Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, November 25, 1873, Image 1

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eBeir.- "rwi 'jr.tmjgLjvL";' : vw iLaLSLjtwMi.jM'iiuw
Yol. 2.
. Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Nov. 25, 1873.
No. 11
Monitor Buthftng, A?tori, Orestfa.
Subscription Kates:
One Copy one year. So 00
;Oiic Copy .ir months ' 00
'One CVpy three months - 1 J0
xW8" SiRffle Xumbcr, Tom Cents.
Advertising Kates?
'One Insertion per.iiiaro, 10 lines or lessSJiiO
Gv.ii'h additional Insertion, per square..... 2 00
Venrly advts icr month, per square ...,... 1 50
L. P. Fisiikr, 20 and 21 New Merchants Ek
ciiange, I-5 authorized to act as Agent for the
AsToin v.v in S;n Francisco.
Any friend who feels an interest in the pros
perity of tins region, is auihori.ed to aH as
Agent for tins paper, in procuring subscribers.
HThe Vcsfci and Elektra were taken to
-sea by the tug Astoria on Sunday, and the
iFifosinrc yoteiday.
1255"" Oysters in every style, at all Iwursof
day or niglit, at the P.vrkkii IIeusi: Ki;stau
:axt, Main street, Astoria.
Mr. xTohn Crellin of the firm of J. &
T. Crellin, Oy&tcmllc, left by the Ajax
"Saturday for a three weeks' business trip
to San Francisco.
The steamship Ajax, Capl. Fred
JBolles, with passengers and merchandise
for San Francisco, left this port Saturday
at 2 o'clock i. m-
The schooner Three Sisters, sailed
from Oysterville for San Francisco on
'the 201h, and the Ida Florence was to sail
-on the 21st, all loaded with oysters.
CSA neat, clean, cosoy place, for gentle
cnen and ladies to enjoy a disk of fresh Oysters
is at tho Parker llousrc Restaurant,
Tlie Santa Rosa, Gungncr, and Eks
dale, arrived liere, outward bound, partly
loaded, Saturday night and Sunday. They
Jail scratched their waj down more or lev,
"with the exception of the Gungner, which
"we are informed did not ground.
"We are informed that the British bark
Loch Dee, Capt. Miller, is again on the
"way to this port from foreign ports. She
c.s reported as being'ISS days out from Hull.
'The Loch Dee arrived at thisnort on the
first da' of November, 1S72, direct from
The Commercial Reporter announces
the arrival of the ship David Brown at
Portland, Just how she got there is not
stated. It is certain she never passed this
port, and as there is but one other route
overland), probably she came in by way
of the Forks.
A new steamboat that wjll carry two.
hundred tons of wheat from Albany to
Astoria, and is intended by the way as
we are credibly informed, for that special
service, is now well advanced in the pro
cess of construction, and will be ready to
turn her wheel this war alter about forty
y For fresh Oysters, in every style, call at
ho Parker House Restaurant.
Leinenweber & Co., proprietor of the
Memlock tannery will begin their im
provements this week, of enlarging their
works. About two thousand sides for the
inew vats have beeu teemed already, four
Qiundred and twenty-eight of which were
received last Saturday.
On Sunday last the pioneer steamboat
of the new Wallamet Company, of which
Hon. B. Goldsmith is President, the fine
steamer Governor Grover, made her ap
pearance in Astoria harbor from Port
land, with colors frying, the first steamer
tj traverse the water route from the head
of the "Wallamet valley to this city by the
sea. She had a ship in tow, the Norwegian
bark Gungner, and carried on her own
deck one hundred and fifty tons of wheat.
Capt. J. H. D. Grajr brought her down,
ina returned with her to Portland in time
for her to resume her place in the Wallam
et trade, having beeu away less than two
days, and we will venture to say made as
good, if not a better trip, than for any cor
responding time spent on the Portland
Valley trade. This visit of the Governor
Grover to Astoria settles another point
which has been a matter of great concern
in some localities, the apparent dread that
if such such steamers approached too near
this dreadful city they would be swept out
of existence as if by some .fearful mael
strom. The imaginary whirlpool at Asto
ria and the Teal one on the coast of Nor
way , have both been survived by the Gung
ner, let us hope the Grover ma3r survive
this one; to show the editor of the Corvallis
Democrat; or other doubting heads, that
feome things can he done as well asothers.
