I T-WEEKLY -hT ': . Vol. Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Dec. 2, 1873. Fa 13. ASTOMAfl -4 $HE ASTORIAN. li"BMKED EVERT tJESDAIJRSDAY AND SATURDAY, Monitor BuSeSng, Asfco&a, Oregon. If. C IRET.AXB, ..Proprietor abs?cripfIon Rates: 3nc Qs?y i?nc yoar..... .w $5 H) 0no Copy s-ix itrorftffcs . J 00 Khio Copy thrco inHrths. . - 6. o0 SOT Single Xuicte, on Qmts. "tea Advertising ncj Ono Insertion pcrsciuarc,101nesorless.$2o0 Kxch additional Insertion, pdr square..... '-2 00 Yearly adr'ts per month, ror square . 5L 30 Agents- L. P. Fisher, 20 n& 21 New Merchants Ex change, is authort7.e& to Ttct &s Agent fcfirtho Astohi x in San Fnftidlsco. Any friend who fodis an interest in the pros perity of this regions authorized, to act as Agont for tfeis paper, sin procuring subscribers. CITT INTELLIGENCE. Sec AdverlSsed letters. To morrow s the time fixed for ithe sale of tke Knappton mills by Sheriff Wl&tcomb. We understand the Common' Council will to-night occupy the new vshambers, corner of Chcmoque a&d Lafeyctte streets. There Hs room for 1U Mr, H, Carnahan of Clatsop Plains has left a rutabaga at this of fice which weighed twenty-four .pounds. It was as solid and nice as 3iny we have ever seen. Learning of the delays attending the discharge of ballast from vessels at Portland, the Captain of the Navi gator hauled in to Flavels dock here .last Saturday for the purpose of tak ing out ballast before he weuld pro ceed up the river, and it would also enable the vessel the better to cross the shoals. It will be seen that Capt. W. P. Gray has left the briny serf, and will thereafter remain on shore, -as part ner in the Washington market on Main street. Capt. L. H. Hubbard, formerly bar pilot will assume com anand of the Varuna next Saturday, - when she comes ot repaired, and iready to resume regular traps on that . day. The British sfcip Eskdale, Capt Jenkinson, finished loading and cleared fer tke United Kingdom yes terday. This is the largest cargo ' that has yet cleared from the Colum bia river. She is a vessel of 1220 tons register, but carries away 1S02 long tons of wheat. She has been in the river tbirty-one days; considerable over half the cargo was loaded here the past ten days, but she spent twenty days on the river above here, discharging ballast, and taking on part of her cargo at Portland. A private letter from Bishop Morris states that during his visit to Eastern Oregon he laid the corner stones for four churches, which will be built next season. In the Grande 1 Itoride and Powder river missions, 'within the past six months forty-nine persons have been confirmed, and the church has secured by gift the ite for four churches, two lots in one place, two in another, four in a third, and two acres in a fourth and 3iave in money and subscriptions .$5,500 towards building the churches. "This is doing well for Eastern Oregon. We have in our office three qual ities of cement' undergoing the pro cess of hardening under water. These qualities may be rated: 1st, of ipure quarry rock, prepared by Prof. Hopkinson; 2d, Boulder cement, pre pared by Prof. Hopkinson, pronoun c edaNo. 1 article in New York; 3d, English Portland cement, obtained . by Prof. Hopkinson at the arsenal in Victoria. We cannot enter detail to describe these cements. It is suffi cient for the present to say that the first is by far superior to either of the others. It not only thoroughly har- . dens binder water, but leaves the wa ter as pure as crystal, showing there by its. superior qualities. We hope the day is not far distant when this . article will be largely manufactured from-the inexbausiible quarry of it Jn this Vicinity. It certainly equals . ' the famous Borlousne (Portland) ce- - . i nientj as ihere tes&hare proven. The snow of Sunday evening and Sunday nighty still lingers near. tssr Bsr fresh Oysters, in ctfery stylo, call at the Parker House Restaurant. Capt. Eli Hilton formerly with the pilot boat California, has gone on the tug Astoria for bar piloting in future Last Friday was the fourteenth anniversary of tke death of Washing ton Irvine. He died on the 2Sth of November, 1859. Last Sunday Uus region was vis ited by -a hail storm which lasted an hour or two, itemed to snow, and fi nally vanished before a noon day sun. Boreas will not tarry long enough to give us more than a taste of the rigors of Winter. Last Tfoarsiay night as George Boss and Eingene Brock were cross ing the peninsula by the mill trail, a large panther crossed their track about nine o'clock- They were arm ed with a lantern which frightened the monster away. The ocntenmal of tike evacuation of New3Torkcity by British troops, Novem ber -25th, LTT73, was very shabbily observ ed in. New York, When the hundredth annevcrsarc- of tke eY&cwattop. of Astoria, some day Ik 1.911, "occurs, there will fee a sligfet noise equivalent to an earthquake of the present &ay. That was an event wor thy ef perpetuation. Some fellow attempted to rob oicr editor's orchard last Saturday night, but not understanding how to work Jollm ChappelPs patent ladders broke through and fell to the ground. It is evident from the manner of his leaving that he imagined himself shot ail to pieces. 