w Tri-Weekly Astorian ASTORIA Jax. 17, 1S74 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ERANK J. TAYLOR, ATTOR2STEY-AT-LAW, ASTORLV, OREGON". Office Brown's Building. Special attention riven to the examination of titles and the col Lection of debts. oc"0tf WM. L. McEWAN, RESIDENT ATTORNEY, Astoria, Oregon. IT. B. PARKER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, ASTORIA, OREGON. trF" Always Heady for Business.""5?! HENRY S. AIKEN, NOTARY PUBLIC, ASTORIA, OREGON. A. VAN DUSEN, NOTARY PUBLIC, Astoria, Oregon. DR. S. W. DODD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ASTORIA, OREGON. GKORGK II. DURHAM. H. Y. THOMPSON. DURHAM & THOMPSON, Attorneys at Law, Portland. Office 101) First Street, opposite Occidental Hotel. aulU M. P. 3IULKEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW - Portland. Office in Pittock's Building, Corner Front and Stark sts., (up Stairs). slU CAPLES & MORELAND, Attorneys at Law, Portland, Oregon Office in Pittock's Building, Corner of Front and Stark streets, (up Stairs). sib' a. ii. toosf:.. c. HEAL, TO WNSEND fe BEAL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PORTLAND, OREGON. Office In Odd yellows' Temple. fnlo O. P. MASON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PORTLAND, OREGON. fi"Land Cases and Titles a specialty .& KRUMBIEX & GILBERT, ARCHITECTS AND DRAUGHTSMEN, INVENTOR'S EXCHANGE, Crco's Building Portland, Oregon. 53TTlio Best Counsel; the Best Draughs men; the Best Model Workmen, and best Patent Agent at Washington; the only reliable place to get your intentions put through in ishort notice. Dissolution Notice. HMTE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX X isting between the undersigned, under tho firm name of Farleman A: Lawson, doing a ho toI business at Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. JJills duo the lato firm will bo collected by C. B. Farleman, and all bills owing by tho firm will bo paid by him. m 0. B. FARLEMAN, W. II. LAWSON. Astoria, Oregon, Jan. G, lbl4. j 10 It C. It. FARLEMAN. JOHN' OIArPELL. Parker House, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. Main Streot, Astoria. Farleman & Chappcll, Propr's, Have Leaded the above named Newly Built, Hard-finished, and Newty Furnished Hotel, and proposo to conduct the same in a fir't class manner. The house will bo keptopen day and night No pains will be spared to insuro tho comfort of guests. Jioard and Lodging per week SG 00 to $S 00 ,. "' , " per day 150 Single Meal r0 fctf Particular attention will bo given to supplying bails, parties, etc., with oysters, and suppers, on short notice. s"20tf Buchtel & Stolte, PIIOTOGRAPHERS-Hl First street Port L land, (Corbett's Building). Views of Scen ery taken to erder: Large and small Photo graphs, Plain or Colored, in ater or Oil, or nctouched in India Ink. Negatives preserved. Fancy Poultry e Sale. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED. ABOUT TO RE X movo from Astoria, offers his stock of fan cy Poultry for sale, at tho following reduced prices: .Silver Spangled Hamburgs $7 50 per pair Buff Cochins 5 00 ' Light Brahmas 5 00 " Duck-Wing Game- 3 00 " Udfe- All Chickens aro warranted to bo Pure blooded. A. J. MEGLER, n-tf Astoria, Oregon. THE "WHOLES AliE OYSTER CO. n A, S. Gross, Agent, vigj Portland, Oregon. THIS COMPANY IS NOW READY TO deliver from one to one thousand sacks of Fresh Oysters, direct from their native element three times a week; we can furnish all kinds, In any Quantity, at prices Defying Com petition. Customers can roly upon regular tri-wookly supplies, either in sunshine or storm We never Pail, and Always last the Sea son Thrpugh. . G. W. WARREN & CO,, oc2tf Astoria, Oregon. TRAVELER'S RECORD. TLS. MAIL AND EXPRESS. Istoria to Claisoi) Beach ! Past HORSES! Good CARRIAGE! LEAVES ASTORIA EVERY TUESDAY, Thursday and Saturday Mornings. Arrive Same Mornings at tho OCEAN HOUSE, GRIMES HOUSE, SHADIER HOUSE, And SEA SIDE HOUSE. RETURNING Leaves those nouses every Monday, Wednesday and .Friday, connecting with steamer to Portland each way. 