Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, December 04, 1873, Image 1

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Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, Dee. 4, 1873.
mn miixufmiw m w : H'HI
Common Council Proceedings.
rrw.isiiKi) every
Monitor Building, Astoria, Oregon,
IX .!. iA"'I ...w WAPropricfr
Subscript ioir Rates:
Qtto Copy one year .v...v...... 5 00
Ono Copy ?ix month? ? !"
Ouo Opy throe months.....-..........;-- ;:; idU
iiT-Sinslo dumber. Ten Cents. u
Advertising: Ratc.w
Oro Insertion per, 10 lines or lc?s...$2 o0
Jich additional Insertion, per square.... 1 uu
Yearly adv'ts per month, per square
L P- Fisher. 20 and 21 Now Merchants Ex
chnge, is authorized to act tts Agent Tor the
JLstoki .v in San Francisco. .
Any friend who feels an interest in the pros-
,.-;,. nf ihla rnrinn. i5 HUt.lloriZCul to act US
Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers.
-Mr. A. S Mercer and family
The Common Council assembled in reg
ular session at Ihe new Council Chamber,
Tuetday evening, MajTor lvippen presid
ing. Present Messrs.Wright, Page, and W.
W. Parker, Councilmen, And Messrs. C
Stevens Recorder andE. A. Taylor, Street
-, ., - -n T I
Absent uounciimen l.ceu, jooson,aiiu
Minutes of previous meeting read and
; approved.
Mr. Parker, from the committee on har-
loO borsurvev Verbally reported that the work
was done, the map accepted, and recom
mended that warrants be drawn in favor
cf Mr. Stephenson for the sum of $400, in
payment for the same.
Mr, Page, from the committee on
streets wharves and public works rel-
3 ative to the harbor survey m vieV of
the Tacts that the work was done,
leave Astoria to-day for their new ; the mains delivered to the city, and
home in Albany. May it be a pleas- ! a report made upon the subject, (al-
suit one. j though said report was not in the
It is laughable, but nevertheless j hands of the board) moved that war
a fact, that deep sea vessels in ballast ! rants be drawn as follows m payment
proposed .side-walk on north side of Che
namous streot, from Main to Lafayette
streets, was considered.
In view of the fact that Mr. Boelling
had ahead' made desirable improvements
adjacent to his property, which was still
being made, the matter was laid over un
til next season.
Auditor was authorized to procure the
signatures of Mr. Barrows to certain real
estate ceded to the city.
The Committee on public property and
improvements .were instructed to confer
with Messrs Hustler and Aiken, and as-
I tain the facts in relation to certain proper-
ty ceded to the city by the last will and
testament of lion. Cyrus Uiney deceased.
The star ding commitles of the board
nnt. nrp.viovslv constituted bv the Presi
The Price of Gold.
Portland, Dec. 3. Gold in Kew
York to-day, 1091-; Portland Legal
Tender rates, 90A buying, and 91-selling.
Miscellaneous News,
A hundred thousand dollar
dtent, Were filled un and placed on record.
On motion the Rules and Regulations
of the Board, together with a list of the
standing committees, were ordored printed
for the use of the Council.
Council adjourned.
to load wheat at Portland, find il to
their advantage to discharge ballast
at Astoria before proceeding up the
Cat. Bolles, of the Ajax, reports
the heaviest weather he ever exper
ienced on the passage from San Fran
cisco last Sunday night. The steam
or shipped a sea that partly filled
the saloon, and sprung the foremast.
-J. B. Knapp, esq., of Cementville
returned to Oregon by the Ajax,
Tuesday morning, and together with
large number of other gentlemen
proceeded to Oysterviile to attend
the sale there" yesterday, of the
napj.ton mills.
Mr. John Woods of ICnappton
concluded the purchase of the Willi
pa saw-mill, near Bruceport, on his
visit to San Francisco, and arrived
home on Tuesday, leaving the same
day for Bruceport, to take charge
and make arrangements for com
mencing work.
' C S. Wright, administrator of
the estate of George Summers de
ceased, is selling the stock of goods
so low, at the old stand that t large
number of persons are at the counter
from early to late daity. The stock
will all be sold at this rate very soon.
fc-5" For fresk Oysters, in ovcry style, call at
tho Paekkr House Restaurant.
The American bank Mariano,
Capt. Ryder is again on the way to
this port from San Francisco. She
probably made it profitable "lighter
ing" Oregon wheat down to San
Francisco, past our own doors, for ex
port in vessels that could not go to
Portland originally for it.
