Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, November 18, 1873, Image 1

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Vol. 2.
Astoria,- Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Nov. 18, 1873,
No. 8.
Monitor BuildiBg, Aftoria, Oregon.
.Subscription. Ksitcs:
'Ono Copy one year-.. . So 00
One Copy six months 3 00
0e& Cpy three months .r 150
tT Single 2"uu'bcr, Ten Cents. "v
Advertising' Rates:
'One Tnortion pcrsqunro, 10 lines or less...S2 o0
J'lnch additional! Insertion, per square 2 00
Yearly adv'ts pec month, per square 1 oO
L. P. FrsiiEn, 20 and 21 New Merchants Ex
panse, is authorized to act as Agent for the
Astoki .' in San Francisco.
Any fijend who feels an interest in the pros-
moritv of this rnnnn. is nnfhnn-nj1 fn :M ns
Agent for this paper, in procuring subscribers.
See fourth page for Poetry, etc.
Mr. "Win. Clark formerly of this
city, is soon to return here to remain
The steam tug Varuna is to be
laid up for necessary repairs and to
receive her new rjropeller.
The pile driver owned by the
Farmers' Company is again in operation-
The boiler was almost wholly
A movement in the right di-
rection" is that
Astorians propose
having a hand
in some of that Co-
iumbia river fisheries aint it.
John "Woods left by steamer yes
terday to look after interests he is ,
about io invest in atBruceport, which j
-are held at present in San Francisco. I
James O'Meara and Ben Holla
day were passengers b- the Ori
fiainme yesterday. Mr. O'Meara
will spend the Winter in Washing
ton citv.
Geo. "W. Hume has removed his
family to California, and will here
after spend much of his time in that
-State, still retaining his interests at
Eagle Cliff, in which Mr. Devlin is
now part owner and superintendent.
Megler fc Jewett's improvements
at iirookneld move on apace. "When
the the steamer Annie Stewart, miss- .
ed there, Friday evening about four !
o'clock, thirty-two piles had been '
driven for the wharf. Twenty were j
inven that day, and eight remained
to be heard from by dark. How
-about coal oil at Brookfield? Have
they really struck ile?
Several changes have lately tak
en place in the medical staff of the
Military Department of the Colum- I
bia. Dr. F. "W. Sparling of
Disappointment is to be relieved by
Dr. J. S. Sterling of Fort Stevens,
who in turn is to be relieved bv Dr.
Huntington of Lapwai. Dr. II. was
formerly stationed at Fort Stevens.
Dr. Sparling is to report at head
quarters. Mcltum in Parvo. Charles Bin
der of this city has laid upon our ta
ble a wonderful and remarkable
specimen of the Cabbages grown in
liis garden being none less than
.thirteen heads on one stalk, the
whole larger than one ordinary head
except such as is used about the
Farmer Office, in Salem. We think,
however, that the smallest one of
these many small heads contains
more than the one large head in the
Farmer office, alluded to.
Messrs. Leinenweber Co, of
this city will soon commence addi
tions to the Hemlock tannery which
will double the present capacity of
the works, and enable" them to turn
out one thousand sides a mouth.
The sole leather tanned by them,
samples of which were sent to a
heavy shoe manufacturer in Pirma
sens, Bavaria, has been heard from,
and is pronounced A No. 1 article.
Only for the stringency of the money
market, and general uncertainty of
business in Europe, owing to the
crisis, the Bavarian house write
Messrs. Tinenwteber,&j Co. that! they j
snouia oraer a large quantity qj puis
leather 'fdrtheir uses t&ere; '" ll ,ir!
., , few-"
The new steam tug Sedalia is to
enter upon business to-day for the
The new schooner building at
Deep river by Charles Stark, will be
named Industry.
H. A. Shaw jr. has just complet
ed a neat key-board for the new
Parker hotel.
The reliable sloop Mary H., has
at last met a mishap. She sprung a
leak recently, and is laid up at Skip
anon for repairs.
Police Commissioner Hallock7 of
Portland, who has been down to the
Seaside for several davs returned
yesterday, homeward bound.
I '
The harbor filled up with ship
ping considerably on Sunday. The
day closed with seven steamers and
six sailing vessels at the docks, or
anchor in the harbor.
Sam M. Smith, esq., of Portland,
who came down on the Oriflammc to
see Mr. Ilolladay off for the East,
returned to Portland by the Dixie
Thompson yesterda'.
The latest
creek is that
boat Joe Meek
news from Miller's
the famous hunting
had arrived, and the
trappers had secured two coon-skins
the first week. Several Mink to hear
I from.
Leinenweber fc Co., have pur
chased circular saws etc, to be attach
ed to their steam works at the upper
town for the manufacture of boxes of
all kinds, wood sawing, etc. One by
one we thrive.
