CZ2 Tri-Weekly Astorian ASTORIA, OREGOX: I. C. IREZ.A3T...., Editor. ASTORIA Xoy. 21, 1S73 &IF22 SAVING STATIONS. Iii the Xew York Journal of Com merce we find some very interesting statistics of the operations of that comparatively new branch of service in our government, the life saving service of the United States, now fully organized and equipped, and which has proven its entire success by the fact that not a single life has been lost on a wreck that has occur red within reach of one of these sta tions during three years past. In view of the long and dangerous coasts we have, a well organized sys tem of saving life and property from wrecked or disabled vessels was dic tated by every humane instinct, and the vast territory to be cov.ered by the stations made it necessaiy that government should undertake the scheme. Hon. S. I. Kimball, chief of the Revenue Marine service, was then placed in charge, and Captain John Faunce was ordered to locate new station sites, erect new houses, and make whatever improvements were necessaiy. They located thirty-one on the coast of Long Island, and forty on the coast of Xew Jersey. All these are now in working order. By the acts of March 3, 1871, and June 10, 1872, stations were author ized at very many points on the At lantic, and last "Winter Congress ap propriated a sum sufiicient to extend the work on the Atlantic Coast, and provide for a commission to visit and -examine the whole coast of the Uni ted States, including the lakes, and report upon the proper 'sites for sta tions. This Commission consisted of Mr. Kimball, Captain Faunce, and Captian J. H. Merryman, all of the Revenue Marine service. They made an examination of the mouth of the Columbia, accompanied by J, W. White of the Revenue Marine Service a short time ago, and have recommended that an item be included in the appropriation bill this "Winter providing for the estab lishment of two stations here. On the Jlth of January last Secre tary Bojitwell promulgated regula tions for the government of the life saving service, and appointed Capt. J. IT. Merryman, of the Revenue Marine service, inspector of stations. He established his headquarters at Kew York, and proceeded to reorgan ize the service and improve the ap paratus iu use. Capt. Merryman has made good use of his appoint ment, and by experimenting with all kinds of apparatus to be had. has se lected those appliances best calcula ted lor tne service, and as a result those being used in the United States are considered far superior to any in the world. The experiments which produced these results are very in teresting, but are too lengthy for our columns. 'It should be understand that the great consideration in case of a wreck is to reach it, and there are only two ways of doing this one by mortar or rocket line, the other by boat. The boat is always used where the ship is wrecked on a shoal some distance from shore, and the mortal or rocket line where the wreck is near shore and the surf is too high for a boat to live. If a wreck occurs on a shoal some distance from shore, and the sea a too rough for a surf or life boat huxnan aid cannot reach the unfor tunates by any known appliance. But the conformation of our coasts is such that all wrecks from grounding have occurred within 300 yards from shore, and in such cases the mortar line and serf-boat have been thoro' ly effective. There are very few places where an ordinary-sized vessel will strand on our coast futher than o00 yards from shore. The mortar system is thoroughly successful. The theory of it is throwing aline attach ed to an iron shot across the wreck. The life boat adopted by Capt. Merryman is the model of one adopt ed by the Royal National Life-Baving institution of England, .an3 Is regard ed as the best invention of the kind. The