Ol - - v"-"' ..- Tri-Weekly Astorian ASTORIA Dee. 16, 1873 Tide Table Tor Astoria. '(From tables of United States Coast Survey.) High Wator.l Low Water. I Dec. A.M. 1. M. !. A. M. V. M. 1(5 10 03 ...11 01J.... ...11 5J.... ... oo ool1.... ... 3 51 ... 4 &- ... 5 20 ... u OJ ... G 53 ... 7 41 .... 8 no .... 1) iu ...10 10 ...11 10 17 10 4 ) , IS 1125 ltf 0 32 20. 1 41 0 001.... 0 4'j.... 1 308.... 2 171.... 02j.... :J oS 4 m.... 21... 'to 51!!! 24... :&... 20L. 27 28... 2"... :... 31... .... 2 24 .... 3 l'i .... 3 5S .... 4 ::s .... 5 20 .... (i 0 , .... 7 00 6 001 CO CO 7 'to 0 41 1 35 2 30 .... 7 53 8 30t... .... S 48 !) 4SH... .... 0 4' 11 02 3 28 ....10 35 oo ooj 4 27 VESSELS ON THE WAY. Following is a list of vessels on the way to this port, so far as wo have been enabled to obtain a record of the same: BarkBlcnheim, from South America. Itasca, Rich, from South America. American bark Marianp, from S. F. Sch Hera, Miller, from San Francisco. Bkt Portland, Gage, from San Francisco. Annie W. Weston, Yates, from South Am. Sch Hera, Miller, sailed from S. F.. Dec Oth. SophiaDcc, M'Causlin,from South America Ship Sagamore, from Rio Janeiro, Sept. 19. Island Belle, 313 tons, from South America. British bark Loyal Sam, from Rio Janeiro. City of Lima, 315 tons, from South America. British bark Loch Bee, Miller, from Hull 18S days out Nov. 25th. American bark Gateshead, Lamb, 377 tons, from South America. American brig Jebara, Pettis, from Buenos Ayres, loading Sept. 14th, Brt. ship Loretta Fish from Shields via Cal lao 151 days out August 12. British ship Andromoda.o from Melbourn, via San Francisco, August Hth. British bark Sylhet, Liverpool, via Victoria, to Janion & Rhodes arr latter port Nov. 22d. British ship George A. Holt, Norton, from Ware, via New Zealand, at Lyttleton, July S. French brk Moscow, Martineau, 025 tons possibly 60 days out Oct 20th, from La Union. IN PORT AND RIVERS. Stmr Oriflamme, Conner, from S. F. Bark Windward, arrived from S. F., Pith. Ship Powhattan, from S. F.,Nov. 12th, arriv ed 27th. Ship Cutwaterjvnowles, from San Francisco, arrived Nov. 11th. British ship Prof.Airy, from South America, arrived Nov. 12th. British bk Mary E. Ray, 458 tons, from S.F., arrived December 7th. British bark Arouco, G02 tons, from Peru arrived Decern ner 7th. British bark Sidlaw, 409 tons, from South America. Arrived Dec. 7th, Sch Win. II. Meyer, Tommereg, from S. F., arrived December 7th. Nor bk Navigator, Samsonsen, COO tons, from Rio Janiero. arrived Nov. 2'Jth. Bktn Melancthon, Patterson, sailed from S. F.,Nov. 11th, arrived hero 21st Haw bark Mattie Macleay, Forbes, 32 days from Honolulu, arrived Nov. 21st British bark Disc, from South America in baliast, arrived October 2tith. American ship Akbar, Lamson, 00G tons, from S. F for Cork, via Portland arrived at Astoria Dec Oth. British bark Tongoy .Ferguson, from Dublin via Adelaide, arrived Dot,. Uth. French bark Nouvean St. Michael, Lamco, mailed from S. F. Nov. 22d, to E. E.Morgan's Sons. Arrived Astoria Dec. Oth. SHOAL WATER BAY SHIPPING. Nov. 21, Sehrs Carolita, Simpson, and Ener gy, Jones, both six days from Shoalwater bay, with Oysters to Doane & Co., arrived at San Francisco. Nov. 21, Sch Bill the Butcher, Thompson, 5 xlays from Shoalwater bay, with oysters to S. B. Company, arrived at San Francisco. Nov. 21, Sch Louisa Morrison, Peterson, six days from Shoalwater bay, with oysters to Morgan & Co., arrived at San Francisco. Nov. 26th, Sch Three Sisters, with oysters to Shoalwater bay Co,, arrived San Francisco. Nov. 27th, Sch LouisaMorrison, left S. F. for Shoalwater bay. A. Burcliard, Dealer in ?lew and Second-hand Furniture Spring, Hair, Feather, Mot, Wool, and Pulu Beds, Blankets, Spreads, Sheets, Pillows, Pillow Cabes, etc. f t Price Paid for ungues!; Fy rmtu re i (Skidrnore's Building,) Comer of First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon. s!6 GLOYES Manufactured ! nEE UNDERSIGNED, HAYING JL Secured the fcerviceu of u French Qiove Maker, " now prepared to manufacture all stylos of jadiea' and uoutlommi's ivlD, FUR, xSL'CK sind DOGSkiN