Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, December 09, 1873, Image 1

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Vol. 2.
Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Dee. 9, 1873.
IsTo. 16.
JLmt3SJJtiLiSX KLJJlllliAu'iiJ.-.MJL I KiLi l. .s.J-! m-j. O, v ;
M "I 1; I
- 'fWt , njL
Monitor Building, Aston?., Oregon.
I. C IRESTAXI .. .Proprietor
Knhheriiiijoii IS:eY&:
"Ono Cepy one year. S5 00
yno Copy fix ironths 3 00
)no Cfpv three months .. . 1 00
K-Cr Single .X umber, Ton Cents. U
A;Sccrti.sinjr Kates-:
Ono Insertion porsqwirc, 10 lines or Jcss.,.$2 HO
3?ach juiditiiipal Insertion, per square 2 00
Yearly auivV per month, per square 1 30
L. P. Fisfira, 20 and 21 New Merchants Ex
jc&rijyrc, i- cithoriod to act as Agent for the
Asroiaw : San Francisco.
Any friend who feel8' an interest in the pros
perity of lh: region, is authorized to act xs
Agent for thN papp', in procuring subscribers.
lee cream and cakes at the festi
val to-nitrht.
The Columbia river above the
Cascades is closed with ice.
Only 25 cants .admission at the
festival this evening. Molicy will be
"well spe't.
Hot coffee and sandwiches .at
the Ladies7 Festival at the Congrega
tional church this evening.
The bark Garibaldi, and the ship
Annie M. SmulL are reported in
, Shanghai, without engagements, Oc
tober 24th.
Tlie barken tine Portland and
schooner Lovett Peacock, were only
four days from Astoria to San Fran
cisco on the last voyage, Both ar
rived there on the 22d.
The proposed sale of the Knapp--ton
mill did not come off at Oyster
ville on the 3d. owning to a inisun
derstanding occasioned by tardy and
insullicient mail facilities between
Astoria and Portland. The property
will be re-advertised and sold on the
14th proximo.
George L. DePrans has resigned
from the management of M. Gray's
branch music store at Portland. The
business will be continued as usual
by Mr. Benitz, who has been appoint
ed to the management by Mr. Gray.
Mr. DePrans has a host of friends
-who will regret to have him leave
the State.
The cold snap let up in this ssc
tion Friday evening somewhat, and
the many hopes of skatists and slid
ists on sleds now sleep -sweetly thro'
serene days until the seasons change
and send some more snow. Since
the above was written the weather
has changed again, in favor of the
Three days is the average trips
of a sea going steamer from Astoria
to San Francisco 647 miles, but it
sometimes takes the same craft three
days to get here from Portland. The
last trip of the Ajax from Astoria for
San Francisco, was made in 70 hours.
Tlie last trip of the same steamer
from Portland to Astoria, 110 miles,
consumed 48 hours.
The admiral Fitzroy, put down
for this port, is on the berth loading
-with wheat in San Francisco for Eu
rope. If the wheat had been at As
toria the Admiral Fitzroy would have
come here for it, but she could not
go to Portland after It. The same
may be said of the Ellen Gondy7
hence from. San Francisco on the 22d
with a cargo of 30,462 centals of
(perhaps) Oregon wheat valued at
$65,000. The ship David Brown, al
so put down for this river, and once
reported as having arrived at Port
land, is also on the berth, loading in
San Francisco, while our wheat is be
ing carried down to her in coasters.
"Well may Portland ask: Why Is it
that no large vessels can be found to
charter for loads at that port. The
Admiral Fitzroy, chartered to load
in San Francisco for Cork at 3 10s;
and the David Brown 3 2s 6d. Five
pound sterling will not bring vessels
to Portland; but for Astoria the
;same rates -would be engaged for as
at .San Francisco.