In "itcaniDoating : 'where tfierciTC&te?.-! .
W3X Mkf .
The W-infiwara whicn ran afotil of
the old wreck below Flarrder's wharf,
Tuesday afternoon, by taking advantage
of the tide, managed to swing clear Wed
nesday. Fortunately the hull sustained
lib damage.
SThc death pf John C Dorcy s an
nounced as having occurred at Cathlamet
iiast Wedna-'&ay. The remains were taken
to Portland for final interment by Masonic
rites. His disease was consumption wliich
lingered for several years, making his
hitherto active livebar&ensome to bim,but
we believe he died in peace at last with the
hope of blessed immortality. v
One of the vessels leaving here recent
ly carried out a quantity of flour in bar
rels. The great surprise is that this Means
has not been resorted to years ago, -as a
matter of protection to the miller, who
does not need to be told the hazard and un
satisfactory results of shipping in sacks to
distant localities. Excelsior flouring mills
of Dftyten, hace the credit of inaugurating
this new system.
The story goes that a whale twenty
four I'act long was towed up to Portland
last Saturday, and will be placed on ex
hibition for a few dnjTs, after which the
skeleton will be dressed aud presented to
Woods' Oregon Museum, Whale like
this (black lish) frequently get sick and
seek shoalwater in which to give up the
ghost. This one surrendered in the vicinity
of Chinook.
Geo. L. DePrans, the popular mana
ger of Gray's Portland Music Store, is
an a visit to our city by the sea, and will
extend his trip to the Sea-side resort, which
has attractions net confined to Summer
alone, but where even now " o'er the shin
ing sea-shell sands" one may find richness
and grandeur unsurpassed in this beautiful
world. Mr. DePrans and other gentle
menand ladies visiting there now will ap
preciate the magnificence of an Oregon
Autumn, viewed beneath Clatsop skies,
We arc informed that one cf the first
and foremost shipping houses vf San
Francisco, occupying an office in Fried
lander's new building, near the Bank of
British North America, have chartered a
two thousand ton ship to load with wheat
at Astoria for France. We care not so
much who it is inaugurates this business,
so long as it is inaugurated; so that one
ship mav do the work of four or five, and
foreversilence the present thriftless, shift
less, ruinous raethoa of exporting our sur
plus productions. Let that ship enter all
Oregon will give her a gladsome welcome,
if they know what they are about.
To-night the Farmers' warehouse in
Astoria will be under complete roofing and
enclosed, for the space of Co by 150 feet
affording storage room for 90,000entals
of wheat, equivalent to five ship loads such
as at present leave the river. But few
people as yet realize the importance and
value of this beginning. It is not a move
ment to burst out or beat any other locali lecali
ty: it is not a movement to build un Asto
ria to the detriment of any other place; it
is not a movement calculated to enrich the
few concerned in it at the expense of the
many, but it is a movement that will be
the means of saving millions of money to
Oregon, and preserving to the State its
commerce, and all the consequent benefits.
When the docks are completed in accord
ance with the plans, the facts will he easily
demonstrated. The present structure is
simply a beginning of the work, .
School Books. Xow is tho time to buy
School books to conform with tho now law.
For first introduction there is a discount of 33
per cent, from retail prices, as follews:
Pacific Coast Retail. Introductory.