'Distance twenty-four miles, fare Si 50. H. B. PARKER. Proprietor. The Steam Tug V&runa m TW "Will leave Astoria every rajLfe! 3 TUESDAY and SATURDAY Je!s3i3L Morning, for PORT STEVENS, CAPE DISAPPOINTMENT, And UNITY, Carrying Mails, Passengers and Freight. 1S3, Other days of tho week she will bo ready to go anywhere that business may justify. Is prepared to lighter cargoes, freight, hay, cattle and wood. J.1I.D. GRAY Agent, Astoria. POR CHARTER. Tho fast sailing Sloop ,--& W. H. TWILIGHT, p. R M LOWE Master Is now in readiness to Charter for Pleasure Parties, Freight or Passengers. Headquarter.) Corner Main and Jefferson streets, Astoria. ONLY REGULAR PACKET BETWEEN ASTORIA AND CLATSOP. Carrying the U. S. Mail! mi ii i - jluu wuii ii.no wn sioop Jt. MARY H., W, J. FRANKLIN Master Leaves Clatsop every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, on arrival of Stages, connecting at Astoria with tho steamer Dixie Thompson. Returning, leaves Astoria every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, connecting with tho Coachos for the Beach. Extra trips niado to accommodate the traveling public. Oregon Steam Navigat'n Co. XEFV STEAMERS CSSSS2 IN THE ABOVE LINE WILL LEAVE ASTORIA for Portland, three times a week as follows, until fur ther notice. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at G o'clock a. m. returning on altornato days. J. C. A1NS WORTH, President. GrEORG-E B. McEwAN, S Boat BuildeMlB ASTORIA, OREGON. TS PREPARED TO CONSTRUCT BOATS X of every description, of tho best matorials. on short notice, and guarantees to give satis faction. fe" Before sending to San Francisco or else where, give me a call. olitf COLOMBIA RIVER PILOTS! P. JOHNSON, M. M. GILMAN, H. A. SNOW, G. REED, P. E. FERCnEN. C. S. WRIGHT, Agent. iX5 Office Corner of Main and Chenamus treets, Astoria, Oregon. Sam. M: Smith, Cor. First and Ash sts., Portland. DRUGGIST. TTASJUST RECEIVED A FULL STOCK PAINTS AND OILS, Kalsomine Putty, (Assorted Colors), Paint and Whitewash BRUSHES, LARD, OIL, ALCOHOL, Kerosene, Turpentine, Etc, CSTGcnuinc Bay Rum."3Xi o21tf New Tobacco, Cigar and Notion House! 59 Front St., Portland, Oregon, (Opjwsite Cosmopolitan Hotel.) T. Dittenhoefer Formerly connoctod with Wasserman &. Co., Is now Opening ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST va ried assortments of Tobaccos, Cigars and Yankee Notions, over imported into this mar ket, and takes pleasure in offering tho same to his old friends, customers, and the trade gen erally, at prices that defy competition. k&- Eleven years business experience in Portland, has made him fully familiar with the wants of tho trade of tho Northwest Coast, and therefore his stock has been ..selected es pecially for tho trade. au26tf CRACKER MANUFACTORY Oregon Bakery, P. OPITZ, Proprietor, Pirst Street, near Vine, Portland, Oregon MANUFACTURE all kinds of Fancy Bis cuits, Crackers, Pilot, Ship and Naval Bread. Orders addressed as abovo promptly attended to, auH tf- PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. Allen & Lewis, Shipping and Commission Merchants, and Wholesale Dealers. 18, 20 and 22 North Front st., Portland Oregon San Francisco effice: Corner of California and Front Streets. James Laidlaw. Henry James Gate. Laidlaw & Grate, Importers and Commission Merchants, 23 Front Streot, Portland. Oregon. London Agents: REDFERN, ALEXANDER & Co. 