- The steamer California was un
able to reach Portland for the ice,
-and is loading below the mouth of
the Wallamct river for Northern
The schooner ELnorah left yes
terday with several small boats in
tow, and a large number of passen
gers, for Knappton. She will load
another cargo of lumber for Brook
lield. ' Messrs. C. A. McGuIre, J C.
McGuire, TV. Linfelter, J. West, W
Adams, Mr. McCullough, and M.
Ernest all of Westport, were at the
American Exchange Hotel, Portland,
on the 4th inst.
The steam tugs Merrlmac and
Sedalia both met with accidents on
Saturday last. The shaft-couplings
to the Merrimac was broken, and
the rock-shaft to the Sedalia was
broken. The latter was repaired
and in running order yesterday.
The Merrimac is being repaired at
Will the Oregonian please inform
the San Francisco Commercial Herald
that it cost the farmers of the TVaS la
met valley twenty-one cents a bushel
on the cargo of 4 ISA tons of wheat
carried to the United Kingdom from
Portland by the bark Lieut. Maury,
over and above what it would have
cost had the vessel taken her cargo
on board at Astoria ?
Hereafter but three steamers a
month will ply between Astoria and
San Francises. Consequently the
Oiiflamme may not be expected un
til Friday, as sho would not leave
San Francisco until to-day. And
should thejr receive news of the close
of navigation on the lower Columbia,
above Astoria, perhaps there will be
no steamer this week.
Will the Oregonian please inform
the San Francisco-Commercial Herald
that the British ship Eskdale, CapL
Jenkinson, hence for Cork on the 4th
inst., -was thirty-one days in the
river on account of going to Portland
to receive her cargo, and that she
was then unable to receive more than
half a cargo ; was compelled to take
nearly half of her cargo at Astoria
before pioceeding to sea ?
The Ajax left here Sunday morn
ing for San Francisco with a few pas
sengers and light freight. The cause
of her detention was from having
stopped to accommodated four pas
sengers who wished to get on board
from the Kalama steamer, tlie opera
tion of the transfer being so slow
that the steamship drifted on a sand
-bar at ebb tide, compelling her to re
main there twenty-four hours.
Shipping revived rapidly in the
harbor Saturday morning, after the
prevailing florin of the previous day
or two. The mail bsat from Portland
Friday night did not arrive until
Saturday morning. The Emma Hay
ward with barge Nez Perce Chief,
and the Mary Bell, Ben Holladay,
Sedalia. Merrimac, andothcr steam
ers started out after business as usual.
People who were here weather bound
returned to their homes, vessels be
gan to arrive and depart again as
usual. The storm was not so bad but
that any steamer running here could
perform her service, but there being
no absolute necessity for it, they re
mained in port
Hon. S. E. Barr, Inspector of
customs at Oysterville, informs that
so far this -season 70,566 baskets of
oysters have been exported from
Shoal water bay, as follows for the
months of September, October and
To San Francisce: Baskets
J, it'll Crellen 24 522
Espy it Company. ......V.V...V..."l7lo''i
Shoahvater Ifciy Companv l?'' 50
Washington Oyster Comuipay .7.".ula0
To Portland
Espy & Company
"Wing ife Company ,
Grand TotaL. 70,399
The principal of the season is over
for 1873. The snow storm of the 3d
inst. extended to Shoahvater bay, and
left about two inches on the ground.
The boys were preparing for line
times skating, as it has been a long
time since an opportunity was pre
sented for such sport in that region.
Post OHIccr Xotice.
The Delivery at the Astoria
Postoffice will he open daily, (except Sun
day?), from S o'clock a. m. until G p. m.
On Sunday from 1 to 2 o'clock p. m.
Money Orders issv.ed from 8 a. ji, to 4,
For Portland and intermediate offices,
at hxA o'clock a. 31. Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturday:;.
For Skipanon, Seaside house, and Tilla
mook. Tuc-dayft, Thursdays, Satm days.
For Forts Stevens, and Cape Disappoint
ment, Unity. Oysterville, and Olympia
Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 7:30 a. m.
