HJ eafMp ? Tri-Weekly Astorian ASTORIA. ov' 25t 1873 f r MY BABT. "With frolicsome freaks, And rosy, red cheek, 3Iy baby lies waiting for me; He thinks not of crying, J3ut ever is trying To sing a glad tong in lia glee. His parted lips show Three teeth in a row., As white and as precious as pearln; And Ids soft, silken hair O'er his forehead so fair Palls dn dark, thick-clustering curls. His ej"es, like two stars, Peep out from the bars Of his crib, as he watches for me, And his pink little toes, Down under the clothes, Are kicking about to be free. I'm coming, my boy! !My treasure. m3T joy! You shall wait no longer for me, 33 ut we'll up and away, And be merry and gay, Out under the .Id applo tree. Elizabeth Olmis. IIaxdkercheif Flirtations. One of our readers dio is in favor of a telegraph, having none to operate upon by means of the electric spark, thinks the following will do for other sparks to telegrax)h their messages. It is the same as has been adopted by all female Academies in the At lantic States: Drawing across the lips; desirous of an acquaintance. Drawing across the eyes; I am sor ry. Drawing across the neck; can I see you home? Drawing neross the forehead; "We are watched. Drawing across the cheek; I love you. Drawing through the hand; I hate you. Letting it rest on the right cheek; yes. Letting it rest on the left cheek; Twirling in the right hand; I love another. Folding; I wish to speak with you. Flirting over the right shoulder; follow me. "Winding around f jre-finger; I am engaged. "Winding around third finger; I am married. Putting in the pocket; no more at present. Tying a knot in corner; don't tell too much. Twisting and doubling; let us go together. Worn in belt; bound to you. Shaking it slightly; you are a flirt. Two distinct shakes; stay where you are. Crumpling up in the hand; I am impatient. Letting it remain on the eyes; you are cruel. Holding up without waving; I wait for you. Touching the lips and waving; good-by, dear. Twisting around the wrist; I would kiss you if I dared. Placing it under the arm (a arm jut); I'll dance with you; Fll go home with you; I'll be with vou; I'll go after you, etc. Clasping it to the heart; I love you to distraction. Piting it; I am very mad with you. Opposite corners in both hands; wait for me. Doubling and striking left hand; don't you dare. Rubbing the end of the nose; " shoo fly, don't bodder me. Gifts. Toys, and Fancy Goods. S. J. Mc Connick, (Santa Glaus' Head luartors), 19 First Portland, Oregon, has just roceivod direct from tho east, an immense stock of now Toys, fancy goods, music boxes, albums, dolls, tnv hnokis. id ft books, annuals, and an endless var'oty of .lruuica suiieu u ine nonuay trade, which ho odors to country merchants, in quantities to lit, at tho lowest cash prices. Send your or ders early. n2Jtf Toys ix Lots. For tho convenience of Mer chants who cannot visit the city, I put up as-j-orted lots of toys, toy books and fancy articles :it Twenty, Twenty-five, Thirtv. Fortv, Fifty i 0.e Hundred Dollars, comprising selections from everything in stock. Thoso lots retail at a profit, of nearly ono hundred per cent. This plan has given great satisfaction to my cus tomers during tho past ten years, as thereby they obtain a much greater variety than by any other method. All theso lots are put up under my own supervision. Send your orders early to obtain a good variety. S. S. AlcCORMICK, 1! First st, n22tf Portland, Oregon. , Church Notices, fJraco Church, (Prof. Episcopal) Rov. T A Jlyland Hector, Divine services every Sunday at 10V a m and 7 r ; Sunday School at 1 r m - day evening, Sunday School meet? at'ti m ,' Congregational Church, Kev A W Tonny Pastor, Divine services every Sunday at 1U a Mand7 p m: Prayer Moetine over v Thurs- tr-:fiv ACIFIC HOTEL-iSfKftSfJb 'tropAkdi iiHin Hiroci, viymi'ia, vs, a. etge HHBHiMBMi Shoalwater Bay