'ante & pcefeioir petit: orb R. J. Walker, Dealer in Soda, Sarsaparilla and Cider, All kinds of Syrups, Porter, Ale and Brandy Coloring. Cor. Front and Ash Streets, Portland, Oregon. sl6 George L. Hibbard, Shipping, Storage, and Commission Merchant, No. 21 North First str., Corner of Ash, Portland, Oregon. DEALER IN OREGON and California Pro duce, also importer of and Wholesale dealer in C. A. & C. M. Hibbard's celebrated Hand Made Boots and Shoes. XKS, Call and examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Consignments solicited. WL. All business entrusted to mo will receive prompt attention. , sUitf "W. Jackson & Co., Front Street, Portland, Importers and Wholesalo Dealers in Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Wooden Waref Coal Oil, Furnishings, Etc., Etc. And also Agents for Perkins k House's Patent Metallic Keroseno or Coal Oil Safety Lamps! W3T Our stock having been selected and ship ped direct to us from manufacturers in tho East and Europe, we aro prepared to sell to the trado at such rates as wo think will induco trade. aul2 tf TIIE QO LU0 Manufactured by Lazarus & Morris, Hartford, Connecticut, NEW METHOD OF FITTING GLASS es to the oyo of any person who cannot spare tho time to como and select for them selves. Any person who will send us a copy for samplo of the smallest sized type that they can read at an ordinary distance, can bo fitted to glasses that will suit tho eye. L. C. HENUICIISEN, & Co., Solo Agents, 109 First street, Portland. au7 D.W.WILLIAMS. GEORGK T. MYERS. Williams & Myers, Xo. 5 Central Block, Pront st., Portland. Commission Rflerchants, Dealers in Groceries and Oregon Produce, Grain, Plour, Mill Peed, Bacon, Lard, etc. Ample Fire-Proof Storage. Consignments Solicited. SgSan Prancibco Agent, sl6 G. MITCHLER, 213 Clay street. R. C JANION. JANIOX, RHODES k CO., Liverpool. ictona, Is. C. Janion & Rhodes, Importers and Commission Merchants Front Stroet, Portland. Lloyd's Agents for Oregon TnE PIONEER ENGLISH HOUSE IN the city, and the founders of a direct lino of Clipper Ships between Liverpool and Port land, offer for sale tho largest assortment of G-eneral Merchandise In Portland. "Appointed Agents for J & R Ten nent's Celebrated brand of Ale and Stout; TVm Younger & Co's Celebrated Edin burg ale; Gilroy Brothers & Co.'s Dundee Gram Sacks, "Wool Sacks and Burlaps, jZ2G Sole Agents for Blood, Wolfe & Co's Celebrated brand of ale and Stout; Ind, Coope & Co.Js Celebrated Burton ale; Wm McEwan's Celebrated Edinburg ale; "Wbrthington's Liverpool Salt; Hock in, "Wilson & Co's Celebrated London Pickles and Sauces; J & J Armistead's Celebated Durham Mustard; J&lED Grimond's Celebrated Dundee Hemp Mat ting and Carpeting; George Curling & Cos Citrates andDrugs;Dunville's Irish Whis ky: Stewart's Scotch Whisky; Hill, Evans & Cos English Malt Vinegar; Noble's & Hoare's London Varnishes; John Powler & Cos Celebrated Steam Plows. aul2 -'njuiuiwiiiiiw.il. ., ..Mprrrr MISCELLANEOUS. J. K. Gill & Co., (Successors to G. A. Stool & Co.,) IMPORTERS: WHOLESALE A2TD RETAIL DEALERS IX BOOKS AND STATIONERY. No. 75 First street, bet, Washington and Stark PORTLAND, OREGON. jjjafiomit jj usincss ijLoUwp. PORTLAND, OREGON, A FFORDSt SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES XJl for tho thorough Commercial Education of young and middle aged men. Send for Col lego paper, nlo DkERANCE & JAMES. lfl-OXEY SAVED BUYING THE " HOME" JLVJL Sewing Machino RECENTLY patented. The JASlxt Running 'Mome' Seiviiitr Machine. latest Simplest and Best. Combines all IMPROVEMENTS of other Machines. A CHILD can RUN and UNDERSTAND it It is the REST, becauso the SLMPLEST and NOT liable to