one described by the Journal of Commerce is built of mahogany boards one inch thick, fastened to gether diagonally.' Extreme length 30 feet, beam 7 feet 1 inch, depth 3 feet. There are seats for eight row ers, and the deck upon which their feet rest is four inches above water line when the boat is loaded to its utmost capacity. It is ballasted in a chamber between the keel and deck, with blocks of wood. Running all the way from the deck to the keel there are four discharge pipes about & inches in diameter, each fitted with.a valve of peculiar construction which permits the water to find exit from the deck, but is perfectly tight against an upward pressure of water, thus enabling the boat when filled with water to free itself. At the bow and stern, reaching inwards about three feet, and extending at the highest point from the keel to about a foot above the gunwale, arc air-chambers which support the boi.t when capsized or full of water, but on account of the air cylinders and the shear of the boat, together with the preponderance of weight below deck, it is impossible for her to re main bottom up in the water. The boat could only be upset in a surf or a sea by most extraordinary circum stances. It is the most completely equipped of any yet seen. Captain Merryman determined to upset it, and attached a line to the gunwale, throwing it under the boat. The bight of the line was brought to the other side and a double purchase tackle hooked to it. By the greatest efforts of ten men pulling upon the haling part of the tackle the boat was slowly turned over; she instantly righted however, full of water, but discharged it all through her valved cylinders in twenty-seven seconds. Life rafts, life saving dresses, serf boats, launch-wagons, are each de scribed, and the account closes with the printed regulations and signals in use between stations. The signals given are visible by night for a dis tance of six miles. "Olivia," of the Philadelphia Press, writes from ISTew Yerk: " The "Woman's Congress holds its sessions in the most aristocratic locality of this famous village, surrounded by walls of marble. The highest style of art in the country looks down from frescoed ceilings. The stars are pad ded, like the figures that glide so majestically by. An air of elegance pervades every nook and corner, whilst the breath of geranium and tube-roses steals away the most refin ed of all our senses. Upon the plat form may be seen, underneath silk en and velvet bodices, the mischiev ous and spicy element of Sorosis. And here let it be proclaimed that the l "Woman's Congress' is the legi timate offspring of this JSew York woman's club. Sorosis is the -parent of this association, and Sorsis means that band of women in Xew York who have husbands addicted to clubs and to offset the domestic trial the woman element goes in for a good time outside the harbor of home." The two cigar steamers of Mr. Ross "Winans, of Baltimore, make frequent trips in the British Channel although their officers take pains to prevent any knowledge of their ca pacityfor speed frombecoming public. One of these steamers was built at Cherbourg and the other on the Clyde. The latter is about 400 feet long, and is built on a different plan from the original cigar steamer, which now lies at her wharf in Baltimore. Instead of a wheel in the center the vessel has two pfopellors at the ex treme points of the cigar. The cigar portion of the hull is submerged, and an eye-witness describes the whole appearance of the vessel as he saw it recently in the harbor of Southamp ton as "that of an ordinary ocean steamer perched on the back of a whale." Mr. "Winans hopes to ob tain a speed of twenty miles an hour by propulsion alone with his strange craft. Paris newspapers announce the death of Mme. Felix, the mother of the great Rachel. PACIFIC COUNTY. Synopsis of Comanissioxiers' Court lroceeilingrs, November. 