Mr. George Ay res, of the Seaside
stables at Clatsop, leaves for New
York Saturday to bring several head
of blooded horses and other stock, to
be added to Den Ilolladay's stud at
that famous resort.
Through the industry and per
severance of the ladies of the First
Congregational Church of this city,
the meeting house is now handsome-
, ly seated, and a part of the materials
lor the cushions is on the way.
Rev. Mr. Jennings, late of the
Bishop Scott Grammer and Divinity
i r l -l . - .i .
cn001 aL tmuci, officiated at Grace
(Episcopal) Church in this city Sun-
day evening. He left
by the Ori-
iiammc for California.
Mr. Van Dusen returned from a
flying trip to the valley Friday even
ing. He reports everybody,'individ
ually and collectively, happy, and
business on all sides betokens a heav
ier crop of cereals next year than has
?ver yet been harvested in the Wal-
The public will be pleased to
hear that the accident of Friday
j evening which deprived Mr. James
I Wm. Welch of his team of noble
j work-horses, did not stop his busi-
ness. He had another team and was
ready for orders by noon of Saturday.
Business will be carried on under
the firm name of J. Wm. Welch &
Co., Frank Ilobson partner. We
wish them every success.
The payment of small debts will
do more to keep business up than
anything else.
Politeness is the religion of the
heart, as piety is that of the soul. It
is good nature in action.
It is suggested that the immense door
plates worn by the ladies on their belts
might be utilized by engraving thereon the
wearer's name, age, residence, fortune, or
expectations, and stating whether her heart
is tree or engaged.
Domestic industries in these United
States are now greatly demoralized in
many instances paralyzed bv the recent
panic; and the Buffalo Republic predicts
that the worst is to come. We might print
columns, and still be unable to give a com
plete list of the failure, suspensions, etc,
causing the close of operations all over the
East, which has thrown many thousands
of operatives out of employment. If the
bulk of those thus discharged were to enmfl
tout to Oregen: they would 'find plenty to
uu at imng, rates, witli .Detter prospects
JM. WMiiJ-.v' j ' - fc
Last Thursday we found time to pa?s
nearly two hours in our Public School.
We had hoped to visit the school in com
pany with the School Board, and to hear
their views for the future, etc., for we feel
assured that no one can have an official
connection with the schools in any place,
or study their character and influence for
any length of time, without being more
and more impressed with their importance
more and more drawn out in his-feeliugs
toward them . It is indeed an affecting ex
perience, more so than words can dascribe,
to watch over them from year to year, to
go again and again to the school and look
into the faces of the pupils, study the de
velopment of their minds and moral na
tures and follow the successive classes from
one stage to another in their course, till
they leave the school and enter on the ac
tive duties of life. Here thev are durine-
' CD
the most impressible period of their whole
lives. Here they are fitting themselves for
future happiness and usefulness. Who
m ue aware oi an mis ana not leei as
though he wanted to do the utmost possi
ble for these youth? How can he help
coming to regard them with a strong af
fection? How can he fail to bo exceeding
ly anxious to any such things in their pres
ence, and to have exeited over them, both
in school and out, such influences as shaft
do them the greatest possible good?
We were pleased at the cheerful obedi
ence of the pupils. There was no parade
of government, there was the absence of
everything that resembled irksome re
straint. As we looked upon the school, we
said these youth feel that they have duties
to perform as well as rights to enjoy, that
liberty is not license to do as they please;
they repudiate the foolish dogma that sub
mission is not necessarily degradation, and
assent to the truth that wlTen yielded to
rightful authority submission is an honor.
Their judgment and conscience respond to
every appeal of truth and duty, their feel
ings and sentiments are firm and decided
in favor of law and order, and uncompro
mising in their indignant lcbuke of all that
is low, and base, and ui truthful. It is
plain that no one should'bc allowed to at
tend such a school that claims the right to
violate those rules by which each one is
placed in the most favorable conditions,
possible, for successful study; for it is not
just that the regulated liberty of all the
rest should be sacrificed to the lawless li
cense of that one.
What pleased us most was the marks of
thoroughness in all the instruction. There
was no haste, no attempt at show, no in
clination to skim over a task, to shirk la
bor, to get along without hard work.