FerKr.f.ppton, Grays river, Klaskanine,
Youngs river, Lewis, and Clarke, Neha
leni valley, etc., irregular.
1. Franking j nivilcge abolished.
2. No mail matter can pass free.
3. Publishers must pay postage on ex
changes received.
4. ltal cai ds cannot be sent to dead
letter office, nor u sed a second time.
5. pG.-tagera ustbe collected on newspa
pers published in the county, when deliv
ered through the mails.
G. Ordinary card's may be sent through
the mails wi'.h one cent stamp, provided
the -message ib pointed. The address may
be written.
I. Any p 3ion who takes a paper regu
larly from the post-oflicc whether direct
ed to his or another's, or whether he
h;is subscr bed or not is responsible for
the paym-ent.
2. If any person orders his paper discon
tinued, ho must pay all arrearages, or the
publKhe-- may continue to send it, until
payment is made, and collect the whole
amount- whether the paper is taken from
the ollic o or not.
3. Tl ic courts have decided that refusing
to take newspapers and periodicals from
the po -t-omce, or removing and leaving
them uncalled lor, is prima iacie evidence
of intentional fiaud.
wj'.fsf licceired.A. new stock of
Waf erproof, Flannels, Prints, all varieties
of P.oseing, and all kinds of Gloves; also
a now stock of Oil Suits, suitable for Win
ter wear, and Rubber Boots, fitted for
wear and tare, and the celebrated Mack
intosh Rubber coats. x All of which shall
bo sold as cheap as the Cheapest.
Corner Main and Chenamus streets.
School BooJcs. I have lately re
ceived all the different kinds of New School
Books required to be used in this State, that
can now bo found in San Fiancisco. Also,
Slate pencils, Blotting pads, a good as
sortment of Stationery, Di awing paper,
CARD BOARD, Perforated board, Ink,
(Carmine, Purple and Black). Likewise a
new stock of Crockery, Clocks and a large
assortment of Lamp Chimne3's, all of
which will be sold cheap for cash.
2. T. CASE,
oltf Chenamus St., Astoria.
noy For frosh Oysters, in every style, call at
the Parkek Ileusi: lltsrAUitAsr.
La dies J?V!Si;Z.--This,Tucsclay
evening, the 9th inst, for the purpose of
raising funds to complete furnishing the
seats of the Congregational Church. The
Ladies of the Congregotional Society have
been laboring strenuously for a year, for
the above purpose, but still lack the full
amount, which it is hoped this Festival
will yield. The Festival will consist of
the refreshments of the season, music, etc.
A small admission fee of 25 cents will be
charged. dltd
5" Oj'stcrs in ovory stylo, at all hours of
day or night, at the Parker House Restau
rant, Main street, Astoria.
Teaclicr Wanted, A Teacher,
Male or Female, to teach in the Distiiet
School, in District No. 3, Clatsop plains,
Clatsop county, Oregon. Communicate
to the undersigned.
d-3 2w
Skipanon, Oregon.
G7A neat, clean, cosoy placo, for gentlo
men and ladies to ODJoy a dish of fresh Oysters
is at tho Parker House Kestauka.nt,
Toys ix Lots. For tho convenience of Mer
chants who cannot visit tho city, I put up as
sorted lots of toys, toy books and fancy articles
at Twenty, Twenty-five, Thirty, Forty, Fifty
to O.'.o Hundred Dollars, comprising selections
from everything in stock. Those lots retail at
a profit of nearly one hundred per cent. This
plan has given great satisfaction to my cus
tomers during tho past ten years, as thereby
they obtain a much greater variety than by
any other method. All thcao lots arc put up
under my own supervision. Send your orders
early to obtain a good varioty.
S. S. McCOKMlCK, 10 First st,
n22tf Portland, Oregon.