1873. Otsterville, Xov. 3, 1S73. Court met at 9 o'clock a. in.;Pro'ent, Messrs. IT. II. Jackson, W. ll.Lupton, and A. S. .Bush, Commissioners, and C. A. Reed, Clerk. Supervisor of Fort Willapa road district was requested to make report in regard to a bridgo constructed by Van 11. Whcaton. Ordered that the appraisers report on dama ges to premises of Marshall Somes, awarding 300, be accepted. Ordered that tho petition for a county road from Bear river to tho cast fork of tho Walli cut river, bo rejected. Charles Brady, 1. N. Stark and L. II. Rhodes be appointed to appraise the damages to prem ises of Thomas Shay, James Mallis and Jano Mallis, on tho location of a county road, to meet at tho house of John Louderback on tho lfcth inst. A petition signed by the requisite number of householders living in Willapa valley, asking for tllO lOftllHnn fif 51 nnnnfv rnnrl tr nvfnnrl from a point on the highway on the east sido 01 uic w mapa river, on tno Christian Ueisy Donation Claim, thence by nearest and most lirnctinahln rmifn hotivnon t.lin U'illmm nml Chehalis rivers, in tho direction of Claquato t to me east line or racmc county, was recoived, and Sebastian Geisy, V. It. Wheaton and John Louderbeck were appointed viewers. Samuel Walker was appointed Justice of tho Peace for Grays river district. Warrant was ordered in favor of Matthew Lam ley for ovor work dono by him as Super visor of road district No. 16, dono in lb72. School section .No, Ki, town 10 rango 10 west, was leased to August Geazleman, for tho torm of six years. Sundry bills were audited, bonds approved, licences granted, etc., etc., occupying the at tention of tho Court until tho evening of tho 4th, when Court adjourned sino die. It is greatly regretted at Wash ington that Ohio was not a State bordering upon the sea, for if it had been, enough influence could have been exerted by the Administration to have elected the whole Republi can ticket. Just think what a fine thing it would have been for Noyes if the State possessed two or three navy-yards. Xew School Books. I have just re ceived all the duTcrent kindt of New School Books required to be u-cd in this State, that can now be found in San Erancisco. Also, Slate pencils, Blotting pads, a good as sortment of Stationery, Drawing paper, CARD BOARD, Perforated board, Ink) (Carmine, Purple and Black). Likewise a new btock of Crockery, Clocks and a large assortment of Lamp Chimneys, all of which will be sold cheap for cash. LJW- CASE- Ciiurcli Xotices, Grace Church, (Trot. Episcopal) Rev. T A Ilyland Uuctor, Divino services every Sunday at 10 a m and 7 r m; Sunday School at 1 p m Congrogational Church, Rev A W Tenny Pastor, .Divine services ovory Sunday at 10) a Aland 7 p m; Prayer Meeting: every Thurs day evening, Sunday School moots at 12 ji Temple Iiodgre Xo. 7 A. F. & A. M. Regular Communications first and third Saturdays in each month, at 7 o'clock p. m., at tho Hall in Astoria. Members of tho Order in good standing are invitodto at tend. By ordei of tho V. M. Beaver Lodge No. 35, I. O. O.F. NVfe- fcet every Thursday evening. ni 7 rk'nlnrtl.- ; .aI1.)1 I.H,,..-, "-s&y" hall, corner of Cass and Jefferson '"" streets, Astoria. Members of tho Order are invited to attend. By order, N. G, .NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BABIES' FAIR. T ADIES OF THE SPIRITUAL SOCIETY JU of Astoria will liavo a FASR, WITH SCE CREAM AT SPIRITUAL HALL! On tho 23th and 2Gth. Admission free. BST Also, a Social Dance on tho 27th. Tick ets $2, including Supper. n20td A. Burcliard, Dealer in New and Socond-hand Furniture Spring, Hair, Feather, Alois, Wool, and Pulu Beds, Blankets, Spread, Sheets, Pillows, Pillow Cases, etc. 7T-S rv1 & T1C0 1'aid for JHLlgJieSl; FyR22Ty RE I (Skidmore's Building,) Corner of Pirst and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon. slG WELCH'S GOOD SAMARITAN COMPOUND. For Curing Rheumatism, Sprains, Felons, Boils, Biwises, Burns, etc.t etc BIRECTIOXS.