get out of order, Furnished in five dillercnt stvles. Prices from 60 to SO Jollars! Ilcmmer and Feller, Rraider.Ruf fler, Gauge, Quilter, extra Throat plate. Shuttle, six Robbins, twelvo Needles, etc., FREE WITH EACH MACHINE. iW Guarantees Perpetual. "th Wo also continuo to sell tho favorite HOME SHUTTLE. Prices REDUCED No. 1, $28; No. 2, $0: Xo. :, (half case), 845. Orders for EITHER Machino promptly filled and forwar ded, on receipt of price. x&K A CT1 V E AG EN TS WANTED. Oil and all kinds of Sowing Machino Needles for sale. GEO. W. TRAVER, Gen'l Agent. S. W. cor. Morrison and Third streets. d2:3m Portland, Oregon Established Twenty-two Years. S. J. McCormick, PUBLISHER: Franklin JBook Store ! BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 19 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Constantly on Hand, a full Stook of STANDARD SCHOOL ROOKS, And Staple Stationery. American Ex. Hotel, Cor. Front and Washington streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. L. P. W. QUIMBY C. H. PERKINS. THE PROPRIETORS WOULD RESPECT fully inform tho traveling public, that tho American Exchange having been recently im proved in all its departments, they aro now prepared to otfer superior inducements to their patrons and the public in general, at reduced prices, Board and Lodging, Si to $1 50 per day, ac cording to room occupied. Tho American Exchango coach will always bo in readiness to convey passengers and bag gago to and from tho Hotel, free of charge. Cosmo politan Hotel, (Kept on tho European Plan,) ZJEBER & IIOLTON PROPRIETORS Corner Stark and Front streets Portland. G. B. COOK. . TV. II. ANDRUS. Occidental Hotel, (Kept on tho European Plan,) COOK & ANDRUS .PROPRIETORS Cornor First and Morrison stoets, Portland. SUMMER HOUSE. CLATSOP BEACH. RS, CLOUTR1E WISHES TO INFORM tho public that sho has commoted her largo new two-story house, which is hard finished throughout, and is now prepared to receive visitors at this woll known resort GRIMES HOUSE, CLATSOP BEACH. VISITORS WILL FIND TnE ABOVE named House open for tho entertainment of guests during the seASon. as usual Sheriff Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued upon a decree of tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for the County of Clatsop.raado on the Kith day of August, lS73,in which James Taylor is Plaintiff, and John M. Shively is de fendant, commanding and directing me to sell lots two (2.) threo (ty, ten (10), and eleven (11), in block numbered one hundred and fifteen (113), of Slavery's Astoria, in tho County of Clatsop, in the Stato of Oregon, or so many of them as may bo sufficient to pay and satisfy tho several sums of money in said decree, specified, to-wit: The sum of threo hundred and twenty-eight dollars and seventy cents ($;52S 70), in United fctates gold coin, with in terest thereon in like United Statos gold coin, at tho rate of one per cent per month in favor of said plaintiff and against said dofendant John M. Shively. together with costs and dis bursements taxed atninoteen dollar and forty cents (?li) 10), and other costs to accruo on said execution, I havo this day levied upon all tho right, title, interest and estate of the said John M. Shively, in and to tho said lots two (2), threo ("). ten (10) and eleven (11), in sard block ono hundred and fifteen (113), in said Shively's Astoria, in Clatsop county, Stato of Oregon, and shall proceed So sell the same at Public Auction to tho highest bidder for cash inUnited Statos gold coin, on SATURDAY, tho 17th day of January, 1671, at two (2). o'clock p. m. of said day, at tho Court-houso door, in tho County of Clatsop, and Stato of Oregon. W. H. TWILIGHT, Sheriff Clatsop County Oregon. Dated at Astoria, Dec. 20th, 1873. d20 4w To Let. THE HOMESTEAD PROPERTY, belong ing to tho estate of A. Cro3by deceased, i3 for rent. For particulars apply to H. S. AHCEN, Administrator Astoria, Nov. 20th, 1873-tf of said EsSatifc. 