Items. Brucepokt, Nov. 19, 1S73. Editor Asteblvn: Thinking that perhaps a few words from this place might not prove un interesting to some of your readers, I will jot down an item or so. Items of interest, however, must be consid ered something like angel visitants: "Few, and far between." The most interesting thing to the Oystermen at present is, or rather has been, the loading of five large schoon ers, which have carried out of the bay between twenty-five and thirty thousand bushels of oysters. Times otherwise are dull, for the busy sea son for the Oystermen is ended, and the boats are safely anchored and the boatmen ready for the AVinters' rest, or for any amusement that may come in the way. A great deal has been said and written about Oystering, and very generally by those that know nothing about the matter. A person to real ize the toil and hardships of an Oys terman's life, will have to undergo it first. The most sensible article that we have seen upon the subject for a long time, was in, one of the last weeks' issues of the Astorian, sug gesting the idea of consolidating the interests of Oystermen for their own mutual advantage. That article stat ed the question very clearly, and ev ery man on the bay should read it, and act upon the suggestions therein contained. Bruceport contains some fifteen or twentyOystermen, a number of whom have interesting families, and we be lieve our little community may be classed as pleasant and agreeable as any that can be found, but for fear I am trespassing on good nature, and taking up too much of your space, I will bid you good bye. a. x. e. " A. X. E." is welcomed, and his agreeable letter from that pleasant little community ho spoaks of is so much like ono of those angel visits roferrod to, that we hope howillwrito again soon, and not bo brief for fear of trespass ing upon our time and space, which should bo a devoted to tho intorests of Shoalwater bay as to thoso of any locality in tho coast chain, Wo aim no higher honors than to possess the respect of such communities, and champion their cause. Editok. Temple liOrtge Xo. 7 A. F. & A. M. Rogular Communications first and third Saturdays in oach month, at 7 o'clock l. m., at the Hall in Astoria. Members of tho Order in good standing are invited to at tend. By ordei of the W. AI. Beaver Lodge ETo. 35, I.O.O.F. 'j$JsS& Moot every Thursday evening. i;:S5tit " o'clock, in the Odd Fellow's vft?"lhdl, corner of Cass and Jefferson ",mtN streets, Astoria. Members of the Order aro invited to attend. By order, A'. G, Sam. M. Smith, Car. First and Ash sts., Portland. IJl TTGGIST. TTAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL STOCK PAINTS AND OILS, Kalsomine Putty, (Assortod Colors), Paint and Whitewash BRUSHES, LARD, OIL, ALCOHOL, Kerosene, Turpentine, Etc, "Gonuino Bay Rum.ira o21tf ushtcss ftollwp. PORTLAND, OREGON, AFFORDS SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES for tho thorough Commercial Education of young and middle aged men. Send for Col lege paper, nlo DkFRANCE & JAMES. OTTO TREUER. No. 1 North-Front Street, Portland. EALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS ATCD Manufacturer of Syrups, Cordials. Bitters. etc., etc. Solo agent for John Welland's Phil adelphia Brewery, San Francisco. Boer by tho keg or bottle. Goods delivered to any part of tho City. Patronize Home Manufactures. AINSLEY & DAVIDSOX, Manufsicturcrs and Dealers in Doors, Sash, Blinds, Frames, Shutters, Brackets, And all kinds of Scroll Sawing. Having tho best facilities and tho latest im proved wood working machinery for the manu facture of tho above articles, can offersuperior inducements to customers, and at San Fran cisco prices, at Nicolai Bros' Mill. Also, best quality of Soasoned Codar Lum per, Ceding, Rustic and Mouldings. Wood- Turningjn all its branches, Ballustors, Newell lit if) A'atioiml i iwiarsAni