It was the Alloa, instead of the Airy,
so long delayed at the hog's back. She is
now safely in oilr harbor, receiving the
balance of het cargo.
Having recently added two job
bing presses to the Astouian office,
there is no longer any necessity for
people in this part of the country
sending abroad for circulars, bill
heads, letter heads, pamphlets, etc.
A good job printer and plenty of new
styles of type now await your orders,
Col. J. W. Forney of the Phila
delphia Press, who is to be mayor of
that famous city during the Centen
nial term by the way, "has just com
pleted and published through an
Eastern house, a very entertaining
hook entitled "anecdotes of Public
m-nn Cant. J. G. Hustler of this
city has the only copy of the work
we have seen.
Articles of incorporation were
filed at the County Clerk's office last
Tuesday, incorporating the firm of
Badolett & Co., for putting up canned-salmon
at upper Astoria. The
incorporators are John Badolett, John
Hobson, H. S. Aiken, Geo. W. War
ren, C Leieneweber. The capital
stock subscribed is placed at $10,000
to be increased if needs be to 20,000.
The Company will build upon the
wharf of the Hemlock tannery, and
have already contracted for buildings
to be put up immediately 120 by 170
feet in size, two stories high. Geo.
W. Warren has been awarded the
of the bill of IL J. Stevenson, by his
order John Rcntz for $61 52; S. IS.
Arrigoni for $254 6S; I. W. Case for
$133 25, George Flavel $30 45. The
motion was adonted and warrants
Concerning the furnishing of the
new Council Chamber, the special
committee reported that they had
j fulfilled their duty' so far as they
j were capable, considering the finan
! cial situation of the city. The room
had been furnished " as you see it'
at very moderate expense of $112 08,
and on motion of Mr. Parker a war
rant for that sum was ordered in pay
ment of the bill in favor of Charles
Mayor Ivippen took occasion to
compliment the committee fer their
taste and good judgment. The room
was handsomely furnished for this
embryo city, and the furniture was
of a substantial character, would last
a number of years, and he felt confi
dent that no tax payer who had the
rrnofl of tha citv at heart would be
found who would not feel a pride in
the matter.
"Mr. Page as one of the committee,
replied thanking Mr. President for
his compliment. He stated that the
committee had been guarded in its
action knowing full well that the fi
nances of the city would not justify
heav3r expenditures f any kind at
this time. He had hoped that the
committee on finances would be pres
ent this evening to make a report on
city finances, as there was now a
matter pending which called for con
siderable ready funds not on hand.
So far as he had been able to ascer
tain, the finances stood about thus:
For collections from licenses, etc.,
prior to the 4th of February 1S74,
t.hev micrht exnect $300. To-night
warrants were ordered
As this is the season for sleigh
rides, John Ferrell is kept busy mak
ing that kind of toys for men and
boys. He has a model " of a clipper
to iro it en."
Mr. J. M. Gibson at the upper
town has " broken the ice" so to
speak, for improvements there. He
is engaged in building a residence
house for himself. Several more wTill
be needed before the close of next
Lef. A. Shaw, one of the jovial at
taches of the Collection department of the
Portland district, made us a few cheerful
visits recently. As we have missed both
him and Mr. A. B. Hallock since Monday
we conclude that they nave returned to
the metropolis.
These frosty nights are just the
time to enjoy those bed comforts for
sale at Van Dusen's. Only $3 75
apiece, and better than any blanket
ever made by woolen mills since the
da3rS of Noah. He also has a fine
cassimcrc glove verv nice for cold
The weather last night indicates that
-communication to Portland is of doubtful
duration. It would indeed be unfortunate
for the State, were the river to close at; this
timo. Tf tVift wheat was here. or if wo
I lrad sixty miles of a railroad, that would
modify the case somewhat, but we arc
still without cither possibility. One thing
is certain, come what may. the ocean route
cannot be frozen up, and there are some
little grains of comfort left to us in the re
ilection that, should the river close, we still
have steady means of communicating
with the world at lar;e.
occurred in St Louis on the 29.
Ann Eliza, Brighatn's nineteenth
wife, has gone East, having left his
bed and board.
The recent heavy rains have raised
the Wallamet as far as Corvallis, to a
good boating stage.
The railroad accounts ot Peru are
hfi.nor examined. Mei-ras' docu
ments are faultless, and there are
sufficient resources.
The Railway News, the English
organ of the Erie Company, publish
es a proposal for the issue of twenty
two million more ordinary shares.
