who would have his feet properly incacd by-the Boot maker of Astoria who is qualfied to iit the foot. SIGX OF TIIE GOLDEX SHOE, Main Street, Astoria. ALT02TA H U M H ifrJB&m MAIN STBEET, ASTORIA, OREGON. T. BRACED -. Proprietor. THIS NEW PLACE OF Busi ness i5 now prepared to sorvo FEESH OYSTERS, In Every Style, to Order. The Proprietor will, as in times past, strive to merit a share or the public pati onago and will WARRANT SATISFACTION TO ANY WHO MAY FAVOR HIM WITH ACALL. Meals at all Hours! POSITIVELY NO CHINAMEN IN MY EMPLOY rigPttUfc V &2J- srz- MISCELLANEOUS. WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. IRA CUTTING ANNOUNCES TO TIIE PEOPLE OF .Astoria and vicinity that he is now pro pared to do all kinds of WATCHMAKING AND JEWELLING in the neatest possiblo manner. All work warran ted. 1 K A U U TTliN ii Chenamus street, Astoria, Ogn. N. F. MUDGE, Contractor and Builder. ASTORIA, OREGON. ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK AND CONTRACTING promptly attended to. K35 Special attention given to wharf and' mill construction. Address: N. F. MUDGE, Contractor. Astoria, Oregon. CENTENNIAL BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. Sign of the Reel Boot MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. Next door to P. H. Fox, Tailor, Tho only place in Astoria, whero you can get a perfect lit and tho host French stock. N evor mind what Josh Hillings says. 1 moan busi ness. Give mo a call. JOIIN WILDER. LAGER BEER, ALE, Etc. :OL3S37VE53EL"3r, - - - - PROPRIETORS, article ol T g A QrEIgg., r r A A D4-4-l,3 TaTHGVD I MISCELLANEOUS CARDS. "OATHS, BATHS, Hot, Cold and SHOWER Baths AT OCCIDENT HOTEL, HAH DRESSING SALOON. Jacob NiEDErwAUER Proprietor. ES' Special attention paid to LADIES' and C1I ELD KEN 'S 11 Allt CUTTING KW Private Entrance for Ladios'Sn TT'OR sale: Tho Engino holonging to Astoria Firo Coinnanv rNo. i. For further particulars inquire of the Committeo on Public Property. By order of tho Common Council. FKANIv J. TAYLOR, Recorder. C. E. Jackins & Co. Cor. Mnin and Jefferson Sts., Astoria, Oregon. Dealers in all hinds of Stoves, Wand Sheet Iron Ware! nw-Copper Tea-kettles, pressed Tea-kettles, burnished Tea and Coffee pots, porcelain, tin lined, and prossed Iron sauco pans, fancy an. I plain vent Thimble covers, lino Dust pans ana brushes, ca?t iron I3ako ovens, etc., etc., etc., embracing about :M,.iW articles too numerous to mention, for old Bachelors, maids, children and married folks. gJJO ifcT Agents for tlNPbnlo of tho celebrated Occident Cookine Stoves. Astoria Brewery Saloon, And Bottled Beer Depot ! . MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. R TJDOLPH EARTH, MICHAEL 21YERS, Proxrictors. The Best Quality LaerBeer, FIVE CENTS A GLASS. 55" Tho patronaco of tho puhlic is respect fully solicited. Orders for Lager, or Bottled Beer, in any quantity, promptly tilled. ttiT Free Lunch day and night. TpEED KROSEL, House and Sign Painting, PAPER HANGING, KALSOMINING, ETC., Special attention paid to Country icerl: Shop on Squcmoqha street, . ASTORIA, - - 'ORECOX. "gOAT EUILDINQ. gj& Ilavint? completed my shop 'between Tallrnt'5 landing and Westport on the Co luml ia river, I am now prepared to build FISHING BOA.TS, ROW BOATS, SKIFFS, ETC.. ETC., everything in the lin e of boats. .Copper fas tened boats a specialitv." My motto is ; first class work for a fair re muneration. P. O. Address. T.DK1SC0LL. Westport Ogn- BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED Very chf-nn. at TIIE ASTORIAN Office. SB 4 7 . t . Hh , , -i. j aU t l.i