iinrii uuiu r .... imt v; -... . MUM110 MILL AND FACTORY.' v&ec. J cor second ana E streets, Portland:' dHeaBneMMM! PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. Allen & Lewis, Shipping and Commission Merchants, and Wholcsalo Dealers. IS, 20 and 22 North Front st, Portland Oregon San Francisco effice: Corner of California and Front Streets. James Laidlaw. Henry James Gate. Laicllaw & Gate, Importers and Commission. Merchants, 23 Front Street, Portland. Oregon. London Agents: REDFERN, ALEXANDER & Co. EAGLE AXD EXCELSIOR SODA WORKS! R. J. Walker, Dealer in Soda, Sarsaparilla and Cider, All kinds of Syrups, Porter, Ale and 13 randy Coloring. Cor. Front and Ash Streets, Portland, Oregon. slG George L. Hibbarcl, Shipping, Storage, and Commission Merchant, No. 24 North First str., Corner of Ash, Portland, Oregon. DEALER IN OREGON and California Pro duce, also importor of and Wholesale dealer in C. A. fc C. M. llibbard's celebrated JIand Made Boots and SJioes. tt3Call and examino my stock before pur chaing -elsewhere. Consignments solicited. W.&, All business entrusted to mo will receivo prompt attention. slotf W. Jackson & Co., Front Stroot, Portland, Importors and Wholesale Dealers in Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Wooden Ware, Coal Oil, Furnishings, Etc., Etc. And also Agents for Perkins & Home's Patent Metallic Kerosene or Coal Oil Safety Lamps! tv Our stock having boon selected and ship ped direct to us from manufacturers in tho East and Europe, wo aro propared to sell to the trade at such rates as wo think will induco trade. . au!2 tf THE Geleliratefl Spectacles aiifl. &lasses Manufactured by Lazarus & Morris, Hartford, Connecticut, ANEW METHOD OF FITTING- G-LASS-es to the eye of any person who cannot spare the time to come and select for them selves. Any person who will send us a copy for samplo of the smallest si.ed type that they can read at an ordinary distance, can bo fitted to glasses that will suit the eye. L. C. HENTRICIISEN, & Co., Sole Agents, 3013 First street, Portland. au7 D. VT. VILLUMS. GEORGE T. MYERS. Williams & Myers, No. 5 Central Block, Front st., Portland. Commission Merchants, Dealers in Groceries and Oregon Produce, Grain, Flour, Mill Feed, Bacon, Lard, etc. Ample Fire-Proof Storage, Consignments Solicited. "fes&, San Francisco Agent, sl6 G. MITCHLEK, 213 Clay street. R. C. JANIO.V. JAXIOX, RHODES k CO., Liverpool. ictoria, li. C. Janion & Rhodes, Importers and Commission Merchants Front Streot, Portland. Lloyd's Agents for Oregon TnE PIONEER ENGLISH HOUSE IN tho city, and the founders of a direct lino of Clipper Ships between Liverpool and Port land, offer for sale tho largest assortment of General Merchandise In Portland. 3-Appointed Agents for J & R Ten nent's Celebrated brand of Ale and Stout; "Win Younger & Co's Celebrated tEdin burg ale; Gilroy Brothers & Co.'s Dundee Gram Sacks, "Wool Sacks and Burlaps, sZTSole Agents for Blood, Wolfe & Co's Celebrated brand of ale and Stout; Ind, Coope & Co.'s Celebrated Burton ale; "Wm ATcEwan's Celebrated Edinburg ale; "Wbrthington's Liverpool Salt; Hock in, Wilson &' Co's Celebrated London Pickles and Sauces; J & J Armistead's Celeb.-ated Durham "Mustard; J&HD Grimond's Celebrated Dundee "Hemp Mat ting and Carpeting; George Curling & Cos Citrates and DrugsjDunville's Irish "Whis ky: Stewart's Scotch Whisky; Hill, Evans & Cos Engli-h JMalt Vinegar; Noble's & Hoare's London Varnylu's; John Fowler & Cos' Celebrated. Steam Plo. .. . au!2 MUSIC AND BOOKS. BURDETT ORGAN H. T, TlrPnivQ .TtanrSir TlioTlnr- 1 25 dett Organ that I tried at your house SUITS ME W JiETTEK THAN A2i 1 UTilJbilt KEED INSTRUMENT I EVERIIEAKD. There is a variety and sweetness of tone in theso instru ments unsurpassed, in my opinion, and TUclr Popularity Is very EASILY ACCOUNTED for. PIIANK GILDER. (The eminent American Fianist), Mad. Anna Bihop