Excellent Thoso Sugar "Cured Hams, and
that Fresh Roll Butter, Fresh Buckwheat,
(this year's crop), Corn M03I, Cracked Whent,
Hominy, etc., at Case's. - ' I2tf
Precisely as we anticipated, the
narrow, illiberal course of Portland
merchants dealing in Oregon wheat
this Winter, has begun already to
drive commerce away from our State.
The Ellen Goudy, Admiral Fitzroy,
and David Brown, will all go foreign
from San Francisco. Is it a fact that
Portland will continue to refuse to
lend a hand in this matter? Is it a
fact that she has neither the pres
cience nor the liberal enterprise to
step out of her path to serve the State
of Oregon? If so the time will come
with all her acquired advantages,
with her 10,000 population, and 4,
000,000 of money, when she will re
gret that she was the means of driv
ing the other ninety thousand inhab
itants or the State to seek a ivay for
themselves to reach the markets of
the world! We say this in all kind
ness as we have numerous friends in
Portland, and wish the city prosper
ity, but not at the expense of "the
whole State of Oregon. The Orego
nian may not be surprised " at iind
ing such paragraphs15 in tho Astori
an, but it will be surprised at tp-
sult, before the end is reached.
As we expected, so it seems is
the case. Our Oregon wheat " light
ered in coasters" to San Francisco is
sold to go to Europe. The Commer
cial Herald furnishes this informa
tion thus: "Immediately following
1 uur last issue a snmner hnno-ht-. r.wn
full cargoes in store, say 2,500 tons
choice, at 2 302 35, (part Oregon
Club), with free storage for sixty
days. This purchase was made foV
account of a French miller, and is to
load two French ships, now en route
here in ballast from Buenos Avres.
Supplies from Oregon are liberal, in
cluding 2,201 sks per Oriflamme, 12,
529 sks per Idaho, 12,778 per Portland,
3,G00 per Lovett, 2,202 per Hera, and
others. Considerable complaint is
made of smut in Oregon Wheat,
which is a serious drawback to sales."
Oregon wheat ma) or may not be
smutty after it has passed out of
thetate, to be rehandled again and
again, after so many rehandlings in
Oregon, but we opine that the "most
serious drawback" may be found in
the fact that it is not properly quoted.
Who can tell?
Will the Oregonian be kind
enough to say to the San Francisco
Commercial Ileraid that the British
ship City of Paris, which recently
went to Portland in ballast for a cargo
of wheat for Europe, grounded on
several bars before reaching thm-p.
i and was forced to return to Astorm
partly loaded; and did not finally get
a full cargo because her commander
had consumed so much time that he
could not afford to wait here for more
grain to come down the river? Fur
thermore that the captains of such
vessels declare that one trip to Port
land is all they want but would
charter to load at Astoria any time,
at less rates oer ton ?
New music from' Mr. Gray, the
publisher; " There's a Letter in the
Candle," song and chorus, by Geo.
T. Evans; "Sweet Dawn Awakes,"
words by George Cooper, music from
the opera of "La Fille de Madame
Angot;" "My Gal Schottisch," as
played by Ballenberg, arranged for
the piano by L. Bodecker, and " By
the Brook," a song, words by Geo.
W. Howes, music by J. li. rl horn as.
These pieces may be obtained of Mr.
J. F. Benitz, manager of Gray's mu
sic store, corner of First and Alder
streets, Portland.
The State authorities have per
haps concluded that the State Board
of Equalization have "o'er leaped
themselves and fell over on the other
side," respecting their instructions
to the County board in Clatsop coun
ty. Our authorities here have re
ceived instructions from the Secretary
of State not to collect the increased
levy. This will probably save a law
The Japanese student, Master
Sho Ivakehi. who has lived the past
year and a half with Be v. P. S.
Knight, Salem, and attended school
at the University there, has been
ordered home by the authorities con
trolling these students. .He has
made rapid progress in his studies.
The steamer Yaruna has com-
pleted repairs and commenced busi
ness again. :, .