1 irst -Header. $ 'Si
Second Reader 50
Third Reader 7.1
Fourth Reader 1 00
Fifth Reader. 1 2-"
bpellor. 3o
Hopkins' Manual of Amer
ican Ideas, (in place of
Sixth Reader), 1 50 1 00
All of which may now bo found in Astoria,
at tho store of I. W. CASE,
oc21eod Chenamus street,
The Bulletin a few days ago contain
ed a lengthy notice of the clotiiing manu
factory of Messrs.Fishcl & Poberts,corner
of First and Washington streets, Port
land. The buyer for that establishment
has just returned from the East with all
the most fashionable materials for gentle
men's dress, consisting of Suits, Plain
and Fancy Coatings, Vestings and Trim
miiigs, and the firm offer about two hun
drea patterns to select from, so we infer
that no difficulty will be experienced in
pleasing even the most fastidious. As
gentlemen cannot procure newer, more
fashionable, or more stylish goods than
those whatever price they pay we an
ticipate a large accession to the number of
those who look with favor on that system
of business, and who can" appreciate a
first-class article at the u minimum"
price. Give them a call.
Notice to Mariners. San Francisco,
Oct. 31, 1873. The Buov painted Green,
marked.WRKCK, in large White letters,has
been, replaced on. the wreck jof the Patri
cian . H, .nos. S. Pheijs,
.-.?9 .1 -vsfeisi.7.:'4V!tf ''. .jtSf ' ,.
If H. J, Booth & Co. of San lTai
cisco will come to Astoria a " central
basin" for a ship-yard may be had.
The second mate and four sailors
belonging to the Gungner made their
escape from the vessel some time
during Tuesday night.
A schooner and a steam tug have
been built at Astoria this rear.
During the same time two schooners
were completed at Deep river, oppos
ite here, and one at Westport, which
latter is now loaded with, wheat for
San Francisco,
Steamship service between New
York and Europe is being increased
to a daily line. The service between
San Francisco and Australia will soon
be doubled in addition to running a
line to China, It seems necessary in
order to keep up with the times to
have a line of steamers from the Co
lumbia river to Australia and China.
A great and growing commerce is be
ing carried out the Columbia, which
would be largely increased, and very
much facilitated, if Congress would
do by this river as it has by San
Francisco in furnishing subsidies to
steam lines. Congress should this
Winter make arrangements for a
line from the Columbia river to the
Sandwich Islands, Australia, China,
and Japai
The American bark Mariano sail
ed hence to San Francisco on the 20th
inst, with, 409 sacks of oats and 10,
277 sacks of wheat. As California is
exporting wheat it is quite probable
that this G50 tons of wheat is to be
taken foreign from there, o.r at least
an equal amount of California wheat
in place of it. As Oregon wheat is
superior to that of California, the
millers below will be glad to ex
change for it. But when it goes for
eign itself or simply takes the place
of other wheat going foreign the im
mediate loss to the Oregon farmer is
$5 40 per ton, the amount paid the
vessel for carrying to San Francisco.
A loss on this one cargo to the far
mer of $0,500. The grain can be
carried foreign from San Francisco
no cheaper than from Astoria, hence
all the wheat carried to San Fran
cisco when California has plenty for
home consumption, is at a loss to our
farmers of the freight between here
and there or 12 to 15 cts. per bushel.
As several vessels have sailed for
San Francisco this month with full
cargoes of wheat it shows that our
exporting merchants are not exer
cising the proper influence on Ore
gon's commerce, nor are our farmers
getting a fair price for their wheat.
With a fair price, that is to say, the
proper or real value given to for the
grain here no merchant could afford
to ship by the way of San Francisco,
and compete with those shipping
" One piano every hour," is the start
ling announcement recently made by the
Stein way Manufacturing company of New
York, unquestionably the largest piano
manufacturing firm in the world. The
justly earned fame and reputation of whose
instruments is not confined to America, but
is world wide. One piano for every work
ing hour! Ten pianos every dav, made
and sold by a single firm nearly doubling
the sales, as the Internal Revenue returns
show, of the next largest maker in America
exceeding those of the twelve largest
New York manufacturers combined. Of
this remarkable fact the New York Obser
ver says: " Our forefathers never dreamed
in their philosophy, that the New World
could so rapidly out-trip the Old in the
manufacture of an article deemed by them
one of luxury, but now regarded as a ne
cessity, and the most prized portion of the
furniture of every respectable American
house; and yet the fact is beyond contra
diction, and all honor is due- to Messrs.