Concert Troupe. (3 O BURDETT ORGAN SEND FOR CIRCULARS BEFORE YOU PURCHASE, TO &BATS MUSIC STOBE ! G. Jb. JDePUAXSyManaffer, Odd Fellows' Temple, Portland. slGtf J. K. GrILL & Co., (Successors to G, A. Steel & Co.,) IMPORTERS: WHOLESALE AND KEJ'AIL DEALERS IS BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Xo. 7o First street, bet. Washington and Stark PORTLAND, OREGOX. Established Twenty-two Years. S. J. McCormiek, PUBLISHER: Franklin Book Store ! BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 10 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Constantly on Hand, a full Stook of STANDARD SCHOOL BOOKS, And Staple Stationery. HOTELS. American Ex. Hotel, Cor. Front and Washington streets. PORTLAND, OREGOX. L. P. AV. QULtf BY C. II. PERKINS. THE PROPRIETORS WOULD RESPECT fully inform tho traveling public, that the American Exchange having been recently im proved in all its departments, they aro now prepared to offer superior inducements to their patrons and tho public in general, at reduced prices, Hoard and Lodging, $1 to Si 50 per day, ac cording to room occupied. The American Exchange coach will always be in readiness to convoy passengers and bag gage to and from tho Hotel, free of charge. CHEMEKETA IIOTEL-Sai.km, Oregon. WESLEY (i RAVES, Pkoi'KIktor, CSTTho cheapest and best Hotel in tho State. Free Coach to tho House. Cosmopolitan Hotel, (Kopt on tho European Plan,) ZIEBER & HOLTOX PROPRIETORS Corner Stark and Front streets. Portland. G. R. COOK. w. II. axdrus. Occidental Hotel, (Kept on tho European Plan,) COOK & ANDRUS PROPRIETORS Corner First and Morrison steets, Portland. St. Charles Hotel, Cornor Front and Morrison streets, R. A. WHITE PROPRIETOR Portland, Orogon. THE ST. CHARLES IS THE ONLY BRICK Hotel in Portland; has been thoroughly re paired and refurnished since the tire, and is now the most comfortable and convenient house in tho 5tato. . altf BAY-VIEW HOUSE, (Fiftoon Miles Northwest of Astoria.) At Unity, Baker's Bay, W. T., HE UNDERSIGNED HAS PURCHASED tho above houso at this favorite resort. Having thoroughly renovated and furnished the same with new material, it will bo kept in lirst-class stylo. Tho table will bo furnished with the host the market affords. Fresh Fish, Oysters and Clams in every style. No pains will bo spared to make guests comfortable. Tho above house is only ono and a half miles from the Ocean Roach, where anglers may en joy rare sport. Boats, carrying passengers, will ply between Unity and Astoria, connect ing with Columbia River boats. Tri-weekly stages will run between Unity and Shoal water Bay. JOHN HUNTE K, Proprietor. SUMMER HOUSE. CLATSOP BEACH. 'RS, CLOUTRIE WISHES TO INFORM . the imblie that she has completed her largo now two-story house, which is hard finished throughout, and is now prepared to rocaivQ visitors at this well known resort. GRIMES HOUSE, CLATSOP BEACH. TTISITORS WILL .FIND THE ATtnvrc Vnamed jljouso' open for tho?ontertainmeat, nf'iriinvfj HiiVln.' thn eincnn ncnl r . o , ... k, uw 4,jl3 MISCELLANEOUS. ASTOBIA Real Estate Directory And Correspondence Bureau. Farms, Biili Lots or Blocks, ADVERTISED SOLD, OR EXCHANGED. INFORMATION FURNISHED. By D. C. IRELAND, Agent. Ky Thoro are so many inquiries concern Heal Estate in and about Astoria, and there being no particular way for buyer and seller to meet oach other, wo have concluded to open a REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY, in this Office. Parties having propertv to sell, or parties wishing to purchase will be per mitted tp use our columns, for the puriot-e of effecting such transfers, at mere nominal charges. Send descriptions, price, etc.. that people may know what you have for sale. 1?0R SALE X Description. McClure's Astoria . Lots. Block. Price. 