GLU x.o. KIKr HISS m LATEST FKEIOiS 'Juaranteod. Also, 'rloves Jeaned, Dyed and Repaired, on short notice. C, E. DuBOIS, ni tfj Portland, Oregon. REGULAR ASTORIA PACKETS. Regular weekly stoamship in San Francisco trade, arrives on Tuesday and sails Saturday, North Pacific Transportation Company. m Regular semi-monthly steamers, bussio Tel fair and California for porta on Puget bound, and Sitka, leave at advertised dates. North Pa iific Transportation Company. Regular tri-weekly 0. S.N. steamer, arrives from Portland, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays returning on alternate days. Steamers Emma Hayward, Capt. Babbidgo, and Dixie Thompson, in the gram trade arrive irregularlv, semi-weekly from Portland. Steamer Varuna, to and from Fort Stevens. Capo Disappointment, and Unity Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Steamer Merrimac, Capt. R. Ilobson, Knapp ton and various logging camps daily, towing vessels, etc. On the Par Steam tug Astoria, Capt. Wass, and pilot boat California. Sloop Mary 11., Capt. Poole, daily to and from Skipanon. Tomple !,odre ?. 7 A. F. & A. M. Regular Communications first and third Saturday's in each month, at 7 o'clock p. m., at the Hall in Astoria. Members of tho Order in good standing are invited to at tend. By ordei of the V. M. Beaver Lodire No. 35, I. O. O. F. .vij-. Meet every Thursday evening. SjSF- at 7 o'clock, in the Odd Fellow's feTi Hall, corner of Cass and JetFerson 7..v street--, Astoria. Members of tho Order are invited to attend. By order. N. G, Co-PartsiersLip Notice THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY entered into a Co-partnership, for tho pur pose of carrying on a General Marketing busi ness, at tho old stand of A. J. Donaldson, near liolladay's Wharf, Astoria, Oregon. W.P.Gil AY, Astoria, Dec. 1 , 1873. A. J. DONA LDSON. All accounts of tho old firm will bo sottlod by Donaldson &, Raymond. d2 lm Administrator's Notice. TN THE PROBATE COURT of Wahkiacum X County, Territory of Washington, beforo his Hon. Gcorgo B. Roberts, .Judge; in the matter of tho etf .te of Robert Fry, deceased: To all whom it may concern, greeting. No tico is hereby given that oy consideration of tho above entitled court, I, John FitxPatnch, have been appointed administrator of the es tato of Robert Fry, deceased, and, as such, re quire all persons having claims against said estate, to present the samo to me with tho proper vouchers thereof, for approval within six months, and any person knowing them selves indebted to said estate aro respectfully roquestcd to call and settle Avithout delay. JOHN F1TZ PATR1CH, Administrator. Carhlamot, W. T., Dec. 1. 1873. Thur.di 4w TN JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE PRE X cinct of Astoria, State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, I. V. Case, Plaintiff vs. H. K. Stevens, Defendant. Civil action to recover money. To 11. K. Stevens, tho above named defend ant: In the name of tho State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear before the un dersigned, a .Justice of tho Peace for the pre cinct aforesaid, on tho 18th day of December, 1573, at 1 o'clock in tho afternoon of said day, at tho office of said J ustiee, in said precinct, to answer the above named plaintiff in a eivil action. 'J he defendant will take notice, that if ho fail to answer tho complaint herein tho plaintiff will take judgment against him for $10 42 gold coin, and for costs and disburse ments. Given under my hand this 3d day of Novom ber, 1873. CHARLES STEVENS, Tues.no4 7t .1 ustiee of the Peace. F)TICE. Whereas, my wife Lucinda has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation. Any and all persons are hereby forbid trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts by her contracted. d2 3w N. M. KIMBALL. "TvfOTICE. United States Land Oflico, Oregon jl uiy, yrugon. -ovemuer -win, 10.1. by frr dated October loth, 1670, upon tho vr of swJ4 of sec 20, and the w!4 of nw1 sec 29, township 5 north, range 10 west, in Clatsop county, Ore gon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: the said parties aro hereby .summoned to appear at this oliice on tho 22d day of Janu ary, 1S74, at ten o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban donment, OWEN WADE, Register, tud2 4w HEX RY WARREN , Receiver Administrator's Notice. TN THE PROBATE COURT OF CLATSOP X County, State of Oregon, beforo his lion. J. Motfit, J udge. In tho matter of tho estate of George Summers, deceased. To all whom it may concern, greeting: Notico is hereby given, that by consideration of the above en titled Court, i, Charles S. Wright, have been appointed administrator of tho estate of George Summers deceased, and as such require all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me with tho proper vouch ers therefor, for approval, within six months. And any person knowing themselves indebted to said estate, aro respectfully requested to call and settle therefor without delay. CHARLES S. WRIGHT, Administrator. Dated this, Nov. Cd, 1S70. Sat.nS 0w Dissolution. THE PArvTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm name of Hapgood, llumo &. Co., doing busi ness at Eagle Lliff, Wahkiacum county, W. T., is this day dissolved, by mutual consent A. S. HAPGOOD, WILLIAM HUME. Eagle Cliff, October 1st, 1S7-J. Notice. HpHE UNDERSIGNED, (late of napgood, JL Hume & CoJ, has established himself at WATERFORD, Wahkiacum county. W.T., un der the firm name of HAPGOOD tfcCO., whero he will carry on the business ef packing fresh preserved Salmon in tins. A. S. HAPGOOD. Eagle Cliff, October 1st, 167:?. Post-ofiice address: Eagle Cliff, Wahkiacum county, Washington Territory. nlS 3t WELLS, FARGO c0 CO.'S EXPRESS. TTAVING ESTABLISHED OFFICES IN jLL all parts of Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territories, wc are prepared to do a General Express and Freighting business in all its branches. Freight or Packages will be called for in any part of the eitv ,bv giving proper notice anil forwarded with dispatch to any part of tho world, through our own and connecting Ej rres'c?, at Greatlv reduced rates. COLLECTION S.M A iE, and Commissions for Purchase of Goods, etc., etc., will receive prompt attention. Weahalicoti.imieto DRAW EXCHANGE jx" ufluai on all t:ie :'ii;ici.':il cities of the Unit ed States the Canadas and Europe, and to sell TELEGRAPHIC EXU vqw when desired. WELLS, FAivGl & CO. A." Van Duse:, Resident A0-?ut, Astoria. uompiamt Having been entered at tins olhcc ' Noyes S. Welch against Wm. II. Tackctt. nlvinflnninrr Ins llninn'(n1 nnfn' 7r 1U."W BUSINESS CAEDS. H. S. Sh lister, Photographic Artist, At tho old Stand, Astoria, Oregon. Charles H. Bain Contractor and Builder, Astoria. Plans, Specifications and Estimates made to Order, on Short Notice. Is prepared to fill orders for any class of work, with promptness. altt Dr. S. Kiusey DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Astoria, Oregon. PHYSICIANS AND FAMILY PRESCRIP tions filled from tho PUREST DRUGS, either ait day or night. A full stock of WINES AND LIQUORS, EOR MEDICAL USE, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, OILS BRUSHES, ETC., ttS- Orders from tho Country solicited, and carefully and promptly filled. John "W. Gearhart, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Chcnamus street, Astoria. Wholesales and Retail Dealer in Hay, Grain and Feed ! A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Groceries, ELOUIJ, RACON, HAMS, SHOULDERS, LARD, BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, Etc. Motto" Small Profits on Cash Sales." Con signments solicited. tf BIiACKSMITKING C..CARR TS HAPPY TO INFORM . .. ... .... ................ ....v. m jn inn ii ii'iiii. ;iiiii I'li.tM i ii u l'i . ii hi a? all others who wish to patronize him, that ho has siimea jmsmess, At the Old Stand, And is again prepared to do all kinds of Black smith work, from making an Anchor Flue, to a Plow Shear. Main street, Astoria. aul!) c. ASTORIA OREGON HORSE SHOEING. Blacksmithing, and General Jobbing done to order, and satis faction guaranteed. Horse Shooing specially attended to. oc4tf H. B. Parker ! Importer and Dealer in Wines, Liquors , igars TOBACCO, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Etc. , Etc. tK5-liolladay's Wharf, Main strcot, Astoria. Washington Market, Main Street, Astoria Oregon, (Near liolladay's Wharf.) y GRAY & DQHAIiDSON, RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to tho fact that tho above Market will always bo supplied with a PULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY or FRESH AND CURED SWEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesalo and retail. Special attention given to supply ing ships. oc7tf Astoria Bakery! Corner of Main and Cass streets, Astoria. HENRY JACOBS Proprietor. BREAD, CRACKEHS, PILOT BREAD, Cakes.Grocories and Provisions of all kinds always on hand. Ship stores furnished. - Connected with tho establishment is a Reading Room. Cigars and Lager Beer served. Astoria Market ! Ciiexamus Street Astoria. HOBSON fc "WAR REX, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Treats! Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Ilains, Bo con and LareV Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Constantly on handr IK5" Ships supplied at lowest rate. WELCH'S GOOD SAMARITAN C03IPOUND. For Curing . Rheumatism, Sprains, Felons, Boils,' Bruises, Burns, etc., etc. A single bottlo will euro or prevent days of j the most excruciating pain, and not unfre- quently save the life of tho suffering patient. ! PrifiP.. SI. OO iter Patf.la. PREPARKD BY J. WELCH, ASTORIA, Oregon gfHf, Established 1887. Hemlock TAHHEBY ! C. LEINEN"WEBER, -li. .".RO VvX, J Proprietors. jeST Manufacture all kinds of Leather Ki HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, ETC. OCCIDENT HOTEL, S. N. AIIRIGONI PnontiETOR. Astoria, Oregon. THE BEST FURNISHED, MOST CONVE nient and in every respect popular hotel in Oregon. Owing to its location it is considered A Very Delightful Summer Resort. S"Magnificent Suits of Rooms for families. Tho table is supplied with tho choicest delica cies of tho season. Wino and Billiard Room attached to the Hotel. 8. N. A'RRIQOPSH, Occident Hotel Block, Astoria, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in ice .Brand Liouors mtr The Finest in the Market CONSTANTLY ON HAND! Which will bo sold in lots to suit purchasers Baths! S2?ii'-- Baths lCbathsS:? Plot, Cold, and Shower Baths ! AT OCCIDENT LTOTEL, HAIR DRESSING SALOON. "WM. UlILEXHAllT PeOPEIKTOR. KW Special attention paid to LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING ftwPrivato Entrancafor Ladies Txix Bramel's Coffee Stand NOW OPEN. Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. THE PUBLIC NOW SUPPLIED WITH a superior quality of Hot Coffee, Cakes, Oysters, Pig's-Feet, Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Notions, etc. H35Givo mo call, at tho new Stand, Brown's Building. oc2Stf C. B. FARLEMAN. W, II. LA.WSOK. Parker House, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. Main Stroet, Astoria. Farleman & Lawson, Fi'ojorietors Have Leased the above named Newly Built, Hard-finished, and Newly Furnished Hotel, and proposo to conduct tho same in a fir-t class manner. The house will bo kept open day and night. No pains will bo spared to insure tho comfort of guests. Board and Lodging per week..... $5 00 to $S 00 " per day 150 Singlo Meal 50 iter Particular attention will bo given to supplying balls, parties, etc., with oysters, and suppers, on short notice. s'iOtf Globe Hotel Alain Street Astoria. FRED COLBERT, Fi-oiirietor. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC AND PEO plo generally will find tho Globe in evey respect worthy of their patrenage: Board per week ..So 00 " and Lodging per week d 00 by the day 1.00 Singlo Meal 50 tki The Public aro respectfully invited to give tho Globe a call. EKED UOLBEltT, nl.ltf Proprietor. Grlobe Oyster Saloon N. KOEFOED, (Late Proprietor of the Globe Hotol, Astoria,) TS NOW PREPARED to servo hte Many X friends and the public generally yritk OYSTERS IH EVERY STYLE I Also, GOOD ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER Call around at the old btand, on Main street, and give these articles