Thoroughness is an absolute essential to
permanent success in any business; and
the education that neglects it, or is founded
on a lack of it, is disastrous and worse than
nothing, while the education that gives it,
however simple it is, however little ground
it covers, is foundation for the best charac
ter and the highest attainment. Let it ever
be borne in mind that an inwrought,deep
seated, self-moving habit of accurate see
ing and hearing, studying and reasoning,
thinking and working, is the great end of
all elementary training a habit anchored
in the depths of the mind, affecting the
uscof all the senses, controlling all mental
action, and which time cannot eradicate,
nor the turmoils of life weaken which
can only be destroyed by the destruction
of the mind itself. The youth who has
this habit is educated, whether he has mas
tered the principles of one book or ton
he who has not this habit is not educated,
though lie have by heart the libraries of the
We wish, at this time, to say a few
words in regard to irregular attendance,
because it is the great difficulty with which
the schools of tha whole country have to
contend. W7hile the pupil is absent the
class has been making progress, and the
work of yesterday has to be added to the
work of to-day. The class has to wait
a couple of days, or go back and spend a
week in review for his benefit. If he is a
chronic absentee, about the time every-
umig is going on wen ne wm stay out a
week or two again. If the public knew
how much of the teachers' time is wasted,
how many thousands of dollars are lost to
the State, and the different school districts
in making; good the willful waste of irreg
ular attendants, there would be a univer
sal demand that the schools should not be
allowedto suffer; but that all the penalties
should fall upon those who cause them.
When the pupil is impressed with the idea
that school duty is of less importance than
other duties, and only to be attended to
when there is nothing else to do, his day
of improvement is past. To get i id of him
altogether it is only necessary to demand
just as much of him as of his" classmates
and give him no more help, and make no
fc'"11 LJtT"7el
after some grumbling in school, and much
fault finding out of school, he will leave
and return no more where occasional re
ceive no favor.
WHien we commenced to write, wem-
uuiueu io say someunng aopuc tne school
house and grounds biit we reVerVe'thati'foc,
nother, occasion-. ' ' " "
The Price of Gold.
Portland, Nov. 17. Gold in New
York to-day, 106; Portland Legal
lender rates, 90 buying, and 91.V
Miscellaneous News.
The H. S. steamer Kansas sailed
for Santiago de Cuba on the 14th.
The Attorney-General has decided
that liquors cannot be introduced
into Alaska without tbe consent of
the War Department.
A famine prevails in Greenland,
caused by a failure of the fisheries.
In one village alone, fifteen persons
have starved to death.
Indian Inspector Kimball has sus
pended Superintendent Milrov, of
Washingto i Territory. The reason
for this action is not made known.
All sailors of the United States on
the receiving ship Tabrne were dis
patched to New York for sendee on
vessels in Cuban waters.
The yellow fever has broken out
again at Bainbridge, Georgia. There
are six new cases. There were two
deaths at Memphis from the fever
The revlutionary government near
Toluco, Mexico, which pronounced
against the new constitutional re
forms, has been dispersed and the
movement suppressed with a loss of
550 lives.
Large numbers of German immi
grants who are unable to find work
offer to work their passages back to
their homes from New York. Many
have already been taken back.
The British Government has in
structed its Consuls at Havana and
Santiago de Cuba to watch the pro
ceedings against the Yirginius cap
tives,, as it has been informed that
one of them is a subject of Great
The trial of Col. Steffel at Versailes
for usino; language, while giving tes
timony in the Bazine court martial,
disrespectful to public procedures,
was concluded. He was found guilty
and sentenced to three months im
prisonment and costs.
Jt is stated by one of the Chicago
papers that a mother and sister of
General Ryan, who was killed by
the Spaniards in Cuba, reside in that
city, and that he has a brother living
in Will county, Illinois.
Every soul found on board the
Yirginius at the time of her capture,
lias been put to death. According to
this statement not an American wit
ness of the affair is left alive, one
hundred and eleven persons were
( The Directors of the Pacific Mail
Steamship Company are making in
vestigations to ascertain where seven
million dollars earned and spent an
nually by the company goes. Presi
dent Bradbury hopes to obtain a loan
of $500,000 upon the company's real
estate in California.
A report from Washington states
that news has been received there of
the slaughter of the remainder of
those taken on the Yirginius.
further statement that the
States Government has sent
United !
dispatches to Minister Sickles to the
Spanish Government is generally re
garded as an invention.
Walter Stuart of New York has
every reason to believe that his
brother, Colonel G. Stuart, is among
the passengers of the Yirginius, and
will pay liberally for any informa
tion concerning his fate. He makes
this proposition to the Cuban patri patri
ots: l ' I will subscribe $50,000 to every
150,000, if they will raise 1,000 men,
well officered, able bodied, and all
having seen service, and put them
aboard of a suitable vessel that the
Cubans shall furnish, properly equip
ped and provisioned, at some point
on our coast that I may select. As a,
guarantee to perform what I propose,
I will put up a forfeit of $100,000, to
be used for the benefit of families
ueuseu ior tne penent or iamiues .
wno have lost their protectors by the-
Spanish butchers."
