Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, December 11, 1873, Ice-o-lated Edition, Image 1

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lee-o-Iated Edition. Thursday, Dec. 11th, 1873.
i '
T IT P A L F IYT TAW " MQaB H M Morri80n - now Bole
&U.SU XtOAvaAflJ. proprietor of the Main street Millin-
fc" " mmmammfmKm ery atore. See advertisement.
VDESDAY.THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. That elegant yacht, built at the
Monitor Building Astoria, Oregon. Cape for uncle Sam has been success-
fully launched and christened " Co-
XK C.IREIiANB Proprietor lumbia."
IT "
Subscription Rates: The plat of the Aitoria, Nehalem
Ono Copy on-year. 55 00 valley and Washington county Wag-
&: &g ?hroTmonthi7::.:::::::::::::::::::::: f so on ad has been nied at the cierk8
-- Sing-lo Number, Ten Cents. " office in this city.
Advertising Rates:
One Insertion porsquaro, 10 lines or less...S2 50 Charlei Stevens, Secretary of the
fSrbSJmoUrsSr:!- Aetoria Bible Society has now a lot
Agents- of bibles and testaments on hand for
L. P. PiahKR, 20 and 21 New Merchants Ex- sale-very cheap.
Quango, is authori7ed to act as Agent for the
Astori ax in i San Francisco. Thp Rtpnmpr Varnna loff vpflfc
Any friend who feel? an interest in the pros- J-HC Steamer aruna lCIt yester-
perity of this region,, is authorized to act as day forBrookfield with a full cargo of
Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers. . . T -.c ,
i i- freight. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Megier
CITY INTELLIGENCE. went as PasgengerB.
J itst Received. A new stock of We understand the Oriflamme
Waterproof, Flannels, Prints, all varieties left San Francisco for Astoria last
uf Hoseing, and all kind of GUve: nl-o Tuesday. If so she may be expected
r. new stock f Oil Suits, suitable for Win- ilere to-morrow when we will prob-
ter 'vcar, and KubU.:- I5.,.., iittcd for ably get the balance of the Presidents
wear and tare, and tho celebrated "M"a'k- message, and other news.
intosh Rubber coats. All of which -ball
fo cold op iseup as i!0 h'itoht. The Ladies Fair .and Festival at
r "' MX: 5"?I" . . the Congregational church Tuesdav
Lornur Alain and Cnenamu? .-wool?, do
night was a grand affair, and we are
Xrhool Jiool'i. 1 ii:ti hitelv ro- pleased to know that a net sum was
mvwl oil the different kinds of New School realized quite sufficient to pay for
i i -o .,:.., I -. . .,,.;; '-, r.n-Qiutn w cushioning the seats at the church.
.Book- required to l-o ir-'oci uj tin.- btate, thai
can i.ov Ik, foniM In San Francisco. AV-o, ,,. , . , . , iT .,
01 , ., , . e understand that the mail
Slate pencil.-, Blotting pads, a good as- , , -,,,,,
?crtmcPt of Stationery, Drawing paper, boat from Portland started dwaon
CARD BOARD, Perforated board, Ink, Monday but Capt. Hoyt was not cer-
(Carminc, Purple and Black). Likewise a tain he would be able to get through
r.ew .-took of Crockery, Clocks Una a large imi so turn?,d back' 1iUire l
l r t r- ii later news tlian camr from Port-
fortment of Lamp Cnnanoys, all ot land QQ j.Mdav
which "."ill b" old cheap for oa-li. 2
M Cheiinmussi., Astoria. Mr. A. J. Megier has presented
T. TI. Reeves with an elegant meer-
Tvaclier minted. A Teacher, sci,:iumj on a pledge to do so if Capt.
MaU- or Female-, to teach in i DUricr FiavepB driver should drive thirtv
School, in Ditrict No. , Olat-op plains, piies in 0ne day at Brook-field, Mr.
Clatsop counry, Oregon. Communis r Keeves being engineer. Forty-one
o the iindersitrnitd. -piles were driven one day-
' J. l.PACKAUP, l
t u .Slcumnon, Oregon.
The gay season will be well ob-
Kxon.w.vr Tboso Suar Cured Ums and served in this vicinity. A grand
that rrob Hull liutter, Fresh Buckwheat, w js to ven at ort SteVOllfi Oil
(thic year's crop), Corn Meal, Cracked Whent, . 1fl,, , t ni,n e r.-A im
Hominy, rto., at Cvsk's. I2tf the 16th; Beaver i.odge of Odd lel-
lows have Social Reunions on the 22d
R-Ov.-tor? in every .style, at all hour of and 31st, and Anion a Engine Com-
dtyr nisht. at tho Pmikkk lor.-.n lUrsTAi.- pan v No. 1 givo u ball on Christmas
invr. Mainytreot, Astorin. night. We uncle ii?tJiud tliat the va-
-.., r i . .. .-i -i . rious chnrelies will hold festivals and
rtr !or fre.-h Oysters, m every style, et , T.,c i.,.n, ,. i... .nf,
tW lAnn:tt Ueuii: Ui:jvca h:ne hnbtmas trees on thu 4th.
Home Packets, Etc The steamei
Annie Stewart, started up the rive?
Wednesday with a vessel in tow, ex
pecting to get as far as Oak Point;
the tug Sedalia and Merrimac are at
the docks in Astoria; the Varuna is
running to the Cape, and the Astoria
on the bar. Yesterday morning
there were eight vessels at anchor in
the harbor, seven of which are here
for cargoes for foreign ports. Twenty-five
or six others are en route her
iroin different ports. The schooner
Kough and Ready left Knappton on
Tuesday with a cargo of lumber for
Brookfield; the Elnorah went to
Skipanon yesterday for a cargo of
cattle for Hobson & Warren; the
sloop Mary H. is now run by Mr. W
J. Franklin; the schooner Industry
is here again with another cargo from
Deep river. Charles Stark says Deep
river is not closed. rlhe schooner
Buckeye arrived Tuesday from the
Cape half full of water, damaged on
a snag and will be hauled out for
The Empire Minstrels, at the
Cape, are preparing and rehearsing
for an entertainment at Astoria atxvn
onrlv da v.
Van Dusen is one of the fortunate
ones. He got an ample supply of
Hour to carry him through the icc-o-iation.
Among the passengers leaving
Oregon by the steamship California
on the Othj we had a conversation
with Joseph and A. J. Knott, esqs.,
of Portland, who were bound for
the Skcfcna river in British Columbia.
These gentlemen have purchased the
bteamer tfliwofly Geo. V. Weidler'a
pet of the Oregon eteamahip Com
pany, and are fixing her for a trip to
theSkeena next month, where she
will be put into service t convey
passengers and supplies to the new
Eldorado in tho.e- parts next Spring,
as a grand ru&h is anticipated, equal
to California in the days of 4U. Jack
and Levi Knott expect tu cut a trail
to the mines this Winter, and oilier
wide prepare for theruh. - We wish
them all prosperity, but atlhe came
time would parenthetically remark
that it is our opinion that they are
4i building castlet. in the atf."
We expected the Oii-huiun.
Tuesday with a supply of paper for
this office. Sue didn'i come, and
that is our only apology fur tho ap-
parent shrinkage of tho Askh:iax W-"