The barkentine which was being
built at Utsaladv for Messrs, Morton
and Cranncy was successfully launch
ed on the 28th and named the Modoc
The questions between Spain and
the United States are freely discuss
ed in Washington. The only fear
expressed is that Castelar's Cabinet
will not be able to enforce an agree
Eugene Casserly of California has
resigned his unexpired term in the
Senate of the United States as Sena
tor for California. That the State
Legislature, may fill the vacancy at
Dispatches from British Columbia
show that the snow extends as far as
Barkervilie also, that the Frazer
river is filling with ice rapidly.
Steamers cannot reach Yale agan
this season, unless the weather mod
erates soon.
Nesqually river were driven
yesterday. Track-laying was
ped this aiternoon.
Concerning the action of the State
Board of Equalization, and the con
tested case in Benton county, we
have the following in a Corvallis dis
patch of the 29th: Hon. H. W. K.
Clarke, of the San Francisco Bar, . in
an able argument before the Circuit
rvmrr. nf Ronton county. Judge
Mosher presiding, presented the
question of the legalitv of the State
Board of Equalization. The Court
sustained the views presented by
Judge Clarke, and held that the ac
tion of said Board was illegal. On
the announcemet of his Honor's de
cision, the crowd of spectators signi
fied their approval by loud and pro
longed applause, which his Honor
promptly suppressed.
For interesting tables on .the
State of the weather, and Hotel ar
rivals.see 2d page.
H. H. Jackson this year raised
rutabagas on his Gray's river claim
weighing forty pounds apiece.
Local items from our columns
nublished in San Francisco papers
without credit, seem rather-" queer."'
Sweet potatoes, the best in the
State, at Gray and Donaldson's Wash
ton market. Selling cheap at that.
B(5" Oysters in every stylo, at all hours of
day or night, at the Parker House Restau
rant, Main stroet, Astoria.
$570; which together with outstand
ing indebtedness would leave a bal
ance against the Treasury of perhaps
700 to SS00. In order to meet this
deficiency he thought it would be
necessary to levy a special tax at an
early day, and would suggest that the
Auditor make out a roll f cm the
county assessment, with this view.
Mr. Parker coincided with the
views of the gentleman, and remark
ed at considerable length upon the
value of the important work the
Council has on hand at present
time. Work which must be attend
ed to, and which has of course some
consequent expense attending it,
which must be met.
Mr. Wright moved that the auditor
be instructed to make out such roll.
The motion prevailed.
Petition of H. B. Parker for a license to
sell liquors in leas quantities than a quart,
was granted, on motion of Mr. Wright,
when the petitioner complies with the laws
Remonstrance of Mr. C. Boelling, to
Boreas tarries in our midst.
School boys and girls, and oftentimes
those of more mature age, make the
best of the season while it lasts, and
sliding down hill, coasting on skates,
etc., is the order of the day. The
words of St. Nicholas now have a lo
cal application about Asteria:
Snow, snow, everywhere !
Snow on frozen mountain peak.
Snow on Flippit's sunny hair,
Snow iiakes melting on his cheek.
Snow. snow, wherever vou eo.
for about i Shifting, drifting, driving snow.
iui i' iijjjji. uu iii. tai. i. I-"",
It's winter without and summer whitliin.
So, tumble the iiakes, or rattle the storm,
He breathes on hi fingers and keeps them
It is cheerful to hear the sound of so
many voices at out-door amusements,
even to the still mid-nignt hour, these
moonlight nights and though our
walks are as ''smooth as glass' from
the many sleds upon them, and our
staid anil sober citizen sometimes
gets a terrific tail, nobody complains,
but let the play proceed.
Tom McClellan, the driver of Mer
rill's horse, in the four-mile trotting
match Thanksgiving Day against cas
sin's mare, will be tried before Trus
tees of the Bay District Agricultural
Society on a charge of having sold
out his horse on that occasion.
The insurgents at Cartagena have
raised the black flag on their forts,
and arc making a desperate defense.
The CarJists report the smau-pox
as prevalent in Morine's army, and
that it is unable to make any offen
sive movement.
Judge Davis of New York fined
Graham, Fullerton and Bartlett, the
senior of Tweed's counsel in the late
trial, $250, after giving them'a sharp
lecture for a breach of morals in hand
ing him a paper giving reasons why
he should not preside at the trial.
Tweed was taken to the Penitentiary
ou the 29th.
The decision of the Federal Circuit
Court for Connecticut practically
stops the Government from at present
obtaining redress in the Credit Mobil
ier frauds. Members of Congress
now in Washington say an investiga
tion is bound to com e. The Attorn ey
General expresses surprise at the
decision, and will take immediate
steps to carry an appeal to the Su
preme Court.