-APPLY EXTERNALLY to tho parts affected; rub in well, and in sevoro cases cover with thin cloth, tied or fas toned on with care. Warranted to euro, or greatly alleviate, in all cases named in this label. A tingle bottlo will cursor prevent days of tho most oxeruciating pain, and not unfro quently save the lifo of the suffering patient. Price, $1.00 per Bottle. PREPARED BY J. WELCH, ASTORIA, Obbqqx, SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FRANK FAB11E, at tho Central Market, Portland, has enlarged his COFFEE stall, and added such improvements as will enable him to provide- Epicures with tho best in tho Market Parties furnished with Hot Coffee on short notice. Give tho Central Market Cofioe Stand a trial ocltf Dissolution. IIIE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing . between tho undersigned under the firm name of liapgood, Hume & Co., doing busi ness at Eagle Cliff, Wahkiacum county, V. T., is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. A. S. 11APGUOD, WILLIAM HUME. Eaglo Cliff, October 1st, lb7., Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED, (lato of liapgood, , , .i!Hmo & C-), has established himself at WATERFORD, Wahkiacum county. V.T..un der the firm name of HAPGOOD A: CO., where he will carry on tho business of packing fresh preserved Salmon in tins. n 1 m. . , A S- HAPGOOD. Eagle-Cliff, October 1st, 157. Post-office address: Eaglo Cliff, Wahkiacum county, Washington Territory. nlfe .' t J. Wlf. WELCH. FRANK nOBSO.V, JAMES W. WELCH & Co. TEAMSTERS. Office at J. "W. Gcarhart's Store, Astoria. ORDERS LEFT WITH MR. GEARITART for any kind of Teaming, will be promptly attended to. W ood of all kinds constantly on hand. Orders solicited. oc itf S. Gr. Skiclmore Druggist and Apothecary, Has Removed to his NEW AND ELEGANT STORE, 111 First St., next to L. C. nenrichsen's, Portland, Oregon. au EL Trenlnnaim, BLACKSMITH AND TOOL MAKER and manufacturer of of all kinds of Plaining, Moulding, and Turning Tools, Saws of all kinds Straightened and Ropaired, and all kinds of SawTeuth made and repaired and saws turned and straightened. Orders at tended to promptly. H. THEN KM ANN, aulbtf 10 Front st, Portland, New Tobacco, Cigar and Not ion Jlouse! 59 Front st., Portland, Oregon, (Opposito Cosmopolitan Hotel.) T. Dittenlioefer, Formerly connected with Wasserman & Co., Is now Opening ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST va ried assortments of Tobaccos, Cigars and Yankeo Notions, over imported into this mar ket, and takes pleasure in offering the same to his old friends, customers, and tho trado gen erally, at prices that defy competition. ftfi, Elevon years business experience in Portland, has mado him fully familiar with the wants of tho trado of tho Northwest Coast, and therefore his stock has been selected es pecially for tho trade. au2Gtf THE ONLY ManufactiningHouse TS OfiEGOX. Fisiiel & BoTberts, Corner First and "Washington Streets, POETLAKD, OEEG02sT. FASHIONABLE CLCTHIEKS, A3TD MANUFACTURERS. THE BEST VALUE FOR THE LEAST MONEY. Willamet Iron Works Incorporated Sept. 14, 1SG5. Cor. 2Torth Front and E sts., Portland. P. FITTBOGEN, I PETER TAYLOE, Secretary. President. MO BHASS F001DEHS, BOILER HUQB, General Machinists, and ENGINE BUILDEES FANUFACTURE and HAVE FOR SATR . Hiorh and Low Pressuro AriT?nn nnr? Sta tionery Engines and Boilers; Saw .Mills, Grist luius, quartz, mining, ana Agricultural xUa chinery, WATER "WHEELS of several pat terns, equal to any imported, on hand and made to order, of any size. REPAIRING of Machinery and Roilors promptly