The early annexation of Cuba may be
considered a forgone conclusion. Nor is
it neccessary to declare war with Spain to
effect that object. The Spanish Govern
ment has never admitted that war existed
in Cuba, and vessels of all nations have
the right to trade with Cubans, wherever
located, unless caught in the act of afford
ing relief and assistance to those who are
in arms against the regularly constituted
authorities. The onus of providing against
such a contingency devolves on the Span
ish Government. At the time that the
Yirginius was captured there was nothing
to show that she was engaged in illicit
traffic with the insurgents. No matter
what she might have clone on former occa
sion, she was then on the high seas, flying
the American Hag, to which she had an
undoubted right, and might for all the
commander of the Tornado knew or cared
have changed owners, and been engag
ed in a perfectly justifiable business. Tier
capture was a piratical act, and the slaugh
ter of her passengers and crew a cold
bloodedbutchery. It is the duty of the
United States not only to demand suitable
reparation, but to guaid against any repeti
tion. A heavy fleet ot war-vessels should
be stationed in Cuban waters with instruc
tions to let no Spanish man-of-war leave
any port without being accommpanied by
an American of equal chuf patiol the is
land with the remainder of the fleet, and
enforce the right of free Traffic with the Cu
bans. Should Spain, under such circum
stances, accord belligerent rights to the
insurgents, the door would he opened to
the ingress of American recuits, arms and
munitions of war. Should Spain refuse,
the protection given the American flag by
tho presence of our war-vessels would,
within six months, enable the Cubans to
throw off the Spanish yoke, and free the
island. Then comes annexation. Com
meicial Herald.
We can sit in our office and enu
merate seventeen Organs and Melo
deons, and twenty-two Pianos, at as
many residences in thi3 city, and
yet there is not a music dealer in the
Mr. F. J. Benitz, the new mana
ger of Gray's music store, Odd Fel
low's Teuiplo, Portland Oregon, will
please accent our thanks for several
pieces of new music, published by
their San Francisco house.
The choir of the Congregational
church will enliven the Ladies Festi
val to-night with song, and the Tcs
sarachordoan Club, assisted by Miss
M. Taylor as organist, will add some
line instrumental music to the festivi
ties of the occasion.
Mr Wherry and his two sons Wm.
and Samuel cleared 70 acres of land in
theNehnlem valley this season. He in'
tends to put in seven acres of an orchard
in the spring. Mr. Wherry has lived in
seveial of te States and says that this is
the finest country he has ever seen. Tic
says peaches and grapes do well in 'the
Nehalem valley. ' .
The receipts of Oregon produce
in San Francisco, by coastwise trade,
from January 1st 173, to December
1st, eleven months, is as follews:
"Flour, qr sks, 380,053; Oats, ctls,
112,040; Wheat, ctls, 276,546; Salmon,
bbls, 3,591; hf bbls, 3,45'J; pkgs, 109,
561; Apples, ripe, bxs, 13j214; Dried,
pkgs, 1,835; Butter, pkgs, 1,566; Boi
bbls, 100; Bacon, pkgs, 499; Lard.ukgs
3; Hams, pkgs, 16."
Eight families of emigrants from Iowa
are expected shortly to arrive to settle in
the Nehalem Valley. A farmer from
Iowa who settled in the Nehalem last
spring, was authoiized to -look out for
thes families, and he sent word at once to
his friends that he had found the very
place they v anted, and in response to this
information "they have pulled up stales"
and are now wending their way west waul .
Thus they come, and this lovely valley
which has so long lain idle is at last being
peopled with h d.istiious and enterprising
pioneers. And notwithstanding the many
that have settled in this valley the past
season there is yet room for many more.
At last an Adams has been elect
ed to something. John Quincy, jr.,
has broken into the Massachusetts
The rebuilding of the various
monuments in Paris destroyed by the
Communists is going on rapidly, and
soon not a wreck will be left behind.
The Chinese shoemakers afc
North Adams, Mass., have organized n
a trades-union of their own and pro
tested against the discharge Of any
I of -their number.
i; i
I ..