Our Government is now waiting to
hear what the Spanish Government
will do in response to an earnest
be statef-on authority that he Prcsi-
protest against xne outrage, it can
dent himself did not,, as reported,
write a dispatch to General Sickles, offer of our co-operation
to be mad e, to the President of Spain
in movements to control the Cnn-sins:
.Nothingwf the kind has ever been4 1
isuggested. $i w km vi
Last Saturday greenbax had a relapse
and gold was considered convalescent.
Drs. Jay Coo& Co. and Yanderbilt, are
at present engaged in making a diagnosis
of the case. Dr. Cook & Co. got offa
good joke the other day when they propo
sed to settle with 15 sents money and S5
cents in Northern Pacific Railroad bonds
on the dollar. This incident remindes us
of the way Jo. Allison settled with his
creditors in 18G3 when he told them all
to " wait."'
Sam Clarke, for fear of running short
on his "patent insides" is fearfully scrmp
ing of Farmers now. Wonder if Sam is
to-be kept during the season ef 1874-as the
greatest Ass in the State? There is not
much ground for hope of improving stock
by that means, sure- His ears are too
short for the mule, and he lacks some
otherreqisites, but so far as innate mean
ness is concerned deception, bull-headed
stubbornness, and so on, Sam is pretty
well filled".
The weather clerk has been particular
ly favorable to Capt. Mudge, and others
concerned in the construction of the Asto
ria Farmers' Company's wharf and ware
house. Every year but this, an old weath
er sharp informs us there has always been
pouring rain storms prior to the present
date but he 'sposes he's got to stick it out
this fall, for a real soker of a day, till
Mudge gets that 'ar roof on! Heaven it
is said favors those who favor themselves
Astorians may truly be thankful- for de
lightful daj's thus far in which to advance
various new buildings and ofeber improve
ments now in progress.
Not long ago says the Springfield
Union, a young man of this city had a
most favorable opportunity to- enter a busi
ness house in this State, at a large increase
over his present salary, with a, prospect of
soon getting a place in the firm. His re
commendations were first-class, and the
officers of the institution were decidedly
pleased with his appearance. They, how
ever, made him no proposals, nor clid they
state their favorable impression. A gen
tleman of this city was requested to ascer
tain where the young man spent his even
ings, and what class of young men were
his associates. It was found that he spent
several nights of the week in a billiard
room, on Main street, and Sunday after
noon drove a hired span into the country
with three other young bloods. He is
wondering why he didn't hear from the
house concerning that coveted position.
The Washington correspondence of
the Chicago Tribune, alluding to the mat
ter of Mrs. Surratt says: Mrs. Surratt was
a convert to the Catholic Church, and not
reared in it. Her conversion did not dis
suade her from keeping the lowest kind of
cross-roads tavern, where her tenant, John
Lloyd, said that no man could live 'with
out getting drunk. This house was a
relay from the beginning for carriers of
quinine, spies, anefsneaking villains of ail
sorts; and the companv her son kept for
her in Washington was of the class of
Atzerodt, who had a family of bastard
children, and stolid ruffians like Payne.
Her piety was expressed in such sentence
as that " Lincoln ought to be in hell.-'
She asked prayers "for her intentions"
opening the gate or th6 retreat of the mur
derers; and yet the Government she hated
bo vilely had never robbed her of a penny,
an acre or a slave. Ignorance, vile asso
ciations and persistence in foolish doino
brought this woman to her end. HeT
wretched son has shown the quality of his .
dignity and breeding bv delivnrinn- a rmh-
he lecture for gate monev on thnnrimi for
which he sacrhied her; and he is now wri-
, s u1OOKi caicn-penny m character,like-
miuseii, io roo ins motner once more of
her melancholy repose."
An attempt equal to the swamp-land
grabble has lately been made about Asto
ria and vicinity. The shore of the Astoria
peninsula is from fifty to three hundred
feet wide, and is covered twice in every
twenty-four hours with the tide. This
shore, or strip between high and low tide,
each holder of the land reaching down to
high tide supposed himself the owner. But
now comes A. B. and C, under and by
virtue of an act of the legislative Assem
bly of the State of Oregon, for the dispos
al of tide lands, that the encroachinents
of the sea might be arrested and they ap
ply to purchase of the State, miles of this
shore, embracing the front of this city and
several sections of land above and below.
As some of the shore has been appraised
on mese applications at $:s,5UO per acre, it
may prove a good thing for the school
fund, should the Commissioners recognize
the claims, but it will be rough on the
farmer who will have his mile of landing
taken away from him, obliging him to
buy the right of way across the strip be
tween high and low tide to the Columbia
river, nn.d still worse lor owners of town
lots to lose the adjacent land, as thev havn
always supposed it, Iol-
wuarang privileges, we would suggest
that some enterprising chap apply tor the
ten .inch strip of gravel in front of the citv
of Portland? which muat bo. alternately v
covered and bared with thp rT nnl fail At .
tideSn thcWaTlamet river? -