Stein way & Sons, who, in this department
of manufacturing industry ,have made the
name of America famous in every other
land." George L. DePrans, Manager
of Gray!s Oreeon Branch Music .Store,
Odd Fellows'. .Temple,. Portland, isagent
for the sale of Steinwav's pianos.
, .hU.
The lrice of Gold.
Portland, Nov. 24. Gold in New
York to-day, 109; Portland Legal
Tender rates, 90 buying, aiw$ 91
Miscellaneous. News
The effective Spanish force in njba
is said to be 5,400 men.
The wife of P. T. Barnum is dead.
Banumi is in Germany.
The report that Tweed Inat been
sentenced was premature.
Fears of a famine-in Bengal arere
vi ved . Th e press ailvsse- Importation
from America.
The Directors of tits' Bank of Eng
land have fixed the-rats- of disconnji
at 8 per cent.
General Longstrest officrstlie Gov
ernment 25,000 Lousianias- to fight
the Spanish in Cnba.
The funeral of the late John P.
Hale took place-in Dover,. New Hamp
shire, last Saturday.
Peace has been restored between
the Turks and the Arabs- at Aden.
The Turkish troops- are Withdrawn.
The Erie canal is frozen up.. About
five hundred boats- between Sehnec
tady and Braffalo are stopped by the
There 5s nnnsual activity iii- the
Washington Navy Yard. "A large
force of men are patting up ammuni
tion. Yanderbilt declines to receive- the
delegation of railroad engineers,, and
says he cannot continue ths-wag'ss of
The impression prevails at Wash
ington, in official circles, thafc Spain
will make every effort to settle- the
v irgmins aliair amicably..
Pev. P. F. Parsliall, of Oakland
California has been deposed from the
Baptist Church; for immoral practices
with the female member&of his flock.
The New York Board o'Aldtermn
have voted the Departmeutsof Public
Works and Parks $1,000,000 eac to
furnish work for thlab'oriing classes.
The Republican mBnorijfcy in the
Spanish Cortes has requested an immediate-
convening off that body to
consider the- compfeicatedi foreign re
lations. Secretary Picbardson says-- if war
should occur between the- United
States and Spain the Treasury Depart
ment wall be fully prepared" to meet
the emergency
The- massmeetSn" of Ciabari svmnn-
thizers at the-Mary liand Institute was
the largest and most enthusiastic
meeting held in Baltimore since
Kossuth's rec$ptifcn
A defalcation of about $175,000 was
discovered on the 20th in the ac
counts of the- Secretary of the Eureka
and Boatman's Marine and Fire Insurance-
Company of Pittsburgh
Plans and specifications have been
completed for a magnificent hotel, to
be erected in San Francisco opposite
the GramJ Hotel, It will be four
stories kigft, vfiih a frontage on Mar
ket street of about 400 feet.
Disasteros fires have swept along
the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe
Railroad, covering sixty-three miles,
burning since Saturday, doing great
damage to the railroad burning sev
eral bridges houses, fences, grain,
stock, etc. Trains on tho Central
Branch road were stopped
Information has been received at.
the Canadian Department of Justice
that; a true bill of murder has been
found by the Grand Jury of Manitoba
against Reil and Lepine. The Gov
ernment is reported to have informa
tion of serious disturbances among
the Indian tribes of the northwest.
TheXonsulate at Santiago de Cuba
telegraphs the Secretary of State that
only fifty-three persons from the Yir
ginius were shot. The report that
fifty-seven others had been executed
is pronounced untrue. It is asserted
that the Administration sees its way
clearly, and that while war will be
avoided the probability is that Cuba
will be free.
Careful eximination is being made
atWashington to determine tho exact
status of the steamer Yirginius at tho
time of her capture. This will deter
mine her right to carry the-Amorican
flag and the legality of er. capture. jAmerican ship", jand ...flying
the Americau'nag, sfte'liau no'inoro
right than a pirate,, which might do
the same thing.