attended to, and executed with neatness and dispatch. The Largest and REST STOCK OF PATTERNS north of San Francisco. No charge for the use of them. Agents for KNOWLES' PATENT STEAM PUMP, the best in use. Also, Agents for tho AMM0N1ACAL PREPARATION for tho removal of Roiler scale, Df.Groot's Or namkntai. Irox Fkxpe. a variety of boautiful patterns for Cemeteries, etc. liouso Castings, etc.. etc. JAMES LOTAN, n'Jtf Superintendent. RAILROAD IIOUSE-J. McGrath, Propr. Good meals, clean bods, moderate price. Tenino, W. T., present terminus N P. K. R. AUCTIONEERS. A. B. RICHARDSON. 31 -X. GILMAX- A, , ijchardson, A"UCT1NEER Corner of Front and CakPts.,, lortland, Oregon. Auction Sales of Real iistato, Groceries. General Merchandise asd' Horses. Sales Wednesday and Saturday. ' iBJlriL-;ir?0 assortmont of Grocories, Lw etc., at Private Sale. Liberal advancos r mors.. ran dry on consignments. A. R. RICHARDSON Charles 8 Wright, ATJCTIONEER-Cor of Main and Chenaratu streets, Astoria. Good received on consign ment and sold to thy highest bidtior. Oscar Kilbourn, AUCTIONEER-Ofuce 40 First st., Portland PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PRANK J. TAYLOR, ATTORjtfEY-AT-LATT, ASTORIA, OREGON". Office Brown's Building. Special attention given to the examination of titlo3and tho col lection of debts. oc30tF W. L. McEWAN, RESIDENT ATTORNEY, Astoria, Oregon. II. B. PARKER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, ASTORIA, OREGON. i&r" Always Ready for Business.''- HENRYS. A3 KEN, NOTARY PUBLIC, ASTORIA, OREGON. A. YAN DUSEN, NOTARY PUBLIC, Astoria, Oregon. DR. S. W. DODD, PHYSICIAN A1ND SURGEON", ASTORIA, OREGON. GEORGK II. DURHAM. II. Y. THOMPSON. DURHAM c& THOMPSON, Attorneys at Law, Portland. Oflicc 100 Eirst Street, opposito Occidental Hotel. aul'J M. P. AIULKEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW - Portland. Ofiico in Pittock's Building, Corner .Front and Stark sts., up Stairs). slii CAPLES fc 3IORELAND, Attorneys at Law, Portland, Oregon Office in Pittock's Building, Corner of Front and Stark streets, (up Stair3j. sl( A. II. TOWNSKNP. C. BEALV TOWNSEND & BEAL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, PORTLAND, OREGON. Qffick In Odd Fellows' Temple. nl5- O. P. MASONT, ATTORNEY' AT LAW, PORTLAND, OREGON". ITST Land Cases and Titles a specialtyTKi Dr. A. D. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN" AND SURGEON Office on Stark Street, Portland, Oregon KRUMBLEN & GILBERT. ARCHITECTS AND DRAUGHTSMEN, INVESTOR'S EXCHANGE, Creo's Building Portland, Oregon.. rtrTho Best Counsel; tho Bot Dnroghs men; tho Best Model Workmon, and best Patent Agent at Washington; the only reliable place to got your intentions put through ir, short notice. George A. Pease, Pacific Boot and Shoe Storey Is now prepared to wait on his ousfcojaere, At The Id Starn! Again S S. "V. Corner First and Morrison Stscets, Portland, Oregon. P. J. MARTIN. EDTT. MABTIlt. D. V. B. HSXlIRtt.. E. HAErm & Co., , Fortlandy Oregon, And San Franeisco CalifoTftkt. Importers and Dealers in FINE Brandies, Wines, I Liquors Proprietors of the Celebrate MILLER'S EXTRA OLD B8URB! WRJ50T!" Solo Agents for the J. F. CUTTER WHISKY HENNESSY AND CARTEL BKA2CDJESV In Bulk and Case (bonded or duty jadtD, and AH Goods Pertaining to the frclfe. 0. S. ST. Co.'s Block, Portland, oc2Stf 403 Front st, San Fracefcco.. OHEGOX BOQT AND SHOE STOBE! S. JT. BARB, J, 0 KDtGHLEY. BAKU & KINOSZJEY, PRINCIPAL RETAILERS OF THE STA pie brands of Eastern, California and Ore gon Boots and Shoes, No. 135 irst street cor ner Yamhill. Portland Oregon. fiS" With our long experience and small ex pense we aro enabled to sell cheaper than any other houso in the city of Portland. As tho proverb goes ?1 00 aared i 32 00 mads: Call and see and give U3 your trade. BARK A KINQ0L1Y.