5"A neat, clean, cosey place, for gentle men and Sadies to enjoy a dish of fresh Oysters is at tho Parker House Restaurant. Miss Morrison of this city, has a very flourishing school at Knappton. At -a public examination of pupils last week parents and friends of the scliool were delighted with the evi dences of progress being made by the pupils. One of the prettiest scenes that could be witnessed in this part of the wcrld was that of Sunday evening' jiist before dark, when the falling snow covered the house tops to a depth of an Inch or more, and made tihe earth appear to be draped in a garb of pure white, with dark lace trimmings. The new schooner Industry from Deep river left a cargo of splendid stave bolts at Ferrel's wharf, for ship ment to Honolulu. We have seen specimens of stave bolts-from that re gion three feet across of pure stuff. Not a knot in the slab of eight'inches depth. The Bulletin a few days ago cop ied our argument in favor .of a daily mail, for which we are duly thankful, but at the same time that paper made it appear that Astorians were exclu sive m these desires. This may be so, with the Bulletin, perhaps, but not with all Portland papers as the Oregonian and other journals come to hand every opportunity but the Bulletin never, except on regular mail days. The Treasury Department have re cently issued a new -circular relative to lights, torches and fog signals, to be pro vided, used and observed on steam and sailing vessels. It having been sported to the Department that' masters of vessels frequently fail to comply with the provis ions of the act of April 29, 1S64, and of sections 47 and 70 of the act of February 2Sth, 1871, relative to lights and torches to be exhibited and fog-signals to be sound ed in certain cases, in order that all con cerned may know their duty, this circular contains all the provisions of the law re ferred to, and maj"- be procured at custom houses all over the land. Secretary Bichardson ol the Treasury Department at Washington city, has caused to be printed and distributed a cir cular relative to fog-signals, which is is sued to each sailing vessel with its other regular papers, to be framed and hung in a conspicuous place on said vessel. Masters of .all vessels, as well as raftsmen, fl'at--boats, Wod-Doaty, and otljer lijfe1 craft; are interested in this mattcr, and should' apply -for,the circular. ;, ' - Re&l Estnte Snlcs. Following is a list of deeds recorded in Clatsop county last menth: Lewis H. Hubbard and wife to Phijip Johnson, pait of kt one block 113, Shive lys Astoria. Consideration 350. Norman L. Smith and wife to Patrick Conner, 80 acres town 8 north range 7 west. Consideration lo0. L. H. Hubbard and wife to Jphn Fox, lots 3 and 4, block 35, Olneys Astoria, Concideration 200, Joseph Jeffers and wife to John Warn staff, lcrs 7 and 8, block 52 and lot 2, block 125, Olneys Astoria. Consideration $3L 31, Meyer and wife to Conrad Buchter, lots 3 and 4, block 105, Olneys Astoria, Consideration 200. John Adair and wife to Brown & Lein enweber, block 92 Adair's Astoria. Con sideration $100, Charles Gibbras to James Boycc, lots 1 and 2, block 152, Olneys Astoria. Consid ation 50, John Adair and wife to Martha A, Lomisj South 14 of the Donation Land claim of W W. Raymond 270.32 acres. Consideration 600. A dedecation ot streets in upper Astoria by John Adair. EDITORIAL NOTES, ETC. This is the anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz. Capt. Alex. Dodge, of Portland, was buried on 'J' lansgiving day. Owning to the nearness of the holi days, poultry has stiffened somewhat. No. 1, of Portland have got their new steamer, and will have a fine time housin' of 'cr, etc The next State fair at Salem will be held from October Sth to 17th ten days according to the Oregonian. The recent earthquake in Southern Oregon was quite a shake at Jacksonville, Crescent City and other points. Judge Upton has denied the motion for a new trial, and sentenced Dr. Glass to a term in the penitentiary on conviction upoa thejtadictment for manslaughter, in producing the death of Mary Haraman. The Chinese ceremony of "driving the devils out of town" continue in Sacramen to, Cal. If successful there, the Celestial demon-drivers would do well to make a missionary tour to New