'Wli-'. jmilm UA M AiWU'i MISCELLANEOUS. ASTORIA. Real Estate Directory And Correspondence Bureau. Farms, Mlim Lois or Blocks, ADVERTISED, SOLD, OR EXCHANGED. INFORMATION FURNISHED. By D. C. IRELAND, Agent. lY-t?' There aro so many inquiries concern Real Estato in and about Astoria, and there being no particular way for buyer and seller to meet each other, wo havo concluded to open a REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY, in this Office. Parties having property to sell, or parties wishing to purchase will bo per mitted to use our columns, for tho purpose of effecting such transfers, at mere nominal charges. Send descriptic ns, price, etc., that peoplo mayjvnow what you havo for sale. T?OR SALE X Description. Lots. Block. Price. McCluro's Astoria (six lots) J1 $351) ET Theso lots are well worth tho money they-are each 50 by 100 feet, very well situated tor residence property. Terms reasonable. Oc30 FARM FOB. SALE. TVTI9?fAXiR CLAlMof ALVA JL COND1T, on Clatsop Plains, One of the Pinest Situated places in Clat sop County, Consisting of Six Hundred and Fortv Acres, nearly all under fenco, with a nico Orchard, together with Stock, Plows, and other Agri cultural Implements, including a new Wagon, team of Horses, harness, etc., is now offered for sale on very favorable terms. For particu lars, address, ALVA COND1T, n2U 2m Skipanon, Clatsop Co., Ogn. FARM FOR SALE. ACRES GOOD FARMING LAND on Klasknnino Crook is nfforofl far salo very choap for cash. The location is fine: One and a half miles from the Lower Landing on the Military Road, and on the Railroad Survey. A first class location for a Hotel, Summer Resort, or Dairy Ranch. Forty acres of this ground borders on Klas kanino creek. There is an orchard of M0 trees on tho place. A bargain is offered. For par ticulars inquire of D. C. IRELAND, nulU lm's Astorian Office. A. Burcharcl, Dealer in New and Second-hand Furniture Spring, Hair, Feather, !Moss, "Wool, and Pulu Beds, Blankets, Spreads, Sheets,, Pillows, Pillow Cases, etc- 1 . nco .raid lor ignesi; furniture.! (Skidmore's Building,) Corner of Pirst and Taj'lor Streets. Portland, Oregon. sl6 Corbett, Failing & Co.. Successors to nonry Failing andH. W. Corbett &CoM 53 and 55 Front St., Portland. TMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL X ers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, edi-anics' Tools,, ASP STEEL. ROPE, Etc., Etc. Agents for tho salo f Dupont's GUNPOWDER. nGtf TnE IMPROVED IvNITS Ie 20 GARMENTS 1 A PAIR OF SOCKS IN THIRTY MINUTS Knits Hosiery, Mittens, and Gloves of all sizes, complete, without a seam. K5T Send for Circular. Agents Wanted. A. VAIL, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. nOtf Rock River Paper Compos PATENT FELT PUT OX POR EIGHT DOLLARS PER SQUARE. Prepared Plastering Board, Sheathing, and Carpet Paper. For salo by II. C. MORRICE, Masonic Temple, Portland. Regalias and Trimmings! Only Regalia House in tho State. MASONIC BOOKS AND BLANKS, GOLD and Silver Loces, Fringes, Spangles, Stars .Bullion, otc. H. C. MORRICE, ntitf Masonic Temple, Portland.. ORTLAND BOX FA CTORY-North .Front street, Portland, Oregon. Boxes of every description constantly-on hand,, and made to order. Orders addressed to John Harlow, cornor of First and E streets, will! meet with prompt attention. j29tf CHEMEKETA HOTEL-Salem;.Oebgox. WESLEY GRAVES, Peopbiktor, fiSTTho cheapest andbestHoteEinthe State. 1'ieo Ceaca to tho Rouse. IRON ROOFING I