1U0 100 KM) UK) 100 (six lots) 1 !1 !l 5'1 Ul i'l , it ' 11 i'l 100 KS Those lots aro well worth the monov thoy aro each ."U by iuo feet, very well s-ituuted for residence property. Terms reasonable. Oc"0 FARM FOR SALE. OOA ACRES GOOD LAND, situated on tho Oa-J oanks ot Lewis and Clarke livor, aiid known as tho Shane Homestead! Is offered for sale at the cheap rate of $-1 'Jo per acre. Address, F. FEIvKEL, si'jtf Astoria Steam taw-mill. For Sale Cheap for Cash I a 00D SUBSTANTIAL DWELLING II ohm containing seven looms. Lower rooms hard finished, together with three acres of good Garden Land, all under good fence. Or chard, Barn and Stable, Store-rooms, Wood house and other buildings, situated at SMpa non Landing For further particulars, apply to Ferry. oodward ic Co, Portland or to RICHARD HOBSO.N. Astoria. FARM FOR SALE. ACRES GOOD FARMING LAND on Kliisknninn Tronic ?? nfiWnil fur sale very cheap tor cash. The location is fine: One and a half miles from the Lower Landing on the Military Hoad, and on the Railroad Survey. A firht class location for a Hotel, Summer Reaort, or Dairy Ranch. Forty acres of this ground border on Klas kanine crook. There is an orchard of 'M0 trees on the place. A bargain is offered. For par ticulars inquire of D. C. IRELAND, aiiW luitf Astoi ism Office. Private School. Squemoqtje Street Astoria Under tho Management of tho Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hvland, Ro-opcnod on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1S73 ttST Tuition per quarter, in advance, $7 .TO. MRS. A. S. MERCER, Teacher of Prof. E. A. Roubles' American letMfor Piano Forte Alse: Harmony andThoroughbaso! KS" Tho ONLY CONCISE SYSTEM which will stand Artistic Criticism, and furnish tho material upon which every educated Teacher can base their own peculiarities of instruction, it presents in a now light, based upon Natu ral Law., tho art of Execution, and Science of Mugjc ftS'Roomsat Ko?idenco,A?toria"g E. AIILTVA1N, 93 Front and IW First Stroot, Portland, Orogon. W3L. "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in Stoves, Sheet-iron, Tin-plate, etc. Plumb ing and (ias fitting choaper than any other house in town. NOTICE. BY ORDER of tho Bonrd of Directors a sec ond assessment oftwenty-fivo per cent, on tho capital stock of tho Astoria Farmers Com pany is made and required to be paid to tho Proncnrnr if anwl Pninnnnv Treasurer of said Company. D. ADAIR, Secretary. o2.1tf TN. JUSTICE'S COURT FOR THE PRE X cinct of Astoria, Stato of Oregon, County of Clatsop. 1. W. Owe. Plaintiff vs. H. K. Stevens, Defendant. Civil action to recover money. To II. K. Stevons, tho abovo named defend ant: In tho namo of tho State of Oregon, you are heroby required to appear before tho un dersigned, a Justice of the Peace for tho pre cinct aforesaid, on tho 1Kb day of December, 137J5, at 1 orclock in tho afternoon of said day, at the officoof said Justice, in said precinct, to answer tho abovo named plaintiff in a civil action. 1 ho dofendant will take notice that ments. Given under my hand this 3d day of Novem berlSTS. CHARLES STEVENS, no47t justice or iuo roaco. Administrator's Notice. TN THE PRORATE COURT OF CLATSOP X County, Stato of Oregon, before his Hon. J. W. Mouit, Judge. In the matter of tho etato of George Summers, deceased. To all whom it may concern, greeting: Notico is hereby given, that by consideration of the above en titled Court, I, Charles S. Wiight, have been appointed administrator of the estate of George Summers deceased, and a such require all persons having claims against said estate to present tho same to me with the proper vouch ers therofor, for approval, within six months. And any person knowing themselves indebted to said ostate, are respectfully requested to (""" cctwu I.UUJ """. UlLAIU'-BS S. W.K1UHT, x . it no tail to answortho complaint horem tho plaintiff will take judgment against him for $19 42 gold coin, and for costs and disburse - . t -. . Administrator. DatWrtk'SYXoT. ,'1S73;