York, Washing ton City, and other wicked places. The new portable spring beds made by Mr. Merrill, are recommended as being convenient, comfortable and durable. These beds can be easily arranged to fit any bedstead ; are light and not easy to get out of order," and are a decided im provement over the old fashioned - spring bed which weighs something more or less than a ton. There is no chance for dust or vermin to collect about it ; a desideratum which every house-keeper will appreciate. You will find these beds, ior the present, at I. F. Power's furniture store on First street, Portland. Congress is supposedjto have mjet yes terday. The proceedings of the present term then, will be watched with keener in terest than has marked the sittings of any previous Congress since the close of the rebellion. To many minds the country is about coming to the turning point in its history. It cannot persevere in the course which it is now pursuing without the most serious danger to the stability of its institu tions. Congress has evidently much seri ous and important work to perform work which requires individual integrity no less thand collective wisdom. r We shall soon see whether it realizes its responsibilities. The Supreme Court of California has just rendered a.decision which has settled one or two important principles touching taxation. It has long been held that dou ble taxation could not be maintained. It is now .declared that the taxation of a mortgage on land, or the money secured thereby, and the taxation of the land, is double taxation. 'This is the "point which the Savings Banks have steadily raised and defended for years. They failed in the remedy sought in tile particular cases, but tliey gained the." principle for which thev had been con tending, for vears. The Uourt also held that barf Francisco is sub ,''-.. ... . . ...,- . - . - . . i ject to the Code ofthejSjatestifl imperfect. - rf .-- . 4. ,..,. TELEGRAPH BISPATCHES. The Price of Gold. Portland, Dec 1. Gold in New York to-day, 109; Portland Legal Tender rates, 90A buying, and 91 selling, " Miscellaneous News. A State Grange of Patrons of Hus bandry has been organized in New York, In the trial of Marshal Bazine on the 25, General Boyer testified that he was willing to grant an armistice if the army at Metz would declare in favor offNapoleon. A convention of the- colored men of Kentucky met at Frankfort and appointed delegates to the national convention of their color, which as sembles at Washington December 9th. The Boston Cartridge Company-will commence this week to run their works day and night. They have pressing orders for several million cartridges from the War and Navy Departments. The Controller renews his recem-' mendation that $25,000,000 of nation al bank circulation be withdrawn from the Eastern States, which have an excess, and be distributed among Southern and Western States, whibh are deficient. The Government at Madrid, de clares that it is willing and resolved, to restore tne Virginius and! yield to other claims of the United; States its only request now beSng that the fact shall be first established that the Virginius was entitled to the profiac tion of the American flag- The Comptroller, of Currency ih his forthcoming report devotes con siderable space to the subject on in terest on deposits and certification of checks. He thinks that the proposed action of the Clearing Hoose in the city of New York,, if adopted by the clearing houses of the principal cities of the Union; wonld do more to pre vent the payment of interest on de posits than any Congressional instru ment. There are fouTteenaily paper& in Kansas, and all but one repudiate the action of governor Osborne in appointing CrozJer as U. S. Senator It is alleged that the arrangement by which Crozier was appointed,, in cludes the election of Osborne to tfos United States Senate,, and the- ap pointment of Crozier tfi the- IL S Judgeship in- place ot Dehaney,. whose resignation Crozier takes i&i his pocket to Washington. The New Orleans People's Con vention adopted an address and a series of resolutions and appointed a committee on the-part of the people of Louisiana,, to- repair to Washing- mgton and present a memorial for relief from the Kellogg usurpation, and restoration to Louisiana of her rignts ana noercies as a iree state oi the American Union, as guaranteed by the Constitution of thie- United States. . . . Vallejo worn the Cocmty seat in the late election and rejoiceth thereat muchly. The Commissioner of the General Land Qf&ce has informed Delegate McFadden, of Washington Territory, that the public surveys" will nest springy be extended- over San Juan ami otSser islands in the line of Northwest boundary; recent ly on dispute