The filibustering steamer General
Rhormnn. whioh has been making
war on Honduras and neighboring
neaceful Republics, under the Amer
ican colors, arrived at Aspinwall on
fho Rib inst. The Government of
Colombia ordered an investigation of
her papers. She was seized and a
prize crew from the Wyoming took
charge of the vessel, and Captain
Cushing has applied to Washington
for instructions.
It is said that Snain has conceded
the demands of the United States
arising out of the seizure of the Vir
ginius. The time for saluting the
flag has been hxeil lor next vnnsi
mas. The Spanish Cabinet has
agreed to deliver to the United States
Government the steamer Yirginius
and all persons remaining alive who
were captured with her, leaving the
question as to whether the seizure of
the vessel was legal to be settled
hereafter by a mixed tribunal.
A Seattle'dispatch of the 29th says:
A limit, nn a hundred men who were
The schooner Louisa Morrison,,
left San Francisco for Oysterviile on
the 27th. The Schooner Gotama is
on her wav hack to Coos bay.
"Hurrah for the holidays," is
the National shout now, and Oregoh
continuesthe cry. "Let us hope that
all will enjoy the season.
As we predicted, the Yakima
mines have proven to be a humbug,
and many who went that way return
flat broke and disheartened.
If any young lady of Astoria has
lost her bow she will find it at this
office. Three young men are anx
iously awaiting the call of the owner.
3tA neat, clean, cosoy place, for gontlo
mon and ladies to enjoy a dish of frosh Oysters
is at tho Parkkr House Restaurant.
Yesterday was
about Astoria for years,
steamer Mary Bell arrived with the
Alice Haake in tow. This don't look
much like "swamping" steamboats
on this route.
Tho snow storm of last Sunday
extended to the valley, and up the
Columbia river as far as heard from
above the Cascades. At the same
time it was snowing at Victoria, and
on Puget Sound.
W. Lair Hill, esq., editor of tho
Oregonian, returned from atrip to
the Atlantic States by last steamer.
He reports the lakes, canals, and
other water channels of the other
side closed with ice, and is very glad
to get back to Oregon again.
Wells, Fargo and- Company are
about to discontinue the employment
of messengers on the route from San
Francisco to Portland. The business
is not sufficient to leave a profit. Ex
press matter will be sent in sealed
boxes, placed in charge o ui. pur
sers, Rev. Mr. Tenny of the Congre
gational church of this city, has our
thanks for favors bestowed upon our
little folk, who were unable, like our
self, to be present at the ice cream
festival for the benefit of tho Sunday
school given at his house, last Mon
day evening. Which, by the way,
was a very creditable affair a decid
ed success.
There are more colleges to-day in
California than can be sustained. What
is wanted is more high schools and acade
mies, which will give young men and
young women a thorough elementary
iWhiRiition. There are hardly more than a
irwftT, ciir-rOt oil fniri in flip Rtjitp. whnrfi ipff fiifx railroad between Tenino and
. . . i i. n.-., .ifl,rmf V-incr nnio' off. have I
the curriculum ot in.rucuon is inorougu -a-u i wv,- y -- '",'-;".- , rnnm nGcessarv for the comfort ot
and enog to fit a ,--, ftr $?$?& CfSl eafdCTdrPeCtatos,. favored tho
Hn TTn..T0rotv nf Cn-ifhrniA. or ior ani"iU, .t . i. -tn. romnvn nf thft datiiDer in the stove-
-..w ...-.---"r - - - , -- workmen tna. no more wur u uu , w-.---- - - .
-c r.uQ. i, . ... I. ? ..i. ,..n,i rrinn. Exnenence, everywhere al-
,-c-i n-uiib. uone unill u.eir c-iu-uo "V OCM.-CVU . r-x- .- .,: c o
doing mot.., i.u.jiu- u i. ou .i. --
clamper m a 5i -piJ: o u, .uia.-i;,
but people with continue to put them
At the Council meeting Tuesday
discharged by the contractors build- J evening, Mr. Wright in suggesting
some further improvements to tne
for the comfort ot
ET-T1.. SuSar Cori Hams, and , B
they are
that Fresh Roll Butter, Fresh Buckwhoat,
(this year's crop), Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat,
Hominy, etc, at Os-'s. - ltf -
. . a ,.1 ,.-. .-!
considerable damage to the road by
filling in cuts. etc. Fortv men en
gaged in building a bridge across the n