a trial. oeltf Germania Beer Halli BOTTLED BEER DEPOT, Chenamus Street, Astoria, TIIE PUBLIC ARE INVITED to call aad leave their orders. Splendid Lager five Cents a Glass, Free Luncli every Night. oclStf ERNST PAPMAIIL, Proprietor. M. MEYE'RS1 ASTO&3A BREWERY! STAYING ALL THE MACHINERY NEC JLL e?ary for first class work, sKilllul Rreweri and using none but the best quality of materi als, tho Proprietor is prepared to Manufacture IjAGER BSESt ! In any quantity, from a Single Bottle to a BARREL, AJSi) PbTl' IP in gcod con dition for Shipment or Immediate use. . aiui lies and keepers of Public liouses promptly and regularly supplied, M MEYER , Prop'r AX TUK Astoria Steam Saw Mills, ASTORIA OREGON. Is now prepared to fill any kind of Orders for JLUMBBM, On short notico. Address, F. FERRELL, Astoria Steam Saw Mills, oclf - Astoria, OreeB. MISCELLANEOUS. A. B. EICHARDSOK. S. I. X. GILMA5. A. B. Richardson, AUCTIONEER Corner of Front and Oaksts., Portland, Oregon. Auction Sales of Real tstate, Groceries, General Merchandise arid Hor?os. Sales Wednesday and Saturday. UST Largo assortment of Groceries, Liquors, etc., at Private Salo. Liberal advances mado on consignments. A. B. RICHARDSON Charles S. Wright, AUCTIONEER-Cor of Main and Chonamus Streets, Astoria. GoodsTecoived on consign ment and sold to the highest bidder. Oscar Kilbourn, AUCTIONEER Offico 40 Eirst st., Portland. a1 George A. Pease, Pacific Boot and Shoe Store, Is now prepared to wait on his customers, At The Old Stand Again ! S. W. Corner First and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon. OREGON BOOT AND SHOE STORE! S. M. BARR, J. c. KINGSLEY. BAMR 0 KINGSLJEY, PRINCIPAL RETAILERS OF THE STA ple brands of Eastern, California and Ore gon Boots and Shoos, No. 133 First street cor ner Yamhill, Portland Oregon. xtS" With our long experience and small ex pense we aro enabled to sell cheaper than any other house in the city of Portland. As tho proverb goes SI 00 saved is $2 00 made: Call and seo and give us your trade. BARR & KINGSLEY. S. G-. Skiclmore, Druggist and Apothecary, Has Removed to his NEW AND ELEGANT STORE, 111 First St., next to L. C. Henrichsen's, Portland, Oregon. aiu H. Trenkmaim, B LACKSMITH AND TOOL MAKER and manufacturer of of all kinds of Plaining, Moulding, and Turning Tools, Saws of all kinds Straightened and Repaired, and all kinds of Saw Teeth made and repaired and saws turned and straightened. Oi dors at tended to promptly. 11. THEN KM A2s N , aulMf -10 Front st, l'orthpd, THE OXLY ManufacturingHouse- IX REG OX. Eishel & Roberts, Corner Pirst and "Wathington Streets, PORTLAND, OEEG02ST. FASHIONABLE CLOTEIEPJJ, A3TD 3IAX1TFACTURERS. THE BEST VALUE FOR TIIE LEAST MONEY. " P. J. MAUTIJT. nnV. MAItTIN. P. V. B. IIKSAIRK. E. MAETIN & Co,, Portland, Oregdn, And San Francisco, California. Importers and Dealers in FINE Brandies, Wines, Liquors !' Proprietors of the Celebrated 'Hlllflrc EXTRA OLD B3UBE83 BSISH!" Sole Agents for the J. V. CUTTER Ann SKY, IIENNESSY AND M ARTEL BRANDIES, In Bulk and Case, (bonded or duty paid, - axd All Goods Pertaininj: to the Trade. 0. S. N. Co.'s Block, Tortland, oc2btf 4U8 Front tt., Snn Tranci?ro, TV fONEY SAYED BUYTXGTHE " FOME' JLvX Sewing Machine RECEN'lx.1' patonted. Combines all j.J.u.ii.O L3.J-N 'is of other Maehine. A CHILD can RUN and U.N I ERSTAND it. It is tho BEST, because the S I M HLES'l' and NOT liable tu get out of order. Furnished in live different styles. Prices from to ?0 juoiiai's. Tiie Running KTosiie Machine. ILatest Simplest Ilemmer and lr eller, Eraidcr.Ruf fier, Gauge, iuiltor, etia jhroat plate. bhuttle, six Jobbin'. twelve Needles, etc., FREE xxxi iiAOai. MACHINE. SiT" Guarantees Porpetuol.' and BcsU Wo aleo continue to sell tho favorite liUliIE SHUTTLE. Prices REbU C ED . o. I, $2S : N o. 2, $40: No. 8, (half casu), $45. Orders for EITHER Machine promptly filled una forv.ur dfd, on receipt of price. wa-A0T1 E AGEN TS WASTED. Oil and aU kinds of Sewing Machine Needles for sale". ' GEO. W.-'TRAVEri.Gen'l Agent, ' ' SI "V. cor. Morrison and Third Ftreots. d-2"m' Portland, Oi.eop.,