between Great Britain and the United States The Oregon State Agricultural Society offer a premium for the scalps of wood peckers, crows aneS ravens. K5T Oystors in every stylo, at all hours of day or night, at tho Parker House Restau rant, Main street, Astoria. Excellent Those Sugar CuretJ Ilams, and that Fresh Roll Butter, Fresh Buckwheat, (this year's crop), Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, liominy, etc., at Cask's. 12tf New School Books. I have just re ceived all the different kinds of New School Books required to be used in this State, that can now be ibundin Son Francisco. Also, Slate pencils, Blotting pads, a good as sortment of Stationery, Drawing paper, CARD BOAKD, Perforated board, Ink, (Carmine, Purplcand Black)- Likewise a new stock of Crockery, Clocks and a large assortment of Lamp Chimneys, all of .which-will be sold cheap for ca-K (.. ,' ,j LW.CASE. aXISCEUAXEOIJS ITEMS. TheBriiish. Government hasthns far spent three hundred thousand pounas on the Tichborne case. s Victor Emmanuel presented a cameo necklace to the Jrown Prin-cess-during has visit to Berlin. She asked him to call again. Two'ltaliara beggars in St. Louis ( father and daughter ) are fighting in the Courts over SI 0,000, the proceeds of twenty years of street-begging in the large American cities. TSe Womextfs Journal thinks that if Mr. Alexander Stewart will let the thousand women who are to occu py his hotel up town make their own code of police regulations all will be w.ell.. The-Macon (Ga.) Telegraph puts a case of the prevailing grab-feverin this wise; " Collector -Widemer, over m Alabama, has Bullocked $20,000 of internal revenue money. Orders have been sent from Washinton to find, out whether he ean be forced to divide any of it Jr C. CFuitoniB another temper-; ance orator- Durihg nearly five months7 sojourn ih Prussia,, Austria and France,, he never encountered any one laboring under the effect of intexicating: liquors, not evenksuffi- ciently exhilarated? to be noisy- Ana. y.et they have neither State Consta bles nor Prohibitory la-w&there. An absent-minded Georgian serv ed out half of a two years' term in the State Prison, fbr horse-stealing, before it occurred to- him to show. that for eighi monthsbefore, and six months-after tke horse was stolen-in Georgia, he was living, in Delaware. The third wealthiest religions de nomination in this 'country are the regular Presbyterians,, with nearly $4S,000,4)00.in church property. The regular Baptists have over $39,000,- 000, the Protestant Episcopal over $36,000,000,, and the Congregational; over $25,000JOOO- MORSE NOTES- Do not throw, bottles, broken glass,, or nails into the street. Many horses are wounded and spoiled by this-: thoughtlessness. A gentleman in Philadelphia is said to liave never failed but once in a hundred trials to induce a balky horse to-start,, by tying a string tight ly around his ear close to his head Have any of you readers tried it? One of our agents writes that he has prevented his-horse from being annoyed by all kinds of flies, by the use of a mixture of one-third of fish oil and two-thirds of kerosene oil. This is sprinkled on his horse-brush,, which is passed lightly over the horse We hope horse-owners will try it. See how much you can lighten your harness during the hot weather. The back strap and breeching. can often be removed without trouble from double teams- or carriages. A breast-plate is cooler than a collar,, and will answer well for pleasure carriages. When you are perspiring freely after a little unusual exertion, or are. suffering with heat when exposed to the sun, think of your horse under the same circumstances, use him as moderately as you can, and relieve him as soon as you can. A farmer and hds-wife called at a Detroit photograph galleryr last week to orjder some photographs, of 'her, and while the- operator was getting, ready., the husband gave tke wife a little advice as. to how she must act: "Fasten your mind on something," he said, aortielse you will laugh and spoil the job. Think about ear--ly days, how your father got in jail and your mother was an old scolder, and what you'd have been if I hadn't pitied you. Just fasten your mind on to that!" She didn't have any photographs taken. GrFT3, Toys, and Fancy Goods.- S, J. tc Corinick, (Sant&vGlaus Headquarters), in Fir't Portland, Qregpji, has just received direct from tho east, an immense stock; of now Toys, fancy , goods, music; boxes, albums, dolls, toy bowks, 1 gift books, annuals, and an endless var'oty of articles .suited to tho.holiday .trade, which ho offers to. country merchants, in quantities to 'suicat.thlOiWWticash.prieos.. Send yourlor- ders oarly. ' " n22tf f-.. t, .'.- -y ;1 :. H --Ji U'-i ,?';-: " i