Th.-French Assembly has adopted
the amendment prolonging MeMa
hon's term seven years. There was
much excitement in Paris over the
result. Immediately afer the ad
journment of the Assembly members
of the Cabinet tendered their resig
nations, but McMahon refused! to- ac
cept tlbem.
The Administration is understood
to hold that the Yirginius case.Fs
casus belli with Spain.. W&en the
Spanish gunboats- were seifc9.d an New
York in 2869,. Spain argued fftat the
Cubans were not rQCOgnifcedS as bel
ligerents,., and: that thQ'Sale of arm ed
vessels to Spain WAsdfigitiuiate. The
State Departmenfraceepted this view
and the gspnboats; were released.
Under tha-same.. principle we have a
right to sell the Cubans and
ship them on, Am eris&rj- vessels..
Throughi trafBe on Lachijie. (Cana
dian) canal i completely, blocked..
There is; a heavy ice dam above St.
Gabriel, locks. The ice is packed
many feat thick,, and it is believed it the bottom of the canal..
So early and severe a cold snap has
nor been experienced for years..
The loss tOi shippers and forwarders,,
of boats which are obliged to remain
where they ar.e, is great. The high,
wind which prevailed on Monday
rose to a gaj e Tuesday evening, and
a furious snow storm prevailed Wed
nesday mornings The roads are all
blocked, and the storm is still raging.
Owing to the statement contained
in a letter from Havana that on the
night of the Xth inst. when the news
of the capture, of the Yirginius reach
ed Santiago,, Spanish volunteers, in
fiendish exultation over their tri
umph, visited the widows of Masons
shot in 1868,. and brutally outraged
the helpless women.. A petition is
being signed generally by Masters of
Masonic lodges in. Ne-w York, and
Past Masters of calling a ses
sion of the Grand Lodge of the State,
to take such action as may be. ne.cQS-.
sary. "
From tho Oregon Bulletin, November 20tlk
While walking up First street yesterday
afternoon we noticed near the corner of
Alder and Second streets a large crowd
around some object. Ever on the alert
for news items we rushed immediately to
the scene to learn the cause of the assem.-.
blage. What we found was a Ijor&e lying
on the ground tied with an almost ifrnu-.
merable number of ropes fasten abound,
its legs, oxer its back and in its jaws.
These txere held by two strong men, be-,
sides which another one had hold of the
animal's ttead and nostrils, while a black
smith was intently engaged in fitting and,
fastening a pair of shoes on tho horse's
hind feet, 'he animal it seems was some
what obstreperous, evidently not relishing
the idea of having bran new shoes,' and it
became necessary to throw him down
and hold httft ith ropes in order that the,
blacksmith vwgkt do tho work.
Form tho Cincinnati Camin.orofol
A beautiful and high-piritecj orse
would never allow a shoe to be put on his
feet, or any person to handle his feet. In
an attempt to shoe this horse recently, he
resisted all effort, kicked aside everj'th ing
but an anvil, and came near killing him
self against that, and was finally brought
back to his stable unshod. This defect
was on the eve of consigning him to the
plow, where he might work barefoot, when
an officer in our service, lately returned
from Mexico, took a cord about the size
of a common bed-cord, put it in the mouth
of the horse like a bit, and tied it tightly
on the animal's head, passing the left ear
under the string, not painfully tight, but
tight enough to keep the ear down and
the card in its place. This done, he pat
ted the horse gently on the side of the
head and commanded him to follow. In-
stantlythe horse obeyed, perfectly sub
dued, and gentle and obedient as a well?
trained dog; suffering his feet to be lifted
with entire impunity, and acting in. all
respects like an old stager. The gentle
man who furnished this exceedingly sim
ple means of subduing a very dangerpus
propensity, intimattd that it was practiced
in Mexico and South America in the man
agement of wild horses.
JfcSrlfybu wahttoekrVk foftline burWl
aell with men who R'drcrtietft tKetABivxiA.
KOJLX'&r .
f--,tV.-2 .y ii ,